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It`s Okay To Be Smart, If We Plant 1 TRILLION Trees Can We Stop Climate Change ?

If We Plant 1 TRILLION Trees Can We Stop Climate Change ?

Hey smart people, Joe here.

Fact: Earth is experiencing climate change on a scale and pace never before seen since

our species has been on the planet, and we're causing it by pumping more heat-trapping carbon

into the atmosphere than Earth's natural systems can take out.

Now fixing a problem as massive as climate change is gonna take a ton of different solutions,

but more and more people are asking if trees might be a big part of the answer. For the

past 370 million years or so, they've been one of the major ways Earth sucks excess carbon

out of the atmosphere and stores it away. And along with green plants and algae, this

natural technology captures carbon better and cheaper than any human technology we've

come up with so far.

But, can trees actually make a big enough difference in cleaning up our mess? Or are

we… well, barking up the wrong tree?

I'm gonna dig into 3 different ways trees might help solve climate change: Planting

a bunch more trees, saving the trees we've already got, and whether the field of synthetic

biology might give scientists the power to hack photosynthesis and make trees even better

at being trees.


If you were paying attention to YouTube last year then you probably heard about TeamTrees.

A project created by MrBeast, with help from Mark Rober, to raise $20 million dollars to

plant 20 million trees by… well, now. 2020. And they succeeded. Or really, all of us did.

We basically took over YouTube with tree videos, and to date, TeamTrees has raised over twenty-ONE

million dollars to plant 21 million trees, which is insanely awesome.

But the TeamTrees team made one thing very clear: Planting a few million trees isn't

going to solve climate change on its own.

So, like, what does 21 million trees do for the climate? Tom from the channel Aspect Science

made a great video analyzing how TeamTrees works that you should check out. But… long

story short, 21 million trees covers a lot less area than you think, and according to

researchers. , an area of new forest that size can capture 4 million tons of carbon

dioxide… spread out over tens of years.

Considering that the world is emitting almost 10 *billion* tons of carbon every year, we

would have to do TeamTrees literally thousands of times to plant enough trees to suck it

all up. Sounds pretty impossible, doesn't it? Well it might not be.

“Meet Felix Finkbeiner”

Today we want to convince the world to plant a trillion trees.

That's roughly the number of trees we have space for globally.

The seed for this idea began when Felix was in just fourth grade, during a presentation

I was giving about climate change back there to tell my classmates that we should plant

1 million trees in each country of the world. My classmates loved the idea they were super

enthusiastic about planting trees over. A few weeks later we planted our first tree

without really knowing where we would go from there. Local journalists reported about this

first tree, that's how some other schools found out about it and that's when a real

competition kicked off - who would plant the most trees and that's how plan for the planet

spread a few years after that. class project Felix his group planted its millionth tree

and he was invited to tell a story before the United Nations. But for us children forests

are our future and there he met someone very special, by far the most important person

in this story was a woman called man Gavin Matai from Kenya.

There are some people who've changed the world in incredible ways that almost everyone

knows about. Gutenberg and the printing press. Albert Einstein and relativity. Jonas Salk

and the polio vaccine. But there are others that, for some reason, we never learn about.

Wangari Maathai is one of those people. Maathai was an African biologist who had an idea:

women planting trees across Africa could improve communities, conserve the environment, and

improve human rights at the same time. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work, but

few people know her name.

One of them most beautiful things she did was she said she used tree planting as not

only a tool for a nature conservation, but also for women's empowerment. When I was nine

years old I heard about this fantastic work, but I didn't I didn't understand the true

depth. I only understood that tree planting helps tackle the climate crisis and saves

the polar bear. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work, but few people know her name.

So what impact would planting a trillion trees have? We used to have a roughly six trillion

trees on earth, so this was before humans started cutting them down, and now we have

about half of that remaining. So we've got three trillion instead of six trillion trees

now. Ideally we'd when I come back I go back to the six trillion right, get back every

tree we lost, but of course we need space for our settlements and much more for agriculture.

