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Impact Theory, The Power of Vulnerability | Kerri Walsh Jennings

The Power of Vulnerability | Kerri Walsh Jennings

- If I'm doing something, I'm doing it to win it,

whatever winning it means, and to me,

I'm not going for silver.

Like, I'm not going for bronze.

I'm not going for fifth.

I'm not going for the experience.

I'm doing it for the growth along the way, absolutely,

because I love growing as a human being.

If I fell short, it's not gonna be a failure.

(audience cheers and applauds)

- Hey everybody, welcome to Impact Theory.

You're here, my friends, because you believe

that human potential is nearly limitless,

but you know that having potential's not the same

as actually doing something with it, so our goal

with this show and company is to introduce you

to the people and ideas that will help you

actually execute on your dreams.

All right, today's guest is arguably the greatest

beach volleyball player the world has ever seen.

Together with her longtime partner, Misty May-Treanor,

they absolutely dominated the sport for more than a decade,

winning 21 consecutive Olympic matches

and three back-to-back gold medals, losing only

a single set in their entire 11-year run as teammates.

She is one of only two people ever to be a four-time

all-American volleyball player, and she has

an Olympic bronze medal to go with her three golds,

making her the single most decorated

female Olympic beach volleyball player ever.

Not bad considering she's played injured and even pregnant.

Her work ethic, unending drive, and raw horsepower

have made her not only a fan favorite, but someone

who has literally transcended the sport.

She's been sponsored by some of the biggest

and most well-respected companies on the planet,

including Lululemon, Pampers, and The Honest Company

to name but a few, and she's become a household name,

not only for her unprecedented string of victories,

but for her infectious positive attitude,

grace in defeat, and unyielding determination.

Even now as she's about to turn 40, she continues

to push the limits of both herself and her sport

and is preparing to make a run at an astonishing

sixth Olympic appearance as we head

towards the 2020 games in Tokyo.

Absolutely consumed by a desire to get better every day

despite six surgeries on her shoulder and having appeared

in her first Olympics before many of her fellow competitors

were even born, she continues to be

one of the most elite athletes on the beach today.

And even though she hasn't even retired yet,

she recently launched a platform and movement

called P1440 that is poised to revolutionize

the entire sport of beach volleyball.

So, please, help me in welcoming the Stanford grad,

mother of three, and one of the greatest athletes of our

generation, regardless of the sport, Kerri Walsh Jennings.

(audience applauds)

- Oh my goodness.

You make me wanna go work out.

- That's the perfect reaction to that.

- Oh, jeez, put me in, coach.

I'm ready.

- That is exactly it.

- Man, life is so good.

That's a lot.

- Wow, that's a, that is a lot,

and it was leaving things out, and I love that response.

And I've seen you talk about that before, where it's like,

you'll hear something in an interview,

something that you did,

and be like, that makes me wanna go push harder and do more.

Where does that drive come from?

- Man, well, I feel like I'm kind of preaching

to the choir here with, you know, self motivation,

and this intrinsic motivation that I have

to experience my potential and keep, you know, up in that.

I just love what I do, and I love life,

and I feel like my life is so damn simple

with regard to what I want.

You know, I want great relationships.

I wanna kick ass in my career, and I wanna stay connected

to my faith, and within those three simple things,

like, I live this really profound life,

and I don't want it to stop.

Like, I don't care the obstacle.

Like, I've had a lot of obstacles.

I've made many more great moments than obstacles,

but I'm just fucking hungry for more,

'cause I keep growing, you know?

- You've walked about finding your joy.

So, how did you do that, 'cause a lot of,

like, one of the number one questions I get asked

is how to find that, how to find happiness,

how to find passion.

So how did you create that,

find that, whatever the case may be?

- I was born with it.

I was certainly born with joy.

It was bred into me by my parents,

and I grew up in the most loving, unconditionally loving

environment and supportive environment possible, truly.

My parents are rock stars.

I have four siblings who are incredible,

a million cousins and aunts, and I was just always taught,

like, and shown that life is meant to be lived with joy.

You know, when you're doing something,

what's the point of doing it of A, you're not going to win,

and B, you're not going to have fun, you know?

And so I just feel like it's a bit of nurture

and it's a bit of nature, and I keep creating

and finding these environments where that's a constant.

- So it's one thing to know it.

It's another thing to actually cultivate it

and create it in your life.

In fact, I have a quote from you,

my weaknesses were exposed, and it's a gift.

And I thought, wow, that's like,

I get it when you say that you were born into joy

and that your family obviously did a lot

to make sure that they helped you bring that out,

but that, that goes beyond just like, life is good

and goes to like, a really intense and, it seems,

cultivated mindset.

So what's been your process to get to the point

where you can actually say the sentence in all seriousness,

my weaknesses were exposed, and that's a gift?

- You know, I, I feel things very deeply,

and, like, my experience is I don't necessarily

think really deeply about experiences,

but I fucking feel them.

And I know that through every experience,

whether it's good and I'm triumphant or bad and I'm exposed,

there's opportunity in every single thing, no matter

what the face of it is, you know, defeat or victory.

And I've had just, my life, I've lived a lot of contrast,

and by contrast, that means obstacles,

that means injuries, that means failures,

that means, you know, I have heartbreak.

And within that, having lived it truly

and like letting myself feel exposed and vulnerable

and letting myself learn and be devastated,

I've learned that there's fucking positives,

and it fortifies you for whatever's next.

And there's always something that's next.

You know, I'm never gonna get to a place and be like,

I'm here, I'm done, you know, let's call it quits.

Like, I'm in it for the long haul,

and I don't care, I'm gonna be 90 years old

on my way to heaven still learning,

because that, to me, is what life is about.

And so, when I say that my weaknesses were exposed

and there's strength in it, it's,

I believe in it with all my heart, you know?

Like, when there's a highlight on you

and it's the softest part of you and you therefore

have to look at it and either train it better

or figure out why it's weak or whatever it is,

if you take advantage of that,

that's a beautiful, powerful thing, you know?

- I really agree with that, and I don't know

if you follow MMA at all, and I cannot believe

I'm blanking on her name right now,

but she was crazy dominant.

She had the arm bar.

Like, she could just arm bar anybody to death.

- Ninja?

- Basically.

And she was undefeated, forever, ever, ever,

and it was just amazing.

And then she lost in a spectacular fashion,

came back, and then lost again,

and then just disappeared.

And everybody's like, she's never gonna come back from this.

And, I don't know enough about the situation

to like give a detailed account, but from the outside,

judging by what she said in interviews, it was

an unwillingness to face that it was entirely her fault.

- Yeah.

- That she just, there were skills that she never

took the time to develop, to actually get good at.

So, knowing that, I think that's a far more typical way,

like, looking at the amount that you won, the fact

that you lost one set, one set in 11 years, is so crazy.

- Man, Austrian sisters.

That pisses me off.

(both laugh)

- But like, that string of success does not set you up

to handle failure well, and yet, in failure,

you've been astonishing.

Like, I know you deal with sports psychology a lot.

- Mmhmm.

- Like, what, how can you pass that

onto anybody watching right now?

Like, what's that, how did you process the failure?

- I think it's just accountability and ownership

of your part in any situation that is a failure.

You know, myself on the court, I'm there to perform.

I'm there to, you know,

elevate my partner's play and our team play.

And if I'm failing, then am I gonna blame her?

Am I gonna blame the sun in my eyes?

Like, then I'm a victim, and then I have no power.

Same thing with relationships.

You know, right before you came on here,

I was telling you about my husband.

We just got in a fight,

and I always wanna take accountability of my shit,

you know, and am I allowed to cuss?

I'm so sorry.

- Go crazy, go as crazy...

- The role model in me is like, stop saying it.

- We had David Goggins on here.

It's like, yeah, go nuts.

- You did.

I was just saying, I can't wait to hear you guys together.

Was that fucking explosive?

- Oh, he is amazing.

It was.

He, he is unreal.

- I bet, he is unreal.

- But he swears a lot, so you're all right.

- I know, but there's something so pure and true about it.

- [Tom] I'll give you that.

- And I don't mean to sound, you know, unintelligent

and ridiculous.

