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The Discovery of New Worlds, 31. Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage

31. Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage

"With such mad seas the daring Gama fought For many a weary day and many a dreadful night; Incessant labouring round the Stormy Cape, By bold ambition led. " —THOMSON. Ten years had passed away since Bartholomew Diaz had made his famous discovery with regard to the south of Africa, and still nothing further had been done. The King of Portugal had prepared three strong ships for an expedition, but he had not found a commander as yet. He was full of care both day and night as to whom he should entrust with so great an enterprise.

One day he was sitting in his hall of business, busy giving orders, when he raised his eyes and saw one of the gentlemen of his household crossing the hall. It was Vasco da Gama, a nobleman of high birth and a well-known sailor. As soon as the king saw him he called him.

"I should rejoice if you would undertake a service which I require of you, in which you must labour much," he said, as his subject knelt before him. "Sire," answered Vasco da Gama, kissing the king's hand, "I am a servant for any labour that may be, and since my service is required I will perform it so long as my life lasts. " At last, early in the month of July 1497, all was ready. Vasco da Gama on horseback, with all the men of his fleet on foot, richly dressed in liveries and accompanied by all the courtiers, went down to the riverside and embarked in their boats. Reaching their ships, they sailed to the mouth of the Tagus, where they waited for a wind to take them out to sea. Meanwhile an immense crowd gathered on the shore. Men and women were weeping, priests and monks were praying. All were filled with despair for those whom they never expected to see again. Surely they would be buried in the enormous sea-waves that broke around the Stormy Cape whither they were bound. It were better, they cried, to die on shore than so far away from home. The poet Camoens—called the Virgil of Portugal—tells us that the shining sands were wet with their tears; but the commanders resolutely turned their eyes away to the open sea, and soon, with the royal standard flying from the masthead, the three ships sailed away.

For four long months they sailed to the south, until one November day, at noon, Vasco da Gama sailed before a wind past the formidable Cape, to which the King of Portugal had given the undying name of Good Hope.

It is interesting to note that to-day the voyage from Lisbon to the Cape takes just over a fortnight.

After anchoring for a few days in a little port near the Cape, they again stood out to sea. And now the wind blew with renewed fury, the sea was terrible to behold, and the sailors suffered severely. They besought their commander to turn back.

"Put your trust in the Lord, we shall yet double the Cape," answered Vasco da Gama resolutely. Night and day he worked with the men, enduring all their hardships. As they stood farther out to sea the storms increased, enormous waves dashed over the ships, and every moment they seemed to be going to pieces. Again the sailors and pilots cried to him to have pity on them and to turn the ship back to land.

Then the commander grew angry, and swore that come what might he meant to double the Cape of Good Hope. And the crews worked with fresh vigour when they saw such pluck and perseverance, until after some days they again made land: the seas grew calmer, the winds hushed, and they all knew that the Cape had been doubled at last.

"And great joy fell upon them," says the old Portuguese historian, "and they gave great praise to the Lord on seeing themselves delivered from death. " But their troubles were not over yet. Another storm broke with redoubled fury on them, the seas "rose toward the sky and fell back in heavy showers that flooded the ships. " "Turn back! turn back!" cried the terrified sailors once more, till the commander was forced to answer that he would throw into the sea whosoever spoke of such a thing again. For backwards he would not go, even though he saw a hundred deaths before his eyes. If he did not find that for which he was searching he would not return to Portugal at all.

They now passed Algoa Bay and the little island of Santa Cruz, where Diaz had put up his cross.

As it was Christmas Day, to the coast along which they were sailing they gave the name of Natal. Keeping along the coast, they came presently to the mouth of a large river, up which Vasco da Gama sailed his ships, which were now badly in need of repair. So thankful were the weary mariners for this shelter that they exclaimed, "It is the mercy of the Lord," three times, for which reason they named it the River of Mercy, though to-day it is known as the Zambesi River. Having repaired the ships and refreshed the men, the commander set up a marble pillar, on which was engraved: "Of the lordship of Portugal, kingdom of Christians. " Then Vasco da Gama called his men together and spoke to them about their want of courage and thoughts of treason, until they wept and promised to serve him to the end. So they weighed anchor and sailed out of the river.

