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It`s Okay To Be Smart, Will We All Eat Bugs in the Future?

Will We All Eat Bugs in the Future?

- Never been more excited to do anything in my whole life.


Head first, that's the way they say to do it.

Oh, that head's coming off.


I just ate a bug head.

It's too crunchy.


It's nutty, very chewy.

Yep, got that exoskeleton.

Bottoms up, literally.

(laughs) I can't.

(inquisitive music)

Hey, smart people, Joe here.


When I say that word, what comes to mind?

Probably not restaurants or your next home cooked meal.

When most people think about bugs and food,

they think about, I don't know,

health code violations. (cat screeching)

Certainly not eating them.

But there are some people out there trying to change that

for some really good reasons.

I recently flew to Long Beach to attend a big bug banquet

where a bunch of talented chefs

are turning insects into fine dining.

I've heard that insects are the food of the future,

but I wanted to know why and maybe try some,

which is why I am at a feast where every dish on the menu

features edible insects

and since it's a holiday feast,

I invited a couple of my friends.

I've got Kyle Hill from the YouTube channel Because Science.

- Hey Joe, thanks for having me.

- Excited to eat some bugs?

- Oh (gags).

- Okay.

And she literally wrote the book about edible insects

and human evolution.

Julie Lesnik, Anthropologist from Wayne State.

- Hello.

- Bring on the first dish.

Oh, okay, what's in this?

- [Alex] You got a cornflower tostada

that's made with about 20% grasshopper flower.

A little bit of a black ant as a citrus salt component.

- That's gonna add a zing.

Why do these ants have this zingy citrus flavor?

- It's a chemical defense mechanism,

so they actually have formic acid

and they'll spit the formic acid and it

- Fantastic. - throws off their enemies.

And it thrusts-- - Didn't work too well for me.


- All right, let's try it. - Let's do it.

- I see what you did with the shrimp.

They're arthropods just like insects.


It's awesome.

- It's really good.

- I love this.

- I'm getting some of that zing now.

- Yeah, the formic acid is different from citrus.

It's a little pop.

- None this is screaming insect to me.

It's all used really well and really smartly.

- It definitely has one of the strongest flavors

in all the bugs we're gonna try.

- For being so small and being so potent,

well done ants and chef.

(upbeat music)

Aly, you have a kitchen full of bugs.

How did you get into having bugs in the kitchen,

eating bugs, getting other people to eat bugs?

- I was in Mexico for a public health project

and I had a taco with (speaks Spanish), or grasshoppers,

and that was delicious.

I started blogging, met bug people, fell in love,

and took off from their.

- Is there a scientific reason people don't eat bugs?

- People all over the world do eat bugs.

I think from our viewpoint we think eating bugs is weird,

but we're actually the odd ones.

- Is there something that let's you predict whether

or not some part of the world will

or won't have bugs as part of their diet?

- The number one predictor is latitude,

how close you are to the equator.

Part of the reason we don't like

seeing bugs in our kitchen is that we seal off our homes.

But when you live in the tropics,

you have a very different relationship with bugs.

What you see is that people have

the bugs that they know are harmful,

the ones that are helpful, and the ones that are delicious.

It is a natural found source

that gives you so many nutrients

it's almost silly to ignore it.

- People have these innate reactions

when they see creepy crawly things.

Is that any influence on whether people

will choose to eat this stuff?

- The disgust reaction, the churning stomach,

the gag reflex, it's real, it's a real emotion.

But the emotion is learned.

- This is not an innate biological fear of bugs.

- It's a neophobia.

- But we've changed that one crunchy bite at a time.

Actually, surprisingly delicious.

(upbeat music)

What delicious dishes do you have for us?

- I have sauteed green beans with garlic

and mealworms.

Then on the platter here,

I have mini pecan tarts with crickets.

- I can see the crickets.

- [Kyle] It's gonna be in my body soon.

- It's not a meal - Try and (speaks softly)

- without a mealworm. - everything.

(smooth jazz music)

- That's amazing.

- Huh.

If you didn't tell me that bugs were in it,

I wouldn't have known.

Which I guess is a compliment?

- That is amazing.

So good. - This one looks really good.

- You said this one was mine.

- That's the one that was

(speaks softly) - That one has a lot of

visible crickets

- I know. - happening on this one.

Okay, going in.

Are you sure there's crickets in here?

- The other flavors work really well.

The sweetness mixes with the nuttiness.

- They blend so well with the other flavors.

- It's really jumping into my mouth here.

- I wouldn't more acts of that thorax.

- I give that a two out of 10.

- Come on. - But I give this

another 10 out of 10.

(upbeat music)

How many people on Earth, around the world,

regularly consume bugs?

- I think the estimate is at least 1 billion people

are eating bugs today, right now.

- [Joe] Is that changing?

- We have such a negative attitude about eating bugs

and it's actually permeating in globalized society.

So people who rely on eating bugs

as a very important part of their nutrition,

if they start looking at what we do,

and then they feel stigmatized if they eat those bugs,

our negative reactions are harming them.

- That's the thing that makes me the most sad

is I do this on Instagram and different platforms

and I get asked,

"How many times were you dropped on your head?"

This is presented in a nice way

and we're working on educating folks,

but I do see that same phenomenon.

- It's amazing how our opinions about what progress is,

it starts painting bugs and savage and primitive

and that goes all the way back to a colonial history.

So Columbus, when he encountered people,

they were eating bugs.

These people were painted as primitive and savage

and animal-like.

Then the entire European continent's like,

"I don't wanna be thought of as primitive or savage"

and so then eating bugs was just

- Taboo. - was disgusting, taboo.

If we here can get on board with eating bugs,

then the world can go back to their natural resources.

