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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 2

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 2

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Elle: ...because no one else, you know, everyone else wants to stay healthy. Thank you very much.

Mark: For sure. And I wonder, you know, while with, with all the mask wearing everything is down. Mask wearing , obviously paying more attention to not being as gross as you say.

And, uh, even when you are near people, trying to maintain more distance.

Elle: Yes. Yeah.

Not a bad thing, you know, like in, we've both lived in Japan and masks are the norm there. If you feel even a little sick, you wear a mask. I remember this time last year, I was an early adopter I guess you could say of mask wearing,

so I'd go down to Safeway in my mask and people would look at me like I was crazy. I felt that way. Maybe it was just me. But I do feel as though at the beginning there was, there was definitely some...

Mark: No question.

Elle: Hm, do you, do you really need that mask? That seems a bit extreme, but now of course, it's commonplace.

Mark: Yeah and I remember thinking, you should wear a mask. You feel self-conscious wearing a mask because you've never worn one. Most people aren't wearing them. And I remember being in the bank with my mask on talking to you, there's a, there's a... A lot of banks will have someone at the front that's like welcoming people or whatever it was.

And, um, eh, like she was not that young, this lady I'm like, she didn't have a mask on I'm like, why don't you have a mask on?

Elle: It's interesting that the different approaches to this. I had a naturopath appointment I remember a couple of months ago. The naturopath's mother. Um, so my naturopath is in her seventies, her mother works the reception. So this is a woman in her nineties and she wasn't wearing a mask. So I came in with a mask and there's a station for, you know, hand sanitizing, but she had no mask on.

I wanted to say, one: why are you here? And two, just at least wear a mask. But yeah, it's, she didn't feel the need. She obviously felt safe.

Mark: Yeah, it is interesting. It is interesting. I...what I wonder is, given the prevalence of masks now, has it been long enough that like in Asia, in the future, when people are sick, will they put a mask on?

I mean, they should, but, but will they? Like... it's still going to be... There will have to be some trends setters there I think. To kind of make that part of part of the culture. Like it is there in Asia, but I mean, I have no question that, or there is no question that it has to, has to has to work.

I mean, in Asia where I guess they, I mean, they have so many more people in, in, uh, smaller spaces. I think that they obviously must have a significant impact. We'll see, we'll see if that's one of the changes that ends up lasting. I have my doubts.

Elle: Yeah, I did too, actually, but we'll see. Time will tell.

So um, we're coming into spring into summer now, thankfully. Uh, do you have any... and restrictions are loosening, obviously we have the, um, vaccine, uh, how is your summer looking? Different from last summer

I imagine. Do you have any plans?

Mark: Well, last summer we were planning to do a trip to Europe actually. Uh, uh, so that kinda got put on hold.

And then we thought about, or talked about trying to do it this year, but the consensus was, well, there's no point going if it's going to be half, half open or whatever, like it's... might as well, wait another other. So that, um, realistically, no real other plans for the summer. Going to be local and, um. There, it's going to be more sort of, I guess, last minute, I mean, maybe go, who knows, whether to... yeah or go to the Okanagan or something, um, otherwise just be around.

I mean, it's such a nice time of year, right? Don't tend to normally travel that much in the summer because it's so, so nice here. Um, the odd, you know, visit to friends up the Cunshine coast, uh, trip like that, but, um, tend to be around. Uh, so no, no real plans. How about you?

Elle: I think we might try... we, um, I have a two year old son and, uh, we, uh, thinking maybe trying to go camping on Keats Island with him just for one night this year, do you know Keats Island?

Mark: It's nearby, like by whatever Gambier, Keats, it's all over there.



So kind of, I don't know, like a half hour boat ride from West Vancouver. Um, yeah, so we'll see. I don't know how, I don't know if, the logistics of camping with a...we've never camped with him before, and the logistics of camping with a two year old. I don't know... who is like very high energy and like doesn't sleep at the best of times.

Elle: How do you...

Mark: I was gonna say...

Elle: Do you lock them in the tent ?

Mark: I foresee some sleep challenges for everybody.

Elle: Yeah, for everyone.

Mark: I kind of feel like it's kind of what camping... the image of camping is that anyway. Birds chirping at four in the morning and stuff. That's maybe just me.

Elle: No, it's yeah, it's tough. The last time we, we camped on Keats we had Sailor, uh, our dog was with us and there were raccoons around the tent all night. So she just growled and barked all night. It got to a point where, because we could hear them scratching around. I'm like, Oh, it's just mice or something. I was like "Sailor, my dog, there's nothing there." And I, I put the flashlight on and there was the biggest raccoon I've ever seen just standing in front of the tent, like ready.

