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TED Talks Worth Sharing, Ray Kurzweil: A university for the coming singularity

Ray Kurzweil: A university for the coming singularity

Information technology grows in an exponential manner. It's not linear. And our intuition is linear. When we walked through the savanna a thousand years ago we made linear predictions where that animal would be, and that worked fine. It's hardwired in our brains. But the pace of exponential growth is really what describes information technologies. And it's not just computation. There is a big difference between linear and exponential growth. If I take 30 steps linearly -- one, two, three, four, five -- I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially -- two, four, eight, 16 -- I get to a billion. It makes a huge difference. And that really describes information technology.

When I was a student at MIT, we all shared one computer that took up a whole building. The computer in your cellphone today is a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, a thousand times more powerful. That's a billion-fold increase in capability per dollar that we've actually experienced since I was a student. And we're going to do it again in the next 25 years. Information technology progresses through a series of S-curves where each one is a different paradigm. So people say, "What's going to happen when Moore's Law comes to an end?" Which will happen around 2020. We'll then go to the next paradigm. And Moore's Law was not the first paradigm to bring exponential growth to computing. The exponential growth of computing started decades before Gordon Moore was even born. And it doesn't just apply to computation. It's really any technology where we can measure the underlying information properties. Here we have 49 famous computers. I put them in a logarithmic graph. The logarithmic scale hides the scale of the increase, because this represents trillions-fold increase since the 1890 census. In 1950s they were shrinking vacuum tubes, making them smaller and smaller. They finally hit a wall; they couldn't shrink the vacuum tube any more and keep the vacuum. And that was the end of the shrinking of vacuum tubes, but it was not the end of the exponential growth of computing. We went to the fourth paradigm, transistors, and finally integrated circuits. When that comes to an end we'll go to the sixth paradigm; three-dimensional self-organizing molecular circuits. But what's even more amazing, really, than this fantastic scale of progress, is that -- look at how predictable this is. I mean this went through thick and thin, through war and peace, through boom times and recessions. The Great Depression made not a dent in this exponential progression. We'll see the same thing in the economic recession we're having now. At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated.

And I just updated these graphs. Because I had them through 2002 in my book, "The Singularity is Near." So we updated them, so I could present it here, to 2007. And I was asked, "Well aren't you nervous? Maybe it kind of didn't stay on this exponential progression." I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn't be right, but I've done this now for 30 years, and it has stayed on this exponential progression. Look at this graph here.You could buy one transistor for a dollar in 1968. You can buy half a billion today, and they are actually better, because they are faster. But look at how predictable this is. And I'd say this knowledge is over-fitting to past data. I've been making these forward-looking predictions for about 30 years. And the cost of a transistor cycle, which is a measure of the price performance of electronics, comes down about every year. That's a 50 percent deflation rate. And it's also true of other examples, like DNA data or brain data. But we more than make up for that. We actually ship more than twice as much of every form of information technology. We've had 18 percent growth in constant dollars in every form of information technology for the last half-century, despite the fact that you can get twice as much of it each year. This is a completely different example. This is not Moore's Law. The amount of DNA data we've sequenced has doubled every year. The cost has come down by half every year. And this has been a smooth progression since the beginning of the genome project. And halfway through the project, skeptics said, "Well, this is not working out. You're halfway through the genome project and you've finished one percent of the project." But that was really right on schedule. Because if you double one percent seven more times, which is exactly what happened, you get 100 percent. And the project was finished on time.

Communication technologies: 50 different ways to measure this, the number of bits being moved around, the size of the Internet. But this has progressed at an exponential pace. This is deeply democratizing. I wrote, over 20 years ago in "The Age of Intelligent Machines," when the Soviet Union was going strong, that it would be swept away by this growth of decentralized communication. And we will have plenty of computation as we go through the 21st century to do things like simulate regions of the human brain. But where will we get the software? Some critics say, "Oh, well software is stuck in the mud." But we are learning more and more about the human brain. Spatial resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year. The amount of data we're getting about the brain is doubling every year. And we're showing that we can actually turn this data into working models and simulations of brain regions. There is about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled, simulated and tested: the auditory cortex, regions of the visual cortex; cerebellum, where we do our skill formation; slices of the cerebral cortex, where we do our rational thinking. And all of this has fueled an increase, very smooth and predictable, of productivity. We've gone from 30 dollars to 130 dollars in constant dollars in the value of an average hour of human labor, fueled by this information technology. And we're all concerned about energy and the environment. Well this is a logarithmic graph. This represents a smooth doubling, every two years, of the amount of solar energy we're creating, particularly as we're now applying nanotechnology, a form of information technology, to solar panels. And we're only eight doublings away from it meeting 100 percent of our energy needs. And there is 10 thousand times more sunlight than we need.