(upbeat music)

- Oh!

- This is loaded potato.

There is a grasshopper butter,

which I cooked the potatoes in.

Also with furikake and spiced grasshopper.

- Here. - Give me one.

- This one's for you. - Thank you.

- I just wanna pop the whole thing in my mouth at once.

- That's what I'm doing. - Okay.

I mean, the bug is perfectly executed.

I can have a little crunch from the worm on top.

It's not jumping out and going, "I'm a worm potato."

- I like grasshopper butter,

which I didn't know I would say.

- Yeah, how do you milk them?

- Well anything with, anyway.

- Bug eating doesn't quite have the right ring.

Is there a technical term for this?

- Entomophagy.

- I got an exoskeleton in my teeth.

- Bring on the next course.


- There's a lot going on here. - There's a lot going on.

We have several dishes to choose from.

- [Ofelia] The first one is mashed garlic

and cauliflower with mealworms.

- What's in the cookies?

- They are crickets.

- We call those chocolate chirp cookies.

- Chocolate chirp cookies.

- Oh, it's so good!

- Thought you'd like.

- Try the mashed potato first? - Mm-hm.

Textural mix is wonderful.

- Very good.

The nuttiness of the mealworm adds really nicely

to the cauliflower.

- Everything else is very smooshy and then you add that,

you get that crunch.

- Just like with the other ants,

I'm getting a little bit of citrus pop.

- Which is perfect with the avocado.

- It is just providing that texture, that additional flavor,

like any other ingredient

and you can start to retrain your brain

to associate this not as something that's disgusting,

nothing like that, but something that's food food.

- It's funny because when we talk about edible insects,

people think of it like eating it raw off the ground

or something and that's not how people

around the world eat it.

It's an ingredient.

- [Kyle] Wanna try the cookie?

- Wow, this is a delicious cookie.

- Really good.

- That's chirpin' delicious.

That's amazing, 10 out of 10.

You know what this just needs

is a little bit of cold cricket milk.

- You can't milk a cricket, Joe, stop trying.

- Cockroach milk is a thing, though.

- No. - Wait a second.

(upbeat music)

We have established that bugs are delicious,

but are they nutritious?

- Yeah, they're basically little vitamins

and they contain a bunch of macro and micro nutrients

that you wouldn't get from just eating the rib of a cow.

You're eating the whole thing of the bug

and you're getting all those healthy fats.

So where you would eat avocados or almonds or salmon,

you could eat a mopane worm

and get those really good healthy fats.

- That is the most millennial food in the world.

Mopane worm toast, can you imagine?

- Everything's very bio available, too.

That means your stomach can absorb it more.

- These sound in a lotta ways like

nature's perfect multivitamin.

They even come in pill form.

- One thing with the bugs, depending on which bug you eat,

you get a different nutrient profile.

With chimpanzees, who are our closest living relative,

they have fashioned these tools

to extract termites from the mound,

and the termites they're getting are the soldiers

and they're really protein-rich.

And if-- - Are they doing that

on purpose?

- Yeah, chimpanzees are frugivores.

Most of their diet comes from fruit

and so for a large-bodied chimp,

they have to supplement some protein in their diet.

- That's amazing that they're using this

like an actual literal vitamin shop out there in nature.

- When we go down the branches on human evolution

to about 2 million years ago,

we're working with the genus Australopithecus,

and we actually have evidence that they

were also eating termites.

The Australopithecines were likely doing

with these bone tools is digging into the termite mound

to access fatty-rich termites instead of the

protein-rich termites. - Like larva.

- Larva, yes.

I call it a pat Of butter.

- Delicious insect butter. - It is just straight up fat.

- Why would they be after fat?

Australopithecine brains are about

20% bigger than chimpanzees and our brains run on fat.

All the fatty acids are so important

for developing our brains

and for keeping them functioning properly.

- I can go and find basically any restaurant in America

and I'm gonna find plenty of fat in my diet.

But if you're walking around in Africa

and you're an early human,

you just don't have these sources of fat.

- Right.

- So this would've been a key nutrient

that they can't get anywhere else.

- When we think about humans and what makes us so unique

is how large our brains are.

So over the millions of years of evolution

since our last common ancestor,

our brains have been getting gradually bigger and bigger.

One thing we know that must mean

is that they must've been getting fat in their diet.

But when you hunt animals on the landscape,

they're very lean.

Anybody who hunts deer knows

that venison's a very lean meat.

- Having a source of fat in their diet

could have provided enough of a surplus

so that brains could get bigger

back in our human evolution. - Yeah.

(upbeat music)

- What do you call this?

- [Renate] It's cricket sourdough.

- It's bread, it's bread.

- It's bread. - It's bread, okay.

- [Julie] That we we got?

Okay it's bread. - Okay, okay.

- This loaf was about 10% ground-up crickets into this

replaced from the flour.

- That smells amazing.

- [Renate] The other one is cricket salt

with chili powder and honey.

- [Julie] That's one I can smell.

I need to try that.

- That's amazing.

I wanna eat this every morning, ants and all.

The ants with the herbs and the butter,

again that formic acid zip.

The zing, the zest.

- I see what anteaters are raving about.

- I always think about with bears.

Bears have giant claws and giant teeth,

but what they do is they go dig for termites and ants.

- I know. - They could kill anything,

but they after bugs. - All bark, no bite.

Actually, they bite very hard, don't play with bears.

- This is definitely high-end bug gourmet.

- [Joe] Next dish, please.

Oh, a pie!

- [Waitress] We have a mushroom chickpea pecan

and herb cricket tart.

- Why don't you give me

- Just a sliver? - one of the smaller slice?

- You just want a sliver?

