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The Running Channel, How To Run A Sub 1:30 Half Marathon

How To Run A Sub 1:30 Half Marathon

I'm here at the New Forest half marathon, trying to run a sub 90 minute half,

but not only that to make it even more difficult that running tunnel team have

challenged me that whilst I'm doing it, I said,

also make a video about how you could run a stuff 19 minute,

half marathon at the same time. So I'm going to take you through some tips,

the race date itself, how to take on the race, but perhaps more importantly,

I'm also going to go into detail on some training sessions that could help you

to take on that challenge. Now let's hope my multitasking goes to plan.

Otherwise this could be an epic fail,

and if you haven't already please subscribe to the running channel,

it would massively help us out, but now it's time to run.

Okay? So I'm off in my half marathon attempt, as you can see,

pretty sparse feels they're really spread out with the wave starts for

coronavirus precautions. So it's actually pretty nice.

Got this burst incredibly long, straight to myself.

It's always worth knowing exactly what's in store for you.

So a little bit of simple math,

we're looking for four 15 per kilometer or six 50 per

mile. That gives you 90 minutes. Don't need to obsess about the paces,

but ultimately you're gonna have to get comfortable with them and training be

sensible when you're assessing your current level of ability and training as

well. Obviously there's a big difference between someone who's very close to 90

minutes already, and someone who's looking to make a big leap forward,

but I think being realistic,

you need to be considering running four times or more a week,

maybe even getting in the gym or making sure you do some core to help

potentially avoid injuries too. And something else to consider,

which is something that would advise for most distances and almost all time

goals is to mix up the intensity of your runs.

Don't just go out and run the same pace every time. Think about an easy run,

an interval session, 10 polar threshold, and a long run.

And you won't go far wrong. Okay. Time checkup Marwan right around six 30.

So I didn't take my own advice.

Kind of got a bit excited by all the cheers at the beginning.

So note to self practice, what you preach.

So onto something that isn't really a recommendation.

This is a must do I know that the half marathon is a long way and it can be

tempting not to warm up? Well, the former run today,

I joked nearly 10 or 15 minutes,

did a few dynamic stretches and drills just to get my body ready to go at race,

pace from the gun,

which is ultimately what you want rather than using the first model too,

as a warmup. Trust me. You'll thank me for it.

I've just gone through my second mile sound into a nice rhythm,

six 40 something. So just inside the time that I'm aiming for,

but as you'll see,

it's definitely not road and it's not flat.

It's a lot of grass and it's already sapping. My legs

Are three. My average pace is okay,

but at that pace for that one slipped uphill, so a very rotted and soft field.

Okay. Now it's time to dive into some specific sessions that you should look to

incorporate into your training plan to take on the 90 minute barrier,

starting with the first workout, which is five, lots of two K intervals.

Take three minutes. Recovery between each one, I'm run raps one, three,

and five, or your 10 K pace.

I'm wrapped two and four are your target half marathon pace.

Now for 10 K pace, if you're trying to run 90 minutes,

work on four minutes per kilometer,

which is 40 minutes for 10 K work on number two,

two sets of eight times 400 meters.

So this is one to do on the track running to the 400 meters.

So one lap of the track at 10 K pace, but then don't stop.

You float 200 meters recovery at your mouth and pay.

So it's a really active recovery.

And then take three minutes after the first day, we'll do it again.

And now for the third workout,

start this one with three K run at half marathon pace.

Then take two minutes recovery. Then do five,

800 meter reps alternating between five K and 10 K pace

with two minutes recovery between each one,

take three minutes to cover it and do it all again.

So hot. So he's so tired. I can't even remember.

I'm supposed to be talking to you about it's a five and a half miles in

6 44, average pace in milestone six seconds, a mile quicker than I need to be,

but it's so up and down. It's very hard to judge.

And my heart rate is very high. So we've talked about interval sessions,

but half mountains, a long way.

And the long run is going to be a really key part of your prep.

You should be aiming for between 10 and 15 miles on your Sunday run,

or whenever you choose to do your long run. And I've got a couple of ideas,

a couple of variations that you can throw into your long runs to keep it


The first one you can pick any distance between 10 and 15 miles. Really?

So between 16 and 24 K I pick in 12 miles cause it divides nicely by three

I'm me go four miles, easy to study for miles running at marathon pace,

and then finish the final four miles at your target. 90 minute,

half marathon pace. The next variation keeps it pretty simple.

10 miles or 16 K slightly slower than the half marathon pace.

So think about adding 20 seconds per kilometer or 30 seconds per mile.

This is definitely a proper Stitcher five miles. Then I'm on pace,

but this is tough.

We're well and truly into the business. End of the race. Now that third quarter,

so seven miles on what's ready. This is when your pace will want to drift.