But we can get about another one trillion back. They wouldn't solve the climate crisis

on their own, of course, we also need to drastically reduce our global co2 footprint, but they

make it possible to ensure that the global temperature does not rise by more than two

degrees. And if we manage to plant these trees they would capture about a quarter of human-made

co2 emissions.

Remember, trees are basically big carbon storage machines that suck CO2 out of the atmosphere

and turn it into more tree. Cutting those trees down and either burning them or letting

them decompose just puts that carbon back in the atmosphere.

Most deforestation happens in Earth's tropical regions. If this tropical deforestation were

a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of carbon in the world after China and the

US. Almost 1/3rd of all the world's carbon emissions since 1850 have come from deforestation.

These days, forests remove about a quarter of the CO2 humans emit into the atmosphere

each year and store it away. There is more carbon locked up in the world's trees than

in all the fossil fuels still remaining in the ground. And beyond carbon, tropical

forests act sort of like the planet's air conditioning. They pull moisture out of the

ground, release water vapor into the sky, and literally create rain and weather patterns

across the globe. Cutting down these tropical forests can raise nearby temperatures by as

much as 3˚C.

So keeping the trees we have is essential if we want to keep climate change from getting

even worse. To put the challenge into scale, if TeamTrees gave us 21 million trees? The

2019 Amazon wildfires that took over social media? They burned at least a billion trees.

And this year's Australian bushfires may have burned more than 10 billion trees.

Luckily, protecting the trees we already have is cheaper and easier than planting new ones.

But natural processes like photosynthesis, on land and in the ocean, are only absorbing

about half the CO2 we currently emit every year. I mean, if you think of this like money,

we're spending more than we earn in our carbon budget. And many experts think saving

trees and planting as many new ones as we can are both part of the answer.

But there is one more idea that could make a big difference, and it relies on something

called “synthetic biology”

When plants like trees take carbon dioxide out of the air, they use a tiny molecular

machine inside their cells called an enzyme to grab CO2, stick that carbon onto another

molecule, and eventually make sugar. This molecular machine's name is a mouthful–Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate

carboxylase oxygenase–but you can call it RuBisCO for short.

Just about everything on Earth that does photosynthesis–algae, cyanobacteria, grass, trees–you name it,

uses RuBisCO to grab carbon out of the air. Scientists think it's the most abundant

enzyme on Earth. This little molecular machine has completely reshaped our planet. Problem

is… RuBisCO isn't very good at its job.

Many molecular enzyme machines can carry out thousands of chemical reactions in a single

second. RuBisCO is super slow. It can only grab 5 to 10 CO2's every second. And, about

1 out of every 5 times, RuBisCO grabs the wrong molecule–oxygen–instead of CO2,

and wastes energy in the process. If we could make this biological chemistry work better

and faster, maybe we could pull even more carbon out of the atmosphere.

Some scientists have put genes for RuBisCO inside bacteria in an effort to rapidly evolve

a more efficient enzyme. By manipulating the genetic sequence in the DNA code for the enzyme,

researchers can make many more versions of RuBisCO than nature can on its own, and perhaps

one will be faster and more efficient at grabbing carbon out of the sky.

Other researchers are digging through the enormous toolbox of chemical reactions that

exists in nature to look for totally new ways to capture carbon. These researchers start

by designing a highly efficient chemical reaction on paper, then plugging in individual molecular

machines from different species in order to build the chemical process from scratch. These

are pathways that don't exist in nature (built almost like Legos) by combining different

molecular machines that DO exist.

But even if scientists do figure out a way to improve on biological chemistry, we can't

instantly go upgrade every photosynthetic organism on Earth, including trees. But it

might give us a new way of capturing carbon using biological reactors at places where

emissions are high, or even lead to devices capable of artificial photosynthesis that

can work alongside the trees and plants we already have.

