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Impact Theory, What It Takes to Become Great | Donald Suxho

What It Takes to Become Great | Donald Suxho

- People are wishful thinkers,

but they hate to take the steps,

or they take the steps and it's hard.

Change is hard.

People comes a certain point, they break.

Everything is making up your mind mentally

and not giving up,

but also physically pushing through

your hardship when it hurt.


- Everybody, welcome to Impact Theory.

Our goal with this show and company

is to introduce you to the people

and ideas that will help you

actually execute on your dreams.

Today's guest is one of the most

decorated volleyball players in U.S. history.

His rise to prominence, however, was deeply improbable.

He grew up hard in Communist controlled Albania.

Even though his father was a volleyball coach,

there was very little opportunity in their homeland.

After the fall of Communism,

the country was thrown into such chaos

that in a desperate attempt to find

an outlet for his talents,

he was forced to risk his life

just for an opportunity to compete.

He snuck over the mountains into Greece

to try out for a team there,

and during his trip he was shot at,

hunted by soldiers and chased by dogs.

Even though that didn't stop him,

intense racial tensions between the two countries

saw him rejected without serious consideration,

despite his obvious talent.

Devastated, he made his way back home

and realizing that bigger opportunities lay elsewhere,

he and his family fled to the U.S. not long after.

Once in America, he began to flourish

and quickly made a name for himself on the volleyball court,

ultimately being offered a full ride scholarship to USC.

He was a starting player there

for the nationally ranked team

all four years he was there,

and set a number of school records,

including 164 career aces.

He was a two time All American

and his senior year he was named

the AVCA National Player of the Year.

Following graduation, he played professionally

in both Poland and Italy,

and was a member of the U.S. National Team

for 12 straight years.

He played as a captain in two different Olympic games.

As a professional player, he led his team to victory

in the prestigious Italian Cup.

Please, help me in welcoming the 2012

U.S. Men's Most Valuable Volleyball Player Donald Suxho.


- How are you?

- Get in there.

- Very good, thank you for having me.

- Good, thanks for being here man.

- Glad to be here, thank you, appreciate it.

- You're one of the rare people

that I've gotten to know ahead of time,

gotten a chance to sit down and pick your brain,

and hear a little bit about your story.

It is insanity.

It's literally insane.

I wore this shirt in your honor

because your life is the answer

to the question no bullshit, what would it take?

First of all, tell me what it was like

growing up in Communist Albania.

- Growing up, as a young kid, it was beautiful.

We didn't know anything else.

We had a great family, great sports, was very quiet.

There was no crime, was clean.

The only thing that I noticed being young,

we were always hungry.

Food was scarce and I didn't know why.

I didn't know why my parents didn't have enough food,

but we were happy.

We were running around the neighborhoods,

playing sports, hiking on the weekends,

and going to school, having a ton of different friends.

But every time, my dad who used to wake me up

early in the morning at 4:30, 5, to go buy food.

That, to me, sounded really strange.

Why we have to get food so early?

I realized that afternoons,

when we go to the same store, there's no food left.

I would watch my dad just give me his ration of food,

his cup of water or tea, steak we had once a week,

to me because he knew I was growing, to me and my brother.

That was really strange.

What I remember too, growing up,

that it was one way of thinking.

The government, we're owned by the government,

as I realized earlier when I was a teenager

was that there was one way of thinking.

One way of doing things.

The government or the city council

told you exactly how to think,

how to behave, how to smile,

what music to listen, what TV channel to watch,

and how to react at school too,

for different types of news.

That was very isolating.

The ceiling was really low.

There's no thought process to innovate,

of create, or wanted to be the best,

because if you went against the government rules,

then you'd be thrown in jail,

or your parents would go to jail.

It was very surreal to not have dreams.

Growing up, we had no toys, no cartoons.

We had one TV channel, one music channel.

Everything was made in Albania,

from Albanians, by Albanians,

didn't know the outside world at all.

We had one pair of shoes, one outfit a year

that the government give us or my parents would buy.

That's all we know.

There's no shoes to go out in the snow.

Where I grew up was big snow, kind of cold weather.

I remember every night I'd come back home

from practice or school,

I was just soaking wet from socks and shoes

to everything else.

We'd dry them and wear them again the next day.

It was just harsh.

It was very hard growing up.

- What was it like when you finally

got out from under that,

and you start to have dreams,

and you start to think like,

whoa, my life could be more than this?

Was there a moment where you were like,

wait a second, I can do whatever I want?

- But I didn't know how.

I didn't know what the world meant.

The world was a chaos for me.

As a young kid, people with guns, people getting shot,

my friends getting stabbed in front of me,

people getting killed.

We have a coffee or talk in a coffee shop,

people would just drive by and shoot.

Not because they hated each other,

it was just people were wild.

They didn't know what to do, how to react.

Their brain couldn't take it.

Their mindset was completely off.

- I find that super interesting,

especially because you then go to the U.S.,

and your first reaction isn't oh my God, this is amazing.

You're like, "I hate this."

Help us understand.

What do you go through mentally,

cause I think this'll reveal the

way that the human mind works,

the hunger for the familiar,

the not knowing what to do when

you have intense pressure and then no pressure.

You come to America and then what?

What are you going through mentally?

- The first month, people helped out.

The church, the cousins give us clothes, a house.

I was sleeping with my parents in one room.

After the first month, my cousin,

with a beautiful Oldsmobile comes in,

is like, "Are you happy?

"Are you good?"

It's like, "My God, I love America.

"My family's, this is awesome."

He said, "Okay, well tomorrow you're gonna work."

I'm like, "Work, why?"

He's like, "Who's gonna pay for this?"

"Well, you."

I'm like, "You have a nice house.

"You have a nice car.

"Why am I supposed to work?

"I'm 17, I want to play volleyball."

He laughed at me.

He said, "Welcome to America, son.

