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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Self Care and Going Sober in 2021 I

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Self Care and Going Sober in 2021 I

Elle: Hi everyone. And welcome to the English LingQ podcast with me Elle.

Don't forget if you are learning English, you can study this video as a lesson on LingQ. I will put the link to that lesson in the description. And also if you're listening on any other podcast platform, don't forget to give this episode a like. Yeah.

So this week, I'm joined again by LingQ team member, Shelby. How are you Shelby?

Shelby: Hi Elle. I'm doing great. Thanks. How are you?

Elle: Excellent. I'm good. Thank you. I'm good. And um doing well is, or wellness is the topic of this week's episode. I thought it would be interesting if we chatted about something that we're both really interested in at the moment, the whole self-care, setting goals for wellness for 2021.

Because of course, 2021 is difficult and 2020 was difficult. So it's, uh, it's good to have maybe a plan of action to keep yourself sane and, and well. And, um, and I know that we talked before about a really inspiring kind of plan of action you have for 2021.

Shelby: Oh, well, thank you. I'm, I'm glad to hear that. I was also really inspired to hear, um, that you decided to, um, quit drinking.

And you told me that in, I think in December we chatted about that and, um, I've been hearing other people doing the same. And, um, admittedly, I started making more of a habit out of drinking, um, in the evenings, um, during quarantine last year. And so it's, it's been on my mind. So that's one of the habits I decided to implement for 2021 to, uh, not drink at all.

Elle: Wow. Okay.

How's it going?

Shelby: So far so good. I, um...

Elle: NIce.

Shelby: I haven't really wanted to drink. Um, so the, the habits that I'm focusing on this year are, um, meditate for 10 to 30 minutes every day. Um, do yoga every day, which usually takes me about 30 minutes. Um, and go on a decent length walk, um, at least 5,000 steps. So try to aim for 10,000, but, um, it's not realistic all the time.

Cause it, you know, it takes a lot of time. Um, was that all of them? And then, um, to workout three times a week. So, um, the drinking part, I think is one of the easiest, it's just as soon as you know, you're not doing it. It's just not an option. You don't really have to think about it. Um, I don't know.

What about you? Do you have a similar experience?

Elle: Uh, you know, I stopped drinking in November last year and at first I was great. I didn't, I surprised myself by not wanting to drink at all for months. Even Christmas wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. But over the last, maybe two weeks or so, for some reason. I dunno,

maybe it's, you know, when things get a little stressful work has been a bit stressful and I just, you know, intense, I have wanted red wine for sure. Yes, I have. Yeah, my husband is drinking still. He doesn't drink a lot, but he does have a glass of red every now and then. And when I see that, just over the last couple of weeks, I've felt

that I want one. I haven't had one, but I think, I don't know. I've never, I've never given up alcohol for a long period of time, except for when I was pregnant and breastfeeding, but that was different. Like I had that motivation. It was like, almost my mind flipped a switch. It's like, no, you can't. So there's no such thing as, um, you know, desire for it.

Cause it's just, you just know you can't, but obviously now I can, if I want to, I don't, I choose not to. So it's my... I'm at war with myself, um, kind of thing, which is always hard.

Shelby: Yeah. I mean, you're just relying on your, your willpower at this point and I've you know read about willpower and it's... it works like a meter, you know?

So like if you use willpower for one thing, um, you know, you're, then later that day you have to use it for something else you're going to, uh, your, your meter of willpower is, is decreasing. So it's a good idea to not try to like, just rely on willpower for like multiple different things all at the same time.

Like if you were also trying to, I don't know, like, um, stop, uh, consuming sugar or, um, gluten or one of those other foods that are pervasive and really addictive too. Um, I've read that it's like not really even advisable to try to do that all at once, just because you're relying on something that is, um, it's um, I guess I would say that it's, um, Okay.

I want to like, run, run this back a little bit to do what I said. Um, you're, you're relying on willpower, which, um, it comes from the glucose in your brain. So like, especially when it comes to food stuff, um, like you, you need to, to eat and eat well to like have the glucose that you need to have the willpower to fight off whatever it is that you want to avoid.

So, anyway, all of it is just to say that. Um, especially when you're around it. Um, that's when it gets, I think particularly challenging.

Elle: Yeah, for sure. Have you found that you've, ,you're using you're eating sugar more or salty snacks more instead of the alcohol? Or are you you're okay, so far?

Shelby: Um, so far I'm okay. Um, I I'm, I eat sugar. Um, I eat. Um, I love salt and salty snacks, so I, you know, have certain things around the house that I can have like, um, popcorn, um, sometimes like some like kettle chips. And, but I, I kind of like, I'm trying to develop a habit of eating, like certain foods. Like, I'm just going to eat foods consistently.

Like I know what I'm going to eat throughout the day. So then I don't really have to have that like negotiation with myself. Um, that does get boring though. So you have to like, in my experience, you have to, um, sort of like switch things up on a routine cadence, but for example, um, a big item that I have every day is a smoothie and it's really big.

Um, I have it right here in this beautiful, um, America cup that I got for $1 at a thrift store. Um, but yeah, it has, uh, frozen, mixed berries, frozen spinach, a full banana, um, a scoop of, um, vegan protein powder and like coconut oil, hemp seeds, chia seeds. Um, and sometimes I'll put avocado in there too. So it's like very filling it's tasty.

It gives me a lot of nutrients that I need in the day. And so it lasts for a good... it kind of depends on the day, but it might keep me full for like four to five hours. And so that's a good chunk out of my day where I don't have to feel like, oh, I'm hungry and I'm busy at work too. You know, like, what am I going to eat?

I just, I want to have certain things on hand. Um, so I don't have to think about it too much.

Elle: Right. And that packs a really like fibrous punch too, all those vegetables and fruits, right? That's great.

Shelby: Yeah. And I recommend it. Um, uh, what about you? I mean, you've been doing the, um, you've been sober longer than I have.

So are you finding that you're like kind of compensating with certain snacks or other vices?

Elle: Yes. Yes.

At first I wasn't and I knew it was too good to be true. And within the first two months, I was like, this, this is easy. I'm doing really well. You know, I lost, I lost some weight. I was feeling definitely more energy, able to sleep better.

Um, and yeah, it's just been over the last two to two to three weeks say I've definitely been consuming more sugar. I just really, really crave chocolate, candy, anything sweet, really. And cream like creamy desserts. So like, uh, you know, even like that squirty cream that you can get to go on the top of your drinks?


I'll just put that on some fruit. So that's good, I guess, but I'm definitely eating more sugar, which is, is, bad too, because, um, my den...I haven't been to the dentist in a while. My dentist isn't accepting patients for cleanings, just like emergencies because of COVID. And so I haven't been for a cleaning for a while, and I know she's going to be disappointed when she gets in my mouth.

Shelby: Well, keep flossing. You know, to try to...

Elle: Yes. I do floss. So that's good. That's good.

Shelby: I know you have a dentist in your family, so, um, maybe, maybe you're better about, um, dental hygiene than, than most. I try to stay up on my flossing habit, but I'm not very good at it. Um, but that's, that's interesting to know. It's, it's interesting to hear about your experience.

Cause, yeah, I'm only three weeks deep into like my healthy lifestyle. And I was thinking the same, like, oh, this is easy. So it's good to be forewarned.

Elle: It may stay easy. It may stay easy for you, you know, everyone's different, but I'm definitely finding, um, and I mentioned this to you before, Instagram accounts...

I don't think you're on Instagram though, but or, wherever, you know, Reddit or wherever you're active. Um, these sober accounts, uh, such, such great inspiration. Um, yeah. There's everything from mocktail recipes to, you know, those little, uh, affirmations, um, ideas for quit lit, which is, as you can imagine, literature about quitting alcohol.

That's great.

Quit, quit lit. Um, I read, I've read a couple of books, so it's all... It's good to have a community, um, or even a person I find with this kind of goal, uh, where you can, you can look at a day, can connect with every day and just remind yourself, okay. Yes, this is hard. Sometimes it will be hard, but I can do it and I should keep doing it because why, why not?

It's what, if it's what you want? You know, your good self, your higher self, that knows what's good for you once it, and then there's the lower self that wants that quick relaxing fix or whatever, they're fighting all the time. So.

Shelby: Exactly.

Elle: Yeah.

Shelby: So what will be the first thing that you do when you are feeling a craving?

Like, do you go for the whipped cream dessert on fruit or go for the, the like sober Instagram page or something else?

Elle: Probably the Instagram and I'll try to get active too. I like to organize things. So if I'm feeling particularly, you know, "cravey", like I could really do with a glass of wine, I'll go and organize like my closet or I'll do a, you know, the Marie Kondo pulling out all of your clothes, seeing what sparks joy and what no longer sparks joy, getting rid of those things.

That's always, it always improves my mood. So I feel like, uh, you know, I suddenly, I don't feel in control because I want something that I'm trying not to have, that craving. Um, and so doing something like organizing makes me feel in control again. And so that's the first thing I try. Yeah.

How about you when you have a craving, what do you do to fight it?

Shelby: Um, I think, uh...

Elle: I guess, you haven't yet though, right?

Shelby: Yeah, no, I mean, I haven't, um, necessarily... like I've like had the thought crossed my mind, like, Oh, I want a beer. Um, You know, even just like straight up forgetting, that I quit. So like I went to the fridge one time and I was like, Hey, I'm not doing this. So, um, you know, it's kind of like a fleeting thought.

Um, but you know, I'll have like cravings for other things that I'm trying to avoid or, you know, my, my habits and goals just come down to, um, prioritizing my health, um, pretty much over like everything else. And as you know, that gets like, boring. And so when I'm feeling like restless or like indulgent, um, I will try to get out of my head and into my body.

So that means like doing one of the habits that I set out to do anyway, which is maybe doing some yoga. Or going for a walk or I'll, I'll work out. I have like a little like home gym. I mean, it's just like free weights and, um, a yoga mat and some exercise bands. So it's really easy to move around with. Um, but I have found that, um, like doing something physical will usually help reset me.

Um, and or journaling, like, cause if I have a lot on my mind, if I'm feeling stressed, I will just, and my journaling has become totally digital. Um, just cause it's so much more convenient. So I'll pull up an Evernote on my computer or phone and just kind of start typing about like, What am I, what am I craving?

Um, what, what am I feeling? And just through that process, I'm sort of like venting, um, even if it's just to myself in I note, um, and maybe I'll, I will understand the source of how I feel. And once I understand that it's easier to address it and kind of treat it.

Elle: Then yeah. Moving forward if you feel that trigger coming on, you can be, you can act quicker, which is always, always good.

Shelby: Yeah. You can like understand why we're feeling that way and yeah, that's super helpful. Yeah.

Elle: I read somewhere that a craving lasts 20 minutes. Typically, if you can distract yourself or, you know, get out, like you say, out of your head, into your body...

Shelby: Right.

Elle: ...for, for 20 minutes from the beginning of it, should dissipate. I mean, of course everyone's different. Maybe it lasts longer for some people, but it's kind of good to know. Cause 20 minutes, isn't a long time. It is a long time when you really want something that you shouldn't, or you're trying to avoid.

Shelby: Right.

Elle: But...

Shelby: Exactly.

It's like torture at that point, but, um...

Elle: It is, it is totally like torture.

Shelby: Yeah, but if you, I mean, that's, I, I haven't noticed like the 20 minute thing, but I've certainly noticed the cravings always pass. Right.

Like, it's kind of a feeling and I know that feelings are temporary. Um, and just the same way that like, um, Like our appetites are, are temporary too.

Um, I remember watching some, I think it was like a Jerry Seinfeld standup from a long time ago. That was just, he had a little bit where he's like, you know, when you're a kid, your parents tell you like you can't eat cookies before dinner because they're going to spoil your appetite. But as an adult, you know, that like, if you spoil your appetite, you've got another one coming a little bit later.

Maybe I will eat cookies before dinner. That doesn't, that's not really on topic. Um, with what we're talking about.

I think the other thing is... Sorry, I just, I think the other thing is like having a grace with yourself too. So like, if I am, I don't know, like feeling indulgent and I want to indulge in something like some ice cream or some snacks, um, maybe I'll just do that, you know, and tell myself like, okay, like you did everything else

well, like you can do this and it's not the end of the world, you know? Um, just, um...

Elle: yeah.

Shelby: Keeping healthy otherwise.

Elle: Yeah.


Everything in moderation. And of course I have this issue with, like you say, you have this goal and then when you break it even a little, just a little ice cream or, you know, say I had a sip of red wine the way my mind works, and this is not good,

I hate it, I'm trying to work on it is I feel like, well, that's all destroyed now. So I may as well go back to doing whatever, like with language learning with my French it really fell off at the end of 2020. And I felt like I had, you know, it's all ruined, so just forget about it. Uh, it's it's a tough mindset to, to, to remove yourself from. It's like, okay, you know, you can't, you can't be perfect,

you know, there is no such thing just because you fall off and, you know, have some ice cream. That doesn't mean that the next day you can't carry on with your. Your goal and eat better, so...

Shelby: Right.

