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The Adventures of Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi. Read by Mark F. Smith, CHAPTER 1


[How it happened that Mastro Cherry, carpenter, found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child]

Centuries ago there lived--

"A king!

my little readers will say immediately. No, children, you are mistaken.

Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. It was not an expensive piece of wood. Far from it. Just a common block of firewood, one of those thick, solid logs that are put on the fire in winter to make cold rooms cozy and warm. I do not know how this really happened, yet the fact remains that one fine day this piece of wood found itself in the shop of an old carpenter.

His real name was Mastro Antonio, but everyone called him Mastro Cherry, for the tip of his nose was so round and red and shiny that it looked like a ripe cherry. As soon as he saw that piece of wood, Mastro Cherry was filled with joy.

Rubbing his hands together happily, he mumbled half to himself: "This has come in the nick of time.

I shall use it to make the leg of a table. He grasped the hatchet quickly to peel off the bark and shape the wood.

But as he was about to give it the first blow, he stood still with arm uplifted, for he had heard a wee, little voice say in a beseeching tone: "Please be careful! Do not hit me so hard! What a look of surprise shone on Mastro Cherry's face!

His funny face became still funnier. He turned frightened eyes about the room to find out where that wee, little voice had come from and he saw no one!

He looked under the bench--no one! He peeped inside the closet--no one! He searched among the shavings-- no one! He opened the door to look up and down the street--and still no one! "Oh, I see!

he then said, laughing and scratching his Wig. "It can easily be seen that I only thought I heard the tiny voice say the words! Well, well--to work once more. He struck a most solemn blow upon the piece of wood.

"Oh, oh!

You hurt!" cried the same far-away little voice. Mastro Cherry grew dumb, his eyes popped out of his head, his mouth opened wide, and his tongue hung down on his chin.

As soon as he regained the use of his senses, he said, trembling and stuttering from fright:

"Where did that voice come from, when there is no one around?

Might it be that this piece of wood has learned to weep and cry like a child? I can hardly believe it. Here it is--a piece of common firewood, good only to burn in the stove, the same as any other. Yet-- might someone be hidden in it? If so, the worse for him. I'll fix him! With these words, he grabbed the log with both hands and started to knock it about unmercifully.

He threw it to the floor, against the walls of the room, and even up to the ceiling. He listened for the tiny voice to moan and cry.

He waited two minutes--nothing; five minutes--nothing; ten minutes--nothing. "Oh, I see," he said, trying bravely to laugh and ruffling up his wig with his hand.

"It can easily be seen I only imagined I heard the tiny voice! Well, well--to work once more! The poor fellow was scared half to death, so he tried to sing a gay song in order to gain courage.

He set aside the hatchet and picked up the plane to make the wood smooth and even, but as he drew it to and fro, he heard the same tiny voice.

This time it giggled as it spoke: "Stop it!

Oh, stop it! Ha, ha, ha! You tickle my stomach. This time poor Mastro Cherry fell as if shot.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting on the floor. His face had changed; fright had turned even the tip of his nose from red to deepest purple.

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[How it happened that Mastro Cherry, carpenter, found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child] adverb of manner|||||||||||||cried tears||||| ||||||tukang kayu|||||||||||| como|como|aconteceu|que|Mastro|Cerejeira|carpinteiro|encontrou|||de|madeira||chorou||||| [كيف حدث أن Mastro Cherry ، نجار ، وجد قطعة من الخشب تبكي وتضحك مثل طفل] [Como aconteceu que Mastro Cherry, carpinteiro, encontrou um pedaço de madeira que chorava e ria como uma criança]

Centuries ago there lived-- séculos||| قبل قرون عاش هناك-- Séculos atrás, vivia--

"A king! a| "ملك! "Um rei!

my little readers will say immediately. |||||right away ||leitores||dirão|imediatamente سيقول قرائي الصغار على الفور. meus pequenos leitores dirão imediatamente. No, children, you are mistaken. ||||wrong ||vocês|são|enganados لا يا أطفال ، أنتم مخطئون. Não, crianças, vocês estão enganados.

Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. Era|era|uma|era|havia|era|uma|pedaço|de|madeira ذات مرة كانت هناك قطعة من الخشب. Era uma vez um pedaço de madeira. It was not an expensive piece of wood. Isso|era|não||caro||| لم تكن قطعة خشب باهظة الثمن. Não era um pedaço de madeira caro. Far from it. longe|longe|longe disso Just a common block of firewood, one of those thick, solid logs that are put on the fire in winter to make cold rooms cozy and warm. |||||a log|||||sturdy and dense||||||||||||||comfortable and warm|| |||||kayu bakar||||||kayu bakar||||||||||||||| apenas||comum|um bloco||lenha|||dessas|grossa|sólido|toras|desses|são|colocado|sobre|um|fogo|em|inverno|para|fazer|frio|cômodos|aconchegante|e|quentes مجرد كتلة شائعة من الحطب ، واحدة من تلك الأخشاب السميكة والصلبة التي توضع على النار في الشتاء لجعل الغرف الباردة مريحة ودافئة. Apenas um bloco comum de lenha, uma daquelas toras grossas e sólidas que são colocadas no fogo no inverno para tornar as salas frias aconchegantes e quentes. 只是一塊普通的木柴,一種厚實的原木,在冬天放在火上,使寒冷的房間變得舒適和溫暖。 I do not know how this really happened, yet the fact remains that one fine day this piece of wood found itself in the shop of an old carpenter. |||sabe|como|essa|realmente|aconteceu|ainda|o|fato|restos|que|um|belo|dia|essa||||encontrou|se encontrou|na|o|oficina||um|| لا أعرف كيف حدث هذا حقًا ، ولكن تظل الحقيقة أنه يومًا ما وجدت قطعة الخشب نفسها في متجر نجار قديم. Não sei como isso realmente aconteceu, mas o fato é que um belo dia esse pedaço de madeira foi parar na oficina de um velho carpinteiro. 我不知道這到底是怎麼發生的,但事實是,在一個晴朗的一天,這塊木頭發現自己出現在一位老木匠的店裡。

His real name was Mastro Antonio, but everyone called him Mastro Cherry, for the tip of his nose was so round and red and shiny that it looked like a ripe cherry. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mature| seu|real||era|||mas|todos|chamava|ele|Mastro|cereja|por|o|a ponta|do|seu|nariz|era|tão|redonda|e|vermelho|e|brilhante|que||parecia|como|Mastro|madura|cereja كان اسمه الحقيقي Mastro Antonio ، لكن الجميع أطلق عليه Mastro Cherry ، لأن طرف أنفه كان دائريًا وحمراء ولامعًا لدرجة أنه بدا وكأنه كرز ناضج. Seu nome verdadeiro era Mastro Antonio, mas todos o chamavam de Mastro Cereja, pois a ponta do nariz era tão redonda e vermelha e brilhante que parecia uma cereja madura. As soon as he saw that piece of wood, Mastro Cherry was filled with joy. assim que|assim que|assim que|ele|viu|aquele|pedaço|||||estava|cheio|com|alegria بمجرد أن رأى قطعة الخشب تلك ، امتلأ Mastro Cherry بالبهجة. Assim que viu aquele pedaço de madeira, Mastro Cherry se encheu de alegria.

Rubbing his hands together happily, he mumbled half to himself: Rubbing||||||spoke softly||| menggosok||||||bergumam||| esfregando|suas|as mãos|juntos|alegremente|ele|murmurou|para si mesmo|en|para si mesmo فرك يديه معًا بسعادة ، وتمتم نصفًا في نفسه: Esfregando as mãos alegremente, ele murmurou meio para si mesmo: "This has come in the nick of time. Isso|chegou|chegado|em|no|momento|em|última hora "لقد حان هذا في الوقت المناسب. "Isso veio na hora certa.

I shall use it to make the leg of a table. para|vou||isso|para|fazer||pé||para|mesa سأستخدمه لصنع رجل الطاولة. Vou usá-lo para fazer a perna de uma mesa. He grasped the hatchet quickly to peel off the bark and shape the wood. |held tightly||small axe|||remove|||outer layer|||| |menggenggam||kapak kecil|||kulit|||kulit kayu|||| Ele|pegou|o|machadinha|rapidamente|para|descascar|para|o|casca|e|forma|o|madeira أمسك الأحقاد بسرعة ليقشر اللحاء وتشكيل الخشب. Ele agarrou a machadinha rapidamente para descascar a casca e moldar a madeira.

