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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes Shares Her Language Learning Inspiration and What Motivates Her

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes Shares Her Language Learning Inspiration and What Motivates Her

Elle: This podcast is brought to you by LingQ, the app that allows you to learn a new language from content you love. With LingQ you can make anything into a language lesson, French, YouTube videos, Korean dramas, Russian news, Japanese podcasts, whatever it is that you want to learn from. Remember to like this episode and follow or subscribe to the podcast from whichever platform you're listening on.

If you're learning English, you can find the transcript to this episode and all past episodes as a lesson online. Just click the link to the lesson in the description.

Hello everyone and welcome to the English LingQ podcast with me Elle and today I have a special guest joining me, Lindie Botes. Lindie, how are you?

Lindie: Hello, I am well, thanks. Thank you so much for having me.

Elle: Oh, thank you so much for joining us today. So Lindie, you are a polyglot YouTuber. Uh, your YouTube channel Lindie, is called Lindy Botes, B O T E S. And you also have a website, Lindiebotes.com where you offer, where you run a blog, you offer, um, mentoring and resources,

I have a list here: Afrikaans. Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysia, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, is that right?

Lindie: Yes.

Those are the lists of resources. And not necessarily the languages I'm fluent in.

Elle: So any listeners, uh, learning those languages or interested in learning those languages, head over to Lindie's website and check those out for sure.

Um, so Lindie, you're joining us from singapore today.

Lindie: Yes.

Elle: So you are living and working in Singapore and it is 8:00 AM there, correct?

Lindie: Yes, we are on opposite sides of the world.

Elle: Yeah. I want to say thank you so much for joining us when it's so early for you have to be chatty so early. I know it's a lot to ask. Thank you. So I was looking over your website and YouTube channel a lot today. And, uh, I saw on your website, you say, you know, sorry, 12-ish languages, I like that "ish". Um, can you tell us, uh, which languages you know?

Lindie: Well, the ish part is very important because I think everybody interprets like know or speak in a different way, right? If I can, we have a very basic conversation about the weather,

does that really mean, I know a language? I'm not so sure. So last year I was, uh, learning 12, which means even if it's the most beginner language, I was trying to learn it, but I would say I'm at least conversational, can help myself in around eight or so languages. So apart from English, my home language is Afrikaans.

And then I guess in order of rough fluency, it would be Korean, Japanese, French, Mandarin, uh, Spanish, uh, maybe Hungarian, Vietnamese, where are we know it's very early morning, I'm going to have to check my own website, but you know, they all kind of trail off at the end. Uh, you know, learning a bunch, can speak a few.

Elle: Right, right. And so you said you grew up in South Africa and, uh, I was looking, I looked online today. I knew that there were many official languages in South Africa. I read there are actually 12, which I was amazed by. Do you think, did that have any impact on your growing up? I don't know how exposed you were to those languages on a day-to-day basis, but did that have an impact on your, your love for language learning do you think to some extent?

Lindie: Yes.

I didn't actually grow up in South Africa. I spent maybe more than half or half of my life in a few different countries over seas in the middle East and Asia. But I did spend my last few years of high school and university in South Africa. And yes, I was exposed to quite a few, uh, South African languages, but not necessarily from uh, a direct opportunity of being able to learn them. But I always had friends around me who spoke different languages, and I was always interested in asking people like, can you teach me a new phrase in Tswana? Or how do you say this in Zulu? So I think if anything, the multicultural society that South Africa is, uh, inspired me to continue languages and, you know, be curious constantly and ask people about languages.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity or resources, especially now living overseas to continue those languages, but that did like, help encourage and motivate me to keep going. Yeah, I would really love to learn. I think I bought a Zulu textbook once and I would like to, it's probably the most widely spoken South African language, but South African languages are also very, very regional.

So the Zulu spoken in KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu-Natal, where it's like very based is quite different from the Zulu spoken in my hometown, for instance, which is more like an amalgamation of different languages. So even if you try to learn it, you really have to be in that context to sound more natural and pick up the local slang.

Elle: Right. And so were languages something you were always interested in then even as a child, was there something that sparked the... you, you, I love on your website, you are self-professed language nut you say. Yeah.

Was there a spark of interest? Or, was it just always something you remember being interested in?

Lindie: I think there might have been a spark of interest around my last year of high school, or I distinctly remember spending more time learning Korean than I did studying for my final math exam. Thankfully I passed, I suck at math, but I'm glad I had languages to keep me sane. Um, but I think languages have always been a part of my life and I've seen it as like, well, this is normal.

Like growing up in international schools, everybody spoke different languages. I was just like, Oh, I guess this is how life is. You'll always have people around you speaking different languages. I never really realized that's not always the case outside of an international school environment, that monolingualism does prevail in a lot of countries.

Uh, but I remember there was definitely a spark after I started learning Korean in 2010. So around 2012, my last year of high school, I realized, man, this is really fun. And Korean is actually quite similar to a lot of languages like Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, even Hokkien, like there, they all stemmed from Chinese languages and that really kind of snowballed into learning more languages.

So I took French at school as a school subject, and I always just thought, okay, school subject, whatever. I just need to get good grades. And it was only after that that I was like, man, I should have put more effort into it. Languages are really cool.

Elle: And speaking of Chinese, as you just said, so you're living in Singapore. Are you working exclusively in Chinese now in your job?

Lindie: I wish no, Singapore working society is predominantly English, but a lot of my colleagues do speak Chinese at the office. So we kind of mix a bit, but it's mostly English.

Elle: Oh, okay. And what are you doing? You're a UI/UX designers. Is that right, in your job?

Lindie: Yeah. Yeah.

That's right. I'm working at a local startup building their app and website.

Elle: Okay. Very cool. Very cool. So tell us about your journey from kind of language learner, language lover, to YouTuber and someone who's created this space, this community for language learners online, what made you want to do that?

Lindie: Hmm, I remember maybe would it be around eight years ago? I was really inspired by a video by Tim Donor on YouTube. And he's that guy who went super viral and was on the news because he speaks a whole lot of languages. But what I liked was the one video where he documented himself sort of speaking them all.

And I thought, Hey, this is really great to track your progress and just take a little like time, time-capture note of all the languages you are able to speak at a moment in time. So I made a really bad video on my webcam from my computer back in high school. And I was stumbling, fumbling through my languages.

Uh, but through that I discovered this very small at the time YouTube community of people who were, uh, interested in, in, in talking about languages, sharing resources and so forth. And over the years, it has slowly grown. Um, But I think the community part has really grown in the last maybe three years.

And that's what really encourages me that, and that's the best part that I like about languages online is being able to meet people. And I'm these days, especially active on Twitter. I think that is the new up and coming spot for, uh, language communities. People are running language challenges and so forth.

So I think it was all just a natural progression as my channel grew, the other social media channels. Um, I started documenting my languages more and meeting people with similar interests.

Elle: Hmm. I have to say, I agree with the last, you said last three years the community has exploded. I I've been working, I think for link for five years now.

And definitely I've seen, yeah, just so many more, so many more people are interested, uh, you know, getting involved and I have to say it still is maybe more male dominated for whatever reason, I find that very strange, but now there are more and more women like yourself, um, YouTubers and content providers.

And I just, I love seeing that. So, um, yeah. Um, I wanted to ask you if you have any advice for, maybe, maybe selfishly, this is for me, but also any listeners who are struggling with motivation right now, it's clear from your channel, from your website, that you're very focused, motivated, organized. I love that aspect for sure.

Um, it's really inspiring. Uh I'm right now, not very motivated. I'm studying French. I was really motivated last year. I don't know what happened. I kind of fell off and then I never quite got it back. So I wonder if you have any tips, advice for listeners and me, or do you ever get into a bit of a slump or you're not so motivated to study and if so, what has worked for you? What do you do to get, get yourself back in the game?

Lindie: All of the time. I really feel you about those language slumps. I don't know if this is going to help you or make you feel even more scared, because when I started learning Hungarian two and a half years ago, I was like super motivated and excited and ready and learning every day for about three months.

And then it trailed off for two years until I restarted Hungarian this year. So that was like a two year break. And I actually just used that time to wait for the motivation to come back. Um, and it's, it was really circumstantial for me. Like at that time when I stopped, I really had to focus on Chinese and then I moved to Singapore and then I had to take a Korean exam.

And finally, after that, I was like, you know what I have free time now, let me try Hungarian again. So the one approach which might not work for everyone is really to just wait it out. Like if you don't have necessarily language goals, like I need to pass this exam, I'm moving to this country, I'm marrying someone who speaks this language.

If you're kind of just learning for fun, sometimes you might just want to wait for it to come back. But again, that could take two years. So the other approach apart from just relying on your emotions and how you feel is, um, creating a study system for yourself and, uh, starting very small. I realized that with, also with these online communities, people are so, you know, fired up.

Like I'm gonna finish this textbook and, you know, meet 10 language partners and write five essays. And then it kind of trails off. It's like new year's resolutions, then you don't do it. So as long as you start very, very small every day, you need to start building a daily habit. Um, uh, I'm trying to use this in different aspects of my life.

So I'm working on an ebook now for learning Korean. And I was just like, man, I don't know how to write this. I just, it's taken me forever. And a friend of mine said, just do 10 minutes a day, just 10 minutes. And then you can try and do more if you feel like it. And I was like, well, yeah, just committing to 10 minutes is so much easier than thinking I have a whole book ahead of me. So you can use that same thinking for languages. I'm just going to study French for 10 minutes every morning, and then you'll see, it'll get easier and you can build on from there. Another final tip for maintaining your motivation is to spread it out throughout the day.

You'll feel a lot less motivated if you schedule in a one or a one-and-a-half hour block to study. So if you break that up and say, you'll review your vocabulary in the morning, you'll listen to a podcast in the afternoon and you'll play on LingQ in the evening then you can spread that out throughout the day, and that's a lot more manageable and you won't get burnout.

Elle: Okay. That is great advice. That was great. I need to take that on for sure. I think I need, I think I've waited it out now. I'm feeling the urge to get back into the French.

Lindie: Good

Elle: So you're currently, are you maintaining languages or are you, you're studying Hungarian you said, is that your current language?

Lindie: Yes.

So for this year, I'm choosing two main focus languages for every quarter. Uh, so we just finished Q1 the first three, four months of the year, I'm really bad at math, um, and it's early. So I was focusing on Tagalog and Hungarian. Um, and I think I do want to continue those languages for the next quarters goals, uh, because I'm still beginner in both of them.

So at the moment Tagalog and Hungarian are the main ones for me and probably Spanish as well. I really need to improve my very basic Spanish.

Elle: Wow. So three very different languages. I know Hungarian isn't.... is it true that Hungarian is, is in a language family of its own, or it doesn't belong to any of the language families?

Lindie: It is quite an isolate, but you'll find grammatical similarities with Turkish and Finnish and sometimes words that sound similar, but it's pretty on its own there. Yeah.

Elle: Hmm. Wow.

Well, best of luck with those. So, sorry, three, so each quarter you're doing two to three different languages. So over the year, so nine over the year. Wow.

My goodness. And I'm just, with my French...

Lindie: No, we shouldn't compare. I wish I had like time to dedicate a whole year to French. That would be awesome too.

Elle: So what, uh, what lies ahead for 2021 for you? Any, any events or projects planned even though the world is obviously a very strange place right now.