We ultimately will merge with this technology. It's already very close to us. When I was a student it was across campus, now it's in our pockets. What used to take up a building now fits in our pockets. What now fits in our pockets would fit in a blood cell in 25 years. And we will begin to actually deeply influence our health and our intelligence, as we get closer and closer to this technology.

Based on that we are announcing, here at TED, in true TED tradition, Singularity University. It's a new university that's founded by Peter Diamandis, who is here in the audience, and myself. It's backed by NASA and Google, and other leaders in the high-tech and science community. And our goal was to assemble the leaders, both teachers and students, in these exponentially growing information technologies, and their application. But Larry Page made an impassioned speech at our organizing meeting, saying we should devote this study to actually addressing some of the major challenges facing humanity. And if we did that, then Google would back this. And so that's what we've done. The last third of the nine-week intensive summer session will be devoted to a group project to address some major challenge of humanity. Like for example, applying the Internet, which is now ubiquitous, in the rural areas of China or in Africa, to bringing health information to developing areas of the world. And these projects will continue past these sessions, using collaborative interactive communication. All the intellectual property that is created and taught will be online and available, and developed online in a collaborative fashion.

Here is our founding meeting. But this is being announced today. It will be permanently headquartered in Silicon Valley, at the NASA Ames research center. There are different programs for graduate students, for executives at different companies. The first six tracks here -- artificial intelligence, advanced computing technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology -- are the different core areas of information technology. Then we are going to apply them to the other areas, like energy, ecology, policy law and ethics, entrepreneurship, so that people can bring these new technologies to the world.

So we're very appreciative of the support we've gotten from both the intellectual leaders, the high-tech leaders, particularly Google and NASA. This is an exciting new venture. And we invite you to participate. Thank you very much. (Applause)

Ray Kurzweil: A university for the coming singularity |||||||technologische Singularität |Ray Kurzweil|||||| Ray Kurzweil: Eine Universität für die kommende Singularität Ray Kurzweil: Ένα πανεπιστήμιο για την επερχόμενη μοναδικότητα Ray Kurzweil: Una universidad para la próxima singularidad Ray Kurzweil : Une université pour la singularité à venir Ray Kurzweil: un'università per la prossima singolarità レイ・カーツワイル:来るべきシンギュラリティのための大学 Ray Kurzweil: 다가올 특이점을 위한 대학 Ray Kurzweil: Een universiteit voor de komende singulariteit Ray Kurzweil: Uniwersytet dla nadchodzącej osobliwości Ray Kurzweil: Uma universidade para a singularidade que se aproxima Рэй Курцвейл: Университет для грядущей сингулярности Ray Kurzweil: Yaklaşan tekillik için bir üniversite Рей Курцвейл: Університет для прийдешньої сингулярності 雷·库兹韦尔:为即将到来的奇点而建的大学 雷‧庫茲韋爾:一所為即將到來的奇點而建的大學

Information technology grows in an exponential manner. ||||||exponentiell |||||üstel| 정보 기술은 기하급수적으로 성장합니다. It's not linear. 선형이 아닙니다. And our intuition is linear. ||sezgi|| 그리고 우리의 직관은 선형적입니다. When we walked through the savanna a thousand years ago we made linear predictions where that animal would be, and that worked fine. |||||savan üzerinden||||||||||||||||| 천 년 전에 우리가 사바나를 걸을 때 우리는 그 동물이 어디에 있을지 선형 예측을 했고 그것은 잘 작동했습니다. It's hardwired in our brains. |fest verdrahtet||| |Beynimizde yerleşik||| 그것은 우리의 두뇌에 고정되어 있습니다. But the pace of exponential growth is really what describes information technologies. And it's not just computation. ||||hesaplama There is a big difference between linear and exponential growth. If I take 30 steps linearly -- one, two, three, four, five -- I get to 30. ||||doğrusal olarak|||||||| If I take 30 steps exponentially -- two, four, eight, 16 -- I get to a billion. ||||üstel olarak|||||||| It makes a huge difference. And that really describes information technology.

