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The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, MANHOOD, 6. The Wickedness of the Awgwas

MANHOOD, 6. The Wickedness of the Awgwas

I must now tell you something about the Awgwas, that terrible race of creatures which caused our good Claus so much trouble and nearly succeeded in robbing the children of the world of their earliest and best friend. I do not like to mention the Awgwas, but they are a part of this history, and can not be ignored. They were neither mortals nor immortals, but stood midway between those classes of beings. The Awgwas were invisible to ordinary people, but not to immortals. They could pass swiftly through the air from one part of the world to another, and had the power of influencing the minds of human beings to do their wicked will. They were of gigantic stature and had coarse, scowling countenances which showed plainly their hatred of all mankind. They possessed no consciences whatever and delighted only in evil deeds. Their homes were in rocky, mountainous places, from whence they sallied forth to accomplish their wicked purposes. The one of their number that could think of the most horrible deed for them to do was always elected the King Awgwa, and all the race obeyed his orders. Sometimes these creatures lived to become a hundred years old, but usually they fought so fiercely among themselves that many were destroyed in combat, and when they died that was the end of them. Mortals were powerless to harm them and the immortals shuddered when the Awgwas were mentioned, and always avoided them. So they flourished for many years unopposed and accomplished much evil. I am glad to assure you that these vile creatures have long since perished and passed from earth; but in the days when Claus was making his first toys they were a numerous and powerful tribe. One of the principal sports of the Awgwas was to inspire angry passions in the hearts of little children, so that they quarreled and fought with one another. They would tempt boys to eat of unripe fruit, and then delight in the pain they suffered; they urged little girls to disobey their parents, and then would laugh when the children were punished. I do not know what causes a child to be naughty in these days, but when the Awgwas were on earth naughty children were usually under their influence. Now, when Claus began to make children happy he kept them out of the power of the Awgwas; for children possessing such lovely playthings as he gave them had no wish to obey the evil thoughts the Awgwas tried to thrust into their minds. Therefore, one year when the wicked tribe was to elect a new King, they chose an Awgwa who proposed to destroy Claus and take him away from the children. "There are, as you know, fewer naughty children in the world since Claus came to the Laughing Valley and began to make his toys," said the new King, as he squatted upon a rock and looked around at the scowling faces of his people. "Why, Bessie Blithesome has not stamped her foot once this month, nor has Mayrie's brother slapped his sister's face or thrown the puppy into the rain-barrel. Little Weekum took his bath last night without screaming or struggling, because his mother had promised he should take his toy cat to bed with him! Such a condition of affairs is awful for any Awgwa to think of, and the only way we can direct the naughty actions of children is to take this person Claus away from them." "Good! good!" cried the big Awgwas, in a chorus, and they clapped their hands to applaud the speech of the King. "But what shall we do with him?" asked one of the creatures. "I have a plan," replied the wicked King; and what his plan was you will soon discover. That night Claus went to bed feeling very happy, for he had completed no less than four pretty toys during the day, and they were sure, he thought, to make four little children happy. But while he slept the band of invisible Awgwas surrounded his bed, bound him with stout cords, and then flew away with him to the middle of a dark forest in far off Ethop, where they laid him down and left him. When morning came Claus found himself thousands of miles from any human being, a prisoner in the wild jungle of an unknown land. From the limb of a tree above his head swayed a huge python, one of those reptiles that are able to crush a man's bones in their coils. A few yards away crouched a savage panther, its glaring red eyes fixed full on the helpless Claus. One of those monstrous spotted spiders whose sting is death crept stealthily toward him over the matted leaves, which shriveled and turned black at its very touch. But Claus had been reared in Burzee, and was not afraid. "Come to me, ye Knooks of the Forest!" he cried, and gave the low, peculiar whistle that the Knooks know. The panther, which was about to spring upon its victim, turned and slunk away. The python swung itself into the tree and disappeared among the leaves. The spider stopped short in its advance and hid beneath a rotting log. Claus had no time to notice them, for he was surrounded by a band of harsh-featured Knooks, more crooked and deformed in appearance than any he had ever seen. "Who are you that call on us?" demanded one, in a gruff voice. "The friend of your brothers in Burzee," answered Claus. "I have