- Not for the bug reason, just I'm watch--

- [Julie] 'Cause we're all very full.

- Yes, I'm full of a lot of bug bread and legs

and wings and compound eyes.

- Do you think this could go the way of sushi?

Just imagine what sushi must've been like

a couple generations ago when it was so weird.

Like, "Oh my god, raw fish?"

Now you can but them at gas stations.

- Everywhere.

- For dishes like this,

you really don't realize bugs are in it

and that's the point.

The only real way we're gonna get people in mass

to take up this kind of diet choice

is if it is as close to normal as possible.

- But here we're getting all the same nutrients,

it's delicious, crickets are far less smart than pigs,

and so you feel a lot better about eating it.

(upbeat music)

- Lotta people talk about sustainability, as well.

Bugs are so good on a variety of envirometrics.

They take less space than traditional livestock.

Great for indoor vertical farming.

Think future food like space travel.

They can reduce our reliance on anti-biotics

and livestock rearing.

They also are wonderful for biodiversity

and for regenerative soil health,

but the two main ones the we always hit on are emissions

and water use.

- The same amount of crickets, the same amount of beef,

it takes 1,000 or so times less water

to make the crickets as the beef?

- [Aly] Yeah.

- Okay, but emissions are a huge part of that, too.

We know that agricultural emissions

are a big part of our greenhouse gas problem.

- You can trace emissions to a lotta different things

from food transport and insects are great

for local agriculture.

They have a very effective feed to body mass

conversion ratio, too.

All that feed that you're giving the cows

and the pigs and everything else, a lot of it's wasted.

Some of it in terms of body heat since they're warm-blooded

but insects are cold-blooded

so you have just extremely efficient little systems here

turning input to output that's very nutritious.

- Environmental reasons aren't the only thing

people think about when they're like,

"What am I gonna eat?"

Are there other reasons to eat bugs

that are not just purely about climate change?

- A lot of people are making their dietary choices

based on impact on the animals we've been eating.

We don't treat them very well.

Some vegetarians actually really think

that insects are a great alternative

because crickets like dark, cramped spaces.

To put them in a bin and raise them,

it's not nearly the shock to their system

than what we're doing to the mammals.

From an animal welfare standpoint,

eating insects is a much more appealing option

for a lot of peoples than eating mammals.

- Delicious, nutritious, environmentally sustainableicious.

Is that a word?

- Now it is. - I think that's a word.

(upbeat music)

- Final thoughts, what do ya thinK?

- This is definitely my best experience

with this kind of dish I've ever head.

My previous experiences have just been,

"Hey, try this novelty."

When you're actually using it intelligently,

I think it can be as good as anything else.

I'm still eating it.

- As someone who really never ate bugs in almost any form

that I knew about before tonight, I am blown away.

The way these were worked in,

it's both so artful and just so natural.

Bug eating is not weird.

It's totally awesome.

- I've had lot of bug banquets, but this was superb.

- Guys, thanks for coming to this

awesome Thanksgiving dinner with me.

I'm thankful for crickets, mealworms, and all the rest.

It turns out eating insects isn't that weird

for humans after all.

We've been doing it for a long time.

Like most things that you eat,

you don't know if you're gonna like it until you try it.

As for me, well, I'm a bug eater now.

These chips are made from crickets.

(crickets chirping)

- [Group] Stay curious!

- And just one more thing.

I wanna send a huge thank you to my friend Kyle Hill

from the channel Because Science for joining me at dinner.

He makes great stuff, definitely go check it out.

And my friend Emily Graslie from "The Brain Scoop"

also has a really cool video about entomophagy,

eating insects, over on her channel.

Links to all of that down in the description

and as always, thank you to our patrons

for making videos like this possible.

As far as I'm concerned,

you're guests at our family dinner table every day.

We have great perks over on our Patreon page.

Definitely go check them out

and you can even join the ranks

of these Galaxy Brain patrons.

And pass the cricket quiche.

- No, I have all the cricket butter to myself.

- Yeah, where's that butter?

- Yeah, more cricket butter. - Share.

- Give me the cricket, you have to share.

- No!

- Pass the cricket butter, Kyle.

- No, you have to come visit me more often

if you want things from me. - Any pecan pies left?

Any of those tarts?

- Yeah, I want one of those pecan pies.

- Happy Thanksgiving!

- Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

- Thanks.

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Will We All Eat Bugs in the Future? |||consume food|insects||| Werden wir in Zukunft alle Käfer essen? Will We All Eat Bugs in the Future? ¿Comeremos bichos en el futuro? In futuro mangeremo tutti insetti? 私たちは将来、虫を食べるようになるのか? 미래에는 우리 모두 벌레를 먹게 될까요? Eten we in de toekomst allemaal insecten? Será que no futuro vamos todos comer insectos? Будем ли мы все есть жуков в будущем? Gelecekte Hepimiz Böcek mi Yiyeceğiz? Чи будемо ми всі їсти жуків у майбутньому? 未来我们都会吃虫子吗? 未來我們都會吃蟲子嗎?

- Never been more excited to do anything in my whole life. |||thrilled||||||| - Nunca estive tão animado para fazer qualquer coisa em toda a minha vida. - Hayatım boyunca hiçbir şeyi yapmak için bu kadar heyecanlanmamıştım.


Head first, that's the way they say to do it. Önce kafa, bu şekilde yapmanı söylüyorlar. Головою вперед, ось як вони кажуть це робити.

Oh, that head's coming off. ||head|| Oh, esa cabeza se está saliendo. Oh, cette tête se détache. Oh, o kafa çıkıyor. О, ця голова відпадає.

(crunching) intense chewing

I just ate a bug head. ||consumed||insect part| Acabo de comer una cabeza de insecto.