"You gotta work and pay for your stuff."

That changed my life forever,

because from that moment on until now,

that sentence that has kept me alive.

The true capitalism.

The pure capitalism.

You get up, you work, and you pay for your own stuff.

- You said in Communism you didn't have mindset.

What do you mean by mindset?

- Mindset to think, mindset to get better,

to be the best, to dream, to work hard.

It was pure Communism.

You work seven hours.

You get a set amount of money.

The government tells you this is your apartment

for the next 50 years 'til you die.

You get a pension, you die.

- You've come to America,

you end up doing extraordinarily well.

What is the mindset that you begin to build

that allows you to have that kind of extraordinary success?

- Once I saw you, right,

let's say I saw Tom having a nice car,

or seeing all these kids have cars

and a girlfriend, and flowers, and prom.

I'm like, wait a second, why you have that and I don't?

I start asking this question to these people

and I realize how the process was.

I start learning the American mindset.

That's when I started detaching myself

from being Albanian to becoming American.

I made a pact with myself.

I say, if I want to be successful in America,

I got to be American.

Keep my tradition at home, but once I step out of the house,

I want to learn everything.

How to speak, how to act, how to behave,

how to have a girlfriend, how to work better,

more effective like I do.

My third job was a waiter at the

Greek restaurant in Edick.

All of the sudden, I'm making

thousands of dollars a month

because I was working three jobs.

I'm like, is this real?

Do I belong here?

Am I American?

Not yet, but I was on the road to become American.

- How did you deal with that self doubt?

That's something that we'll get to again

when we talk about your injuries,

but how do you deal with self doubt,

of asking yourself do I belong?

Am I as good as these people?

How do you overcome that?

- In my opinion, you overcome it by work.

Hard work and honor.

I wanted to be successful.

Self doubt is very dark places.

At night, when I was young kid,

there in Greece or Albania or Boston,

you always doubt yourself.

Even in the Olympics, you always doubt yourself.

Am I supposed to be here?

The next morning I'll get up and say,

"You know what?

"This week I made x amount of dollars,

"I want to make more because I want this."

I wanted to prove myself.

Those people that are making fun of me,

those people that cut me,

those people that told me I would never make it,

I'll use that and get up in the morning

and outwork everybody else around me.

Once I saw the opportunities,

I said there's no way you're going to beat me.

You might be better than me now,

but I'll just pure outwork.

Pure get up and outwork you,

day in and day out.

One of my dad's teammates had gone to Greece

and sent letters.

Back then, we just had handwritten letters.

And said, this is one opportunity out for your son.

Bring him to Saloniki, Greece, which was near my city.

By car was 12 hours, I think, or 14 hours.

My dad searched around and some of our friends

usually do this business,

bring people over the mountain for jobs

and criminal activities, whatever you call it.

He said, "Son, this is it.

"We have no future here, there's nothing.

"There's no money.

"There's no rule of law.

"There's nothing."

"I mean, what are you gonna do, play volleyball?"

Nobody was playing sports.

Said you gotta go.

We had guns and people were chasing us.

It took us, I don't know, we left at 6 p.m.,

we got in at 7 a.m. I think, or 8 a.m.

I don't remember the time,

but was when there was sun.

As we go over the mountains

and we see this black Mercedes.

It was a beautiful Mercedes, which was crazy.

This massive, big Mercedes.

I do the math and I look around.

I'm like, holy crap, we got 12 people.

Where they gonna fit?

My body was, my hey you was like,

go first so you go in first in the car.

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What It Takes to Become Great | Donald Suxho |||||||蘇克霍 ||Requires||||Donald Suxho| |||||Harika|| Was es braucht, um groß zu werden | Donald Suxho What It Takes to Become Great | Donald Suxho Lo que se necesita para ser grande | Donald Suxho Ce qu'il faut pour devenir grand | Donald Suxho Što je potrebno da postanete veliki | Donald Suxho 偉大になるために必要なこと|ドナルド・サクショー 위대해지기 위해 필요한 것 | Donald Suxho Co trzeba zrobić, aby stać się wielkim | Donald Suxho O que é preciso para se tornar grande | Donald Suxho Что нужно, чтобы стать великим | Дональд Суксо Vad som krävs för att bli stor | Donald Suxho Büyük Olmak İçin Ne Gerekir | Donald Suxho Що потрібно, щоб стати великим | Дональд Сукшо 怎样才能变得伟大 |唐纳德苏克霍 怎樣才能變得偉大|唐納德·蘇克斯霍

- People are wishful thinkers, ||мечтательные| ||optimistic| ||iyimser|düşünürler - People are wishful thinkers, - Las personas son ilusos, - Les gens prennent leurs désirs pour des réalités, peopeelloo - Люди выдают желаемое за действительное, - İnsanlar hüsnükuruntu içindedir, - 人都是一廂情願的人,

but they hate to take the steps, but they hate to take the steps, pero odian dar los pasos, 但他們不願意採取步驟,

or they take the steps and it's hard. or they take the steps and it's hard. o dan los pasos y es difícil. ou ils prennent des mesures et c'est difficile. note 4 或者他們採取措施但很難。

Change is hard. Change is hard. note 3 改變是困難的。

People comes a certain point, they break. |||belirli bir||| People comes a certain point, they break. La gente llega a cierto punto, se rompen. Orang-orang sampai pada titik tertentu, mereka akan berhenti. note 5 人到了一定的程度,就會崩潰。

Everything is making up your mind mentally ||||||zihinsel olarak كل شيء يصنع عقلك عقليا Everything is making up your mind mentally Todo está decidiendo mentalmente Il s'agit de se faire une idée mentalement Segala sesuatu membuat Anda mengambil keputusan secara mental 123 一切都在你的心裡做出決定

and not giving up, ||vermek| and not giving up, y sin rendirme,

but also physically pushing through ||||içinden geçmek but also physically pushing through sino también físicamente tetapi juga mendorong secara fisik 但也要身体力行 但也需要身體力行

your hardship when it hurt. |suffering||| |zorluk çektiğinde|||incittiğinde your hardship when it hurt. tus penurias cuando te dolían. votre épreuve lorsqu'elle fait mal. kesulitan Anda saat sakit. 你的苦难,当它伤害。 當你受傷時你的困難。