been brought here by my enemies, the Awgwas, and left to perish miserably. Yet now I implore your help to release me and to send me home again." "Have you the sign?" asked another. "Yes," said Claus. They cut his bonds, and with his free arms he made the secret sign of the Knooks. Instantly they assisted him to stand upon his feet, and they brought him food and drink to strengthen him. "Our brothers of Burzee make queer friends," grumbled an ancient Knook whose flowing beard was pure white. "But he who knows our secret sign and signal is entitled to our help, whoever he may be. Close your eyes, stranger, and we will conduct you to your home. Where shall we seek it?" "'Tis in the Laughing Valley," answered Claus, shutting his eyes. "There is but one Laughing Valley in the known world, so we can not go astray," remarked the Knook. As he spoke the sound of his voice seemed to die away, so Claus opened his eyes to see what caused the change. To his astonishment he found himself seated on the bench by his own door, with the Laughing Valley spread out before him. That day he visited the Wood-Nymphs and related his adventure to Queen Zurline and Necile. "The Awgwas have become your enemies," said the lovely Queen, thoughtfully; "so we must do all we can to protect you from their power." "It was cowardly to bind him while he slept," remarked Necile, with indignation. "The evil ones are ever cowardly," answered Zurline, "but our friend's slumber shall not be disturbed again." The Queen herself came to the dwelling of Claus that evening and placed her Seal on every door and window, to keep out the Awgwas. And under the Seal of Queen Zurline was placed the Seal of the Fairies and the Seal of the Ryls and the Seals of the Knooks, that the charm might become more powerful. And Claus carried his toys to the children again, and made many more of the little ones happy. You may guess how angry the King Awgwa and his fierce band were when it was known to them that Claus had escaped from the Forest of Ethop. They raged madly for a whole week, and then held another meeting among the rocks. "It is useless to carry him where the Knooks reign," said the King, "for he has their protection. So let us cast him into a cave of our own mountains, where he will surely perish." This was promptly agreed to, and the wicked band set out that night to seize Claus. But they found his dwelling guarded by the Seals of the Immortals and were obliged to go away baffled and disappointed. "Never mind," said the King; "he does not sleep always!" Next day, as Claus traveled to the village across the plain, where he intended to present a toy squirrel to a lame boy, he was suddenly set upon by the Awgwas, who seized him and carried him away to the mountains. There they thrust him within a deep cavern and rolled many huge rocks against the entrance to prevent his escape. Deprived thus of light and food, and with little air to breathe, our Claus was, indeed, in a pitiful plight. But he spoke the mystic words of the Fairies, which always command their friendly aid, and they came to his rescue and transported him to the Laughing Valley in the twinkling of an eye. Thus the Awgwas discovered they might not destroy one who had earned the friendship of the immortals; so the evil band sought other means of keeping Claus from bringing happiness to children and so making them obedient. Whenever Claus set out to carry his toys to the little ones an Awgwa, who had been set to watch his movements, sprang upon him and snatched the toys from his grasp. And the children were no more disappointed than was Claus when he was obliged to return home disconsolate. Still he persevered, and made many toys for his little friends and started with them for the villages. And always the Awgwas robbed him as soon as he had left the Valley. They threw the stolen playthings into one of their lonely caverns, and quite a heap of toys accumulated before Claus became discouraged and gave up all attempts to leave the Valley. Then children began coming to him, since they found he did not go to them; but the wicked Awgwas flew around them and caused their steps to stray and the paths to become crooked, so never a little one could find a way into the Laughing Valley. Lonely days now fell upon Claus, for he was denied the pleasure of bringing happiness to the children whom he had learned to love. Yet he bore up bravely, for he thought surely the time would come when the Awgwas would abandon their evil designs to injure him. He devoted all his hours to toy-making, and when one plaything had been completed he stood it on a shelf he had built for that purpose. When the shelf became filled with rows of toys he made another one, and filled that also. So that in time he had many shelves filled with gay and beautiful toys representing horses, dogs, cats, elephants, lambs, rabbits and deer, as well as pretty dolls of all sizes and balls and marbles of baked clay painted in gay colors. Often, as he glanced at this array of childish treasures, the heart of good old Claus became sad, so greatly did he long to carry the toys to his children. And at last, because he could bear it no longer, he ventured to go to the great Ak, to whom he told the story of his persecution by the Awgwas, and begged the Master Woodsman to assist him.

