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BBC 6 Minutes English 2021, Environmental English (2)

Environmental English (2)

Yes, it's our addiction to plastic that is of concern because this material doesn't

decay very quickly, so once we've used it, it hangs around for a very long time.

It is a problem – and decay, by the way, describes the natural process

of something being destroyed or breaking down into small particles. We hear so much

about the consequences of having too much waste plastic around, don't we?

Indeed. Not only does it cause a mess - wildlife, particularly marine animals,

are at risk when they become entangled in plastic waste,

or ingest it. It's an issue that needs tackling – or dealing with. And that's

what we'll be discussing today and finding out what could be done to solve this plastic crisis.

OK, first, let's challenge you to answer a question about plastic, Rob. The first synthetic

plastic – that's plastic made entirely from man-made materials - was created over 100 years

ago. Do you know what its brand name was? Was it… a) Bakelite,

b) Lucite or c) Formica?

I'm no expert, so I'll say c) Formica.

Well, we'll reveal the answer at the end of the programme. Now let's talk more about plastic.

This man-made substance is everywhere - from clothing to crisp packets, and bottles to buckets.

But the problem is that most of it isn't biodegradable – that's a word that describes

something that can decay naturally without harming anything. Each year, 400 million

tonnes of plastic is produced and 40% of that is single-use. So why don't we stop using it?

It's not that easy, Rob, and it's something Lucy Siegle, a BBC reporter and author, has been

talking about. She was speaking in a discussion on the Costing the Earth programme on BBC Radio 4,

and explained the issue we have with quitting plastic but also how our attitude is changing…

We have this weird psychological attachment to this material that's been around and it's like

a push and pull. At the one time, we're so horrified by what we're seeing – the whales

dying, the oceans vomiting plastic, beaming in from all over the world,

and at the same time we're being told we can't live without it,

so that creates a psychological dissonance –which I think is the barrier to behavioural

change but I'm finding now awareness has peaked and it's going over into activism.

She mentioned the word psychological – that's something that affects or involves

our mind – so here, psychological attachment means that in our mind

we feel we have to use plastic – we're addicted.

But we also see the negative impact of plastic – like whales dying – and in our mind we're also

thinking we must stop! This has created what Lucy says is a 'psychological dissonance' - dissonance

means a disagreement between two opposing ideas – so we're having an argument in our

head about the right thing to do – this is the 'push and pull' of thoughts she referred to.

And this dissonance has been the barrier to us trying to solve the plastic issue – but

now we're starting to do something about it – we're taking action to reduce our plastic

waste – we're turning to activism. That's taking action to change something – it

could be social or political change, or a change in our behaviour or attitude.

Of course there has been a big push – that means people have been strongly encouraged – to recycle.

Maybe in an ideal world the best thing to do is go plastic-free – but that isn't easy, is it?

No, it isn't, and it's something Lucy Siegle spoke about. Getting rid of plastic in our

lives is a gradual process. But where does she think we can make the biggest difference?

I really think that to concentrate on stopping the flow of plastics into your life

is easier and more effective in the long term, than trying to go plastic-free from the outset.

We are in the UK, a supermarket culture, so a lot of the tips and

tricks to decreasing the flow of plastic are getting round supermarket culture.

She says we have a supermarket culture in the UK. Culture here describes a way of life – or

a way that we generally behave – and in terms of food shopping, we tend to do that in supermarkets.

So, for example, customers can make a big difference by putting

pressure on supermarkets to use less plastic packaging.

It does seem that the future of plastic is in our hands – we need to be more careful

about how and when we use it – and use our collective power to force change if it's needed.

But there's no doubt plastic is useful for many things

so it will be a long time before it disappears altogether.

And earlier I asked you what was the name of the first synthetic plastic, invented over a 100

years ago. Was it… a) Bakelite,

b) Lucite or c) Formica?

And I said c) Formica. Was I right?

Formica is a type of hard plastic used for covering tables and working areas

in kitchens – but it's not the oldest type. That was Bakelite.

I may have got that wrong but hopefully I'll have more success recapping some of today's

vocabulary – starting with decay, which describes the natural process of something being destroyed

or breaking down into small particles – which plastic takes a long time to do.