Well, and what you described, that's a really common, um, frame of mind and that's why, um, that's actually, why, so many of us don't necessarily stick to certain habits because, you know, we were on a roll and then we, um, you know, fall off the wagon one time and then exactly,

we feel we failed. So then it's like, okay, well, Um, I lost a bunch of progress basically since my streak is that far broken, you know, but, um, James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits, um, said, Oh, um, he's like never miss twice. Right.

Like don't, don't miss twice in a row. So like, if I fail one day, you know, if you have a sip of red wine or whatever, just remind yourself, um, just not again tomorrow, you know, and get through the next day.

And it's the same reason why actually I've been on like an 80%, um, vegan and gluten-free diet for the last five and a half years. And. It's because like I, well with, I mean, we talked a little bit about, uh, when I was in Chile, I certainly gave in more than normal, but basically if I eat meat once a week, instead of once a day, I'm still like... compounded over time,

I'm probably going to be healthier than if I was eating it every day. But if I tell myself like, Oh, I ate chicken last night. So I guess I'm not vegan anymore. Like we're so worried about the label kind of, um, like I'm sober, but I had a glass of red wine last night. I think we just need to kind of separate ourselves from the label.

And remember that you're still so far, like you're so much further than you were when you started, even if you slip up one time and you're like so much closer to the person that you want to be, even if you slip up. So.

Elle: Exactly and just comparing ourselves I find ,too, you know, the, the you of last week, last month, last year, instead of anyone, anyone else, you know, is, is really important and hard to do, because we're so confronted with everyone's narratives these days with social media and just media in general, the internet.

So, yeah. Yeah, that's a good one to remember for sure. And I've, I've been having nightmares actually about drinking. So that's an interesting point you say, yeah. I've had around, around three now and in every one i, I don't intentionally drink. I just, I just drink and forget that I'm sober. And then afterwards I'm like, Oh no, I had a beer, I'm supposed to be sober!

And I wake up like, Oh, thank goodness.

Shelby: Yeah. I think that because you know, like you're, you're really trying, like you're making a difference in your everyday life and it's, it's funny how that can appear in your dreams too.

Elle: Oh yeah. Big time. And I almost drank some of my husband's beer the other day. We both had the same glass.

I have my fake beer, which is really good actually. And he had a real beer. Picked up his and I went to drink and he's like, no. Oh my God, what if I'd had a sip? Like, that's it. Done. It's so silly. But sometimes we do that to ourselves. You know, it's like this black and white absolutist thinking that it's really not helpful.

We need to be kinder and you know, more...

Shelby: Absolutely. Have more grace with ourselves.

Elle: Yes, a hundred percent.

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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Self Care and Going Sober in 2021 I |||benessere|auto|cuidado||yendo|sober|| |||bem-estar||||||| Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Selbstfürsorge und Nüchternheit im Jahr 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Self Care and Going Sober in 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Bienestar, autocuidado y sobriedad en 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8 : Bien-être, soin de soi et sobriété en 2021 I Podcast LingQ 2.0 inglese #8: Benessere, cura di sé e sobrietà nel 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8:ウェルネス、セルフケア、そして2021年に禁酒する I English LingQ 2.0 팟캐스트 #8: 2021년 웰빙, 자기 관리, 금주 I Engels LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, zelfzorg en nuchter worden in 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, dbanie o siebie i trzeźwość w 2021 roku I Inglês LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Bem-estar, autocuidado e ficar sóbrio em 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: Wellness, Self Care и Going Sober in 2021 I English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #8: 2021'de Sağlıklı Yaşam, Öz Bakım ve Ayık Kalmak I Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #8: Самопочуття, догляд за собою та тверезість у 2021 році I 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #8:2021 年的健康、自我护理和戒酒 I 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #8:健康、自我保健和 2021 年戒酒 I

Elle: Hi everyone. Elle: Hola a todos. 艾尔:大家好。 And welcome to the English LingQ podcast with me Elle. ||||English language||||| Y bienvenidos al podcast de English LingQ conmigo Elle. Ve benimle İngilizce LingQ podcastine hoş geldiniz Elle. 欢迎与我一起收听英语 LingQ 播客 Elle。

Don't forget if you are learning English, you can study this video as a lesson on LingQ. ||||||||||||||||LingQ No olvides que si estás aprendiendo inglés, puedes estudiar este vídeo como una lección en LingQ. 英語を学んでいる場合は、このビデオをLingQのレッスンとして勉強することができます。 İngilizce öğreniyorsanız, bu videoyu LingQ'da ders olarak çalışabileceğinizi unutmayın. 不要忘记,如果您正在学习英语,您可以将此视频作为 LingQ 课程来学习。 I will put the link to that lesson in the description. そのレッスンへのリンクを説明欄に記載します。 Bu dersin bağlantısını açıklamaya ekleyeceğim. 我将在说明中添加该课程的链接。 And also if you're listening on any other podcast platform, don't forget to give this episode a like. また、他のポッドキャストプラットフォームで聴いている場合は、このエピソードにいいねをしてくださいね。 Ayrıca başka bir podcast platformundan dinliyorsanız, bu bölümü beğenmeyi unutmayın. 另外,如果您在任何其他播客平台上收听,请不要忘记给本集点赞。 Yeah. To jo. はい。 Evet.

So this week, I'm joined again by LingQ team member, Shelby. |||||||LingQ||| Takže tento týden se ke mě znovu připojil člen týmu LingQ, Shelby. 今週もLingQチームのメンバーであるシェルビーが参加しています。 Bu hafta bana yine LingQ ekibi üyesi Shelby eşlik ediyor. How are you Shelby? シェルビー、お元気ですか?

Shelby: Hi Elle. シェルビー: こんにちはエル。 I'm doing great. ||bene Sto benissimo. 私は元気です。 Harika gidiyorum. Thanks. ありがとう。 How are you?

Elle: Excellent. エル:すばらしい。 I'm good. Jsem v pohodě. 私は大丈夫です。 Ben iyiyim. Thank you. I'm good. And um doing well is, or wellness is the topic of this week's episode. ||||||bien-être||||||| ||||||здоров'я||||||| ||||||bienestar||||||| A um se daří dobře, nebo wellness je tématem epizody tohoto týdne. And um doing well is, or wellness is the topic of this week's episode. E il benessere è l'argomento della puntata di questa settimana. そして、うーん、うまくやっている、または健康が今週のエピソードのトピックです. I um robienie dobrze jest, lub wellness jest tematem odcinka w tym tygodniu. Bu haftaki bölümümüzün konusu da iyi olmak ya da sağlıklı olmak. I thought it would be interesting if we chatted about something that we're both really interested in at the moment, the whole self-care, setting goals for wellness for 2021. ||||||||parlassimo|||||||interessante|||||||||setting|||| Myslel jsem, že by bylo zajímavé, kdybychom si povídali o něčem, o co se v tuto chvíli oba opravdu zajímáme, o celé péči o sebe a stanovování cílů pro wellness do roku 2021. I thought it would be interesting if we chatted about something that we're both really interested in at the moment, the whole self-care, setting goals for wellness for 2021. Ho pensato che sarebbe stato interessante chiacchierare di un argomento che al momento interessa molto a entrambe, la cura di sé e la definizione di obiettivi di benessere per il 2021. このまま、自己ケアや2021年の健康目標について話し合うことが面白いと思いました。 Pomyślałem, że byłoby interesujące, gdybyśmy porozmawiali o czymś, co nas oboje naprawdę interesuje w tej chwili, o dbaniu o siebie, wyznaczaniu celów w zakresie dobrego samopoczucia na 2021 rok. Şu anda ikimizin de gerçekten ilgilendiği bir konu hakkında sohbet etmemizin ilginç olacağını düşündüm, tüm öz bakım, 2021 için sağlıklı yaşam hedefleri belirlemek.

Because of course, 2021 is difficult and 2020 was difficult. Protože rok 2021 je samozřejmě obtížný a rok 2020 byl obtížný. 2021年はもちろん難しく、2020年も難しかったですからね。 Çünkü tabii ki 2021 zor ve 2020 de zordu. So it's, uh, it's good to have maybe a plan of action to keep yourself sane and, and well. |||||||||||||||sain||| |||||||||||course of action||||mentally stable||| |||||||||||||||정신 차리다||| |||||||||||||||sane||| Takže je dobře, uh, je dobré mít možná akční plán, abyste se udrželi při smyslech a dobře. Es ist also gut, einen Aktionsplan zu haben, um gesund und munter zu bleiben. だから、自分自身を正気で保ち、健康でいるための行動計画を立てるのはいいことです。 Dobrze jest więc mieć jakiś plan działania, by zachować zdrowy rozsądek. And, um, and I know that we talked before about a really inspiring kind of plan of action you have for 2021. |||||||parlato|||||ispiratrice|||||||| A vím, že jsme už předtím mluvili o opravdu inspirativním akčním plánu, který máte na rok 2021. そして、ええ、2021年のためのとても刺激的な行動計画について話したことがあると思います。 I wiem, że rozmawialiśmy wcześniej o naprawdę inspirującym planie działania na 2021 rok. Daha önce 2021 için gerçekten ilham verici bir eylem planınız olduğundan bahsettiğimizi biliyorum.

Shelby: Oh, well, thank you. シェルビー:ああ、ありがとうございます。 I'm, I'm glad to hear that. ||contento||| Jsem rád, že to slyším. 私は、それを聞けてうれしいです。 Bunu duyduğuma sevindim. I was also really inspired to hear, um, that you decided to, um, quit drinking. ||||ispirato||||||decidesti = you decided|||| Také mě opravdu inspirovalo, když jsem slyšel, hm, že jsi se rozhodl, um, přestat pít. Mi ha ispirato molto anche sapere che ha deciso di smettere di bere. 私も、あなたがお酒をやめることを決意したと聞いて、本当にインスパイアされました。 Ayrıca içkiyi bırakmaya karar verdiğinizi duymak beni çok etkiledi. Tôi cũng thực sự có cảm hứng khi biết rằng bạn đã quyết định bỏ rượu.

And you told me that in, I think in December we chatted about that and, um, I've been hearing other people doing the same. |||||||||||parlottammo|||||||escuchando rumores||||| A řekl jsi mi, že v, myslím, že v prosinci jsme si o tom povídali a, hm, slyšel jsem, jak to dělají i další lidé. そして、12月ごろにお話ししたと思いますが、他の人も同じようにやめることを決意していると聞いています。 Powiedziałeś mi o tym w grudniu, kiedy o tym rozmawialiśmy i słyszałem, że inni ludzie robią to samo. Bunu bana Aralık ayında söylemiştiniz, sanırım bu konuda sohbet etmiştik ve başkalarının da aynı şeyi yaptığını duyuyorum. Và bạn đã nói với tôi điều đó vào tháng 12, tôi nghĩ chúng ta đã trò chuyện về điều đó và, ừm, tôi đã nghe thấy những người khác cũng làm như vậy. And, um, admittedly, I started making more of a habit out of drinking, um, in the evenings, um, during quarantine last year. |||je||||||||||||||||la quarantaine|| ||I confess|||||||||||||||||карантину|| ||솔직히 말해서|||||||||||||||||격리 기간 동안|| ||es cierto que|||||||||||||||||cuarentena|| A samozřejmě, začal jsem si zvykem zvykat na pití, večer, během loňské karantény, večer. E, a dire il vero, l'anno scorso ho iniziato a prendere l'abitudine di bere la sera, durante la quarantena. そして、正直に言うと、昨年の隔離期間中に夜にお酒を飲む習慣が増えてしまいました。 Przyznaję, że w zeszłym roku, podczas kwarantanny, zacząłem bardziej przyzwyczajać się do picia wieczorami. Ve itiraf etmeliyim ki, geçen yıl karantina sırasında akşamları içmeyi daha fazla alışkanlık haline getirmeye başladım. Và, ừm, phải thừa nhận rằng, tôi bắt đầu có thói quen uống rượu nhiều hơn, ừm, vào buổi tối, ừm, trong thời gian cách ly năm ngoái. And so it's, it's been on my mind. A tak to bylo, bylo to v mé mysli. E così, ci ho pensato. それで私は気にかかっていたんです。 I tak mi to chodziło po głowie. Bu yüzden aklımdan çıkmıyor. So that's one of the habits I decided to implement for 2021 to, uh, not drink at all. |||||||||put into practice||||||| |||||||||implementar||||||| To je tedy jeden ze zvyků, které jsem se rozhodl zavést do roku 2021, abych vůbec nepil. 2021年に実施することを決めた習慣の1つが、まったく飲まないことです。 Jest to więc jeden z nawyków, które postanowiłem wdrożyć w 2021 roku, aby w ogóle nie pić. Então esse é um dos hábitos que decidi implementar em 2021 para, uh, não beber nada. Bu yüzden 2021 için uygulamaya karar verdiğim alışkanlıklardan biri de hiç içmemek. Vì vậy, đó là một trong những thói quen mà tôi quyết định thực hiện cho năm 2021 là không uống rượu chút nào.

Elle: Wow. Elle: Páni. エル: ええっ。 Okay. わかりました。

How's it going? Jak to jde? Come sta andando? 調子はどう? Nasıl gidiyor?