MANHOOD, 6. The Wickedness of the Awgwas MANHOOD, 6. Die Schlechtigkeit der Awgwas MANHOOD, 6. La maldad de los Awgwas MANHOOD, 6.アグワスの邪悪さ Злодеяние авгвасов, 6. 男子气概,6. Awgwas 的邪恶 男子氣概,6. Awgwas 的邪惡

I must now tell you something about the Awgwas, that terrible race of creatures which caused our good Claus so much trouble and nearly succeeded in robbing the children of the world of their earliest and best friend. يجب أن أخبركم الآن شيئًا عن الأوجواس، ذلك الجنس الرهيب من المخلوقات الذي سبب لحبيبنا كلاوس الكثير من المتاعب وكاد أن ينجح في سرقة أطفال العالم من أقرب وأفضل صديق لهم. I do not like to mention the Awgwas, but they are a part of this history, and can not be ignored. They were neither mortals nor immortals, but stood midway between those classes of beings. لم يكونوا بشرًا ولا خالدين، لكنهم وقفوا في منتصف الطريق بين تلك الفئات من الكائنات. The Awgwas were invisible to ordinary people, but not to immortals. كان الأوجوا غير مرئيين للناس العاديين، ولكن ليس للخالدين. They could pass swiftly through the air from one part of the world to another, and had the power of influencing the minds of human beings to do their wicked will. كان بإمكانهم المرور بسرعة عبر الهواء من جزء من العالم إلى جزء آخر، وكان لديهم القدرة على التأثير على عقول البشر لفعل إرادتهم الشريرة. They were of gigantic stature and had coarse, scowling countenances which showed plainly their hatred of all mankind. لقد كانوا ذوي مكانة هائلة وكانت وجوههم خشنة وعابسة مما أظهر بوضوح كراهيتهم للبشرية جمعاء. They possessed no consciences whatever and delighted only in evil deeds. لم يكن لديهم أي ضمير على الإطلاق، وكانوا يستمتعون فقط بالأعمال الشريرة. Their homes were in rocky, mountainous places, from whence they sallied forth to accomplish their wicked purposes. وكانت بيوتهم في أماكن جبلية صخرية، ومن هناك خرجوا لتحقيق مقاصدهم الشريرة. The one of their number that could think of the most horrible deed for them to do was always elected the King Awgwa, and all the race obeyed his orders. الشخص الوحيد من بينهم الذي يمكن أن يفكر في أفظع عمل يقومون به هو دائمًا انتخاب الملك أوغوا، وأطاع كل العرق أوامره. Sometimes these creatures lived to become a hundred years old, but usually they fought so fiercely among themselves that many were destroyed in combat, and when they died that was the end of them. في بعض الأحيان، تعيش هذه المخلوقات حتى يبلغ عمرها مائة عام، لكنها عادة ما تتقاتل بضراوة فيما بينها لدرجة أن الكثير منها يتم تدميره في القتال، وعندما يموتون تكون تلك نهايتهم. Mortals were powerless to harm them and the immortals shuddered when the Awgwas were mentioned, and always avoided them. كان البشر عاجزين عن إيذائهم، وكان الخالدون يرتعدون عند ذكر الأوغوا، ويتجنبونهم دائمًا. So they flourished for many years unopposed and accomplished much evil. وهكذا ازدهروا سنين عديدة دون مقاومة وارتكبوا الكثير من الشر. I am glad to assure you that these vile creatures have long since perished and passed from earth; but in the days when Claus was making his first toys they were a numerous and powerful tribe. يسعدني أن أؤكد لك أن هذه المخلوقات الحقيرة قد هلكت ومضت من الأرض منذ فترة طويلة؛ ولكن في الأيام التي كان فيها كلاوس يصنع ألعابه الأولى، كانوا قبيلة كثيرة العدد وقوية. One of the principal sports of the Awgwas was to inspire angry passions in the hearts of little children, so that they quarreled and fought with one another. كانت إحدى الرياضات الرئيسية للأوغوا هي إثارة المشاعر الغاضبة في قلوب الأطفال الصغار، بحيث يتشاجرون ويتقاتلون مع بعضهم البعض. They would tempt boys to eat of unripe fruit, and then delight in the pain they suffered; they urged little