But as he was about to give it the first blow, he stood still with arm uplifted, for he had heard a wee, little voice say in a beseeching tone: "Please be careful! ||||||||||||||||raised||||||very||||||pleading|||| ||||||||||||||||terangkat||||||||||||memohon|||| mas|como|ele|estava|prestes a|para|dar|ela|o|primeiro|golpe|ele|parou|parado|com|braço|erguido|para|ele|tinha|ouviu|mas|pequena|pequena|voz|dizer|em|mas|implorante|tom||| ولكن بينما كان على وشك أن يوجهها للضربة الأولى ، وقف ساكنًا ورفعت ذراعه ، لأنه سمع صوتًا صغيرًا صغيرًا يقول بنبرة متوسلة: "من فضلك كن حذرًا! Mas, quando estava prestes a dar o primeiro golpe, parou com o braço erguido, pois ouvira uma vozinha e pequenina dizer em tom suplicante: "Por favor, tenha cuidado! Do not hit me so hard! لا تضربني بشدة! Não me bata com tanta força! What a look of surprise shone on Mastro Cherry’s face! يا لها من نظرة مفاجأة أشرق على وجه Mastro Cherry! Que surpresa brilhou no rosto de Mastro Cherry!

His funny face became still funnier. أصبح وجهه المضحك أكثر تسلية. Sua cara engraçada ficou ainda mais engraçada. He turned frightened eyes about the room to find out where that wee, little voice had come from and he saw no one! لقد أدار عيونًا خائفة حول الغرفة ليعرف من أين أتى هذا الصوت الصغير الصغير ولم ير أحداً! Ele virou os olhos assustados pela sala para descobrir de onde vinha aquela vozinha e não viu ninguém!

He looked under the bench--no one! نظر تحت مقاعد البدلاء - لا أحد! Ele olhou embaixo do banco - ninguém! He peeped inside the closet--no one! اختلس النظر داخل الخزانة - لا أحد! Ele espiou dentro do armário - ninguém! He searched among the shavings-- no one! ||||wood shavings|| ||||serutan|| فتش بين الحلاقات - لا أحد! Ele procurou entre as aparas - ninguém! He opened the door to look up and down the street--and still no one! فتح الباب لينظر إلى أعلى وأسفل الشارع - وما زال لا أحد! Ele abriu a porta para olhar para cima e para baixo na rua - e ainda ninguém! "Oh, I see! "حسنا أرى ذلك!

he then said, laughing and scratching his Wig. |||||scratching his wig|| |||||menggaruk|| ثم قال وهو يضحك ويخدش شعر مستعاره. ele então disse, rindo e coçando sua peruca. "It can easily be seen that I only thought I heard the tiny voice say the words! "يمكن أن نرى بسهولة أنني اعتقدت أنني سمعت الصوت الصغير يقول الكلمات! Well, well--to work once more. حسنًا ، حسنًا - للعمل مرة أخرى. He struck a most solemn blow upon the piece of wood. ||||serious|||||| ||||serius|||||| Ele desferiu um golpe solene no pedaço de madeira.

"Oh, oh! "أوه أوه!

You hurt!" انت مؤذى!" Você machuca!" cried the same far-away little voice. بكى نفس الصوت الصغير البعيد. gritou a mesma vozinha distante. Mastro Cherry grew dumb, his eyes popped out of his head, his mouth opened wide, and his tongue hung down on his chin. |||stunned|||||||||||||||||||jaw أصبح ماسترو شيري غبيًا ، وخرجت عيناه من رأسه ، وفتح فمه على مصراعيه ، ولسانه يتدلى على ذقنه. Mastro Cherry ficou mudo, seus olhos saltaram das órbitas, sua boca se arregalou e sua língua pendia sobre o queixo.