Shelby: So far so good. Shelby: Zatím tak dobře. Finora tutto bene. シェルビー:これまでのところとても良いです。 Shelby: Jak dotąd dobrze. Шелби: Пока все хорошо. Şimdiye kadar çok iyi. Shelby: Cho đến nay vẫn tốt. I, um... 私は、ええと...

Elle: NIce. Elle: Nice. エル:いいね。

Shelby: I haven't really wanted to drink. ||have not|||| Shelby: Ve skutečnosti jsem nechtěla pít. シェルビー:実は、飲みたくありませんでした。 Shelby: Gerçekten içmek istemedim. Um, so the, the habits that I'm focusing on this year are, um, meditate for 10 to 30 minutes every day. |||||||||||||meditate||||| |||||||focalizzando||||||meditare||||| えー、今年集中して取り組んでいる習慣は、えー、毎日10から30分瞑想することです。 Bu yıl odaklandığım alışkanlıklar, her gün 10 ila 30 dakika meditasyon yapmak. Um, do yoga every day, which usually takes me about 30 minutes. ||||||||||minuti Hm, každý den cvičím jógu, což mi obvykle zabere asi 30 minut. えー、毎日ヨガを行うことで、通常30分かかります。 Her gün yoga yapıyorum, bu da genellikle 30 dakikamı alıyor. Um, and go on a decent length walk, um, at least 5,000 steps. ||faire||||||||| |||||reasonable|considerable distance||||| ||||||um||||| um||fai|||decent|lungo|passeggiata|um||almeno|passi Hm, a jdi na slušnou procházku, hm, alespoň 5 000 kroků. えー、そして、えー、少なくとも5,000歩のまともな距離を歩くことです。 Um, i idź na przyzwoitej długości spacer, um, co najmniej 5000 kroków. En az 5.000 adım atarak makul uzunlukta bir yürüyüşe çıkın. Ừm, và đi bộ một quãng đường dài, ừm, ít nhất 5.000 bước. So try to aim for 10,000, but, um, it's not realistic all the time. |||||||||realistico||| Zkuste tedy namířit na 10 000, ale, um, to není pořád realistické. Staraj się więc dążyć do 10 000, ale nie jest to realne przez cały czas. Bu yüzden 10.000'i hedeflemeye çalışın ama bu her zaman gerçekçi olmayabilir. Vì vậy, hãy cố gắng nhắm tới 10.000, nhưng, ừm, điều đó không phải lúc nào cũng thực tế.

Cause it, you know, it takes a lot of time. Fais-le||||||||| Protože to víš, zabere to hodně času. Bo to, wiesz, zajmuje dużo czasu. Çünkü bu, bilirsiniz, çok zaman alır. Um, was that all of them? Hm, to byli všichni? Czy to były wszystkie? Hum, eram todos eles? Hepsi bu kadar mıydı? And then, um, to workout three times a week. ||||allenamento|||| A pak, um, trénovat třikrát týdně. そして、ええと、週に3回トレーニングします。 A potem ćwiczyć trzy razy w tygodniu. Ve sonra, haftada üç kez egzersiz yapmak. So, um, the drinking part, I think is one of the easiest, it's just as soon as you know, you're not doing it. |||bere||||||||più facile||||||||||| Takže, um, pitná část, myslím, že je jedna z nejjednodušších, je to, jakmile víte, že to neděláte. Quindi... la parte del bere credo sia una delle più facili, non appena si sa che non lo si fa più. だから、ええと、飲む部分は、私が最も簡単なものの1つだと思います、それはあなたが知っているとすぐに、あなたはそれをしていません。 Więc, um, część dotycząca picia, myślę, że jest jedną z najłatwiejszych, tak szybko, jak wiesz, że tego nie robisz. İçki içme kısmı bence en kolaylarından biri, bunu yapmadığınızı anladığınız anda. It's just not an option. To prostě není volba. それは単なる選択肢ではありません。 To po prostu nie wchodzi w grę. Bu bir seçenek değil. You don't really have to think about it. Nemusíte na to opravdu myslet. あなたは本当にそれについて考える必要はありません。 Bunu gerçekten düşünmek zorunda değilsiniz. Um, I don't know.

What about you? A ty? Peki ya sen? Do you have a similar experience? Sizin de benzer bir deneyiminiz var mı?

Elle: Uh, you know, I stopped drinking in November last year and at first I was great. ||||||||||||||||great Elle: Uh, víš, přestal jsem pít v listopadu loňského roku a zpočátku jsem byl skvělý. Elle: Geçen yıl Kasım ayında içkiyi bıraktım ve ilk başlarda harikaydım. I didn't, I surprised myself by not wanting to drink at all for months. |||||||volere||||||mesi Neudělal jsem, překvapil jsem sám sebe tím, že jsem měsíce nechtěl vůbec pít. İçmedim, aylarca hiç içmek istemeyerek kendimi şaşırttım. Tôi thì không, tôi ngạc nhiên khi không muốn uống chút nào trong nhiều tháng. Even Christmas wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. |Natale||||||pensavo||| Noel bile düşündüğüm kadar zor geçmedi. But over the last, maybe two weeks or so, for some reason. Ale za poslední, možná dva týdny nebo tak nějak, z nějakého důvodu. I dunno, |don't know |não sei Nevím, Понятия не имею, Tôi không biết,

maybe it's, you know, when things get a little stressful work has been a bit stressful and I just, you know, intense, I have wanted red wine for sure. |||||||||||||||||||||intense||||||| |||||||||stressful||||||||||||intenso|||||||sicuramente Možná je to, když víte, že trochu stresující práce byla trochu stresující a já jen, víte, intenzivní, jsem chtěl červené víno pro jistotu. 多分それは、物事が少しストレスを感じるとき、少しストレスがたまっていて、私はただ、あなたが知っている、強烈な、私は確かに赤ワインが欲しかったのです。 talvez seja, você sabe, quando as coisas ficam um pouco estressantes, o trabalho tem sido um pouco estressante e eu, você sabe, intenso, eu queria vinho tinto com certeza. có lẽ đó là, bạn biết đấy, khi mọi thứ trở nên căng thẳng một chút, công việc hơi căng thẳng và bạn biết đấy, mãnh liệt, tôi chắc chắn đã muốn uống rượu vang đỏ. Yes, I have. Yeah, my husband is drinking still. |mon|||| He doesn't drink a lot, but he does have a glass of red every now and then. Nepije hodně, ale každou chvíli má sklenici červené. Non beve molto, ma ogni tanto beve un bicchiere di rosso. 彼はあまり飲まないが、時々赤のグラスを持っている。 Ele não bebe muito, mas bebe um copo de vinho tinto de vez em quando. And when I see that, just over the last couple of weeks, I've felt ||||||||||||j'ai| A když to vidím, jen za posledních pár týdnů jsem se cítil

that I want one. že chci jednu. I haven't had one, but I think, I don't know. Neměl jsem žádný, ale myslím, že nevím. I've never, I've never given up alcohol for a long period of time, except for when I was pregnant and breastfeeding, but that was different. ||||||||||||||||||||l'allaitement||||différent ||||||||||||||||||expecting a baby||nursing my baby|||| ||||||||||||||||||||amamentação|||| ||||||||||||||||||||모유 수유|||| ||||||||||||||||||||allattamento al seno|||| ||||||||||periodo||||||||incinta|e|amamantando|pero|||diferente Nikdy, nikdy jsem se alkoholu dlouho nevzdal, kromě případů, kdy jsem byla těhotná a kojila, ale to bylo jiné. Non ho mai rinunciato all'alcol per un lungo periodo di tempo, tranne quando ero incinta e allattavo, ma era diverso. 妊娠中や授乳中を除いて、長い間お酒をやめたことはありませんでしたが、それは違いました。 Nigdy nie odstawiłam alkoholu na dłuższy czas, z wyjątkiem okresu ciąży i karmienia piersią, ale to było co innego. Like I had that motivation. ||||motivación Jako bych měl tu motivaci. 私がその動機を持っていたように。 Jakbym miał taką motywację. It was like, almost my mind flipped a switch. ||||mon||s'est retournée|| ||||||umgelegt||Schalter umgelegt ||||||||cambió de repente Bylo to jako, skoro moje mysl stiskla vypínač. È stato come se la mia mente avesse acceso un interruttore. まるで、ほとんど私の心がスイッチを入れたようなものでした。 To było tak, jakby mój umysł przełączył przełącznik. Foi como se a minha mente tivesse ligado um interrutor. Это было похоже на то, что мой разум почти щелкнул выключателем. Nó giống như, tâm trí tôi gần như bật một công tắc. It's like, no, you can't. ||nein|| Je to jako, ne, nemůžete. Nie, nie możesz. So there's no such thing as, um, you know, desire for it. |||||||||deseo|| Takže neexistuje nic jako, ehm, víte, touha po tom. Więc nie ma czegoś takiego jak, no wiesz, pragnienie tego.

Cause it's just, you just know you can't, but obviously now I can, if I want to, I don't, I choose not to. |||||||||||||||||||je||| |||||||||obviamente||||||||||||| Protože je to jen, prostě víš, že nemůžeš, ale zjevně teď můžu, pokud chci, nechci, rozhodl jsem se ne. Porque es sólo, sólo sabes que no puedes, pero obviamente ahora puedo, si quiero, no lo hago, elijo no hacerlo. Perché è solo, sai che non puoi, ma ovviamente ora posso, se voglio, non lo faccio, scelgo di non farlo. So it's my... I'm at war with myself, um, kind of thing, which is always hard. |||je suis|||||||||||| Takže je to moje ... Jsem ve válce sám se sebou, hm, něco, co je vždy těžké. Portanto, é o meu... estou em guerra comigo próprio, hum, uma coisa que é sempre difícil.

Shelby: Yeah. |Sure thing. I mean, you're just relying on your, your willpower at this point and I've you know read about willpower and it's... it works like a meter, you know? ||||||||volonté||||||||||volonté|||cela||||un indicateur|| ||||||||сила волі|||||||||||||||||gauge|| ||||contando su||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||dependiendo||||voluntad|||||||||||||||||medidor|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||medidor|| Myslím tím, že se v tuto chvíli jen spoléháte na svoji, svou vůli a já vím, že jste si přečetli o vůli a je to ... funguje to jako metr, víte? Voglio dire, a questo punto ti affidi solo alla tua forza di volontà e ho letto qualcosa sulla forza di volontà ed è... funziona come un misuratore, capisci? つまり、あなたはこの時点であなたの意志力に依存しているだけです。私はあなたが意志力について読んだことを知っています、そしてそれは...それはメーターのように機能します、あなたは知っていますか? Quer dizer, nesta altura, estamos a contar apenas com a nossa força de vontade e eu já li sobre a força de vontade e é... funciona como um contador, sabe? Ý tôi là, lúc này bạn chỉ dựa vào sức mạnh ý chí của mình và tôi biết bạn đã đọc về sức mạnh ý chí và nó... nó hoạt động giống như một chiếc đồng hồ đo, bạn biết không?

So like if you use willpower for one thing, um, you know, you're, then later that day you have to use it for something else you're going to, uh, your, your meter of willpower is, is decreasing. |||||la volonté|||||||||||||||||||||||||votre|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||abnehmend |||||의지력||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||más tarde||||||usar|||algo||||||||medidor||fuerza de voluntad|||disminuyendo ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||running low Takže jako když použijete vůli pro jednu věc, hm, víte, že jste, pak později toho dne ji budete muset použít pro něco jiného, na co se chystáte, váš, váš metr vůle je, klesá. Quindi, se usate la forza di volontà per una cosa, e poi il giorno dopo dovete usarla per qualcos'altro, il vostro misuratore di forza di volontà sta diminuendo. つまり、あることのために意志力を使用する場合、ええと、あなたはそうです、そしてその日のうちにあなたはあなたが行く他の何かのためにそれを使わなければなりません、ええと、あなたの意志力のメーターは減少しています。 Vì vậy, giống như nếu bạn sử dụng sức mạnh ý chí cho một việc, ừm, bạn biết đấy, bạn, thì sau ngày hôm đó bạn phải sử dụng nó cho việc khác mà bạn định làm, uh, thước đo sức mạnh ý chí của bạn đang giảm dần. So it's a good idea to not try to like, just rely on willpower for like multiple different things all at the same time. |||||||||||depender|||||||||||| ||||buena idea|||||||depender|||||múltiples cosas|diferentes||todas ellas||la|lo mismo|tiempo Je tedy dobrý nápad se nepokoušet líbit, jen se spoléhat na sílu vůle, protože se vám líbí více různých věcí najednou. Quindi è una buona idea non cercare di fare affidamento sulla forza di volontà per più cose contemporaneamente. ですから、好きになろうとせず、同時に複数の異なるものを好きになるために意志力に頼るのは良い考えです。 Поэтому неплохо не пытаться любить, а просто полагаться на силу воли, чтобы сделать несколько разных вещей одновременно.