It's too crunchy. ||too hard to chew It's too crunchy. Es demasiado crujiente.


It's nutty, very chewy. |crazy||tough to chew Es de nuez, muy masticable.

Yep, got that exoskeleton. Yes|||outer shell

Bottoms up, literally. De abajo hacia arriba, literalmente. Bottom-up, letterlijk.

(laughs) I can't. laughter||

(inquisitive music) curious|

Hey, smart people, Joe here.

Bugs! Böcekler!

When I say that word, what comes to mind? Bu kelimeyi söylediğimde aklınıza ne geliyor?

Probably not restaurants or your next home cooked meal. ||eateries|||||prepared at home|home cooked food Probably not restaurants or your next home cooked meal. Muhtemelen restoranlar ya da bir sonraki ev yemeğiniz değildir.

When most people think about bugs and food,

they think about, I don't know,

health code violations. (cat screeching) health||breaches||loud noise health code violations. (cat screeching) infracciones del código sanitario. (chillido de gato) sağlik kodu i̇hlalleri̇. (kedi çığlığı) порушення санітарних норм. (котячий вереск)

Certainly not eating them. Definitely|||

But there are some people out there trying to change that

for some really good reasons. ||||justifications

I recently flew to Long Beach to attend a big bug banquet |not long ago|traveled by plane|||Long Beach||go to||||dinner event

where a bunch of talented chefs ||||skilled|cooks where a bunch of talented chefs

are turning insects into fine dining. ||insect cuisine||high-quality|high-end cuisine

I've heard that insects are the food of the future, I have|||||||||

but I wanted to know why and maybe try some, ||desired|||||||

which is why I am at a feast where every dish on the menu |||||||banquet|||food item|||food options por lo que estoy en una fiesta donde cada plato del menú

features edible insects characteristics|suitable for consumption| presenta insectos comestibles

and since it's a holiday feast, ||||celebration day|holiday meal y como es una fiesta navideña,

I invited a couple of my friends. |||a few|||friends

I've got Kyle Hill from the YouTube channel Because Science. ||Kyle Hill||||||| I've got Kyle Hill from the YouTube channel Because Science. Tengo a Kyle Hill del canal de YouTube Because Science.

- Hey Joe, thanks for having me. ||||hosting| - Hola Joe, gracias por recibirme.

- Excited to eat some bugs?

- Oh (gags). |disgusted sound - Oh (gags).

- Okay.

And she literally wrote the book about edible insects |||authored||book|||

and human evolution. ||development of humans

Julie Lesnik, Anthropologist from Wayne State. Julie Lesnik|Lesnik|Anthropology expert||State|

- Hello. greeting

- Bring on the first dish. Serve|||| - Bring on the first dish. - Trae el primer plato. - Laat het eerste gerecht maar komen.

Oh, okay, what's in this? Oh, está bien, ¿qué hay en esto?

- [Alex] You got a cornflower tostada Alex||||blue flower|tostada - [Alex] Tienes una tostada de aciano - [Alex] Je hebt een korenbloem tostada

that's made with about 20% grasshopper flower. ||||grasshopper flower|flower from grasshoppers que está hecho con un 20% de flor de saltamontes. який складається приблизно на 20% з квітів коника.

A little bit of a black ant as a citrus salt component. ||||||black ant|||flavor enhancer||ingredient

- That's gonna add a zing. ||||excitement or flair - Eso le dará un toque especial. - Dat zal een pit toevoegen.

Why do these ants have this zingy citrus flavor? |||insects|||lively||taste ¿Por qué tienen estas hormigas este sabor a cítricos? Waarom hebben deze mieren deze pittige citrussmaak?

- It's a chemical defense mechanism, |||protection system|

so they actually have formic acid ||||ant-related|a type of acid so they actually have formic acid dus ze hebben eigenlijk mierenzuur

and they'll spit the formic acid and it |they will|excrete|||||

- Fantastic. - throws off their enemies. |distracts|||opponents - Fantástico. - se deshace de sus enemigos.

And it thrusts-- - Didn't work too well for me. ||pushes forward|||||| Y empuja-- No funcionó muy bien para mí. En het duwt... - Het werkte niet zo goed voor mij.

(laughing) laughter sound

- All right, let's try it. - Let's do it.

- I see what you did with the shrimp. |||||||the shrimp - Veo lo que hiciste con los camarones.

They're arthropods just like insects. |joint-legged animals|||


It's awesome.

- It's really good. - It's really good.

- I love this.

- I'm getting some of that zing now. - Ahora tengo algo de ese entusiasmo. - Ik krijg nu wat van die pit.

- Yeah, the formic acid is different from citrus. - Sí, el ácido fórmico es diferente al cítrico.

It's a little pop. |||sound Es un pequeño pop. Трохи попси.

- None this is screaming insect to me. |||very loud|bug|| - Ninguno, esto es un insecto que grita para mí.

It's all used really well and really smartly. |||||||intelligently Todo se usa muy bien y de manera muy inteligente.

- It definitely has one of the strongest flavors ||||||most intense|tastes

in all the bugs we're gonna try.

- For being so small and being so potent, |||||||powerful - For being so small and being so potent, - Por ser tan pequeño y ser tan potente,

well done ants and chef. ||||cooking expert

(upbeat music) cheerful| (música alegre)

Aly, you have a kitchen full of bugs. Aly|||||||

How did you get into having bugs in the kitchen,

eating bugs, getting other people to eat bugs?

- I was in Mexico for a public health project |||the country|||||

and I had a taco with (speaks Spanish), or grasshoppers, ||||taco||speaking|Spanish-speaking||chapulines

and that was delicious. and that was delicious.

