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Graded Readers - Short Stories, Learn English through story | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills

Learn English through story | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills

man by tc jup

chapter one a letter for adam

one day a postman came to my village

the postman brought me a letter from my son Saul.

"Is your name adam?"

the postman asked. yes i said

i've got a letter for you the postman

read the envelope

adam of the village of minta

a letter for me who is it from

i asked the postman looked at the

envelope again

from saul he said

he gave me the letter and walked away

martha martha i called to my wife

come here we have a letter from our

son's soul

martha came out and looked at the letter

she was excited but she was also worried

a letter from seoul she said

is he alive and well i'm going to find

the school teacher

he can read the letter

there was no school 50 years ago

so i cannot read or write

i live in a small village the only work

is farming

my only son saul left the village two

years ago

and my three daughters are married seoul

is making a lot of money

in a foreign country

martha and the school teacher came back

a lot of other people came everyone

wanted to hear my letter the school


opened the envelope and read the letter

20 taylor street london e19

england 16th of march

dear father i am living in london

i have a job in a factory the work is

very hard

i often work at night but the pay is


i am well and i live with people from my


i am sending you 100 pounds

in this letter this is for you

and my mother love to you and mother


100 pounds i said to the school teacher

you're wrong it's a mistake

no the school teacher said i'm not wrong

it's not a mistake here is the money

and he gave me a piece of paper

what is this i asked a money

order the school teacher said go to


take this money order to the post office

in darpur

the money order is worth 100 pounds

the post office official will give you

the money

100 pounds i said again

everyone laughed and said adam you are a

rich man

you can buy many things for your farm

and for your house

and i can buy some good food and drink

in darpur

i am going to give a party for you all

i told my friends martha said

saul is a good son

that evening the village people talked

about the money order

and my money martha and i also talked

about the money

we needed many things for the farm

chapter 2 adam

next morning i got up very early it was


and everyone was asleep but i was going

to darpur

i washed and dressed carefully i put on

my best clothes

and i carried my best stick i put the

money order carefully in my pocket

and i said goodbye to martha

i walked 10 miles to the main road

i sat down at the main road and ate my


i waited for the bus i waited for two

hours then the bus came

and i got up


it is a long way to darpur the bus

takes three hours i arrived in darpur

and walked to the post office


i do not often go to darpur i only know

the market

and one shop this is the shop of rick

i buy things for my farm from rick

there were a lot of people in the post


i asked about money orders a man

showed me the cue there was a long line

of people

and i waited at the back

finally it was my turn i was at the

front of the queue

but the official did not serve me

excuse me i said it's my turn

i'm next you are next

old man i'm very busy the official said

look at my papers look at all these


i am very busy and you must wait

so i waited finally the official looked

at me

what do you want he asked i gave him my

money order

this is my money order for 100 pounds

i replied the official held out his hand

identity card he said

excuse me i don't understand i replied

your identity card the official said


give me your identity card

what is an identity card i asked

i can't give you any money for this

money order

first i must see your identity card

your identity card gives your name and

your address

your identity card describes you there

is a photograph of you

in your identity card i don't know you

who are you the official was a little


but i was also angry who am i

i said everyone knows me i am adam of

the village of minta

i haven't got an identity card and i

don't need an identity card

old man i'm very busy and you're very

stupid the official said who are you

where is minter give me my money

give me my 100 pounds i said

the official looked angry and said show


your identity card i don't know you

the official gave back my money order

and he turned away

where can i buy an identity card i asked

the official

he did not speak to me he did not answer

go to the ministry of the interior a man


he was standing in the queue and he told

me the way

chapter 3 an identity card

i walked to the ministry of the interior

i waited in another queue i spoke to

another official

i asked for an identity card

fill in this application form the

official said and bring the form

and three photographs of yourself and

two pounds

come back tomorrow tomorrow

i said can i have an identity card today


i live in minta i live five hours

journey from darpur

i'm an old man yes come back tomorrow

and the official turned away

i walked away from the ministry of the


i walked to the market at the market i

looked at everyone

i was looking for a man from my village

but i could not find a villager

so then i walked to the shop of rick

i spoke to rick i want an identity card

i told him but i need three photographs

of myself

i see you need some photographs

and he showed me the way to a


i found the house the photographer was

asleep but he came to me quickly

the man's clothes were dirty and he

looked tired

i need an identity card i said i want

three photographs of myself yes

you want three photographs of yourself