- That actually sounds really interesting,

and I don't wanna derail you from your point,

but I will say that that you saying there's something

pure and real, like, that's a part of your personality

hopefully we can really explore in this interview,

'cause I find it fascinating.

So I think of, and now I really am

derailing you from your point.

- Please, 'cause I lost it already.

(both laugh)

- I think of the mind as like a pachinko machine.

Have you ever seen those things, you drop a ball or whatever

and it bounces around.

So you start with a negative idea, whatever that's gonna be,

and then you create all these points of positivity

that that negative thing bounces around,

and then by the end, it's turned into a positive thought.

Another way to think of it is mental jiu jitsu.

- Okay.

- So I've seen now so many interviews on you,

and I've seen you, one of the most fascinating things

is to watch your talk about getting the bronze evolve

and how you talked about it in the beginning

versus how you talk about it now,

which is pretty interesting.

- Yeah, I'm still working through it.

- And I, and I get that.

And the ability to be vulnerable and to always be looking

for the positive in something seems incredibly wise.

Is that intentional for you?

- Man, no, I think it's how I'm wired.

I think it's how I'm wired, to see the positive

in any situation, and I think I've learned the hard way

that focusing in the negative is gonna keep you there.

You know, I'm a really big believer

in the law of attraction, you know, what you focus on

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The Power of Vulnerability | Kerri Walsh Jennings ||||Kerri Walsh Jennings|Volšas|Dženings The||||Kerri|Walsh Jennings|Jennings ||||كيري والش جينينغز|والش|جينينغز |||脆弱さの力||| |||vulnerabilidad|Kerri Walsh Jennings|Walsh Jennings| Síla zranitelnosti | Kerri Walsh Jenningsová Die Macht der Verwundbarkeit | Kerri Walsh Jennings The Power of Vulnerability | Kerri Walsh Jennings El poder de la vulnerabilidad | Kerri Walsh Jennings Le pouvoir de la vulnérabilité | Kerri Walsh Jennings Il potere della vulnerabilità | Kerri Walsh Jennings ヴァルネラビリティの力|ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングス 취약성의 힘 | Kerri Walsh Jennings Siła wrażliwości | Kerri Walsh Jennings O poder da vulnerabilidade | Kerri Walsh Jennings Сила уязвимости | Керри Уолш Дженнингс Moč ranljivosti | Kerri Walsh Jennings Sårbarhetens kraft | Kerri Walsh Jennings Kırılganlığın Gücü | Kerri Walsh Jennings Сила вразливості | Керрі Волш Дженнінгс 漏洞的力量 |克里·沃尔什·詹宁斯 脆弱的力量 | Kerri Walsh Jennings 脆弱的力量|凱莉·沃爾什·詹寧斯

- If I'm doing something, I'm doing it to win it, - إذا كنت أفعل شيئًا ، فأنا أفعله للفوز به ، - Když něco dělám, dělám to proto, abych to vyhrál, - If I'm doing something, I'm doing it to win it, - Si estoy haciendo algo, lo estoy haciendo para ganarlo, - 私が何かをしているのなら、それを勝ち取るためにやっているのです。 note 1 - Se estou fazendo algo, estou fazendo para ganhar, - Якщо я щось роблю, я роблю це, щоб виграти це, - 如果我在做某事,我就是为了赢得它, - 如果我在做某事,我就是為了贏得它,

whatever winning it means, and to me, مهما كان معنى الفوز ، وبالنسبة لي ، ať už to vítězství znamená cokoliv, a pro mě was auch immer es bedeutet zu gewinnen, und für mich whatever winning it means, and to me, lo que sea que signifique ganar, y para mí, 勝利が何を意味するにせよ、私にとっては、 note 2 seja o que for que significa ganhar, e para mim, Что бы ни значила победа, и для меня, що б це не означала перемога, і для мене, 无论获胜意味着什么,对我来说, 無論獲勝意味著什麼,對我來說,

I'm not going for silver. ||||second place أنا لا أذهب للفضة. Nejdu pro stříbro. No voy por la plata. Je ne vais pas chercher l'argent. 私は銀のために行くつもりはありません。 note 3 Eu não estou indo para a prata. Я не йду на срібло. 我不是要白銀。

Like, I'm not going for bronze. |||||bronze |||||bronce Como, no voy por el bronce. 同様に、私はブロンズに行くつもりはありません。 note 4 Tipo, eu não estou indo para o bronze. Мовляв, я не йду на бронзу. 就像,我不想要青銅。

I'm not going for fifth. ||||fifth No voy por el quinto. 私は5番目には行きません。 Eu não vou para o quinto. Я не йду на п'ятий. 我不会去第五。

I'm not going for the experience. No voy por la experiencia. 体験には行きません。 我不是為了體驗。

I'm doing it for the growth along the way, absolutely, |||||||||for sure Dělám to pro růst na cestě, absolutně, Ich mache es für das Wachstum auf dem Weg, absolut, I'm doing it for the growth along the way, absolutely, Lo estoy haciendo por el crecimiento en el camino, absolutamente, Je le fais pour m'épanouir en cours de route, absolument, Saya melakukannya untuk pertumbuhan di sepanjang jalan, tentu saja, 途中の成長のためにやっている、絶対に、 Estou fazendo isso para o crescimento ao longo do caminho, absolutamente, 我這樣做是為了一路上的成長,絕對,

because I love growing as a human being. |||developing|||| protože miluji růst jako lidská bytost. weil ich es liebe, als Mensch zu wachsen. because I love growing as a human being. porque me encanta crecer como ser humano. 人間として成長するのが好きだからです。 porque eu amo crescer como ser humano. Çünkü bir insan olarak büyümeyi seviyorum. 因為我喜歡作為一個人成長。

If I fell short, it's not gonna be a failure. ||fell|failed to meet|||||| Kdybych selhal, nebude to selhání. Wenn ich zu kurz komme, wird es kein Misserfolg sein. If I fell short, it's not gonna be a failure. Si me quedo corto, no va a ser un fracaso. Si je n'ai pas été à la hauteur, ce ne sera pas un échec. 失敗しても失敗にはなりません。 Jeśli mi się nie uda, to nie będzie porażka. Se eu falhar, não será um fracasso. 如果我失败了,那不会是失败的。 如果我失敗了,那不會是失敗的。

(audience cheers and applauds) |||claps |||aplaude (publikum jásá a tleská) (Publikum jubelt und applaudiert) (o público aplaude e aplaude) (občinstvo ploska)

- Hey everybody, welcome to Impact Theory. - Ahoj všichni, vítejte v Impact Theory. - Hallo zusammen, willkommen bei Impact Theory. - 皆さん、Impact Theory へようこそ。 - Olá a todos, bem-vindos à Teoria do Impacto. - Pozdravljeni v oddaji Teorija udarca.

You're here, my friends, because you believe Ihr seid hier, meine Freunde, weil ihr glaubt あなたがここにいるのは、あなたが信じているからです。 Vocês estão aqui, meus amigos, porque acreditam Buradasınız, dostlarım, çünkü inanıyorsunuz

that human potential is nearly limitless, ||||almost| ||||ほぼ| že lidský potenciál je téměř neomezený, that human potential is nearly limitless, que el potencial humano es casi ilimitado, 人間の可能性はほぼ無限であり、 que o potencial humano é quase ilimitado, da je človeški potencial skoraj neomejen,

but you know that having potential's not the same ale víte, že mít potenciál není totéž pero sabes que tener potencial no es lo mismo しかし、可能性を秘めていることは同じではないことを知っています mas você sabe que ter potencial não é o mesmo ama biliyorsun ki potansiyel sahibi olmak aynı şey değil 但你知道有潛力是不一樣的

as actually doing something with it, so our goal ||||with|||| jako vlastně s tím něco dělat, tak náš cíl 実際にそれを使って何かをしているので、私たちの目標 como realmente fazer algo com ele, então nosso objetivo 因為實際上用它做了一些事情,所以我們的目標

with this show and company is to introduce you ||||company|||| s touto show a společností je vám představit このショーと会社であなたを紹介します com este show e empresa é apresentá-lo 用這個節目和公司來介紹你

to the people and ideas that will help you lidem a nápadům, které vám pomohou あなたを助けてくれる人々やアイデアに para as pessoas e ideias que irão ajudá-lo

actually execute on your dreams. |realiza||| |to execute||| skutečně splnit své sny. 実際にあなたの夢を実行します。 faktycznie realizować swoje marzenia. realmente execute seus sonhos.