Like if you were also trying to, I don't know, like, um, stop, uh, consuming sugar or, um, gluten or one of those other foods that are pervasive and really addictive too. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||omniprésentes|||| ||||||||||||||eating||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||pervasivos|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||만연한|||| ||||||||||||||consumare||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||consumiendo|azúcar|||gluten|||||otros alimentos|alimentos adictivos|eso|son|pervasivas||realmente adictivos|adictivos también| Ad esempio, se si stesse anche cercando di smettere di consumare zucchero o glutine o uno di quegli altri alimenti che sono molto diffusi e creano dipendenza. Giống như nếu bạn cũng đang cố gắng, tôi không biết, chẳng hạn như, ừm, dừng lại, ừ, tiêu thụ đường hoặc, ừm, gluten hoặc một trong những thực phẩm phổ biến khác và thực sự gây nghiện. Um, I've read that it's like not really even advisable to try to do that all at once, just because you're relying on something that is, um, it's um, I guess I would say that it's, um, Okay. |||||||||aconsejable||||||||||porque||dependiendo de|||||||||||||||| Hm, četl jsem, že to jako by se ani nedoporučovalo zkusit to udělat najednou, jen proto, že se spoléháš na něco, co je, hm, je to hm, myslím, že bych řekl, že je to, hm, dobře. Ho letto che non è consigliabile nemmeno provare a farlo tutto in una volta, solo perché ci si affida a qualcosa che è... è... direi che è... ok. ええと、私はそれを一度にやろうとするのは本当に賢明ではないようだと読んだことがあります。なぜなら、あなたが何かに依存しているからです。

I want to like, run, run this back a little bit to do what I said. je|||||revenir|||||||||| Chci se mi líbit, utíkat, trochu to spustit, abych udělal to, co jsem řekl. Voglio tornare un po' indietro per fare quello che ho detto. 私が言ったことをするために、これを少し戻したいです。 Quero voltar atrás um bocadinho para fazer o que disse. Я хочу любить, бегать, пробегать немного назад, чтобы сделать то, что я сказал. Um, you're, you're relying on willpower, which, um, it comes from the glucose in your brain. ||||||||||||glucose||| |||||voluntad de poder|lo cual||||||glucosa|||cerebro |||contando|||||||||||| Hm, vy se spoléháte na vůli, která, hm, pochází z glukózy ve vašem mozku. ええと、あなたは、あなたは意志力に依存しています、それは、ええと、それはあなたの脳のブドウ糖から来ます。 Está a contar com a força de vontade, que vem da glicose no seu cérebro. So like, especially when it comes to food stuff, um, like you, you need to, to eat and eat well to like have the glucose that you need to have the willpower to fight off whatever it is that you want to avoid. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pour|||||||||| |||||se refiere a|||cosas||||||||||||||||glucosa|||||||fuerza de voluntad||luchar contra||lo que sea|||||||evitar Takže, zvláště pokud jde o jídlo, um, jako vy, musíte, jíst a dobře jíst, abyste měli glukózu, kterou potřebujete, abyste měli vůli bojovat proti čemukoli, čemu se chcete vyhnout. Así que, especialmente cuando se trata de comida, necesitas comer y comer bien para tener la glucosa que necesitas para tener la fuerza de voluntad para luchar contra lo que sea que quieras evitar. Quindi, soprattutto quando si tratta di cibo, è necessario mangiare e mangiare bene per avere il glucosio necessario a combattere qualsiasi cosa si voglia evitare.

So, anyway, all of it is just to say that. Všechno tedy stačí jen říct. Comunque, tutto questo è solo per dire che... Um, especially when you're around it. ||||alrededor| Hm, zvlášť když jste kolem. Soprattutto quando ci si trova nei paraggi. Um, that's when it gets, I think particularly challenging. ||||se vuelve|||particularmente|desafiante Hm, tehdy to přijde, myslím, že zvlášť náročné. È a questo punto che la situazione si fa, credo, particolarmente impegnativa. Ừm, đó là lúc tôi nghĩ nó đặc biệt khó khăn.

Elle: Yeah, for sure. Elle: Ano, jistě. Elle: Да, конечно. Have you found that you've, ,you're using you're eating sugar more or salty snacks more instead of the alcohol? ||||||||||||salati|||||| ||||||usando|||||||||en lugar de|||alcohol Zjistili jste, že místo alkoholu konzumujete více cukru nebo slaného občerstvení? Avete scoperto che, al posto dell'alcol, mangiate più zucchero o snack salati? アルコールの代わりに砂糖や塩辛いおやつをもっと食べていることに気づきましたか? Or are you you're okay, so far? Nebo jsi zatím v pořádku? O stai bene, per ora? それとも、今のところ大丈夫ですか? Czy na razie wszystko w porządku?

Shelby: Um, so far I'm okay. ||até agora|até agora|| Per ora sto bene. Um, I I'm, I eat sugar. Um, I eat. Um, I love salt and salty snacks, so I, you know, have certain things around the house that I can have like, um, popcorn, um, sometimes like some like kettle chips. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chips de kettle| |||||salty|||||||||||||||||||||||||potato chips |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||batata frita (do tipo kettle)| ||||||||||||ciertas cosas|||||||||||palomitas de maíz||||||papas fritas kettle|papas fritas |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||patatine fritte rustiche| Hm, miluji slané a slané občerstvení, takže já, víte, mám po domě určité věci, které můžu mít jako, ehm, popcorn, ehm, někdy jako některé jako konvice. Adoro il sale e gli snack salati, quindi ho in casa alcune cose che posso mangiare, come i popcorn, e a volte le patatine fritte. ええと、私は塩と塩辛いスナックが大好きなので、家の周りには、ええと、ポップコーン、ええと、時にはやかんチップスのようなものがあります。 Uwielbiam sól i słone przekąski, więc mam w domu pewne rzeczy, które mogę zjeść, takie jak popcorn, czasami chipsy. And, but I, I kind of like, I'm trying to develop a habit of eating, like certain foods. ||||un peu||||||||||||| A, ale trochu se mi líbí, snažím se vytvořit si zvyk jíst, jako některá jídla. Ale staram się wyrobić w sobie nawyk jedzenia określonych pokarmów. Like, I'm just going to eat foods consistently. |||||||regularly |||||||de manera consistente Stejně jako budu jíst důsledně jídlo. まるで、私は一貫して食べ物を食べるつもりです。 Zamierzam po prostu konsekwentnie jeść żywność. Giống như, tôi sẽ ăn đồ ăn một cách nhất quán.

Like I know what I'm going to eat throughout the day. ||||||||durante todo||día ||||||||durante (o)|| Jako bych věděl, co budu celý den jíst. Jakbym wiedział, co będę jadł w ciągu dnia. Giống như tôi biết mình sẽ ăn gì trong ngày. So then I don't really have to have that like negotiation with myself. Takže to opravdu nemusím mít jako vyjednávání sám se sebou. In questo modo non ho bisogno di negoziare con me stesso. Więc tak naprawdę nie muszę prowadzić negocjacji z samym sobą. Um, that does get boring though. |||||sin embargo Hm, to je nudné. ええと、それは退屈になります。 To jednak może się znudzić. Хотя это и правда надоедает. So you have to like, in my experience, you have to, um, sort of like switch things up on a routine cadence, but for example, um, a big item that I have every day is a smoothie and it's really big. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||un smoothie|||| |||||||||||||||||||||Rhythmus||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||regular interval|||||||important thing||||||||смузі|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||smoothie|||| |||||||experiencia|||||||||||||rutina|cadencia rutinaria|||||||||||cada||||batido grande|||| Takže podle mých zkušeností se vám musí líbit, něco jako, přepnout věci na rutinní kadenci, ale například, velká položka, kterou mám každý den, je smoothie a je opravdu velká. Así que tienes que como, en mi experiencia, usted tiene que, um, tipo de cosas como cambiar en una cadencia de rutina, pero por ejemplo, um, un elemento importante que tengo todos los días es un batido y es realmente grande. Perciò, secondo la mia esperienza, bisogna cambiare le cose con una cadenza regolare, ma per esempio, un elemento importante che mangio ogni giorno è un frullato ed è molto abbondante. ですから、私の経験では、日常のリズムで物事を切り替えるようなものが好きでなければなりませんが、たとえば、私が毎日持っている大きなアイテムはスムージーで、本当に大きいです。 Z mojego doświadczenia wynika, że trzeba zmieniać rzeczy w rutynowy sposób, ale na przykład dużym elementem, który mam każdego dnia, jest koktajl i jest naprawdę duży. 所以,根据我的经验,你必须,嗯,有点像按照常规节奏改变事物,但例如,嗯,我每天吃的一个大物件是冰沙,它真的很大。

Um, I have it right here in this beautiful, um, America cup that I got for $1 at a thrift store. ||||||||||||||||||magasin d'occasion|magasin de seconde main ||||||||||||||||||Secondhand| ||||||||||||||conseguí||||tienda de segunda mano|tienda de segunda mano Ce l'ho proprio qui, in questa bellissima tazza americana che ho preso per un dollaro in un negozio dell'usato. ええと、私はリサイクルショップで1ドルで手に入れたこの美しい、ええと、アメリカのカップにそれを持っています。 Mam go tutaj, w tym pięknym amerykańskim kubku, który kupiłem za 1 dolara w sklepie z używanymi rzeczami. Um, but yeah, it has, uh, frozen, mixed berries, frozen spinach, a full banana, um, a scoop of, um, vegan protein powder and like coconut oil, hemp seeds, chia seeds. ||||||||baies||||||||||||||||||graines de chanvre||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||sementes de cânhamo||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chia seeds| ||||||||||||||||cucchiaio di||||||||||semi di canapa||| ||||||congeladas|mezcla|bayas mezcladas congeladas||espinaca congelada||||||cucharada|||proteína vegana|proteína vegana|proteína en polvo|||aceite de coco||semillas de cáñamo|semillas de cáñamo|semillas de chía|semillas de cáñamo Ma sì, ha bacche miste congelate, spinaci congelati, una banana intera, un misurino di proteine vegane in polvere e olio di cocco, semi di canapa e semi di chia. Maar ja, het heeft, uh, bevroren, gemengde bessen, bevroren spinazie, een volle banaan, um, een bolletje vegan proteïnepoeder en zoals kokosolie, hennepzaad, chiazaad. Zawiera mrożone jagody, mrożony szpinak, banana, gałkę wegańskiego białka w proszku, olej kokosowy, nasiona konopi, nasiona chia. 嗯,但是是的,它有冷冻混合浆果、冷冻菠菜、整根香蕉、嗯、一勺嗯素食蛋白粉和椰子油、大麻籽、奇亚籽。 Um, and sometimes I'll put avocado in there too. ||||pongo|aguacate||ahí|también Czasami wrzucam tam też awokado. So it's like very filling it's tasty. ||||||delicious entonces|||muy|sustancioso||sabroso Así que es como muy relleno es sabroso. とてもいっぱいになっているようなもので、美味しいです。 Jest więc bardzo sycący i smaczny.

It gives me a lot of nutrients that I need in the day. ||||||nutriments|||||| ||||||Nährstoffe|||||| Dostarcza mi wielu składników odżywczych, których potrzebuję w ciągu dnia. And so it lasts for a good... it kind of depends on the day, but it might keep me full for like four to five hours. ||cela|||||||||||||cela|||||||||| |||continues|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||depende||||||||||||||| E quindi dura per un bel po'... dipende dalla giornata, ma può mantenermi sazia per quattro o cinque ore. そして、それは良い間続きます...それはある種日によって異なります、しかしそれは私を4から5時間のようにいっぱいに保つかもしれません。 I tak wystarcza na dobre... to zależy od dnia, ale może zapewnić mi sytość przez około cztery do pięciu godzin. And so that's a good chunk out of my day where I don't have to feel like, oh, I'm hungry and I'm busy at work too. |||||une bonne partie||||||||||||oh|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||occupied||| |||||bel pezzo|||||||||||||||||||| |||||una buena parte|||||||||||||||||||| E quindi è una buona fetta della mia giornata in cui non devo sentirmi come se avessi fame e fossi anche impegnata al lavoro. そして、それは私がお腹が空いていて仕事でも忙しいと感じる必要がない私の一日の良い塊です。 Jest to więc spory kawałek mojego dnia, w którym nie muszę czuć się głodna i jestem zajęta pracą. Và đó là khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời trong ngày của tôi khi tôi không phải cảm thấy như, ồ, tôi đói và tôi cũng bận làm việc. 这样,我一天中就有了很大一部分时间不用再感觉自己饿了或者工作很忙了。 You know, like, what am I going to eat? Wiesz, na przykład, co będę jadł?

I just, I want to have certain things on hand. ||||||ciertas||| Po prostu chcę mieć pewne rzeczy pod ręką. Um, so I don't have to think about it too much.

Elle: Right. And that packs a really like fibrous punch too, all those vegetables and fruits, right? ||||||fibreuse|||||||| ||||||faserige|Nährstoffgehalt||||||| ||||||high in fiber|||||||| ||||||||||esos|verduras||frutas| E tutte quelle verdure e quei frutti sono un vero e proprio concentrato di fibre, giusto? そして、それは本当に繊維状のパンチのようなものを詰め込んでいます、それらすべての野菜と果物、そうですか? Te wszystkie warzywa i owoce mają też naprawdę dużo błonnika, prawda? 而且,这些蔬菜和水果都包裹着非常像纤维的拳头,对吗? That's great.