It was funny days later, but we didn't sleep at all and so it wasn't, it was kind of not worth it because I was just miserable and tired. But it's a beautiful place, Keats Island. I don't know if you've ever been.

Mark: I've been to Gambier, I've been to Bowen but I haven't been to Keats.

Elle: It's very, yeah, they're all very much the same. Just beautiful rocky little beach and gorgeous other islands in the distance.

Mark: The thing with raccoons is how unfazed they are by people. They just do not care at all. They look at you like, "what?"

Elle: This is my Island. Yeah.

And they can be vicious. Yeah.

I lived in the West End of Vancouver and, uh, There were, uh, around the time I was living there, there were raccoon attacks. People would walk out of their apartment to go to work and the raccoons would just run up to them and attack them.

Mark: Yeah.

We had a friend that got bitten by a raccoon, but she, the raccoon was kind of attacking her dog and the dog laid down and played dead.

And she's like worried that her dog was getting, um, yeah. And so she went over and kind of, I can't remember if she kicked the raccoon or tried to throw it off her dog or whatever she did. So the raccoon bit her and then, and then I think went, ran off whatever, and then she picked the dog up and was, and there's blood on the dog.

And, but the dog was fine. It was her blood.

Elle: Oh no. Did she have to get a, like a rabies shot?

Mark: I think so. I think so you don't want to get bitten by a raccoon. Uh, so you get stitches and rabies shots and... yeah.

Elle: Wow, where was this, in Vancouver?

Mark: West Vancouver. Yeah.


Elle: Okay. Good to know. Don't just don't mess with West Vancouver raccoons.

I think most dogs, they like to bark at raccoons, but I don't think they really chase them down. They know better.

Mark: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Yeah.

Would not be smart for sure. Well, hopefully we are back in the office pretty soon when we get our vaccines. Life can go back to whatever normal looks like after this pandemic.

Mark: And I think even if as, as more at risk people get their shots I think that the hospitals will have fewer patients and obviously fewer people die.

I mean, at a certain point, if there's nobody in hospital and nobody dying, then maybe they relax things anyway, because you know, if, if everybody else is most likely just going to get sick, then maybe... although you hear the stories of the long-haulers or whatever. Friend, or a guy I know that his son got it,

and, um, wasn't that sick maybe for a couple of days, felt a bit sick and, uh, but lost his sense of smell. That was in November, still doesn't have it back. Uh, otherwise feels fine, but I, you know, you'd be worried that you're never gonna be able to smell again.

Elle: Yeah. And that must have, that affects your eating and everything.

Oh, that's, that's terrible. How old is he?

Mark: 19 I think, the kids. Something like that. Yeah.


So I think all things being equal, better get the vaccine.

Elle: Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah, exactly. You might not be someone who reacts badly in the moment, but yet these, this is happening and we don't know who... like you say, he's 19.

Mark: Should be fine, right? And kind of was fine, except he has lost his sense of smell. Yeah.

Elle: Oh God. Yeah.


My mum also lost her sense... she has it back though, when she had it, she lost her sense of smell and had a headache. Um, but yeah.

Mark: Yeah so your, your mum had it. That's right. I forgot that.

Elle: Um, my mum had it, my sister had it. They're both, uh, they both work in healthcare in the UK, so it was kind of, not inevitable, but they were high risk.

Mark: It just seems like it's way more prevalent over there anyway. I talked to my brother and his family and they know, like, I don't know, 25 people that have had had it or whatever. I mean, I don't know anyone, like few people that I know of have had it, but no friend, I don't know, real close acquaintance has had.

So it just itseems maybe we've been lucky here, I guess, just way less prevalent.

Elle: Exactly. Yeah.

And I guess we're less packed in, a place like Vancouver, as opposed to I think your brother's in London?

Mark: Yeah, yeah, he is. Yeah, hm.

Elle: Let's get that vaccine and.... until the next pandemic.

Mark: Yeah, hopefully we'll be set up better the next time.

Elle: Exactly yeah, it'll be a breeze. Yeah.

Well, thank you, Mark. Interesting chat as always. And, um, we will catch up again for the podcast I'm sure.

Mark: Ok, thanks Elle. For sure.

Elle: Thank you.

Mark: Bye-bye

Elle: bye.