All right, today's guest is arguably the greatest |||||possibly||greatest |わかりました|||||| |||||posiblemente|| All right, today's guest is arguable the greatest Muy bien, el invitado de hoy es discutible el mejor よし、今日のゲストは間違いなく最高だ Tudo bem, o convidado de hoje é indiscutivelmente o maior Pekala, bugünün konuğu tartışmasız en büyük 好吧,今天的客人可以說是最偉大的

beach volleyball player the world has ever seen. |beach volleyball|||||| jugador de voleibol de playa que el mundo haya visto jamás. 世界が認めたビーチバレー選手。 jogador de vôlei de praia que o mundo já viu. dünyanın gördüğü en iyi plaj voleybolcusu. 世界上從未見過的沙灘排球運動員。

Together with her longtime partner, Misty May-Treanor, |||||Misti Mej-Treanor||Treanor |||long-term||||Treanor |||de mucho tiempo||Misty May-Tre||Treanor Junto con su pareja de toda la vida, Misty May-Treanor, 彼女の長年のパートナーであるミスティ・メイ・トレナーと共に、 Juntamente com sua parceira de longa data, Misty May-Treanor, Uzun süreli partneri Misty May-Treanor ile birlikte, 與她的長期合作夥伴 Misty May-Treanor 一起,

they absolutely dominated the sport for more than a decade, |||||||||ten years dominaron absolutamente el deporte durante más de una década, 彼らは10年以上にわたってこのスポーツを完全に支配してきました。 eles dominaram absolutamente o esporte por mais de uma década, več kot desetletje so absolutno dominirali v tem športu,

winning 21 consecutive Olympic matches |||games vyhrál 21 po sobě jdoucích olympijských zápasů winning 21 consecutive Olympic matches ganando 21 partidos olímpicos consecutivos オリンピック21連勝 vencendo 21 partidas olímpicas consecutivas 連續贏得21場奧運會比賽

and three back-to-back gold medals, losing only ||||||medallas|| a tři zlaté medaile zády k sobě, pouze prohrál and three back-to-back gold medals, losing only y tres medallas de oro consecutivas, perdiendo sólo と 3 つの連続した金メダル、負けたのは e três medalhas de ouro consecutivas, perdendo apenas 和三个背靠背的金牌,只输了 和三個背靠背的金牌,只輸了

a single set in their entire 11-year run as teammates. |||||||||teammates |||||||||compañeros de equipo jediný set za celý jejich 11letý běh jako týmoví kolegové. un solo set en toda su carrera de 11 años como compañeros de equipo. チームメイトとしての11年間の実行全体で1セット。 jeden set w całym ich 11-letnim biegu jako koledzy z drużyny. um único set em toda a sua corrida de 11 anos como companheiros de equipe. 作为队友,他们在整个 11 年的比赛中只打了一场。 作為隊友,他們在整個 11 年的比賽中只打了一場。

She is one of only two people ever to be a four-time Je jednou z pouhých dvou lidí, kteří kdy byli čtyřikrát Ella es una de las dos únicas personas en ser cuatro veces Elle est l'une des deux seules personnes à avoir obtenu quatre fois le titre de championne du monde. 彼女はこれまでに 4 度も出場した 2 人のうちの 1 人です。 Ela é uma das duas únicas pessoas a ser quatro vezes 她是僅有的兩個人中的一個,曾經四次

all-American volleyball player, and she has all-americký volejbalový hráč, a ona má jugadora de voleibol estadounidense, y ella tiene 全米バレーボール選手、そして彼女は jogadora de vôlei americana, e ela tem всеамериканська волейболістка, і вона має

an Olympic bronze medal to go with her three golds, |||medal||||||golds |||medalla||||||medallas de oro bronzová olympijská medaile k jejím třem zlatům, una medalla olímpica de bronce para acompañar sus tres oros, une médaille de bronze olympique en plus de ses trois médailles d'or, uma medalha olímpica de bronze para ir com seus três ouros, 一枚奧運銅牌和她的三枚金牌,

making her the single most decorated |||||most awarded |||||最も受賞した convirtiéndola en la soltera más condecorada 彼女を最も飾られたシングルにする tornando-a a solteira mais condecorada 使她成為最受裝飾的單身

female Olympic beach volleyball player ever. jugadora olímpica de voleibol de playa de todos los tiempos. 史上初の女子オリンピックビーチバレー選手。 jogadora olímpica de vôlei de praia de todos os tempos.

Not bad considering she's played injured and even pregnant. |||||hurt||| ||considering|||||| Není to špatné vzhledem k tomu, že hrála zraněná a dokonce těhotná. No está mal teniendo en cuenta que ha jugado lesionada e incluso embarazada. Nada mal, considerando que ela jogou lesionada e até grávida. 考虑到她受伤甚至怀孕,这还不错。 考慮到她受傷甚至懷孕,這還不錯。

Her work ethic, unending drive, and raw horsepower ||work ethic|endless|||pure|power ||仕事に対する姿勢|終わりなき|||生の|馬力 ||||||potencia bruta|potencia bruta |||||||power Její pracovní morálka, nekonečný tah a surová koňská síla Su ética de trabajo, impulso incesante y potencia bruta. Son éthique de travail, sa volonté inébranlable et sa puissance brute Sua ética de trabalho, direção sem fim e potência bruta 她的职业道德、永无止境的动力和原始的马力 她的職業道德、永無止境的動力和原始的馬力

have made her not only a fan favorite, but someone udělali z ní nejen oblíbence fanoušků, ale někoho la han convertido no solo en una de las favoritas de los fans, sino en alguien ont fait d'elle non seulement la favorite des fans, mais aussi quelqu'un d'autre. 彼女をファンのお気に入りにしただけでなく、 fizeram dela não apenas uma favorita dos fãs, mas alguém

who has literally transcended the sport. |||peržengė ribas|| |||surpassed the sport|| ||文字通り|スポーツを超越した|| |||trascendido|| který tento sport doslova překonal. who has literally transcended the sport. quien literalmente ha trascendido el deporte. 文字通りスポーツを超越した人。 que literalmente transcendeu o esporte. 誰真的超越了這項運動。

She's been sponsored by some of the biggest ||supported||||| Ha sido patrocinada por algunos de los más grandes Ela foi patrocinada por alguns dos maiores 她得到了一些最大的讚助

and most well-respected companies on the planet, |最も||最も尊敬される|||| y las empresas más respetadas del planeta, 和這個星球上最受尊敬的公司,

including Lululemon, Pampers, and The Honest Company |Lululemon||||| |Lululemon||||| ||Pampers|||| incluyendo Lululemon, Pampers y The Honest Company ルルレモン、パンパース、ザ オネスト カンパニーなど incluindo Lululemon, Pampers e The Honest Company 包括 Lululemon、Pampers 和 The Honest Company

to name but a few, and she's become a household name, |||||||turn into||| |||||||||nombre conocido| abychom jmenovali alespoň některé, a stala se z ní jméno domácnosti, to name but a few, and she's become a household name, por nombrar solo algunos, y se ha convertido en un nombre familiar, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, et elle est devenue célèbre, ほんの数例を挙げると、彼女は一般的な名前になりました。 by wymienić tylko kilka, a ona stała się powszechnie znana, para citar apenas alguns, e ela se tornou um nome familiar, 仅举几例,她已成为家喻户晓的名字, 僅舉幾例,她已成為家喻戶曉的名字,

not only for her unprecedented string of victories, |||||racha||victorias nejen pro její bezprecedentní řadu vítězství, not only for her unprecedented string of victories, no solo por su serie de victorias sin precedentes, 彼女の前例のない一連の勝利だけでなく、 nie tylko za bezprecedensowy ciąg zwycięstw, não apenas por sua série de vitórias sem precedentes, 不僅是因為她空前的一連串勝利,

but for her infectious positive attitude, |||伝染する|| |||infecciosa|| ale pro její nakažlivě pozitivní přístup, pero por su contagiosa actitud positiva, しかし、彼女の伝染性のある前向きな姿勢のために、 mas por sua atitude positiva contagiante, 但她富有感染力的積極態度,

grace in defeat, and unyielding determination. ||||nepalaužiama| ||loss or failure||unwavering| 敗北を受け入れる優雅さ||敗北||不屈の決意|不屈の決意 ||derrota||inflexible determinación| ||||unyielding| milost v porážce a neústupné odhodlání. grace in defeat, and unyielding determination. gracia en la derrota y determinación inquebrantable. la grâce dans la défaite et une détermination sans faille. 敗北の優雅さと揺るぎない決意。 graça na derrota e determinação inflexível. 失敗中的優雅,和不屈的決心。