Shelby: Yeah. Shelby| And I recommend it. ||recomiendo esto| Um, uh, what about you? I mean, you've been doing the, um, you've been sober longer than I have. |||||||tu as|||||| |||||||||not drinking alcohol|||| |||||||||술을 끊다|||| |||||||||sobrio|más tiempo|que||has Voglio dire, tu fai il... sei sobrio da più tempo di me. つまり、あなたは、ええと、あなたは私よりも長く冷静でした。 Ý tôi là, bạn đã làm việc, ừm, bạn đã tỉnh táo lâu hơn tôi.

So are you finding that you're like kind of compensating with certain snacks or other vices? ||tu||||||||||||| |||discovering||||||making up for|||snack foods|||bad habits |||||||||compensando||||||vícios |||||||||||||||Laster |||||||||||||||악습 |estás||encontrando||||||compensando||ciertos|snacks|||vicios それで、あなたはあなたが特定のスナックや他の悪徳を補うようなものだと思いますか? Czy okazuje się, że rekompensujesz to sobie przekąskami lub innymi nałogami? 那麼你是否發現自己喜歡用某些零食或其他惡習來補償呢?

Elle: Yes. Yes.

At first I wasn't and I knew it was too good to be true. ||||||sabía||||||| 最初はそうではなかったし、それが真実であるには良すぎることを知っていた。 Na początku nie byłem i wiedziałem, że to zbyt piękne, by mogło być prawdziwe. And within the first two months, I was like, this, this is easy. |dentro de||||meses|||||||fácil そして最初の2か月以内に、私はこのようになりました、これは簡単です。 I'm doing really well. ||muy bien| You know, I lost, I lost some weight. |||||||peso あなたが知っている、私は失った、私はいくつかの体重を失った。 I was feeling definitely more energy, able to sleep better. |||definitivamente||energía|capaz de||dormir mejor|mejor

Um, and yeah, it's just been over the last two to two to three weeks say I've definitely been  consuming more sugar. |||cela|||||||||||||||||| ||||||más de||||||||||he estado|definitivamente|ha sido|consumiendo|más|azúcar Um, i tak, w ciągu ostatnich dwóch do dwóch lub trzech tygodni zdecydowanie spożywałem więcej cukru. 嗯,是的,在过去的两到两到三周内,我说我肯定摄入了更多的糖。 I just really, really crave chocolate, candy, anything sweet, really. ||||désire||||| ||||desire intensely|chocolate|||| ||||정말 간절히 원해||||| ||||antojo|chocolate|dulces|cualquier cosa|dulce|realmente Ho una gran voglia di cioccolato, di caramelle, di qualsiasi cosa dolce. Po prostu bardzo, bardzo pragnę czekolady, cukierków, czegokolwiek słodkiego. Tôi thực sự rất thèm sô cô la, kẹo, bất cứ thứ gì ngọt ngào. And cream like creamy desserts. |||crémeux| |Creamy desserts||| |crema||cremoso| そしてクリーミーなデザートのようなクリーム。 A śmietana lubi kremowe desery. So like, uh, you know, even like that squirty cream that you can get to go on the top of your drinks? ||||||||crème fouettée||||||||||||| ||||||||whipped cream||||||||||||| ||||||||creme aerado||||||||||||| ||||||||Sprühcreme||||||||||||| ||||||||스프레이 크림||||||||||||| ||||||||nata en spray||||||||||||| だから、ええと、あなたが知っている、あなたがあなたの飲み物の上に行くことができるそのスクイーズクリームのようにさえ? Więc jak, uh, wiesz, nawet jak ta kremowa śmietanka, którą można dostać na wierzch drinków?


I'll just put that on some fruit. ||pondré||||fruta Położę to na jakimś owocu. So that's good, I guess, but I'm definitely eating more sugar, which is, is, bad too, because, um, my den...I haven't been to the dentist in a while. |||||||||||||||||||||||||стоматолог||| |||||||||||||||||||guarida||||||dentista|||mientras que Quindi questo è un bene, credo, ma sto sicuramente mangiando più zucchero, il che è, è, anche un male, perché, um, la mia tana... non vado dal dentista da un po'. Więc to chyba dobrze, ale zdecydowanie jem więcej cukru, co też jest złe, ponieważ moja jama ustna... od jakiegoś czasu nie byłam u dentysty. Sanırım bu iyi bir şey ama kesinlikle daha fazla şeker yiyorum ki bu da kötü bir şey çünkü bir süredir dişçiye gitmedim. 所以我覺得這很好,但我肯定吃更多的糖,這也很糟糕,因為,嗯,我的書房……我有一段時間沒有去看牙醫了。 My dentist isn't accepting patients for cleanings, just like emergencies because of COVID. |||aceptando pacientes|pacientes||limpiezas dentales|solo||emergencias|debido a||COVID-19 私の歯科医は、COVIDのために緊急事態のように、患者の清掃を受け入れていません。 Mój dentysta nie przyjmuje pacjentów na czyszczenie, podobnie jak w nagłych przypadkach z powodu COVID. And so I haven't been for a cleaning for a while, and I know she's going to be disappointed when she gets in my mouth. |||||||limpieza dental|||||||||||decepcionada||||||boca だから私はしばらく掃除をしていませんでした、そして彼女が私の口に入ると彼女ががっかりするだろうと私は知っています。 Dlatego od jakiegoś czasu nie byłem na czyszczeniu i wiem, że będzie rozczarowana, kiedy dostanie się do moich ust.

Shelby: Well, keep flossing. |||maintaining good hygiene |||치실질 계속해 |||passando o fio dental |||usando hilo dental Continua a usare il filo interdentale. Shelby: Cóż, nitkuj dalej. You know, to try to...

Elle: Yes. I do floss. ||Use dental floss. Używam nici dentystycznej. So that's good. That's good.

Shelby: I know you have a dentist in your family, so, um, maybe, maybe you're better about, um, dental hygiene than, than most. ||||||||||||||||||dental hygiene|||| ||||||dentista|||familia|||||||||dental|higiene dental|||la mayoría シェルビー:あなたの家族には歯科医がいることを知っているので、多分、多分、あなたは他の人よりも歯科衛生について優れているかもしれません。 Shelby: Wiem, że masz dentystę w rodzinie, więc może lepiej dbasz o higienę jamy ustnej niż większość. 谢尔比:我知道你家里有位牙医,所以,嗯,也许,也许你的牙齿卫生状况比大多数人都要好。 I try to stay up on my flossing habit, but I'm not very good at it. |||||||uso del hilo dental|hábito|pero|||muy|bueno en||lo Staram się na bieżąco czyścić zęby nicią dentystyczną, ale nie jestem w tym zbyt dobry. Tôi cố gắng duy trì thói quen dùng chỉ nha khoa nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm. Um, but that's, that's interesting to know. Um, ale to jest, to jest interesujące wiedzieć. It's, it's interesting to hear about your experience. ||interesante|||||experiencia

Cause, yeah, I'm only three weeks deep into like my healthy lifestyle. ||||||profundo|||mi|saludable|estilo de vida Porque, sí, estoy sólo tres semanas de profundidad en como mi estilo de vida saludable. Bo tak, jestem dopiero po trzech tygodniach mojego zdrowego stylu życia. And I was thinking the same, like, oh, this is easy. ||||||||||fácil そして、私は同じことを考えていました、ああ、これは簡単です。 Też tak myślałem, że to łatwe. So it's good to be forewarned. |||||prepared in advance |||||미리 경고받다 |||||avisado |||||prevenido |||||avvisati in anticipo Quindi è bene essere previdenti. したがって、事前に警告するのは良いことです。 Dobrze jest więc być uprzedzonym. Vì vậy, thật tốt khi được cảnh báo trước.

Elle: It may stay easy. Elle: Potrebbe rimanere facile. エル:それは簡単なままかもしれません。 Elle: To może pozostać łatwe. It may stay easy for you, you know, everyone's different, but I'm definitely finding, um, and I mentioned this to you before, Instagram accounts... ||||||||de todos|diferentes|||definitivamente|encontrando||||mencioné|esto|para||antes|Instagram|cuentas de Instagram それはあなたにとって簡単なままかもしれません、あなたが知っている、誰もが異なっています、しかし私は間違いなく見つけています、ええと、私は前にあなたにこれを言いました、Instagramアカウント... To może być łatwe dla ciebie, wiesz, każdy jest inny, ale zdecydowanie znajduję, hm, i wspomniałem o tym wcześniej, konta na Instagramie ...

I don't think you're on Instagram though, but or, wherever, you know, Reddit or wherever you're active. ||||||aunque|||donde sea|||Reddit||donde sea|tú estás|activo Nie sądzę jednak, żebyś był na Instagramie, ale gdziekolwiek, wiesz, Reddit lub gdziekolwiek jesteś aktywny. Um, these sober accounts, uh, such, such great inspiration. ||serious and thoughtful|||||| ||sobrias||uh|||gran|inspiración profunda ||sóbrias|||||| Queste testimonianze di sobrietà sono di grande ispirazione. ええと、これらの地味な説明、ええと、そのような、そのような素晴らしいインスピレーション。 Um, te trzeźwe relacje, uh, taka, taka wspaniała inspiracja. Um, yeah. There's everything from mocktail recipes to, you know, those little, uh, affirmations, um, ideas for quit lit, which is, as you can imagine, literature about quitting alcohol. |||безалкогольний коктейль|рецепти напоїв без алкоголю|||||||||suggestions||stop drinking alcohol||||||||quit lit||| |||무알콜 칵테일||||||||확언들|||||금주 문학|||||||||| |||mocktail||||||||||||||||||||||| |||cóctel sin alcohol|recetas|||||||||ideas||dejar de beber||que|||||como puedes imaginar|literatura sobre dejar||dejar de beber|alcohol ||||||||||||||||letteratura per smettere|||||||||| C'è di tutto, da ricette di mocktail a, sai, quelle piccole, uh, affermazioni, um, idee per smettere di leggere, che è, come si può immaginare, la letteratura su come smettere di bere alcolici. Er is alles, van mocktail-recepten tot, weet je, die kleine, uh, affirmaties, um, ideeën voor quit lit, wat, zoals je je kunt voorstellen, literatuur is over stoppen met alcohol. Jest tam wszystko, od przepisów na mocktaile po, no wiesz, te małe afirmacje, pomysły na quit lit, czyli, jak możesz sobie wyobrazić, literaturę o rzucaniu alkoholu. Здесь есть все: рецепты коктейлей, маленькие аффирмации, идеи для бросить пить, то есть, как вы понимаете, литература об отказе от алкоголя. Có tất cả mọi thứ từ công thức nấu mocktail cho đến, bạn biết đấy, những lời khẳng định nho nhỏ, ừm, những ý tưởng để bỏ thuốc, như bạn có thể tưởng tượng, là tài liệu về việc bỏ rượu.

That's great.

Quit, quit lit. ||exciting or excellent ||불타는 Smettere, smettere di leggere. Quit, quit lit. Um, I read, I've read a couple of books, so it's all... It's good to have a community, um, or even a person I find with this kind of goal, uh, where you can, you can look at a day, can connect with every day and just remind yourself, okay. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||relate to|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||incluso|||||||||||||||||||||||||||recordar|| Ho letto, ho letto un paio di libri, quindi è tutto... È bello avere una comunità, um, o anche una persona che trovo con questo tipo di obiettivo, uh, dove puoi, puoi guardare un giorno, puoi connetterti con ogni giorno e ricordare a te stesso, ok. Czytałem, przeczytałem kilka książek, więc to wszystko... Dobrze jest mieć społeczność, um, lub nawet osobę, którą znajduję z tego rodzaju celem, uh, gdzie możesz, możesz spojrzeć na dzień, możesz łączyć się z każdym dniem i po prostu przypominać sobie, ok. Я читаю, я прочитал пару книг, так что все это... Хорошо, когда есть сообщество или даже человек, у которого есть подобная цель, с которым можно посмотреть на день, с которым можно общаться каждый день и просто напоминать себе, хорошо. Yes, this is hard. Sometimes it will be hard, but I can do it and I should keep doing it because why, why not? a veces|||||pero|||||||||lo haré||||| Czasami będzie ciężko, ale mogę to zrobić i powinienem to robić dalej, bo dlaczego nie?

It's what, if it's what you want? それがあなたが望むものなら、それは何ですか? Co, jeśli to jest to, czego chcesz? You know, your good self, your higher self, that knows what's good for you once it, and then there's the lower self that wants that quick relaxing fix or whatever, they're fighting all the time. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||quick relief solution||||||| ||||||yo superior||eso||||||||||||inferior||||||relajante|||||luchando||| Sapete, il vostro sé buono, il vostro sé superiore, che sa cosa è bene per voi una volta, e poi c'è il sé inferiore che vuole quella rapida soluzione rilassante o qualsiasi altra cosa, sono in lotta tutto il tempo. あなたが知っている、あなたの良い自己、あなたのより高い自己、それは一度それがあなたにとって何が良いかを知っています、そしてそれからその迅速なリラックスした修正か何かを望んでいるより低い自己があります、彼らはいつも戦っています。 Wiesz, twoje dobre ja, twoje wyższe ja, które wie, co jest dla ciebie dobre, a potem jest niższe ja, które chce tego szybkiego odprężenia lub czegokolwiek innego, walczą ze sobą przez cały czas. Знаете, ваше хорошее "я", ваше высшее "я", которое знает, что хорошо для вас, и низшее "я", которое хочет быстро расслабиться или что-то еще, постоянно борются. 你知道,你的善良自我,你的更高自我,知道什么对你有好处,而你的低级自我则想要快速放松或什么的,他们一直在斗争。 So.