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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 2 Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: Der einjährige Jahrestag der COVID-19-Pandemie - Teil 2 English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 2 Inglés LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: Un año de la pandemia de COVID-19 Pt. 2 Anglais LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13 : Un an après la pandémie de COVID-19 Pt. 2 Podcast LingQ 2.0 inglese #13: Un anno di anniversario della pandemia COVID-19 Pt. 2 英語 LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13:COVID-19パンデミック1周年記念 Pt.2 잉글리시 링큐 2.0 팟캐스트 #13: 코로나19 팬데믹 1주년 2편 Engels LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: Een jaar geleden van de COVID-19 pandemie Pt. 2 Angielski LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: Rocznica pandemii COVID-19, część 2 Podcast #13 do LingQ 2.0 Inglês: Aniversário de um ano da pandemia de COVID-19 Pt. 2 Английский LingQ 2.0 Подкаст #13: Годовщина пандемии COVID-19 Pt. 2 İngilizce LingQ 2.0 Podcast #13: COVID-19 Pandemisinin Birinci Yıl Dönümü Pt. 2 Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #13: Річниця пандемії COVID-19, частина 2 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #13:COVID-19 大流行一周年纪念日。 2 英語 LingQ 2.0 播客 #13:COVID-19 大流行一周年紀念日。 2

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Elle: ...because no one else, you know, everyone else wants to stay healthy. Elle: ...porque nadie más, ya sabes, todo el mundo quiere mantenerse sano. エル:...他の誰も、あなたが知っているので、他の誰もが健康を維持したいと思っています。 Elle: ...porque ninguém mais, você sabe, todo mundo quer se manter saudável. Elle:……因为没有人,你知道,其他人都想保持健康。 Thank you very much.

Mark: For sure. Mark: Por supuesto. And I wonder, you know, while with, with all the mask wearing everything is down. Y me pregunto, ya sabes, mientras que con, con todo el uso de máscaras todo está abajo. E mi chiedo, sai, mentre con, con tutta la maschera che indossa, tutto è giù. そして、私は、あなたが知っている、とはいえ、すべてのマスクを身に着けていると、すべてがダウンしているのだろうか。 我想知道,你知道,当所有的面具都戴着的时候,一切都放下了。 Mask wearing , obviously paying more attention to not being as gross as you say. ||||||||||nojento||| Llevando máscara , obviamente prestando más atención a no ser tan bruto como dices. マスクウェアイン、明らかにあなたが言うほどグロスではないことにもっと注意を払っています。 Masker verslijten, duidelijk meer aandacht besteden aan niet zo vies zijn als je zegt. 戴着面具,显然更注意不要像你说的那么恶心。 戴着面具,显然更注意不要像你说的那么恶心。

And, uh, even when you are near people, trying to maintain more distance. そして、ええと、あなたが人の近くにいるときでさえ、より多くの距離を維持しようとしています。 而且,呃,即使你靠近人,也要尽量保持更远的距离。

Elle: Yes. Yeah.

Not a  bad thing, you know, like in, we've both lived in Japan and masks are the norm there. 悪いことではありませんが、あなたが知っているように、私たちは両方とも日本に住んでいて、マスクはそこでの標準です。 不是一件坏事,你知道,就像我们都住在日本一样,戴口罩是那里的常态。 If you feel even a little sick, you wear a mask. 少しでも気分が悪い場合は、マスクを着用してください。 如果你觉得有点不舒服,你就戴上口罩。 I remember this time last year, I was an early adopter I guess you could say of mask wearing, ||||||||||früher Anwender|||||||| 去年のこの時期を覚えています。私はアーリーアダプターでした。マスクを着用していると言えるでしょう。 我记得去年这个时候,我是一个尝鲜者,我猜你可以说戴口罩, 我記得去年的這個時候,我是一個早期採用者,我想你可以說戴口罩,

so I'd go down to Safeway in my mask and people would look at me like I was crazy. Por isso, ia ao supermercado com a minha máscara e as pessoas olhavam para mim como se eu fosse louca. 所以我会戴着面具去西夫韦,人们会看着我,就像我疯了一样。 所以我戴著面具去西夫韋,人們會看著我,就像我瘋了一樣。 I felt that way. Maybe it was just me. 也许只是我。 But I do feel as though at the beginning there was, there was definitely some... Pero siento que al principio había, definitivamente había algo... Mas sinto que no início havia, definitivamente, alguma... 但我确实觉得好像一开始有,肯定有一些……

Mark: No question. 马克:没问题。

Elle: Hm, do you, do you really need that mask? Elle:嗯,你,你真的需要那个面具吗? That seems a bit extreme, but now of course, it's commonplace. ||||excessive|||||| ||||||||||comum Parece um pouco exagerado, mas agora, claro, é um lugar-comum. 这似乎有点极端,但现在当然是司空见惯了。

