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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 1

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 1

This podcast is sponsored by LingQ. If you're learning English and want to study the transcript of this episode or any other episode, there is a link to the lesson on LingQ, L I N G Q, in the description. LingQ is a language learning tool that allows you to turn anything in your target language into a lesson podcasts like this one: YouTube videos, Netflix shows, news articles, blog, posts, whatever it is you're into.

One click on the link browser extension, and you have a language lesson to work through translating words and phrases you don't know.

Elle: Hello everyone. I am here with Mark Kaufmann for today's episode. Mark. How are you doing on?

Mark: Great. Thanks. Can't complain. Sun's shining.

Elle: Yeah. For once. Here in Vancouver, for those of you who don't know, that's where we're based.

It's uh, It's a rainforest we live in, so it's pretty wet all the time, but, so, yeah, it's nice to see the sun for sure. Uh, I thought it might be interesting to talk about the pandemic. Different angle though, because it's been a year now since we've been in this situation. So I thought it would be interesting to catch up, uh, and see first off how you're doing, what's changed in your life.

Um, So, yeah. How are you doing?

Mark: I'm doing well. I think as I look at myself in the video here, I realize that I probably don't get my hair cut quite as much, or as often as I should, should be doing. But, uh, yeah, it's amazing that it's, it's been a year. I don't know why I didn't, I, that surprises me in a way.

It doesn't really feel like it's been a year, but I guess it really, it has, cause it was I guess over a year ago that we stopped going into the office. And, um, yeah. Uh, yeah, I mean, I guess now we kind of hope that the end is in sight. There's some light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully the vaccines arrived before too long for us.

I think, um, elsewhere in the world, obviously they seem to be having a significant impact.

Elle: Yep. Yep. Has Steve been vaccinated yet? Actually, I haven't asked Steve.

Mark: No, I think it's pretty slow going here. And, uh, they basically, um, I think 85 plus maybe are allowed to make appointments now for sort of vaccination maybe a week from now.

I think that's the sort of where they are. Uh, so realistically, Steve, uh, I think it's, I think he's hoping some mid-April ish.

Elle: Okay. Okay. So next month, hopefully. And then for people like us, who knows, I guess. Younger, not immuno-compromised, hopefully... soon.

Mark: Well, they're saying because here, because they're saying they're um going to split the doses.

Like not require two doses or at least allow four months time between doses that, uh, I think June or July by the end of July, everybody should have one dose, I think is what they're saying. We'll see.

Elle: Okay. Okay. And so you're going into the office sometimes.

Mark: Every once in a while, but really very infrequently, you know, once every couple of weeks for a few hours.

Elle: I miss it.

Mark: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Definitely. Yeah, I do miss it. I mean, for us, a lot of our team are, um, remote anyway. So for a lot of them, this is how they interact anyway, just through Zoom calls, Skype calls. But for those of us who are based in the office, yeah, I know everyone's missing, you know, the impromptu chats and meetings and just having someone to talk to in the workday, you know.

Mark: And, and, and somewhere to go, someone to go, like, if you ask me the biggest difference... like the actual work we do, I think because we always had so many remote people and obviously we're all remote now, uh, we have systems and means of communication that we use. And, um, most of our time is spent on those using those, uh, systems. And it's not that different, the actual work, but obviously in the office, we, we see each other, we interact socialy,

we have somewhere to go. You know right now, um, you kinda wake up, you start working and before you know it it's three in the afternoon and you haven't left the house. You haven't been outside. You haven't... uh, at which point you're like, I got to get outside, I gotta find something to do.

Elle: I find that too. I haven't seen the sun, especially because here we often just don't see the sun anyway

even if you're outside for weeks on end, I need some vitamin D sorry, looking very pasty, but spring is coming at least. So that's good.

Mark: Yeah.

That's the biggest thing. I think it's, it's probably learning that you have to figure out a different way of, of, uh, planning your day. Like yeah, go out. First of all, when it gets dark at four, you don't want to wait until, you know, four or five if we're going to do something go earlier when it's daylight.

Um, otherwise, yeah. Kind of miss it. Now it's... it's between well today we changed our clocks backward or forward or whatever, whichever way it is so that, uh, it's...

Elle: Spring forward.

Mark: Spring forward. Okay. Um, so now it's, it's obviously lighter later. Uh that's nice, but I guess those are, that's the biggest thing. I think obviously we'll see.