Shelby: Exactly.

Elle: Yeah.

Shelby: So what will be the first thing that you do when you are feeling a craving? ||||||||||||||||strong desire ||||||||||||||||desejo Shelby||||||||||||||||antojo Shelby: Quale sarà la prima cosa che farete quando sentirete un desiderio? Shelby: Więc jaka będzie pierwsza rzecz, którą zrobisz, gdy poczujesz głód?

Like, do you go for the whipped cream dessert on fruit or go for the, the like sober Instagram page or something else? ||||||whipped cream||солодкий десерт|||||||||||||| ||||||batida||postre de crema||fruta|||||||sobrio|Instagram||||algo más Al igual que, ¿usted va para el postre de crema batida en la fruta o ir a por el, la página de Instagram como sobrio o algo más? Ad esempio, scegliete il dessert con panna montata sulla frutta o la pagina Instagram sobria o qualcos'altro? Na przykład, czy wybierasz deser z bitą śmietaną na owocach, czy wybierasz trzeźwą stronę na Instagramie, czy coś innego? Например, вы выбираете десерт со взбитыми сливками на фруктах или трезвую страницу в Instagram или что-то еще?

Elle: Probably the Instagram and I'll try to get active too. ||||||||||también Elle: Pewnie Instagram i też postaram się być aktywna. I like to organize things. |||Arrange| |||organizar| 私は物事を整理するのが好きです。 Lubię porządkować rzeczy. So if I'm feeling particularly, you know, "cravey", like I could really do with a glass of wine, I'll go and organize like my closet or I'll do a, you know, the Marie Kondo pulling out all of your clothes, seeing what sparks joy and what no longer sparks joy, getting rid of those things. |||||||sehnsüchtig||||||||||||||||||||||||||Marie Kondo||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||craving|||||||||||||||||||||||||Marie Kondo method|Marie Kondo||||||wardrobe items||||brings happiness||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||faíscas|||||| |||||||ansiosa por algo|||podría|||||||||voy||organizo|||armario||||||||Marie Kondo|Marie Kondo|sacando|||||ropa|||provoca alegría||||no||||deshaciéndome de|deshaciéndome de||esas cosas|cosas Así que si me siento particularmente, ya sabes, "cravey", como que realmente podría hacer con una copa de vino, voy a ir y organizar como mi armario o voy a hacer un, ya sabes, el Marie Kondo sacando toda la ropa, ver lo que despierta alegría y lo que ya no despierta alegría, deshacerse de esas cosas. Così, se mi sento particolarmente, come dire, "pazza", come se avessi bisogno di un bicchiere di vino, vado a organizzare il mio armadio o faccio una cosa tipo Marie Kondo, tirando fuori tutti i vestiti, vedendo cosa suscita gioia e cosa non ne suscita più, sbarazzandomi di quelle cose. ですから、特に気が向いたら、「クレイビー」とは、グラスワインで実際にできるように、クローゼットのように整理するか、近藤麻理恵が引き抜くようにすることです。あなたのすべての服は、何が喜びを引き起こし、何がもはや喜びを引き起こさないかを見て、それらのものを取り除きます。 Dus als ik me bijzonder voel, weet je, "cravey", zoals ik echt zou kunnen doen met een glas wijn, ga ik het organiseren zoals mijn kast of ik doe een, weet je, de Marie Kondo die eruit trekt al je kleren, zien wat vreugde opwekt en wat niet langer vreugde opwekt, die dingen wegdoen. Więc jeśli czuję się szczególnie, wiesz, "cravey", jakbym naprawdę mógł zrobić z kieliszkiem wina, pójdę i uporządkuję moją szafę lub zrobię, wiesz, Marie Kondo wyciągając wszystkie ubrania, widząc, co daje radość, a co już nie daje radości, pozbywając się tych rzeczy.

That's always, it always improves my mood. ||||mejora||estado de ánimo それはいつも、それはいつも私の気分を改善します。 So I feel like, uh, you know, I suddenly, I don't feel in control because I want something that I'm trying not to have, that craving. ||||||||de repente||||||||||||||||| Quindi mi sento come se, all'improvviso, non avessi il controllo perché desidero qualcosa che sto cercando di non avere, quel desiderio. だから私は、ええと、あなたが知っているように、私は突然、私が持っていないようにしようとしている何か、その渇望が欲しいので、私はコントロールを感じません。 Um, and so doing something like organizing makes me feel in control again. И поэтому, занимаясь чем-то вроде организации, я снова чувствую себя хозяином положения. And so that's the first thing I try. Yeah.

How about you when you have a craving, what do you do to fight it? |||||||strong desire||||||| Còn bạn, khi thèm ăn, bạn sẽ làm gì để chống lại nó?

Shelby: Um, I think, uh...

Elle: I guess, you haven't yet though, right? ||||||aunque| ||||||ainda| Immagino che tu non l'abbia ancora fatto, vero? Elle: Chyba jeszcze nie, prawda?

Shelby: Yeah, no, I mean, I haven't, um, necessarily... like I've like had the thought crossed my mind, like, Oh, I want a beer. |||||||||||||||떠오른 적|||||||| ||||||||necesariamente||||||pensamiento|cruzado||||||||una cerveza Shelby: Ja, nein, ich meine, ich habe nicht, ähm, notwendigerweise... mir ist der Gedanke in den Sinn gekommen, wie: Oh, ich will ein Bier. Shelby: Tak, nie, to znaczy, niekoniecznie... jakby przeszła mi przez głowę myśl: Och, chcę piwa. Um, You know, even just like straight up forgetting, that I quit. |||||||||||stopped doing it ||||||directamente||olvidando|||renuncié Um, ya sabes, incluso sólo como olvidar directamente, que renuncié. ええと、あなたは、まっすぐに忘れているのと同じように、私がやめたことを知っています。 Wiesz, nawet po prostu zapomniałem, że odszedłem. Ну, знаете, даже просто забыть, что я уволился. So like I went to the fridge one time and I was like, Hey, I'm not doing this. ||||||холодильник||||||||||| ||||||nevera||||||||||| Pewnego razu podszedłem do lodówki i pomyślałem: Hej, nie zrobię tego. So, um, you know, it's kind of like a fleeting thought. |||||||||éphémère| |||||||||순간적인| ||||||||||pensamiento pasajero |||||||||passageiro| Quindi, sai, è una specie di pensiero fugace. To taka przelotna myśl. Vì vậy, ừm, bạn biết đấy, nó giống như một ý nghĩ thoáng qua.

Um, but you know, I'll have like cravings for other things that I'm trying to avoid or, you know, my, my habits and goals just come down to, um, prioritizing my health, um, pretty much over like everything else. |||||||envies||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||strong desires||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||antojos||||||estoy tratando||evitar||||||hábitos|||||se reducen a|||priorizar||||||sobre||| Ma, sai, ho voglia di altre cose che sto cercando di evitare o, sai, le mie abitudini e i miei obiettivi si riducono a dare la priorità alla mia salute, um, piuttosto che a tutto il resto. Um, ale wiesz, będę miał ochotę na inne rzeczy, których staram się unikać lub, wiesz, moje nawyki i cele sprowadzają się do, um, priorytetowego traktowania mojego zdrowia, um, prawie jak wszystko inne. 嗯,但是你知道,我会渴望其他我试图避免的东西,或者,你知道,我的习惯和目标归结为,嗯,优先考虑我的健康,嗯,几乎比其他一切更重要。 And as you know, that gets like, boring. ||||that|||tedious A jak wiesz, to staje się nudne. And so when I'm feeling like restless or like indulgent, um, I will try to get out of my head and into my body. |||||||||관대한|||||||||||||| ||||||agité|||indulgent|||||dans|||||||||mon corps ||||||unable to relax|||self-gratifying|||||||||||||| |||||||||nachgiebig|||||||||||||| ||||||inquieto/a|||indulgente||||||||||mente|y|||cuerpo Così, quando mi sento irrequieta o indulgente, cerco di uscire dalla mia testa e di entrare nel mio corpo. Więc kiedy czuję się niespokojny lub pobłażliwy, staram się wyjść z głowy do ciała. Và vì vậy khi tôi cảm thấy bồn chồn hoặc thích buông thả, ừm, tôi sẽ cố gắng thoát ra khỏi đầu và đi vào cơ thể mình. 所以,当我感到焦躁不安或者想放纵自己的时候,嗯,我会努力摆脱头脑的束缚,融入到身体中。

So that means like doing one of the habits that I set out to do anyway, which is maybe doing some yoga. Alors|||||||||que||||||de toute façon|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||yoga つまり、とにかく私が始めた習慣の1つを行うようなものです。それは、おそらくヨガをすることです。 Oznacza to więc na przykład robienie jednego z nawyków, które i tak zamierzam robić, czyli być może uprawianie jogi. 所以这意味着要做我本来要养成的习惯之一,比如做一些瑜伽。 Or going for a walk or I'll, I'll work out. Albo pójść na spacer, albo poćwiczyć. I have like a little like home gym. Mam coś w rodzaju domowej siłowni. I mean, it's just like free weights and, um, a yoga mat and some exercise bands. ||c'est|||||||||tapis de yoga||quelques|| ||||||||||tappetino da yoga||||| ||||||pesas libres||||yoga|Esterilla de yoga|||ejercicio|bandas elásticas To tylko wolne ciężary, mata do jogi i kilka taśm do ćwiczeń. So it's really easy to move around with. |c'est|||||| Jest więc naprawdę łatwa do przenoszenia. Поэтому с ним очень легко передвигаться. Um, but I have found that, um, like doing something physical will usually help reset me. |||||||||||va|||| ||||||||||||usualmente||| Ale odkryłem, że zrobienie czegoś fizycznego zazwyczaj pomaga mi się zresetować. 嗯,但是我发现,嗯,做一些体力活动通常可以帮助我重置。

Um, and or journaling, like, cause if I have a lot on my mind, if I'm feeling stressed, I will just, and my journaling has become totally digital. |||écriture de journal|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Tagebuch führen|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||writing in diary|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||estresada||||||escribir un diario|||totalmente|digital |||anotação|||||||||||||||||||||||| E poi il diario, perché se ho molti pensieri per la testa, se mi sento stressata, lo faccio e il mio diario è diventato totalmente digitale. ええと、またはジャーナリングのように、私が頭の中にたくさんある場合、私がストレスを感じている場合、私はちょうどそうします、そして私のジャーナリングは完全にデジタルになりました。 Um, i lub prowadzenie dziennika, ponieważ jeśli mam dużo na głowie, jeśli czuję się zestresowany, po prostu, a mój dziennik stał się całkowicie cyfrowy. Ừm, và hoặc viết nhật ký, kiểu như, vì nếu tôi có nhiều việc trong đầu, nếu tôi cảm thấy căng thẳng, tôi sẽ làm vậy, và việc viết nhật ký của tôi đã trở thành hoàn toàn kỹ thuật số. Um, just cause it's so much more convenient. ||||tan|||conveniente Bo tak jest wygodniej. Просто потому, что так гораздо удобнее. So I'll pull up an Evernote on my computer or phone and just kind of start typing about like, What am I, what am I craving? |||||Evernote|||||||||||||||||quoi||| |||||Evernote-App|||||||||||||||||||| |||||Evernote|||computadora||teléfono||||||||||||qué|||antojos Così prendo un Evernote sul computer o sul telefono e comincio a scrivere: "Che cosa desidero?". Wyciągam więc Evernote na moim komputerze lub telefonie i po prostu zaczynam pisać: Czego pragnę?

Um, what, what am I feeling? Co ja czuję? And just through that process, I'm sort of like venting, um, even if it's just to myself in I note, um, and maybe I'll, I will understand the source of how I feel. |||||||||exprimer||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||releasing emotions|||||||||||||||||||the origin|||| |||||||||desabafando||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||Dampf ablassen||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||털어놓기||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||in un certo senso|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||a través de||proceso||una especie de|||expresando emociones|||||||||||||||||comprenderé||fuente|||| I właśnie dzięki temu procesowi w pewnym sensie daję upust, hm, nawet jeśli to tylko dla siebie w notatce, hm, i może zrozumiem źródło tego, jak się czuję. И просто в процессе этого я как бы проветриваю, даже если это только для себя в записях, и, возможно, я пойму причину своих чувств. 就在這個過程中,我有點像發洩,嗯,即使只是對我自己,我注意到,嗯,也許我會,我會理解我的感受的來源。 And once I understand that it's easier to address it and kind of treat it. |||||||||||||deal with| ||||||||abordarlo|||||tratarlo| ||||||||lidar|||||| Una volta capito questo, è più facile affrontarlo e trattarlo. A kiedy już to zrozumiem, łatwiej jest się tym zająć i jakoś to leczyć. И как только я это понимаю, мне становится легче решать эту проблему и лечить ее.