the photographer replied and i take

very good photographs come and see my


we walked into his room in the middle of

the room was a large camera

this is the best camera in darpur this

camera is

very very good the photographer said

proudly i've never seen a camera

i said i don't know about cameras hurry

up and take a photograph of me

please do not hurry me old man

the photographer said i am an artist

and he gave me a mirror and a comb

i don't want a mirror i don't want a

comb please

take my photograph i'm going to minter

this afternoon

and i'm in a hurry i said yes

he said but first the price this

is the best camera in darpur and i'm the

best photographer

three photographs will cost you two

pounds fifty

two pounds fifty and i laughed

two pounds fifty and pay me now please

the photographer answered i did not know

the price of photographs

what could i do then the photographer


you're an old man for you the price is

two pounds

so i gave him the money and he took the


come back tomorrow morning he said i

want my three photographs now

immediately i said don't be stupid

the photographer said photographs take

24 hours

come back tomorrow what could i do

so i said yes tomorrow morning

good said the photographer now go i have

a lot of work

i'm very busy i went back to the bus


i sat on the bus for three hours i


10 miles back to my village

it was night time and i was very tired

martha and my friends were waiting for


where is the money marta asked

i have no money i cannot change the

money order

first i must have an identity card

and i told martha everything

tomorrow i'm going to darpur again i


then i did not talk again i was very


and it was late at night i lay on my bed

and i slept

chapter four no

i woke up late the next morning the sun

was already high

i did not walk to the main road and

catch a bus

all the buses go to darpur early in the


so i stayed at home on wednesday i was

still very tired

i rested and talked to the villagers

about the money order

i told them about the identity card and

the photographer

the school teacher said yes the official

is correct

in a post office you always show your

identity card

the school teacher filled in my

application form for an identity card

application form for identity card

name adam jamai

address village of minta

age 72 years

place of birth village of minta

occupation farmer

color of eyes brown

on thursday i traveled to darpur again

i walked to the main road and i caught a


in darpur i walked to the house of the


i knocked on the door of the house


no one came to the door i knocked again

loudly with my stick

a woman opened the door who are you

what do you want she asked can i have my

photographs please

i said your photographs i have no


the woman replied i came here on tuesday

where is the photographer i asked he's


he's not here and the woman closed the


i shouted at her i'm waiting here for


after a long time the photographer came


he looked tired and he smelled of beer

give me my photographs i said i have

waited a long time for you

the photographer looked at me and said i

don't know

you old man what photographs are you

talking about

my three photographs from my identity


i paid you two pounds for them on

tuesday give me my photographs

immediately all my money

your photographs your money what are you

talking about the photographer said show

me the paper show me the receipt for

your money

my receipt i asked yes

where is your receipt the photographer


you didn't give me a receipt i shouted

give me my photographs on my money


and i hit the photographer hard with my


i am old but i am still strong

the photographer fell on the ground he


help help this old man is killing me

and i hit him hard again lots of people


out of their houses i hit the

photographer again

and two men held me i could not get away

from the two men

the photographer was very angry and i

was very angry

lots of people were shouting then a

policeman came

the photographer shouted to the

policeman this old man hit me three

times with his stick

he's a thief and a murderer he wants my


the policeman held my arm and said come

with me to the police station

i did not say anything we walked to the

police station

at the police station the policeman

asked me

did you hit that man three times

yes i said he didn't give me my


show me your identity card said the


i am adam of minter village i replied

and i haven't got an identity card

old man said the policeman go back to

your village

don't come here and fight keep out of


and he pushed me into the street

i went back to my village i was tired

and angry

chapter five adam changes his money


next day i told my story to all the


the villagers were angry martha was very


she said saul is working very hard

he is sending money and we can't have

the money what are we going to do

i did not know then in the evening the

school teacher came to my house again

adam perhaps i can help you the school

teacher said

here is a letter to mr sheth mr sheth

i said who is he he's an important man

in darpur and he's a friend of my wife's


replied the school teacher this letter

is to mr sheth

the letter is about your money order

perhaps he can help you

i took the letter and thanked the school


so i traveled to darpur again on


for the third time after a long time i

found mr sheth's house

the door was opened by a tall man

can i see mr sheth i asked

and who are you the tall man asked i

have a letter from mr sheth

i replied i see can i have the letter


and the tall man held out his hand the

letter is here

i said and i took the letter out of my


but i must see mr sheth many people want

to see mr sheth

the tall man told me he is a very busy

man and a very

important man mr sheth is not here at

the moment

but give me your letter and mr sheth

will read it later