Lindie: Yeah. I think, uh, online language conferences are going to keep springing up. So I hope to be attending and participating in more of those, uh, as well as working on my Korean ebook. Uh, so I, I think it's been a lot of years of just making videos and now I want to see how I can continue videos, but also take whatever I've put out in my videos into more digestible formats on other social media channels or in writing. So that's probably my main project for this year.

Elle: Excellent. Well, a busy, busy rest of the year it sounds like, Lindie. Thank you so, so much for joining us again so, so early in the morning, I know it's hard to be chatty at the best of times. Maybe that's just me, but I really appreciate it. And yeah, maybe we will chat again. Um, but best of luck in the meantime, with your projects and your language learning.

Lindie: Thank you so much. It was great talking to you and I wish you the very best of luck with your French as well.

Elle: Thank you so much.

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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes Shares Her Language Learning Inspiration and What Motivates Her ||||||||||||drives her| Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes erzählt von ihrer Inspiration zum Sprachenlernen und was sie motiviert English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes Shares Her Language Learning Inspiration and What Motivates Her Inglés LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes comparte su inspiración para aprender idiomas y lo que la motiva English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15 : Lindie Botes partage son inspiration pour l'apprentissage des langues et ce qui la motive Podcast LingQ 2.0 #15: Lindie Botes condivide la sua ispirazione per l'apprendimento delle lingue e le sue motivazioni. English LingQ 2.0ポッドキャスト#15:LindieBotesが彼女の言語学習のインスピレーションと彼女の動機を共有 English LingQ 2.0 팟캐스트 #15: 린디 보츠가 언어 학습에 대한 영감과 동기를 공유합니다. Engels LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes deelt haar inspiratie voor het leren van talen en wat haar motiveert Podcast Inglês LingQ 2.0 #15: Lindie Botes partilha a sua inspiração de aprendizagem de línguas e o que a motiva English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes ne împărtășește inspirația pentru învățarea limbilor străine și ceea ce o motivează Английский LingQ 2.0 Подкаст #15: Линди Ботес делится своим вдохновением в изучении языка и тем, что ее мотивирует English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #15: Lindie Botes Dil Öğrenimindeki İlhamını ve Onu Motive Eden Şeyleri Paylaşıyor Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #15: Лінді Ботес ділиться своїм натхненням у вивченні мови та тим, що її мотивує 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #15:Lindie Botes 分享她的语言学习灵感以及激励她的因素 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #15:Lindie Botes 分享她的语言学习灵感和激励她的因素

Elle: This podcast is brought to you by LingQ, the app that allows you to learn a new language from content you love. Elle: Dieser Podcast wird Ihnen von LingQ präsentiert, der App, mit der Sie eine neue Sprache anhand von Inhalten lernen können, die Sie lieben. Elle: Este podcast llega de la mano de LingQ, la aplicación que te permite aprender un nuevo idioma a partir de contenidos que te encantan. Elle:このポッドキャストは、お気に入りのコンテンツから新しい言語を学ぶことができるアプリ、LingQによって提供されています。 Elle: Este podcast é-lhe trazido por LingQ, a aplicação que lhe permite aprender uma nova língua a partir de conteúdos que adora. Elle: Acest podcast vă este oferit de LingQ, aplicația care vă permite să învățați o nouă limbă din conținutul pe care îl iubiți. Elle: Bu podcast size sevdiğiniz içeriklerden yeni bir dil öğrenmenizi sağlayan LingQ uygulaması tarafından sunulmaktadır. With LingQ you can make anything into a language lesson, French, YouTube videos, Korean dramas, Russian news, Japanese podcasts, whatever it is that you want to learn from. LingQを使用すると、語学レッスン、フランス語、YouTubeビデオ、韓国ドラマ、ロシアのニュース、日本語のポッドキャストなど、何から学びたいかを決めることができます。 Com o LingQ pode transformar tudo numa lição de línguas, francês, vídeos do YouTube, dramas coreanos, notícias russas, podcasts japoneses, o que quer que seja que queira aprender com eles. Cu LingQ poți transforma orice într-o lecție de limbă, franceză, videoclipuri YouTube, drame coreene, știri rusești, podcasturi japoneze, orice vrei să înveți. LingQ ile Fransızca, YouTube videoları, Kore dizileri, Rusça haberler, Japonca podcast'ler, öğrenmek istediğiniz her şeyi bir dil dersine dönüştürebilirsiniz. 使用 LingQ,您可以将任何内容变成语言课程、法语、YouTube 视频、韩剧、俄罗斯新闻、日本播客,无论您想从中学习什么。 Remember to like this episode and follow or subscribe to the podcast from whichever platform you're listening on. ||||||sledovat||||||||||| このエピソードを気に入って、聞いているプラットフォームからポッドキャストをフォローまたはサブスクライブすることを忘れないでください。 Lembre-se de gostar deste episódio e siga ou subscreva o podcast a partir de qualquer plataforma em que esteja a ouvir. Bu bölümü beğenmeyi ve hangi platformdan dinliyorsanız podcast'i takip etmeyi veya abone olmayı unutmayın. 请记住喜欢这一集,并从您正在收听的任何平台关注或订阅播客。

If you're learning English, you can find the transcript to this episode and all past episodes as a lesson online. 英語を学んでいる場合は、このエピソードと過去のすべてのエピソードのトランスクリプトをオンラインのレッスンとして見つけることができます。 Se estiver a aprender inglês, pode encontrar a transcrição deste episódio e de todos os episódios passados como uma lição online. İngilizce öğreniyorsanız, bu bölümün ve geçmiş tüm bölümlerin transkriptini çevrimiçi bir ders olarak bulabilirsiniz. 如果你正在学习英语,你可以在网上找到这一集和所有过去剧集的成绩单作为一堂课。 Just click the link to the lesson in the description. Just click the link to the lesson in the description. 説明のレッスンへのリンクをクリックするだけです。 Basta clicar no link para a lição na descrição. Açıklamadaki ders bağlantısına tıklamanız yeterlidir. 只需单击说明中的课程链接即可。

Hello everyone and welcome to the English LingQ podcast with me Elle and today I have a special guest joining me, Lindie Botes. Olá a todos e bem-vindos ao podcast inglês LingQ comigo Elle e hoje tenho uma convidada especial a juntar-se a mim, Lindie Botes. สวัสดีทุกคน และขอต้อนรับสู่ LingQ podcast ภาษาอังกฤษกับฉัน Elle และวันนี้ฉันมีแขกรับเชิญพิเศษเข้าร่วมกับฉัน Lindie Botes Herkese merhaba, Elle ile İngilizce LingQ podcastine hoş geldiniz ve bugün bana katılan özel bir konuğum var, Lindie Botes. 大家好,欢迎和我一起收看英语 LingQ 播客 Elle,今天我有一位特别嘉宾 Lindie Botes 加入我的行列。 Lindie, how are you? Lindie, como estás? Lindie, nasılsın?

Lindie: Hello, I am well, thanks. Lindie: Olá, estou bem, obrigada. Lindie: Merhaba, iyiyim, teşekkürler. Thank you so much for having me. どうもありがとうございました。 Muito obrigado por me receberem. Beni ağırladığınız için çok teşekkür ederim.

Elle: Oh, thank you so much for joining us today. Elle: Oh, muito obrigada por se juntarem a nós hoje. Elle: Bugün bize katıldığınız için çok teşekkür ederim. So Lindie, you are a polyglot YouTuber. Então Lindie, você é um poliglota YouTuber. 所以林迪,你是一个多语种的 YouTuber。 Uh, your YouTube channel Lindie, is called  Lindy Botes, B O T E S. And you also have a website, Lindiebotes.com where you offer, where you run a blog, you offer, um, mentoring and resources, ||||||||||||||||||||Lindiebotes(1)||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||recursos Uh, o seu canal no YouTube Lindie, chama-se Lindy Botes, B O T E S E também tem um website, Lindiebotes.com, onde oferece, onde gere um blogue, oferece, um, mentoria e recursos, Lindie, YouTube kanalınızın adı Lindy Botes, B O T E S. Ayrıca Lindiebotes.com adında bir web siteniz var ve burada bir blog yönetiyorsunuz, mentorluk ve kaynaklar sunuyorsunuz, 呃,你的 YouTube 频道 Lindie,叫做 Lindy Botes,BOTE S。你还有一个网站,Lindiebotes.com,你可以在里面提供,你在哪里运行博客,你提供,嗯,指导和资源,

I have a list here: Afrikaans. Tenho aqui uma lista: Afrikaans. Burada bir listem var: Afrikaans. 我在这里有一个清单:南非荷兰语。 Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysia, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, is that right? Chinês, Húngaro, Japonês, Coreano, Malásia, Espanhol, Tagalog, Vietnamita, é isso mesmo? Çince, Macarca, Japonca, Korece, Malezya, İspanyolca, Tagalogca, Vietnamca, doğru mu? 中文、匈牙利文、日文、韩文、马来西亚文、西班牙文、他加禄文、越南文,对吗?

Lindie: Yes.

Those are the lists of resources. Estas são as listas de recursos. Bunlar kaynak listeleri. And not necessarily  the languages I'm fluent in. そして、必ずしも私が流暢な言語である必要はありません。 E não necessariamente as línguas em que sou fluente. และไม่จำเป็นต้องเป็นภาษาที่ฉันถนัด Ve akıcı konuştuğum diller olması da gerekmiyor. 不一定是我精通的语言。

Elle: So any listeners, uh, learning those languages or interested in learning those languages, head over to Lindie's website and check those out for sure. エル:それで、リスナー、ええと、それらの言語を学ぶか、それらの言語を学ぶことに興味があるなら、リンディーのウェブサイトに行き、それらを確実にチェックしてください。 Elle: Portanto, quaisquer ouvintes, uh, que estejam a aprender essas línguas ou interessados em aprender essas línguas, dirijam-se ao website da Lindie e verifiquem esses com certeza. Elle: ดังนั้นผู้ฟังที่กำลังเรียนรู้ภาษาเหล่านั้นหรือสนใจที่จะเรียนรู้ภาษาเหล่านั้น ตรงไปที่เว็บไซต์ของ Lindie และตรวจสอบสิ่งเหล่านั้นให้แน่ใจ Elle: Bu dilleri öğrenen ya da öğrenmek isteyen dinleyicilerimiz Lindie'nin web sitesine gidip mutlaka göz atsınlar. Elle:所以任何听众,呃,学习这些语言或有兴趣学习这些语言,都可以访问 Lindie 的网站并检查一下。

Um, so Lindie, you're joining us from singapore today. Hum, então Lindie, hoje vens de singapore. อืม ลินดี้ คุณจะมาร่วมงานกับเราจากสิงคโปร์วันนี้ Lindie, bugün bize Singapur'dan katılıyorsun. 嗯,林迪,你今天从新加坡加入我们。

Lindie: Yes. ลินดี้: ค่ะ

Elle: So you are living and working in Singapore and it is 8:00 AM there, correct? Elle: Então vive e trabalha em Singapura e são 8:00 da manhã de lá, correcto? Elle: คุณอาศัยและทำงานในสิงคโปร์ และเวลา 8.00 น. ที่นั่น ใช่ไหม Elle: Singapur'da yaşıyor ve çalışıyorsunuz ve orada saat sabah 8:00, doğru mu? Elle:所以你在新加坡生活和工作,现在是早上 8:00,对吗?