You want to take it easy and save it for the last few miles,

but don't otherwise you've got no chance to keep pushing this.

These few miles. Here are the reason that you've trained so hard. Push,

push post to stay the same pace. Okay. We've covered off.

And our training along runs next up threshold. A tempo runs.

I love a progressive run.

So one of my first recommendations here will be to pick a distance.

Let's say eight miles, 12 to 14 K, break it down into quarters.

So in the case of eight miles, two miles, two months, two months,

two months start easy to study, step up tomorrow, and then Hotmail,

if you can, for the last quarter,

push on another post suggestion for you is to run a 60 minute run with the first

30 minutes, a marathon pace,

and then pick it up to your half marathon pace for the final 30 minutes.

And the last piece of the training puzzle,

which is something I desperately like to do right now is easy runs,

making sure you're doing enough of your running, an easy recovery pace,

which means full on conversation. Pace, listen to your body.

And don't overcook it. Shop set for the latter stages.

If you can see someone in front of you,

particularly if you start in waves and there might be some slower runs in front

of you just work toward them. Steadily, not sprinting, just keep pushing,

gradually working towards and I'm picking them up.

But the rule is when you catch them, go straight past 10 miles,

then really starting to hurt. My heart rate is high from talking to the camera,

ups and downs. And it's so hot. It feels like 25 degrees.

Maybe this is where you don't want to red line too early.

So push up until your limit, but just save that little bit.

The last couple of miles,

I'm tired, but never too tired for a plug today.

I'm wearing one of our new tech t-shirt designs. We've got fast.

Of course it long sleeve as well.

So head to our store on our website and check them out.

It's a really good way of supporting us.

Oh, so the fruits will finish just one long straight.

Yes, I did it on my watch. Anyway,

at least on my watch, that was a long way. We started in the middle of the day.

It's baking hot windy and heli respect.

Everyone is out there getting it done and respect to you out there. Again.

You're training, chasing your goals.

This is the face of someone used to running for three and a half minutes. Hot.

That was so tough. I'm so chuffed that I did it.

And I really hope some of these tips can help you to meet your half mouth and

goals. Please give this video a like if you enjoyed seeing me suffer,

make sure you hit subscribe and we'll see you next time on The Running Channel.

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How To Run A Sub 1:30 Half Marathon How To Run A Sub 1:30 Half Marathon Cómo correr una media maratón por debajo de 1:30 Come correre una mezza maratona sotto 1:30 1시간 30분 미만의 하프 마라톤을 완주하는 방법 Jak przebiec półmaraton poniżej 1:30? Como correr uma meia maratona abaixo de 1:30 Как пробежать полумарафон за 1:30 如何跑 1:30 半馬

I'm here at the New Forest half marathon, trying to run a sub 90 minute half,

but not only that to make it even more difficult that running tunnel team have

challenged me that whilst I'm doing it, I said,

also make a video about how you could run a stuff 19 minute,

half marathon at the same time. So I'm going to take you through some tips,

the race date itself, how to take on the race, but perhaps more importantly,

I'm also going to go into detail on some training sessions that could help you

to take on that challenge. Now let's hope my multitasking goes to plan.

Otherwise this could be an epic fail,

and if you haven't already please subscribe to the running channel,

it would massively help us out, but now it's time to run.

Okay? So I'm off in my half marathon attempt, as you can see,

pretty sparse feels they're really spread out with the wave starts for

coronavirus precautions. So it's actually pretty nice.

Got this burst incredibly long, straight to myself.

It's always worth knowing exactly what's in store for you.

So a little bit of simple math,

we're looking for four 15 per kilometer or six 50 per

mile. That gives you 90 minutes. Don't need to obsess about the paces,

but ultimately you're gonna have to get comfortable with them and training be

sensible when you're assessing your current level of ability and training as

well. Obviously there's a big difference between someone who's very close to 90

minutes already, and someone who's looking to make a big leap forward,

but I think being realistic,

you need to be considering running four times or more a week,

maybe even getting in the gym or making sure you do some core to help

potentially avoid injuries too. And something else to consider,

which is something that would advise for most distances and almost all time

goals is to mix up the intensity of your runs.

Don't just go out and run the same pace every time. Think about an easy run,

an interval session, 10 polar threshold, and a long run.

And you won't go far wrong. Okay. Time checkup Marwan right around six 30.

So I didn't take my own advice.

Kind of got a bit excited by all the cheers at the beginning.

So note to self practice, what you preach.

So onto something that isn't really a recommendation.

This is a must do I know that the half marathon is a long way and it can be

tempting not to warm up? Well, the former run today,

I joked nearly 10 or 15 minutes,

did a few dynamic stretches and drills just to get my body ready to go at race,

pace from the gun,

which is ultimately what you want rather than using the first model too,

as a warmup. Trust me. You'll thank me for it.