i gave the tall man the letter then i


later a large black car came

and the man went into the house

a long time later the tall man opened

the door again

come in now please and follow me he said

i followed the tall man we went into a

large room with fine

carpets and big chairs another man was

in the room

he was drinking this is mr sheth

he said the tall man i am adam

of minter village i replied

yes i know said mr sheth

thank you for the letter i hope i can

help you

i like to help people please

sit down mr sheth smiled

his clothes were new and smart

thank you i said can i see the money

order please

mr sheth asked i took the money order

out of my pocket

by now the money order was dirty and

looked very old

i gave it to mr sheth

this money order is for 100 pounds

i said my son sent it from a foreign


mr sheth unfolded the money order and

looked at it

you can't change this money order he


this money order is not worth 100 pounds

but this money order is worth nothing

worth nothing worthless

i asked then mr sheth looked at the

money order again

yes worthless your son does not

understand about

money orders this money order is not

correct for our country mr sheth said

then he looked at the money order again

and said

and this money order is also old

it is out of date

i said nothing mr sheth gave me the

money order back

then mr sheth smiled and said

i am very sorry you are an old man

you came a long way from your village

what can i give you to eat and drink

i was not hungry but mr sheth went out

of the room

then he brought me some coffee and some


i drank my coffee old man

said mr sheth i like to help people

i am a rich man give me your money order

i gave my money order to mr sheth

yes this money order is worthless

he said again but i am going to help you

i am going to change this money order

for you

i am going to give you some money

mr sheth went out of the room i felt

very happy again

after a few minutes the tall man came

into the room

he gave me an envelope this is from mr


you can go now the tall man said

i went out of the house i walked along

the road to the bus station

i opened the envelope and i took out my


i counted the money

it was 10 pounds

i thought about my only son's soul

my son saul had sent me a money order

for one

hundred pounds mr sheth had given me

ten pounds i felt old

and i felt poor again


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Learn English through story | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Apprendre|||||||||||| ||||||||Rich individual|||| Học hỏi|||||||||||| İngilizce öğren|||||||||||| |Učite se angleščine|skozi|zgodba|Ocenjeno|||Bogataš||||| ||||||||||男の人|| |||||||||||Inglés| Učte se anglicky prostřednictvím příběhu | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Englisch lernen durch Geschichten | Graded Reader Level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Learn English through story | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Aprender inglés a través de la historia | Lector graduado nivel 1 | Hombre rico, hombre pobre | Habilidades en inglés Apprendre l'anglais par l'histoire | Lecteur gradué niveau 1 | Homme riche, homme pauvre | Compétences en anglais Imparare l'inglese attraverso la storia | Lettore graduato di livello 1 | Rich man, poor man | Abilità inglesi ストーリーで英語を学ぶ|Graded reader level 1|リッチマン、プアマン|英語力アップ 이야기를 통해 영어 배우기 | 초급 읽기 레벨 1 | 부자, 가난한 사람 | 영어 기술 Nauka angielskiego poprzez opowiadanie | Graded reader poziom 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Aprender inglês através de uma história | Graded reader nível 1 | Rich man, poor man | Competências em inglês Изучение английского языка через рассказ | Graded reader level 1 | Rich man, poor man | English Skills Hikaye yoluyla İngilizce öğrenin | Sınıflandırılmış okuyucu seviye 1 | Zengin adam, fakir adam | İngilizce Becerileri Вивчаємо англійську через історію | Рівень читання 1 | Багач, бідняк | Навички англійської мови 通过故事学英语 |分级读者级别 1 |富人,穷人 |英语技能 通过故事学英语 |分级读者级别 1 |富人,穷人 |英语技能 通過故事學英語 |分級讀者級別 1 |富人,窮人 |英語技能

man by tc jup |||человек по имени Джуп ||The Chosen| ||de|jup ||hombre por tc|hombre por TC Jup ||moški pri tc|moški pri TC Jup رجل من تي سي جوب ティ・シー・ジャップ tc jup 的男人

chapter one a letter for adam |||letter||a person's name |||carta||Adán capítulo uno una carta para Adán глава 1 письмо для адама 第一章 给亚当的一封信

one day a postman came to my village |||mail carrier||||village ||||geldi||| |||cartero|vino||| ذات يوم جاء ساعي بريد إلى قريتي un día un cartero llegó a mi pueblo 어느 날 우체부가 우리 마을에 왔어요 Однажды в мою деревню пришел почтальон. 有一天,一位邮递员来到我的村庄

the postman brought me a letter from my son Saul. |||||||||Saul ||getirdi||||||| ||trajo|||||||Saúl ||prinesel||||||| أحضر لي ساعي البريد رسالة مني El cartero me trajo una carta de mi hijo Saúl. 우체부가 제 아들 사울에게서 온 편지를 가지고 왔습니다. почтальон принес мне письмо от моего сына Саула. postacı bana oğlum Saul'dan bir mektup getirdi. 邮递员给我带来一封来自我家的信 邮递员给我带来一封来自我家的信

"Is your name adam?" ابن شاول. "هل اسمك آدم؟" "¿Tu nombre es Adán?" "Тебя зовут Адам?" "Adın Adam mı?" 儿子扫罗。 “你叫亚当吗?”

the postman asked. yes i said preguntó el cartero. Sí dije Почтальон спросил. Да, я сказал. Postacı sordu. Evet dedim.

i've got a letter for you the postman |||written message|||| tengo||||||| tengo una carta para ti del cartero У меня есть для вас письмо от почтальона Sana bir mektubum var postacı. 我有一封信给邮递员你

read the envelope ||Прочитай конверт ||envelope ||Zarfı oku Leer el sobre||Lee el sobre. اقرأ المغلف lee el sobre Прочтите конверт zarfı okuyun 阅读信封

adam of the village of minta |||||деревня Минта |||||Minta |||aldea de Minta||aldea de Minta آدم من قرية مينتا adam del pueblo de minta adam del villaggio di minta Адам из деревни Минта minta köyünden adam 明塔村的亚当

a letter for me who is it from رسالة لي من هو una carta para mí, ¿de quién es? Bana bir mektup. Kimden? 谁给我的一封信

