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Assorted YouTube videos, The Tragic Story of Nikola Tesla

The Tragic Story of Nikola Tesla

When you think about the greatest inventors of all time, there are a few names that come to

mind. Henry Ford. The Wright brothers. Thomas Edison. But there's one name that is not as recognizable.

When you plug your phone in, turn on the lights, or use the refrigerator, you have

Nikola Tesla to thank. This is the story of the forgotten genius and the story begins at the end.

On January 7, 1943 a maid working at the New Yorker Hotel walked into room 3327, where she

found the body of an 86--year-old man who called the hotel home for the past decade.

Tesla died alone and broke. He lived off a diet of warm milk and crackers and was obsessed with

feeding the pigeons outside. One of the greatest inventors of all time faded into obscurity and

died penniless. There is a reason why this happened which will become clear by the end

of this story. Tesla was born in the town of Smiljan in present-day Croatia on July 10, 1856.

He was born during a lightning storm. According to family legend, the midwife said halfway through the

birth: this child will be a child of darkness to which his mother replied, no, he will be a child

of light. Little did she know how prophetic those words would be. When Tesla was five he witnessed

his older brother fall from a horse and later die. This would haunt him for the rest of his life.

As a child, he began seeing visions accompanied by flashes of light, confusing what was real and what

was imaginary. This never went away. The vision spurred his ability to conceive inventions in

his head in such detail that he didn't even need to draw them out. He explained how the designs

were perfected in his mind in an article in 1919. "Invariably, my device works as I conceived that

it should and the experiment comes out exactly as I planned it. In 20 years there has not been

a single exception." Tesla credits his mom for his interest in invention. Đuka Mandić invented small

household appliances in her spare time. She had an eidetic memory - the ability to recall an image from

memory with high precision and she passed this on to her son. Tesla's father was a priest and wanted

him to become one too but Tesla was interested in engineering. When he contracted cholera as a teen

and nearly died, his father promised to send him to engineering school if he survived and

miraculously, he did. He went to study in Austria at the Technical College of Graz where he is

said to have worked from 3 am until 11 pm every day. Professors were worried that he

would die from exhaustion. Tesla had a beautiful mind. He could perform calculus in his head and

spoke eight languages. He was a good student at the start but would not finish school.

He dropped out after becoming addicted to gambling and cut ties with his family so they wouldn't find

out. His friends didn't know what happened to him either. They thought he drowned in a river.

Tesla moved around Europe and eventually ended up in Budapest working as an electrician at a

telephone company. While walking around a park in the city one day, he had an epiphany about

developing a new way of generating electricity using alternating current. It would be his greatest

invention that would change the world. I'll explain more about AC a little later. In 1882,

he settled in Paris to work for the French branch of Thomas Edison's electric company. He started off

installing indoor lighting but the managers noticed his talents and had him doing more

complicated work, designing and building dynamos and motors. He was soon traveling throughout Europe

fixing problems at other Edison branches. Two years later, in 1884, Tesla's manager offered him

a job at Edison Machine Works in New York City. He agreed and arrived in America with only four

cents in his pocket because his money was stolen on the boat ride over. Tesla initially had a good

impression of Edison. Edison was also impressed by Tesla, later saying: "I have had many hard-working

assistants but you take the cake." This mutual admiration didn't last. They would become bitter

rivals. The two men disagreed over how electricity should be contained and delivered. Edison preferred

direct current which is a system where the electric charge only flows in one direction.

Tesla was a fan of alternating current in which the electric charge changes direction periodically.

Changing directions is crucial to maintaining a steady supply of electricity because it does not

overpower outlets. This means it can provide more power and transmit power over longer

distances. It's the reason AC powers our homes and other large appliances whereas DC powers

smaller items like flashlights. But Edison didn't care about AC because it could have hurt the

sales of direct current since he owned all the patents for DC. According to Tesla, a manager at

Edison's company offered him a $50,000 bonus if he could improve some machines that ran on DC.

When he did, the manager refused to pay up. Another account of the story has Edison telling Tesla:

"You don't understand our American humor." Regardless of how it played out, Tesla quit and set off to

form his own electric company the following year in 1885. But his investors showed little interest

and decided to take the company and all of Tesla's patents which they could do because

Tesla had assigned the patents to the company in exchange for stock which was now worthless. After

losing his company, Tesla had to take a job digging ditches for two dollars a day just to survive. But

his fortunes would change. In 1887, Tesla invented an induction motor that ran on alternating current.

The motor was the most efficient way to convert electricity to mechanical power. Aversion of it

powers Tesla's vehicles which took its name from the inventor. He patented the motor and showed it

off the following year at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers that caught the attention

of George Westinghouse, a major player in the electric market who realized Tesla's AC motor

might just be what he needed to complete his alternating current system and compete against

Edison's DC system. So Tesla licensed the patents for the AC motor to Westinghouse for

$60,000 and also received stock and royalties. Westinghouse hired him as a consultant

for $2,000 a month which is the equivalent of over $50,000 a month

today. The war of the currents began. Edison tried hard to try to discredit Westinghouse and Tesla.

