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The Discovery of New Worlds, 46. The Finding of Mexico

46. The Finding of Mexico

"In later years a time will come when ocean shall relax his bars, and a vast territory shall appear. " —SENECA (died 67 A.D. ) We now come to one of the most romantic chapters in the world's history—the conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes, and the tragic end of Mexico's native king, Montezuma. A new and glorious world had been thrown open. No longer did the Spanish sailors recoil with horror at the thought of the dark and stormy waters of the broad Atlantic. There was treasure beyond. Was it not a land of gold and pearls? Ship after ship sailed across in safety, always making for Hayti or Cuba, the West Indies of Columbus. From these centres the Spaniards sailed to unknown coasts, and wandered about strange new countries.

One day in the year 1518, some Spaniards, sailing west from Cuba, landed on soil and met natives, whom they at once recognised as different to any they had seen before. They were astonished to see houses built of stone and lime, the soil cultivated, gold ornaments on the people, and delicately made cotton garments. They gave the Spaniards rich treasures of jewels, and golden ornaments of wondrous form and workmanship. Surely here was a rich country, a country which must be conquered for Spain as soon as possible.

A messenger was sent off to the mother country with news of this rich discovery and its treasures of gold. The king—no longer Ferdinand—was pleased; and he soon selected a rich subject, Fernando Cortes, to take charge of an expedition to this new country, which the natives called Mexico. Cortes had already been to Cuba. He was delighted at the prospect of his new work. He received his instructions from the King of Spain. He was to convert the Indians of Mexico to the Christian faith; he was to impress on them the greatness of Spain, to which country they should in future look for protection, showing their good will by presents of pearls, gold, and precious jewels. All was to be done for the service of God and the king.

On the 18th of November 1518, Cortes set sail from Spain. His banner was a red cross set amid flames of blue and white, on a background of black velvet and gold, bearing the motto: "Friends, let us follow the cross, and under this sign we shall conquer. " Arrived at Cuba he mustered his forces. There were one hundred and ten sailors, five hundred and fifty-three soldiers, two hundred natives from Cuba, together with ten heavy guns and sixteen horses. A small enough force for the conquest of Mexico. Before embarking, Cortes addressed his men.

"I hold out to you a glorious prize," he said, "but it is to be won by incessant toil. Be true to me, as I will be true to you. You are few in number but strong in resolution, and if this does not fail, the Almighty, who has never deserted the Spaniard in his contest with the heathen, will shield you, for your cause is a just one, and you are to fight under the banner of the cross. " With great enthusiasm for their leader Cortes, they crossed over to the coast of Mexico. It was April 21—Good Friday—in the year 1519, when Cortes landed his little force on the very spot where now stands the modern town of Vera Cruz. Little did he think, as he set foot on this desolate beach, that one day a flourishing city should arise to be a market of Eastern trade and the commercial capital of New Spain.

Natives now flocked to the shore, bringing presents to the Spanish general,—fine cottons, feather-work cloaks, and ornaments of gold,—till the men grew enthusiastic over the riches of Mexico. Cortes asked if he could see the ruler of this rich country. He told them all about the great King of Spain, who had sent him thither. That there should be another ruler in the world as great as their great emperor Montezuma surprised the natives not a little. They must go and tell him all this news.

Then a curious thing happened. One native took a pencil and sketched, on a piece of canvas or cotton, pictures of the Spaniards—their dress, their shining helmets, their pointed beards, their arms. Nothing was lost on these Mexican painters. They drew the ships—the water-houses as they called them—with their dark hulls and snow-white sails, as they swung lazily at anchor in the bay. To impress them yet more deeply, Cortes ordered his soldiers to go through some of their military exercises on horseback. The clever management of the fiery horses on the wet sand, the shrill blast of the trumpets, the shining swords, filled the natives with surprise. But when they heard the thunder of the guns, and saw the smoke and flame of the cannon, they were filled with terror.

They must indeed go and tell their great Montezuma of all they had seen and heard, and they would bring the Spaniards word again whether he would grant Cortes an audience.

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46. The Finding of Mexico 46. El hallazgo de México 46. Le constat du Mexique 46. La constatazione del Messico 46.メキシコの調査結果 46. A constatação do México 46. Заключение Мексики 46.墨西哥的调查结果

"In later years a time will come when ocean shall relax his bars, and a vast territory shall appear. "Negli anni successivi arriverà un momento in cui l'oceano allenterà le sue sbarre e apparirà un vasto territorio. "В последующие годы наступит время, когда океан ослабит свои барьеры, и появится огромная территория. " —SENECA (died 67 A.D. ) We now come to one of the most romantic chapters in the world's history—the conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes, and the tragic end of Mexico's native king, Montezuma. |||||||||||||||||||Hernán Cortés|||||||||| A new and glorious world had been thrown open. Si era aperto un mondo nuovo e glorioso. No longer did the Spanish sailors recoil with horror at the thought of the dark and stormy waters of the broad Atlantic. ||||||retrocedían con horror||||||||||||||| I marinai spagnoli non si spaventavano più al pensiero delle acque buie e tempestose dell'Atlantico. There was treasure beyond. Was it not a land of gold and pearls? Ship after ship sailed across in safety, always making for Hayti or Cuba, the West Indies of Columbus. From these centres the Spaniards sailed to unknown coasts, and wandered about strange new countries.