i asked the postman looked at the سألت ساعي البريد نظر في le pregunté al cartero que la miró de nuevo Postacıya sordum. 我问邮递员看了

envelope again مغلف مرة أخرى sobre el sobre 再次信封

from saul he said قال عن شاول 他说扫罗

he gave me the letter and walked away |deu|||||| أعطاني الرسالة وغادر Он отдал мне письмо и ушел. 他把信给了我然后走开了

martha martha i called to my wife |||seslendim||| مارثا مارثا اتصلت بزوجتي 玛莎玛莎我打电话给我的妻子

come here we have a letter from our |||sahip olmak|||| 过来,我们有一封来自我们的信

son's soul |душа сына oğlunun| |alma

martha came out and looked at the letter 玛莎出来看着信

she was excited but she was also worried ||взволнована|||||обеспокоена |||||||endişeliydi |||||||preocupada 她很兴奋,但她也很担心

a letter from seoul she said |||Сеула|| |||from Seoul|| قالت رسالة من سيول 她说一封来自首尔的信

is he alive and well i'm going to find ||жив и здоров|||||| هل هو على قيد الحياة وبصحة جيدة سأجد je naživu a v pořádku, chystám se ho najít. Czy on żyje i ma się dobrze? Он жив и здоров, я собираюсь найти 他還活著嗎?我要去找到他

the school teacher مدرس المدرسة učitel ve škole pedagog szkolny школьный учитель 学校老师

he can read the letter يمكنه قراءة الرسالة může si dopis přečíst może przeczytać list он может прочитать письмо 他可以读信

there was no school 50 years ago لم تكن هناك مدرسة منذ 50 عامًا před 50 lety žádná škola neexistovala 50 lat temu nie było szkoły 50 лет назад здесь не было школы. 50年前没有学校

so i cannot read or write لذلك لا أستطيع القراءة أو الكتابة takže nemohu číst ani psát więc nie mogę czytać ani pisać поэтому я не могу ни читать, ни писать 所以我不能读或写

i live in a small village the only work أعيش في قرية صغيرة العمل الوحيد žiji v malé vesnici, kde je jediná práce 我住在一个小村庄唯一的工作

is farming |занимается сельским хозяйством هو الزراعة je zemědělství

my only son saul left the village two můj jediný syn saul opustil vesnici ve dvou letech Мой единственный сын Саул покинул деревню два 我唯一的儿子索尔离开了村子二

years ago před lety

and my three daughters are married seoul ||||||to Seoul |||hijas||| a mé tři dcery se provdaly do Soulu 我的三个女儿都嫁给了首尔

is making a lot of money يجني الكثير من المال vydělává spoustu peněz зарабатывает много денег 赚了很多钱

in a foreign country ||estrangeira| في بلد أجنبي v cizí zemi в другой стране 在国外

martha and the school teacher came back عادت مارثا ومعلم المدرسة Marta a učitelka se vrátily Марта и школьный учитель вернулись 玛莎和学校老师回来了

a lot of other people came everyone spousta dalších lidí přišla každý многие другие люди пришли все 很多人都来了

wanted to hear my letter the school chtěl slyšet můj dopis, který škola 想听我给学校的信

teacher učitel

opened the envelope and read the letter otevřel obálku a přečetl si dopis. 打开信封并阅读信件

20 taylor street london e19 20 taylor street london e19 20 泰勒街伦敦 e19

england 16th of march 英国 3 月 16 日

dear father i am living in london

i have a job in a factory the work is ||||||uma fábrica|||

very hard 很难

i often work at night but the pay is genellikle çalışırım|||||||| |frequentemente|||||||


i am well and i live with people from my 我很好,我和我的人住在一起


i am sending you 100 pounds ||отправляю|| ||||libras esterlinas 我寄给你 100 英镑

in this letter this is for you 在这封信中,这是给你的

and my mother love to you and mother


100 pounds i said to the school teacher 100 liber jsem řekl učiteli ve škole 100 фунтов, сказал я учителю школы 我对学校老师说的 100 磅

you're wrong it's a mistake |неправильный|||ошибка mýlíte se, je to chyba それは間違いだ ты ошибаешься, это ошибка 你错了这是一个错误

no the school teacher said i'm not wrong Ne, učitelka řekla, že se nemýlím. нет, сказал учитель школы, я не ошибаюсь 不,学校老师说我没有错

it's not a mistake here is the money Není to chyba, tady jsou peníze. это не ошибка вот деньги 这不是错误,这是钱

and he gave me a piece of paper a dal mi kus papíru и он дал мне лист бумаги 他给了我一张纸

what is this i asked a money Co to je, zeptal jsem se na peníze これは何なんだ? Что это такое? 这是什么,我要钱

order the school teacher said go to 명령|||||| objednat učitel řekl jít do に行くようにと先生に言われた。 приказ школьного учителя: "Идите в 命令学校老师说去

darpur Дарпур Sorry, I can't help with that. darpur 다르푸르 ダールプール I'm sorry, but "darpur" does not appear to be a recognizable word in English. Could you please provide more context or check for any spelling errors? дарпур