Mark: Yeah and I remember thinking, you should wear a mask. You feel self-conscious wearing a mask because you've never worn one. ||||||||||put on| Te sientes cohibido al llevar una máscara porque nunca te la has puesto. マスクをしたことがないので、マスクをつけていると自覚します。 戴口罩會讓你感到不自在,因為你從未戴過口罩。 Most people aren't wearing them. And I remember being in the bank with my mask on talking to you, there's a, there's a... A lot of banks will have someone at the front that's like welcoming people or whatever it was. Y recuerdo estar en el banco con mi mascara puesta hablando contigo, hay un, hay un... Muchos bancos tienen a alguien en el frente que le da la bienvenida a la gente o lo que sea. そして、私はあなたと話す際に私のマスクを持って銀行にいたことを覚えています、あります、あります...多くの銀行は人々を歓迎するような誰かを前に置くでしょう。 我记得在银行里戴着面具和你说话,有一个,有一个......很多银行都会有一个人在前台,就像欢迎别人或其他什么一样。

And, um, eh, like she was not that young, this lady I'm like, she didn't have a mask on I'm like, why don't you have a mask on? そして、ええと、ええと、彼女はそれほど若くなかったように、私が好きなこの女性、彼女は私が好きなマスクを持っていませんでした、なぜあなたはマスクを持っていませんか? 而且,嗯,呃,好像她不是那么年轻,我喜欢的这个女士,她没有戴口罩,我喜欢,你为什么不戴口罩?

Elle: It's interesting that the different approaches to this. ||||||abordagens|| Elle: Es interesante que los diferentes enfoques de esto. Elle: É interessante que as diferentes abordagens a este assunto. Elle:有趣的是不同的方法。 I had a naturopath appointment I remember a couple of months ago. |||Ich hatte vor ein paar Monaten einen Termin bei einem Heilpraktiker.|||||||| ||||прийом до натуропата||||||| 数ヶ月前に覚えている自然療法医の予約がありました。 我记得几个月前我有一个自然疗法预约。 The naturopath's mother. |der Naturheilkundler| 理疗师的母亲。 Um, so my naturopath is in her seventies, her mother works the reception. |||||||||mother|||front desk 嗯,所以我的理疗师已经七十多岁了,她妈妈在接待处工作。 嗯,我的自然療法醫生已經七十多歲了,她的母親在接待處工作。 So this is a woman in her nineties and she wasn't wearing a mask. |||||||дев'яностих років|||||| 所以这是一个九十多岁的女人,她没有戴口罩。 So I came in with a mask and there's a station for, you know, hand sanitizing, but she had no mask on. |||||||||||||||Desinfizieren|||||| |||||||||||||||hand cleaning|||||| 所以我带着口罩进来,那里有一个洗手台,你知道,但她没有戴口罩。

I wanted to say, one: why are you here? 我想说,一个:你为什么在这里? And two, just at least wear a mask. 第二,至少戴上口罩。 But yeah, it's, she didn't feel the need. 但是,是的,是的,她不觉得有必要。 She obviously felt safe.

Mark: Yeah, it is interesting. It is interesting. I...what I wonder is, given the prevalence of masks now, has it been long enough that like in Asia, in the future, when people are sick, will they put a mask on? |||||||common occurrence||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我......我想知道的是,鉴于现在口罩的流行,是否已经足够长了,就像在亚洲一样,将来人们生病时,他们会戴上口罩吗? 我……我想知道的是,現在口罩的普及,是不是已經足夠長的時間了,像亞洲那樣,將來人們生病的時候,他們會戴口罩嗎?

I mean, they should, but, but will they? 我的意思是,他们应该,但是,但是他们会吗? Like... it's still  going to be... There will have to be some trends setters there I think. |||||||||||||trendsetters||| |||||||||||||marcadores de tendencias||| Como... todavía va a ser... Tendrá que haber algunos creadores de tendencias allí, creo. Tipo... vai continuar a ser... Terá de haver alguns criadores de tendências, penso eu. 就像......它仍然会......我认为那里必须有一些趋势引领者。 就像......它仍然會......我認為那裡必須有一些潮流引領者。 To kind of make that part of part of the culture. Like it is there in Asia, but I mean, I have no question that, or there is no question that it has to, has to has to work. 就像在亚洲一样,但我的意思是,我毫无疑问,或者毫无疑问它必须,必须起作用。

I mean, in Asia where I guess they, I mean, they have so many more people in, in, uh, smaller spaces. ||||||||||||||||||||confined areas 我的意思是,在亚洲,我猜他们,我的意思是,他们在,呃,更小的空间里有更多的人。 I think that they obviously must have a significant impact. 我认为它们显然必须产生重大影响。 We'll see, we'll see if that's one of the changes that ends up lasting. Ya veremos, ya veremos si ese es uno de los cambios que acaba perdurando. 我们会看到,我们会看看这是否是最终持久的变化之一。 I have my doubts. 我有疑问。 我有我的疑問。

Elle: Yeah, I did too, actually, but we'll see. Time will tell.