Well, how, what happens with the office? I think they're, they're predicting a lot of people will either not go back or we'll go back on a more, uh, eratic or not eratic, but a less like, um, consistent basis, maybe part-time or they're thinking you know, half the people would come one day, half the people another, those companies that have large space requirements, I think. And therefore they can reduce their requirement if people aren't in full time all the time.

So it will be interesting to see what, how much of this... I was looking at our article today talking about how education, this has really spurred education to, to go more online and, and, uh, um, you know, advance a bit with the times because I think education has very much been a laggard in terms of, uh, adapting to technology, at least formalized education and, and suggesting then you know that some of these things will,

will now become more available. Like, uh, ability to learn online. And, um, you know, some, some, even some classes online, they talked about how potential to, if, you know, if some students are interested in learning, their example was Portuguese, they could have one Portuguese teacher for the district and therefore they can offer it.

Maybe just that online versus, you know, previously were the only classes they offered were those within their, their building. So anyway, it's, it's interesting. It will be interesting to see in all areas, how much, how much, I guess, change there, there ends up being and how much sort of people will just go back to the way it was before.

Elle: I wonder. I feel like in a lot of cases, it's just going to be, there'll be a time where things are a little different and then we'll just kind of drift into the way things were. I don't know. We'll see.

But some things have, have to stay different, I think. Um, but yeah.


I kind of feel like a lot of stuff will go back to the way it was before.

Like it just isn't long enough for, to significantly change those patterns. But there, there, there will be some change. There's no question like um, you know, some of the things I think in health, like the tele, tele-health like, why was that not available before?

Mark: Yeah, for sure. That's been great. Yeah.

A lot of, a lot of appointments can just be over the phone.

There's no way to go anywhere. Right. So it just, yeah. It makes everything a lot easier. Yeah.

I feel like socially, we will stay different, uh, in terms of, you know, there's like a shared anxiety that we have now about touching anything, touching each other, touching our faces, you know? Um, so I, I think that's a positive.

I think maybe people will just be less gross, wash their hands more and if they're sick, stay home because no one else, you know, everyone else wants to stay healthy.

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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 1 ||||||||||Teil 1 Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: Ein Jahr nach der COVID-19-Pandemie - Teil 1 English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: One Year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pt. 1 English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: Un año de la pandemia de COVID-19 Pt. 1 English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12 : Un an après la pandémie de COVID-19 Pt. 1 Podcast LingQ 2.0 inglese #12: Un anno di anniversario della pandemia COVID-19 Pt. 1 英語 LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12:COVID-19パンデミック1周年記念 Pt.1 잉글리시 링큐 2.0 팟캐스트 #12: 코로나19 팬데믹 1주년 1부 Engels LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: Een jaar geleden van de COVID-19 pandemie Pt. 1 Angielski LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: Rocznica pandemii COVID-19 Część 1 Podcast LingQ 2.0 Inglês #12: Aniversário de um ano da pandemia de COVID-19 Pt. 1 Английский LingQ 2.0 Подкаст #12: Годовщина пандемии COVID-19 Pt. 1 English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #12: COVID-19 Salgınının Birinci Yıl Dönümü Pt. 1 Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #12: Річниця пандемії COVID-19, частина 1 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #12:COVID-19 大流行病一周年。 1个 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #12:COVID-19 大流行一周年纪念日。 1 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #12:COVID-19 大流行一周年 Pt.

This podcast is sponsored by LingQ. このポッドキャストはLingQが後援しています。 If you're learning English and want to study the transcript of this episode or any other episode, there is a link to the lesson on LingQ, L I N G Q, in the description. LingQ is a language learning tool that allows you to turn anything in your target language into a lesson podcasts like this one: YouTube videos, Netflix shows, news articles, blog, posts, whatever it is you're into. ||||||||||||||idioma objetivo||||||||||||||||||||| LingQ est un outil d'apprentissage des langues qui vous permet de transformer n'importe quel élément de votre langue cible en podcast de cours comme celui-ci : vidéos YouTube, émissions Netflix, articles d'actualité, blog, posts, tout ce qui vous intéresse. LingQは、ターゲット言語のあらゆるものを、YouTube動画、Netflix番組、ニュース記事、ブログ、投稿など、好きなものに変換できる言語学習ツールです。 LingQ - это инструмент для изучения языка, который позволяет превратить в урок подкасты, подобные этому: видео с YouTube, сериалы Netflix, новостные статьи, блог, посты - все, что вам нравится. LingQ 是一种语言学习工具,可让您将目标语言中的任何内容变成像这样的课程播客:YouTube 视频、Netflix 节目、新闻文章、博客、帖子,无论您喜欢什么。

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Elle: Hello everyone. Elle:大家好。 I am here with Mark Kaufmann for today's episode. 我和马克考夫曼一起来观看今天的节目。 Mark. How are you doing on? Comment allez-vous ? Come stai? 你还好吗?