(applause) (alkışlar) (applause) (掌聲)

- Everybody, welcome to Impact Theory. |||Etkili Düşünce| - Everybody, welcome to Impact Theory. - 大家好,歡迎來到影響理論。

Our goal with this show and company Our goal with this show and company Nuestro objetivo con este espectáculo y compañía 我們對這個節目和公司的目標

is to introduce you to the people is to introduce you to the people es presentarle a la gente

and ideas that will help you and ideas that will help you e ideas que le ayudarán

actually execute on your dreams. |gerçekleştirmek|||hayallerini gerçekleştirmek actually execute on your dreams. realizar tus sueños. réaliser ses rêves. 實際執行你的夢想。

Today's guest is one of the most |Bugünkü konuk||||| Today's guest is one of the most El invitado de hoy es uno de los 今天的客人是最重要的一位

decorated volleyball players in U.S. history. ödüllü|||||| decorated volleyball players in U.S. history. jugadores de voleibol más condecorados de la historia de Estados Unidos. 美国历史上装饰过的排球运动员。 美國歷史上的功勳排球運動員。

His rise to prominence, however, was deeply improbable. |||prominence|but|||unlikely |yükselişi||öne çıkma|Ancak|||Olası değil His rise to prominence, however, was deeply improbable. Su ascenso a la prominencia, sin embargo, fue profundamente improbable. Son ascension vers la célébrité a cependant été profondément improbable. Namun, kebangkitannya menjadi terkenal sangat tidak mungkin. 然而,他的崛起是极不可能的。

He grew up hard in Communist controlled Albania. He grew up hard in Communist controlled Albania. Creció duro en la Albania controlada por los comunistas. Il a connu une enfance difficile dans l'Albanie sous contrôle communiste. 他在共产党控制的阿尔巴尼亚艰难地长大。

Even though his father was a volleyball coach, Even though his father was a volleyball coach, Aunque su padre era entrenador de voleibol, Même si son père était entraîneur de volley-ball,

there was very little opportunity in their homeland. there was very little opportunity in their homeland. había muy pocas oportunidades en su tierra natal. 在他们的祖国,机会很少。

After the fall of Communism, ||Komünizmin çöküşünden sonra|| After the fall of Communism, Tras la caída del comunismo,

the country was thrown into such chaos |||sürüklenmek||büyük bir| the country was thrown into such chaos el país se sumió en tal caos 国家陷入如此混乱

that in a desperate attempt to find |||umutsuzca|umutsuz girişim|| that in a desperate attempt to find que en un intento desesperado por encontrar 拼命寻找

an outlet for his talents, |outlet||| ||||yetenekleri için bir an outlet for his talents, una salida para su talento, 一个施展才华的出路,

he was forced to risk his life ||mecbur bırakıldı|||| he was forced to risk his life se vio obligado a arriesgar su vida 他被迫冒着生命危险

just for an opportunity to compete. |||||yarışmak için just for an opportunity to compete. sólo por una oportunidad de competir.

He snuck over the mountains into Greece |sneaked||||| |aşarak gizlice girdi||||| He snuck over the mountains into Greece Se coló por las montañas hasta Grecia Il s'est faufilé à travers les montagnes jusqu'en Grèce Dia menyelinap melewati pegunungan menuju Yunani 他偷偷翻山越岭进入希腊

to try out for a team there, to try out for a team there, para probar en un equipo de allí, d'essayer de faire partie d'une équipe là-bas,

and during his trip he was shot at, and during his trip he was shot at, y durante su viaje le dispararon, dan selama perjalanannya dia ditembak,

hunted by soldiers and chased by dogs. avlanan||||kovalandı|| hunted by soldiers and chased by dogs. cazados por soldados y perseguidos por perros. chassés par des soldats et poursuivis par des chiens.

Even though that didn't stop him, |yine de|||| Even though that didn't stop him, Aunque eso no le detuvo,

intense racial tensions between the two countries yoğun|ırksal|gerginlikler|||| intense racial tensions between the two countries intensas tensiones raciales entre los dos países 两国间种族关系紧张

saw him rejected without serious consideration, |||||dikkate alınma saw him rejected without serious consideration, lo vio rechazado sin consideración seria, l'a vu rejeté sans aucune considération sérieuse, melihatnya ditolak tanpa pertimbangan yang serius, 看到他未经认真考虑就被拒绝,

despite his obvious talent. buna rağmen||bariz|yeteneği despite his obvious talent. terlepas dari bakatnya yang sudah terlihat jelas.

Devastated, he made his way back home Yıkılmış|||||| Devastated, he made his way back home Devastado, emprendió el camino de vuelta a casa Dengan perasaan hancur, ia kembali ke rumah 他伤心欲绝地回到了家

and realizing that bigger opportunities lay elsewhere, ||||||other places |||||bulunduğunu|başka yerlerde ||||||drugje and realizing that bigger opportunities lay elsewhere, y dándose cuenta de que había más oportunidades en otros lugares, dan menyadari bahwa peluang yang lebih besar ada di tempat lain, 并意识到更大的机会存在于其他地方,

he and his family fled to the U.S. not long after. ||||escaped||||||| ||||kaçtı||||||| he and his family fled to the U.S. not long after. él y su familia huyeron a Estados Unidos poco después. peu de temps après, il s'est réfugié aux États-Unis avec sa famille.