take this money order to the post office отнесите этот денежный перевод в почтовое отделение 拿着这张汇票去邮局

in darpur 在達爾布爾

the money order is worth 100 pounds ||||가치가 있는| ||||vale| 这张汇票价值 100 英镑

the post office official will give you 邮局官员会给你

the money

100 pounds i said again

everyone laughed and said adam you are a |laughter|||||| 每个人都笑着说亚当你是

rich man

you can buy many things for your farm 你可以为你的农场买很多东西

and for your house 和你的房子

and i can buy some good food and drink 我可以买些好吃的喝的

in darpur 在达尔布尔

i am going to give a party for you all 我要为你们举办一个派对

i told my friends martha said 我告诉我的朋友玛莎说

saul is a good son

that evening the village people talked 那天晚上村里的人说

about the money order 关于汇票

and my money martha and i also talked ||||||también|hablamos 还有我的钱 玛莎和我也谈过

about the money

we needed many things for the farm 我们农场需要很多东西

chapter 2 adam 第二章亚当

next morning i got up very early it was


and everyone was asleep but i was going

to darpur

i washed and dressed carefully i put on 我小心翼翼地洗了衣服 我穿上了

my best clothes

and i carried my best stick i put the |||||walking stick||| |||||değnek||| |||||bastón||| ||levei|||pau||| a já jsem si vzal svou nejlepší hůl, kterou jsem dal を入れ、ベストスティックを担ぎました。 我帶著我最好的棍子,我把

money order carefully in my pocket 小為替はポケットに大切に 汇票小心地放在我的口袋里

and i said goodbye to martha 我和玛莎说再见

i walked 10 miles to the main road |||||estrada principal|estrada principal 我走了 10 英里到主干道

i sat down at the main road and ate my ||||||||съел мой| |me senté|||||||| |me sentei||||principal|||até| 我坐在主干道上吃我的


i waited for the bus i waited for two 我在等公共汽车 我等了两个

hours then the bus came 几个小时,然后公共汽车来了

and i got up 我起床了

[Applause] Audience clapping [掌聲]

it is a long way to darpur the bus 坐公共汽车去达普尔还有很长的路要走

takes three hours i arrived in darpur ||||cheguei|| 花了三个小时我到达了达普尔

and walked to the post office 然后走到邮局

immediately 즉시 without delay Hemen 立即地

i do not often go to darpur i only know |||자주||||||

the market 市场

and one shop this is the shop of rick ||||||||Rick's shop ||||||||Rick'in dükkanı 还有一家商店,这是里克的商店

i buy things for my farm from rick |||||||Rick 我从瑞克那里为我的农场买东西

there were a lot of people in the post |havia||||||| 帖子里有很多人 帖子裡有很多人


i asked about money orders a man 我问了一个男人关于汇票的事

showed me the cue there was a long line |||сигнал||||| |||signal|||||queue |||sinal||||| |||신호||||| |||işaret||||| |||合図||||| |||señal||||| показал мне реплику, что там длинная очередь. 向我展示了排长队的提示

of people людей

and i waited at the back а я ждал сзади.

finally it was my turn i was at the Наконец настал мой черед, я был в 终于轮到我了

front of the queue |||очередь |||줄 서다 |||列の先頭 |||fila впереди очереди 排在前面

but the official did not serve me |||||제공하지 않았다| |||||me atendió| mas|||||atendeu| но чиновник не обслуживал меня 但是官方没有为我服务 但官方沒有為我服務

excuse me i said it's my turn Извините, я сказал, что сейчас моя очередь. 对不起,我说轮到我了

i'm next you are next Я следующий, ты следующий 我是下一个你是下一个

old man i'm very busy the official said старик, я очень занят, - сказал чиновник. 老人我很忙官方说

look at my papers look at all these Посмотрите на мои бумаги, посмотрите на все эти 看看我的论文看看所有这些 看看我的論文 看看所有這些

people люди 人们

i am very busy and you must wait ||||||deve esperar| Я очень занят, и вы должны подождать 我很忙,你必须等待 我很忙,你必須等一下

so i waited finally the official looked |||||yetkili kişi| Так что я ждал, пока официальный представитель

at me на меня 对我

what do you want he asked i gave him my Что ты хочешь, спросил он, я дал ему свой 你想要什么他问我给了他我的

money order |ordem de pagamento денежный перевод 汇票

this is my money order for 100 pounds это мой денежный перевод на 100 фунтов 这是我 100 英镑的汇票

i replied the official held out his hand ||||extendió||| ||||estendeu|estendeu|| Я ответил, чиновник протянул руку. 我回答说官员伸出了他的手 我回答說,官員伸出了手

identity card he said удостоверение личности||| kimlik kartı||| 신원||| удостоверение личности, сказал он. 他说的身份证 他說身份證

excuse me i don't understand i replied Извините, я не понимаю, - ответил я. 对不起,我不明白我回答了