I started blogging, met bug people, fell in love, ||writing online||||became enamored|with| Empecé a bloguear, conocí a gente bicho, me enamoré,

and took off from their. y despegó de su.

- Is there a scientific reason people don't eat bugs? |||scientific|||||

- People all over the world do eat bugs.

I think from our viewpoint we think eating bugs is weird, ||||perspective||||||

but we're actually the odd ones.

- Is there something that let's you predict whether ||||||foresee|

or not some part of the world will or not some part of the world will

or won't have bugs as part of their diet? |will not|||||||food intake

- The number one predictor is latitude, |||factor||

how close you are to the equator. ||||||equator line

Part of the reason we don't like

seeing bugs in our kitchen is that we seal off our homes. ||||||||close off|||houses ver bichos en nuestra cocina es que cerramos nuestras casas. бачити жуків на кухні - це означає, що ми закриваємо свої домівки.

But when you live in the tropics, ||||||tropical regions

you have a very different relationship with bugs. |||||connection||

What you see is that people have

the bugs that they know are harmful, ||||||detrimental the bugs that they know are harmful,

the ones that are helpful, and the ones that are delicious. ||||beneficial||||||

It is a natural found source |||||origin Es una fuente natural encontrada Het is een natuurlijk gevonden bron

that gives you so many nutrients |provides||||nutritional benefits

it's almost silly to ignore it. ||foolish||overlook|

- People have these innate reactions |||natural|

when they see creepy crawly things. |||unsettling|small creatures|

Is that any influence on whether people |||impact||| ¿Es eso alguna influencia sobre si las personas

will choose to eat this stuff?

- The disgust reaction, the churning stomach, |nausea response|||upset| - The disgust reaction, the churning stomach, - De walgingsreactie, de karnende maag,

the gag reflex, it's real, it's a real emotion. |gag|gag||||||genuine feeling de kokhalsreflex, het is echt, het is een echte emotie.

But the emotion is learned.

- This is not an innate biological fear of bugs.

- It's a neophobia. ||fear of new things - Es una neofobia. - Het is een neofobie.

- But we've changed that one crunchy bite at a time. |||||crispy|mouthful|||

Actually, surprisingly delicious. |unexpectedly|

(upbeat music)

What delicious dishes do you have for us? What delicious dishes do you have for us?

- I have sauteed green beans with garlic ||cooked quickly||green beans||garlic cloves - He salteado judías verdes con ajo

and mealworms. |mealworms

Then on the platter here, |||serving dish|

I have mini pecan tarts with crickets. ||small|nut|pastries||edible insects Tengo mini tartas de nuez con grillos.

- I can see the crickets.

- [Kyle] It's gonna be in my body soon. |||||||in a little while

- It's not a meal - Try and (speaks softly) |||||||in a quiet voice - No es una comida - Prueba y (habla en voz baja)

- without a mealworm. - everything. ||a mealworm| - sin un gusano de la harina. - todo.

(smooth jazz music) |genre of music|

- That's amazing. |incredible - That's amazing.

- Huh. surprise or confusion

If you didn't tell me that bugs were in it,

I wouldn't have known.

Which I guess is a compliment? ||think||| ¿Lo que supongo que es un cumplido?

- That is amazing. - Es asombroso.

So good. - This one looks really good.

- You said this one was mine.

- That's the one that was - Ese es el que era

(speaks softly) - That one has a lot of

visible crickets visible crickets

- I know. - happening on this one. - Lo sé. - sucediendo en esta.

Okay, going in.

Are you sure there's crickets in here?

- The other flavors work really well.

The sweetness mixes with the nuttiness. |flavor profile|combines|||nutty flavor El dulzor se mezcla con el sabor a nuez.

- They blend so well with the other flavors. |mix|||||| - Combinan tan bien con los demás sabores. - Ze mengen zo goed met de andere smaken.

- It's really jumping into my mouth here. ||bouncing|||| - Realmente está saltando en mi boca aquí.

- I wouldn't more acts of that thorax. |||perform actions|||chest area - Yo no haría más actos de ese tórax.

- I give that a two out of 10. - Le doy un 2 sobre 10.

- Come on. - But I give this - Come on. - But I give this

another 10 out of 10.

(upbeat music)

How many people on Earth, around the world,

regularly consume bugs? on a regular basis|eat regularly|

- I think the estimate is at least 1 billion people |||approximation|||||

are eating bugs today, right now.

- [Joe] Is that changing?

- We have such a negative attitude about eating bugs |||||mindset||| - We have such a negative attitude about eating bugs - Temos uma atitude tão negativa sobre comer insetos

and it's actually permeating in globalized society. |||pervading||worldwide|globalized community

So people who rely on eating bugs |||depend on|||

as a very important part of their nutrition, |||||||dietary intake

if they start looking at what we do,

and then they feel stigmatized if they eat those bugs, |||sense shame|shamed or judged|||||

our negative reactions are harming them. ||||causing harm| nuestras reacciones negativas les perjudican.

- That's the thing that makes me the most sad ||||||||unhappy

is I do this on Instagram and different platforms |||||Instagram and other platforms|||social media is I do this on Instagram and different platforms

and I get asked,

"How many times were you dropped on your head?" "Скільки разів тебе падали на голову?"

This is presented in a nice way ||shown||||

and we're working on educating folks, ||focused on||informing|people

but I do see that same phenomenon. ||||||occurrence

- It's amazing how our opinions about what progress is, ||||views|||advancement| - Es increíble cómo nuestras opiniones sobre lo que es el progreso,

it starts painting bugs and savage and primitive |begins|depicting|||||basic and crude empieza a pintar bichos y salvaje y primitivo

and that goes all the way back to a colonial history. |||||||||colonial| and that goes all the way back to a colonial history.