Once in America, he began to flourish ||||||thrive ||||||gelişmek Once in America, he began to flourish Una vez en América, empezó a florecer Une fois en Amérique, il a commencé à s'épanouir Begitu tiba di Amerika, ia mulai berkembang

and quickly made a name for himself on the volleyball court, and quickly made a name for himself on the volleyball court, y rápidamente se hizo un nombre en la cancha de voleibol, バレーボールコートですぐに名を馳せ、 并很快在排球场上打响了名声,

ultimately being offered a full ride scholarship to USC. sonunda|||||||| ultimately being offered a full ride scholarship to USC. Finalmente, le ofrecieron una beca completa en la USC. 最終的には、USC に全額支給の奨学金が提供されました。 最终获得南加州大学的全额奖学金。

He was a starting player there He was a starting player there Era un jugador titular allí 彼はそこでスターティングプレーヤーだった

for the nationally ranked team |||sıralamalı| for the nationally ranked team para el equipo clasificado a nivel nacional pour l'équipe classée au niveau national 全国ランクのチームに 对于国家排名球队

all four years he was there, all four years he was there, los cuatro años que estuvo allí, 彼はそこにいた4年間ずっと、 他在那里度过了四年,

and set a number of school records, and set a number of school records, y estableció varios récords escolares, 数々の学校記録を樹立し、 并创下多项学校纪录,

including 164 career aces. ||servis ası including 164 career aces. incluyendo 164 aces en su carrera. termasuk 164 kartu As dalam kariernya. 164 のキャリア エースを含む。 包括 164 个职业 ace。

He was a two time All American He was a two time All American Fue dos veces All American 彼は2度のオールアメリカンでした 他两次入选全美最佳阵容

and his senior year he was named ||son sınıf|||| and his senior year he was named y en su último año fue nombrado そして彼の4年生は彼が名付けられました 高年级时他被命名为

the AVCA National Player of the Year. |AVCA Ulusal Oyuncusu||||| the AVCA National Player of the Year. Jugadora Nacional del Año de la AVCA. AVCA ナショナル プレーヤー オブ ザ イヤー。 AVCA年度全国球员。

Following graduation, he played professionally Following graduation, he played professionally Tras graduarse, jugó profesionalmente 卒業後はプロとして活躍 毕业后,他开始职业生涯

in both Poland and Italy, in both Poland and Italy, tanto en Polonia como en Italia,

and was a member of the U.S. National Team and was a member of the U.S. National Team y fue miembro del Equipo Nacional de EE.UU.

for 12 straight years. for 12 straight years. 12年連続。 连续 12 年。

He played as a captain in two different Olympic games. He played as a captain in two different Olympic games. Jugó como capitán en dos Juegos Olímpicos diferentes.

As a professional player, he led his team to victory |||||öncülük etti|||| As a professional player, he led his team to victory En tant que joueur professionnel, il a mené son équipe à la victoire

in the prestigious Italian Cup. ||prestijli|| in the prestigious Italian Cup. 権威あるイタリアカップで。 在著名的意大利杯中。

Please, help me in welcoming the 2012 Please, help me in welcoming the 2012 Por favor, ayúdenme a dar la bienvenida al 2012 2012年を迎えるお手伝いをお願いします

U.S. Men's Most Valuable Volleyball Player Donald Suxho. U.S. Men's Most Valuable Volleyball Player Donald Suxho. 米国男子バレーボール界で最も価値のある選手、ドナルド・スクスホー。

(applause) (applause)

- How are you? - How are you? - 元気ですか?

- Get in there. - Get in there. - Entra ahí. - 进到那里去。

- Very good, thank you for having me. - Very good, thank you for having me. - Muy bien, gracias por recibirme. - とてもいいです、私を迎えてくれてありがとう。

- Good, thanks for being here man. - Good, thanks for being here man. - よかった、ここにいてくれてありがとう。

- Glad to be here, thank you, appreciate it. ||||||thankful| - Glad to be here, thank you, appreciate it. -ここに来てよかった、ありがとう、ありがとう。 - 很高兴来到这里,谢谢,谢谢。

- You're one of the rare people - You're one of the rare people - Eres una de las personas raras. - あなたは珍しい人の一人です

that I've gotten to know ahead of time, that I've gotten to know ahead of time, que he llegado a conocer de antemano, que j'ai appris à connaître à l'avance, yang sudah saya kenal sebelumnya, 事前に知っていたこと、 我提前知道的

gotten a chance to sit down and pick your brain, gotten a chance to sit down and pick your brain, tuve la oportunidad de sentarme y elegir tu cerebro, a eu l'occasion de s'asseoir avec vous et de discuter avec vous, 座って自分の頭脳を選ぶチャンスを得て、 有机会坐下来思考一下,

and hear a little bit about your story. and hear a little bit about your story. あなたの話を少し聞いてください。

It is insanity. ||Es ist Wahnsinn. ||Bu delilik. It is insanity. C'est de la folie. Ini adalah kegilaan. それは狂気です。

It's literally insane. |Kelimenin tam anlamıyla| It's literally insane. Ini benar-benar gila. それは文字通り非常識です。 这简直是疯了。

I wore this shirt in your honor I wore this shirt in your honor J'ai porté cette chemise en ton honneur 私はあなたに敬意を表してこのシャツを着ました 我穿这件衬衫是为了纪念你

because your life is the answer because your life is the answer あなたの人生が答えだから

to the question no bullshit, what would it take? ||||saçmalık olmadan|||| to the question no bullshit, what would it take? a la pregunta sin tonterías, ¿qué haría falta? à la question "pas de conneries", que faudrait-il faire ? untuk pertanyaan yang tidak ada omong kosongnya, apa yang diperlukan? でたらめではないという質問に、何が必要ですか? 对这个问题没有废话,这需要什么?