Next, we had biodegradable – that's a word to

describe something that can decay naturally without harming anything.

Then we had psychological – that's something that affects or involves your mind.

Next up, we had dissonance, which describes a disagreement between two opposing ideas.

And then we mentioned activism - that's taking action

to change something. We also mentioned the phrase a big push which means people

are strongly encouraged or persuaded to do something, usefully by force.

And finally we had culture. In our context of supermarket culture,

it describes a way of life – or a way that we generally behave.

Thanks, Neil. Now, remember you can find more learning English programmes and materials

on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. That's

it for now but please join us next time for 6 Minute English. Goodbye.

Neil Goodbye.

Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Rob.

I've been reading about ways to protect the environment, Rob, and I've decided

to eat less meat. And maybe drive my car less too.

Good for you, Neil! And flying less can also help reduce air pollution.

Right. Flying and driving less are two good ways to combat climate change

because they reduce your carbon footprint – that's the amount of carbon dioxide or

CO2 released into the atmosphere as a result of your everyday activities.

The idea of reducing carbon emissions is catching on in the music industry too.

Bands and artists who go on tour around the world generate large carbon footprints.

So recently some music groups like Massive Attack and Green Day

started thinking about ways to reduce the impact their tours are having on the environment.

Ha! Green Day – what a good name for a band trying to be environmentally friendly!

Today we'll be finding out about bands and musicians

who want to continue going on tour but do it in ways which reduce their environmental impact.

And of course, we'll be learning some related vocabulary on the way.

So, it seems like the days of rock and roll stars flying around the world in private jets

may soon be a thing of the past.

Indeed, Rob, and that brings me neatly to my quiz question. One British band recently announced

they would stop going on tour until they were 100% carbon neutral, but which band? Was it:

a) The 1975

b) The Rolling Stones, or

c) Coldplay

Well, Coldplay had a hit with their song The Scientist,

and we are talking about carbon dioxide and the climate, so I'll say c) Coldplay.

Good thinking, Rob! We'll find out the answer later. But first let's hear from another artist

concerned about her carbon impact. Fay Milton is the drummer of the band

Savages and co-founder of the climate pressure group

Music Declares Emergency. She spoke to BBC Radio 4's programme You & Yours:

This year I have actually turned down a tour. My income comes from

touring so it has put me in a bit of a precarious situation

but I actually feel quite good about it – it feels like the right thing to do in this moment.

Even though Fay earns a living as a drummer by going on tour,

she has started to turn them down – meaning to reject or refuse the offer of touring.

Losing the income she usually gets from touring

puts Fay in a precarious situation – a situation where things could become difficult,

in this case financially difficult, because she isn't making money from playing the drums.

But she still wants to do the right thing – in other words,

do what is most fair, ethical and just. For Fay, fighting climate change is even

more important than doing what she loves – going on tour with the band.

Well, good for her! I'm not sure if I'd be so committed as Fay. But if bands stopped touring

altogether, fans wouldn't get to see gigs – or live concerts and hear the music they love.

Well, that's an interesting point because it might be possible for bands to carry on touring

and also reduce their environmental impact at the same time. Bristol band, Massive Attack,

want to do exactly that. Their singer Robert Del Naja explains:

We're working with an electric bus company. We're going to look at all the energy being

renewable and obviously the power we can create will go back to the grid,

so we're hoping we can actually create legacy green infrastructure which can then power

future gigs. We plan to travel to Europe solely by train, with the band, the crew and all the gear.

Swapping tour planes for trains and encouraging fans to travel to gigs

by bus are two good ways to reduce the total carbon footprint of the concert.

And by using renewable energy, the gig can create power. This can then be put back into the national

grid, called the grid for short – the network supplying electrical power across a country.

Well, Massive Attack are certainly ticking all the green boxes, Neil,

but who else is doing a good job? Remember your quiz question earlier?

Ah, yes. I asked which band has decided to stop

touring until their tours were carbon neutral and you said?

I said c) Coldplay.

And you were right! Are you a Coldplay fan, Rob?

Just remember to leave your car at home the next time you go to their gig!

Right! Today, we've been looking at some of the

ways music bands and artists are trying to fight climate change.

