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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Learning Chinese with Luke Truman (3)

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Learning Chinese with Luke Truman (3)

Well there we have it got us some excellent advice there. Some great. Uh, content. I'll put the links in the description too, for anyone who is interested in checking those out. Uh, you mentioned interviews on your channel, just there and you have some excellent ones. I see. Uh, is there anyone though, who you would love?

I was wondering who would love to have on your,channel? It can be, you know, unrealistic, like... the Pope or something. Is there anyone you'd love to have on? Um, yeah. And if so, who and why?

Luke: I mean, yeah, I think Pope speaks in Chinese would be a great clickbait and I'd get so many views of that. So, yeah.

Yeah. Chinese, um, sphere. I guess the one that I kind of looked up to a lot was Dasha, which translates to like big mountain he's Canadian comedian. Well, he was born in Canada, lives in China and has done for like maybe like 30, 40 years. And he speaks absolutely phenomenal. And it's not that he just speaks like a native, he also makes lots of jokes and you know, he's standing in front of a crowd of thousands of Chinese people, making them all laugh.

It's just completely blows my mind every time I watch one of his performances. So yeah, I would love to get him on, um, maybe more realistic. Um, there's also this other, I think he's a polyglto he speaks a few languages called Laoma on ... Again speaks really kind of, like really authentic Northern accent in China.

And he has really, really good pronunciation. He has lots of videos, teaching English, pronunciation to Chinese people, he's lived there for a long time and he speaks really good. So I'd love to get Laoma on the channek as well if, uh, if I got the opportunity.

Elle: Well, fingers crossed and to go back to Dashu, is that his name?

Luke: It's Dashu. It's like big mountain.

Elle: Uh, I feel like making people laugh in the language, you know, making other people understand that language laugh is like the ultimate. I feel, you know, as it's so nuanced, you know, comedy in different cultures. So yeah, I imagine that I would be, yeah, just, just would be an amazing feeling.

So, and he's Canadian, you said?

Luke: Yeah. Pretty sure he's Canadian, yeah, pretty sure.

Elle: All right. Cool. Okay. Well, uh, all of these great pieces of content that you have mentioned, I will put in the description and also a link to your channel for anyone who's interested in, checking it out. Thank you so much for joining us today Luke.

Luke: Thank you so much for having me on. I really enjoyed it.

Elle: Bye

Luke: Bye

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Learning Chinese with Luke Truman (3) Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Chinesisch lernen mit Luke Truman (3) Inglés LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Aprender chino con Luke Truman (3) Podcast LingQ 2.0 anglais #20 : Apprendre le chinois avec Luke Truman (3) Inglese LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Imparare il cinese con Luke Truman (3) 英語 LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20:ルーク・トルーマンと学ぶ中国語 (3) 잉글리쉬 링큐 2.0 팟캐스트 #20: 루크 트루먼과 함께 중국어 배우기 (3) Angielski LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Nauka chińskiego z Lukiem Trumanem (3) Podcast #20 do LingQ 2.0 Inglês: Aprender chinês com Luke Truman (3) Английский LingQ 2.0 Подкаст #20: Изучение китайского языка с Люком Труманом (3) İngilizce LingQ 2.0 Podcast #20: Luke Truman ile Çince Öğrenmek (3) Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #20: Вивчаємо китайську з Люком Труменом (3) 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客#20:跟卢克·杜鲁门学中文 (3) 英語 LingQ 2.0 播客#20:跟盧克·杜魯門學中文 (3)

Well there we have it got us some excellent advice there. İşte burada bize mükemmel bir tavsiye var. Some great. Harika. Uh, content. Uh, içerik. I'll put the links in the description too, for anyone who is interested in checking those out. Я также помещу ссылки в описание, чтобы все желающие могли проверить их. Bunlara göz atmak isteyenler için bağlantıları da açıklamaya ekleyeceğim. Uh, you mentioned interviews on your channel, just there and you have some excellent ones. Вы упомянули об интервью на вашем канале, как раз там, и у вас есть несколько отличных интервью. Kanalınızdaki röportajlardan bahsettiniz, tam şurada ve bazı mükemmel röportajlarınız var. I see. Uh, is there anyone though, who you would love? ||||porém|||| Yine de seveceğin biri var mı?

I was wondering who would love to have on your,channel? Merak ediyordum da, kanalınızda kimlerin olmasını isterdiniz? It can be, you know, unrealistic, like... the Pope or something. Это может быть, знаете ли, нереально, например... Папа Римский или что-то в этом роде. Gerçekçi olmayabilir, mesela Papa ya da onun gibi bir şey. Is there anyone you'd love to have on? Katılmasını istediğiniz biri var mı? Um, yeah. And if so, who and why? Eğer öyleyse, kim ve neden?

Luke: I mean, yeah, I think Pope speaks in Chinese would be a great clickbait and I'd get so many views of that. Luke: Yani, evet, bence Papa'nın Çince konuşması harika bir tıklama tuzağı olurdu ve çok fazla görüntülenme alırdım. So, yeah.