He secretly financed the electric chair that used alternating current to prove how dangerous AC was.

Edison's company also publicly tortured animals to prove its point. In 1903, they electrocuted a

circus elephant named Topsy and produced a film about it called Electrocuting an Elephant. Despite

Edison's schemes, good things were happening for Westinghouse and Tesla. They underbid Edison and

his newly formed company General Electric to illuminate the World's Colombian Exposition

in Chicago in 1893. The first all-electric fair celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher

Columbus's discovery of America. It was clear to the 27 million people who attended that AC would

power the future. Their success continued when they beat out Edison's General Electric again to

build the world's first alternating current power plant in Niagara Falls. The hydroelectric power

station was a massive success and helped light up Buffalo, New York. The building of the plant also

meant Tesla became a pioneer in renewable energy. His statue can be found at Niagara Falls today.

Westinghouse and Tesla won the war of the currents and direct current was being phased out.

But there were problems. Westinghouse's company was running out of money and eventually went $10

million into debt. In 1897, he went to Tesla and asked if his royalties could be reduced

in a desperate attempt to save the company. Tesla was so compelled by compassion for his friend

that he ripped up his contract. He was grateful to Westinghouse for believing in him when no one else

would. Tesla willingly walked away from $12 million in royalties which in today's terms

would be worth over $300 million. Had he held on to those royalties over time, he would have likely

become the wealthiest person on the planet and the first person with a billion dollar net worth. That

act of compassion for his friend of tearing up his contract saved Westinghouse. In return, Westinghouse

paid Tesla $216,000 for the rights to use as ac patents forever. This

is the equivalent of about $60 million today. With that money, Tesla became financially

independent and set up a series of laboratories in New York for new projects where he was visited by

the rich and famous, including his close friend and one of the greatest American writers of all time,

Mark Twain. This was his period of many inventions. He held over 300 patents in his lifetime.

He created an early version of neon lighting, the tesla turbine - a bladeless turbine for vehicles.

He pioneered x-ray technology by experimenting with radiation. This is an x-ray of his own hand.

Another stand-out invention was one of the first remote controls. In 1898, he controlled a miniature

boat at Madison Square Garden in New York. It was so far ahead of its time that the crowd thought

he was using magic to make it move. That would be the ancestor to today's remote-controlled drones.

One of his most well-known inventions is the Tesla coil - a device that can produce large amounts of

high voltage electricity. Because of the coils, he discovered he could send and receive powerful

radio signals when they resonated at the same frequency. Tesla was getting ready to broadcast

his first radio signal but disaster struck. A fire destroyed his lab in 1895. He lost years

of research and equipment. Tesla didn't apply for a patent for the radio until two years later. The

fire would be the turning point in his life that led to a downhill spiral. At the same time that

he was working on radio, an Italian entrepreneur, Guglielmo Marconi, was also working on the radio

in England. He tried to acquire patent rights in the US but was turned down because it was too similar

to Tesla's. However, things changed when Marconi was able to send the world's first transatlantic radio

message in 1901 using 17 of Tesla's patents. Edison then threw his financial support behind Marconi.

Tesla had no problem with Marconi's achievements but in 1904, the US Patent Office suddenly changed

its mind and awarded Marconi a patent for the invention the radio. There has never

been a reason given for this decision but the powerful financial backing Marconi received

could explain it. Marconi went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 which was only possible

due to Tesla's work. Tesla was furious and sued Marconi. The case dragged on in court for years and

was only settled in Tesla's favor after his death. That radio incident negatively impacted the rest

of Tesla's career. For example, Tesla was obsessed with bringing wireless communication to the world

and built a huge wireless transmission station in Long Island, New York called Wardenclyffe Tower. He

imagined a world where we could send and receive messages wirelessly. He was, again, well ahead of his

time. But financial backers did not have enough faith in his project. They pulled out and banked

on Marconi's radio invention instead. This left Tesla in financial ruin. He had no choice but to

abandon his dream project in 1905 and eventually lost Wardenclyffe Tower to foreclosure. Tesla's

mental health deteriorated. He lived his last decade in the New Yorker Hotel beginning in 1933.

Westinghouse Corporation hired him as a consultant and paid for his room. He lived rent-free but died

in debt. So why did one of the greatest inventors of all time fade into obscurity and die penniless?

You could say T esla was unlucky at times like when the fire burned down his New York lab.

But the main reason is because Tesla was not a capitalist. He made decisions that those with

more business acumen would not have made such as giving up his royalties for the AC motor. He wasn't

concerned about money. He was concerned about the pursuit of science for the betterment of humanity.

He wanted to change the world and he did. Thanks in part to Elon Musk's company, people are starting

to learn more about the man who inspired the company, a man whose inventions would

power our entire planet. It's because of Tesla that modern society functions the way it does.

Tesla's mother called him a child of light and she was quite right.

Thanks for watching the story of Nikola Tesla, I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm Cindy Pom. If you like what you, saw subscribe to my new channel.

I also started a Patreon where you can make a monthly contribution and this will go a really long way toward helping this channel grow. See you soon.