Unfortunately, it will take decades of research to engineer these molecular machines to be

even close to what nature can already do today using low-tech carbon-sucking, light-eating

machines like trees. Trees are a solution we already have. But as I hope you've realized

by now, even if we saved every tree that already exists, and even if we planted trees in every

spot on Earth that could hold them, we still wouldn't be absorbing all the climate-changing

carbon that we emit each year.

The bottom line is this: No matter what climate change solution we are talking about, whether

it's trees or electric cars or next-generation nuclear reactors or synthetic meat… none

of it will work unless we stop putting so many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

It's really that simple. Solving climate change isn't just about what we do, it's

about what we stop doing too.

Stay curious.

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If We Plant 1 TRILLION Trees Can We Stop Climate Change ? ||||||||khí hậu| |||trillion|||||| |we|grow|one trillion||will|||climate change|change in climate Wenn wir 1 TRILLION Bäume pflanzen, können wir den Klimawandel aufhalten? Si plantamos 1 TRILLÓN de árboles, ¿podremos detener el cambio climático? Si nous plantons 1 TRILLION d'arbres, pouvons-nous arrêter le changement climatique ? Se piantiamo 1 TRILIONE di alberi possiamo fermare il cambiamento climatico? 1兆本の木を植えれば気候変動は防げるか? 1조 그루의 나무를 심으면 기후 변화를 막을 수 있을까요? Jei pasodinsime 1 TRILIJONĄ medžių, galime sustabdyti klimato kaitą? Als we 1 MILJOEN bomen planten, kunnen we dan de klimaatverandering stoppen? Se plantarmos 1 TRILHÃO de árvores, podemos travar as alterações climáticas? Если мы посадим 1 ТРИЛЛИОН деревьев, сможем ли мы остановить изменение климата? 1 TRİLYON Ağaç Dikersek İklim Değişikliğini Durdurabilir miyiz? Nếu Chúng Ta Trồng 1 NGÀN TỶ Cây Có Thể Ngăn Chặn Biến Đổi Khí Hậu Không? 如果我们种植 1 万亿棵树,我们能阻止气候变化吗? 如果我們種植 1 兆棵樹,我們能阻止氣候變遷嗎?

Hey smart people, Joe here. |intelligent||| Chào những người thông minh, Joe đây.

Fact: Earth is experiencing climate change on a scale and pace never before seen since Statement|the planet||undergoing|||||magnitude||speed|||observed| Hecho: La Tierra está experimentando un cambio climático a una escala y a un ritmo nunca vistos desde Sự thật: Trái đất đang trải qua biến đổi khí hậu với quy mô và tốc độ chưa từng thấy từ trước đến nay.

our species has been on the planet, and we're causing it by pumping more heat-trapping carbon |human species||||||||creating|||emitting||energy|heat-retaining|dioxide emissions nuestra especie ha estado en el planeta, y lo estamos causando al bombear más carbono que atrapa el calor

into the atmosphere than Earth's natural systems can take out. ||air surrounding Earth||the planet's|natural processes|processes||remove|

Now fixing a problem as massive as climate change is gonna take a ton of different solutions, |addressing||issue|||||||going to|||a lot||various|approaches

but more and more people are asking if trees might be a big part of the answer. For the ||||||inquiry||||||significant||||||

past 370 million years or so, they've been one of the major ways Earth sucks excess carbon over the last|million||||they have|||||primary|||removes excess|extra carbon| los últimos 370 millones de años aproximadamente, han sido una de las principales formas en que la Tierra absorbe el exceso de carbono

out of the atmosphere and stores it away. And along with green plants and algae, this ||||in addition to|stores it||||together with|||vegetation||aquatic organisms| ||||||||||||||alghe verdi| de la atmósfera y la almacena. Y junto con las plantas verdes y las algas, este

natural technology captures carbon better and cheaper than any human technology we've |human-made technology|absorbs||||at a lower cost|||human-made||developed

come up with so far. hasta ahora.