When I was a student at MIT, we all shared one computer that took up a whole building. Als ich Student am MIT war, teilten wir uns alle einen Computer, der ein ganzes Gebäude einnahm. The computer in your cellphone today is a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, a thousand times more powerful. ||||cep telefonu||||||daha ucuz||||||||| That's a billion-fold increase in capability per dollar that we've actually experienced since I was a student. |||fache||||||||||||ich war|| |||kat artış|||kapasite||||||||||| And we're going to do it again in the next 25 years. Information technology progresses through a series of S-curves where each one is a different paradigm. ||ilerler||||||eğriler|||||||paradigma So people say, "What's going to happen when Moore's Law comes to an end?" ||||||||Moore Yasası'nın||||| Which will happen around 2020. We'll then go to the next paradigm. ||||||paradigma And Moore's Law was not the first paradigm to bring exponential growth to computing. |||||||||||||bilgi işlem The exponential growth of computing started decades before Gordon Moore was even born. And it doesn't just apply to computation. It's really any technology where we can measure the underlying information properties. Es ist wirklich jede Technologie, bei der wir die zugrunde liegenden Informationseigenschaften messen können. Here we have 49 famous computers. I put them in a logarithmic graph. The logarithmic scale hides the scale of the increase, because this represents trillions-fold increase since the 1890 census. |||||||||||||fach|||| |||||||||||||||||nüfus sayımı In 1950s they were shrinking vacuum tubes, making them smaller and smaller. ||||küçültmekteydiler|vakum tüpleri|vakum tüpleri||||| They finally hit a wall; they couldn't shrink the vacuum tube any more and keep the vacuum. |||||||küçültmek||||||||| And that was the end of the shrinking of vacuum tubes, but it was not the end of the exponential growth of computing. We went to the fourth paradigm, transistors, and finally integrated circuits. |||||paradigma|transistörler||||entegre devreler When that comes to an end we'll go to the sixth paradigm; three-dimensional self-organizing molecular circuits. ||||||||||altıncı||||||| But what's even more amazing, really, than this fantastic scale of progress, is that -- look at how predictable this is. I mean this went through thick and thin, through war and peace, through boom times and recessions. ||||||||||||||||durgunluklar The Great Depression made not a dent in this exponential progression. ||||||etki||||ilerleme We'll see the same thing in the economic recession we're having now. At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated. |||||||||||unvermindert |||||||||||hız kesmeden

And I just updated these graphs. |||||grafikler Because I had them through 2002 in my book, "The Singularity is Near." So we updated them, so I could present it here, to 2007. And I was asked, "Well aren't you nervous? Maybe it kind of didn't stay on this exponential progression." Vielleicht ist es irgendwie nicht auf diesem exponentiellen Fortschritt geblieben. " I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn't be right, but I've done this now for 30 years, and it has stayed on this exponential progression. Look at this graph here.You could buy one transistor for a dollar in 1968. |||||||||transistör|||| You can buy half a billion today, and they are actually better, because they are faster. But look at how predictable this is. And I'd say this knowledge is over-fitting to past data. Und ich würde sagen, dieses Wissen passt zu früheren Daten. I've been making these forward-looking predictions for about 30 years. And the cost of a transistor cycle, which is a measure of the price performance of electronics, comes down about every year. That's a 50 percent deflation rate. |||%50 enflasyon düşüşü| And it's also true of other examples, like DNA data or brain data. But we more than make up for that. Aber wir machen das mehr als wett. 그러나 우리는 그것을 보완하는 것 이상입니다. We actually ship more than twice as much of every form of information technology. Tatsächlich versenden wir mehr als doppelt so viel von jeder Form von Informationstechnologie. We've had 18 percent growth in constant dollars in every form of information technology for the last half-century, despite the fact that you can get twice as much of it each year. Wir haben im letzten halben Jahrhundert in jeder Form von Informationstechnologie ein Wachstum von 18 Prozent bei konstanten Dollars verzeichnet, obwohl Sie jedes Jahr doppelt so viel davon erhalten können. 지난 반세기 동안 모든 형태의 정보 기술에서 18 %의 꾸준한 성장이 있었지만, 매년 두 배나 더 많은 것을 얻을 수 있습니다. This is a completely different example. This is not Moore's Law. The amount of DNA data we've sequenced has doubled every year. ||||||sıraladığımız||iki katına çıktı|| The cost has come down by half every year. And this has been a smooth progression since the beginning of the genome project. |||||sorunsuz|||||||genom projesi| And halfway through the project, skeptics said, "Well, this is not working out. |||||şüpheciler||||||| You're halfway through the genome project and you've finished one percent of the project." But that was really right on schedule. Because if you double one percent seven more times, which is exactly what happened, you get 100 percent. And the project was finished on time.