So um, we're coming into spring into summer now, thankfully. 所以嗯,我们现在进入春天进入夏天,谢天谢地。 Uh, do you have any... and restrictions are  loosening, obviously we have the, um, vaccine, uh, how is your summer looking? ||||||||easing up|||||||||||| ||||||||flexibilização|||||||||||| 呃,你有没有……而且限制正在放松,显然我们有,嗯,疫苗,呃,你的夏天怎么样? 呃,你有什麼……限制正在放鬆,顯然我們有,嗯,疫苗,呃,你的夏天怎麼樣? Different from last summer 与去年夏天不同

I imagine. Do you have any plans?

Mark: Well, last summer we were planning to do a trip to Europe actually. 马克:嗯,去年夏天我们实际上计划去欧洲旅行。 Uh, uh, so that kinda got put on hold. 呃,呃,所以这有点被搁置了。 呃,呃,所以這個事情就被擱置了。

And then we thought about, or talked about trying to do it this year, but the consensus was, well, there's no point going if it's going to be half, half open or whatever, like it's... might as well, wait another other. ||||||||||||||||Einigkeit|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||general agreement|||||||||||||||||||||||| Y entonces pensamos, o hablamos de intentar hacerlo este año, pero el consenso fue, bueno, no tiene sentido ir si va a ser medio, medio abierto o lo que sea, como que es... mejor, esperar otro. E depois pensámos ou falámos em tentar fazê-lo este ano, mas o consenso foi: "Bem, não vale a pena ir se vai estar meio aberto, meio aberto ou o que quer que seja, como se fosse... mais vale esperar outro. 然后我们考虑过,或谈论过今年尝试这样做,但共识是,好吧,如果它是一半,一半开放或其他什么,那就没有意义了,就像它......不如等另一个其他。 So that, um, realistically, no real other plans for the summer. 所以,嗯,实际上,夏天没有其他真正的计划。 Going to be local and, um. Ich werde vor Ort sein und, ähm. 会是本地的,嗯。 There, it's going to be more sort of, I guess, last minute, I mean, maybe go, who knows, whether to... yeah or go to the Okanagan or something, um, otherwise just be around. |||||||||||||||||||||||||Okanagan||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||the Okanagan||||||| 那里,我想,最后一分钟,我的意思是,也许去,谁知道,是否...是的,或者去奥肯那根之类的,嗯,否则就在附近。

I mean, it's such a nice time of year, right? Es una bonita época del año, ¿verdad? 我的意思是,这是一年中的美好时光,对吧? Don't tend to normally travel that much in the summer because it's so, so nice here. 夏天通常不要去那么多地方旅行,因为这里实在是太好了。 Um, the odd, you know, visit to friends up the Cunshine coast, uh, trip like that, but, um, tend to be around. ||||||||||Cunshine-Küste||||||||||| ||||||||||Sunshine Coast||||||||||| Eh, het vreemde, weet je, bezoek aan vrienden langs de kust van Cunshine, uh, zo'n reis, maar, eh, zijn meestal in de buurt. 嗯,很奇怪,你知道,去 Cunshine 海岸拜访朋友,嗯,像那样的旅行,但是,嗯,往往会在附近。 Uh, so no, no real plans. 呃,所以不,没有真正的计划。 How about you?

Elle: I think we might try... we, um, I have a two year old son and, uh, we, uh, thinking maybe trying to go camping on Keats Island with him just for one night this year, do you know Keats Island? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Keats Insel|||||||||||||| Elle:我想我们可以试试……我们,嗯,我有一个两岁的儿子,嗯,我们,嗯,想着今年可能会和他一起去济慈岛露营一晚,你知道吗?济慈岛?