Yeah. Chinese, um, sphere. Çin, um, küre. I guess the one that I kind of looked up to a lot was Dasha, which translates to like big mountain he's Canadian comedian. Пожалуй, одним из тех, на кого я равнялся, был Даша, что переводится как "большая гора", он канадский комик. Sanırım en çok örnek aldığım kişi Dasha'ydı, bu da büyük dağ anlamına geliyor, kendisi Kanadalı bir komedyen. Well, he was born in Canada, lives in China and has done for like maybe like 30, 40 years. Kanada'da doğdu, Çin'de yaşıyor ve yaklaşık 30-40 yıldır Çin'de yaşıyor. And he speaks absolutely phenomenal. И говорит он просто феноменально. Ve kesinlikle olağanüstü konuşuyor. And it's not that he just speaks like a native, he also makes lots of jokes and you know, he's standing in front of a crowd of thousands of Chinese people, making them all laugh. И дело не в том, что он просто говорит как местный житель, он также много шутит, и вы знаете, он стоит перед многотысячной толпой китайцев и заставляет их всех смеяться. Sadece bir yerli gibi konuşmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda çok sayıda espri yapıyor ve binlerce Çinli'den oluşan bir kalabalığın önünde durarak hepsini güldürüyor.

It's just completely blows my mind every time I watch one of his performances. Каждый раз, когда я смотрю его выступления, у меня просто сносит крышу. Performanslarından birini her izlediğimde aklımı başımdan alıyor. So yeah, I would love to get him on, um, maybe more realistic. Так что да, я бы хотел, чтобы он стал более реалистичным. Yani evet, onu daha gerçekçi bir programa çıkarmak isterim. Um, there's also this other, I think he's a polyglto he speaks a few languages called Laoma on ... Again speaks really kind of, like really authentic Northern accent in China. Есть еще один, кажется, полиглот, он говорит на нескольких языках, его зовут Лаома... Он говорит с настоящим северным акцентом в Китае. Bir de Laoma adında birkaç dil konuşan bir poliglot var. Yine Çin'de gerçekten otantik Kuzey aksanı gibi konuşuyor.

And he has really, really good pronunciation. И у него очень, очень хорошее произношение. He has lots of videos, teaching English, pronunciation to Chinese people, he's lived there for a long time and he speaks really good. Çinlilere İngilizce, telaffuz öğreten birçok videosu var, uzun süredir orada yaşıyor ve gerçekten iyi konuşuyor. So I'd love to get Laoma on the channek as well if, uh, if I got the opportunity. Так что я бы с радостью пригласил Лаому на чаннек, если бы у меня была такая возможность. Bu yüzden eğer fırsatım olursa Laoma'yı da channek'e almak isterim.

Elle: Well, fingers crossed and to go back to Dashu, is that his name? Эль: Что ж, скрестим пальцы и вернемся к Дашу, так его зовут? Elle: Parmaklar çapraz ve Dashu'ya geri dönecek olursak, adı bu muydu?

Luke: It's Dashu. It's like big mountain.

Elle: Uh, I feel like making people laugh in the language, you know, making other people understand that language laugh is like the ultimate. Элль: Мне кажется, что заставить людей смеяться на языке, ну, знаете, заставить других людей, понимающих этот язык, смеяться - это высший пилотаж. Elle: İnsanları bir dilde güldürmek, bilirsiniz, diğer insanların o dili anlamasını sağlamak en üst nokta gibi geliyor bana. I feel, you know, as it's so nuanced, you know, comedy in different cultures. Мне кажется, что комедия в разных культурах имеет свои нюансы. So yeah, I imagine that I would be, yeah, just, just would be an amazing feeling. Так что да, я представляю, что я буду, да, просто, просто это было бы удивительное чувство. Yani evet, hayal ediyorum, evet, sadece, sadece harika bir duygu olurdu.

So, and he's Canadian, you said?

Luke: Yeah. Pretty sure he's Canadian, yeah, pretty sure. Kanadalı olduğuna oldukça eminim, evet, oldukça eminim.

Elle: All right. Cool. Okay. Well, uh, all of these great pieces of content that you have mentioned, I will put in the description and also a link to your channel for anyone who's interested in, checking it out. Ну, все эти замечательные материалы, которые вы упомянули, я помещу в описание, а также ссылку на ваш канал для тех, кто заинтересуется, чтобы проверить его. Bahsettiğiniz tüm bu harika içerik parçalarını açıklamaya ekleyeceğim ve ayrıca ilgilenenler için kanalınıza bir bağlantı vereceğim. Thank you so much for joining us today Luke. Большое спасибо, что присоединились к нам сегодня, Люк.

Luke: Thank you so much for having me on. Luke: Beni kabul ettiğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim. I really enjoyed it.

Elle: Bye

Luke: Bye