Lindie: Yes, we are on opposite sides of the world. Lindie: Sim, estamos em lados opostos do mundo. ลินดี้: ใช่ เราอยู่คนละซีกโลก Lindie: Evet, dünyanın karşı tarafındayız. 林迪:是的,我们在世界的两端。

Elle: Yeah. I want to say thank you so much for joining us when it's so early for you have to be chatty so early. Quero agradecer-vos muito por se juntarem a nós quando é tão cedo, pois têm de ser conversadores tão cedo. ฉันอยากจะบอกว่าขอบคุณมากสำหรับการเข้าร่วมกับเราเมื่อมันเร็วเกินไปสำหรับคุณต้องพูดเร็ว Bu kadar erken bir saatte bu kadar konuşkan olmanız gerekirken bize katıldığınız için çok teşekkür etmek istiyorum. 我想说非常感谢你在这么早的时候加入我们,因为你必须这么早说话。 I know it's a lot to ask. 質問することがたくさんあることを私は知っています。 Eu sei que é pedir muito. ฉันรู้ว่ามันเป็นเรื่องมากมายที่จะถาม Çok şey istediğimi biliyorum. 我知道有很多问题要问。 Thank you. So I was looking over your website and YouTube channel a lot today. ||jsem|||||||||| だから今日はあなたのウェブサイトとYouTubeチャンネルをよく見ていました。 Por isso, hoje estive muito atento ao vosso website e ao canal YouTube. ดังนั้นฉันจึงดูเว็บไซต์และช่อง YouTube ของคุณมากในวันนี้ Bugün web sitenizi ve YouTube kanalınızı çok inceledim. And, uh, I saw on your website, you say, you know, sorry, 12-ish languages, I like that "ish". E, uh, eu vi no seu website, você diz, você sabe, desculpe, 12-ish línguas, eu gosto desse "ish". และ เอ่อ ฉันเห็นบนเว็บไซต์ของคุณ คุณพูดว่า คุณรู้ไหม ขอโทษ ภาษา 12 ภาษา ฉันชอบคำว่า "ใช่" Ve, web sitenizde gördüm, diyorsunuz ki, bilirsiniz, pardon, 12-ish dilleri, bu "ish" hoşuma gitti. 而且,呃,我在你的网站上看到,你说,你知道,对不起,12 种语言,我喜欢那个“ish”。 Um, can you tell us, uh, which languages you know? Hum, pode dizer-nos quais as línguas que conhece? อืม คุณช่วยบอกเราได้ไหม คุณรู้ภาษาอะไร Bize hangi dilleri bildiğinizi söyleyebilir misiniz? 嗯,你能告诉我们,呃,你知道哪些语言?

Lindie: Well, the ish part is very important because I think everybody interprets like know or speak in a different way, right? ||||||||||||understands||||||||| Lindie:ええと、イッシュの部分は非常に重要です。なぜなら、誰もが知っているように解釈したり、別の方法で話したりするように解釈するからですよね? Lindie: Bem, a parte do ish é muito importante porque penso que todos interpretam como se soubessem ou falassem de uma maneira diferente, certo? Lindie: ส่วน ish นั้นสำคัญมาก เพราะฉันคิดว่าทุกคนตีความเหมือนรู้หรือพูดในวิธีที่ต่างกัน ใช่ไหม? Lindie: Şey, ish kısmı çok önemli çünkü bence herkes bildiğini ya da konuştuğunu farklı bir şekilde yorumluyor, değil mi? Lindie:嗯,ish 部分非常重要,因为我认为每个人的解释都像是知道或以不同的方式说话,对吧? If I can, we have a very basic conversation about the weather, できれば、天気についての非常に基本的な会話をします。 Se eu puder, temos uma conversa muito básica sobre o tempo, ถ้าฉันทำได้ เรามีบทสนทนาพื้นฐานเกี่ยวกับสภาพอากาศ Eğer yapabilirsem, hava durumu hakkında çok basit bir konuşma yaparız, 如果可以的话,我们就天气进行一次非常基本的对话,

does that really mean, I know a language? to||||||| それは本当に意味ですか、私は言語を知っていますか? isso significa realmente, eu conheço uma língua? หมายความว่าฉันรู้ภาษาจริงๆเหรอ? Bu gerçekten bir dil bildiğim anlamına mı geliyor? 这真的意味着,我知道一种语言吗? I'm not so sure. Não tenho tanta certeza. ฉันไม่แน่ใจ. Ben o kadar emin değilim. So last year I was, uh, learning 12, which means even if it's the most beginner language, I was trying to learn it, but I would say I'm at least conversational, can help myself in around eight or so languages. Así que el año pasado estaba, aprendiendo 12, lo que significa que aunque sea el idioma más principiante, estaba intentando aprenderlo, pero diría que al menos soy conversacional, puedo ayudarme en unos ocho idiomas. 去年は12を学んでいました。つまり、それが最も初心者の言語であっても、それを学ぼうとしていましたが、少なくとも会話ができるので、約8か国語で自分を助けることができます。 Assim, no ano passado eu estava, uh, a aprender 12, o que significa que mesmo que seja a língua mais principiante, eu estava a tentar aprendê-la, mas diria que sou pelo menos conversador, posso ajudar-me em cerca de oito ou mais línguas. ปีที่แล้วฉัน เอ่อ กำลังเรียนรู้ 12 ภาษา ซึ่งหมายความว่าแม้ว่ามันจะเป็นภาษาเริ่มต้น ฉันพยายามเรียนรู้มัน แต่ฉันจะบอกว่าอย่างน้อยฉันก็พูดได้ ช่วยตัวเองได้ประมาณ 8 ภาษา Geçen yıl 12 dil öğreniyordum, yani en acemi dil bile olsa öğrenmeye çalışıyordum, ama en azından konuşabildiğimi söyleyebilirim, yaklaşık sekiz ya da daha fazla dilde kendime yardımcı olabilirim. 所以去年我,呃,学习了 12 种语言,这意味着即使它是最初级的语言,我也在努力学习它,但我会说我至少会会话,可以帮助自己学习大约八种左右的语言。 So apart from English, my home language is Afrikaans. |besides||||||| ですから、英語は別として、私の母国語はアフリカーンス語です。 Portanto, para além do inglês, a minha língua materna é o africânder. นอกจากภาษาอังกฤษแล้ว ภาษาที่บ้านของฉันคือภาษาอัฟริกัน İngilizce dışında ana dilim Afrikaanca. 所以除了英语,我的母语是南非荷兰语。

And then I guess in order of rough fluency, it would be Korean, Japanese, French, Mandarin, uh, Spanish, uh, maybe Hungarian, Vietnamese, where are we know it's very early morning, I'm going to have to check my own website, but you know, they all kind of trail off at the end. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oni|||||||| Y luego supongo que en orden de fluidez aproximada, sería coreano, japonés, francés, mandarín, eh, español, eh, tal vez húngaro, vietnamita, donde estamos sabemos que es muy temprano en la mañana, voy a tener que comprobar mi propio sitio web, pero usted sabe, todos ellos tipo de rastro al final. そして、大まかな流暢さの順に、韓国語、日本語、フランス語、北京語、ええと、スペイン語、ええと、多分ハンガリー語、ベトナム語だと思います。自分のウェブサイトですが、ご存知のように、それらはすべて最後にすべての種類のトレイルオフになります。 E depois, por ordem de fluência rude, seria coreano, japonês, francês, mandarim, uh, espanhol, uh, talvez húngaro, vietnamita, onde sabemos que é muito cedo de manhã, vou ter de verificar o meu próprio website, mas sabem, todos eles são uma espécie de trilha no final. แล้วฉันเดาว่าตามลำดับความคล่องแคล่ว น่าจะเป็นเกาหลี ญี่ปุ่น ฝรั่งเศส จีนกลาง เอ่อ สเปน เอ่อ อาจจะเป็นฮังการี เวียดนาม ไหนเรารู้ว่ามันเช้ามาก ฉันจะต้องตรวจสอบของฉัน เป็นเจ้าของเว็บไซต์ แต่คุณรู้ไหม ท้ายที่สุดแล้วพวกเขาก็หมดหนทาง Ve sonra sanırım kaba akıcılık sırasına göre Korece, Japonca, Fransızca, Mandarin, uh, İspanyolca, uh, belki Macarca, Vietnamca, nerede olduğumuzu biliyoruz sabahın çok erken saatleri, kendi web sitemi kontrol etmem gerekecek, ama bilirsiniz, hepsi sonunda bir tür iz bırakıyor. 然后我想按照粗略的流利程度排序,它会是韩语,日语,法语,普通话,呃,西班牙语,呃,也许是匈牙利语,越南语,我们在哪里知道现在很早,我得检查一下我的自己的网站,但你知道,他们最后都会走下坡路。 Uh, you know, learning a bunch, can speak a few. |||učení|||mohu||| |||||um monte|||| ええと、あなたが知っている、たくさん学ぶことは、いくつか話すことができます。 Sabe, aprendendo um monte, pode falar um pouco. เอ่อ คุณรู้ เรียนมาเยอะ พูดได้ไม่กี่อย่าง Bilirsin, biraz öğreniyorum, biraz konuşabiliyorum. 呃,你知道的,学了一堆,能说几句。

Elle: Right, right. เอลลี่: ถูกต้อง ถูกต้อง And so you said you grew up in South Africa and, uh, I was looking, I looked online today. そして、あなたはあなたが南アフリカで育ったと言いました、そして、ええと、私は探していました、私は今日オンラインで見ました。 E assim disse que cresceu na África do Sul e, uh, eu estava à procura, hoje procurei online. และคุณบอกว่าคุณเติบโตในแอฟริกาใต้ และเอ่อ ฉันกำลังดูอยู่ วันนี้ฉันดูทางออนไลน์ Güney Afrika'da büyüdüğünüzü söylediniz ve ben de bugün internete baktım. 所以你说你在南非长大,呃,我在看,我今天在网上看。 I knew that there were many official languages in South Africa. Eu sabia que existiam muitas línguas oficiais na África do Sul. ฉันรู้ว่ามีภาษาราชการมากมายในแอฟริกาใต้ Güney Afrika'da birçok resmi dil olduğunu biliyordum. 我知道南非有很多官方语言。 I read there are actually 12, which I was amazed by. Li que na realidade são 12, pelo que fiquei espantado. ฉันอ่านว่ามี 12 จริง ๆ ซึ่งฉันรู้สึกทึ่ง Aslında 12 tane olduğunu okumuştum ve bu beni çok şaşırtmıştı. 我读到实际上有 12 个,我对此感到惊讶。 Do you think, did that have any impact on your growing up? それはあなたの成長に何か影響を与えたと思いますか? Acha que isso teve algum impacto no seu crescimento? คุณคิดว่านั่นมีผลกระทบต่อการเติบโตของคุณหรือไม่? Sizce bunun büyümeniz üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi oldu mu? 你觉得,这对你的成长有影响吗? I don't know how exposed you were to those languages on a day-to-day basis, but did that have an impact on your, your love for language learning do you think to some extent? あなたが日常的にこれらの言語にどれほど触れていたかはわかりませんが、それはあなたの言語学習への愛情にある程度影響を与えましたか? Não sei como esteve exposto a essas línguas no dia-a-dia, mas será que isso teve algum impacto no seu, seu amor pela aprendizagem de línguas, pensa até certo ponto? ฉันไม่รู้ว่าคุณได้สัมผัสกับภาษาเหล่านี้มากน้อยเพียงใดในแต่ละวัน แต่นั่นมีผลกระทบต่อความรักในการเรียนรู้ภาษาของคุณหรือไม่ คุณคิดว่ามีขอบเขตหรือไม่? Bu dillere günlük olarak ne kadar maruz kaldığınızı bilmiyorum ama bunun dil öğrenmeye olan sevginiz üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? 我不知道您在日常生活中对这些语言的接触程度如何,但是您认为这对您的语言学习的热爱有影响吗?