Elle: Then yeah. Elle: Więc tak. Moving forward if you feel that trigger coming on, you can be, you can act quicker, which is always, always good. ||||||disparador emocional|que se acerca||||||||más rápido||||| In futuro, se sentite che sta per scattare la molla, potete agire più rapidamente, il che è sempre, sempre positivo. Idąc dalej, jeśli poczujesz, że wyzwalacz się zbliża, możesz działać szybciej, co zawsze jest dobre.

Shelby: Yeah. You can like understand why we're feeling that way and yeah, that's super helpful. ||||||||||||súper|útil Możesz zrozumieć, dlaczego tak się czujemy i tak, to bardzo pomocne. Yeah.

Elle: I read somewhere that a craving lasts 20 minutes. |||en algún lugar|||antojo||minutos Elle: Ho letto da qualche parte che una voglia dura 20 minuti. エル:どこかで渇望が20分続くと読んだ。 Elle: Czytałam gdzieś, że głód trwa 20 minut. Typically, if you can distract yourself or, you know, get out, like you say, out of your head, into your body... ||||ablenken|||||||||||||||| ||||divert attention|||||||||||||||| típicamente|||||||||||||||||mente|||cuerpo 通常、気を散らすことができる場合、または、あなたが言うように、頭から体の中に出てください... Zazwyczaj, jeśli możesz się rozproszyć lub, wiesz, wyjść, jak mówisz, z głowy, do swojego ciała...

Shelby: Right. Shelby|

Elle: ...for, for 20 minutes from the beginning of it, should dissipate. ||||||||||se dissiper ||||||||||sich auflösen ||||||||||disappear gradually ||||||||||se dissipar. ella||||||comienzo|||debería disiparse|se disipe エル:...最初から20分間、消えるはずです。 Elle: ...przez 20 minut od jego rozpoczęcia, powinien się rozproszyć. I mean, of course everyone's different. ||||todos son|diferentes もちろん、みんな違う。 Maybe it lasts longer for some people, but it's kind of good to know. ||dura|||||||||||saber 一部の人にとっては長持ちするかもしれませんが、知っておくとよいでしょう。 Cause 20 minutes, isn't a long time. Bo 20 minut to nie jest dużo czasu. It is a long time when you really want something that you shouldn't, or you're trying to avoid. ||||||||||||no deberías|||tratando de|a|evitar To długi czas, kiedy naprawdę chcesz czegoś, czego nie powinieneś, lub starasz się tego uniknąć.

Shelby: Right.

Elle: But...

Shelby: Exactly.

It's like torture at that point, but, um... To jak tortury w tym momencie, ale...

Elle: It is, it is totally like torture. |||||||tortura

Shelby: Yeah, but if you, I mean, that's, I, I haven't noticed like the 20 minute thing, but I've certainly noticed the cravings always pass. |||||||||||||||||j'ai||||les envies|| |||||||||||notado|||||||ciertamente|notado|||| Shelby: Tak, ale jeśli ty, to znaczy, ja, ja nie zauważyłem czegoś takiego jak 20 minut, ale z pewnością zauważyłem, że zachcianki zawsze mijają. Right.

Like, it's kind of a feeling and I know that feelings are temporary. ||||||||||||temporales To rodzaj uczucia, a wiem, że uczucia są tymczasowe. Um, and just the same way that like, um, Like our appetites are, are temporary too. |||||||||||appétits|||temporaire| |||||||||||식욕|||| |||||||||||apetitos||||también W ten sam sposób, w jaki nasze apetyty są tymczasowe.

Um, I remember watching some, I think it was like a Jerry Seinfeld standup from a long time ago. ||||||||||||Seinfeld|Stand-up-Comedy||||| |||||||||||||monólogo cómico||||hace mucho tiempo| ええと、私はいくつかを見たのを覚えています、それは昔からのジェリー・サインフェルドのスタンドアップのようだったと思います。 Eh, ik herinner me dat ik er naar keek, ik denk dat het een Jerry Seinfeld-stand-up was van lang geleden. Pamiętam, że dawno temu oglądałem jakiś standup Jerry'ego Seinfelda. That was just, he had a little bit where he's like, you know, when you're a kid, your parents tell you like you can't eat cookies before dinner because they're going to spoil your appetite. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gâcher|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||arruinarán|| Era solo, aveva una piccola parte in cui diceva: "Sai, quando sei un bambino, i tuoi genitori ti dicono che non puoi mangiare biscotti prima di cena perché ti rovineranno l'appetito". To było po prostu, miał trochę jak, wiesz, kiedy jesteś dzieckiem, twoi rodzice mówią ci, że nie możesz jeść ciastek przed obiadem, ponieważ zepsują ci apetyt. But as an adult, you know, that like, if you spoil your appetite, you've got another one coming a little bit later. ||||||||||ruin||||||||||| ||||||||||입맛을 버리다||||||||||| |||adulto|||||||||||||||||| Ale jako dorosły, wiesz, że jeśli zepsujesz sobie apetyt, masz kolejny, który nadejdzie trochę później. Но, став взрослым, вы понимаете, что если испортить аппетит, то чуть позже появится еще один.

Maybe I will eat cookies before dinner. ||||печиво|| Może zjem ciasteczka przed kolacją. That doesn't, that's not really on topic. ||cela|||| Questo non è, non è proprio in tema. To nie ma nic wspólnego z tematem. Это не так, это не совсем по теме. Um, with what we're talking about.

I think the other thing is... Sorry, I just, I think the other thing is like having a grace with yourself too. ||||||||||||autre||||||bienveillance||| ||||||||||||||||||self-compassion||| ||||||||||||||||||graça||| Credo che l'altra cosa sia... Scusate, ma credo che l'altra cosa sia anche avere una grazia con se stessi. Myślę, że drugą rzeczą jest... Przepraszam, myślę, że drugą rzeczą jest również posiadanie łaski wobec siebie. Я думаю, дело в другом... Простите, я просто, я думаю, что другое дело - это милость к себе. So like, if I am, I don't know, like feeling indulgent and I want to indulge in something like some ice cream or some snacks, um, maybe I'll just do that, you know, and tell myself like, okay, like you did everything else ||||||||comme|||||veux||se faire plaisir||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||sich verwöhnen||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||treats|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||indulgente|||||Darme un gusto|||||||||||||||||||||||||||lo demás Quindi, se mi sento, non so, indulgente e voglio concedermi qualcosa come un gelato o uno snack, forse lo farò e mi dirò: "Ok, come hai fatto per tutto il resto". Więc jeśli, nie wiem, czuję się pobłażliwy i chcę sobie pozwolić na coś w rodzaju lodów lub przekąsek, może po prostu to zrobię i powiem sobie, że okej, tak jak zrobiłeś wszystko inne Vì vậy, nếu tôi muốn, tôi không biết, thích cảm giác khoan dung và tôi muốn thưởng thức thứ gì đó như kem hoặc đồ ăn nhẹ, ừm, có lẽ tôi sẽ làm điều đó, bạn biết đấy, và tự nhủ như, được thôi , giống như bạn đã làm mọi thứ khác

well, like you can do this and it's not the end of the world, you know? Um, just, um...

Elle: yeah.

Shelby: Keeping healthy otherwise. |||de outra forma ||saludable|de otra manera Per il resto, mi mantengo in salute. シェルビー:それ以外の場合は健康を維持します。 Shelby: Utrzymanie zdrowia w inny sposób. Shelby: Giữ sức khỏe bằng cách khác.

Elle: Yeah.


Everything in moderation. ||적당히 ||moderación すべてが適度に。 Wszystko z umiarem. And of course I have this issue with, like you say, you have this goal and then when you break it even a little, just a little ice cream or, you know, say I had a sip of red wine the way my mind works, and this is not good, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||une gorgée||||||||||||| ||||||problema|||||||||||||rompes|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E naturalmente ho il problema, come dici tu, di avere questo obiettivo e poi quando lo infrangi anche solo un po', solo un po' di gelato o, sai, diciamo che ho bevuto un sorso di vino rosso, il modo in cui la mia mente lavora, e questo non va bene, そしてもちろん、私はこの問題を抱えています、あなたが言うように、あなたはこの目標を持っています、そしてあなたがそれを少しでも壊すとき、ほんの少しのアイスクリーム、またはあなたが知っている、私の心の働きのように赤ワインを一口飲んだと言います、そしてこれは良くありません、 I oczywiście mam ten problem, tak jak mówisz, masz ten cel, a potem, kiedy go złamiesz, nawet trochę, tylko trochę lodów lub, wiesz, powiedzmy, że wypiłem łyk czerwonego wina, sposób, w jaki działa mój umysł, a to nie jest dobre,

I hate it, I'm trying to work on it is I feel like, well, that's all destroyed now. ||||||||||||||||destruido|ahora está |||||||||||||||tudo|| Lo odio, sto cercando di lavorarci su ma mi sento come se, beh, fosse tutto distrutto ora. 私はそれが嫌いです、私はそれに取り組んでいます、まあ、それは今すべて破壊されているような気がします。 Nienawidzę tego, staram się nad tym pracować, ale czuję, że to wszystko jest teraz zniszczone. So I may as well go back to doing whatever, like with language learning with my French it really fell off at the end of 2020. Así que también puedo volver a hacer lo que sea, como con el aprendizaje de idiomas con mi francés realmente cayó a finales de 2020. Quindi potrei anche tornare a fare qualsiasi cosa, come l'apprendimento delle lingue con il mio francese che è davvero crollato alla fine del 2020. ですから、フランス語を使った語学学習のように、2020年の終わりに本当に落ち込んだように、何でもやり直すこともできます。 Więc równie dobrze mogę wrócić do robienia czegokolwiek, jak w przypadku nauki języków z moim francuskim, który naprawdę spadł pod koniec 2020 roku. Vì vậy, tôi cũng có thể quay lại làm bất cứ điều gì, chẳng hạn như việc học ngôn ngữ bằng tiếng Pháp của tôi, nó thực sự đã thất bại vào cuối năm 2020. And I felt like I had, you know, it's all ruined, so just forget about it. ||||||||||arruinado|así que|simplemente|olvídalo|| ||||||||||arruinado||||| そして、私はそれがすべて台無しになっているように感じたので、それを忘れてください。 Czułem, że wszystko jest zrujnowane, więc po prostu o tym zapomnij. Uh, it's it's a tough mindset to, to, to remove yourself from. |||||спосіб мислення|||||| |||||mentalidad||||quitar|| |||||mentalidade|||||| È una mentalità difficile da cui allontanarsi. To trudny sposób myślenia, aby się od niego uwolnić. От этого трудно избавиться. It's like, okay, you know, you can't, you can't be perfect,

you know, there is no such thing just because you fall off and, you know, have some ice cream. あなたが落ちて、あなたが知っている、あなたが知っている、いくつかのアイスクリームを持っているという理由だけでそのようなことはありません。 Wiesz, nie ma czegoś takiego tylko dlatego, że spadasz i, wiesz, jesz lody. bạn biết đấy, không có chuyện đó chỉ vì bạn ngã và bạn biết đấy, ăn một ít kem. That doesn't mean that the next day you can't carry on with your. Eso no significa que al día siguiente no puedas seguir con tu. Nie oznacza to jednak, że następnego dnia nie można kontynuować pracy. Your goal and eat better, so...

Shelby: Right.