your identity card the official said 官员说你的身份证


give me your identity card 给我你的身份证

what is an identity card i asked 我问的是什么身份证

i can't give you any money for this 我不能为此给你任何钱

money order 汇票

first i must see your identity card ||devo ver|ver|||

your identity card gives your name and 你的身份证上有你的名字和

your address

your identity card describes you there |||설명하는|| 你的身份证在那里描述了你

is a photograph of you 是你的照片

in your identity card i don't know you 在你的身份证上我不认识你

who are you the official was a little kdo jsi, úředník byl trochu 你是谁 官方有点


but i was also angry who am i 但我也很生气我是谁

i said everyone knows me i am adam of 我说每个人都知道我我是亚当

the village of minta |||민타 마을 敏塔村

i haven't got an identity card and i |não tenho||||||

don't need an identity card

old man i'm very busy and you're very 老人我很忙而你很忙

stupid the official said who are you 傻逼官方说你是谁

where is minter give me my money ||чеканщик|||| ||coin maker|||| ||darphane nerede|||| kde je minter dejte mi moje peníze где шахтер, отдай мне мои деньги 铸币商在哪 把我的钱给我

give me my 100 pounds i said 给我我说的 100 磅

the official looked angry and said show 官方一脸愤怒的说show


your identity card i don't know you 你的身份证我不认识你

the official gave back my money order ||devolvió|devolvió||| 官员退还了我的汇票

and he turned away ||se dio la vuelta| 他转身离开

where can i buy an identity card i asked

the official 官方

he did not speak to me he did not answer 他没有跟我说话 他没有回答

go to the ministry of the interior a man |||Министерство внутренних дел|||Министерство внутренних дел|| |||内政部|||Home Affairs|| |||부처|||내부|| |||内務省|||内務省|| 一个人去内政部


he was standing in the queue and he told |||||очередь||| 他站在队列中,他告诉

me the way mi cestu 我的方式

chapter 3 an identity card

i walked to the ministry of the interior 我走到内政部

i waited in another queue i spoke to ||||another line||| ||||||falei com| 我在另一个队列中等候 我在另一個隊列中等待與我交談

another official 另一名官员

i asked for an identity card

fill in this application form the заполните||||| |||신청서|| |||申込書|| preencha||||| 填写此申请表 填寫此申請表

official said and bring the form |||принести|| 官员说并带上表格

and three photographs of yourself and 和你自己的三张照片

two pounds

come back tomorrow tomorrow 明天再来

i said can i have an identity card today 我说我今天可以拿身份证吗


i live in minta i live five hours 我住在 minta 我住五个小时

journey from darpur путешествие из Дарпура|| 从达普尔出发

i'm an old man yes come back tomorrow Jsem starý muž, ano, přijďte zítra. 我是个老人是的明天回来

and the official turned away |||virou-se| 官员转身离开

i walked away from the ministry of the 我离开了政府部门

interior iç mekan 内部的

i walked to the market at the market i 我走到市场我

looked at everyone 看着每个人

i was looking for a man from my village |estava||||||| 我在找我村里的男人

but i could not find a villager ||||||local resident ||podia|||| ale nemohl jsem najít vesničana 但我找不到村民

so then i walked to the shop of rick ||||||||Rick's Tak jsem šel do Rickova obchodu. 于是我走到了瑞克的商店

i spoke to rick i want an identity card |||Рик||||| 我和里克谈过我想要一张身份证 我和里克談過,我想要一張身份證

i told him but i need three photographs 我告诉他,但我需要三张照片

of myself 自己

i see you need some photographs

and he showed me the way to a 他给我指路


i found the house the photographer was 我找到了摄影师所在的房子

asleep but he came to me quickly dormindo|||||| 睡着了但他很快就来找我

the man's clothes were dirty and he 那人的衣服很脏,他

looked tired 看起来很累

i need an identity card i said i want 我需要身份证我说我想要

three photographs of myself yes 我自己的三张照片 是的

you want three photographs of yourself 你想要三张你自己的照片

the photographer replied and i take 摄影师回答,我拍

very good photographs come and see my 很好的照片 来看看我的

camera 相机

we walked into his room in the middle of 我们走进他的房间

the room was a large camera 房间里有一个大相机

this is the best camera in darpur this 这是达普尔最好的相机

camera is

very very good the photographer said 很好很好摄影师说

proudly i've never seen a camera with pride||||| |eu tenho|nunca||| гордо, что я никогда не видел камеры 自豪的是我从未见过相机 自豪的是我從未見過相機

i said i don't know about cameras hurry |||||||поторопись |||||||apressa-te Я сказал, что не знаю о спешке с камерами. 我说我不知道相机快点

up and take a photograph of me поднимись и сфотографируй меня 起来给我拍张照片

please do not hurry me old man |||rush||| 请不要催促我老人家

the photographer said i am an artist 摄影师说我是艺术家

and he gave me a mirror and a comb ||||||||гребень ||||||||tarak ||||||||um pente 他给了我一面镜子和一把梳子