They want to reduce their carbon footprint – the amount of carbon they release into the air.

Some musicians are starting to turn down – or refuse, long world tour dates because flying from

country to country playing gigs – or live musical concerts, generates so much carbon dioxide.

Bands like Savages, Green Day and Massive Attack are trying to do the

right thing - taking the most fair and ethical course of action, even though for some artists,

the income lost from not touring puts them in a precarious – or difficult situation.

But when they get it right, bands can be carbon neutral or even generate power which can be put

back into the national grid – the network supplying electrical power across a country.

All of which means we can ‘keep on rocking' into the next century

without increasing carbon emissions and adding to climate change.

So, Rob, you could say you were ‘born to run'… on renewable energy!

Ha-ha! Very funny, Neil. That's all for today but remember to join us again soon

for more topical discussions and vocabulary from 6 Minute English, here at BBC Learning English.

Thanks for listening and bye!


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Sam.

Environmental English (2) 6 Minuten Englisch - Umwelt-Englisch Mega-Klasse! Eine Stunde mit neuen V... (2) 6 Minute English - Environmental English Mega Class! One Hour of New V... (2) Inglés medioambiental (2) 6 Minute English - Méga cours d'anglais environnemental ! Une heure de nouvelles v... (2) 環境英語 (2) 6 Minute English - Mega aula de inglês ambiental! Uma hora de novas aulas de... (2) 6 Minute English - Мегакласс по экологическому английскому! Один час нового в... (2) 6 Dakikada İngilizce - Çevre İngilizcesi Mega Sınıfı! Bir Saatlik Yeni... (2) 6分钟英语-环保英语大课!一小时新 V... (2) 環境英語(2)

Yes, it's our addiction to plastic that is  of concern because this material doesn't

decay very quickly, so once we've used  it, it hangs around for a very long time. 急速に崩壊|||||||||||||||

It is a problem – and decay, by the  way, describes the natural process

of something being destroyed or breaking  down into small particles. We hear so much

about the consequences of having too  much waste plastic around, don't we?

Indeed. Not only does it cause a mess -  wildlife, particularly marine animals,

are at risk when they become  entangled in plastic waste, ||||||絡まる|||

or ingest it. It's an issue that needs  tackling – or dealing with. And that's

what we'll be discussing today and finding out  what could be done to solve this plastic crisis.

OK, first, let's challenge you to answer a  question about plastic, Rob. The first synthetic ||||||||||||||合成の

plastic – that's plastic made entirely from  man-made materials - was created over 100 years

ago. Do you know what its brand name was? Was it… a) Bakelite,

b) Lucite or c) Formica?

I'm no expert, so I'll say c) Formica.

Well, we'll reveal the answer at the end of the  programme. Now let's talk more about plastic.

This man-made substance is everywhere - from  clothing to crisp packets, and bottles to buckets. |||||||||パリパリ|||||バケツ This man-made substance is everywhere - from clothing to crisp packets, and bottles to buckets. この人工物質は、衣服からクリスプのパック、ボトルからバケツに至るまで、いたるところに存在している。

But the problem is that most of it isn't  biodegradable – that's a word that describes |||||||||生分解性の|||||

something that can decay naturally without  harming anything. Each year, 400 million

tonnes of plastic is produced and 40% of that  is single-use. So why don't we stop using it?

It's not that easy, Rob, and it's something  Lucy Siegle, a BBC reporter and author, has been

talking about. She was speaking in a discussion  on the Costing the Earth programme on BBC Radio 4,

and explained the issue we have with quitting  plastic but also how our attitude is changing…

We have this weird psychological attachment to  this material that's been around and it's like

a push and pull. At the one time, we're so  horrified by what we're seeing – the whales

dying, the oceans vomiting plastic,  beaming in from all over the world, dying, the oceans vomiting plastic, beaming in from all over the world, 死滅し、プラスチックが吐き出された海は、世界各地から送られてくる、 вмираючи, океани блюють пластиком, сяють з усього світу,

and at the same time we're being  told we can't live without it,

so that creates a psychological dissonance  –which I think is the barrier to behavioural |||||心理的不協和||||||||

change but I'm finding now awareness has  peaked and it's going over into activism.