girls to disobey their parents, and then would laugh when the children were punished. كانوا يغرون الأولاد بأن يأكلوا من الفاكهة غير الناضجة، ثم يفرحون بالألم الذي يعانون منه؛ كانوا يحثون الفتيات الصغيرات على عصيان والديهم، ثم يضحكون عندما يعاقبون الأطفال. I do not know what causes a child to be naughty in these days, but when the Awgwas were on earth naughty children were usually under their influence. لا أعرف ما الذي يجعل الطفل شقيًا في هذه الأيام، لكن عندما كان الأوغوا على الأرض كان الأطفال المشاغبين عادة تحت تأثيرهم. Now, when Claus began to make children happy he kept them out of the power of the Awgwas; for children possessing such lovely playthings as he gave them had no wish to obey the evil thoughts the Awgwas tried to thrust into their minds. الآن، عندما بدأ كلاوس في إسعاد الأطفال، أبعدهم عن سلطة الأوجوا؛ لأن الأطفال الذين يمتلكون مثل هذه الألعاب الجميلة التي قدمها لهم لم تكن لديهم الرغبة في طاعة الأفكار الشريرة التي حاول الأوجوا غرسها في أذهانهم. Therefore, one year when the wicked tribe was to elect a new King, they chose an Awgwa who proposed to destroy Claus and take him away from the children. لذلك، في أحد الأعوام، عندما كانت القبيلة الشريرة تنتخب ملكًا جديدًا، اختاروا أوغوا الذي اقترح تدمير كلاوس وأخذه بعيدًا عن الأطفال. "There are, as you know, fewer naughty children in the world since Claus came to the Laughing Valley and began to make his toys," said the new King, as he squatted upon a rock and looked around at the scowling faces of his people. قال الملك الجديد وهو يجلس القرفصاء على صخرة وينظر حوله إلى الوجوه العابسة لشعبه: "هناك، كما تعلم، عدد أقل من الأطفال الأشقياء في العالم منذ أن جاء كلاوس إلى الوادي الضاحك وبدأ في صنع ألعابه". . "Why, Bessie Blithesome has not stamped her foot once this month, nor has Mayrie's brother slapped his sister's face or thrown the puppy into the rain-barrel. "لماذا، بيسي بليثسوم لم تدوس قدمها مرة واحدة هذا الشهر، ولم يصفع شقيق مايري وجه أخته أو يلقي الجرو في برميل المطر. Little Weekum took his bath last night without screaming or struggling, because his mother had promised he should take his toy cat to bed with him! لقد استحم ليتل ويكوم الليلة الماضية دون أن يصرخ أو يكافح، لأن والدته وعدته بأن يأخذ معه قطته اللعبة إلى السرير! Such a condition of affairs is awful for any Awgwa to think of, and the only way we can direct the naughty actions of children is to take this person Claus away from them." مثل هذا الوضع أمر فظيع بالنسبة لأي أوغوا للتفكير فيه، والطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكننا من خلالها توجيه تصرفات الأطفال الشريرة هي أخذ هذا الشخص كلاوس بعيدًا عنهم. "Good! good!" cried the big Awgwas, in a chorus, and they clapped their hands to applaud the speech of the King. صاح الأوجواس الكبير في جوقة، وصفقوا بأيديهم تصفيقًا لخطاب الملك. "But what shall we do with him?" asked one of the creatures. "I have a plan," replied the wicked King; and what his plan was you will soon discover. That night Claus went to bed feeling very happy, for he had completed no less than four pretty toys during the day, and they were sure, he thought, to make four little children happy. But while he slept the band of invisible Awgwas surrounded his bed, bound him with stout cords, and then flew away with him to the middle of a dark forest in far off Ethop, where they laid him down and left him. لكن أثناء نومه، أحاطت عصابة من أوجواس غير المرئية بسريره، وربطته بحبال قوية، ثم طارت معه بعيدًا إلى وسط الغابة المظلمة في مكان بعيد عن إثوب، حيث وضعوه وتركوه. When morning came Claus found himself thousands of miles from any human being, a prisoner