Well, and what you described, that's a really common, um, frame of mind and that's why, um, that's actually, why, so many of us don't necessarily stick to certain habits because, you know, we were on a roll and then we, um, you know, fall off the wagon one time and then exactly, ||||||||||||||||||||||||ne pas|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||state of mind|||||||||||||||||||||||||||on a roll||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ciertos hábitos|||||||||||||||||||se cae del carro||||| ええと、あなたが説明したことは、それは本当に一般的な、ええと、心の枠組みです、そしてそれが理由です、ええと、それは実際には、なぜです、私たちの多くは必ずしも特定の習慣に固執するわけではありませんそれから私達は、ええと、あなたが知っているように、一度ワゴンから落ちて、それから正確に、 Cóż, to co opisałeś, to naprawdę powszechny sposób myślenia i właśnie dlatego tak wielu z nas niekoniecznie trzyma się pewnych nawyków, ponieważ, wiesz, byliśmy na fali, a potem, wiesz, pewnego razu wypadliśmy z wozu, a potem dokładnie,

we feel we failed. |||fallamos So then it's like, okay, well, Um, I lost a bunch of progress basically since my streak is that far broken, you know, but, um, James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits, um, said, Oh, um, he's like never miss twice. ||||||||||||||depuis que||série||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Джеймс Клір|||написав книгу|Атомні звички|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||연속 기록||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||roto|tú|sabes|pero|||James Clear|||Atómico|||dijo||um|||||dos veces ||||||||||monte||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Así que entonces es como, está bien, bueno, Um, he perdido un montón de progreso, básicamente, ya que mi racha es tan roto, ya sabes, pero, um, James Clear, que escribió Atomic Hábitos, um, dijo, Oh, um, es como nunca fallar dos veces. E poi è come se, ok, beh... ho perso un po' di progressi, visto che la mia striscia è stata interrotta, ma... James Clear, che ha scritto Atomic Habits, ha detto: "Oh... lui è come se non sbagliasse mai due volte". それで、それは、ええと、ええと、基本的に私の筋がはるかに壊れているので、私はたくさんの進歩を失ったようなものです、あなたが知っている、しかし、ええと、原子の習慣を書いたジェームズ・クリア、ええと、ええと、ええと、彼は二度逃さないように。 Więc to jest tak, ok, cóż, straciłem kilka postępów w zasadzie, ponieważ moja passa jest tak daleko przerwana, wiesz, ale, um, James Clear, który napisał Atomic Habits, um, powiedział: Och, um, on jest jak nigdy nie przegap dwa razy. А потом, как бы, ладно, ну, в общем, я потерял кучу прогресса, раз уж моя полоса так сильно прервалась, знаете ли, но Джеймс Клир, который написал книгу "Атомные привычки", сказал: "О, он как бы никогда не промахивается дважды". 那么就像,好吧,嗯,我基本上失去了很多进步,因为我的连续性已经被打破了,你知道,但是,嗯,《原子习惯》的作者詹姆斯克利尔说,哦,嗯,他从来没有错过两次。 Right. correcto

Like don't, don't miss twice in a row. |||||||di fila Como no, no falles dos veces seguidas. Ad esempio, non mancate due volte di seguito. Jak nie, nie spudłuj dwa razy z rzędu. So like, if I fail one day, you know, if you have a sip of red wine or whatever, just remind yourself, um, just not again tomorrow, you know, and get through the next day. |||||||||||||||||||||||||not||||||||| ||||fracaso|||||||||un sorbo|||||lo que sea||recuerda|a ti mismo||||||||||sobrevivir a||| たとえば、ある日失敗した場合、赤ワインなどを一口飲んだら、明日はもう二度とないことを思い出して、次の日を乗り越えてください。 Tak więc, jeśli pewnego dnia zawiodę, wiesz, jeśli wypijesz łyk czerwonego wina lub cokolwiek innego, po prostu przypomnij sobie, hm, po prostu nie jutro, wiesz, i przetrwaj następny dzień.

And it's the same reason why actually I've been on like an 80%, um, vegan and gluten-free diet for the last five and a half years. |||||||||||||||sans gluten|||||||||| |||||||||||||vegano||gluten||||||||||cinco años y medio そしてそれは私が過去5年半の間実際に80%、ええと、ビーガンとグルテンフリーの食事療法をしているのと同じ理由です。 Z tego samego powodu od pięciu i pół roku jestem na diecie wegańskiej i bezglutenowej w 80%. И по этой же причине последние пять с половиной лет я на 80% придерживаюсь веганской и безглютеновой диеты. And. It's because like I, well with, I mean, we talked a little bit about, uh, when I was in Chile, I certainly gave in more than normal, but basically if I eat meat once a week, instead of once a day, I'm still like... compounded over time, |||||||||||||||||||Chili||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||accumulated over time|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||compilado|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||akkumuliert über Zeit|| ||||||||||||||||||||||양보했어요||||||||||||||||||||||누적된|| |||||||||||||||||||||ciertamente|cedí||||||||||carne|una vez|||en lugar de||||||||compuesto con el tiempo||con el tiempo È perché, come io, beh con, voglio dire, abbiamo parlato un po' di, uh, quando ero in Cile, ho certamente ceduto più del normale, ma fondamentalmente se mangio carne una volta alla settimana, invece di una volta al giorno, sono ancora come... composto nel tempo, なぜなら、私と同じように、チリにいるときは確かに通常よりも多くのことを諦めたのですが、基本的には1日1回ではなく、週に1回肉を食べると私はまだ…時間の経過とともに複雑になります To dlatego, że tak jak ja, cóż, to znaczy, rozmawialiśmy trochę o tym, uh, kiedy byłem w Chile, z pewnością poddałem się bardziej niż normalnie, ale w zasadzie, jeśli jem mięso raz w tygodniu, zamiast raz dziennie, wciąż jestem jak... złożony w czasie,

I'm probably going to be healthier than if I was eating it every day. |||||здоровіший|||||||| |||||más saludable|que si||||comiendo eso|eso||cada día Prawdopodobnie będę zdrowszy niż gdybym jadł to codziennie. Возможно, я буду здоровее, чем если бы ел его каждый день. But if I tell myself like, Oh, I ate chicken last night. でも、「ああ、昨夜は鶏肉を食べた」と自分に言い聞かせたら。 So I guess I'm not vegan anymore. Więc chyba nie jestem już weganinem. Like we're so worried about the label kind of, um, like I'm sober, but I had a glass of red wine last night. |||preocupados|||etiqueta||||||sobrio|||||copa||vino tinto|vino tinto|última|anoche Tak bardzo martwimy się o etykietę, jakbym był trzeźwy, ale wczoraj wieczorem wypiłem kieliszek czerwonego wina. I think we just need to kind of separate ourselves from the label. je|||||||||||| |||||||||우리 자신을||| ||||||||separar|nosotros mismos||| ラベルから自分自身を分離する必要があると思います。 Myślę, że musimy po prostu oddzielić się od wytwórni. Я думаю, нам просто нужно отделить себя от лейбла.

And remember that you're still so far, like you're so much further than you were when you started, even if you slip up one time and you're like so much closer to the person that you want to be, even if you slip up. |||||||||||||||||||||make a mistake|||||||||nearer||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||tropeçar|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||más lejos|||||||incluso si||||||||||||más cerca||||||||||||| E ricordate che siete ancora così lontani, come se foste molto più lontani di quando avete iniziato, anche se sbagliate una volta e siete molto più vicini alla persona che volete essere, anche se sbagliate. そして、たとえあなたが一度滑って、あなたがなりたい人にとても近くなっているとしても、あなたが始めたときよりもはるかに遠くにいるように、あなたはまだ遠くにいることを忘れないでくださいあなたは滑ってしまいます。 I pamiętaj, że wciąż jesteś tak daleko, o wiele dalej niż wtedy, gdy zaczynałeś, nawet jeśli raz się poślizgniesz i jesteś o wiele bliżej osoby, którą chcesz być, nawet jeśli się poślizgniesz. И помните, что вы все еще так далеко, намного дальше, чем были в начале пути, даже если вы оступились один раз, и вы намного ближе к тому человеку, которым хотите стать, даже если вы оступились. Và hãy nhớ rằng bạn vẫn còn ở rất xa, giống như bạn còn tiến xa hơn rất nhiều so với khi bạn bắt đầu, ngay cả khi bạn vấp ngã một lần và bạn gần như rất gần với người mà bạn muốn trở thành, ngay cả khi bạn trượt lên. So.

Elle: Exactly and just comparing ourselves I find ,too, you know, the, the you of last week, last month, last year, instead of anyone, anyone else, you know, is, is really important and hard to do, because we're so confronted with everyone's narratives these days with social media and just media in general, the internet. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Erzählungen|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||faced with|||stories|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||직면하게 되는||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||el mes|||en lugar de||||||||||importante||||||||||las narrativas de todos|narrativas personales||||social||||||en general||internet Elle: Esattamente e anche il confronto con noi stessi, sai, con il te stesso della settimana scorsa, del mese scorso, dell'anno scorso, invece che con chiunque altro, sai, è davvero importante e difficile da fare, perché siamo così confrontati con le narrazioni di tutti in questi giorni con i social media e i media in generale, internet. エル:正確に、そして私たち自身を比較するだけでも、先週、先月、昨年のあなたは、誰かの代わりに、他の誰かが、本当に重要で、実行するのが難しいと思います。私たちは最近、ソーシャルメディア、そしてメディア一般、インターネットだけで、すべての人の物語に直面しています。 Elle: Dokładnie, i uważam, że porównywanie się do siebie z zeszłego tygodnia, zeszłego miesiąca, zeszłego roku, zamiast do kogokolwiek innego, jest naprawdę ważne i trudne do zrobienia, ponieważ w dzisiejszych czasach jesteśmy tak skonfrontowani z narracjami wszystkich w mediach społecznościowych i ogólnie w mediach, w Internecie. Elle: Chính xác và chỉ cần so sánh bản thân chúng ta, bạn biết đấy, bạn của tuần trước, tháng trước, năm ngoái, thay vì bất kỳ ai, bất kỳ ai khác, bạn biết đấy, thực sự quan trọng và khó thực hiện, bởi vì Ngày nay, chúng ta phải đối mặt với những câu chuyện của mọi người bằng mạng xã hội và chỉ phương tiện truyền thông nói chung, internet.

So, yeah. Yeah, that's a good one to remember for sure. ええ、それは確かに覚えておくのに良いものです。 Tak, na pewno warto o tym pamiętać. Да, это точно стоит запомнить. And I've, I've been having nightmares actually about drinking. ||||experiencing|||| |||||pesadillas||| そして、私は実際に飲むことについて悪夢を見てきました。 Miałem koszmary związane z piciem. И мне снились кошмары о том, что я пью. So that's an interesting point you say, yeah. ええ、それはあなたが言う興味深い点です。 To interesująca kwestia. I've had around, around three now and in every one i, I don't intentionally drink. |||||||||||||навмисно| ||||||||||yo||no|| 私は周りに、今は約3つあり、すべての私は意図的に飲んでいません。 Miałem już około trzech i w każdym z nich nie piłem celowo. У меня их уже около трех, и во всех я намеренно не пью. Tôi đã uống khoảng ba lần rồi và trong mỗi lần đó tôi đều không cố ý uống rượu. 我已经喝过大约三次了,每一次我都不会故意喝酒。 I just, I just drink and forget that I'm sober. |||||||||sóbrio Po prostu piję i zapominam, że jestem trzeźwy. And then afterwards I'm like, Oh no, I had a beer, I'm supposed to be sober! ||||||||||맥주를 마셨어|||||술을 끊은 |||||||||||||||sobrio そしてその後、私は、ああ、いや、ビールを飲んだ、地味なはずだ! A potem myślę: O nie, wypiłem piwo, powinienem być trzeźwy! А потом я думаю: "О нет, я выпил пива, я должен быть трезвым!

And I wake up like, Oh, thank goodness. そして、私は、ああ、善に感謝するように目を覚ます。 I budzę się z myślą: Dzięki Bogu. И я просыпаюсь с мыслью: "О, слава богу!

Shelby: Yeah. I think that because you know, like you're, you're really trying, like you're making a difference in your everyday life and it's, it's funny how that can appear in your dreams too. 自分のように、自分の日常生活に変化をもたらしているように、本当に努力していることを知っているので、それがあなたの夢にもどのように現れるかはおかしいと思います。 Myślę, że dlatego, że wiesz, że naprawdę się starasz, że robisz różnicę w swoim codziennym życiu i to jest zabawne, jak to może pojawić się również w twoich snach.

Elle: Oh yeah. Big time. Wielki czas. And I almost drank some of my husband's beer the other day. Któregoś dnia prawie wypiłam piwo mojego męża. А на днях я чуть не выпила немного пива своего мужа. We both had the same glass. |ambos|||| Oboje mieliśmy tę samą szklankę.

I have my fake beer, which is really good actually. Mam swoje sztuczne piwo, które jest naprawdę dobre. У меня есть мое поддельное пиво, которое на самом деле очень хорошее. And he had a real beer. Picked up his and I went to drink and he's like, no. 彼を迎えに行き、私は飲みに行きました。 Odebrałam jego i poszłam się napić, a on na to, że nie. Oh my God, what if I'd had a sip? ||||||||un sorbo ||||||||gole O mój Boże, a gdybym wypił łyk? Боже мой, а что, если бы я сделала глоток? Like, that's it. To wszystko. Done. Hecho Gotowe. It's so silly. ||It's so foolish. Это так глупо. But sometimes we do that to ourselves. しかし時々私達は私達自身にそれをします。 Ale czasami sami to sobie robimy. Но иногда мы делаем это сами. You know, it's like this black and white absolutist thinking that it's really not helpful. ||||||||absolutistisches|||||| |||||||чорно-біле|rigid|||||| ||||||||absolutista|||||| あなたが知っている、それはそれが本当に役に立たないと思っているこの白黒の絶対主義者のようなものです。 Wiesz, to takie czarno-białe absolutystyczne myślenie, które naprawdę nie jest pomocne. Bạn biết đấy, giống như người theo chủ nghĩa chuyên chế trắng đen này nghĩ rằng nó thực sự không hữu ích.

We need to be kinder and you know, more... nous||||plus gentils|||| Musimy być milsi i bardziej... Мы должны быть добрее и, знаете, более...

Shelby: Absolutely. Shelby: Absolutnie. Have more grace with ourselves. ||gracia||nosotros mismos Miej więcej łaski dla siebie. Будьте милосерднее к себе.

Elle: Yes, a hundred percent. |||cien por ciento|