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31. Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage Vasco da Gama||Gamaova|| ||de Gama|| 31. El Gran Viaje de Vasco da Gama 31. Le grand voyage de Vasco de Gama 31. Il grande viaggio di Vasco da Gama 31.ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマの大航海 31. A grande viagem de Vasco da Gama 31. 瓦斯科·达·伽马的伟大航行

"With such mad seas the daring Gama fought For many a weary day and many a dreadful night; Incessant labouring round the Stormy Cape, By bold ambition led. ||||||Gama||||||||||hrozné||nepřetrž||||||||| |||||||||||cansado|||||terrible|||trabajando arduamente|||||||| "Con questi mari impazziti l'audace Gama lottò per molti giorni di stanchezza e per molte notti terribili; faticando incessantemente intorno al Capo Tempestoso, guidato da un'audace ambizione. «С такими безумными морями смелая Гама боролась В течение многих утомленных дней и многих ужасных ночей; Непрерывный труд вокруг Бурного Мыса, К смелым амбициям привел. " —THOMSON. THOMSON Ten years had passed away since Bartholomew Diaz had made his famous discovery with regard to the south of Africa, and still nothing further had been done. ||||||Bartolomeo|||||||||||||||||dalšího||| ||||||||||||||respecto a|||||||||||| Десять лет прошло с тех пор, как Варфоломей Диас сделал свое знаменитое открытие в отношении юга Африки, и до сих пор ничего не было сделано. The King of Portugal had prepared three strong ships for an expedition, but he had not found a commander as yet. |||Portugalska||||||||||||||||| He was full of care both day and night as to whom he should entrust with so great an enterprise. ||||||||||||||svěřit||||| ||||||||||||||confiar||||| Era pieno di preoccupazioni sia di giorno che di notte su chi dovesse affidare un'impresa così grande. И днем и ночью он был полон заботы о том, кому он должен доверить столь великое предприятие.

One day he was sitting in his hall of business, busy giving orders, when he raised his eyes and saw one of the gentlemen of his household crossing the hall. |||||||||||||||levantó|||||||||||su casa||| Однажды он сидел в своем деловом зале, занятый отдавать приказы, когда он поднял глаза и увидел одного из джентльменов из его семьи, пересекающего зал. It was Vasco da Gama, a nobleman of high birth and a well-known sailor. ||Vasco da Gama||Gama||noble de alta c|||||||| Это был Васко да Гама, дворянин высокого происхождения и известный моряк. As soon as the king saw him he called him.

"I should rejoice if you would undertake a service which I require of you, in which you must labour much," he said, as his subject knelt before him. ||||||vykonat||||||||||||||||||||| ||be very glad||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||regocijarme||||asumieras||||||||||||||||||||| "Mi rallegrerei se voleste intraprendere un servizio che vi chiedo e nel quale dovrete faticare molto", disse, mentre il suo suddito si inginocchiava davanti a lui. «Я должен радоваться, если вы возьмете на себя услугу, в которой я нуждаюсь от вас, в которой вы должны много трудиться», - сказал он, когда его субъект опустился на колени перед ним. "Sire," answered Vasco da Gama, kissing the king's hand, "I am a servant for any labour that may be, and since my service is required I will perform it so long as my life lasts. " |||||||||||||||práci||||||||||||||||||| Señor|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| «Сир, - ответил Васко да Гама, целуя руку короля, - я слуга любого труда, который может быть, и, поскольку мое служение требуется, я буду выполнять его до тех пор, пока длится моя жизнь». At last, early in the month of July 1497, all was ready. Наконец, в начале июля 1497 года все было готово. Vasco da Gama on horseback, with all the men of his fleet on foot, richly dressed in liveries and accompanied by all the courtiers, went down to the riverside and embarked in their boats. |||||||||||||||||uniformách||||||dvorníci|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||uniforms or costumes|||||||||||||||| ||||a caballo|||||||||||||liveras de gala||||||los cortesanos|||||a la orilla del||||| Васко да Гама верхом на лошади, со всеми людьми его флота, богато одетыми в ливреи и в сопровождении всех придворных, спустился к берегу реки и сел в свои лодки. Reaching their ships, they sailed to the mouth of the Tagus, where they waited for a wind to take them out to sea. ||||||||||Tajo|||||||||||| Добравшись до своих кораблей, они приплыли к устью реки Тежу, где они ждали ветра, чтобы вывести их в море. Meanwhile an immense crowd gathered on the shore. Mezitím||||||| Men and women were weeping, priests and monks were praying. ||||llorando||||| All were filled with despair for those whom they never expected to see again. Все были полны отчаяния за тех, кого они никогда не ожидали увидеть снова. Surely they would be buried in the enormous sea-waves that broke around the Stormy Cape whither they were bound. ||||||||||||||||向かう先||| ||||||||||||||||hacia donde||| Конечно, они будут погребены в огромных морских волнах, которые разбиваются о бурный мыс, куда они были связаны. It were better, they cried, to die on shore than so far away from home. The poet Camoens—called the Virgil of Portugal—tells us that the shining sands were wet with their tears; but the commanders resolutely turned their eyes away to the open sea, and soon, with the royal standard flying from the masthead, the three ships sailed away. ||Camoens||||||||||||||||||||rozhodně||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Camoens|||||||||||||||||||los comandantes|resueltamente||||||||||||||||||pico del mástil||||| Поэт Камоэнс - называемый Вергилий Португальский - говорит нам, что блестящие пески были мокрыми от их слез; но командиры решительно отвели глаза к открытому морю, и вскоре, когда королевский штурм вылетел из топа, три корабля отплыли прочь.