Even now as she's about to turn 40, she continues I teď, když jí bude 40, pokračuje Incluso ahora que está a punto de cumplir 40 años, continúa 40歳を目前に控えた今も続けている Mesmo agora, quando está prestes a completar 40 anos, ela continua

to push the limits of both herself and her sport posouvat hranice sebe i svého sportu empujar los límites tanto de ella misma como de su deporte para empurrar os limites de si mesma e de seu esporte

and is preparing to make a run at an astonishing |||||||||astonishing |||||||||asombroso |||||||||astonishing a připravuje se na útěk y se está preparando para hacer una carrera en un asombroso 驚くべき速さで走る準備をしている e está se preparando para fazer uma corrida em um surpreendente 並準備以驚人的速度奔跑

sixth Olympic appearance as we head Šesté olympijské vystoupení, když míříme sexta aparición olímpica mientras nos dirigimos 6度目のオリンピック出場 sexta participação olímpica enquanto seguimos 第六次參加奧運會

towards the 2020 games in Tokyo. k hrám v Tokiu v roce 2020. hacia los juegos de 2020 en Tokio. 2020年の東京大会に向けて。 para os jogos de 2020 em Tóquio.

Absolutely consumed by a desire to get better every day |夢中になって|||||||| ||||deseo||||| Absolutně pohlcená touhou zlepšovat se každý den Absolutamente consumido por un deseo de mejorar cada día. 毎日良くなりたいという欲求に完全に飲み込まれている Całkowicie pochłonięty chęcią stawania się lepszym każdego dnia Absolutamente consumido por um desejo de melhorar a cada dia 每天都渴望變得更好

despite six surgeries on her shoulder and having appeared ||operations|||shoulder|||seemed to be ||cirugías|||||| navzdory šesti operacím na jejím rameni a objevení se a pesar de seis operaciones en el hombro y de haber aparecido malgré six opérations chirurgicales à l'épaule et l'apparition d'une 彼女の肩に6回の手術があり、現れたにもかかわらず apesar de seis cirurgias no ombro e de ter aparecido 儘管她的肩膀做了六次手術並且已經出現

in her first Olympics before many of her fellow competitors ||||||||colleagues|rivals na své první olympiádě před mnoha svými konkurentkami en sus primeros Juegos Olímpicos ante muchos de sus compañeros competidores lors de ses premiers Jeux olympiques, avant la plupart de ses concurrents 彼女の最初のオリンピックで、多くの仲間の競争相手の前で em suas primeiras Olimpíadas antes de muitos de seus colegas competidores 在她的許多競爭對手之前參加她的第一屆奧運會

were even born, she continues to be se dokonce narodila, je jí i nadále were even born, she continues to be incluso nacieron, ella sigue siendo 生まれさえした、彼女は今も生き続けている sequer nasceram, ela continua a ser 甚至出生,她仍然是

one of the most elite athletes on the beach today. jeden z nejelitnějších sportovců současnosti na pláži. uno de los atletas más elitistas de la playa en la actualidad. 今日のビーチで最もエリートなアスリートの 1 人です。 um dos atletas de elite na praia hoje. 当今海滩上最优秀的运动员之一。 當今海灘上最優秀的運動員之一。

And even though she hasn't even retired yet, ||||||jubilado| A i když ještě ani není v důchodu, Y aunque aún no se ha jubilado, そして、彼女はまだ引退していませんが、 E mesmo que ela ainda nem tenha se aposentado, 即使她還沒有退休,

she recently launched a platform and movement ||started|||| nedávno spustila platformu a hnutí recientemente lanzó una plataforma y un movimiento 彼女は最近、プラットフォームとムーブメントを立ち上げました ela lançou recentemente uma plataforma e um movimento 她最近發起了一個平台和運動

called P1440 that is poised to revolutionize ||||pasiruošęs|| ||||ready to||transform the industry ||||準備が整った|| ||||listo para|| s názvem P1440, který je připraven způsobit revoluci called P1440 that is poised to revolutionize llamado P1440 que está a punto de revolucionar P1440 と呼ばれ、革命を起こそうとしている chamado P1440 que está prestes a revolucionar 名為 P1440 的 P1440 有望徹底改變

the entire sport of beach volleyball. celý sport plážový volejbal. todo el deporte del voleibol de playa. ビーチバレーボールの全スポーツ。 todo o esporte de vôlei de praia.

So, please, help me in welcoming the Stanford grad, |||||greeting|||graduate |||||dando la bienvenida|||graduado de Stanford Takže, prosím, pomozte mi přivítat Stanford grad, Entonces, por favor, ayúdenme a darle la bienvenida al graduado de Stanford, Então, por favor, ajude-me a dar as boas-vindas ao graduado de Stanford, 所以,请帮我欢迎斯坦福大学的毕业生, 所以,請幫我歡迎斯坦福大學的畢業生,

mother of three, and one of the greatest athletes of our |||||||greatest||| 3人の母|の||||||||| matka tří dětí a jedna z našich největších atletek madre de tres hijos y una de las mejores atletas de nuestro 3 児の母であり、私たちの最も偉大なアスリートの 1 人です。 三個孩子的母親,我們最偉大的運動員之一

generation, regardless of the sport, Kerri Walsh Jennings. generación, independientemente del deporte, Kerri Walsh Jennings. 世代、スポーツを問わず、ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングス。 geração, independentemente do esporte, Kerri Walsh Jennings. 一代,無論運動,Kerri Walsh Jennings。

(audience applauds)

- Oh my goodness. - Oh Dios mío. - Ó meu Deus.

You make me wanna go work out. 君は|||||| Nutíš mě jít cvičit. Du bringst mich dazu, trainieren zu gehen. Me haces querer ir a hacer ejercicio. Tu me donnes envie de faire de la musculation. あなたは私が運動したいようにします。 Você me faz querer malhar. 你让我想出去锻炼。 你讓我想出去鍛煉。

- That's the perfect reaction to that. - Esa es la reacción perfecta a eso. - それに対する完璧な反応です。 - Essa é a reação perfeita para isso. - 這是對此的完美反應。

- Oh, jeez, put me in, coach. |wow|||| ||入れて||| - Oh, bože, dej mě dovnitř, trenére. - Oh Gott, setz mich rein, Trainer. - Oh, cielos, inclúyame, entrenador. - Oh, caramba, me coloque, treinador. - 哦,天哪,讓我進去,教練。

I'm ready. Estoy listo. 準備できました。 Estou pronto.

- That is exactly it. - To je přesně ono. - Eso es exactamente. -まさにその通りです。 - É exatamente isso.

- Man, life is so good. - Hombre, la vida es tan buena. - Cara, a vida é tão boa.

That's a lot. To je hodně. Das ist eine Menge. Eso es mucho. Isso é muito.