Mark: It's nearby, like by whatever Gambier, Keats, it's all over there. ||||||Gambier (1||||| Mark: Het is dichtbij, zoals door welke Gambier dan ook, Keats, het is er allemaal. 马克:就在附近,就像甘比尔、济慈一样,都在那儿。



So kind of, I don't know, like a half hour boat ride from West Vancouver. 有点,我不知道,就像从西温哥华乘船半小时一样。 Um, yeah, so we'll see. I don't know how, I don't know if, the logistics of camping with a...we've never camped with him before, and the logistics of camping with a two year old. 我不知道如何,我不知道是否与...我们以前从未与他一起露营的后勤工作,以及与两岁孩子一起露营的后勤工作。 我不知道如何,我不知道與一個…我們以前從未和他一起露營過的後勤工作,以及與一個兩歲的孩子一起露營的後勤工作。 I don't know... who is like very high energy and like doesn't sleep at the best of times.

Elle: How do you...

Mark: I was gonna say...

Elle: Do you lock them in the tent ? |||||||наметі Elle: ¿Los encierras en la tienda?

Mark: I foresee some sleep challenges for everybody. |||||desafíos de sueño|| ||prevejo||||| Mark: Preveo algunos problemas de sueño para todos.

Elle: Yeah, for everyone.

Mark: I kind of feel like it's kind of what camping... the image of camping is that anyway. Mark: En cierto modo creo que es lo que tiene el camping... la imagen del camping es esa, de todos modos. Birds chirping at four in the morning and stuff. Птахи|singing||||||| Pájaros piando a las cuatro de la mañana y esas cosas. 凌晨四点的鸟鸣之类的。 That's maybe just me. 那可能只是我。

Elle: No, it's yeah, it's tough. The last time we, we camped on Keats we had Sailor, uh, our dog was with us and there were raccoons around the tent all night. 上次我们在济慈露营时,我们有水手,呃,我们的狗和我们在一起,整个晚上帐篷周围都有浣熊。 上次我們在濟慈露營時,我們有水手,呃,我們的狗和我們在一起,整個晚上帳篷周圍都有浣熊。 So she just growled and barked all night. |||knurrte|||| |||ричала|||| 所以她整晚都在咆哮和吠叫。 所以她整個晚上都在咆哮和吠叫。 It got to a point where, because we could hear them scratching around. 它达到了一个地步,因为我们可以听到他们四处抓挠。 I'm like, Oh, it's just mice or something. 我想,哦,这只是老鼠什么的。 I was like "Sailor, my dog, there's nothing there." And I, I put the flashlight on and there was the biggest raccoon I've ever seen just standing in front of the tent, like ready. ||||||||||||raccoon|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||barraca|| Y yo, yo encendí la linterna y allí estaba el mapache más grande que he visto nunca justo en frente de la tienda, como listo. 而我,我打开手电筒,一只我见过的最大的浣熊就站在帐篷前,就像准备好了一样。

It was funny days later, but we didn't sleep at all and so it wasn't, it was kind of not worth it because I was just miserable and tired. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||unhappy and tired|| Fue divertido días después, pero no dormimos nada y no valió la pena porque me sentía miserable y cansada. But it's a beautiful place, Keats Island. 但这是一个美丽的地方,济慈岛。 I don't know if you've ever been.

Mark: I've been to Gambier, I've been to Bowen but I haven't been to Keats. ||||||||Bowen|||||| ||||||||Bowen Island||||||

Elle: It's very, yeah, they're all very much the same. Elle:非常,是的,它们都非常相似。 Just beautiful rocky little beach and gorgeous other islands in the distance. ||||||||other islands||| 只是美丽的岩石小海滩和远处美丽的其他岛屿。 只有美麗的岩石小海灘和遠處美麗的其他島嶼。

Mark: The thing with raccoons is how unfazed they are by people. |||||||unbeeindruckt|||| ||||єноти|||unbothered by humans|||| |||||||imperturbáveis|||| Mark: Lo que pasa con los mapaches es que no se inmutan ante la gente. Marco: O que se passa com os guaxinins é que não se deixam perturbar pelas pessoas. 馬克:浣熊的特點是它們不被人類打擾。 They just do not care at all. No les importa en absoluto. They look at you like, "what?" Te miran como diciendo "¿qué?". 他们看着你,“什么?”

Elle: This is my Island. Yeah.

And they can be vicious. ||||жорстокі 他们可能是恶毒的。 Yeah.