For four long months they sailed to the south, until one November day, at noon, Vasco da Gama sailed before a wind past the formidable Cape, to which the King of Portugal had given the undying name of Good Hope. ||||||||||||||||||||||||impozantní||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||不滅の|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nombre eterno|||| В течение четырех долгих месяцев они плыли на юг, пока в один из ноябрьских дней, в полдень, Васко да Гама плыл перед ветром мимо огромного мыса, которому король Португалии дал бессмертное имя Доброй Надежды.

It is interesting to note that to-day the voyage from Lisbon to the Cape takes just over a fortnight. |||||||||||||||||||quincena Интересно отметить, что сегодня путешествие от Лиссабона до мыса занимает чуть более двух недель.

After anchoring for a few days in a little port near the Cape, they again stood out to sea. |kotvení||||||||||||||||| |anclando||||||||||||||||| Dopo aver gettato l'ancora per qualche giorno in un porticciolo vicino al Capo, presero nuovamente il largo. После нескольких дней стоянки на якоре в небольшом порту возле мыса они снова оказались в море. And now the wind blew with renewed fury, the sea was terrible to behold, and the sailors suffered severely. ||||||novou|||||||||||| И теперь ветер подул с новой яростью, море было ужасно созерцать, и моряки сильно пострадали. They besought their commander to turn back.

"Put your trust in the Lord, we shall yet double the Cape," answered Vasco da Gama resolutely. ||||||||||||||||con determinación «Доверьтесь Господу, мы еще удвоим мыс», - решительно ответил Васко да Гама. Night and day he worked with the men, enduring all their hardships. ||||||||snášející||| |||||||||||dificultades Notte e giorno ha lavorato con gli uomini, sopportando tutte le loro difficoltà. Ночью и днем он работал с людьми, переживая все их трудности. As they stood farther out to sea the storms increased, enormous waves dashed over the ships, and every moment they seemed to be going to pieces. Man mano che si allontanavano dal mare, le tempeste aumentavano, onde enormi si abbattevano sulle navi, che ogni momento sembravano andare in pezzi. Когда они стояли все дальше и дальше от моря, штормы усиливались, огромные волны хлынули на корабли, и каждое мгновение, казалось, рассыпалось на части. Again the sailors and pilots cried to him to have pity on them and to turn the ship back to land. Ancora una volta i marinai e i piloti gli gridarono di avere pietà di loro e di far tornare la nave a terra.

Then the commander grew angry, and swore that come what might he meant to double the Cape of Good Hope. ||||||||||||||二倍する||||| A quel punto il comandante si arrabbiò e giurò che in qualsiasi caso intendeva doppiare il Capo di Buona Speranza. Затем командир разозлился и поклялся, что придет, что бы он хотел, чтобы удвоить мыс Доброй Надежды. And the crews worked with fresh vigour when they saw such pluck and perseverance, until after some days they again made land: the seas grew calmer, the winds hushed, and they all knew that the Cape had been doubled at last. |||||||||||odvahou||vytrvalost|||||||||||||||utichly|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||became quiet|||||||||||| |||||||||||勇気||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||valor||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gli equipaggi lavorarono con nuovo vigore quando videro tanta grinta e perseveranza, finché, dopo alcuni giorni, riuscirono a sbarcare di nuovo a terra: il mare si calmò, i venti si placarono e tutti capirono che il Capo era stato finalmente doppiato. И команды работали со свежей энергией, когда они увидели такую отвагу и настойчивость, пока через несколько дней они снова не сделали землю: моря стали спокойнее, ветра стихли, и все они знали, что мыс наконец-то удвоился.