So Columbus, when he encountered people, |Christopher Columbus|||met with|

they were eating bugs.

These people were painted as primitive and savage |||depicted|||| Estas personas fueron pintadas como primitivas y salvajes

and animal-like. |creature|

Then the entire European continent's like, |||European continent|of the continent| Entonces todo el continente europeo es como,

"I don't wanna be thought of as primitive or savage"

and so then eating bugs was just

- Taboo. - was disgusting, taboo. socially unacceptable||offensive| - Taboo. - was disgusting, taboo.

If we here can get on board with eating bugs, ||||||agree|||

then the world can go back to their natural resources.

(upbeat music)

- Oh!

- This is loaded potato. ||baked with toppings|baked potato - Esto es patata cargada.

There is a grasshopper butter, ||||spread or paste

which I cooked the potatoes in. ||||the potatoes|

Also with furikake and spiced grasshopper. ||seasoning mix||seasoned| Also with furikake and spiced grasshopper. También con furikake y saltamontes especiado. Ook met furikake en gekruide sprinkhaan.

- Here. - Give me one.

- This one's for you. - Thank you. |this||||

- I just wanna pop the whole thing in my mouth at once. - Quiero metérmelo todo en la boca de una vez.

- That's what I'm doing. - Okay.

I mean, the bug is perfectly executed. |||||flawlessly|implemented

I can have a little crunch from the worm on top. |||||crunchy texture|||topping worm|| Puedo tener un poco de crujido del gusano en la parte superior.

It's not jumping out and going, "I'm a worm potato."

- I like grasshopper butter, - I like grasshopper butter,

which I didn't know I would say.

- Yeah, how do you milk them? - Sí, ¿cómo los ordeñas?

- Well anything with, anyway. - Bueno, con cualquier cosa.

- Bug eating doesn't quite have the right ring. - Comer bichos no suena del todo bien.

Is there a technical term for this? |||specialized|technical term||

- Entomophagy. eating insects - Entomofagia.

- I got an exoskeleton in my teeth. ||||||mouth - Tengo un exoesqueleto en los dientes.

- Bring on the next course. - Que empiece el próximo curso. - Breng de volgende cursus.


- There's a lot going on here. - There's a lot going on. - There's a lot going on here. - There's a lot going on.

We have several dishes to choose from.

- [Ofelia] The first one is mashed garlic Ofelia|||||crushed| - [Ofelia] El primero es puré de ajo - [Ofelia] De eerste is gepureerde knoflook

and cauliflower with mealworms. |cauliflower||edible insects

- What's in the cookies? |||the cookies

- They are crickets. ||insects making noise

- We call those chocolate chirp cookies. |||chocolate-flavored|chip| - Las llamamos galletas de chocolate chirriantes.

- Chocolate chirp cookies.

- Oh, it's so good!

- Thought you'd like.

- Try the mashed potato first? - Mm-hm. |||||agreement sound|agreement - Try the mashed potato first? - Mm-hm. - ¿Prueba primero el puré de patatas? - Mm-hm.

Textural mix is wonderful. Textural|combination of textures|| La mezcla de texturas es maravillosa.

- Very good.

The nuttiness of the mealworm adds really nicely ||||mealworm's flavor|enhances||very well El sabor a nuez del gusano de la harina añade muy bien

to the cauliflower.

- Everything else is very smooshy and then you add that, ||||soft and squishy||||| - Todo lo demás es muy suave y luego añades eso, - Al het andere is erg smooshy en dan voeg je dat toe,

you get that crunch.

- Just like with the other ants,

I'm getting a little bit of citrus pop. ||||||citrus flavor| Tengo un poco de pop de cítricos.

- Which is perfect with the avocado. |||||avocado - Which is perfect with the avocado.

- It is just providing that texture, that additional flavor, |||adding||mouthfeel||extra|

like any other ingredient |||component

and you can start to retrain your brain |||||retrain|| y puedes empezar a reentrenar tu cerebro

to associate this not as something that's disgusting, |link||||||

nothing like that, but something that's food food.

- It's funny because when we talk about edible insects, |humorous|||||||

people think of it like eating it raw off the ground

or something and that's not how people

around the world eat it.

It's an ingredient.

- [Kyle] Wanna try the cookie? ||||cookie - [Kyle] Wil je het koekje proberen?

- Wow, this is a delicious cookie.

- Really good.

- That's chirpin' delicious. |really|

That's amazing, 10 out of 10.

You know what this just needs |||||requires

is a little bit of cold cricket milk. ||||||cricket milk|

- You can't milk a cricket, Joe, stop trying.

- Cockroach milk is a thing, though. Cockroach|||||

- No. - Wait a second.

(upbeat music)

We have established that bugs are delicious, ||determined||||

but are they nutritious? |||healthy and beneficial

- Yeah, they're basically little vitamins ||||nutritional supplements

and they contain a bunch of macro and micro nutrients ||have a lot of||||large-scale||small|

that you wouldn't get from just eating the rib of a cow. ||||||||beef rib|||beef animal

You're eating the whole thing of the bug

and you're getting all those healthy fats. |||||nutritious|fats that are healthy

So where you would eat avocados or almonds or salmon, |||||avocados||nuts||salmon fish

you could eat a mopane worm ||||mopane tree cater| je zou een mopane-worm kunnen eten

and get those really good healthy fats.