Mark: Great. Thanks. Can't complain. 不能抱怨。 Sun's shining. Il sole splende. 阳光明媚。

Elle: Yeah. For once. Pour une fois. 一度だけ。 Here in Vancouver, for those of you who don't know, that's where we're based. Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, c'est ici, à Vancouver, que nous sommes basés. Qui a Vancouver, per quelli di voi che non lo sanno, è lì che siamo basati. ここバンクーバーでは、知らない人のために、それが私たちの拠点です。 在温哥华,对于那些不知道的人来说,这就是我们的基地。

It's uh, It's a rainforest we live in, so it's pretty wet all the time, but, so, yeah, it's nice to see the sun for sure. ||||тропічний ліс||||||||||||||||||||| ||||floresta tropical||||||||||||||||||||| C'est une forêt tropicale dans laquelle nous vivons, donc c'est assez humide tout le temps, mais oui, c'est agréable de voir le soleil, c'est sûr. È uh, è una foresta pluviale in cui viviamo, quindi è sempre piuttosto umida, ma, quindi, sì, è bello vedere il sole di sicuro. ええと、私たちが住んでいる熱帯雨林なので、いつもかなり濡れていますが、そうです、確かに太陽を見るのはいいことです。 嗯,这是我们生活的热带雨林,所以一直很潮湿,但是,所以,是的,很高兴看到太阳。 Uh, I thought it might be interesting to talk about the pandemic. 呃,我认为谈论流行病可能会很有趣。 Different angle though, because it's been a year now since we've been in this situation. Allerdings aus einem anderen Blickwinkel, denn es ist jetzt ein Jahr her, dass wir uns in dieser Situation befunden haben. L'angle est cependant différent, car cela fait maintenant un an que nous sommes dans cette situation. 不过从不同的角度来看,因为我们已经过去一年了。 So I thought it would be interesting to catch up, uh, and see first off how you're doing, what's changed in your life. だから私は、追いついて、ええと、あなたがどのようにやっているのか、あなたの人生で何が変わったのかを最初に見るのは面白いだろうと思いました。

Um, So, yeah. How are you doing?

Mark: I'm doing well. Mark: Sto bene. I think as I look at myself in the video here, I realize that I probably don't get my hair cut quite as much, or as often as I should, should be doing. En me regardant dans la vidéo, je me rends compte que je ne me fais probablement pas couper les cheveux aussi souvent que je le devrais. Penso che mentre mi guardo nel video qui, mi rendo conto che probabilmente non mi taglio i capelli così tanto, o tutte le volte che dovrei, dovrei fare. ここのビデオで自分自身を見ていると、おそらく髪をあまりカットしないか、必要な頻度でカットする必要があることに気づきます。 But, uh, yeah, it's amazing that it's, it's been a year. しかし、ええと、ええ、それが1年になったことは驚くべきことです。 I don't know why I didn't, I, that surprises me in a way. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne l'ai pas fait, cela me surprend d'une certaine manière. なぜ私がそうしなかったのか分かりません、私はある意味で私を驚かせます。

It doesn't really feel like it's been a year, but I guess it really, it has, cause it was I guess over a year ago that we stopped going into the office. No parece que haya pasado un año, pero supongo que sí, porque hace más de un año que dejamos de ir a la oficina. On n'a pas vraiment l'impression que cela fait un an, mais je pense que c'est vraiment le cas, car cela fait plus d'un an que nous avons cessé d'aller au bureau. Non sembra davvero che sia passato un anno, ma immagino che lo sia davvero, perché credo sia stato più di un anno fa che abbiamo smesso di andare in ufficio. 一年経ったような気はしませんが、一年以上前にオフィスに行くのをやめたのではないかと思います。 And, um, yeah. Uh, yeah, I mean, I guess now we kind of hope that the end is in sight. ||||||||||||||||vista Sí, supongo que ahora esperamos que el final esté a la vista. Euh, oui, je veux dire, je suppose que maintenant nous espérons que la fin est en vue. ええと、ええ、つまり、私たちは今、終わりが見えていることを願っています。 嗯,是的,我的意思是,我想现在我们有点希望结局就在眼前。 There's some light at the end of the tunnel. Il y a de la lumière au bout du tunnel. トンネルの終わりにいくらかの光があります。 隧道尽头有一些光。 Hopefully the vaccines arrived before too long for us. Espérons que les vaccins arriveront bientôt pour nous. うまくいけば、ワクチンは私たちにとってあまりにも早く到着しました。 希望这些疫苗对我们来说很快就到了。