in the wild jungle of an unknown land. From the limb of a tree above his head swayed a huge python, one of those reptiles that are able to crush a man's bones in their coils. من فرع شجرة فوق رأسه يتمايل ثعبان ضخم، وهو أحد تلك الزواحف القادرة على سحق عظام الإنسان في لفائفها. A few yards away crouched a savage panther, its glaring red eyes fixed full on the helpless Claus. على بعد ياردات قليلة، كان هناك نمر متوحش جاثي، وعيونه الحمراء الساطعة مثبتة بالكامل على كلاوس العاجز. One of those monstrous spotted spiders whose sting is death crept stealthily toward him over the matted leaves, which shriveled and turned black at its very touch. أحد تلك العناكب المرقطة الوحشية التي لدغتها الموت، تسللت نحوه خلسةً فوق الأوراق المتلبدة، التي ذبلت وتحولت إلى اللون الأسود بمجرد لمسها. But Claus had been reared in Burzee, and was not afraid. لكن كلاوس نشأ في بورزي، ولم يكن خائفًا. "Come to me, ye Knooks of the Forest!" "تعالوا إليّ يا نوك الغابة!" he cried, and gave the low, peculiar whistle that the Knooks know. بكى، وأطلق صافرة منخفضة غريبة يعرفها آل نوكس. The panther, which was about to spring upon its victim, turned and slunk away. استدار النمر، الذي كان على وشك الانقضاض على ضحيته، وانسل بعيدًا. The python swung itself into the tree and disappeared among the leaves. تأرجح الثعبان داخل الشجرة واختفى بين أوراقها. The spider stopped short in its advance and hid beneath a rotting log. Claus had no time to notice them, for he was surrounded by a band of harsh-featured Knooks, more crooked and deformed in appearance than any he had ever seen. لم يكن لدى كلاوس الوقت الكافي لملاحظةهم، لأنه كان محاطًا بمجموعة من نوكس ذوي الملامح القاسية، الذين كانوا أكثر اعوجاجًا وتشوهًا في المظهر من أي شيء رآه على الإطلاق. "Who are you that call on us?" "من أنت الذي يدعونا؟" demanded one, in a gruff voice. "The friend of your brothers in Burzee," answered Claus. أجاب كلاوس: «صديق إخوتك في بورزي». "I have been brought here by my enemies, the Awgwas, and left to perish miserably. "لقد أحضرني أعدائي، الأوجوا، إلى هنا، وتركوني لأهلك بشكل بائس. Yet now I implore your help to release me and to send me home again." لكنني الآن أطلب مساعدتكم لإطلاق سراحي وإعادتي إلى المنزل مرة أخرى". "Have you the sign?" "هل لديك العلامة؟" asked another. سأل آخر. "Yes," said Claus. قال كلاوس: "نعم". They cut his bonds, and with his free arms he made the secret sign of the Knooks. لقد قطعوا قيوده، وبذراعيه الحرتين قام برسم علامة نوكس السرية. Instantly they assisted him to stand upon his feet, and they brought him food and drink to strengthen him. وفي الحال ساعدوه على الوقوف على قدميه، وقدموا له الطعام والشراب لتقويته. "Our brothers of Burzee make queer friends," grumbled an ancient Knook whose flowing beard was pure white. "إن إخوتنا من بورزي يصنعون أصدقاء غريبي الأطوار،" تذمر نوك القديم الذي كانت لحيته المتدفقة بيضاء نقية. "But he who knows our secret sign and signal is entitled to our help, whoever he may be. "ولكن من يعرف علامتنا وإشاراتنا السرية يحق له الحصول على مساعدتنا، أيًا كان. Close your eyes, stranger, and we will conduct you to your home. أغمض عينيك أيها الغريب، وسوف نوصلك إلى منزلك. Where shall we seek it?" أين سنبحث عنه؟" "'Tis in the Laughing Valley," answered Claus, shutting his eyes. "There is but one Laughing Valley in the known world, so we can not go astray," remarked the Knook. As he spoke the sound of his voice seemed to die away, so Claus opened his eyes to see what caused the change. وبينما كان يتحدث، بدا أن صوته قد اختفى، لذلك فتح كلاوس عينيه ليرى سبب التغيير. To his astonishment he found himself seated on the bench by his own