Communication technologies: 50 different ways to measure this, the number of bits being moved around, the size of the Internet. But this has progressed at an exponential pace. This is deeply democratizing. |||Bu, derinden demokratikleştirici. I wrote, over 20 years ago in "The Age of Intelligent Machines," when the Soviet Union was going strong, that it would be swept away by this growth of decentralized communication. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||merkezi olmayan| Ich schrieb vor über 20 Jahren in "Das Zeitalter der intelligenten Maschinen", als die Sowjetunion stark wurde, dass sie von diesem Wachstum der dezentralen Kommunikation mitgerissen werden würde. And we will have plenty of computation as we go through the 21st century to do things like simulate regions of the human brain. But where will we get the software? Some critics say, "Oh, well software is stuck in the mud." |||||||takılıp kalmak|||çıkmazda kalmış Einige Kritiker sagen: "Oh, Software steckt im Schlamm." But we are learning more and more about the human brain. Spatial resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year. Mekansal||||||iki katına çıkma|| The amount of data we're getting about the brain is doubling every year. And we're showing that we can actually turn this data into working models and simulations of brain regions. ||||||||||||||simülasyonlar||| There is about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled, simulated and tested: the auditory cortex, regions of the visual cortex; cerebellum, where we do our skill formation; slices of the cerebral cortex, where we do our rational thinking. ||||||||||modellenmiş||||||||||||beyincik|||||||dilimler|||beyin korteksi||||||| And all of this has fueled an increase, very smooth and predictable, of productivity. We've gone from 30 dollars to 130 dollars in constant dollars in the value of an average hour of human labor, fueled by this information technology. Wir sind von 30 Dollar auf 130 Dollar in konstanten Dollars im Wert einer durchschnittlichen Stunde menschlicher Arbeit gegangen, angetrieben durch diese Informationstechnologie. And we're all concerned about energy and the environment. Und wir alle sorgen uns um Energie und die Umwelt. Well this is a logarithmic graph. This represents a smooth doubling, every two years, of the amount of solar energy we're creating, particularly as we're now applying nanotechnology, a form of information technology, to solar panels. |||||||||||||||||||||nanoteknoloji kullanarak|||||||| And we're only eight doublings away from it meeting 100 percent of our energy needs. ||||katlanma||||||||| And there is 10 thousand times more sunlight than we need.

We ultimately will merge with this technology. |||birleşmek||| Wir werden letztendlich mit dieser Technologie fusionieren. It's already very close to us. Es ist schon sehr nah an uns. When I was a student it was across campus, now it's in our pockets. ||||||||kampüs||||| Als ich Student war, war es auf der anderen Seite des Campus, jetzt ist es in unseren Taschen. What used to take up a building now fits in our pockets. Was früher ein Gebäude ausmachte, passt jetzt in unsere Taschen. What now fits in our pockets would fit in a blood cell in 25 years. And we will begin to actually deeply influence our health and our intelligence, as we get closer and closer to this technology.

Based on that we are announcing, here at TED, in true TED tradition, Singularity University. |||||duyuruyoruz|||TED Konferansı|||||| It's a new university that's founded by Peter Diamandis, who is here in the audience, and myself. ||||||||Diamandis|||||||| It's backed by NASA and Google, and other leaders in the high-tech and science community. And our goal was to assemble the leaders, both teachers and students, in these exponentially growing information technologies, and their application. |||||toplamak||||||||||||||| Und unser Ziel war es, die Führungskräfte, sowohl die Lehrer als auch die Schüler, in diese exponentiell wachsenden Informationstechnologien und deren Anwendung einzubinden. But Larry Page made an impassioned speech at our organizing meeting, saying we should devote this study to actually addressing some of the major challenges facing humanity. |Larry Page||||tutkulu||||||||||||||||||||| Larry Page hielt jedoch bei unserem Organisationstreffen eine leidenschaftliche Rede, in der er sagte, wir sollten diese Studie dazu verwenden, einige der größten Herausforderungen der Menschheit anzugehen. And if we did that, then Google would back this. Und wenn wir das tun würden, würde Google dies unterstützen. And so that's what we've done. The last third of the nine-week intensive summer session will be devoted to a group project to address some major challenge of humanity. Like for example, applying the Internet, which is now ubiquitous, in the rural areas of China or in Africa, to bringing health information to developing areas of the world. |||||||||yaygın olarak bulunan||||||||||||||||||| And these projects will continue past these sessions, using collaborative interactive communication. ||||||||||etkileşimli| All the intellectual property that is created and taught will be online and available, and developed online in a collaborative fashion.

Here is our founding meeting. But this is being announced today. It will be permanently headquartered in Silicon Valley, at the NASA Ames research center. ||||merkezi olacak||Silikon Vadisi|||||Ames|| There are different programs for graduate students, for executives at different companies. The first six tracks here -- artificial intelligence, advanced computing technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology -- are the different core areas of information technology. |||parça|||||||biyoteknoloji||||||||| Then we are going to apply them to the other areas, like energy, ecology, policy law and ethics, entrepreneurship, so that people can bring these new technologies to the world. |||||||||||||çevre bilimi|||||girişimcilik|||||||||||

So we're very appreciative of the support we've gotten from both the intellectual leaders, the high-tech leaders, particularly Google and NASA. |||minnettar|||||||||||||||||| This is an exciting new venture. And we invite you to participate. Thank you very much. (Applause) (Alkışlar)