i don't want a mirror i don't want a 我不想要镜子 我不想要

comb please 请梳理

take my photograph i'm going to minter 拍下我的照片,我要去铸造

this afternoon

and i'm in a hurry i said yes 我很着急,我说是的

he said but first the price this 他说但首先这个价格

is the best camera in darpur and i'm the 是达普尔最好的相机,我是

best photographer 最佳摄影师

three photographs will cost you two

pounds fifty пятьдесят фунтов 五十英镑

two pounds fifty and i laughed два фунта пятьдесят, и я рассмеялся. 二英镑五十,我笑了

two pounds fifty and pay me now please два фунта пятьдесят и заплатите мне сейчас, пожалуйста. 两英镑五十,请现在付钱给我

the photographer answered i did not know фотограф ответил: "Я не знаю 摄影师回答我不知道

the price of photographs стоимость фотографий 照片的价格

what could i do then the photographer что я могу сделать с фотографом 那摄影师我该怎么办

said сказал

you're an old man for you the price is ты старик, для тебя цена - 你是个老人 对你来说代价是

two pounds два фунта 2磅

so i gave him the money and he took the Я дал ему деньги, и он взял 所以我给了他钱,他拿走了

photographs фотографии

come back tomorrow morning he said i приходи завтра утром, он сказал, что я 明天早上回来他说我

want my three photographs now хочу получить свои три фотографии сейчас 现在想要我的三张照片

immediately i said don't be stupid |||||не глупи Я сразу сказал, не будь дураком. 我立刻说别傻了

the photographer said photographs take фотограф сказал, что фотографии делают 摄影师说照片拍

24 hours 24 часа

come back tomorrow what could i do Приходите завтра, что я могу сделать? 明天回来我能做什么 明天回來我能做什麼

so i said yes tomorrow morning Так что я согласилась завтра утром. 所以我明天早上说好

good said the photographer now go i have Хорошо сказал фотограф, теперь иди, у меня есть 摄影师说得好 现在我有

a lot of work много работы 很多工作

i'm very busy i went back to the bus 我很忙,我回到了公共汽车 我很忙,我回到公共汽車上


i sat on the bus for three hours i 我在公共汽车上坐了三个小时


10 miles back to my village

it was night time and i was very tired

martha and my friends were waiting for


where is the money marta asked

i have no money i cannot change the

money order

first i must have an identity card

and i told martha everything

tomorrow i'm going to darpur again i


then i did not talk again i was very


and it was late at night i lay on my bed

and i slept ||dormi 我睡了

chapter four no

i woke up late the next morning the sun

was already high |já estava|alto 已經很高了

i did not walk to the main road and

catch a bus pegar||

all the buses go to darpur early in the


so i stayed at home on wednesday i was

still very tired

i rested and talked to the villagers |отдохнул||||| ||||||local residents ||||||마을 사람들 |descansei||||| 我休息並與村民交談

about the money order

i told them about the identity card and

the photographer

the school teacher said yes the official

is correct |정확한

in a post office you always show your 在郵局你總是展示你的

identity card

the school teacher filled in my

application form for an identity card 身份證申請表

application form for identity card

name adam jamai 亞當·賈邁伊

address village of minta

age 72 years

place of birth village of minta

occupation farmer 農業従事者|

color of eyes brown

on thursday i traveled to darpur again

i walked to the main road and i caught a ||||||||peguei um|


in darpur i walked to the house of the


i knocked on the door of the house


no one came to the door i knocked again

loudly with my stick

a woman opened the door who are you

what do you want she asked can i have my

photographs please

i said your photographs i have no


the woman replied i came here on tuesday

where is the photographer i asked he's


he's not here and the woman closed the


i shouted at her i'm waiting here for |крикнул|||||| |gritei|||||| Я крикнул ей, что жду здесь.

him ему

after a long time the photographer came через некоторое время пришел фотограф

back назад

he looked tired and he smelled of beer |||||пахло|| |||||cheirava a|| он выглядел усталым и от него пахло пивом 他看上去很疲憊,身上有啤酒味

give me my photographs i said i have Отдайте мне мои фотографии, которые, как я сказал, у меня есть.

waited a long time for you долго ждал тебя

the photographer looked at me and said i фотограф посмотрел на меня и сказал, что я

don't know не знаю

you old man what photographs are you Ты, старик, какие у тебя фотографии

talking about разговор о

my three photographs from my identity три мои фотографии из моей личности


i paid you two pounds for them on

tuesday give me my photographs

immediately all my money

your photographs your money what are you

talking about the photographer said show

me the paper show me the receipt for ||||||recibo|

your money

my receipt i asked yes |мой чек||| Моя расписка, я спрашивал, да.

where is your receipt the photographer |||fişiniz nerede|| где ваша расписка фотографа

asked спросил

you didn't give me a receipt i shouted Вы не дали мне расписку, я кричал.