- That is the most millennial food in the world. ||||typical of millennials||||

Mopane worm toast, can you imagine? ||toast slice|||

- Everything's very bio available, too. Everything is||biologically||

That means your stomach can absorb it more. |||||take in||

- These sound in a lotta ways like |seem|||a lot of||

nature's perfect multivitamin. possessive form of||nutritional supplement

They even come in pill form. ||||tablet shape|

- One thing with the bugs, depending on which bug you eat, |||||based on|||||

you get a different nutrient profile. ||||nutritional component|

With chimpanzees, who are our closest living relative, |our closest relatives||||nearest|existing|relative species

they have fashioned these tools ||created||instruments

to extract termites from the mound, |remove|the insects|||termite mound

and the termites they're getting are the soldiers |||||||warriors

and they're really protein-rich. |||protein-rich|high in protein

And if-- - Are they doing that

on purpose? |intentionally

- Yeah, chimpanzees are frugivores. |||fruit eaters - Ja, chimpansees zijn fruiteters.

Most of their diet comes from fruit ||||||fruits and vegetables

and so for a large-bodied chimp, ||||big-bodied|large body|chimpanzee

they have to supplement some protein in their diet. |||add to|||||

- That's amazing that they're using this

like an actual literal vitamin shop out there in nature. |||actual|nutrient source|store||||

- When we go down the branches on human evolution |||||branches||| - Wanneer we de takken van de menselijke evolutie afdalen

to about 2 million years ago,

we're working with the genus Australopithecus, ||||taxonomic group|Australopithecus we werken met het geslacht Australopithecus,

and we actually have evidence that they ||||proof||

were also eating termites.

The Australopithecines were likely doing |early hominins||probably were| The Australopithecines were likely doing De Australopithecines deden het waarschijnlijk?

with these bone tools is digging into the termite mound ||bone|utensils|||||termite mound|hill or nest met deze botten is het graven in de termietenheuvel

to access fatty-rich termites instead of the ||high-fat|||||

protein-rich termites. - Like larva. ||||larvae

- Larva, yes. |affirmative response

I call it a pat Of butter. ||||small piece|| Я називаю це "шматок масла".

- Delicious insect butter. - It is just straight up fat. ||||||||pure fat

- Why would they be after fat?

Australopithecine brains are about Australopithecine|brain size||

20% bigger than chimpanzees and our brains run on fat. ||||||function||

All the fatty acids are so important |||fatty acids|||

for developing our brains |enhancing||

and for keeping them functioning properly. ||||operating effectively|in good working order

- I can go and find basically any restaurant in America |||||||eating establishment||the United States

and I'm gonna find plenty of fat in my diet. ||||a lot of|||||

But if you're walking around in Africa |||moving on foot|||

and you're an early human, |||primitive|

you just don't have these sources of fat. |||||types||

- Right.

- So this would've been a key nutrient ||would have||||

that they can't get anywhere else.

- When we think about humans and what makes us so unique ||||||||||distinctive

is how large our brains are.

So over the millions of years of evolution |||many||||

since our last common ancestor, ||||forebear sinds onze laatste gemeenschappelijke voorouder,

our brains have been getting gradually bigger and bigger. |||||increasingly|||

One thing we know that must mean

is that they must've been getting fat in their diet. |||must have||||||

But when you hunt animals on the landscape, |||pursue|wildlife|||terrain

they're very lean. ||thin ze zijn erg mager.

Anybody who hunts deer knows Anyone||hunts for|deer animals|

that venison's a very lean meat. |deer meat's|||| dat hert is erg mager vlees.

- Having a source of fat in their diet

could have provided enough of a surplus ||||||excess amount

so that brains could get bigger

back in our human evolution. - Yeah.

(upbeat music)

- What do you call this?

- [Renate] It's cricket sourdough. Renate|||sourdough starter

- It's bread, it's bread. |food item||

- It's bread. - It's bread, okay.

- [Julie] That we we got?

Okay it's bread. - Okay, okay.

- This loaf was about 10% ground-up crickets into this |bread|contained||||||

replaced from the flour. removed|||the flour

- That smells amazing. |has a great scent|

- [Renate] The other one is cricket salt - [Рената] Інша - крикетна сіль

with chili powder and honey. |spice|spice||sweetener

- [Julie] That's one I can smell. |||||sense

I need to try that.

- That's amazing.

I wanna eat this every morning, ants and all.

The ants with the herbs and the butter, ||||seasonings|||

again that formic acid zip. ||||zip code weer die mierenzuurzip. Знову ця блискавка з мурашиною кислотою.

The zing, the zest. |energy||enthusiasm De pit, de pit.

- I see what anteaters are raving about. |||anteater enthusiasts||talking excitedly|

- I always think about with bears. |||||the animals

Bears have giant claws and giant teeth, |||sharp appendages|||

but what they do is they go dig for termites and ants.

- I know. - They could kill anything,

but they after bugs. - All bark, no bite. |||||threatening behavior|| але вони полюють на жуків. - Тільки гавкають, але не кусаються.

Actually, they bite very hard, don't play with bears. ||||||interact|interact with|

- This is definitely high-end bug gourmet. ||||luxury||fine dining

- [Joe] Next dish, please. |||please pass

Oh, a pie! ||a dessert

- [Waitress] We have a mushroom chickpea pecan menu item||||mushroom|chickpea patty|nut

and herb cricket tart. |herbaceous||pastry dish

- Why don't you give me

- Just a sliver? - one of the smaller slice? ||small piece|||||portion - Gewoon een splinter? - een van de kleinere plakjes?

- You just want a sliver?

- Not for the bug reason, just I'm watch-- |||||||watching

- [Julie] 'Cause we're all very full.

- Yes, I'm full of a lot of bug bread and legs ||||||||||legs of bugs

and wings and compound eyes.

- Do you think this could go the way of sushi? |||||||||food trend

Just imagine what sushi must've been like

a couple generations ago when it was so weird. ||generations||||||

Like, "Oh my god, raw fish?" |||||sushi

Now you can but them at gas stations. |||||||fueling locations

- Everywhere.