One day in the year 1518, some Spaniards, sailing west from Cuba, landed on soil and met natives, whom they at once recognised as different to any they had seen before. Un giorno dell'anno 1518, alcuni spagnoli, navigando verso ovest da Cuba, sbarcarono sul suolo e incontrarono degli indigeni, che riconobbero subito come diversi da quelli che avevano visto prima. They were astonished to see houses built of stone and lime, the soil cultivated, gold ornaments on the people, and delicately made cotton garments. ||||||||||mortar or plaster||||||||||||| ||||||||||cal y arena||||||||||||| They gave the Spaniards rich treasures of jewels, and golden ornaments of wondrous form and workmanship. |||||||||||||||maestría artesanal Essi regalarono agli spagnoli ricchi tesori di gioielli e ornamenti d'oro di mirabile forma e fattura. Surely here was a rich country, a country which must be conquered for Spain as soon as possible. Sicuramente si trattava di un paese ricco, un paese che doveva essere conquistato dalla Spagna il prima possibile.

A messenger was sent off to the mother country with news of this rich discovery and its treasures of gold. The king—no longer Ferdinand—was pleased; and he soon selected a rich subject, Fernando Cortes, to take charge of an expedition to this new country, which the natives called Mexico. Cortes had already been to Cuba. Cortes||||| He was delighted at the prospect of his new work. He received his instructions from the King of Spain. He was to convert the Indians of Mexico to the Christian faith; he was to impress on them the greatness of Spain, to which country they should in future look for protection, showing their good will by presents of pearls, gold, and precious jewels. Doveva convertire gli indiani del Messico alla fede cristiana; doveva far capire loro la grandezza della Spagna, a cui avrebbero dovuto guardare in futuro per essere protetti, dimostrando la loro buona volontà con regali di perle, oro e gioielli preziosi. All was to be done for the service of God and the king.

On the 18th of November 1518, Cortes set sail from Spain. His banner was a red cross set amid flames of blue and white, on a background of black velvet and gold, bearing the motto: "Friends, let us follow the cross, and under this sign we shall conquer. " ||||||||||||||||||terciopelo negro|||||||||||||||||| Arrived at Cuba he mustered his forces. ||||gathered|| ||||reunió|| There were one hundred and ten sailors, five hundred and fifty-three soldiers, two hundred natives from Cuba, together with ten heavy guns and sixteen horses. A small enough force for the conquest of Mexico. Before embarking, Cortes addressed his men. |embarcando||||

"I hold out to you a glorious prize," he said, "but it is to be won by incessant toil. "Vi offro un premio glorioso", disse, "ma deve essere conquistato con una fatica incessante. Be true to me, as I will be true to you. Siate fedeli a me, come io lo sarò a voi. You are few in number but strong in resolution, and if this does not fail, the Almighty, who has never deserted the Spaniard in his contest with the heathen, will shield you, for your cause is a just one, and you are to fight under the banner of the cross. " |||||||||||||||||||||||||lucha|||paganos||||||||||||||||||||| Siete pochi di numero, ma forti di una buona volontà e, se questa non viene meno, l'Onnipotente, che non ha mai abbandonato lo spagnolo nella sua lotta contro i pagani, vi proteggerà, perché la vostra è una causa giusta e dovete combattere sotto il vessillo della croce". " With great enthusiasm for their leader Cortes, they crossed over to the coast of Mexico. Con grande entusiasmo per il loro capo Cortes, attraversarono la costa del Messico. It was April 21—Good Friday—in the year 1519, when Cortes landed his little force on the very spot where now stands the modern town of Vera Cruz. Little did he think, as he set foot on this desolate beach, that one day a flourishing city should arise to be a market of Eastern trade and the commercial capital of New Spain.

Natives now flocked to the shore, bringing presents to the Spanish general,—fine cottons, feather-work cloaks, and ornaments of gold,—till the men grew enthusiastic over the riches of Mexico. ||||||||||||||||feathered garments|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||algodones finos|||mantas|||||||||||||| Cortes asked if he could see the ruler of this rich country. He told them all about the great King of Spain, who had sent him thither. ||||||||||||||allí That there should be another ruler in the world as great as their great emperor Montezuma surprised the natives not a little. Il fatto che al mondo ci fosse un altro sovrano grande quanto il loro grande imperatore Montezuma sorprese non poco gli indigeni. They must go and tell him all this news.

Then a curious thing happened. One native took a pencil and sketched, on a piece of canvas or cotton, pictures of the Spaniards—their dress, their shining helmets, their pointed beards, their arms. ||||||dibujó||||||||||||||||||||| Un indigeno prese una matita e disegnò, su un pezzo di tela o di cotone, le immagini degli spagnoli: i loro abiti, i loro elmi lucenti, le loro barbe appuntite, le loro armi. Nothing was lost on these Mexican painters. They drew the ships—the water-houses as they called them—with their dark hulls and snow-white sails, as they swung lazily at anchor in the bay. ||||||||||||||boat bodies|||||||moved gently|||||| ||||||||||||||casco||||||||||||| To impress them yet more deeply, Cortes ordered his soldiers to go through some of their military exercises on horseback. |||||||||||||||||||a caballo The clever management of the fiery horses on the wet sand, the shrill blast of the trumpets, the shining swords, filled the natives with surprise. |||||fuego intenso|||||||agudo|sonido agudo||||||||||| But when they heard the thunder of the guns, and saw the smoke and flame of the cannon, they were filled with terror. |||||||||||||||||cañones|||||

They must indeed go and tell their great Montezuma of all they had seen and heard, and they would bring the Spaniards word again whether he would grant Cortes an audience. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||concederá||| Dovevano infatti andare a raccontare al loro grande Montezuma tutto ciò che avevano visto e sentito, e avrebbero riportato agli spagnoli la notizia se egli avrebbe concesso a Cortes un'udienza.