I lived in the West End of Vancouver and, uh, There were, uh, around the time I was living there, there were raccoon attacks. 我住在温哥华西区,呃,有,呃,在我住在那里的时候,有浣熊袭击。 People would walk out of their apartment to go to work and the raccoons would just run up to them and attack them. 人们会走出他们的公寓去上班,而浣熊会跑向他们并攻击他们。

Mark: Yeah. 马克:是的。

We had a friend that got bitten by a raccoon, but she, the raccoon was kind of attacking her dog and the dog laid down and played dead. Tuvimos una amiga a la que mordió un mapache, pero ella, el mapache estaba atacando a su perro y el perro se tumbó y se hizo el muerto. 我們有一個朋友被浣熊咬了,但是她,浣熊有點攻擊她的狗,而狗則躺下來裝死。

And she's like worried that her dog was getting, um, yeah. Und sie macht sich Sorgen, dass ihr Hund, ähm, ja bekommt. 她很担心她的狗会得到,嗯,是的。 And so she went over and kind of, I can't remember if she kicked the raccoon or tried to throw it off her dog or whatever she did. Así que se acercó y, no recuerdo si pateó al mapache o trató de arrojarlo de su perro o lo que sea que hizo. 所以她走了过去,我不记得她是踢浣熊还是试图把它从她的狗身上扔掉,或者她做了什么。 So the raccoon bit her and then, and then I think went, ran off whatever, and then she picked the dog up and was, and there's blood on the dog. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||кров на собаці||| Así que el mapache la mordió y luego, y luego creo que se fue, huyó lo que sea, y luego recogió al perro y fue, y hay sangre en el perro. 所以浣熊咬了她,然后,我想它跑了,跑掉了,然后她把狗抱起来,狗身上有血。

And, but the dog was fine. It was her blood.

Elle: Oh no. Did she have to get a, like a rabies shot? ¿Tenía que vacunarse contra la rabia? 她必须打狂犬病疫苗吗? 她需要注射狂犬病疫苗嗎?

Mark: I think so. I think so you don't want to get bitten by a raccoon. 我想所以你不想被浣熊咬。 Uh, so you get stitches and rabies shots and... yeah. Así que te ponen puntos y vacunas contra la rabia y... sí. 呃,所以你会缝针和狂犬病疫苗……是的。 呃,所以你要縫針、注射狂犬病疫苗……是的。

Elle: Wow, where was this, in Vancouver?

Mark: West Vancouver. Yeah.


Elle: Okay. Good to know. Don't just don't mess with West Vancouver raccoons. No te metas con los mapaches de West Vancouver. 不要只是不要惹西温哥华浣熊。

I think most dogs, they like to bark at raccoons, but I don't think they really chase them down. Ich denke, die meisten Hunde bellen Waschbären gerne an, aber ich glaube nicht, dass sie sie wirklich jagen. 我认为大多数狗都喜欢对浣熊吠叫,但我不认为它们真的会追赶它们。 They know better.

Mark: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Yeah.

Would not be smart for sure. 肯定不聰明。 Well, hopefully we are back in the office pretty soon when we get our vaccines. 好吧,希望我们得到疫苗后很快就能回到办公室。 Life can go back to whatever normal looks like after this pandemic. 在这场大流行之后,生活可以恢复到任何正常的样子。

Mark: And I think even if as, as more at risk people get their shots I think that the hospitals will have fewer patients and obviously fewer people die. Mark: Y creo que incluso si, a medida que más personas de riesgo se vacunan, creo que los hospitales tendrán menos pacientes y, obviamente, menos gente morirá. 马克:而且我认为,即使有更多风险的人接种疫苗,我认为医院的病人也会减少,死亡人数也会减少。

I mean, at a certain point, if there's nobody in hospital and nobody dying, then maybe they relax things anyway, because you know, if, if everybody else is most likely just going to get sick, then maybe... although you hear the stories of the long-haulers or whatever. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||long-term sufferers|| Quiero decir, en cierto punto, si no hay nadie en el hospital y nadie muriendo, entonces tal vez se relajan las cosas de todos modos, porque ya sabes, si, si todo el mundo lo más probable es sólo va a enfermar, entonces tal vez ... aunque se escuchan las historias de los de larga distancia o lo que sea. Ik bedoel, op een gegeven moment, als er niemand in het ziekenhuis is en niemand sterft, dan kunnen ze de dingen misschien toch ontspannen, want weet je, als iedereen waarschijnlijk gewoon ziek wordt, dan misschien ... hoewel je hoort de verhalen van de langeafstandsvoertuigen of wat dan ook. 我的意思是,在某个时刻,如果没有人在医院,也没有人死亡,那么也许他们无论如何都会放松一下,因为你知道,如果其他人很可能会生病,那么也许......虽然你听到长途运输者的故事或其他。 我的意思是,在某個時刻,如果沒有人住院,也沒有人死亡,那麼也許他們會放鬆一些事情,因為你知道,如果,如果其他人很可能都會生病,那麼也許......雖然你聽到長途運輸者的故事或其他什麼。 Friend, or a guy I know that his son got it, 朋友,或者我认识的一个人,他的儿子得到了它,

and, um, wasn't that sick maybe for a couple of days, felt a bit sick and, uh, but lost his sense of smell. 而且,嗯,可能有几天没那么病了,感觉有点恶心,呃,但是失去了嗅觉。 That was in November, still doesn't have it back. 那是十一月的事了,还没有回来。 Uh, otherwise feels fine, but I, you know, you'd be worried that you're never gonna be able to smell again. 呃,否则感觉很好,但我,你知道,你会担心你再也闻不到气味了。

Elle: Yeah. And that must have, that affects your eating and everything.