Lindie: Yes.

I didn't actually grow up in South Africa. Eu não cresci na África do Sul. ฉันไม่ได้เติบโตในแอฟริกาใต้ Ben aslında Güney Afrika'da büyümedim. 我实际上并不是在南非长大的。 I spent maybe more than half or half of my life in a few different countries over seas in the middle East and Asia. 私は人生の半分以上を中東とアジアの海の上のいくつかの国で過ごしました。 Passei talvez mais de metade ou metade da minha vida em alguns países diferentes através dos mares do Médio Oriente e da Ásia. Hayatımın belki yarısından fazlasını ya da yarısından fazlasını deniz aşırı birkaç farklı ülkede, Orta Doğu ve Asya'da geçirdim. 我在中东和亚洲的几个不同国家度过了可能超过一半或一半的生命。 But I did spend my last few years of high school and university in South Africa. しかし、私は南アフリカで高校と大学の最後の数年間を過ごしました。 Mas eu passei os meus últimos anos de liceu e universidade na África do Sul. Ama lise ve üniversitenin son birkaç yılını Güney Afrika'da geçirdim. And yes, I was exposed to quite a few, uh, South African languages, but not necessarily from uh, a direct opportunity of being able to learn them. そして、はい、私はかなりの数の、ええと、南アフリカの言語にさらされましたが、必ずしもええと、それらを学ぶことができる直接の機会からではありませんでした。 E sim, fui exposto a várias, uh, línguas sul-africanas, mas não necessariamente de uh, uma oportunidade directa de as poder aprender. Ve evet, birkaç Güney Afrika diline maruz kaldım, ancak bunları doğrudan öğrenme fırsatım olmadı. 是的,我接触过很多,呃,南非语言,但不一定来自呃,一个能够学习它们的直接机会。 But I always had friends around me who spoke different languages, and I was always interested in asking people like, can you teach me a new phrase in Tswana? でも、周りにはいつも違う言語を話す友達がいて、ツワナ語で新しいフレーズを教えてくれませんか? Maar ik had altijd vrienden om me heen die verschillende talen spraken, en ik was altijd geïnteresseerd in het vragen van mensen zoals: kun je me een nieuwe zin in het Tswana leren? Mas sempre tive à minha volta amigos que falavam línguas diferentes, e estava sempre interessado em perguntar às pessoas como, pode ensinar-me uma nova frase em Tswana? Ama çevremde her zaman farklı diller konuşan arkadaşlarım oldu ve her zaman insanlara "Bana Tswana dilinde yeni bir cümle öğretebilir misin?" gibi sorular sormaya ilgi duydum. 但我周围总是有说不同语言的朋友,我总是很想问别人,你能教我一个茨瓦纳语的新短语吗? Or how do you say this in Zulu? Ou como se diz isto no Zulu? Ya da bunu Zulu dilinde nasıl söylersiniz? 或者这个在祖鲁语里怎么说? So I think if anything, the multicultural society that South Africa is, uh, inspired me to continue languages and, you know, be curious constantly and ask people about languages. ですから、どちらかといえば、南アフリカの多文化社会は、私に言語を継続するように促しました。そして、あなたが知っているように、常に好奇心を持ち、人々に言語について尋ねます。 Portanto, penso que a sociedade multicultural que a África do Sul é, uh, inspirou-me a continuar as línguas e, sabem, a ser curioso constantemente e a perguntar às pessoas sobre línguas. Bence Güney Afrika'nın çok kültürlü bir toplum olması, dillere devam etmem ve sürekli meraklı olup insanlara diller hakkında sorular sormam için bana ilham verdi. 所以我认为,如果有的话,南非的多元文化社会,呃,激励我继续语言,你知道,不断地保持好奇,向人们询问语言。

Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity or resources, especially now living overseas to continue those languages, but that did like, help encourage and motivate me to keep going. ||||||||||||||||ale||||||||||| 残念ながら、特に今は海外に住んでこれらの言語を継続する機会やリソースがありませんでしたが、それは私が継続することを奨励し、やる気を起こさせるのに役立ちました。 Infelizmente, não tive a oportunidade ou recursos, especialmente agora vivendo no estrangeiro para continuar essas línguas, mas isso ajudou-me, encorajou-me e motivou-me a continuar. Ne yazık ki, özellikle şu anda yurtdışında yaşadığım için bu dillere devam etme fırsatım veya kaynağım olmadı, ancak bu beni devam etmem için cesaretlendirdi ve motive etti. 不幸的是,我没有机会或资源,尤其是现在生活在海外继续这些语言,但这确实有助于鼓励和激励我继续前进。 Yeah, I would really love to learn. Sim, eu adoraria muito aprender. Evet, öğrenmeyi gerçekten çok isterim. 是的,我真的很想学习。 I think I bought a Zulu textbook once and I would like to, it's probably the most widely spoken South African language, but South African languages are also very, very regional. ズールー語の教科書を一度購入したと思います。おそらく最も広く話されている南アフリカの言語ですが、南アフリカの言語も非常に地域的なものです。 Penso que uma vez comprei um livro-texto zulu e gostaria, é provavelmente a língua sul-africana mais falada, mas as línguas sul-africanas são também muito, muito regionais. Sanırım bir keresinde Zulu dilinde bir ders kitabı almıştım ve muhtemelen en çok konuşulan Güney Afrika dili olmasını isterdim, ancak Güney Afrika dilleri de çok bölgeseldir. 我想我曾经买过一本祖鲁语教科书,我很想买,它可能是使用最广泛的南非语言,但南非语言也非常非常具有地域性。

So the Zulu spoken in KwaZulu-Natal. |||||KwaZulu|Natal ||Zulu language|||| したがって、ズールー語はクワズールナタール語で話されました。 Assim, o zulu falou em KwaZulu-Natal. Yani KwaZulu-Natal'da konuşulan Zulu dili. 所以祖鲁语在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔语中使用。 KwaZulu-Natal, where it's like very based is quite different from the Zulu spoken in my hometown, for instance, which is more like an amalgamation of different languages. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Verschmelzung||| ||||||||||||||||рідне місто||||||||||| クワズールナタールは、非常に基盤が整っているようで、たとえば、私の故郷で話されているズールー語とはまったく異なります。これは、さまざまな言語の融合のようなものです。 O KwaZulu-Natal, onde é muito baseado é bastante diferente do zulu falado na minha cidade natal, por exemplo, que é mais como uma amálgama de línguas diferentes. KwaZulu-Natal'da konuşulan Zulu dili, örneğin benim memleketimde konuşulan Zulu dilinden oldukça farklı, daha çok farklı dillerin bir karışımı gibi. 例如,夸祖鲁-纳塔尔语非常基础,与我家乡所说的祖鲁语完全不同,更像是不同语言的融合。 So even if you try to learn it, you really have to be in that context to sound more natural and pick up the local slang. |||||||||||||||||||||||||gíria したがって、それを学ぼうとしても、より自然に聞こえ、地元のスラングを拾うには、実際にその文脈にいる必要があります。 Por isso, mesmo que se tente aprender, é preciso estar nesse contexto para soar mais natural e captar a gíria local. Bu yüzden öğrenmeye çalışsanız bile, daha doğal konuşmak ve yerel argoyu kapmak için gerçekten o bağlamın içinde olmanız gerekir. 因此,即使您尝试学习它,您也必须在这种情况下听起来更自然并掌握当地的俚语。

Elle: Right. 艾丽:对。 And so were languages something you were always interested in then even as a child, was there something that sparked the... you, you, I love on your website, you are self-professed language nut you say. Y los idiomas fueron algo que siempre te interesó, incluso de niño, ¿hubo algo que despertara la chispa... tú, tú, me encanta en tu página web, eres un loco confeso de los idiomas, dices. そして、あなたが子供の頃からずっと興味を持っていた言語もそうだったのですが、何かを刺激したものはありましたか...あなた、あなた、私はあなたのウェブサイトで大好きです、あなたはあなたが言う自称言語ナッツです。 E assim eram as línguas algo que lhe interessava sempre, mesmo quando era criança, havia algo que lhe despertava... você, você, eu adoro no seu website, você é um doido linguístico auto-professado que diz. Peki diller çocukken bile her zaman ilgilendiğiniz bir şey miydi, sizi harekete geçiren bir şey var mıydı... siz, siz, web sitenize bayılıyorum, kendinizin dil delisi olduğunuzu söylüyorsunuz. 语言也是你小时候一直对语言感兴趣的东西,有没有什么东西激发了……你,你,我喜欢你的网站,你说你是自称的语言狂。 Yeah.

Was there a spark of interest? |||іскра|| 興味の火花はありましたか? Houve uma centelha de interesse? Bir ilgi kıvılcımı var mıydı? 有没有兴趣的火花? Or, was it just always something you remember being interested in? それとも、いつもあなたが興味を持ったことを覚えているものでしたか? Ou, foi sempre algo de que se lembra de estar interessado? Yoksa her zaman ilgilendiğinizi hatırladığınız bir şey miydi? 或者,它只是你记得感兴趣的东西吗?

Lindie: I think there might have been a spark of interest around my last year of high school, or I distinctly remember spending more time learning Korean than I did studying for my final math exam. ||||||||||||||||||||отчетливо||||||||||||||| Lindie:高校の最後の年の頃に興味が湧いたのではないかと思います。あるいは、最後の数学の試験で勉強したよりも韓国語を学ぶことに多くの時間を費やしたことをはっきりと覚えています。 Lindie: Penso que pode ter havido uma faísca de interesse por volta do meu último ano do liceu, ou lembro-me claramente de passar mais tempo a aprender coreano do que a estudar para o meu exame final de matemática. Lindie: Sanırım lise son sınıfta bir ilgi kıvılcımı çakmış olabilir ya da Korece öğrenmeye matematik sınavına çalıştığımdan daha fazla zaman harcadığımı çok net hatırlıyorum. 林迪:我想我高中最后一年可能激发了我的兴趣,或者我清楚地记得学习韩语的时间比我为期末数学考试的学习时间要多。 Thankfully I passed, I suck at math, but I'm glad I had languages to keep me sane. ||||||||||||||||в здравом уме ありがたいことに、私は合格し、数学が苦手ですが、正気を保つための言語があったことをうれしく思います。 Gelukkig ben ik geslaagd, ik ben slecht in wiskunde, maar ik ben blij dat ik talen had om me gezond te houden. Felizmente passei, sou péssimo a matemática, mas estou contente por ter tido línguas para me manter são. Neyse ki geçtim, matematikte berbatım ama aklımı başımda tutacak dillerim olduğu için mutluyum. 谢天谢地我通过了,我数学很烂,但我很高兴我有语言让我保持清醒。 Um, but I think languages have always been a part of my life and I've seen it as like, well, this is normal. ええと、でも言語はいつも私の人生の一部だったと思いますし、それは普通のことだと思っています。 Hum, mas penso que as línguas sempre fizeram parte da minha vida e eu vi-o como se, bem, isto fosse normal. Ama sanırım diller her zaman hayatımın bir parçası oldu ve bunu normal bir şeymiş gibi gördüm. 嗯,但我认为语言一直是我生活的一部分,我认为这很正常。