- Wow, that's a, that is a lot, - Wow, eso es un, eso es mucho, - Uau, isso é um, isso é muito,

and it was leaving things out, and I love that response. ||||||||||response ||||||||||response a bylo to vynechání věcí, a miluji tuto odpověď. und es ließ Dinge weg, und ich liebe diese Reaktion. y estaba dejando cosas fuera, y me encanta esa respuesta. et qu'il laissait des choses de côté, et j'aime cette réponse. そして、それは物事を除外していました、そして私はその反応が大好きです. e estava deixando as coisas de fora, e eu amo essa resposta. 它遗漏了一些东西,我喜欢这种回应。

And I've seen you talk about that before, where it's like, A už jsem tě viděl o tom mluvit, kde je to jako, Und ich habe dich schon einmal darüber reden sehen, wo es so ist Y te he visto hablar de eso antes, donde es como, 以前、あなたがそのことについて話しているのを見たことがあります。 E eu já vi você falar sobre isso antes, onde é como,

you'll hear something in an interview, něco uslyšíš v rozhovoru, Sie werden etwas in einem Interview hören, escucharás algo en una entrevista, 面接で何か言われますが、 você ouvirá algo em uma entrevista, 你會在採訪中聽到一些東西,

something that you did, algo que hiciste, あなたがした何か、 algo que você fez, 你所做的某事,

and be like, that makes me wanna go push harder and do more. a být jako, to mě nutí jít tvrději a dělat víc. und so sein, das bringt mich dazu, härter zu gehen und mehr zu tun. y decir, eso me hace querer esforzarme más y hacer más. et d'être comme, ça me donne envie de pousser plus fort et d'en faire plus. そして、それは私がもっと頑張ってもっとやりたいと思うようになります。 e ser assim, isso me faz querer forçar mais e fazer mais. 就像,这让我想更加努力地做更多的事情。 就像,這讓我想更加努力地做更多的事情。

Where does that drive come from? どこから||||| Odkud pochází ten pohon? Woher kommt dieser Antrieb? ¿De dónde viene ese impulso? その原動力はどこから? De onde vem esse impulso? 那个驱动力从哪里来? 那個驅動力從哪裡來?

- Man, well, I feel like I'm kind of preaching ||||||||predicando ||||||||preaching - Člověče, mám pocit, že tak nějak kážu - Man, well, I feel like I'm kind of preaching - Hombre, bueno, siento que estoy predicando - ええと、私は一種の説教をしているような気がします - Cara, bem, eu sinto que estou meio que pregando - 伙計,好吧,我覺得我有點說教

to the choir here with, you know, self motivation, ||chorui|||||| ||choir|||||| ||合唱団|||||| ||coro|||||| do sboru tady s vlastní motivací, to the choir here with, you know, self motivation, al coro aquí con, ya sabes, automotivación, ここの聖歌隊に para o coro aqui com, você sabe, auto-motivação, 在這裡的合唱團,你知道,自我激勵,

and this intrinsic motivation that I have ||inherent drive|||| ||intrínseca|||| a tato vnitřní motivace, kterou mám and this intrinsic motivation that I have y esta motivación intrínseca que tengo そして私が持っているこの内発的な動機 e essa motivação intrínseca que eu tenho 以及我擁有的這種內在動力

to experience my potential and keep, you know, up in that. ||||||||維持する|| zažít svůj potenciál a udržet, víte, to zvyšovat. to experience my potential and keep, you know, upping that. experimentar mi potencial y seguir, ya sabes, aumentando eso. 自分の可能性を体験し、それを維持するために。 para experimentar meu potencial e continuar, você sabe, aumentando isso. 體驗我的潛力並保持,你知道,提高它。

I just love what I do, and I love life, Prostě miluji to, co dělám, a miluji život, Simplemente amo lo que hago, y amo la vida, 私はただ自分のしていることを愛し、人生を愛し、 Eu simplesmente amo o que faço, e amo a vida,

and I feel like my life is so damn simple ||||||||very| ||||||||maldita| und ich habe das Gefühl, mein Leben ist so verdammt einfach y siento que mi vida es tan malditamente simple et j'ai l'impression que ma vie est si simple そして、私の人生はとてもシンプルな気がします e eu sinto que minha vida é tão simples 我覺得我的生活是如此的簡單

with regard to what I want. に関して||||| in Bezug auf das, was ich will. con respecto a lo que quiero. par rapport à ce que je veux. 私が欲しいものに関して。 em relação ao que eu quero. 关于我想要的。 關於我想要的。

You know, I want great relationships. Sabes, quiero buenas relaciones. ほら、私は素晴らしい関係を望んでいます。 Você sabe, eu quero ótimos relacionamentos.

I wanna kick ass in my career, and I wanna stay connected Ich will in meiner Karriere richtig Gas geben und in Verbindung bleiben Quiero patear traseros en mi carrera, y quiero estar conectado Je veux me démarquer dans ma carrière, et je veux rester en contact avec les autres. 私は自分のキャリアでケツを蹴りたい、そして私はつながりを保ちたい Eu quero arrasar na minha carreira e quero ficar conectado 我想在我的职业生涯中踢屁股,我想保持联系 我想在我的職業生涯中踢屁股,我想保持聯繫

to my faith, and within those three simple things, ||tikėjimui|||||| ||||||three|| a mi fe, y dentro de esas tres cosas simples, この3つのシンプルなことの中で、 à minha fé, e dentro dessas três coisas simples, 為了我的信念,在這三件簡單的事情中,

like, I live this really profound life, como, vivo esta vida realmente profunda, tipo, eu vivo essa vida realmente profunda, 就像,我過著真正深刻的生活,

and I don't want it to stop. y no quiero que se detenga. そして止めたくない。 e não quero que pare.

Like, I don't care the obstacle. |||||kliūtis |||||barrier |||||障害 Como, no me importa el obstáculo. のように、私は障害を気にしません。 Tipo, eu não me importo com o obstáculo. 就像,我不在乎障礙。

Like, I've had a lot of obstacles. ||||||obstacles Ich hatte viele Hindernisse. Como, he tenido muchos obstáculos. Tipo, eu tive muitos obstáculos.

I've made many more great moments than obstacles, |||||||challenges Ich habe viel mehr tolle Momente gemacht als Hindernisse, He hecho muchos más grandes momentos que obstáculos, 私は障害よりも多くの素晴らしい瞬間を作りました。 Eu fiz muito mais grandes momentos do que obstáculos,

but I'm just fucking hungry for more, |||really||| |||malditamente||| aber ich bin einfach verdammt hungrig nach mehr, pero estoy jodidamente hambriento por más, でも、私はもっとお腹が空いているだけです。 mas eu só estou fodidamente faminto por mais, 但我只是他媽的渴望更多,

'cause I keep growing, you know? porque sigo creciendo, ¿sabes? 私は成長し続けるからね porque eu continuo crescendo, sabe?

- You've walked about finding your joy. - Du bist herumgelaufen und hast deine Freude gefunden. - Has caminado encontrando tu alegría. - Vous avez marché pour trouver votre joie. - あなたは自分の喜びを見つけて歩き回ってきました。 - Você caminhou para encontrar sua alegria.

So, how did you do that, 'cause a lot of, Entonces, ¿cómo hiciste eso? Porque muchos, どうやってそれをしたの? Então, como você fez isso, porque muitos,

like, one of the number one questions I get asked wie, eine der Fragen Nummer eins, die mir gestellt werden como, una de las preguntas número uno que me hacen たとえば、よく聞かれる質問の 1 つです tipo, uma das perguntas número um que me fazem

is how to find that, how to find happiness, es cómo encontrar eso, cómo encontrar la felicidad, それを見つける方法、幸せを見つける方法、 é como encontrar isso, como encontrar a felicidade,

how to find passion. como encontrar a paixão.

So how did you create that, Entonces, ¿cómo creaste eso? では、どうやってそれを作成したのか、 Então, como você criou isso,

find that, whatever the case may be? finden, was auch immer der Fall sein mag? encontrar eso, cualquiera que sea el caso? descobrir isso, seja qual for o caso?

- I was born with it. - Nací con eso. -私はそれを持って生まれました。 - Eu nasci com isso.

I was certainly born with joy. Ich wurde sicherlich mit Freude geboren. Ciertamente nací con alegría. 私は確かに喜びを持って生まれました。 Eu certamente nasci com alegria. 我當然是帶著快樂出生的。

It was bred into me by my parents, ||育てられた||||| Es wurde mir von meinen Eltern eingetrichtert, It was bred into me by my parents, Me lo inculcaron mis padres, Il m'a été inculqué par mes parents, Foi criado em mim por meus pais, 它是由我的父母培育出来的, 它是由我的父母培育出來的,

and I grew up in the most loving, unconditionally loving ||||||||without conditions| ||||||||無条件の愛情| ||||||||incondicionalmente| ||||||||without conditions| y crecí en el más amoroso, incondicionalmente amoroso e eu cresci no mais amoroso, incondicionalmente amoroso

environment and supportive environment possible, truly. aplinka ir palaikanti aplinka||||| ||encouraging||| ||||可能な| ambiente y entorno de apoyo posible, de verdad. ambiente e ambiente de apoio possível, verdadeiramente.