I think, um, elsewhere in the world, obviously they seem to be having a significant impact. Je pense qu'ailleurs dans le monde, ils semblent avoir un impact significatif. ええと、世界の他の場所では、明らかにそれらが大きな影響を及ぼしているように思われます。 Penso que, noutras partes do mundo, parece que estão a ter um impacto significativo. 我认为,嗯,在世界其他地方,显然它们似乎正在产生重大影响。

Elle: Yep. Yep. Has Steve been vaccinated yet? Steve a-t-il été vacciné ? Steve è già stato vaccinato? スティーブはもうワクチン接種を受けていますか? O Steve já foi vacinado? Actually, I haven't asked Steve. In realtà, non l'ho chiesto a Steve. Na verdade, não perguntei ao Steve.

Mark: No, I think it's pretty slow going here. Mark : Non, je pense que c'est plutôt lent ici. Mark: No, penso che sia piuttosto lento andare qui. Mark: Não, acho que é bastante lento aqui. And, uh, they basically, um, I think 85 plus maybe are allowed to make appointments now for sort of vaccination maybe a week from now. Y, eh, básicamente, um, creo que 85 más tal vez se les permite hacer citas ahora para una especie de vacunación tal vez una semana a partir de ahora. E, uh, fondamentalmente, um, penso che più di 85 forse possano prendere appuntamenti adesso per una specie di vaccinazione, forse tra una settimana. そして、ええと、彼らは基本的に、ええと、85プラスはおそらく今から1週間後にある種の予防接種の予約をすることが許されていると思います。 E, basicamente, penso que mais de 85 estão autorizados a marcar consultas para vacinação daqui a uma semana.

I think that's the sort of where they are. そういうところだと思います。 Penso que é esse o ponto em que se encontram. Uh, so realistically, Steve, uh, I think it's, I think he's hoping some mid-April ish. |||||||||||||||mais ou menos ええと、とても現実的に、スティーブ、ええと、私はそうだと思います、私は彼が4月中旬のイッシュを望んでいると思います。

Elle: Okay. Okay. So next month, hopefully. And then for people like us, who knows, I guess. |||||||||supongo que Younger, not immuno-compromised, hopefully... soon. ||immunologisch|kompromittiert|| |||immunodeficient|| Jonger, niet immuno-gecompromitteerd, hopelijk ... binnenkort. 更年轻,没有免疫力低下,希望……很快。

Mark: Well, they're saying because here, because they're saying they're um going to split the doses. |||||||||||||||Dosen |||||||||||||dividir|| Mark: Bueno, lo dicen porque aquí, porque dicen que um van a repartir las dosis. Mark : Eh bien, ils disent parce qu'ici, parce qu'ils disent qu'ils ne vont pas diviser les doses. マーク:ええと、彼らはここで言っているのです、なぜなら彼らは用量を分割するつもりだと言っているからです。

Like not require two doses or at least allow four months time between doses that, uh, I think June or July by the end of July, everybody should have one dose, I think is what they're saying. Como no requerir dos dosis o al menos permitir cuatro meses de tiempo entre las dosis que, eh, creo que junio o julio a finales de julio, todo el mundo debe tener una dosis, creo que es lo que están diciendo. 2回の服用を必要としない、または服用の間に少なくとも4か月の時間を与えるように、ええと、7月末までに6月または7月に、誰もが1回の服用をする必要があると思います。 Por exemplo, não exigir duas doses ou, pelo menos, permitir um intervalo de quatro meses entre as doses, penso que em junho ou julho, até ao final de julho, toda a gente deveria tomar uma dose, penso que é isso que estão a dizer. We'll see.

Elle: Okay. Okay. And so you're going into the office sometimes.