Like growing up in international schools, everybody spoke different languages. インターナショナルスクールで育ったように、誰もが異なる言語を話しました。 Tal como crescer em escolas internacionais, todos falavam línguas diferentes. Uluslararası okullarda büyümek gibi, herkes farklı diller konuşuyordu. I was just like, Oh, I guess this is how life is. 私は、ああ、これが人生のあり方だと思います。 Acho que é assim que é a vida. "Sanırım hayat böyle bir şey." dedim. 我就像,哦,我想这就是生活。 You'll always have people around you speaking different languages. あなたはいつもあなたの周りに異なる言語を話す人々がいるでしょう。 Terá sempre à sua volta pessoas que falam línguas diferentes. Etrafınızda her zaman farklı diller konuşan insanlar olacaktır. 你身边总会有人说不同的语言。 I never really realized that's not always the case outside of an international school environment, that monolingualism does prevail in a lot of countries. ||||||||||||||||Monolingualismus||vorherrscht||||| |||became aware|||||||||||||||||||| Mir war nie wirklich klar, dass das außerhalb eines internationalen Schulumfelds nicht immer der Fall ist, dass in vielen Ländern Einsprachigkeit vorherrscht. インターナショナルスクールの環境以外では必ずしもそうとは限らず、多くの国で単一言語主義が普及していることに気づきませんでした。 Nunca percebi realmente que nem sempre é esse o caso fora de um ambiente escolar internacional, que o monolinguismo prevalece em muitos países. Uluslararası bir okul ortamı dışında durumun her zaman böyle olmadığını, birçok ülkede tek dilliliğin hakim olduğunu hiç fark etmemiştim. 我从来没有真正意识到在国际学校环境之外并非总是如此,单语制确实在许多国家盛行。

Uh, but I remember there was definitely a spark after I started learning Korean in 2010. ええと、でも2010年に韓国語を学び始めてからは間違いなく火花があったことを覚えています。 Uh, mas lembro-me que houve definitivamente uma faísca depois de ter começado a aprender coreano em 2010. Ama 2010'da Korece öğrenmeye başladıktan sonra kesinlikle bir kıvılcım olduğunu hatırlıyorum. 呃,但我记得我在 2010 年开始学习韩语之后肯定有火花。 So around 2012, my last year of high school, I realized, man, this is really fun. |||||||||understood||||| ですから、高校の最後の年である2012年頃、私は気づきました。これは本当に楽しいことです。 Por volta de 2012, o meu último ano de liceu, apercebi-me, meu, que isto é realmente divertido. Lisedeki son yılım olan 2012 civarında fark ettim ki, dostum, bu gerçekten eğlenceli. And Korean is actually quite similar to a lot of languages like Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, even Hokkien, like there, they all stemmed from Chinese languages and that really kind of snowballed into learning more languages. ||||||||||||||||Hokkien|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||led to more|||| En realidad, el coreano es muy parecido a muchas lenguas, como el japonés, el coreano, el cantonés e incluso el hokkien, y todas ellas proceden del chino, lo que hizo que aprendiéramos más lenguas. そして、韓国語は実際には日本語、韓国語、広東語、さらには粤語のような多くの言語と非常によく似ています。それらはすべて中国語に由来し、それは本当に多くの言語を学ぶことに雪だるま式になりました。 En Koreaans is eigenlijk vrij gelijkaardig aan veel talen zoals Japans, Koreaans, Kantonees, zelfs Hokkien, zoals daar, ze kwamen allemaal voort uit Chinese talen en dat leidde echt tot het leren van meer talen. E o coreano é na verdade bastante semelhante a muitas línguas como o japonês, coreano, cantonês, mesmo hokkien, como ali, todas elas derivam das línguas chinesas e isso realmente foi uma espécie de bola de neve para aprender mais línguas. Ve Korece aslında Japonca, Korece, Kantonca, hatta Hokkien gibi pek çok dile oldukça benziyor, hepsi Çince dillerinden kaynaklanıyor ve bu gerçekten daha fazla dil öğrenmeye doğru bir çığ gibi büyüdü. 韩语实际上和很多语言非常相似,比如日语、韩语、粤语,甚至福建话,就像那里一样,它们都源于汉语,而且真的像滚雪球一样学习更多的语言。 韓語實際上與許多語言非常相似,例如日語、韓語、粵語,甚至閩南語,它們都源於漢語,並且確實像滾雪球一樣學習更多語言。

So I took French at school as a school subject, and I always just thought, okay, school subject, whatever. だから私は学校でフランス語を教科として取りました、そして私はいつもただ、大丈夫、教科、何でも考えました。 Por isso, tomei o francês na escola como disciplina escolar, e sempre pensei, está bem, disciplina escolar, o que quer que fosse. Okulda ders olarak Fransızca aldım ve her zaman tamam, okul dersi, her neyse diye düşündüm. 所以我在学校把法语作为学校科目,我总是想,好吧,学校科目,随便什么。 I just need to get good grades. Só preciso de obter boas notas. Sadece iyi notlar almam gerekiyor. And it was only after that that I was like, man, I should have put more effort into it. そして、その後になってようやく、私はもっと努力すべきだったのです。 E só depois disso é que eu deveria ter-me esforçado mais. Ve ancak ondan sonra, dostum, bunun için daha fazla çaba göstermeliydim dedim. Languages are really cool. As línguas são muito fixes. Diller gerçekten harika.

Elle: And speaking of Chinese, as you just said, so you're living in Singapore. Elle: E por falar em chinês, como acabou de dizer, por isso está a viver em Singapura. Elle: Çince demişken, az önce de söylediğiniz gibi Singapur'da yaşıyorsunuz. Elle:说到中国人,就像你刚才说的,所以你住在新加坡。 Are you working exclusively in Chinese now in your job? あなたは今あなたの仕事で中国語だけで働いていますか? Está a trabalhar exclusivamente em chinês agora no seu trabalho? Şu anda işinizde sadece Çince mi çalışıyorsunuz? 你现在的工作是专门用中文工作的吗?

Lindie: I wish no, Singapore working society is predominantly English, but a lot of my colleagues do speak Chinese at the office. Lindie:いいえ、シンガポールの労働社会は主に英語ですが、私の同僚の多くはオフィスで中国語を話します。 Lindie: Desejo que não, a sociedade de trabalho de Singapura é predominantemente inglesa, mas muitos dos meus colegas falam chinês no escritório. Lindie: Keşke hayır, Singapur çalışma toplumu ağırlıklı olarak İngilizce, ancak birçok meslektaşım ofiste Çince konuşuyor. Lindie:我希望不,新加坡的工作社会主要是英语,但我的很多同事在办公室确实会说中文。 So we kind of mix a bit, but it's mostly English. Portanto, misturamos um pouco, mas é sobretudo inglês. Yani biraz karıştırıyoruz ama çoğunlukla İngilizce. 所以我们有点混合,但主要是英语。

Elle: Oh, okay. And what are you doing? E o que está a fazer? Peki sen ne yapıyorsun? 那你在做什么? You're a UI/UX designers. ||Benutzeroberfläche|UX-Designer| Eres diseñador de UI/UX. あなたはUI / UXデザイナーです。 É um designer da UI/UX. Siz bir UI/UX tasarımcısısınız. Is that right, in your job? É isso mesmo, no seu trabalho? Bu doğru mu, senin işinde?

Lindie: Yeah. Yeah.

That's right. I'm working at a local startup building their app and website. 私は地元のスタートアップで彼らのアプリとウェブサイトを構築しています。 Estou a trabalhar numa empresa local de arranque que está a construir a sua aplicação e website. Yerel bir startup'ta çalışıyorum, uygulamalarını ve web sitelerini geliştiriyorum. 我在当地一家初创公司工作,正在构建他们的应用程序和网站。

Elle: Okay. Very cool. Çok güzel. Very cool. So tell us about your journey from kind of language learner, language lover, to YouTuber and someone who's created this space, this community for language learners online, what made you want to do that? では、ある種の言語学習者、言語愛好家、YouTuber、そしてこのスペースを作成した人、オンラインの言語学習者のためのこのコミュニティへのあなたの旅について教えてください。あなたがそれをやりたいと思った理由は何ですか? Então fale-nos da sua viagem de aprendente de línguas, amante de línguas, ao YouTuber e a alguém que criou este espaço, esta comunidade online para aprendentes de línguas, o que o levou a querer fazer isso? Bize bir tür dil öğrenicisi, dil aşığı, YouTuber ve bu alanı, çevrimiçi dil öğrenenler için bu topluluğu yaratan biri olarak yolculuğunuzdan bahsedin, bunu yapmak istemenize ne sebep oldu? 因此,请告诉我们您从语言学习者、语言爱好者到 YouTuber 以及创建这个空间、这个在线语言学习者社区的人的旅程,是什么让您想这样做?

Lindie: Hmm, I remember maybe would it be around eight years ago? Lindie:うーん、たぶん8年ほど前のことを覚えていますか? Lindie: Hmm, lembro-me que talvez fosse há cerca de oito anos? Lindie: Hmm, belki sekiz yıl öncesini hatırlıyorum? Lindie:嗯,我记得大概是八年前吧? I was really inspired by a video by Tim Donor on YouTube. |||||||||Tim Doner|| 私はYouTubeのTimDonorのビデオに本当に触発されました。 Fui realmente inspirado por um vídeo de Tim Donor no YouTube. Tim Donor'ın YouTube'daki bir videosu bana gerçekten ilham verdi. 我真的受到了 YouTube 上 Tim Donor 的一段视频的启发。 YouTube 上 Tim Donor 的一段影片給了我很大的啟發。 And he's that guy who went super viral and was on the news because he speaks a whole lot of languages. そして、彼は非常にバイラルになり、たくさんの言語を話すのでニュースになっていたその男です。 E ele é aquele tipo que ficou super viral e estava nas notícias porque fala muitas línguas. Bir sürü dil bildiği için süper viral olan ve haberlere çıkan o adam. 他就是那个超级病毒式的人,因为他会说很多语言而登上新闻。 他是那個走紅並成為新聞焦點的人,因為他會說多種語言。 But what I liked was the one video where he documented himself sort of speaking them all. しかし、私が気に入ったのは、彼が自分自身でそれらすべてを話すことを記録した1つのビデオでした。 Mas o que me agradou foi o único vídeo em que ele próprio se documentou a falar de todos eles. Ama benim hoşuma giden, hepsini konuşurken kendini belgelediği bir video oldu. 但我喜欢的是一个视频,他记录了自己的全部内容。

And I thought, Hey, this is really great to track your progress and just take a little like time, time-capture note of all the languages you are able to speak at a moment in time. Y pensé: "Oye, esto es genial para seguir tu progreso y tomar nota de todos los idiomas que eres capaz de hablar en un momento dado". そして、私は、ねえ、これはあなたの進歩を追跡するのに本当に素晴らしいと思いました、そしてあなたが一度に話すことができるすべての言語の時間、時間キャプチャメモのように少し取ってください。 E eu pensei, Hey, isto é realmente óptimo para acompanhar o seu progresso e apenas tomar um pouco como tempo, uma nota de captura de tempo de todas as línguas que é capaz de falar num momento no tempo. Ve düşündüm ki, Hey, bu ilerlemenizi takip etmek ve zaman içinde konuşabildiğiniz tüm dilleri not almak için gerçekten harika bir şey. 我想,嘿,这真的很棒,可以跟踪你的进度,只需花一点时间,记录一下你能说的所有语言。 So I made a really bad video on my webcam from my computer back in high school. それで、高校時代にコンピューターからウェブカメラで本当に悪いビデオを作りました。 Por isso, fiz um vídeo muito mau na minha webcam a partir do meu computador na escola secundária. Lisedeyken bilgisayarımın kamerasıyla çok kötü bir video çekmiştim. 所以我在高中的时候用我的电脑在我的网络摄像头上制作了一个非常糟糕的视频。 And I was stumbling, fumbling through my languages. |||tropeçando|tateando|através|| Y yo iba dando tumbos, tanteando mis idiomas. そして、私はつまずいて、自分の言語をいじくり回していました。 En ik strompelde, rommelde door mijn talen. E eu estava a tropeçar, a atrapalhar-me nas minhas línguas. Tökezliyordum, dillerimi karıştırıyordum. 我跌跌撞撞,摸索着我的语言。

Uh, but through that  I discovered this very small at the time YouTube community of people who were, uh, interested in, in, in talking about languages, sharing resources and so forth. ええと、でもそれを通して、私は当時、言語について話したり、リソースを共有したりすることに興味を持っていた人々のYouTubeコミュニティが非常に小さいことを発見しました。 Uh, mas através disso descobri esta comunidade muito pequena na altura do YouTube de pessoas que estavam, uh, interessadas em, em, falar sobre línguas, partilhar recursos e assim por diante. Ama bu sayede o zamanlar çok küçük olan YouTube'da diller hakkında konuşmak, kaynak paylaşmak ve benzeri şeylerle ilgilenen insanlardan oluşan bir topluluk keşfettim. And over the years, it has slowly grown. E, ao longo dos anos, tem crescido lentamente. Ve yıllar içinde yavaş yavaş büyüdü. Um, But I think the community part has really grown in the last maybe three years. Um, mas penso que a parte da comunidade cresceu realmente nos últimos talvez três anos. Ama bence topluluk kısmı son üç yılda gerçekten büyüdü.