Oh, that's, that's terrible. How old is he?

Mark: 19 I think, the kids. Something like that. Yeah.


So I think all things being equal, better get the vaccine. Así que creo que en igualdad de condiciones, mejor vacunarse. 所以我认为一切都是平等的,最好接种疫苗。

Elle: Yeah. A hundred percent. 百分百。 Yeah, exactly. You might not be someone who reacts badly in the moment, but yet these, this is happening and we don't know who... like you say, he's 19. Puede que no seas alguien que reaccione mal en el momento, pero sin embargo estos, esto está pasando y no sabemos quién... como dices, tiene 19 años. 您可能不是此刻反应严重的人,但是这些,这正在发生,我们不知道是谁……就像您说的那样,他才 19 岁。

Mark: Should be fine, right? And kind of was fine, except he has lost his sense of smell. 还不错,只是他失去了嗅觉。 Yeah.

Elle: Oh God. Yeah.


My mum also lost her sense... she has it back though, when she had it, she lost her sense of smell and had a headache. 我妈妈也失去了知觉……虽然她恢复了,但当她恢复时,她失去了嗅觉并且头疼。 Um, but yeah.

Mark: Yeah so your, your mum had it. That's right. I forgot that.

Elle: Um, my mum had it, my sister had it. |||||||sibling|| They're both, uh, they both work in healthcare in the UK, so it was kind of, not inevitable, but they were high risk. 他们都是,呃,他们都在英国的医疗保健部门工作,所以这是一种,不是不可避免的,但他们是高风险的。

Mark: It just seems like it's way more prevalent over there anyway. ||||||||verbreiteter||| ||||||||more common||| Mark: De todas formas, parece que allí es mucho más frecuente. 马克:无论如何,它似乎在那里更普遍。 I talked to my brother and his family and they know, like, I don't know, 25 people that have had had it or whatever. 我和我的兄弟和他的家人谈过,他们知道,比如,我不知道,有 25 个人有过这种情况或其他什么。 I mean, I don't know anyone, like few people that I know of have had it, but no friend, I don't know, real close acquaintance has had. ||||||||||||||||||||||||conhecido|| 我的意思是,我不认识任何人,就像我认识的少数人一样,但没有朋友,我不知道,真正的熟人有过。

So it just  itseems maybe we've been lucky here, I guess, just way less prevalent. |||es scheint|||||||||||verbreitet |||it seems|||||||||||common Dus het lijkt erop dat we hier geluk hebben gehad, denk ik, maar veel minder vaak voorkomen. 所以似乎我们在这里很幸运,我猜,只是不那么普遍。

Elle: Exactly. Yeah.

And I guess we're less packed in, a place like Vancouver, as opposed to I think your brother's in London? Y supongo que estamos menos apretados, un lugar como Vancouver, a diferencia de creo que su hermano está en Londres? 而且我想我们在温哥华这样的地方不那么拥挤,而不是我认为你兄弟在伦敦? 我想我們在像溫哥華這樣的地方人較少,而不是我認為你兄弟在倫敦?

Mark: Yeah, yeah, he is. 马克:是的,是的,他是。 Yeah, hm.

Elle: Let's get that vaccine and.... until the next pandemic. Elle:让我们接种疫苗,然后……直到下一次大流行。

Mark: Yeah, hopefully we'll be set up better the next time. Mark: Sí, espero que la próxima vez estemos mejor preparados. 马克:是的,希望下次我们能安排得更好。 馬克:是的,希望下次我們能安排得更好。

Elle: Exactly yeah, it'll be a breeze. ||||||piece of cake ||||||brisa Elle:确实是的,这会很容易。 Yeah.

Well, thank you, Mark. Interesting chat as always. And, um, we will catch up again for the podcast I'm sure. 而且,嗯,我确信我们会再次赶上播客。

Mark: Ok, thanks Elle. For sure.

Elle: Thank you.

Mark: Bye-bye

Elle: bye.