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News in Levels, City without electricity – level 2

City without electricity – level 2

12 years ago, a fight with militants started in Nigeria, and Nigeria's Borno State became the center of the fight. In January, militants bombed transmission lines which brought power to the capital city of Maidugri, and it left thousands of people without electricity. Workers fixed the lines, but militants destroyed them again. Local businesses used generators which were very expensive, and they harmed the environment. Some people lost their jobs, and they started to work with the militants.

Officers removed bombs from the roads, so it can be possible to fix the power lines soon. A Nigerian oil company also promised that it would build a power plant in the city.

Difficult words: militant (a person who strongly wants to make changes, usually in politics), transmission line (a cable or other structure which takes electricity from one place to another), generator (a machine which makes electricity).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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12 years ago, a fight with militants started in Nigeria, and Nigeria's Borno State became the center of the fight. In January, militants bombed transmission lines which brought power to the capital city of Maidugri, and it left thousands of people without electricity. ||||||||||||||||||||||炸毁了|电力传输|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dejó||||| 12 years ago, a fight with militants started in Nigeria, and Nigeria's Borno State became the center of the fight. In January, militants bombed transmission lines which brought power to the capital city of Maidugri, and it left thousands of people without electricity. 12 tahun yang lalu, sebuah pertempuran dengan kelompok militan dimulai di Nigeria, dan Negara Bagian Borno di Nigeria menjadi pusat pertempuran. Pada bulan Januari, para militan mengebom jalur transmisi yang membawa listrik ke ibu kota Maidugri, dan menyebabkan ribuan orang tidak memiliki listrik. 12 年前、ナイジェリアで過激派との戦いが始まり、ナイジェリアのボルノ州が戦いの中心になりました。 1 月には過激派が首都マイドゥグリに電力を供給していた送電線を爆撃し、何千人もの人々が電力を利用できなくなりました。 Pred 12 leti se je v Nigeriji začel boj z borci, središče boja pa je postala nigerijska zvezna država Borno. Januarja so borci bombardirali daljnovode, po katerih se je v glavno mesto Maidugri dovajala električna energija, zaradi česar je več tisoč ljudi ostalo brez elektrike. 12 років тому в Нігерії почалися бої з бойовиками, центром яких став нігерійський штат Борно. У січні бойовики розбомбили лінії електропередачі, які подали електроенергію в столицю Майдугрі, і тисячі людей залишилися без світла. Workers fixed the lines, but militants destroyed them again. |||||武装分子||| 労働者は線路を修理しましたが、武装勢力は再びそれらを破壊しました。 Local businesses used generators which were very expensive, and they harmed the environment. Las empresas locales usaban generadores que eran muy caros y perjudicaban el medio ambiente. Bisnis lokal menggunakan generator yang sangat mahal, dan merusak lingkungan. 地元の企業は非常に高価な発電機を使用しており、環境に悪影響を及ぼしていました。 Some people lost their jobs, and they started to work with the militants. Algunas personas perdieron sus empleos y empezaron a trabajar con los militantes. 何人かは仕事を失い、過激派と協力し始めました。

Officers removed bombs from the roads, so it can be possible to fix the power lines soon. Los oficiales retiraron bombas de las carreteras, por lo que será posible arreglar las líneas de energía pronto. 警官が道路から爆弾を撤去したので、電力線をすぐに修理できる可能性があります。 Policisti so s cest odstranili bombe, tako da bo mogoče kmalu popraviti električne vode. Офіцери прибрали бомби з доріг, тож найближчим часом можна буде полагодити лінії електропередач. A Nigerian oil company also promised that it would build a power plant in the city. Una empresa petrolera nigeriana también prometió que construiría una planta de energía en la ciudad. ナイジェリアの石油会社も、市内に発電所を建設すると約束した。 Нігерійська нафтова компанія також пообіцяла, що побудує в місті електростанцію.

Difficult words: militant (a person who strongly wants to make changes, usually in politics), transmission line (a cable or other structure which takes electricity from one place to another), generator (a machine which makes electricity). ||激进分子||||||||||||输电线路|||||||||||||||发电机||||| Difficult words: militant (a person who strongly wants to make changes, usually in politics), transmission line (a cable or other structure which takes electricity from one place to another), generator (a machine which makes electricity). Palabras difíciles: militante (una persona que quiere hacer cambios de manera enérgica, generalmente en política), línea de transmisión (un cable u otra estructura que transporta electricidad de un lugar a otro), generador (una máquina que produce electricidad). 難しい言葉: 過激派 (変化を強く望んでいる人、通常は政治)、送電線 (ある場所から別の場所に電気を送るケーブルまたはその他の構造物)、発電機 (電気を作る機械)。 Težke besede: militant (oseba, ki si odločno prizadeva za spremembe, običajno v politiki), daljnovod (kabel ali druga struktura, ki prenaša elektriko iz enega kraja v drugega), generator (stroj, ki proizvaja elektriko).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. Puedes ver el video original en la sección de Nivel 3.