I've just gone through my second mile sound into a nice rhythm,

six 40 something. So just inside the time that I'm aiming for,

but as you'll see,

it's definitely not road and it's not flat.

It's a lot of grass and it's already sapping. My legs

Are three. My average pace is okay,

but at that pace for that one slipped uphill, so a very rotted and soft field.

Okay. Now it's time to dive into some specific sessions that you should look to

incorporate into your training plan to take on the 90 minute barrier,

starting with the first workout, which is five, lots of two K intervals.

Take three minutes. Recovery between each one, I'm run raps one, three,

and five, or your 10 K pace.

I'm wrapped two and four are your target half marathon pace.

Now for 10 K pace, if you're trying to run 90 minutes,

work on four minutes per kilometer,

which is 40 minutes for 10 K work on number two,

two sets of eight times 400 meters.

So this is one to do on the track running to the 400 meters.

So one lap of the track at 10 K pace, but then don't stop.

You float 200 meters recovery at your mouth and pay.

So it's a really active recovery.

And then take three minutes after the first day, we'll do it again.

And now for the third workout,

start this one with three K run at half marathon pace.

Then take two minutes recovery. Then do five,

800 meter reps alternating between five K and 10 K pace

with two minutes recovery between each one,

take three minutes to cover it and do it all again.

So hot. So he's so tired. I can't even remember.

I'm supposed to be talking to you about it's a five and a half miles in

6 44, average pace in milestone six seconds, a mile quicker than I need to be,

but it's so up and down. It's very hard to judge.

And my heart rate is very high. So we've talked about interval sessions,

but half mountains, a long way.

And the long run is going to be a really key part of your prep.

You should be aiming for between 10 and 15 miles on your Sunday run,

or whenever you choose to do your long run. And I've got a couple of ideas,

a couple of variations that you can throw into your long runs to keep it


The first one you can pick any distance between 10 and 15 miles. Really?

So between 16 and 24 K I pick in 12 miles cause it divides nicely by three

I'm me go four miles, easy to study for miles running at marathon pace,

and then finish the final four miles at your target. 90 minute,

half marathon pace. The next variation keeps it pretty simple.

10 miles or 16 K slightly slower than the half marathon pace.

So think about adding 20 seconds per kilometer or 30 seconds per mile.

This is definitely a proper Stitcher five miles. Then I'm on pace,

but this is tough.

We're well and truly into the business. End of the race. Now that third quarter,

so seven miles on what's ready. This is when your pace will want to drift.

You want to take it easy and save it for the last few miles,

but don't otherwise you've got no chance to keep pushing this.

These few miles. Here are the reason that you've trained so hard. Push,

push post to stay the same pace. Okay. We've covered off.

And our training along runs next up threshold. A tempo runs.

I love a progressive run.

So one of my first recommendations here will be to pick a distance.

Let's say eight miles, 12 to 14 K, break it down into quarters.

So in the case of eight miles, two miles, two months, two months,

two months start easy to study, step up tomorrow, and then Hotmail,

if you can, for the last quarter,

push on another post suggestion for you is to run a 60 minute run with the first

30 minutes, a marathon pace,

and then pick it up to your half marathon pace for the final 30 minutes.

And the last piece of the training puzzle,

which is something I desperately like to do right now is easy runs,

making sure you're doing enough of your running, an easy recovery pace,

which means full on conversation. Pace, listen to your body.

And don't overcook it. Shop set for the latter stages.

If you can see someone in front of you,

particularly if you start in waves and there might be some slower runs in front

of you just work toward them. Steadily, not sprinting, just keep pushing,

gradually working towards and I'm picking them up.

But the rule is when you catch them, go straight past 10 miles,

then really starting to hurt. My heart rate is high from talking to the camera,

ups and downs. And it's so hot. It feels like 25 degrees.

Maybe this is where you don't want to red line too early.

So push up until your limit, but just save that little bit.

The last couple of miles,

I'm tired, but never too tired for a plug today.

I'm wearing one of our new tech t-shirt designs. We've got fast.

Of course it long sleeve as well.

So head to our store on our website and check them out.

It's a really good way of supporting us.

Oh, so the fruits will finish just one long straight.

Yes, I did it on my watch. Anyway,

at least on my watch, that was a long way. We started in the middle of the day.

It's baking hot windy and heli respect.

Everyone is out there getting it done and respect to you out there. Again.

You're training, chasing your goals.

This is the face of someone used to running for three and a half minutes. Hot.

That was so tough. I'm so chuffed that I did it.

And I really hope some of these tips can help you to meet your half mouth and

goals. Please give this video a like if you enjoyed seeing me suffer,

make sure you hit subscribe and we'll see you next time on The Running Channel.