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Asd 3, SELF DISCIPLINE - Motivational Speech

SELF DISCIPLINE - Motivational Speech

Look, I'd love to sugar coat this thing for you,

I'd love to tell you, look, you can go out here and get rich,

do a couple of things, that ain't happening.

You gotta get real dogish. You gotta get down right funky if you wanna

make it. If you wanna be ordinary,

you ain't even gotta listen to me. Just go on about your business.

But if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations,

then you're gonna have to do extra. You put extra on top of ordinary

and you come up with extraordinary. It's no other way.

But here's the fact, all of you

have extraordinary capabilities, all of you.

You have to decide If you are willing to do the things

to put you in that category. While they were golfing,

I was studying. While they were shooting hoops,

I was studying. While they were playing games

and sitting up and eating and joking in the restaurant,

I was studying. You can't get out of something

something that you're not willing to put into it.

You have to put your everything, your everything,

your mind, your energy,

your effort, your discipline,

your tenacity. Nothing is gonna jump out the fire

if you don't throw something in there. It's not gonna happen.

You have to be committed. Through the storm and the rain,

and the heartache and the pain, and the disappointment.

It's a commitment, it's not a feeling.

Commitments don't have nothing to do with your feelings.

You do it because you're supposed to. Push through pain enough,

and there's glory on the other side of it. But you gotta get through it.

I realized I was on the right path because it stopped being easy.

I'm f*cking exhausted. I'm tired as f*ck,

but I'm not gonna complain because I asked for this sh*t.

So I'm gonna smile with tired f*cking eyes and realize that everything I'm doing on a

daily basis is for a f*cking reason.

When you want something, don't expect everybody to say,

"Oh you want this? Oh great! We wanna give this to you.

You're such a nice person. You're doing it for your family aren't you?

Great!" No, no, life isn't like that.

But that's how people look at success. They look at it like you do a few things,

"I f*cking ate right for 3 days, why am I not a f*cking fitness model?

I did my tasks that I needed to do,

I sent 5 emails, I called 10 people,

why am I not running a 10 million dollar company?" Because they don't understand

what mastering the monotonous means.

It means doing the sh*t

that most people are too f*cking undisciplined to do,

day in and day out, with perfection.

Doing it better than everybody else. Doing it to the best of your ability.

And most people will give up. But you've got to decide

that I'm going to be relentless. I refuse to be denied.

And I'm gonna go all out. Effort is isolated.

The reason why effort is isolated, because nobody can dictate it.

Because that's all about you. Effort is 100% in the mind.

That's what wins championships. That's what wins battles.

No excuses. You're an adult now.

You're not kids no more. Do it.

Girlfriend or no girlfriend, do it.

Tired or not tired, do it.

You said you was gonna do it out your mouth, you're a man now,

and a man is only as good as his word, not his emotions.

Your emotions don't win championships. So whatever's gonna cause you not to be your

best, stop it.

It's gonna be a fight. At some point,

you gotta go take the life out of it. You gotta take that thing out, like,

you gotta take the breath out. So some of y'all afraid of math,

go after it. Go get it.

Don't run from it no more, go get it.

You go in there and go get that grade, you go in there and get that information,

so you pass that class. You gotta go get it.

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SELF DISCIPLINE - Motivational Speech SELBSTDISZIPLIN - Motivationsrede AUTODISCIPLINA - Discurso de motivación DISCIPLINE DE SOI - Discours de motivation 自己規律 - モチベーションを高めるスピーチ 자기 규율 - 동기 부여 스피치 SAMODYSCYPLINA - przemówienie motywacyjne AUTO DISCIPLINA - Discurso Motivacional Самоуправство - Мотивационная речь САМОДИСЦИПЛІНАЦІЯ - Мотиваційна промова 自律 - 励志演讲

Look, I'd love to sugar coat this thing for you, |||||amenizar|||| Bak, bunu senin için güzelleştirmek isterdim,

I'd love to tell you, look, you can go out here and get rich, Size şunu söylemek isterdim: Bakın, buradan çıkıp zengin olabilirsiniz,

do a couple of things, that ain't happening. bir kaç şey yapmalısın, bu olmayacak.