First of all, tell me what it was like First of all, tell me what it was like まずはどんな感じだったか教えてください

growing up in Communist Albania. growing up in Communist Albania. 共産主義のアルバニアで育つ。 在共产主义阿尔巴尼亚长大。

- Growing up, as a young kid, it was beautiful. - Growing up, as a young kid, it was beautiful.

We didn't know anything else. |||başka bir şey| We didn't know anything else.

We had a great family, great sports, was very quiet. |||||||||sakin biriydi We had a great family, great sports, was very quiet. 私たちには素晴らしい家族がいて、素晴らしいスポーツがあり、とても静かでした。

There was no crime, was clean. There was no crime, was clean. 犯罪はなく、きれいでした。

The only thing that I noticed being young, The only thing that I noticed being young, 若くして気付いた唯一のことは、

we were always hungry. we were always hungry.

Food was scarce and I didn't know why. ||limited in supply||||| ||Kıt||||| ||redka||||| Food was scarce and I didn't know why. La nourriture était rare et je ne savais pas pourquoi.

I didn't know why my parents didn't have enough food, I didn't know why my parents didn't have enough food,

but we were happy. but we were happy. pero estábamos contentos.

We were running around the neighborhoods, We were running around the neighborhoods, Corríamos por los barrios,

playing sports, hiking on the weekends, ||doğa yürüyüşü||| playing sports, hiking on the weekends, faire du sport, faire de la randonnée le week-end, スポーツをしたり、週末にハイキングをしたり、

and going to school, having a ton of different friends. and going to school, having a ton of different friends. e ir a la escuela, tener un montón de amigos diferentes. そして学校に通い、たくさんの友達ができました。

But every time, my dad who used to wake me up But every time, my dad who used to wake me up Pero cada vez, mi padre que solía despertarme

early in the morning at 4:30, 5, to go buy food. early in the morning at 4:30, 5, to go buy food.

That, to me, sounded really strange. |||kulağa geldi|| That, to me, sounded really strange. Eso, para mí, sonaba muy extraño. Cela m'a semblé très étrange.

Why we have to get food so early? Why we have to get food so early? ¿Por qué tenemos que comer tan temprano?

I realized that afternoons, I realized that afternoons, Me di cuenta de que las tardes,

when we go to the same store, there's no food left. when we go to the same store, there's no food left. cuando vamos a la misma tienda, no queda comida. quand nous allons dans le même magasin, il n'y a plus rien à manger.

I would watch my dad just give me his ration of food, |||||||||payı|| I would watch my dad just give me his ration of food, Veía a mi padre darme su ración de comida, Je regardais mon père me donner sa ration de nourriture,

his cup of water or tea, steak we had once a week, his cup of water or tea, steak we had once a week, su vaso de agua o té, filete que tomábamos una vez a la semana,

to me because he knew I was growing, to me and my brother. to me because he knew I was growing, to me and my brother. a mí porque sabía que estaba creciendo, a mí y a mi hermano.

That was really strange. That was really strange. Eso fue realmente extraño. それは本当に奇妙でした。

What I remember too, growing up, What I remember too, growing up, Apa yang saya ingat juga, saat saya tumbuh dewasa,

that it was one way of thinking. that it was one way of thinking. que era una forma de pensar. bahwa itu adalah salah satu cara berpikir.

The government, we're owned by the government, The government, we're owned by the government, Le gouvernement, nous sommes la propriété du gouvernement, 政府、私たちは政府によって所有されています。 政府,我们是政府所有的,

as I realized earlier when I was a teenager as I realized earlier when I was a teenager

was that there was one way of thinking. was that there was one way of thinking. era que había una forma de pensar.

One way of doing things. One way of doing things. Una forma de hacer las cosas.

The government or the city council The government or the city council

told you exactly how to think, told you exactly how to think, 考え方を的確に教えてくれた、

how to behave, how to smile, how to behave, how to smile,

what music to listen, what TV channel to watch, what music to listen, what TV channel to watch, どの音楽を聴くか、どのテレビチャンネルを見るか、

and how to react at school too, and how to react at school too,

for different types of news. for different types of news.

That was very isolating. That was very isolating.

The ceiling was really low. The ceiling was really low. Le plafond était très bas.

There's no thought process to innovate, |||||create new ideas |||||yenilik yapmak There's no thought process to innovate, Il n'y a pas de processus de réflexion pour innover, 革新するための思考プロセスはありません。

of create, or wanted to be the best, of create, or wanted to be the best, de crear, o quería ser el mejor,

because if you went against the government rules, because if you went against the government rules, porque si ibas en contra de las reglas del gobierno, 政府の規則に反した場合、

then you'd be thrown in jail, |||||prison then you'd be thrown in jail, entonces te meterían en la cárcel, そうすれば刑務所に入れられる

or your parents would go to jail. or your parents would go to jail.

It was very surreal to not have dreams. |||sanjarsko|||| It was very surreal to not have dreams. C'était très surréaliste de ne pas avoir de rêves. Rasanya sangat tidak nyata untuk tidak memiliki mimpi. 夢がないというのはとても非現実的でした。 没有梦想是非常超现实的。

Growing up, we had no toys, no cartoons. Growing up, we had no toys, no cartoons. Cuando éramos pequeños, no teníamos juguetes ni dibujos animados.

We had one TV channel, one music channel. We had one TV channel, one music channel. Teníamos un canal de televisión, un canal de música.

Everything was made in Albania, Everything was made in Albania, Todo se fabricaba en Albania,

from Albanians, by Albanians, from Albanians, by Albanians,

didn't know the outside world at all. didn't know the outside world at all. no conocía el mundo exterior en absoluto. 外の世界を全く知らなかった。

We had one pair of shoes, one outfit a year |||||||kıyafet|| We had one pair of shoes, one outfit a year Teníamos un par de zapatos, un conjunto al año 1年に1足の靴、1着の服を持っていた 我们一年有一双鞋、一套衣服

that the government give us or my parents would buy. that the government give us or my parents would buy. que nos daba el gobierno o compraban mis padres. 政府が私たちに与えるか、私の両親が買うでしょう。

That's all we know. That's all we know. Eso es todo lo que sabemos.