- For dishes like this,

you really don't realize bugs are in it |||understand||||

and that's the point.

The only real way we're gonna get people in mass

to take up this kind of diet choice

is if it is as close to normal as possible.

- But here we're getting all the same nutrients,

it's delicious, crickets are far less smart than pigs, ||||||||pigs

and so you feel a lot better about eating it.

(upbeat music)

- Lotta people talk about sustainability, as well. ||||sustainable practices||

Bugs are so good on a variety of envirometrics. ||||||range||environmental metrics Bugs zijn zo goed in verschillende omgevingsfactoren.

They take less space than traditional livestock. |||||conventional|farm animals

Great for indoor vertical farming. ||inside buildings||

Think future food like space travel.

They can reduce our reliance on anti-biotics ||||dependence||against|antibiotics Вони можуть зменшити нашу залежність від антибіотиків

and livestock rearing. ||raising animals та розведенням худоби.

They also are wonderful for biodiversity |||||variety of life

and for regenerative soil health, ||restorative|soil quality|

but the two main ones the we always hit on are emissions ||||||||focus|||

and water use.

- The same amount of crickets, the same amount of beef, |||||||||meat

it takes 1,000 or so times less water

to make the crickets as the beef?

- [Aly] Yeah.

- Okay, but emissions are a huge part of that, too.

We know that agricultural emissions |||farming-related|

are a big part of our greenhouse gas problem.

- You can trace emissions to a lotta different things ||track back||||||

from food transport and insects are great ||movement||||

for local agriculture.

They have a very effective feed to body mass ||||efficient|nutrition source|||

conversion ratio, too. conversion||

All that feed that you're giving the cows ||||||to the|the cattle

and the pigs and everything else, a lot of it's wasted.

Some of it in terms of body heat since they're warm-blooded ||||regard||||||warm-blooded|blooded

but insects are cold-blooded

so you have just extremely efficient little systems here

turning input to output that's very nutritious. |input data||nutritious product|||

- Environmental reasons aren't the only thing

people think about when they're like,

"What am I gonna eat?"

Are there other reasons to eat bugs

that are not just purely about climate change? ||||solely|||

- A lot of people are making their dietary choices |||||||food-related|decisions

based on impact on the animals we've been eating.

We don't treat them very well. ||treat them|||

Some vegetarians actually really think |certain vegetarians|||

that insects are a great alternative

because crickets like dark, cramped spaces. ||||confined|areas

To put them in a bin and raise them,

it's not nearly the shock to their system ||almost||jolt|||

than what we're doing to the mammals. ||||||mammals

From an animal welfare standpoint, ||||perspective

eating insects is a much more appealing option ||||||attractive|choice

for a lot of peoples than eating mammals. ||||groups|||

- Delicious, nutritious, environmentally sustainableicious. |||sustainably delicious - Lekker, voedzaam, ecologisch duurzaam.

Is that a word?

- Now it is. - I think that's a word.

(upbeat music)

- Final thoughts, what do ya thinK? Final thoughts|concluding remarks|||you|

- This is definitely my best experience |||||event

with this kind of dish I've ever head.

My previous experiences have just been, |prior|experiences|||

"Hey, try this novelty." |||new item

When you're actually using it intelligently, |||||in a smart way

I think it can be as good as anything else.

I'm still eating it.

- As someone who really never ate bugs in almost any form

that I knew about before tonight, I am blown away. |||||this evening|||impressed|

The way these were worked in, ||||integrated|

it's both so artful and just so natural. |||skillful||||

Bug eating is not weird.

It's totally awesome.

- I've had lot of bug banquets, but this was superb. |||||feasts of bugs||||excellent

- Guys, thanks for coming to this everyone here|||||

awesome Thanksgiving dinner with me. |Thanksgiving dinner|meal||

I'm thankful for crickets, mealworms, and all the rest. |grateful|||||||

It turns out eating insects isn't that weird

for humans after all.

We've been doing it for a long time.

Like most things that you eat,

you don't know if you're gonna like it until you try it.

As for me, well, I'm a bug eater now. |||||||insectivore|

These chips are made from crickets. |snack food||||

(crickets chirping) |making noise

- [Group] Stay curious!

- And just one more thing.

I wanna send a huge thank you to my friend Kyle Hill

from the channel Because Science for joining me at dinner. ||||||inviting|||

He makes great stuff, definitely go check it out.

And my friend Emily Graslie from "The Brain Scoop" |||Emily Graslie|Graslie Emily||||YouTube channel

also has a really cool video about entomophagy,

eating insects, over on her channel.

Links to all of that down in the description Links section||||||||

and as always, thank you to our patrons |||||||supporters

for making videos like this possible.

As far as I'm concerned, ||||my opinion

you're guests at our family dinner table every day. ||||dinner||dinner table||

We have great perks over on our Patreon page. |||benefits||||Patreon page|one We hebben geweldige voordelen op onze Patreon-pagina.

Definitely go check them out

and you can even join the ranks ||||join||group en je kunt zelfs lid worden van de gelederen

of these Galaxy Brain patrons.

And pass the cricket quiche. |to pass|||dish of quiche

- No, I have all the cricket butter to myself.

- Yeah, where's that butter? |where is||

- Yeah, more cricket butter. - Share.

- Give me the cricket, you have to share.

- No!

- Pass the cricket butter, Kyle.

- No, you have to come visit me more often

if you want things from me. - Any pecan pies left? ||||||||pecan pie|remaining

Any of those tarts?

- Yeah, I want one of those pecan pies.

- Happy Thanksgiving!

- Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

- Thanks.