And that's what really encourages me that, and that's the best part that I like about languages online is being able to meet people. そしてそれが私を本当に励ましているのです。そしてそれは私がオンラインの言語について好きな最も良い部分は人々に会うことができることです。 E é isso que realmente me encoraja, e essa é a melhor parte que eu gosto nas línguas em linha é poder conhecer pessoas. İşte bu beni gerçekten cesaretlendiriyor ve çevrimiçi dillerin sevdiğim en iyi yanı insanlarla tanışabilmek. 这就是真正鼓励我的原因,而我喜欢在线语言的最好的部分就是能够结识人们。 And I'm these days, especially active on Twitter. E eu estou hoje em dia, especialmente activo no Twitter. Ve bu günlerde özellikle Twitter'da aktifim. I think that is the new up and coming spot for, uh, language communities. Creo que es el nuevo lugar de moda para las comunidades lingüísticas. それは、言語コミュニティにとって新しい新進気鋭のスポットだと思います。 Penso que este é o novo ponto de partida para, uh, as comunidades linguísticas. Sanırım dil toplulukları için yeni ve gelişmekte olan nokta burası. 我认为这对于语言社区来说是一个新的和即将到来的地方。 People are running language challenges and so forth. La gente se enfrenta a retos lingüísticos y demás. 人々は言語の課題などを実行しています。 As pessoas estão a enfrentar desafios linguísticos e assim por diante. İnsanlar dil yarışmaları ve benzeri yarışmalar düzenliyor. 人们正在运行语言挑战等等。

So I think it was all just a natural progression as my channel grew, the other social media channels. Así que creo que todo fue una progresión natural a medida que crecía mi canal, los otros canales de medios sociales. ですから、私のチャンネル、他のソーシャルメディアチャンネルが成長するにつれて、それはすべて自然な進歩だったと思います。 Portanto, penso que foi tudo uma progressão natural à medida que o meu canal crescia, os outros canais dos meios de comunicação social. Sanırım kanalım ve diğer sosyal medya kanalları büyüdükçe bu doğal bir ilerleme oldu. 所以我认为随着我的频道和其他社交媒体频道的发展,这一切都是自然而然的。 Um, I started documenting my languages more and meeting people with similar interests. Um, comecei a documentar mais as minhas línguas e a conhecer pessoas com interesses semelhantes. Dillerimi daha fazla belgelemeye ve benzer ilgi alanlarına sahip insanlarla tanışmaya başladım. 嗯,我开始更多地记录我的语言并结识志趣相投的人。

Elle: Hmm. I have to say, I agree with the last, you said last three years the community has exploded. 私は言わなければなりません、私は最後に同意します、あなたは過去3年間でコミュニティが爆発したと言いました。 Devo dizer, concordo com o último, disse que nos últimos três anos a comunidade explodiu. Son söylediğinize katıldığımı söylemeliyim, son üç yılda topluluk patladı dediniz. 我不得不说,我同意最后,你说过去三年社区爆炸了。 I I've been working, I think for link for five years now. 私は働いています、私は5年前からリンクを考えています。 Há cinco anos que trabalho, penso eu, para ligação. Sanırım beş yıldır Link için çalışıyorum. 我一直在工作,我认为链接已经五年了。

And definitely I've seen, yeah, just so many more, so many more people are interested, uh, you know, getting involved and I have to say it still is maybe more male dominated for whatever reason, I find that very strange, but now there are more and more women like yourself, um, YouTubers and content providers. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||YouTuberinnen||| そして確かに私は、ええ、もっとたくさんの人が興味を持っているのを見てきました、ええと、あなたが知っている、関与している、そして私はそれが何らかの理由でまだ男性が支配しているかもしれないと言わなければなりません、私はそれが非常に奇妙だと思います、しかし今では、あなた自身、ええと、YouTuberやコンテンツプロバイダーのような女性がますます増えています。 E definitivamente já vi, sim, muito mais, muito mais pessoas estão interessadas, uh, sabe, em envolver-se e tenho de dizer que ainda é talvez mais masculino por qualquer razão, acho isso muito estranho, mas agora há cada vez mais mulheres como você, hum, YouTubers e fornecedores de conteúdos. Ve kesinlikle gördüm, evet, çok daha fazla, çok daha fazla insan ilgileniyor, uh, bilirsiniz, dahil oluyor ve söylemeliyim ki hala belki de her ne sebeple olursa olsun daha erkek egemen, bunu çok garip buluyorum, ama şimdi sizin gibi daha fazla kadın var, um, YouTuberlar ve içerik sağlayıcılar. 当然我已经看到了,是的,还有更多,更多的人感兴趣,呃,你知道,参与其中,我不得不说,无论出于何种原因,它仍然可能更多地由男性主导,我觉得这很奇怪,但是现在像你这样的女性越来越多,嗯,YouTuber和内容提供商。

And I just, I love seeing that. E eu simplesmente, adoro ver isso. Ve ben bunu görmeyi seviyorum. So, um, yeah. Um, I wanted to ask you if you have any advice for, maybe, maybe selfishly, this is for me, but also any listeners who are struggling with motivation right now, it's clear from your channel, from your website, that you're very focused, motivated, organized. ||||||||||||||egoistisch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||егоистично||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||egoisticamente|||||||||||lutando|||||||||||||||||| Um, quería preguntarte si tienes algún consejo para, tal vez, tal vez egoístamente, esto es para mí, pero también para cualquier oyente que esté luchando con la motivación en este momento, está claro en tu canal, en tu sitio web, que estás muy centrado, motivado, organizado. ええと、私はあなたに何かアドバイスがありますか、多分、おそらく利己的に、これは私のためですが、今モチベーションに苦しんでいるリスナーも、あなたのチャンネルから、あなたのウェブサイトから、あなたが非常に集中し、やる気があり、組織化されています。 Um, queria perguntar-lhe se tem algum conselho, talvez, talvez egoísta, para mim, mas também qualquer ouvinte que esteja a lutar com a motivação neste momento, é claro a partir do seu canal, do seu website, que está muito concentrado, motivado, organizado. Um, belki bencilce, bu benim için, ama aynı zamanda şu anda motivasyonla mücadele eden dinleyiciler için herhangi bir tavsiyeniz olup olmadığını sormak istedim, kanalınızdan, web sitenizden çok odaklanmış, motive ve organize olduğunuz açık. 嗯,我想问你是否有任何建议,也许,也许是自私的,这是给我的,还有现在正在努力争取动力的任何听众,从你的频道,从你的网站上可以清楚地看出,你是非常专注,有动力,有组织。 I love that aspect for sure. 私は確かにその側面が大好きです。 Adoro esse aspecto, com certeza. Bu yönünü kesinlikle seviyorum.

Um, it's really inspiring. ええと、それは本当に刺激的です。 Hum, é realmente inspirador. Gerçekten ilham verici. Uh I'm right now, not very motivated. Neste momento, não estou muito motivado. Şu anda pek motive değilim. 呃,我现在,不是很积极。 I'm studying French. Estou a estudar francês. I was really motivated last year. Fiquei realmente motivado no ano passado. Geçen yıl gerçekten motive olmuştum. 去年我真的很受激勵。 I don't know what happened. Não sei o que aconteceu. Ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. I kind of fell off and then I never quite got it back. Me caí un poco y nunca volví a recuperarlo. 私はちょっと落ちて、それから私はそれを完全に取り戻すことは決してありませんでした。 Eu meio que caí e depois nunca mais a recuperei. Bir şekilde düştüm ve bir daha da toparlayamadım. 我有点掉下来,然后我再也没有完全恢复过来。 So I wonder if you have any tips, advice for listeners and me, or do you ever get into a bit of a slump or you're not so motivated to study and if so, what has worked for you? |||||||||||||||||||||||Tiefpunkt||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||motivation downturn||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||declínio||||||||||||||| Así que me pregunto si tienes algún consejo para los oyentes y para mí, o si alguna vez tienes un bajón o no estás tan motivado para estudiar y, si es así, ¿qué te ha funcionado? Por isso pergunto-me se tem algumas dicas, conselhos para os ouvintes e para mim, ou se alguma vez se meteu numa pequena crise ou não está tão motivado para estudar e, em caso afirmativo, o que funcionou para si? Acaba dinleyicileriniz ve benim için herhangi bir ipucunuz, tavsiyeniz var mı ya da hiç durgunluğa girdiniz mi ya da çalışmak için çok motive olmadınız mı ve eğer öyleyse, sizin için ne işe yaradı? 所以我想知道您是否对听众和我有任何提示,建议,或者您是否曾经陷入低迷或者您没有那么积极的学习,如果有,什么对您有用? What do you do to get, get yourself back in the game? O que é que se faz para se voltar ao jogo? Kendinizi oyuna geri döndürmek için ne yapıyorsunuz? 你要做什么才能让自己重新回到游戏中?

Lindie: All of the time. Lindie: A toda a hora. Lindie: Her zaman. 林迪:一直都是。 I really feel you about those language slumps. Sinto-o realmente sobre essas quedas linguísticas. Şu dil durgunluğu konusunda seni gerçekten anlıyorum. 我真的感觉到你对那些语言的衰退。 I don't know if this is going to help you or make you feel even more scared, because when I started learning Hungarian two and a half years ago, I was like super motivated and excited and ready and learning every day for about three months. ||||||||||||||||afraid||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 2年半前にハンガリー語を学び始めたとき、私は非常にやる気があり、興奮して準備ができていて、約3か月間毎日学習していたので、これがあなたを助けたり、さらに怖がらせたりするのかどうかはわかりません。 。 Não sei se isto o ajudará ou o fará sentir ainda mais assustado, porque quando comecei a aprender húngaro há dois anos e meio atrás, fiquei super motivado e entusiasmado e pronto e a aprender todos os dias durante cerca de três meses. Bu size yardımcı olacak mı yoksa daha da korkmanıza mı neden olacak bilmiyorum, çünkü iki buçuk yıl önce Macarca öğrenmeye başladığımda, süper motive olmuş, heyecanlı ve hazırdım ve yaklaşık üç ay boyunca her gün öğreniyordum. 我不知道这对你有帮助还是让你感到更加害怕,因为当我两年半前开始学习匈牙利语时,我非常积极、兴奋、准备好每天学习大约三个月.