"And great joy fell upon them," says the old Portuguese historian, "and they gave great praise to the Lord on seeing themselves delivered from death. " ||||na|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||alabanza||||||||| E una grande gioia cadde su di loro", dice l'antico storico portoghese, "e lodarono molto il Signore vedendosi liberati dalla morte". " «И великая радость обрушилась на них, - говорит старый португальский историк, - и они воздали великую славу Господу, увидев себя освобожденными от смерти». But their troubles were not over yet. Another storm broke with redoubled fury on them, the seas "rose toward the sky and fell back in heavy showers that flooded the ships. " ||||increased greatly||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||inundaron|| Очередная буря разразилась удвоенной яростью, моря «поднялись к небу и отступили в ливни, которые затопили корабли». "Turn back! turn back!" cried the terrified sailors once more, till the commander was forced to answer that he would throw into the sea whosoever spoke of such a thing again. ||||||||||||||||||||kdo to řek|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||quienquiera que|||||| воскликнул испуганные моряки еще раз, пока командир не был вынужден ответить, что он бросит в море, кто бы ни говорил о такой вещи снова. For backwards he would not go, even though he saw a hundred deaths before his eyes. Ибо назад он не пойдет, хотя он видел сто смертей на глазах. If he did not find that for which he was searching he would not return to Portugal at all. ||||見つける||||||||||||||

They now passed Algoa Bay and the little island of Santa Cruz, where Diaz had put up his cross. Passarono ora la baia di Algoa e l'isoletta di Santa Cruz, dove Diaz aveva posto la sua croce. Теперь они прошли Алгоа Бэй и маленький остров Санта-Крус, где Диас поставил свой крест.

As it was Christmas Day, to the coast along which they were sailing they gave the name of Natal. ||||||||||||||||||Natal ||||||||||||||||||Christmas Day Поскольку это был Рождество, на побережье, по которому они плыли, дали имя Натал. Keeping along the coast, they came presently to the mouth of a large river, up which Vasco da Gama sailed his ships, which were now badly in need of repair. Proseguendo lungo la costa, giunsero alla foce di un grande fiume, che Vasco da Gama aveva risalito con le sue navi, che ormai avevano bisogno di essere riparate. Держась вдоль побережья, они подошли к устью большой реки, по которой Васко да Гама приплыл на своих кораблях, которые теперь сильно нуждались в ремонте. So thankful were the weary mariners for this shelter that they exclaimed, "It is the mercy of the Lord," three times, for which reason they named it the River of Mercy, though to-day it is known as the Zambesi River. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Zambezi| ||||cansados|marineros cansados||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Zambesí| Gli stanchi marinai erano così riconoscenti per questo rifugio che esclamarono per tre volte: "È la misericordia del Signore", per cui lo chiamarono il fiume della Misericordia, anche se oggi è conosciuto come fiume Zambesi. Утомленные моряки были так благодарны за это убежище, что трижды воскликнули: «Это милость Господа», по этой причине они назвали ее Рекой Милосердия, хотя сегодня она известна как Река Замбези. Having repaired the ships and refreshed the men, the commander set up a marble pillar, on which was engraved: "Of the lordship of Portugal, kingdom of Christians. " ||||||||||||||||||vytesáno||||||království|| Dopo aver riparato le navi e rifocillato gli uomini, il comandante innalzò un pilastro di marmo su cui era inciso: "Della signoria del Portogallo, regno dei cristiani". " Отремонтировав корабли и освежив людей, командир установил мраморный столб, на котором было выгравировано: «О господстве Португалии, королевстве христиан». Then Vasco da Gama called his men together and spoke to them about their want of courage and thoughts of treason, until they wept and promised to serve him to the end. ||||||||||||||||||||zradě||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||裏切り||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||traición||||||||||| Затем Васко да Гама созвал своих людей и говорил с ними об их недостатке мужества и мыслях об измене, пока они не заплакали и пообещали служить ему до конца. So they weighed anchor and sailed out of the river. Поэтому они взвесили якорь и вышли из реки.