My parents are rock stars. Mis padres son estrellas de rock. Meus pais são estrelas do rock.

I have four siblings who are incredible, |||siblings||| |||兄弟姉妹||| |||hermanos y herman||| Mám čtyři sourozence, kteří jsou neuvěřitelní, Tengo cuatro hermanos que son increíbles, Eu tenho quatro irmãos que são incríveis,

a million cousins and aunts, and I was just always taught, ||cousins||aunts||||||taught to be milion bratranců a tet a já jsem se vždycky učil, un millón de primos y tías, y siempre me enseñaron, um milhão de primos e tias, e sempre fui ensinado,

like, and shown that life is meant to be lived with joy. a ukázal, že život se má žít s radostí. mögen und zeigen, dass das Leben mit Freude gelebt werden soll. como, y demostrado que la vida está hecha para ser vivida con alegría. gosto, e mostrou que a vida é para ser vivida com alegria.

You know, when you're doing something, Víš, když něco děláš, Ya sabes, cuando estás haciendo algo, Você sabe, quando você está fazendo alguma coisa,

what's the point of doing it of A, you're not going to win, jaký má smysl dělat to od A, nevyhraješ, Was ist der Sinn, es von A zu tun, du wirst nicht gewinnen, que sentido tiene hacerlo de A, no vas a ganar, à quoi ça sert de le faire de A, tu ne vas pas gagner, qual é o sentido de fazer isso de A, você não vai ganhar,

and B, you're not going to have fun, you know? a B, nebudeš se bavit, víš? y B, no te vas a divertir, ¿sabes? et B, vous n'allez pas vous amuser, vous savez ?

And so I just feel like it's a bit of nurture ||||||||||care or support ||||||||||育ちの影響 ||||||||||cuidado ||||||||||nurturing A tak mám prostě pocit, že je to trochu živit Und deshalb habe ich das Gefühl, dass es ein bisschen Pflege ist And so I just feel like it's a bit of nurture Y entonces siento que es un poco de crianza だから私はそれが少し育ったように感じます E então eu sinto que é um pouco de nutrição

and it's a bit of nature, and I keep creating |||||gamtos dalis|||| |||||自然の一部|||| a je to trochu přírody a já dál tvořím und es ist ein bisschen Natur, und ich erschaffe weiter y es un poco de naturaleza, y sigo creando et c'est un peu la nature, et je continue à créer それはちょっとした自然のことで、私は創造し続けています e é um pouco da natureza, e continuo criando

and finding these environments where that's a constant. a najít tato prostředí, kde je to konstantní. und diese Umgebungen zu finden, in denen das eine Konstante ist. y encontrar estos entornos donde eso es una constante. e encontrar esses ambientes onde isso é uma constante. 并找到这些环境是一个常数。

- So it's one thing to know it. - Takže jedna věc je to vědět. - Así que una cosa es saberlo. - Então uma coisa é saber.

It's another thing to actually cultivate it |||||育てる| Jiná věc je skutečně pěstovat It's another thing to actually cultivate it Otra cosa es cultivarlo realmente. Outra coisa é realmente cultivá-lo

and create it in your life. a vytvořit ji ve svém životě. und erschaffe es in deinem Leben. y créalo en tu vida. e criá-lo em sua vida.

In fact, I have a quote from you, Vlastně mám od tebe citát, De hecho, tengo una cita tuya, Na verdade, tenho uma citação sua,

my weaknesses were exposed, and it's a gift. |silpnybės buvo atskleistos||atskleistos|||| |||revealed|||| |弱点が露呈し、それは贈り物です。|||||| |debilidades|||||| |weaknesses|||||| moje slabosti byly odhaleny a je to dar. Meine Schwächen wurden aufgedeckt, und es ist ein Geschenk. mis debilidades fueron expuestas, y es un regalo. mes faiblesses ont été exposées, et c'est un cadeau. minhas fraquezas foram expostas e é um presente.

And I thought, wow, that's like, A já si myslel, wow, to je jako, Y pensé, wow, eso es como, E eu pensei, uau, isso é tipo,

I get it when you say that you were born into joy Chápu, když říkáš, že jsi se narodil do radosti Ich verstehe, wenn du sagst, dass du in Freude hineingeboren wurdest Lo entiendo cuando dices que naciste en la alegría Eu entendo quando você diz que nasceu na alegria

and that your family obviously did a lot a že vaše rodina evidentně udělala hodně y que tu familia obviamente hizo mucho e que sua família obviamente fez muito

to make sure that they helped you bring that out, |||||||持ってくる|| abychom se ujistili, že ti to pomohli vynést, um sicherzustellen, dass sie dir geholfen haben, das herauszubringen, para asegurarme de que te ayudaron a sacar eso a la luz, para ter certeza de que eles ajudaram você a trazer isso à tona,

but that, that goes beyond just like, life is good ale to překračuje jen to, že život je dobrý aber das, das geht darüber hinaus, das Leben ist gut pero eso, eso va más allá así como, la vida es buena mas isso, vai além assim como, a vida é boa 但是,那超越了就像,生活是美好的

and goes to like, a really intense and, it seems, ||||||intenso||| a líbí se, opravdu intenzivní a zdá se, und geht zu wie, eine wirklich intensive und, wie es scheint, y va a gustar, una muy intensa y, al parecer, 好きになり、本当に強烈で、どうやら、 e vai gostar, um realmente intenso e, ao que parece, 然后开始喜欢,一种非常强烈的感觉,

cultivated mindset. kultivované myšlení. kultivierte Denkweise.

So what's been your process to get to the point Jaký byl váš postup, abyste se dostali k věci Então, qual tem sido o seu processo para chegar ao ponto

where you can actually say the sentence in all seriousness, |||||||||seriousness |||||||||真剣に |||||||||seriedad kde můžete skutečně říct větu se vší vážností, où l'on peut dire la phrase sérieusement, onde você pode realmente dizer a frase com toda a seriedade,

my weaknesses were exposed, and that's a gift? moje slabosti byly odhaleny, a to je dar? Meine Schwächen wurden aufgedeckt, und das ist ein Geschenk? minhas fraquezas foram expostas, e isso é um presente?

- You know, I, I feel things very deeply, - Víš, já cítím věci velmi hluboce, - Sabe, eu, eu sinto as coisas muito profundamente,

and, like, my experience is I don't necessarily |||||||necessarily = not always a moje zkušenost je taková, že nemusím et, d'après mon expérience, je n'ai pas nécessairement e, tipo, minha experiência é que não necessariamente

think really deeply about experiences, opravdu hluboce přemýšlet o zkušenostech, pensar muito profundamente sobre as experiências,

but I fucking feel them. ||malditamente|| ale já je kurva cítím. aber ich fühle sie verdammt noch mal. mais je les sens, putain. mas eu os sinto, porra.

And I know that through every experience, A vím, že z každé zkušenosti, Und ich weiß das durch jede Erfahrung,

whether it's good and I'm triumphant or bad and I'm exposed, |||||victorious||||| |||||勝利した||||| |||||triunfante||||| |||||triumphant||||| ať už je to dobré a jsem vítězný nebo špatný a jsem odhalen, ob es gut ist und ich triumphiere oder schlecht und entblößt bin whether it's good and I'm triumphant or bad and I'm exposed, se é bom e estou triunfante ou ruim e estou exposto,

there's opportunity in every single thing, no matter v každé věci je příležitost, bez ohledu na to Es gibt Möglichkeiten in jeder einzelnen Sache, egal há oportunidade em cada coisa, não importa

what the face of it is, you know, defeat or victory. ||||||||pralaimėjimas|| ||||||||defeat|| ||||||||derrota|| ||||||||sconfitta|| jaká je jeho tvář, víte, porážka nebo vítězství. qual é a cara disso, você sabe, derrota ou vitória.