And then it trailed off for two years until I restarted Hungarian this year. ||||||||||wieder anfing||| |||diminuiu|||||||||| Y luego se desvaneció durante dos años hasta que reinicié húngaro este año. そして、今年ハンガリー語を再開するまで、2年間続いた。 E depois seguiu durante dois anos até eu recomeçar a trabalhar em húngaro este ano. Sonra iki yıl boyunca ara verdi, ta ki bu yıl Macarca'ya yeniden başlayana kadar. 然后它拖了两年,直到我今年重新开始匈牙利语。 So that was like a two year break. つまり、それは2年間の休憩のようなものでした。 Foi, portanto, uma pausa de dois anos. Yani iki yıllık bir ara gibi bir şeydi. And I actually just used that time to wait for the motivation to come back. E, na verdade, só usei esse tempo para esperar que a motivação voltasse. Ve aslında o zamanı motivasyonumun geri gelmesini beklemek için kullandım. 而我实际上只是利用那段时间等待动力回来。 Um, and it's, it was really circumstantial for me. ||||||situativ|| ||||||Incidental|| Ähm, und es war wirklich umständlich für mich. ええと、それは、私にとって本当に状況的でした。 Hum, e é, para mim foi realmente circunstancial. Benim için gerçekten tesadüfi bir durumdu. 嗯,这对我来说真的是间接的。 Like at that time when I stopped, I really had to focus on Chinese and then I moved to Singapore and then I had to take a Korean exam. Como na altura em que parei, tive realmente de me concentrar no chinês e depois mudei-me para Singapura e depois tive de fazer um exame coreano. Mesela o zaman bıraktığımda, gerçekten Çinceye odaklanmam gerekiyordu ve sonra Singapur'a taşındım ve sonra bir Korece sınavına girmem gerekti. 就像我停下来的时候,我真的不得不专注于中文,然后我搬到了新加坡,然后我不得不参加韩国考试。

And finally, after that, I was like, you know what I have free time now, let me try Hungarian again. E, por fim, depois disso, eu era como, sabem o que tenho agora tempo livre, deixem-me tentar novamente o húngaro. Ve sonunda, ondan sonra, biliyor musunuz, şimdi boş zamanım var, Macar'ı tekrar deneyeyim dedim. So the one approach which might not work for everyone is really to just wait it out. Así que el único enfoque que puede no funcionar para todo el mundo es esperar a que pase. したがって、すべての人に役立つとは限らない1つのアプローチは、実際にはそれを待つことです。 Portanto, a única abordagem que pode não funcionar para todos é realmente esperar que ela se concretize. Dolayısıyla, herkes için işe yaramayabilecek bir yaklaşım, gerçekten de sadece beklemektir. Like if you don't have necessarily language goals, like I need to pass this exam, I'm moving to this country, I'm marrying someone who speaks this language. 私がこの試験に合格する必要があるように、あなたが必ずしも言語の目標を持っていない場合のように、私はこの国に引っ越します、私はこの言語を話す誰かと結婚しています。 Como se não tivesse necessariamente objectivos linguísticos, como se eu precisasse de passar este exame, vou mudar-me para este país, vou casar-me com alguém que fale esta língua. Bu sınavı geçmeliyim, bu ülkeye taşınıyorum, bu dili konuşan biriyle evleneceğim gibi mutlaka dil hedefleriniz yoksa. 就像如果你没有一定的语言目标,比如我需要通过这次考试,我要搬到这个国家,我要嫁给会说这种语言的人。

If you're kind of just learning for fun, sometimes you might just want to wait for it to come back. Si sólo estás aprendiendo por diversión, a veces te conviene esperar a que vuelva. Se estiver apenas a aprender por diversão, por vezes pode querer apenas esperar que volte. Eğer sadece eğlenmek için öğreniyorsanız, bazen geri gelmesini beklemek isteyebilirsiniz. But again, that could take two years. Mas mais uma vez, isso pode levar dois anos. Ama yine de bu iki yıl sürebilir. So the other approach apart from just relying on your emotions and how you feel is, um, creating a study system for yourself and, uh, starting very small. ||||||||||feelings||||||||||||||||| |||||||contando|||||||||||||||||||| ですから、あなたの感情や感じ方に頼る以外の別のアプローチは、ええと、あなた自身のための研究システムを作成することであり、ええと、非常に小さなことから始めます。 Assim, a outra abordagem para além de confiar apenas nas suas emoções e na forma como se sente é, um, criar um sistema de estudo para si próprio e, uh, começar muito pequeno. Duygularınıza ve nasıl hissettiğinize güvenmenin yanı sıra diğer bir yaklaşım da kendiniz için bir çalışma sistemi oluşturmak ve çok küçük adımlarla başlamaktır. 所以除了依靠你的情绪和感觉之外,另一种方法是,嗯,为自己创建一个学习系统,嗯,从很小的开始。 因此,除了僅僅依靠你的情緒和感受之外,另一種方法是,嗯,為自己創建一個學習系統,並且,呃,從小處開始。 I realized that with, also with these online communities, people are so, you know, fired up. ||||||||||||||восторжены| これらのオンラインコミュニティでも、人々はとても興奮していることに気づきました。 Percebi que, também com estas comunidades em linha, as pessoas estão tão, sabe, inflamadas. Bu çevrimiçi topluluklarda da insanların çok heyecanlı olduğunu fark ettim.

Like I'm gonna finish this textbook and, you know, meet 10 language partners and write five essays. |||||||||||||||redações 私がこの教科書を完成させて、あなたが知っているように、10の言語パートナーに会い、5つのエッセイを書きます。 Como se eu fosse terminar este livro-texto e, sabem, conhecer 10 parceiros linguísticos e escrever cinco ensaios. Mesela bu ders kitabını bitireceğim ve bilirsiniz, 10 dil partneriyle buluşacağım ve beş makale yazacağım. And then it kind of trails off. ||||||затихает Y luego se acaba. そして、それは一種の道をたどります。 E depois, mais ou menos, é uma espécie de trilha fora. It's like new year's resolutions, then you don't do it. ||||обещания||||| É como as resoluções de ano novo, depois não se faz. Yeni yıl kararları gibi, sonra yapmıyorsunuz. So as long as you start very, very small every day, you need to start building a daily habit. ||||||||маленький|||||||||| ですから、あなたが毎日非常に小さなことから始める限り、あなたは毎日の習慣を築き始める必要があります。 Assim, desde que se comece muito, muito pequeno todos os dias, é necessário começar a construir um hábito diário. Поэтому, если вы начинаете каждый день с очень, очень малого, вам нужно выработать ежедневную привычку. Bu yüzden her gün çok çok küçük bir başlangıç yaptığınız sürece, günlük bir alışkanlık oluşturmaya başlamanız gerekir. Um, uh, I'm trying to use this in different aspects of my life. ええと、ええと、私は私の人生のさまざまな側面でこれを使用しようとしています。 Um, uh, estou a tentar usar isto em diferentes aspectos da minha vida. Bunu hayatımın farklı yönlerinde kullanmaya çalışıyorum.

So I'm working on an ebook now for learning Korean. Por isso, estou agora a trabalhar num livro electrónico para aprender coreano. Bu yüzden Korece öğrenmek için bir e-kitap üzerinde çalışıyorum. And I was just like, man, I don't know how to write this. そして、私はちょうど、男、私はこれを書く方法がわからないようなものでした。 E eu era como, meu, não sei como escrever isto. Ben de bunu nasıl yazacağımı bilemiyorum dedim. I just, it's taken me forever. 私はただ、それは私を永遠に連れて行った。 Eu só, levou-me uma eternidade. Çok uzun zamanımı aldı. And a friend of mine said, just do 10 minutes a day, just 10 minutes. E um amigo meu disse, basta fazer 10 minutos por dia, apenas 10 minutos. Bir arkadaşım günde sadece 10 dakika, sadece 10 dakika yapmamı söyledi. And then you can try and do more if you feel like it. そして、あなたがそれを好むなら、あなたはもっとやってみることができます。 E depois pode tentar fazer mais, se lhe apetecer. Sonra canınız isterse daha fazlasını yapmayı deneyebilirsiniz. And I was like, well, yeah, just committing to 10 minutes is so much easier than thinking I have a whole book ahead of me. そして、私は、ええ、ええ、10分だけをコミットすることは、私が私の前に本全体を持っていると考えるよりもはるかに簡単であるようなものでした。 E eu estava tipo, bem, sim, apenas a comprometer-me com 10 minutos é muito mais fácil do que pensar que tenho um livro inteiro à minha frente. Ve dedim ki, evet, sadece 10 dakika ayırmak, önümde koca bir kitap olduğunu düşünmekten çok daha kolay. 我当时想,嗯,是的,只投入 10 分钟比认为我面前有一整本书要容易得多。 So you can use that same thinking for languages. Assim, pode usar esse mesmo pensamento para as línguas. Yani aynı düşünceyi diller için de kullanabilirsiniz. 所以你可以对语言使用同样的想法。 I'm just going to study French for 10 minutes every morning, and then you'll see, it'll get easier and you can build on from there. 私は毎朝10分間フランス語を勉強するつもりです、そしてそれからあなたはそれがより簡単になりそしてあなたがそこから構築することができるのを見るでしょう。 Vou apenas estudar francês durante 10 minutos todas as manhãs, e depois verás, vai ficar mais fácil e poderás continuar a partir daí. Her sabah sadece 10 dakika Fransızca çalışacağım ve göreceksiniz, daha kolay olacak ve oradan devam edebilirsiniz. 我每天早上只学习 10 分钟法语,然后你会发现,它会变得更容易,你可以从那里继续学习。 Another final tip for maintaining your motivation is to spread it out throughout the day. Otro último consejo para mantener la motivación es repartirla a lo largo del día. あなたのモチベーションを維持するためのもう一つの最後のヒントは、それを一日中広げることです。 Outra dica final para manter a sua motivação é espalhá-la ao longo do dia. Motivasyonunuzu korumak için bir başka son ipucu da motivasyonunuzu gün içine yaymaktır. 保持你的动力的另一个最后技巧是把它分散到一整天。

You'll feel a lot less motivated if you schedule in a one or a one-and-a-half hour block to study. 1時間または1時間半のブロックで勉強するようにスケジュールすると、やる気が大幅に低下します。 Sentir-se-á muito menos motivado se marcar um bloco de uma hora ou uma hora e meia para estudar. Çalışmak için bir veya bir buçuk saatlik bir blok planlarsanız kendinizi çok daha az motive hissedersiniz. 如果你安排一个或一个半小时的学习时间,你会感觉动力不足。 So if you break that up and say, you'll review your vocabulary in the morning, you'll listen to a podcast in the afternoon and you'll play on LingQ in the evening then you can spread that out throughout the day, and that's a lot more manageable and you won't get burnout. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ao longo||||||||gerenciável||||| つまり、それを分割して、朝に語彙を確認し、午後にポッドキャストを聴き、夕方にLingQで再生すると、それを1日中広げることができます。それははるかに管理しやすく、燃え尽き症候群になることはありません。 Por isso, se acabar com isso e disser, vai rever o seu vocabulário de manhã, vai ouvir um podcast à tarde e vai tocar no LingQ à noite, depois pode espalhar isso ao longo do dia, e isso é muito mais manejável e não vai ficar esgotado. Eğer bunu böler ve sabahları kelime dağarcığınızı gözden geçireceğinizi, öğleden sonra bir podcast dinleyeceğinizi ve akşamları LingQ'da oynayacağınızı söylerseniz, o zaman bunu gün boyunca yayabilirsiniz ve bu çok daha yönetilebilirdir ve tükenmişlik yaşamazsınız.