door, with the Laughing Valley spread out before him. ولدهشته وجد نفسه جالسًا على المقعد بجوار باب منزله، وكان وادي الضحك ممتدًا أمامه. That day he visited the Wood-Nymphs and related his adventure to Queen Zurline and Necile. في ذلك اليوم زار Wood-Nymphs وروى مغامرته للملكة Zurline وNecile. "The Awgwas have become your enemies," said the lovely Queen, thoughtfully; "so we must do all we can to protect you from their power." "It was cowardly to bind him while he slept," remarked Necile, with indignation. قال نيكيلي بسخط: "لقد كان من الجبن تقييده أثناء نومه". "The evil ones are ever cowardly," answered Zurline, "but our friend's slumber shall not be disturbed again." أجاب زورلين: "الأشرار جبناء دائمًا، لكن نوم صديقنا لن ينزعج مرة أخرى." The Queen herself came to the dwelling of Claus that evening and placed her Seal on every door and window, to keep out the Awgwas. جاءت الملكة بنفسها إلى مسكن كلوز في ذلك المساء ووضعت ختمها على كل باب ونافذة لإبعاد الأوغواس. And under the Seal of Queen Zurline was placed the Seal of the Fairies and the Seal of the Ryls and the Seals of the Knooks, that the charm might become more powerful. وتحت ختم الملكة زورلين تم وضع ختم الجنيات وختم ريلز وأختام نوك، حتى يصبح السحر أكثر قوة. And Claus carried his toys to the children again, and made many more of the little ones happy. You may guess how angry the King Awgwa and his fierce band were when it was known to them that Claus had escaped from the Forest of Ethop. يمكنك تخمين مدى غضب الملك أوجوا وفرقته الشرسة عندما علموا أن كلاوس قد هرب من غابة إيثوب. They raged madly for a whole week, and then held another meeting among the rocks. لقد ثاروا بجنون لمدة أسبوع كامل، ثم عقدوا اجتماعًا آخر بين الصخور. "It is useless to carry him where the Knooks reign," said the King, "for he has their protection. قال الملك: «من غير المجدي حمله إلى حيث يحكم آل نوك، لأنه يتمتع بحمايتهم. So let us cast him into a cave of our own mountains, where he will surely perish." فلنطرحه في مغارة جبالنا حيث يهلك حتماً». This was promptly agreed to, and the wicked band set out that night to seize Claus. تم الاتفاق على ذلك على الفور، وانطلقت الفرقة الشريرة في تلك الليلة للقبض على كلاوس. But they found his dwelling guarded by the Seals of the Immortals and were obliged to go away baffled and disappointed. لكنهم وجدوا مسكنه محروسًا بأختام الخالدين واضطروا إلى المغادرة في حيرة وخيبة أمل. "Never mind," said the King; "he does not sleep always!" Next day, as Claus traveled to the village across the plain, where he intended to present a toy squirrel to a lame boy, he was suddenly set upon by the Awgwas, who seized him and carried him away to the mountains. في اليوم التالي، عندما سافر كلاوس إلى القرية عبر السهل، حيث كان ينوي تقديم لعبة السنجاب لصبي أعرج، فجأة هاجمه الأوجواس، الذين أمسكوا به وحملوه بعيدًا إلى الجبال. There they thrust him within a deep cavern and rolled many huge rocks against the entrance to prevent his escape. وهناك دفعوه داخل كهف عميق ودحرجوا العديد من الصخور الضخمة على المدخل لمنعه من الهروب. Deprived thus of light and food, and with little air to breathe, our Claus was, indeed, in a pitiful plight. وهكذا، محرومًا من الضوء والطعام، ومع القليل من الهواء للتنفس، كان كلوز، في الواقع، في محنة يرثى لها. But he spoke the mystic words of the Fairies, which always command their friendly aid, and they came to his rescue and transported him to the Laughing Valley in the twinkling of an eye. لكنه تحدث بالكلمات الغامضة للجنيات، التي تأمر دائمًا بمساعدتهم الودية، وجاءوا لإنقاذه ونقلوه إلى وادي الضحك في غمضة عين. Thus the Awgwas discovered they might not