But, can trees actually make a big enough difference in cleaning up our mess? Or are |||really||||sufficient|||cleaning up|||pollution problem|| Pero, ¿pueden los árboles contribuir lo suficiente a limpiar nuestro desastre? ¿O es que

we… well, barking up the wrong tree? ||making a mistake|||incorrect|tree nosotros... bueno, ¿ladrándole al árbol equivocado? ми... ну, гавкаємо не на те дерево?

I'm gonna dig into 3 different ways trees might help solve climate change: Planting I am||explore||||||assist with|address|||Tree planting Voy a analizar 3 formas diferentes en que los árboles pueden ayudar a resolver el cambio climático: Plantar

a bunch more trees, saving the trees we've already got, and whether the field of synthetic |a lot|||preserving||||previously existing|||||area of study||artificial más árboles, salvar los árboles que ya tenemos, y si el campo de la sintética

biology might give scientists the power to hack photosynthesis and make trees even better the study of life|||researchers in biology||ability or capability||manipulate|the process|||||

at being trees.

OPEN unlocked or accessible

If you were paying attention to YouTube last year then you probably heard about TeamTrees. |||paying attention|focus||the platform||2022|||most likely|learned about||Team Trees

A project created by MrBeast, with help from Mark Rober, to raise $20 million dollars to |fundraising initiative|developed||YouTuber philanthropist||||Mark Rober|Mark Rober||collect funds for||currency amount|

plant 20 million trees by… well, now. 2020. And they succeeded. Or really, all of us did. ||||||||achieved the goal||in fact||||

We basically took over YouTube with tree videos, and to date, TeamTrees has raised over twenty-ONE |essentially||||||videos|||up to now|||||twenty-one| Básicamente, nos apoderamos de YouTube con vídeos sobre árboles y, hasta la fecha, TeamTrees ha recaudado más de veintiún millones de euros.

million dollars to plant 21 million trees, which is insanely awesome. ||||||||crazy|awesome ||||||||extremely|incredible and impressive

But the TeamTrees team made one thing very clear: Planting a few million trees isn't |||TeamTrees||||extremely|obvious|||a small number of|||is not

going to solve climate change on its own.

So, like, what does 21 million trees do for the climate? Tom from the channel Aspect Science ||||||||||Tom Aspect Science|||YouTube channel|Aspect Science|Aspect Science

made a great video analyzing how TeamTrees works that you should check out.  But… long |||video analysis|explaining|||functions||||take a look|||

story short, 21 million trees covers a lot less area than you think, and according to narrative|brief|||covers||much||space|||believe||in accordance with|

researchers. , an area of new forest that size can capture 4 million tons of carbon scientists|||||woodland area||that||sequester||metric tons||

dioxide… spread out over tens of years. carbon dioxide|accumulated|||many|| dióxido... repartido en decenas de años.

Considering that the world is emitting almost 10 *billion* tons of carbon every year, we Taking into account|||||releasing||billion|||dioxide|||

would have to do TeamTrees literally thousands of times to plant enough trees to suck it |||||actually|many times||occasions||||||succeed in|

all up. Sounds pretty impossible, doesn't it? Well it might not be. ||Seems|quite|unlikely|does it||||||

“Meet Felix Finkbeiner” Introducing|Felix Finkbe|Finkbeiner

Today we want to convince the world to plant a trillion trees. This day||aim||persuade|||||||

That's roughly the number of trees we have space for globally. That is|||amount|||||room||around the world Ese es aproximadamente el número de árboles para los que tenemos espacio en todo el mundo.