There's no shoes to go out in the snow. There's no shoes to go out in the snow. No hay zapatos para salir a la nieve.

Where I grew up was big snow, kind of cold weather. Where I grew up was big snow, kind of cold weather. Donde yo crecí nevaba mucho, hacía frío. 私が育った場所は大雪で、寒い気候でした。

I remember every night I'd come back home I remember every night I'd come back home

from practice or school, from practice or school,

I was just soaking wet from socks and shoes |||soaking||||| |||sırılsıklam||||| I was just soaking wet from socks and shoes Saya basah kuyup karena kaus kaki dan sepatu 我的袜子和鞋子都湿透了

to everything else. to everything else.

We'd dry them and wear them again the next day. We'd dry them and wear them again the next day.

It was just harsh. |||severe |||Çok sertti. |||ostro It was just harsh. Itu sangat keras. ただ厳しかったです。

It was very hard growing up. It was very hard growing up.

- What was it like when you finally - What was it like when you finally -最終的にはどうでしたか

got out from under that, got out from under that, その下から抜け出し、

and you start to have dreams, and you start to have dreams, そしてあなたは夢を見始め、

and you start to think like, and you start to think like, そしてあなたは次のように考え始めます

whoa, my life could be more than this? whoa, my life could be more than this? おっと、私の人生はこれ以上になる可能性がありますか?

Was there a moment where you were like, Was there a moment where you were like, Y a-t-il eu un moment où vous vous êtes dit, あなたが好きだった瞬間はありましたか?

wait a second, I can do whatever I want? wait a second, I can do whatever I want? ちょっと待って、やりたいことは何でもできる?

- But I didn't know how. - But I didn't know how. - でも、方法がわかりませんでした。

I didn't know what the world meant. I didn't know what the world meant. 世界の意味が分からなかった。

The world was a chaos for me. The world was a chaos for me. 世界は私にとってカオスでした。

As a young kid, people with guns, people getting shot, As a young kid, people with guns, people getting shot, 幼い頃、銃を持った人、撃たれた人、

my friends getting stabbed in front of me, |||attacked with knife|||| my friends getting stabbed in front of me, mes amis se font poignarder devant moi, 友達が目の前で刺されたり、

people getting killed. people getting killed.

We have a coffee or talk in a coffee shop, We have a coffee or talk in a coffee shop, Nous prenons un café ou discutons dans un café,

people would just drive by and shoot. people would just drive by and shoot. les gens passaient en voiture et tiraient. 人々はただ車で通り過ぎて撃ちます。

Not because they hated each other, Not because they hated each other, お互いが嫌いだったからではなく、

it was just people were wild. it was just people were wild. c'est juste que les gens étaient sauvages. 人々がワイルドだっただけです。

They didn't know what to do, how to react. They didn't know what to do, how to react. 彼らは何をすべきか、どのように反応するかを知りませんでした。

Their brain couldn't take it. Their brain couldn't take it. 彼らの脳はそれを受け入れることができませんでした。

Their mindset was completely off. Their mindset was completely off. 彼らの考え方は完全に外れていました。 他们的心态完全偏离了。

- I find that super interesting, - I find that super interesting, - とても面白いと思います。

especially because you then go to the U.S., özellikle çünkü|||||||| especially because you then go to the U.S., 特にその後アメリカに行くので、

and your first reaction isn't oh my God, this is amazing. and your first reaction isn't oh my God, this is amazing. et votre première réaction n'est pas "oh mon Dieu, c'est incroyable". そして、あなたの最初の反応はなんてこった、これは素晴らしいです。

You're like, "I hate this." You're like, "I hate this." Tu te dis : "Je déteste ça." あなたは「私はこれが嫌いです」のようなものです。

Help us understand. Help us understand. 理解するのを手伝ってください。

What do you go through mentally, What do you go through mentally, Qu'est-ce que vous vivez mentalement ? 精神的にどうなるか、

cause I think this'll reveal the ||||ortaya çıkaracak| cause I think this'll reveal the porque creo que esto revelará el これにより 因为我认为这会揭示

way that the human mind works, way that the human mind works, forma en que funciona la mente humana, 人間の心の働き方、 人类思维的运作方式,

the hunger for the familiar, |alışılmış olana açlık||| the hunger for the familiar, 对熟悉事物的渴望,

the not knowing what to do when the not knowing what to do when le fait de ne pas savoir quoi faire quand いつ何をするかわからない

you have intense pressure and then no pressure. ||yoğun||||| you have intense pressure and then no pressure. あなたは強いプレッシャーを感じていますが、プレッシャーはありません。 你有很大的压力,然后没有压力。

You come to America and then what? You come to America and then what?

What are you going through mentally? What are you going through mentally? あなたは精神的に何を経験していますか? 你在精神上经历了什么?

- The first month, people helped out. - The first month, people helped out. - 最初の 1 か月は、人々が助けてくれました。 - 第一个月,人们提供了帮助。

The church, the cousins give us clothes, a house. The church, the cousins give us clothes, a house. 教会やいとこたちは私たちに服や家を与えてくれます。

I was sleeping with my parents in one room. I was sleeping with my parents in one room.

After the first month, my cousin, After the first month, my cousin,

with a beautiful Oldsmobile comes in, |||car|| with a beautiful Oldsmobile comes in,

is like, "Are you happy? is like, "Are you happy?

"Are you good?" "Are you good?"

It's like, "My God, I love America. It's like, "My God, I love America.

"My family's, this is awesome." "My family's, this is awesome."