You gotta get real dogish. You gotta get down right funky if you wanna ||||||||||groovy||| ||||ter que agir como um cachorro||||||funky||| Gerçekten köpek gibi olmalısın. Eğer istiyorsan, tam bir funky olmalısın

make it. If you wanna be ordinary, Yap. Eğer sıradan olmak istiyorsan,

you ain't even gotta listen to me. Just go on about your business. Beni dinlemek zorunda bile değilsin. Sadece işinize bakın.

But if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations, Ancak bu odada oturuyorsanız ve olağanüstü istekleriniz varsa,

then you're gonna have to do extra. You put extra on top of ordinary o zaman fazladan yapmanız gerekecek. Sıradanın üstüne ekstra koyarsınız

and you come up with extraordinary. It's no other way. ve ortaya olağanüstü bir şey çıkar. Başka yolu yok.

But here's the fact, all of you Ama gerçek şu ki, hepiniz

have extraordinary capabilities, all of you. Hepiniz olağanüstü yeteneklere sahipsiniz.

You have to decide If you are willing to do the things

to put you in that category. While they were golfing,

I was studying. While they were shooting hoops, |||||||jugando al baloncesto Ders çalışıyordum. Onlar basket atarken,

I was studying. While they were playing games

and sitting up and eating and joking in the restaurant, Restoranda oturup yemek yiyor ve şakalaşıyorduk,

I was studying. You can't get out of something Ders çalışıyordum. Bir şeyin içinden çıkamazsın.

something that you're not willing to put into it. içine koymak istemediğiniz bir şey.

You have to put your everything, your everything, Her şeyinizi, her şeyinizi ortaya koymalısınız,

your mind, your energy, Zihniniz, enerjiniz,

your effort, your discipline,

your tenacity. Nothing is gonna jump out the fire |determination||||||| senin azmin. Hiçbir şey ateşten atlamayacak

if you don't throw something in there. It's not gonna happen. Eğer oraya bir şey atmazsan. Böyle bir şey olmayacak.

You have to be committed. Through the storm and the rain, Kendinizi adamalısınız. Fırtına ve yağmur boyunca,

and the heartache and the pain, and the disappointment. ||el dolor del corazón|||||| Kalp kırıklığı, acı ve hayal kırıklığı.

It's a commitment, it's not a feeling.

Commitments don't have nothing to do with your feelings. Obligations||||||||

You do it because you're supposed to. Push through pain enough,

and there's glory on the other side of it. But you gotta get through it.

I realized I was on the right path because it stopped being easy.

I'm f*cking exhausted. I'm tired as f*ck,

but I'm not gonna complain because I asked for this sh*t.

So I'm gonna smile with tired f*cking eyes and realize that everything I'm doing on a

daily basis is for a f*cking reason.

When you want something, don't expect everybody to say,

"Oh you want this? Oh great! We wanna give this to you.

You're such a nice person. You're doing it for your family aren't you?

Great!" No, no, life isn't like that.

But that's how people look at success. They look at it like you do a few things,

"I f*cking ate right for 3 days, why am I not a f*cking fitness model?

I did my tasks that I needed to do,

I sent 5 emails, I called 10 people,

why am I not running a 10 million dollar company?" Because they don't understand

what mastering the monotonous means. |||repetitive and dull|

It means doing the sh*t

that most people are too f*cking undisciplined to do,

day in and day out, with perfection.

Doing it better than everybody else. Doing it to the best of your ability.

And most people will give up. But you've got to decide

that I'm going to be relentless. I refuse to be denied. |||||unwavering||||| |||||implacable|||||

And I'm gonna go all out. Effort is isolated. ||||||||separate

The reason why effort is isolated, because nobody can dictate it.

Because that's all about you. Effort is 100% in the mind.

That's what wins championships. That's what wins battles.

No excuses. You're an adult now.

You're not kids no more. Do it.

Girlfriend or no girlfriend, do it.

Tired or not tired, do it.

You said you was gonna do it out your mouth, you're a man now,

and a man is only as good as his word, not his emotions.

Your emotions don't win championships. So whatever's gonna cause you not to be your

best, stop it.

It's gonna be a fight. At some point,

you gotta go take the life out of it. You gotta take that thing out, like,

you gotta take the breath out. So some of y'all afraid of math,

go after it. Go get it.

Don't run from it no more, go get it.

You go in there and go get that grade, you go in there and get that information,

so you pass that class. You gotta go get it.