give me my photographs on my money


and i hit the photographer hard with my ||vurdum||||| ||bastão|||||

stick çubuk

i am old but i am still strong

the photographer fell on the ground he ||caiu no chão|||| 攝影師摔倒在地


help help this old man is killing me

and i hit him hard again lots of people


out of their houses i hit the |das|||||

photographer again

and two men held me i could not get away |||||||||멀리 |||me seguraram|||||| 兩個男人抓住了我,我無法逃脫

from the two men

the photographer was very angry and i

was very angry

lots of people were shouting then a

policeman came

the photographer shouted to the ||крикнул фотографу||

policeman this old man hit me three

times with his stick

he's a thief and a murderer he wants my ||вор|||||| ||hırsız|||katil||| ||도둑|||||| ||ladrão|||assassino||| 他是一個小偷和一個殺人犯,他想要我的


the policeman held my arm and said come

with me to the police station

i did not say anything we walked to the

police station

at the police station the policeman

asked me

did you hit that man three times вы ударили этого человека три раза

yes i said he didn't give me my Да, я сказала, что он не отдал мне мой

photographs фотографии

show me your identity card said the покажите мне ваше удостоверение личности, сказал

policeman полицейский

i am adam of minter village i replied ||||da aldeia Minter||| Я Адам из деревни Минтер, я ответил.

and i haven't got an identity card и у меня нет удостоверения личности

old man said the policeman go back to старик сказал, что полицейский вернулся в

your village

don't come here and fight keep out of ||||драться||| 不要來這裡打架


and he pushed me into the street ||толкнул|||| ||empurrou|||| 他把我推到街上

i went back to my village i was tired

and angry |e com raiva

chapter five adam changes his money


next day i told my story to all the


the villagers were angry martha was very ||estavam||||


she said saul is working very hard

he is sending money and we can't have

the money what are we going to do

i did not know then in the evening the

school teacher came to my house again

adam perhaps i can help you the school |아마|||||| |talvez||||||

teacher said

here is a letter to mr sheth mr sheth 這是給謝斯先生的一封信 謝斯先生

i said who is he he's an important man

in darpur and he's a friend of my wife's

cousin primo 表哥

replied the school teacher this letter

is to mr sheth

the letter is about your money order

perhaps he can help you

i took the letter and thanked the school


so i traveled to darpur again on


for the third time after a long time i

found mr sheth's house

the door was opened by a tall man ||||||alto|

can i see mr sheth i asked

and who are you the tall man asked i

have a letter from mr sheth 有謝斯先生的來信

i replied i see can i have the letter


and the tall man held out his hand the ||||протянул||||

letter is here

i said and i took the letter out of my


but i must see mr sheth many people want

to see mr sheth

the tall man told me he is a very busy

man and a very

important man mr sheth is not here at

the moment

but give me your letter and mr sheth

will read it later

i gave the tall man the letter then i


later a large black car came

and the man went into the house

a long time later the tall man opened

the door again

come in now please and follow me he said

i followed the tall man we went into a

large room with fine |||좋은

carpets and big chairs another man was 地毯和大椅子是另一個男人

in the room

he was drinking this is mr sheth O içiyordu.|||||| 他正在喝酒,這是謝思先生

he said the tall man i am adam

of minter village i replied

yes i know said mr sheth

thank you for the letter i hope i can

help you

i like to help people please

sit down mr sheth smiled

his clothes were new and smart |||||элегантные

thank you i said can i see the money

order please

mr sheth asked i took the money order

out of my pocket

by now the money order was dirty and ||||||더럽다|

looked very old

i gave it to mr sheth

this money order is for 100 pounds

i said my son sent it from a foreign ||||||||foreign country ||||enviou||||


mr sheth unfolded the money order and ||развернул|||| ||açtı|||| ||desdobrou||||

looked at it

you can't change this money order he


this money order is not worth 100 pounds

but this money order is worth nothing |||||ничего не стоит| |||||가치|

worth nothing worthless ||ничего не стоит ||Değersiz

i asked then mr sheth looked at the

money order again

yes worthless your son does not |무가치한|||| |sem valor||||

understand about

money orders this money order is not

correct for our country mr sheth said 올바른||||||

then he looked at the money order again

and said

and this money order is also old

it is out of date güncel değil||||

i said nothing mr sheth gave me the

money order back

then mr sheth smiled and said

i am very sorry you are an old man

you came a long way from your village |||||köyünden||

what can i give you to eat and drink

i was not hungry but mr sheth went out

of the room

then he brought me some coffee and some


i drank my coffee old man |bebi||||

said mr sheth i like to help people

i am a rich man give me your money order

i gave my money order to mr sheth

yes this money order is worthless

he said again but i am going to help you

i am going to change this money order 我要更改這張匯票

for you

i am going to give you some money 我會給你一些錢

mr sheth went out of the room i felt ||||||||почувствовал ||||||||senti

very happy again

after a few minutes the tall man came

into the room 進入那間房間

he gave me an envelope this is from mr ||||конверт||||


you can go now the tall man said

i went out of the house i walked along ||||||||ao longo de

the road to the bus station

i opened the envelope and i took out my


i counted the money

it was 10 pounds

i thought about my only son's soul ||||||душа моего сына |pensamento|||||

my son saul had sent me a money order

for one

hundred pounds mr sheth had given me

ten pounds i felt old |||느꼈다|늙은 十磅我感覺自己老了

and i felt poor again и я снова почувствовал себя бедным.

you você вы