Mark: Every once in a while, but really very infrequently, you know, once every couple of weeks for a few hours. |||||||||selten||||||||||| Mark: Ogni tanto, ma davvero molto raramente, sai, una volta ogni due settimane per alcune ore. マーク:たまにありますが、実際には非常にまれですが、数週間に1回、数時間です。

Elle: I miss it.

Mark: Yeah.

Elle: Yeah. Definitely. Yeah, I do miss it. I mean, for us, a lot of our team are, um, remote anyway. 我的意思是,对我们来说,我们的很多团队,嗯,无论如何都是远程的。 So for a lot of them, this is how they interact anyway, just through Zoom calls, Skype calls. したがって、多くの人にとって、これは、Zoom通話、Skype通話を介して、とにかく対話する方法です。 But for those of us who are based in the office, yeah, I know everyone's missing, you know, the impromptu chats and meetings and just having someone to talk to in the workday, you know. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||working day|| |||||||||||||||||||improvisadas||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||improvisadas||||||||||||||| しかし、オフィスに拠点を置く私たちにとっては、ええ、誰もが行方不明になっていることを知っています。

Mark: And, and, and somewhere to go, someone to go, like, if you ask me the biggest difference... like the actual work we do, I think because we always had so many remote people and obviously we're all remote now, uh, we have systems and means of communication that we use. Mark: E, e, e un posto dove andare, qualcuno dove andare, tipo, se mi chiedi la differenza più grande ... come il lavoro che facciamo, penso perché abbiamo sempre avuto così tante persone remote e ovviamente siamo tutti remoto ora, uh, abbiamo sistemi e mezzi di comunicazione che usiamo. マーク:そして、そしてどこかに行く人、たとえば、私に最大の違いを尋ねると...私たちが実際に行っている仕事のように、私たちはいつも非常に多くの遠隔地の人々を抱えていたので、明らかに私たちは皆遠隔地になりました、ええと、私たちが使用するシステムと通信手段があります。 And, um, most of our time is spent on those using those, uh, systems. そして、ええと、私たちの時間のほとんどは、それらのシステムを使用している人々に費やされています。 And it's not that different, the actual work, but obviously in the office, we, we see each other, we interact socialy, 実際の仕事はそれほど違いはありませんが、明らかにオフィスでは、私たちはお互いを見て、社交的に交流し、

we have somewhere to go. dobbiamo andare da qualche parte. どこかに行くところがあります。 You know right now, um, you kinda wake up, you start working and before you know it it's three in the afternoon and you haven't left the house. Sai in questo momento, ehm, ti svegli, inizi a lavorare e prima che te ne accorga sono le tre del pomeriggio e non sei uscito di casa. あなたは今知っています、ええと、あなたはちょっと目を覚まし、働き始めます、そしてあなたがそれを知る前にそれは午後の3時であり、あなたは家を出ていません。 You haven't been outside. あなたは外に出ていません。 You haven't... uh, at which point you're like, I got to get outside, I gotta find something to do. Non hai ... uh, a quel punto sei tipo, devo uscire, devo trovare qualcosa da fare. あなたはしていません...ええと、あなたが好きな時点で、私は外に出なければなりません、私は何かを見つけなければなりません。

Elle: I find that too. I haven't seen the sun, especially because here we often just don't see the sun anyway

even if you're outside for weeks on end, I need some vitamin D sorry, looking very pasty, but spring is coming at least. |||||||||||sunshine nutrient||||||||||| anche se stai fuori per settimane, ho bisogno di un po 'di vitamina D, mi dispiace, sembra molto pastoso, ma almeno la primavera sta arrivando. zelfs als je wekenlang buiten bent, heb ik wat vitamine D nodig, sorry, ik zie er erg plakkerig uit, maar de lente komt in ieder geval. So that's good.

Mark: Yeah.

That's the biggest thing. I think it's, it's probably learning that you have to figure out a different way of, of, uh, planning your day. 私はそれが、おそらく、あなたがあなたの一日を計画する別の方法を理解しなければならないことを学んでいると思います。 Acho que é, provavelmente, aprender que temos de descobrir uma forma diferente de planear o nosso dia. Like yeah, go out. First of all, when it gets dark at four, you don't want to wait until, you know, four or five if we're going to do something go earlier when it's daylight. En primer lugar, cuando anochece a las cuatro, no quieres esperar hasta, ya sabes, las cuatro o las cinco si vamos a hacer algo ir antes cuando es de día. まず、4時に暗くなると、日中の早い時間に何かをする場合は4、5になるまで待ちたくありません。