The seed for this idea began when Felix was in just fourth grade, during a presentation |origin|||concept|originated||||||fourth grade|fourth year|at the time||talk or speech

I was giving about climate change back there to tell my classmates that we should plant ||talking|||||||||fellow students||||

1 million trees in each country of the world. My classmates loved the idea they were super ||||nation|||||||||||very much

enthusiastic about planting trees over. A few weeks later we planted our first tree excited|||||||a few weeks||||||

without really knowing where we would go from there. Local journalists reported about this ||understanding|||||||local|local reporters|wrote articles||

first tree, that's how some other schools found out about it and that's when a real ||||||institutions|||||||||actual

competition kicked off - who would plant the most trees and that's how plan for the planet event|began|||||||||||plan for||| Comienza la competición: quién planta más árboles y así planifica para el planeta

spread a few years after that. class project Felix his group planted its millionth tree ||||||school||||team|||one millionth|

and he was invited to tell a story before the United Nations. But for us children forests ||||||||in front of||United Nations|||||us kids|forests are important y fue invitado a contar una historia ante las Naciones Unidas. Pero para nosotros los niños bosques

are our future and there he met someone very special, by far the most important person ||upcoming time|||||a significant person||significant||by a large margin|||significant|

in this story was a woman called man Gavin Matai from Kenya. ||||||||Gavin Matai|Matai||from Kenya

There are some people who've changed the world in incredible ways that almost everyone ||||who have|transformed||||remarkable||||almost all

knows about. Gutenberg and the printing press. Albert Einstein and relativity. Jonas Salk ||the printing press|||printing technology|printing technology|Einstein|relativity expert|||Salk|vaccine development

and the polio vaccine. But there are others that, for some reason, we never learn about. ||poliovirus|immunization||||other vaccines||||some reason|||become informed|

Wangari Maathai is one of those people. Maathai was an African biologist who had an idea: Wangari Maath|last name|||||||||from Africa|scientist of life||||

women planting trees across Africa could improve communities, conserve the environment, and ||||the continent||benefit|local areas|preserve||natural surroundings|

improve human rights at the same time. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work, but ||human rights||||||||Nobel Peace Prize||award|||efforts and contributions|

few people know her name.

One of them most beautiful things she did was she said she used tree planting as not ||||most beautiful|activities|||||||utilized||||

only a tool for a nature conservation, but also for women's empowerment. When I was nine ||instrument||||||||women|women's empowerment||||age nine

years old I heard about this fantastic work, but I didn't I didn't understand the true |years|||||amazing||||did not||did not|grasp the meaning||truth

depth. I only understood that tree planting helps tackle the climate crisis and saves depth of understanding|||grasped||||assists in|address|||emergency||preserves resources глибину. Я лише зрозумів, що висаджування дерев допомагає боротися з кліматичною кризою і рятує

the polar bear. She won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work, but few people know her name. |polar|animal|||||||||||||||

So what impact would planting a trillion trees have? We used to have a roughly six trillion ||effect||||||||||||approximately|six trillion|

trees on earth, so this was before humans started cutting them down, and now we have |||||||people|began|chopping down||||||

about half of that remaining. So we've got three trillion instead of six trillion trees ||||left||||three trillion||rather||||

now. Ideally we'd when I come back I go back to the six trillion right, get back every |preferably|we would|||||||||||||return to||

tree we lost, but of course we need space for our settlements and much more for agriculture. ||lost (past tense)|||||||||communities|||||farming activities

But we can get about another one trillion back. They wouldn't solve the climate crisis ||||||||||would not||||

on their own, of course, we also need to drastically reduce our global co2 footprint, but they |||||||||significantly|cut down||worldwide|carbon dioxide|carbon footprint||

make it possible to ensure that the global temperature does not rise by more than two ||||guarantee||||climate warmth|||increase||||

degrees. And if we manage to plant these trees they would capture about a quarter of human-made ||||are able||||||||||25 percent|||

co2 emissions. |release of gases

Remember, trees are basically big carbon storage machines that suck CO2 out of the atmosphere Note that||||||storage units|devices|||||||

and turn it into more tree. Cutting those trees down and either burning them or letting |||||||||||||||allowing them to de

them decompose just puts that carbon back in the atmosphere. |break down||returns||||||

Most deforestation happens in Earth's tropical regions. If this tropical deforestation were |tropical deforestation|occurs|||tropical|areas|||||

a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of carbon in the world after China and the ||||||third|largest|source|||||||China||