He said, "Okay, well tomorrow you're gonna work." He said, "Okay, well tomorrow you're gonna work." 彼は「よし、明日は仕事だ」と言った。

I'm like, "Work, why?" I'm like, "Work, why?" 私は「仕事、なぜ?」のようなものです。

He's like, "Who's gonna pay for this?" He's like, "Who's gonna pay for this?" 彼は、「誰がこれを支払うつもりですか?」のようなものです。

"Well, you." "Well, you." 「まあ、あなた」

I'm like, "You have a nice house. I'm like, "You have a nice house. 私は「あなたは素敵な家を持っています。

"You have a nice car. "You have a nice car.

"Why am I supposed to work? |||çalışmam gerekiyor|| "Why am I supposed to work? 「なんで私が働かなきゃいけないの?

"I'm 17, I want to play volleyball." "I'm 17, I want to play volleyball." 「私は17歳です。バレーボールをしたいです。」

He laughed at me. He laughed at me.

He said, "Welcome to America, son. He said, "Welcome to America, son. 彼は言った、「アメリカへようこそ、息子よ。

"You gotta work and pay for your stuff." |||||||eşyalarınız için "You gotta work and pay for your stuff." "Tu dois travailler et payer pour tes affaires." 「あなたは働いて、あなたのもののためにお金を払わなければなりません。」 “你必须工作并支付你的东西。”

That changed my life forever, That changed my life forever,

because from that moment on until now, because from that moment on until now, なぜなら、その瞬間から今まで、

that sentence that has kept me alive. that sentence that has kept me alive. 私を生かしてくれたあの言葉。

The true capitalism. The true capitalism.

The pure capitalism. |Saf| The pure capitalism.

You get up, you work, and you pay for your own stuff. You get up, you work, and you pay for your own stuff. あなたは起きて、働き、自分のものの代金を払います。

- You said in Communism you didn't have mindset. - You said in Communism you didn't have mindset.

What do you mean by mindset? What do you mean by mindset?

- Mindset to think, mindset to get better, - Mindset to think, mindset to get better,

to be the best, to dream, to work hard. to be the best, to dream, to work hard. 最高になること、夢を見ること、一生懸命働くこと。

It was pure Communism. It was pure Communism.

You work seven hours. You work seven hours.

You get a set amount of money. You get a set amount of money. 一定額のお金がもらえます。

The government tells you this is your apartment The government tells you this is your apartment

for the next 50 years 'til you die. ||||until|| for the next 50 years 'til you die. 死ぬまであと50年。

You get a pension, you die. |||emekli maaşı|| You get a pension, you die. 年金をもらって、死ぬ。

- You've come to America, - You've come to America,

you end up doing extraordinarily well. ||||olağanüstü derecede| ||||izjemno| you end up doing extraordinarily well. あなたは非常にうまくやってしまいます。

What is the mindset that you begin to build |||zihniyet||||| What is the mindset that you begin to build あなたが構築し始める考え方は何ですか

that allows you to have that kind of extraordinary success? that allows you to have that kind of extraordinary success? そのような並外れた成功を収めることができますか?

- Once I saw you, right, - Once I saw you, right, -一度あなたを見たら、そうです、

let's say I saw Tom having a nice car, let's say I saw Tom having a nice car, トムが素敵な車を持っているのを見たとしましょう。

or seeing all these kids have cars or seeing all these kids have cars またはこれらすべての子供たちが車を持っているのを見る

and a girlfriend, and flowers, and prom. ||||||prom ||||||balo gecesi and a girlfriend, and flowers, and prom. et une petite amie, et des fleurs, et un bal de promo. そしてガールフレンド、そして花、そしてプロム。

I'm like, wait a second, why you have that and I don't? I'm like, wait a second, why you have that and I don't? ちょっと待って、なぜあなたはそれを持っていて、私は持っていないのですか?

I start asking this question to these people I start asking this question to these people

and I realize how the process was. and I realize how the process was. そして、私はそのプロセスがどのようであったかを理解しています。

I start learning the American mindset. I start learning the American mindset.

That's when I started detaching myself ||||disconnecting| ||||kopmaya başlamak| That's when I started detaching myself それが私が自分自身を切り離し始めたときです 从那时起我就开始抽离自己

from being Albanian to becoming American. from being Albanian to becoming American. アルバニア人からアメリカ人になるまで。

I made a pact with myself. |||Kendime söz verdim.|| I made a pact with myself. Saya membuat perjanjian dengan diri saya sendiri. 私は自分自身と協定を結びました。 我和自己做了一个约定。

I say, if I want to be successful in America, I say, if I want to be successful in America, アメリカで成功したいなら、

I got to be American. I got to be American.

Keep my tradition at home, but once I step out of the house, Sürdürmek|||||||||||| Keep my tradition at home, but once I step out of the house, 家では伝統を守りますが、家を出ると、

I want to learn everything. I want to learn everything. すべてを学びたい。

How to speak, how to act, how to behave, How to speak, how to act, how to behave,

how to have a girlfriend, how to work better, how to have a girlfriend, how to work better,

more effective like I do. more effective like I do. 私のようにより効果的です。 像我一样更有效。

My third job was a waiter at the My third job was a waiter at the

Greek restaurant in Edick. Greek restaurant in Edick.

All of the sudden, I'm making |||Birdenbire|| All of the sudden, I'm making

thousands of dollars a month thousands of dollars a month 月に数千ドル

because I was working three jobs. because I was working three jobs.

I'm like, is this real? I'm like, is this real? 私は、これは本当ですか?

Do I belong here? Do I belong here? 私はここに属していますか?

Am I American? Am I American? 私はアメリカ人ですか?

Not yet, but I was on the road to become American. Not yet, but I was on the road to become American. まだではありませんが、私はアメリカ人になる道を歩んでいました。

- How did you deal with that self doubt? |||başa çıkmak||||öz şüphesi - How did you deal with that self doubt? - Comment avez-vous géré vos doutes ? - その自己疑いにどのように対処しましたか?