Um, otherwise, yeah. Altrimenti, sì. Kind of miss it. Now it's... it's between well today we changed our clocks backward or forward or whatever, whichever way it is so that, uh, it's... ||||||||||set back|||||||||||| Ahora es... es entre bueno hoy hemos cambiado nuestros relojes hacia atrás o hacia adelante o lo que sea, de la manera que sea para que, eh, es... Ora è ... è tra oggi, bene, abbiamo cambiato i nostri orologi avanti o indietro o qualsiasi altra cosa, in qualunque modo sia così che, uh, è ... さて、それは...今日は時計を前後に変更したか、どちらの方法でも、ええと、それは... Agora é... é entre bem hoje mudámos os nossos relógios para trás ou para a frente ou o que quer que seja, seja para que lado for, de modo que, uh, é... 现在是...介于今天之间,我们将时钟向后或向前或以任何方式更改,无论是哪种方式,呃...

Elle: Spring forward. ||adelante Elle: Primavera in avanti. エル:春先。

Mark: Spring forward. Okay. Um, so now it's, it's obviously lighter later. Ähm, also jetzt ist es später offensichtlich heller. Ehm, quindi ora è, ovviamente è più leggero dopo. ええと、今はそうです、後で明らかに軽くなります。 嗯,所以现在是,后面明显轻了。 Uh that's nice, but I guess those are, that's the biggest thing. ええと、それはいいことですが、それが最大のことだと思います。 I think obviously we'll see. 明らかにわかると思います。

Well, how, what happens with the office? さて、どのように、オフィスはどうなりますか? I think they're, they're predicting a lot of people will either not go back or we'll go back on a more, uh, eratic or not eratic, but a less like, um, consistent basis, maybe part-time or they're thinking you know, half the people would come one day, half the people another, those companies that have large space requirements, I think. ||||||||||||||||||||||unregelmäßig|||unregelmäßig||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||regular schedule||||||||||||||||||||||||significant space needs|||| ||||prevendo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Creo que están prediciendo que mucha gente no volverá o que volveremos de forma más o menos constante, quizá a tiempo parcial, o que la mitad de la gente vendrá un día y la otra mitad otro, creo que las empresas que tienen grandes necesidades de espacio. Penso che stiano prevedendo che molte persone non torneranno indietro o torneremo su una base più, uh, eratica o non eratica, ma una base meno simile, um, coerente, forse part-time o pensano, sai, metà delle persone verrebbe un giorno, metà delle persone un altro, quelle aziende che hanno grandi requisiti di spazio, penso. 私は彼らがそうだと思います、彼らは多くの人々が戻ってこないか、私たちがもっと、ええと、不規則または不規則ではないが、あまり似ていない、ええと、一貫したベースで、おそらくパートタイムで戻るだろうと予測していますまたは、彼らはあなたが知っていると思っています、半分の人がいつか来るでしょう、半分の人が別の人、大きなスペース要件を持っているそれらの会社、私は思います。 Penso que estão a prever que muitas pessoas não voltarão ou que voltarão numa base mais, uh, erática ou não erática, mas menos, hum, consistente, talvez a tempo parcial ou estão a pensar, sabe, que metade das pessoas virão um dia, metade das pessoas noutro, aquelas empresas que têm grandes necessidades de espaço, penso eu. 我認為他們預測很多人要么不會回去,要么我們會回去,呃,不穩定或不不穩定,但不太像,嗯,一致的基礎,也許是兼職或者他們認為,你知道,一半的人有一天會來,另一半的人會來,我認為那些公司需要很大的空間。 And therefore they can reduce their requirement if people aren't in full time all the time. ||||lower||||||||||| E quindi possono ridurre il loro fabbisogno se le persone non sono sempre a tempo pieno. したがって、人々が常にフルタイムでいない場合、彼らは彼らの要件を減らすことができます。