US. Almost 1/3rd of all the world's carbon emissions since 1850 have come from deforestation. ||third||||global|||||||

These days, forests remove about a quarter of the CO2 humans emit into the atmosphere |currently||absorb||||||||release into|||

each year and store it away. There is more carbon locked up in the world's trees than |||keep|||||||stored|||||| cada año y lo almacenan. Hay más carbono encerrado en los árboles del mundo que en la tierra.

in all the fossil fuels still remaining in the ground.  And beyond carbon, tropical |||fossil|sources of energy||||||||| en todos los combustibles fósiles que aún permanecen bajo tierra. Y más allá del carbono, los

forests act sort of like the planet's air conditioning. They pull moisture out of the ||function||||planet's||regulating system||extract|water vapor||| Los bosques actúan como el aire acondicionado del planeta. Extraen la humedad del

ground, release water vapor into the sky, and literally create rain and weather patterns ||water vapor|water vapor|||atmosphere|||generate|precipitation formation||climate conditions|weather systems

across the globe. Cutting down these tropical forests can raise nearby temperatures by as ||the world||||||||local|heat levels||

much as 3˚C. ||Celsius

So keeping the trees we have is essential if we want to keep climate change from getting |preserving||||||crucial|||||||||worse

even worse. To put the challenge into scale, if TeamTrees gave us 21 million trees? The |more severe||frame|||||||provided||||

2019 Amazon wildfires that took over social media? They burned at least a billion trees. Amazon rainforest|forest fires||||media discourse|||||minimum of||| ¿Incendios forestales amazónicos de 2019 que coparon las redes sociales? Quemaron al menos mil millones de árboles.

And this year's Australian bushfires may have burned more than 10 billion trees. ||this year's|of Australia|wildfires||||over||| ||||incendi boschivi||||||| Y los incendios forestales de este año en Australia pueden haber quemado más de 10.000 millones de árboles.

Luckily, protecting the trees we already have is cheaper and easier than planting new ones. Fortunately|preserving|||||||||simpler||||trees

But natural processes like photosynthesis, on land and in the ocean, are only absorbing ||natural phenomena||photosynthesis||on land||||sea|||taking in

about half the CO2 we currently emit every year. I mean, if you think of this like money, |||||at present||||||||||||currency

we're spending more than we earn in our carbon budget. And many experts think saving we are|using||||generate||||carbon allowance|||specialists||

trees and planting as many new ones as we can are both part of the answer.

But there is one more idea that could make a big difference, and it relies on something ||||||||||||||depends on||a key factor

called “synthetic biology”

When plants like trees take carbon dioxide out of the air, they use a tiny molecular ||||||||||||utilize||small|scale of matter

machine inside their cells called an enzyme to grab CO2, stick that carbon onto another biological catalyst|within||compartments|||biological catalyst||capture||attach|||to| una máquina dentro de sus células llamada enzima para agarrar CO2, pegar ese carbono a otro

molecule, and eventually make sugar. This molecular machine's name is a mouthful–Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate molecular structure||ultimately||sugar molecule|||possessive form||||long name|Ribulose|bisphosphate |||||||||||una parola lunga|ribulosio|bisfosfato

carboxylase oxygenase–but you can call it RuBisCO for short. enzyme|enzyme||||||ribulose bisphosphate|| carbossilasi||||||||| carboxylase-oxygenase, maar je kunt het kortweg RuBisCO noemen.