That's something that we'll get to again それは私たちが再び手に入れるものです

when we talk about your injuries,

but how do you deal with self doubt, |||||||öz şüphesiyle başa çıkmak しかし、あなたはどのように自己疑いに対処しますか?

of asking yourself do I belong? 私は所属しているのか?

Am I as good as these people? 私はこれらの人々と同じくらい良いですか?

How do you overcome that? |||nasıl üstesinden gelirsin| それをどのように克服しますか?

- In my opinion, you overcome it by work. ||||üstesinden gelmek||| -私の意見では、あなたは仕事でそれを克服しています。

Hard work and honor. 勤勉と名誉。

I wanted to be successful. 私は成功したかった。

Self doubt is very dark places. 自己疑いは非常に暗い場所です。

At night, when I was young kid, 幼い頃の夜、

there in Greece or Albania or Boston, ギリシャでもアルバニアでもボストンでも

you always doubt yourself. あなたはいつも自分自身を疑っています。

Even in the Olympics, you always doubt yourself. オリンピックでも常に自分を疑う。

Am I supposed to be here? 私はここにいるべきですか?

The next morning I'll get up and say, 翌朝、私は起きてこう言います。

"You know what? "あのね?

"This week I made x amount of dollars, "Esta semana he ganado x cantidad de dólares, 「今週、私は x ドルを稼ぎました。

"I want to make more because I want this." 「これが欲しいからもっと作りたい」

I wanted to prove myself. Je voulais faire mes preuves. 私は自分自身を証明したかった。

Those people that are making fun of me, 私をからかっているあの人たち、

those people that cut me, 私を傷つけた人々、

those people that told me I would never make it, esas personas que me dijeron que nunca lo lograría, 絶対にうまくいかないって言ってた人たち、

I'll use that and get up in the morning これ使って朝起きます

and outwork everybody else around me. |work harder than|||| |herkesten fazla çalışmak|||| et de surpasser tous ceux qui m'entourent. dan mengungguli semua orang di sekitar saya. そして私の周りの他の誰よりも優れています。

Once I saw the opportunities,

I said there's no way you're going to beat me. 私はあなたが私を倒すつもりはないと言いました。

You might be better than me now, あなたは今、私よりも優れているかもしれません。

but I'll just pure outwork. ||||daha çok çalışmak mais je me contenterai d'une pure surenchère. tapi saya hanya akan melakukan pekerjaan murni. しかし、私は純粋にアウトワークします。 但我只会纯粹的户外工作。

Pure get up and outwork you, 純粋に起きて、あなたをしのぐ、

day in and day out. hari demi hari. 来る日も来る日も。

One of my dad's teammates had gone to Greece ||||takım arkadaşları|||| L'un des coéquipiers de mon père était parti en Grèce 父のチームメイトの一人がギリシャに行っていた

and sent letters. と手紙を送った。

Back then, we just had handwritten letters. Saat itu, kami hanya memiliki surat yang ditulis tangan. 当時は手書きの手紙しかありませんでした。

And said, this is one opportunity out for your son. そして言った、これはあなたの息子のための 1 つの機会です。 并说,这是给你儿子的一个机会。

Bring him to Saloniki, Greece, which was near my city. 彼を私の街の近くにあるギリシャのサロニキに連れて行ってください。 带他去希腊萨洛尼基,那里离我的城市很近。

By car was 12 hours, I think, or 14 hours. 車だと12時間か14時間だったと思います。

My dad searched around and some of our friends お父さんと友達の何人かを探し回った 我爸爸和我们的一些朋友四处寻找

usually do this business, 通常はこのビジネスを行いますが、 平时做这个生意,

bring people over the mountain for jobs bring people over the mountain for jobs 仕事のために山を越えて人を連れてくる 带领人们翻山越岭找工作

and criminal activities, whatever you call it. |suçlu||her ne derseniz||| and criminal activities, whatever you call it. あなたがそれを何と呼ぶにせよ、犯罪行為。 以及犯罪活动,无论你怎么称呼它。

He said, "Son, this is it. 彼は言った、「息子よ、これだ。

"We have no future here, there's nothing. 「ここには未来はない、何もない。

"There's no money. 「お金がない。

"There's no rule of law. 「法の支配はない。

"There's nothing." "何もありません。"

"I mean, what are you gonna do, play volleyball?" 「つまり、バレーボールをするつもりですか?」

Nobody was playing sports. 誰もスポーツをしていませんでした。

Said you gotta go. あなたは行かなければならないと言いました。

We had guns and people were chasing us. ||||||kovalamak| Nous étions armés et des gens nous poursuivaient. 私たちは銃を持っていて、人々は私たちを追いかけていました。

It took us, I don't know, we left at 6 p.m., 午後6時に出発しました

we got in at 7 a.m. I think, or 8 a.m. 私たちは午前7時か午前8時に着いたと思います

I don't remember the time, 時間は覚えていませんが、

but was when there was sun. しかし、太陽があったときでした。

As we go over the mountains 山を越えると

and we see this black Mercedes. この黒いメルセデスが見えます。

It was a beautiful Mercedes, which was crazy. クレイジーな美しいメルセデスだった。

This massive, big Mercedes. This||| |Bu devasa, büyük Mercedes.|| この巨大で大きなメルセデス。

I do the math and I look around. I do the math and I look around. Je fais le calcul et je regarde autour de moi. 私は計算を行い、周りを見回します。 我做数学并环顾四周。

I'm like, holy crap, we got 12 people. |||Kahretsin||| I'm like, holy crap, we got 12 people. なんてこった、12人いる。 我想,天哪,我们有 12 个人。

Where they gonna fit? 彼らはどこに収まりますか? 他们要放在哪里?

My body was, my hey you was like, 私の体は、あなたが好きだった、

go first so you go in first in the car. 最初に行くので、車に最初に乗ります。