And I've had just, my life, I've lived a lot of contrast, A měl jsem jen svůj život, žil jsem hodně kontrastem, Und ich hatte gerade, mein Leben, ich habe viel Kontrast gelebt, And I've had just, my life, I've lived a lot of contrast, E eu tive apenas, minha vida, eu vivi muito contraste,

and by contrast, that means obstacles, |||||kliūtys, sunkumai ||対照的に||| a naopak to znamená překážky, and by contrast, that means obstacles, e, por outro lado, isso significa obstáculos,

that means injuries, that means failures, |||||failures ||lesiones||| to znamená zranění, to znamená selhání,

that means, you know, I have heartbreak. ||||||heartache ||||||desamor isso significa, você sabe, eu tenho desgosto.

And within that, having lived it truly Und darin, es wirklich gelebt zu haben E dentro disso, tendo vivido verdadeiramente

and like letting myself feel exposed and vulnerable |||||atskleista|| |||||||vulnerable und mag es, mich bloßgestellt und verletzlich zu fühlen e gosto de me deixar sentir exposto e vulnerável

and letting myself learn and be devastated, ||||||打ちのめされる ||||||devastado ||||||devastated und mich lernen lassen und am Boden zerstört sein, et me laisser apprendre et être dévasté,

I've learned that there's fucking positives, ||||malditas| Ich habe gelernt, dass es verdammt positive Dinge gibt, J'ai appris qu'il y a des putains de points positifs, Eu aprendi que há aspectos positivos, porra 我了解到有他媽的積極因素,

and it fortifies you for whatever's next. ||stiprina|||| ||strengthens|||whatever comes| ||強化する|||次に来るもの| ||te fortalece|||| and it fortifies you for whatever's next. e isso o fortalece para o que vier a seguir. 它會為接下來的一切增強你的力量。

And there's always something that's next. E há sempre algo que vem a seguir.

You know, I'm never gonna get to a place and be like, Weißt du, ich werde nie an einen Ort kommen und so sein, Vous savez, je ne vais jamais arriver à un endroit et être comme.., Você sabe, eu nunca vou chegar a um lugar e ficar tipo, 你知道,我永远不会去一个地方然后像,

I'm here, I'm done, you know, let's call it quits. |||||||||finished |||||||||やめよう |||||||||terminamos aquí Ich bin hier, ich bin fertig, weißt du, lass es uns beenden. Estou aqui, terminei, sabe, vamos encerrar.

Like, I'm in it for the long haul, |||||||ilgą laiką |||||||journey |||||||largo plazo |||||||effort Ich bin auf lange Sicht dabei, Comme, je suis là pour le long terme, Tipo, estou nisso a longo prazo, 就像,我长期参与其中,

and I don't care, I'm gonna be 90 years old |I||||||| et je m'en fiche, je vais avoir 90 ans e eu não me importo, eu vou fazer 90 anos

on my way to heaven still learning, sur mon chemin vers le paradis, j'apprends encore, a caminho do céu ainda aprendendo,

because that, to me, is what life is about. porque, para mim, é disso que se trata a vida.

And so, when I say that my weaknesses were exposed |||||||||さらけ出された |||||||||esposte E assim, quando digo que minhas fraquezas foram expostas

and there's strength in it, it's, e há força nisso, é,

I believe in it with all my heart, you know? Eu acredito nisso de todo o meu coração, sabe?

Like, when there's a highlight on you Tipo, quando há um destaque em você

and it's the softest part of you and you therefore |||gentlest|||||| |||一番柔らかい部分|||||| |||más suave|||||| und es ist der weichste Teil von dir und du deshalb e é a parte mais suave de você e você, portanto,

have to look at it and either train it better muss man sich anschauen und entweder besser trainieren doivent l'examiner et, soit le former mieux tem que olhar para ele e treiná-lo melhor

or figure out why it's weak or whatever it is, ou de comprendre pourquoi il est faible ou quoi que ce soit d'autre, ou descobrir por que é fraco ou o que quer que seja,

if you take advantage of that, |||vantaggio|| wenn du das ausnutzt, se você tirar proveito disso,

that's a beautiful, powerful thing, you know? isso é uma coisa linda, poderosa, sabe?

- I really agree with that, and I don't know

if you follow MMA at all, and I cannot believe |||MMA kovos|||||| |||mixed martial arts|||||| se você segue o MMA, e eu não posso acreditar

I'm blanking on her name right now, |užmiršau||||| |forgetting||||| |名前が出ない||||| |no recuerdo||||| Ich blende gerade ihren Namen aus, Estou em branco no nome dela agora,

but she was crazy dominant. mas ela era loucamente dominante.

She had the arm bar. Sie hatte die Armstange. Elle avait la barre de bras. Ela tinha a barra de braço. 她有扶手。

Like, she could just arm bar anybody to death. ||||arm|bar = bar (a type of hold or lock in martial arts)||| Comme si elle était capable d'armer n'importe qui jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive. Tipo, ela poderia simplesmente barrar qualquer um até a morte. 就像,她可以用手臂阻止任何人死亡。

- Ninja?

- Basically.

And she was undefeated, forever, ever, ever, |||無敗のまま||| |||invicta||| E ela estava invicta, para sempre, sempre, sempre,

and it was just amazing.

And then she lost in a spectacular fashion, E então ela perdeu de forma espetacular,

came back, and then lost again,

and then just disappeared. et a disparu. e então simplesmente desapareceu.

And everybody's like, she's never gonna come back from this. Und alle sagen, sie wird nie wieder davon zurückkommen. Et tout le monde se dit qu'elle n'en reviendra jamais. E todo mundo fica tipo, ela nunca vai voltar disso.

And, I don't know enough about the situation

to like give a detailed account, but from the outside, ausführlich berichten, aber von außen, gostar de dar conta detalhada, mas de fora,

judging by what she said in interviews, it was a julgar pelo que ela disse em entrevistas, foi 從她在採訪中所說的來看,這是

an unwillingness to face that it was entirely her fault. |向き合いたくない気持ち||||||||彼女の過失 |falta de voluntad|||||||| |reluctance|||||||| eine Unwilligkeit, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen, dass es allein ihre Schuld war. uma falta de vontade de encarar que era inteiramente culpa dela. 不願意麵對這完全是她的錯。

- Yeah.

- That she just, there were skills that she never - Elle a juste, il y a des compétences qu'elle n'a jamais - Que ela apenas, havia habilidades que ela nunca

took the time to develop, to actually get good at. levou tempo para desenvolver, para realmente ficar bom.

So, knowing that, I think that's a far more typical way, Então, sabendo disso, acho que é uma maneira muito mais comum,

like, looking at the amount that you won, the fact wie, wenn man sich den Betrag ansieht, den man gewonnen hat, die Tatsache tipo, olhando a quantia que você ganhou, o fato

that you lost one set, one set in 11 years, is so crazy. ||||||conjunto||||| que você perdeu um set, um set em 11 anos, é tão louco.

- Man, Austrian sisters. ||hermanas - Cara, irmãs austríacas.

That pisses me off. |me molesta|| Das pisst mich an. Isso me irrita.

(both laugh) |laughing

- But like, that string of success does not set you up |||cadena||||||| - Aber diese Erfolgsserie macht dich nicht fit - Mas tipo, essa sequência de sucesso não te prepara

to handle failure well, and yet, in failure, |対処する|||||| gut mit dem Scheitern umgehen, und doch, im Scheitern, lidar bem com o fracasso e, no entanto, no fracasso,

you've been astonishing. ||amazing ||驚くべき ||asombroso du warst erstaunlich. você tem sido surpreendente.

Like, I know you deal with sports psychology a lot. Tipo, eu sei que você lida muito com psicologia esportiva.

- Mmhmm. agreement sound

- Like, what, how can you pass that - Wie, was, wie kannst du das bestehen? - Tipo, o que, como você pode passar isso

onto anybody watching right now? auf jemanden, der gerade zuschaut? Est-ce que quelqu'un regarde en ce moment ? para alguém assistindo agora?

Like, what's that, how did you process the failure? Was ist das, wie haben Sie den Misserfolg verarbeitet? Tipo, o que é isso, como você processou a falha?