As soon as he regained the use of his senses, he said, trembling and stuttering from fright: ||||regained|||||senses of perception|||||stammering|| ||||mendapatkan kembali||||||||gemetar||tergagap|| حالما استعاد استعمال حواسه قال وهو يرتجف ويتأرجح من الخوف: Assim que recobrou os sentidos, disse, tremendo e gaguejando de susto:

"Where did that voice come from, when there is no one around? "من أين أتى هذا الصوت ، بينما لا يوجد أحد في الجوار؟

Might it be that this piece of wood has learned to weep and cry like a child? |||||||||||shed tears||||| |||||||||||menangis||||| هل يمكن أن تكون قطعة الخشب هذه قد تعلمت البكاء والبكاء مثل الأطفال؟ I can hardly believe it. لا أستطيع أن أصدق ذلك. Here it is--a piece of common firewood, good only to burn in the stove, the same as any other. ها هو - قطعة من الحطب المشترك ، جيدة فقط للحرق في الموقد ، مثل أي قطعة أخرى. Aqui está - um pedaço de lenha comum, bom apenas para queimar no fogão, igual a qualquer outro. Yet-- might someone be hidden in it? ومع ذلك - هل يمكن إخفاء شخص ما فيها؟ No entanto - alguém pode estar escondido nele? If so, the worse for him. إذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فإن الأسوأ بالنسبة له. Se assim for, pior para ele. I’ll fix him! سوف أصلحه! Eu vou consertar ele! With these words, he grabbed the log with both hands and started to knock it about unmercifully. ||||seized||||||||||||without mercy ||||||||||||||||tanpa ampun بهذه الكلمات ، أمسك السجل بكلتا يديه وبدأ في ضربه بلا رحمة. Com essas palavras, ele agarrou a tora com as duas mãos e começou a bater nela impiedosamente.

He threw it to the floor, against the walls of the room, and even up to the ceiling. ألقى بها على الأرض ، على جدران الغرفة ، وحتى السقف. Ele jogou no chão, contra as paredes da sala e até o teto. He listened for the tiny voice to moan and cry. |||||||make a sound|| كان يستمع إلى الصوت الصغير الذي يتأوه ويبكي. Ele ouviu a pequena voz gemer e chorar.

He waited two minutes--nothing; five minutes--nothing; ten minutes--nothing. انتظر دقيقتين - لا شيء ؛ خمس دقائق - لا شيء عشر دقائق - لا شيء. "Oh, I see," he said, trying bravely to laugh and ruffling up his wig with his hand. ||||||||||mengacak-acak|||||| قال وهو يحاول بشجاعة أن يضحك ويرفع شعر مستعار بيده: "أوه ، أنا أرى". "Ah, entendo", disse ele, tentando bravamente rir e bagunçando a peruca com a mão.

"It can easily be seen I only imagined I heard the tiny voice! "يمكن رؤيته بسهولة ، لقد تخيلت فقط أنني سمعت الصوت الصغير! "Pode ser facilmente visto que eu apenas imaginei ter ouvido a vozinha! Well, well--to work once more! حسنًا ، حسنًا - للعمل مرة أخرى! The poor fellow was scared half to death, so he tried to sing a gay song in order to gain courage. ||||||||||||||happy|||||| كان الرجل المسكين خائفًا حتى الموت ، لذلك حاول أن يغني أغنية مثلي الجنس من أجل اكتساب الشجاعة. O pobre coitado estava morrendo de medo, então ele tentou cantar uma música alegre para ganhar coragem.

He set aside the hatchet and picked up the plane to make the wood smooth and even, but as he drew it to and fro, he heard the same tiny voice. Ele colocou a machadinha de lado e pegou a plaina para deixar a madeira lisa e uniforme, mas enquanto a movia para frente e para trás, ouviu a mesma vozinha.

This time it giggled as it spoke: |||made a sound||| |||terkekeh||| هذه المرة ضاحك وهو يتكلم: Desta vez, ele riu enquanto falava: "Stop it! "توقف عن ذلك! "Pare com isso!

Oh, stop it! اوه توقف! Ha, ha, ha! ها ها ها ها! Há, há, há! You tickle my stomach. |touch lightly|| |menggelitik|| أنت تدغدغ معدتي. Você faz cócegas na minha barriga. This time poor Mastro Cherry fell as if shot. هذه المرة سقطت Mastro Cherry المسكين كما لو كانت رصاصة.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting on the floor. عندما فتح عينيه وجد نفسه جالسًا على الأرض. His face had changed; fright had turned even the tip of his nose from red to deepest purple. ||||||||||||||||darkest shade| تغير وجهه. تحول الخوف حتى طرف أنفه من اللون الأحمر إلى اللون الأرجواني الداكن. Seu rosto havia mudado; o medo transformou até a ponta de seu nariz do vermelho para o roxo mais profundo.