She mentioned the word psychological –  that's something that affects or involves

our mind – so here, psychological  attachment means that in our mind

we feel we have to use plastic – we're addicted.

But we also see the negative impact of plastic  – like whales dying – and in our mind we're also

thinking we must stop! This has created what Lucy  says is a 'psychological dissonance' - dissonance

means a disagreement between two opposing  ideas – so we're having an argument in our

head about the right thing to do – this is the  'push and pull' of thoughts she referred to.

And this dissonance has been the barrier to  us trying to solve the plastic issue – but

now we're starting to do something about it  – we're taking action to reduce our plastic

waste – we're turning to activism. That's  taking action to change something – it

could be social or political change, or  a change in our behaviour or attitude.

Of course there has been a big push – that means  people have been strongly encouraged – to recycle.

Maybe in an ideal world the best thing to do is  go plastic-free – but that isn't easy, is it?

No, it isn't, and it's something Lucy Siegle  spoke about. Getting rid of plastic in our

lives is a gradual process. But where does  she think we can make the biggest difference?

I really think that to concentrate on  stopping the flow of plastics into your life

is easier and more effective in the long term,  than trying to go plastic-free from the outset. |||||||||||||||||最初から

We are in the UK, a supermarket  culture, so a lot of the tips and

tricks to decreasing the flow of plastic  are getting round supermarket culture.

She says we have a supermarket culture in the  UK. Culture here describes a way of life – or

a way that we generally behave – and in terms of  food shopping, we tend to do that in supermarkets.

So, for example, customers can  make a big difference by putting

pressure on supermarkets to  use less plastic packaging.

It does seem that the future of plastic is  in our hands – we need to be more careful

about how and when we use it – and use our  collective power to force change if it's needed.

But there's no doubt plastic  is useful for many things

so it will be a long time  before it disappears altogether.

And earlier I asked you what was the name of  the first synthetic plastic, invented over a 100

years ago. Was it… a) Bakelite,

b) Lucite or c) Formica?

And I said c) Formica. Was I right?

Formica is a type of hard plastic used  for covering tables and working areas

in kitchens – but it's not the  oldest type. That was Bakelite.

I may have got that wrong but hopefully I'll  have more success recapping some of today's

vocabulary – starting with decay, which describes  the natural process of something being destroyed

or breaking down into small particles –  which plastic takes a long time to do.

Next, we had biodegradable – that's a word to

describe something that can decay  naturally without harming anything.

Then we had psychological – that's something  that affects or involves your mind.

Next up, we had dissonance, which describes  a disagreement between two opposing ideas.

And then we mentioned activism  - that's taking action

to change something. We also mentioned  the phrase a big push which means people

are strongly encouraged or persuaded  to do something, usefully by force.

And finally we had culture. In our  context of supermarket culture,

it describes a way of life – or  a way that we generally behave.

Thanks, Neil. Now, remember you can find more  learning English programmes and materials

on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. That's

it for now but please join us next  time for 6 Minute English. Goodbye.

Neil Goodbye.

Hello. This is 6 Minute English  from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Rob.

I've been reading about ways to protect  the environment, Rob, and I've decided

to eat less meat. And maybe drive my car less too.

Good for you, Neil! And flying less  can also help reduce air pollution.

Right. Flying and driving less are  two good ways to combat climate change

because they reduce your carbon footprint  – that's the amount of carbon dioxide or |||||足跡||||||二酸化炭素|

CO2 released into the atmosphere as  a result of your everyday activities.

The idea of reducing carbon emissions is  catching on in the music industry too.

Bands and artists who go on tour around  the world generate large carbon footprints.

So recently some music groups  like Massive Attack and Green Day

started thinking about ways to reduce the impact  their tours are having on the environment. started thinking about ways to reduce the impact their tours are having on the environment. は、ツアーが環境に与える影響を減らす方法を考え始めた。

Ha! Green Day – what a good name for a  band trying to be environmentally friendly!

Today we'll be finding out  about bands and musicians

who want to continue going on tour but do it in  ways which reduce their environmental impact.

And of course, we'll be learning  some related vocabulary on the way.