So it will be interesting to see what, how much of this... I was looking at our article today talking about how education, this has really spurred education to, to go more online and, and, uh, um, you know, advance a bit with the times because I think education has very much been a laggard in terms of, uh, adapting to technology, at least formalized education and, and suggesting then you know that some of these things will, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||formalisierte||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||stimulated||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||structured education||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||impulsionou||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atrasado||||||||||formalizada||||||||||||| ですから、これがどれだけあるかを見るのは興味深いでしょう...私は今日、教育について話している私たちの記事を見ていました。教育は、テクノロジーへの適応、少なくとも正式な教育、そしてこれらのいくつかがそうなることを知っていることを示唆しているという点で、非常に遅れていると思うので、時代とともに少し進んでください。 Так что будет интересно посмотреть, насколько это... Я сегодня читал нашу статью о том, как образование подтолкнуло его к тому, чтобы больше работать в Интернете и идти в ногу со временем, потому что я думаю, что образование очень отстает в плане адаптации к технологиям, по крайней мере, формализованное образование, и предполагаю, что некоторые из этих вещей будут, 所以,看看這其中有什麼、有多少會很有趣......我今天正在看我們的文章,談論教育,這確實刺激了教育,更多地上網,而且,呃,嗯,你知道,與時俱進,因為我認為教育在適應技術方面非常落後,至少在正規化教育方面,並建議你知道其中一些事情會,

will now become more available. ahora estarán más disponibles. Like, uh, ability to learn online. And, um, you know, some, some, even some classes online, they talked about how potential to, if, you know, if some students are interested in learning, their example was Portuguese, they could have one Portuguese teacher for the district and therefore they can offer it.

Maybe just that online versus, you know, previously were the only classes they offered were those within their, their building. Tal vez sólo que en línea frente a, ya sabes, antes eran las únicas clases que ofrecían eran aquellos dentro de su, su edificio. Talvez apenas o facto de ser online em vez de, sabe, anteriormente as únicas aulas que ofereciam eram as do seu edifício. So anyway, it's, it's interesting. It will be interesting to see in all areas, how much, how much, I guess, change there, there ends up being and how much sort of people will just go back to the way it was before. Será interesante ver en todas las áreas, cuánto, cuánto, supongo, cambio allí, termina siendo y cuánto tipo de personas simplemente volver a la forma en que era antes. Sarà interessante vedere in tutte le aree quanto, quanto, immagino, cambierà lì, finirà per esserci e quante persone torneranno com'erano prima. 我想,观察各个地区会发生多大程度的变化、最终会有多少人会回到以前的状态,这将会很有趣。

Elle: I wonder. I feel like in a lot of cases, it's just going to be, there'll be a time where things are a little different and then we'll just kind of drift into the way things were. Creo que, en muchos casos, habrá un momento en que las cosas serán un poco diferentes y luego volveremos a ser como antes. Sinto que, em muitos casos, vai haver uma altura em que as coisas vão ser um pouco diferentes e, depois, voltamos ao que eram. 我觉得在很多情况下,总会有一段时间,事情会有所不同,然后我们就会回到原来的样子。 I don't know. We'll see.

But some things have, have to stay different, I think. Ma alcune cose devono restare diverse, credo. 但我认为,有些事情必须保持不同。 Um, but yeah.


I kind of feel like a lot of stuff will go back to the way it was before. Sento che molte cose torneranno com'erano prima.

Like it just isn't long enough for, to significantly change those patterns. Als wäre es einfach nicht lang genug, um diese Muster signifikant zu ändern. Come se non fosse abbastanza a lungo per cambiare in modo significativo quei modelli. But there, there, there will be some change. There's no question like um, you know, some of the things I think in health, like the tele, tele-health like, why was that not available before? 毫无疑问,嗯,你知道,我认为在健康方面的一些事情,比如远程、远程医疗之类的,为什么以前没有?

Mark: Yeah, for sure. That's been great. Yeah.

A lot of, a lot of appointments can just be over the phone. Molti, molti appuntamenti possono essere solo per telefono. 很多很多约会都可以通过电话进行。

There's no way to go anywhere. 哪儿也去不了。 Right. So it just, yeah. It makes everything a lot easier. 它让一切变得更加容易。 Yeah. 是的。

I feel like socially, we will stay different, uh, in terms of, you know, there's like a shared anxiety that we have now about touching anything, touching each other, touching our faces, you know? |||||||||||||||||Commonly experienced||||||||||||||our own faces|| Um, so I, I think that's a positive. Um, quindi io, penso che sia positivo.

I think maybe people will just be less gross, wash their hands more and if they're sick, stay home because no one else, you know, everyone else wants to stay healthy. |||||||||clean their hands||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||nojento|||||||||||||||||||||| 我想也许人们会变得不那么粗鲁,多洗手,如果他们生病了,就呆在家里,因为没有其他人,你知道,其他人都想保持健康。