Elle: Okay. That is great advice. É um grande conselho. Bu harika bir tavsiye. That was great. I need to take that on for sure. 私は確かにそれを引き受ける必要があります。 Tenho de assumir isso com toda a certeza. Bunu kesinlikle yapmalıyım. I think I need, I think I've waited it out now. Creo que necesito, creo que ya he esperado. 私は必要だと思います、私は今それを待っていたと思います。 Acho que preciso, acho que já esperei por isso. I'm feeling the urge to get back into the French. |||побуждение|||||| Siento la necesidad de volver al francés. フランス語に戻りたいという衝動を感じています。 Estou a sentir a vontade de voltar para os franceses. Fransızcaya geri dönme dürtüsü hissediyorum. 我有一種想回到法國的衝動。

Lindie: Good

Elle: So you're currently, are you maintaining languages or are you, you're studying Hungarian you said, is that your current language? Elle: Então está actualmente, está a manter as línguas ou está, está a estudar húngaro, disse, é a sua língua actual? Elle: Peki şu anda dillere devam mı ediyorsunuz yoksa Macarca mı çalışıyorsunuz, şu anki diliniz bu mu? Elle:所以你现在,你是在维护语言还是你,你正在学习你说的匈牙利语,那是你现在的语言吗?

Lindie: Yes.

So for this year, I'm choosing two main focus languages for every quarter. そのため、今年は四半期ごとに2つの主要な重点言語を選択しています。 Assim, para este ano, estou a escolher duas línguas de enfoque principal para cada trimestre. Bu yüzden bu yıl için her çeyrekte iki ana odak dili seçiyorum. Uh, so we just finished Q1 the first three, four months of the year, I'm really bad at math, um, and it's early. ええと、それで私たちは今年の最初の3、4か月で第1四半期を終えたところです、私は数学が本当に苦手です、ええと、それは早いです。 Uh, então acabamos de terminar o primeiro trimestre dos primeiros três, quatro meses do ano, sou muito mau a matemática, um, e é cedo. Yılın ilk üç, dört ayını daha yeni bitirdik, matematikte gerçekten kötüyüm ve daha erken. So I was focusing on Tagalog and Hungarian. Por isso, concentrei-me em Tagalog e Húngaro. Bu yüzden Tagalogca ve Macarca'ya odaklanıyordum. Um, and I think I do want to continue those languages for the next quarters goals, uh, because I'm still beginner in both of them. Hum, e eu penso que quero continuar essas línguas para os próximos trimestres, uh, porque ainda sou principiante em ambos. Sanırım önümüzdeki çeyrek hedefleri için bu dillere devam etmek istiyorum, çünkü her ikisinde de hala başlangıç seviyesindeyim. 嗯,我想我确实想在下个季度的目标中继续使用这些语言,嗯,因为我还是这两个方面的初学者。

So at the moment Tagalog and Hungarian are the main ones for me and probably Spanish as well. Por isso, neste momento Tagalog e Húngaro são os principais para mim e provavelmente também espanhóis. Şu anda Tagalogca ve Macarca benim için ana diller ve muhtemelen İspanyolca da öyle. I really need to improve my very basic Spanish. Preciso realmente de melhorar o meu espanhol muito básico. Çok temel İspanyolcamı gerçekten geliştirmem gerekiyor.

Elle: Wow. So three very different languages. Por isso, três línguas muito diferentes. Yani birbirinden çok farklı üç dil. I know Hungarian isn't.... is it true that Hungarian is, is in a language family of its own, or it doesn't belong to any of the language families? Ya sé que el húngaro no es.... ¿Es cierto que el húngaro es, está en una familia lingüística propia, o no pertenece a ninguna de las familias lingüísticas? 私はハンガリー語がそうではないことを知っています....ハンガリー語がそれ自身の言語族に属している、またはそれがどの言語族にも属していないというのは本当ですか? Eu sei que o húngaro não é.... é verdade que o húngaro é, está numa família linguística própria, ou não pertence a nenhuma das famílias linguísticas? Macarca'nın olmadığını biliyorum.... Macarca'nın kendi başına bir dil ailesinde olduğu ya da herhangi bir dil ailesine ait olmadığı doğru mu? 我知道匈牙利语不是....匈牙利语是真的,是在它自己的语系中,还是不属于任何语系?

Lindie: It is quite an isolate, but you'll find grammatical similarities with Turkish and Finnish and sometimes words that sound similar, but it's pretty on its own there. Lindie:それはかなり孤立していますが、トルコ語とフィンランド語との文法的な類似点や、似ているように聞こえる単語が見つかることもありますが、それ自体はかなりです。 Lindie: É bastante isolado, mas encontrará semelhanças gramaticais com o turco e o finlandês e, por vezes, palavras que soam semelhantes, mas é bonito por si só. Lindie: Oldukça izole bir dil, ancak Türkçe ve Fince ile gramer benzerlikleri ve bazen kulağa benzer gelen kelimeler bulacaksınız, ancak orada oldukça kendi başına. Lindie:这是一个非常孤立的词,但你会发现与土耳其语和芬兰语的语法相似之处,有时听起来相似的词,但它本身就很漂亮。 Lindie:這是一個相當孤立的語言,但你會發現它與土耳其語和芬蘭語在語法上有相似之處,有時單字聽起來也很相似,但它本身就很漂亮。 Yeah.

Elle: Hmm. Wow.

Well, best of luck with those. さて、それらとの幸運を祈ります。 Bem, a melhor das sortes com esses. Sana iyi şanslar. So, sorry, three, so each quarter you're doing two to three different languages. Así que, perdón, tres, así que cada trimestre estás haciendo de dos a tres idiomas diferentes. 申し訳ありませんが、3つです。四半期ごとに、2〜3つの異なる言語を使用しています。 Por isso, desculpem, três, por isso cada trimestre estão a fazer duas a três línguas diferentes. Yani, pardon, üç, yani her çeyrekte iki ila üç farklı dil yapıyorsunuz. 所以,对不起,三个,所以每个季度你都在做两到三种不同的语言。 So over the year, so nine over the year. つまり、1年で9つです。 Assim, ao longo do ano, assim, nove ao longo do ano. Yani yıl boyunca, yani dokuz yıl boyunca. Wow.

My goodness. 我的天啊。 And I'm just, with  my French... E eu só, com o meu francês... 而我只是,用我的法语...

Lindie: No, we shouldn't compare. Lindie: Não, não devemos comparar. Lindie: Hayır, karşılaştırmamalıyız. 林迪:不,我们不应该比较。 I wish I had like time to dedicate a whole year to French. Ojalá tuviera tiempo para dedicar un año entero al francés. 一年をフランス語に捧げる時間があればいいのにと思います。 Quem me dera ter tempo para dedicar um ano inteiro ao francês. Keşke bütün bir yılı Fransızca'ya ayıracak kadar zamanım olsaydı. 我希望我有时间花一整年的时间学习法语。 That would be awesome too. Isso também seria espantoso. Bu da harika olurdu.

Elle: So what, uh, what lies ahead for 2021 for you? Elle: Entonces, ¿qué te depara el 2021? エル:では、2021年に何が待ち受けているのですか? Elle: Então, o que é que lhe espera para 2021? Elle: Peki 2021'de sizi neler bekliyor? Any, any events or projects planned even though the world is obviously a very strange place right now. Quaisquer, quaisquer eventos ou projectos planeados, embora o mundo seja obviamente um lugar muito estranho neste momento.

Lindie: Yeah. I think, uh, online language conferences are going to keep springing up. Penso que as conferências linguísticas em linha vão continuar a surgir. Bence çevrimiçi dil konferansları artmaya devam edecek. 我认为,呃,在线语言会议将不断涌现。 So I hope to be attending and participating in more of those, uh, as well as working on my Korean ebook. |||||||участвовать||||||||||||| Por isso, espero estar presente e participar em mais destes, bem como trabalhar no meu livro electrónico coreano. Bu yüzden Korece e-kitabım üzerinde çalışmanın yanı sıra bu tür etkinliklere daha fazla katılmayı umuyorum. 所以我希望能参加和参与更多的活动,呃,以及编写我的韩语电子书。 Uh, so I, I think it's been a lot of years of just making videos and now I want to see how I can continue videos, but also take whatever I've put out in my videos into more digestible formats on other social media channels or in writing. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||более усваиваем||||||||| ええと、私は、ビデオを作成するだけで何年も経っていると思います。今は、ビデオを継続する方法を確認したいだけでなく、ビデオに出力したものを他のソーシャルメディアチャネルでより消化しやすい形式に変換したいと思います。または書面で。 Uh, então eu, penso que já passaram muitos anos apenas a fazer vídeos e agora quero ver como posso continuar a fazer vídeos, mas também levar o que quer que tenha colocado nos meus vídeos para formatos mais digeríveis noutros canais de comunicação social ou por escrito. Sanırım uzun yıllardır sadece video çekiyorum ve şimdi videolara nasıl devam edebileceğimi görmek istiyorum, aynı zamanda videolarımda ortaya koyduğum şeyleri diğer sosyal medya kanallarında veya yazılı olarak daha sindirilebilir formatlara dönüştürmek istiyorum. So that's probably my main project for this year. Por isso, este é provavelmente o meu principal projecto para este ano. Muhtemelen bu yılki ana projem bu olacak.

Elle: Excellent. Well, a busy, busy rest of the year it sounds like, Lindie. Görünüşe göre yılın geri kalanı çok yoğun geçecek Lindie. Thank you so, so much for joining us again so, so early in the morning, I know it's hard to be chatty at the best of times. Muito obrigado, muito obrigado por se juntarem a nós novamente tão, tão cedo pela manhã, que sei que é difícil ser tagarela na melhor das vezes. Sabahın bu kadar erken saatinde bize tekrar katıldığınız için çok ama çok teşekkür ederim, en iyi zamanlarda konuşkan olmanın zor olduğunu biliyorum. 非常感谢你再次加入我们,所以一大早,我知道在最好的时候很难聊天。 Maybe that's just me, but I really appreciate it. Talvez seja só eu, mas eu realmente aprecio isso. And yeah, maybe we will chat again. ||quizás|||| E sim, talvez voltemos a conversar. Um, but best of luck in the meantime, with your projects and your language learning. ||||sorte|||||||||| Um, mas boa sorte entretanto, com os seus projectos e a sua aprendizagem de línguas. Ama bu arada projelerinizde ve dil öğreniminizde bol şans. 嗯,但同时祝你好运,你的项目和你的语言学习。

Lindie: Thank you so much. 林迪:非常感谢。 It was great talking to you and I wish you the very best of luck with your French as well. Foi óptimo falar convosco e desejo-vos as maiores felicidades também com o vosso francês. Sizinle konuşmak harikaydı ve size Fransızcanızda da bol şans diliyorum. 很高兴与你交谈,我也祝你法语好运。

Elle: Thank you so much. 艾丽:非常感谢。