destroy one who had earned the friendship of the immortals; so the evil band sought other means of keeping Claus from bringing happiness to children and so making them obedient. وهكذا اكتشف الأوجوا أنهم قد لا يدمرون من نال صداقة الخالدين؛ لذا سعت العصابة الشريرة إلى إيجاد وسائل أخرى لمنع كلاوس من جلب السعادة للأطفال ومن ثم جعلهم مطيعين. Whenever Claus set out to carry his toys to the little ones an Awgwa, who had been set to watch his movements, sprang upon him and snatched the toys from his grasp. كلما شرع كلوز في حمل ألعابه إلى الصغار، قفز عليه أوغوا، الذي كان من المقرر أن يراقب تحركاته، وانتزع الألعاب من قبضته. And the children were no more disappointed than was Claus when he was obliged to return home disconsolate. ولم يشعر الأطفال بخيبة أمل أكبر من خيبة أمل كلاوس عندما اضطر للعودة إلى المنزل حزينًا. Still he persevered, and made many toys for his little friends and started with them for the villages. ومع ذلك فقد ثابر وصنع العديد من الألعاب لأصدقائه الصغار وبدأ معهم في القرى. And always the Awgwas robbed him as soon as he had left the Valley. They threw the stolen playthings into one of their lonely caverns, and quite a heap of toys accumulated before Claus became discouraged and gave up all attempts to leave the Valley. لقد ألقوا الألعاب المسروقة في أحد كهوفهم المنعزلة، وتراكمت كومة كبيرة من الألعاب قبل أن يصبح كلاوس محبطًا ويتخلى عن كل محاولات مغادرة الوادي. Then children began coming to him, since they found he did not go to them; but the wicked Awgwas flew around them and caused their steps to stray and the paths to become crooked, so never a little one could find a way into the Laughing Valley. فبدأ الأطفال يأتون إليه لأنهم وجدوا أنه لم يذهب إليهم. لكن الأجواس الأشرار طاروا حولهم وتسببوا في انحراف خطواتهم واعوجاج الطرق، لذلك لم يتمكن أي طفل صغير من العثور على طريق إلى وادي الضحك. Lonely days now fell upon Claus, for he was denied the pleasure of bringing happiness to the children whom he had learned to love. لقد حلت أيام الوحدة على كلاوس، لأنه حرم من متعة جلب السعادة للأطفال الذين تعلم أن يحبهم. Yet he bore up bravely, for he thought surely the time would come when the Awgwas would abandon their evil designs to injure him. ومع ذلك فقد تحمل بشجاعة، لأنه اعتقد أنه سيأتي بالتأكيد الوقت الذي سيتخلى فيه الأوجوا عن مخططاتهم الشريرة لإيذائه. He devoted all his hours to toy-making, and when one plaything had been completed he stood it on a shelf he had built for that purpose. لقد كرّس كل ساعاته لصنع الألعاب، وعندما تم الانتهاء من إحدى الألعاب، كان يضعها على الرف الذي بناه لهذا الغرض. When the shelf became filled with rows of toys he made another one, and filled that also. وعندما امتلأ الرف بصفوف من الألعاب، صنع واحدًا آخر، وملأه أيضًا. So that in time he had many shelves filled with gay and beautiful toys representing horses, dogs, cats, elephants, lambs, rabbits and deer, as well as pretty dolls of all sizes and balls and marbles of baked clay painted in gay colors. Often, as he glanced at this array of childish treasures, the heart of good old Claus became sad, so greatly did he long to carry the toys to his children. في كثير من الأحيان، عندما كان ينظر إلى هذه المجموعة من الكنوز الطفولية، كان قلب كلاوس العجوز يشعر بالحزن، وكان يتوق كثيرًا لحمل الألعاب إلى أطفاله. And at last, because he could bear it no longer, he ventured to go to the great Ak, to whom he told the story of his persecution by the Awgwas, and begged the Master Woodsman to assist him. وأخيرًا، لأنه لم يعد قادرًا على التحمل، غامر بالذهاب إلى آك العظيم، الذي روى له قصة اضطهاده من قبل الأغواس، وتوسل إلى سيد الحطاب لمساعدته.