So, it seems like the days of rock and roll  stars flying around the world in private jets

may soon be a thing of the past.

Indeed, Rob, and that brings me neatly to my quiz  question. One British band recently announced

they would stop going on tour until they were  100% carbon neutral, but which band? Was it:

a) The 1975

b) The Rolling Stones, or

c) Coldplay

Well, Coldplay had a hit with  their song The Scientist,

and we are talking about carbon dioxide  and the climate, so I'll say c) Coldplay.

Good thinking, Rob! We'll find out the answer  later. But first let's hear from another artist

concerned about her carbon impact.  Fay Milton is the drummer of the band

Savages and co-founder of  the climate pressure group

Music Declares Emergency. She spoke to  BBC Radio 4's programme You & Yours:

This year I have actually turned  down a tour. My income comes from

touring so it has put me in a  bit of a precarious situation |||||||||||不安定な|

but I actually feel quite good about it – it  feels like the right thing to do in this moment.

Even though Fay earns a living  as a drummer by going on tour,

she has started to turn them down – meaning  to reject or refuse the offer of touring.

Losing the income she usually gets from touring

puts Fay in a precarious situation – a  situation where things could become difficult,

in this case financially difficult, because  she isn't making money from playing the drums.

But she still wants to do the  right thing – in other words,

do what is most fair, ethical and just.  For Fay, fighting climate change is even

more important than doing what she  loves – going on tour with the band.

Well, good for her! I'm not sure if I'd be so  committed as Fay. But if bands stopped touring

altogether, fans wouldn't get to see gigs –  or live concerts and hear the music they love.

Well, that's an interesting point because it  might be possible for bands to carry on touring

and also reduce their environmental impact at  the same time. Bristol band, Massive Attack,

want to do exactly that. Their  singer Robert Del Naja explains:

We're working with an electric bus company.  We're going to look at all the energy being

renewable and obviously the power we  can create will go back to the grid, |||||||||||||グリッド

so we're hoping we can actually create legacy  green infrastructure which can then power

future gigs. We plan to travel to Europe solely by  train, with the band, the crew and all the gear. future gigs. We plan to travel to Europe solely by train, with the band, the crew and all the gear. 今後のライブヨーロッパへは、バンド、クルー、すべての機材を持って、列車だけで移動する予定です。

Swapping tour planes for trains and  encouraging fans to travel to gigs

by bus are two good ways to reduce the  total carbon footprint of the concert.

And by using renewable energy, the gig can create  power. This can then be put back into the national

grid, called the grid for short – the network  supplying electrical power across a country.

Well, Massive Attack are certainly  ticking all the green boxes, Neil, Що ж, Massive Attack, безперечно, відзначає всі зелені поля, Ніле,

but who else is doing a good job?  Remember your quiz question earlier?

Ah, yes. I asked which band has decided to stop

touring until their tours were  carbon neutral and you said?

I said c) Coldplay.

And you were right! Are you a Coldplay fan, Rob?

Just remember to leave your car at  home the next time you go to their gig! ただ、次に彼らのライブに行くときは、車を家に置いていくことをお忘れなく!

Right! Today, we've been looking at some of the

ways music bands and artists are  trying to fight climate change.

They want to reduce their carbon footprint –  the amount of carbon they release into the air.

Some musicians are starting to turn down – or  refuse, long world tour dates because flying from

country to country playing gigs – or live musical  concerts, generates so much carbon dioxide.

Bands like Savages, Green Day and  Massive Attack are trying to do the

right thing - taking the most fair and ethical  course of action, even though for some artists,

the income lost from not touring puts them  in a precarious – or difficult situation.

But when they get it right, bands can be carbon  neutral or even generate power which can be put

back into the national grid – the network  supplying electrical power across a country.

All of which means we can ‘keep  on rocking' into the next century

without increasing carbon emissions  and adding to climate change.

So, Rob, you could say you were  ‘born to run'… on renewable energy!

Ha-ha! Very funny, Neil. That's all for  today but remember to join us again soon

for more topical discussions and vocabulary from  6 Minute English, here at BBC Learning English.

Thanks for listening and bye!


Hello. This is 6 Minute English  from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Sam.