- I think it's just accountability and ownership ||||||responsibility ||||responsabilidad y propiedad|| - Ich denke, es ist nur Rechenschaftspflicht und Eigentum - Je pense que c'est une question de responsabilité et d'appropriation - Acho que é apenas responsabilidade e propriedade

of your part in any situation that is a failure. Ihrerseits in jeder Situation, die ein Misserfolg ist. de sua parte em qualquer situação que seja um fracasso.

You know, myself on the court, I'm there to perform. |||||||||actuar |||||in tribunale|||| Você sabe, eu mesmo na quadra, estou lá para atuar.

I'm there to, you know, Eu estou lá para, você sabe,

elevate my partner's play and our team play. enhance||||||| 高める||||||| elevar o jogo do meu parceiro e nosso jogo de equipe. 提高我的搭档和我们团队的发挥。

And if I'm failing, then am I gonna blame her? ||||||||assign responsibility| Et si j'échoue, est-ce que je vais la blâmer ?

Am I gonna blame the sun in my eyes? |||責める||||| |||culpar||||| Werde ich der Sonne in meinen Augen die Schuld geben? Vou culpar o sol nos meus olhos?

Like, then I'm a victim, and then I have no power. Also, dann bin ich ein Opfer, und dann habe ich keine Macht. Tipo, então eu sou uma vítima, e então não tenho poder.

Same thing with relationships. Dasselbe gilt für Beziehungen. Mesma coisa com relacionamentos.

You know, right before you came on here, Você sabe, pouco antes de você vir aqui,

I was telling you about my husband. Je vous parlais de mon mari. Eu estava falando sobre meu marido.

We just got in a fight, |たった今|||| Wir haben uns gerade gestritten, Nous venons de nous disputer, Acabamos de brigar, 我们刚刚吵架,

and I always wanna take accountability of my shit, |||||atsakomybę už savo reikalus||| |||||responsabilidad||| Und ich will immer die Verantwortung für meine Scheiße übernehmen, et je veux toujours assumer la responsabilité de mes actes, e eu sempre quero assumir a responsabilidade das minhas merdas,

you know, and am I allowed to cuss? |||||||keiktis |||||||swear |||||||悪態をつく |||||||maldecir |||||||cuss = to curse Weißt du, und darf ich fluchen? et ai-je le droit de jurer ? você sabe, e eu posso xingar?

I'm so sorry. Es tut mir leid. Eu sinto muito.

- Go crazy, go as crazy... - Verrückt werden, so verrückt werden... - Enlouqueça, enlouqueça como...

- The role model in me is like, stop saying it. - Das Vorbild in mir ist wie, hör auf es zu sagen. - O modelo em mim é como, pare de dizer isso.

- We had David Goggins on here. |||Deividas Gogginsas|| |||David Goggins|| - Wir hatten David Goggins hier. - Tínhamos David Goggins aqui.

It's like, yeah, go nuts. Es ist wie, ja, verrückt werden. É como, sim, enlouquecer.

- You did. - Você fez.

I was just saying, I can't wait to hear you guys together. Ich sagte nur, ich kann es kaum erwarten, euch zusammen zu hören. Eu só estava dizendo, mal posso esperar para ouvir vocês juntos.

Was that fucking explosive? |||爆発的 War das verdammt explosiv? Essa porra foi explosiva?

- Oh, he is amazing. - Oh, er ist erstaunlich. - Ah, ele é incrível.

It was.

He, he is unreal. |||彼は非現実的だ。 |||irreal Er, er ist unwirklich.

- I bet, he is unreal. - Ich wette, er ist unwirklich. note 35 - Aposto, ele é irreal.

- But he swears a lot, so you're all right. ||たくさん悪口を言う|||||| ||jura|||||| - Aber er flucht viel, also bist du in Ordnung. - Mas ele xinga muito, então você está bem.

- I know, but there's something so pure and true about it. - Ich weiß, aber es hat etwas so Reines und Wahres.

- [Tom] I'll give you that. - [Tom] Das gebe ich dir. - [Tom] Eu vou te dar isso.

- And I don't mean to sound, you know, unintelligent ||||||||愚かに ||||||||unintelligent - Und ich will nicht unintelligent klingen - E eu não quero soar, você sabe, pouco inteligente - 而且我并不是要听起来,你知道,不聪明

and ridiculous.

- That actually sounds really interesting, - Das klingt wirklich interessant, - Isso realmente parece muito interessante,

and I don't wanna derail you from your point, ||||脱線させる|||| ||||desviar|||| ||||deviare|||| Und ich will dich nicht von deinem Punkt abbringen, e eu não quero desviar você do seu ponto,

but I will say that that you saying there's something mas vou dizer que você está dizendo que há algo

pure and real, like, that's a part of your personality rein und echt, das ist ein Teil deiner Persönlichkeit puro e real, tipo, isso faz parte da sua personalidade

hopefully we can really explore in this interview, tikiuosi, kad||||||| hoffentlich können wir in diesem Interview wirklich erkunden, espero que possamos realmente explorar nesta entrevista,

'cause I find it fascinating. ||||nes man tai įdomu ||||魅力的だ weil ich es faszinierend finde.

So I think of, and now I really am Então eu penso, e agora eu realmente sou

derailing you from your point. 話をそらす|||| desviándote|||| desviando você do seu ponto. 使你偏離你的觀點。

- Please, 'cause I lost it already. |nes|||| - Bitte, denn ich habe es schon verloren. - Por favor, porque eu já perdi.

(both laugh)

- I think of the mind as like a pachinko machine. ||||||||pachinko automatas| ||||||||máquina de pachinko| ||||||||pachinko machine| - Ich betrachte den Geist als eine Pachinko-Maschine. - 我认为头脑就像一台弹球机。

Have you ever seen those things, you drop a ball or whatever Você já viu essas coisas, você deixa cair uma bola ou qualquer outra coisa

and it bounces around. ||rebota| ||it bounces| e ele salta ao redor.

So you start with a negative idea, whatever that's gonna be, Então você começa com uma ideia negativa, seja ela qual for,

and then you create all these points of positivity ||||||||ポジティブな点

that that negative thing bounces around, ||||跳ね回る| ||||rebota| que aquela coisa negativa salta por aí,

and then by the end, it's turned into a positive thought. e então, no final, se transformou em um pensamento positivo.

Another way to think of it is mental jiu jitsu. 別の方法|||||||||柔術 |||||||||jitsu mental 另一种思考方式是精神柔术。

- Okay.

- So I've seen now so many interviews on you,

and I've seen you, one of the most fascinating things

is to watch your talk about getting the bronze evolve |||||||||develops |||||||||evoluciona |||||||||evolve ist es, Ihren Vortrag über die Entwicklung von Bronze zu beobachten é assistir a sua palestra sobre a evolução do bronze

and how you talked about it in the beginning

versus how you talk about it now, palyginti su tuo||||||

which is pretty interesting. o que é bem interessante.

- Yeah, I'm still working through it. - Sim, ainda estou trabalhando nisso.

- And I, and I get that. And||||| - E eu, e eu entendo isso.

And the ability to be vulnerable and to always be looking |||||pažeidžiamas būti||||| |||||vulnerable||||| Und die Fähigkeit, verletzlich zu sein und immer auf der Suche zu sein E a capacidade de ser vulnerável e estar sempre procurando

for the positive in something seems incredibly wise. ||||||非常に|賢明な |||||||saggio for the positive in something seems incredibly wise.

Is that intentional for you? Ist das Absicht für Sie? Is that intentional for you?

- Man, no, I think it's how I'm wired. - Mann, nein, ich glaube, so bin ich verdrahtet. - Man, no, I think it's how I'm wired. - Cara, não, acho que é assim que eu sou programado.

I think it's how I'm wired, to see the positive I think it's how I'm wired, to see the positive そうやってポジティブに考えるようになったんだと思う

in any situation, and I think I've learned the hard way in jeder Situation, und ich glaube, ich habe es auf die harte Tour gelernt

that focusing in the negative is gonna keep you there. Diese Fokussierung auf das Negative wird dich dort halten. que focar no negativo vai te manter lá.

You know, I'm a really big believer ||私は|||| Você sabe, eu sou um grande crente

in the law of attraction, you know, what you focus on ||引き寄せの法則|||あなた||||| 在吸引力法则中,你知道,你关注的是什么