Just about everything on Earth that does photosynthesis–algae, cyanobacteria, grass, trees–you name it, ||all organisms|||||||blue-green bacteria|plants|||| |||||||||cianobatteri|||||

uses RuBisCO to grab carbon out of the air. Scientists think it's the most abundant utilizes|||||||||||it is|||most plentiful

enzyme on Earth. This little molecular machine has completely reshaped our planet. Problem ||||||||entirely transformed|transformed||| |||||||||rimodellato|||

is… RuBisCO isn't very good at its job. |||||||function

Many molecular enzyme machines can carry out thousands of chemical reactions in a single ||catalytic proteins|||perform||||chemical|processes|||

second. RuBisCO is super slow. It can only grab 5 to 10 CO2's every second. And, about per second||||very slow|||||||per second||||

1 out of every 5 times, RuBisCO grabs the wrong molecule–oxygen–instead of CO2, |||||captures||||oxygen molecule|||

and wastes energy in the process. If we could make this biological chemistry work better |loses|energy consumption|||method||||||biochemical|biological processes||

and faster, maybe we could pull even more carbon out of the atmosphere. ||perhaps||||||||||

Some scientists have put genes for RuBisCO inside bacteria in an effort to rapidly evolve ||||genetic material||||microorganisms|||attempt to||quickly develop|develop quickly ||||geni||||||||||

a more efficient enzyme. By manipulating the genetic sequence in the DNA code for the enzyme, ||effective|||altering||DNA|genetic code|||deoxyribonucle|genetic sequence|||

researchers can make many more versions of RuBisCO than nature can on its own, and perhaps |||||variations||||||||||maybe

one will be faster and more efficient at grabbing carbon out of the sky. ||||||||removing|||||

Other researchers are digging through the enormous toolbox of chemical reactions that |||exploring|||large extensive|collection of methods|||| |||||||cassetta degli att|||| Otros investigadores están rebuscando en la enorme caja de herramientas de reacciones químicas que

exists in nature to look for totally new ways to capture carbon. These researchers start exist||||||completely||||||||

by designing a highly efficient chemical reaction on paper, then plugging in individual molecular |creating||very|||process||theoretical framework||inserting||single| diseñando en papel una reacción química de gran eficacia y, a continuación, introduciendo las moléculas individuales.

machines from different species in order to build the chemical process from scratch. These |||||sequence||create|||||from the beginning| máquinas de diferentes especies para construir el proceso químico desde cero. Estos

are pathways that don't exist in nature (built almost like Legos) by combining different |structures||do not|are not found||||||Lego blocks|||

molecular machines that DO exist.

But even if scientists do figure out a way to improve on biological chemistry, we can't |||||||||||||||are unable to

instantly go upgrade every photosynthetic organism on Earth, including trees. But it ||enhance||photosynthesis-capable||||such as||| actualizan instantáneamente todos los organismos fotosintéticos de la Tierra, incluidos los árboles. Pero

might give us a new way of capturing carbon using biological reactors at places where |||||||sequestering||with||biological systems||locations|

emissions are high, or even lead to devices capable of artificial photosynthesis that |||||||technologies|able to||synthetic||

can work alongside the trees and plants we already have. ||together with|||||||

Unfortunately, it will take decades of research to engineer these molecular machines to be Regrettably||||many years||study||design and develop|||||

even close to what nature can already do today using low-tech carbon-sucking, light-eating |||||||||||technology||carbon-absorbing||light-absorbing

machines like trees. Trees are a solution we already have. But as I hope you've realized ||||||answer to the problem||||||||you have|come to understand

by now, even if we saved every tree that already exists, and even if we planted trees in every |at this point||||preserved|||||||||||||

spot on Earth that could hold them, we still wouldn't be absorbing all the climate-changing location|||||contain||||||||||climate-altering

carbon that we emit each year.

The bottom line is this: No matter what climate change solution we are talking about, whether |main point|||||regardless of|||||||discussing||

it's trees or electric cars or next-generation nuclear reactors or synthetic meat… none |||electric vehicles|vehicles|or alternatives|next-generation|next-generation|power generation||||synthetic meat|

of it will work unless we stop putting so many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. ||||if not|||emitting|||gas|emissions|||

It's really that simple. Solving climate change isn't just about what we do, it's ||||Addressing|||||||||

about what we stop doing too. ||||stopping actions|

Stay curious. Remain|always seek knowledge