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The Tragic Story of Nikola Tesla |悲惨的|||尼古拉|特斯拉 |المأساوية|||| |Heartbreaking|||Nikola Tesla|Nikola Tesla |Trajik|||| Die tragische Geschichte von Nikola Tesla The Tragic Story of Nikola Tesla La trágica historia de Nikola Tesla L'histoire tragique de Nikola Tesla La tragica storia di Nikola Tesla ニコラ・テスラの悲劇の物語 니콜라 테슬라의 비극적인 이야기 Tragiška Nikolos Teslos istorija Tragiczna historia Nikoli Tesli A trágica história de Nikola Tesla Трагическая история Николы Теслы Nikola Tesla'nın Trajik Hikayesi Трагічна історія Ніколи Тесли 尼古拉·特斯拉的悲惨故事 尼古拉·特斯拉的悲慘故事

When you think about the greatest inventors  of all time, there are a few names that come to ||||||发明家||||||||||| |||||most influential|pioneering creators||||||||come to mind||spring to mind| ||||||mucitler||||||||||| ||||||inventores||||||||||| Wenn man an die größten Erfinder aller Zeiten denkt, fallen einem ein paar Namen ein Quand on pense aux plus grands inventeurs de tous les temps, quelques noms nous viennent à l’esprit. 当你想到有史以来最伟大的发明家时,有几个名字会浮现在你脑海中

mind. Henry Ford. The Wright brothers. Thomas Edison.  But there's one name that is not as recognizable. Innovative thinker|Henry Ford|||The Wright brothers|Wright brothers|Thomas Edison|Thomas Edison||there is||unsung innovator|||||well-known ||||Wright||||||||||||reconhecível ||||||||||||||||tanınmış ||福特||莱特兄弟|||爱迪生|||||||||知名的 ||||||||||||||||معروفة ||||||||||||||||terkenal, dikenal Geist. Henry Ford. Die Gebrüder Wright. Thomas Edison. Aber es gibt einen Namen, der nicht so erkennbar ist. Zihin. Henry Ford. Wright kardeşler. Thomas Edison. Ancak bu kadar tanınmayan bir isim var.

When you plug your phone in, turn on the  lights, or use the refrigerator, you have ||connect||mobile device|||||||||cooling appliance|| ||ao conectar|||||||as luzes||||geladeira|| ||fişe takmak||||||||||||| ||插上电源|||||||||||冰箱|| ||توصيل|||||||||||الثلاجة|| ||enchufas||||||||||||| Cuando conecta su teléfono, enciende las luces o usa el refrigerador, tiene Telefonunuzu fişe taktığınızda, ışıkları açtığınızda veya buzdolabını kullandığınızda

Nikola Tesla to thank. This is the story of the  forgotten genius and the story begins at the end. ||||||||的|||||||||| ||||||||||overlooked|brilliant innovator||||||| ||||||||||العبقري المنسي|||||||| ||||||||||olvidado|||||||| ||||||||||esquecido|gênio||||||| Nikola Tesla para agradecer. Esta es la historia del genio olvidado y la historia comienza por el final. Nikola Tesla'ya teşekkür etmeliyiz. Bu, unutulmuş bir dâhinin hikâyesidir ve hikâye en sonda başlar.

On January 7, 1943 a maid working at the New  Yorker Hotel walked into room 3327, where she |||housekeeping staff||||||||||| |||camareira||||||||||| |||女仆||||||||||| |||خادمة||||||||||| |||služebná||||||||||| |||criada||||||||||| Am 7. Januar 1943 betrat ein Dienstmädchen des New Yorker Hotels Zimmer 3327, wo sie

found the body of an 86--year-old man who  called the hotel home for the past decade. ||||||||||||||||十年间 discovered||corpse|||86-year-old|elderly|elderly male resident||referred to||||||last 10 years|ten years ||||||||||||||||عقد ||||||||||||||||década ||||||||||||||||on yıl fand die Leiche eines 86-jährigen Mannes, der das Hotel in den letzten zehn Jahren sein Zuhause nannte. encontrou o corpo de um homem de 86 anos que vivia no hotel há uma década. 发现了一具 86 岁男子的尸体,他在过去十年里一直以这家酒店为家。 發現了一具 86 歲男子的屍體,他在過去十年中一直以這家酒店為家。

Tesla died alone and broke. He lived off a diet  of warm milk and crackers and was obsessed with |passed away|by himself||penniless|||||food consumption|||warm milk||biscuits or wafers|||fixated on| ||||||||||||||bolachas|||obcecado| ||||parasız|||ile||||||||||| ||||身无分文||||||||||饼干|||痴迷于| |||||||||||||||||apsėstas| |||||||||نظام غذائي||حليب دافئ|حليب دافئ||البسكويت|||مهووس بـ| |||||Él|vivía de|de||||leche caliente||||||obsesionado con| Tesla starb allein und brach zusammen. Er lebte von einer Diät aus warmer Milch und Crackern und war besessen davon Tesla murió solo y se rompió. Vivía de una dieta de leche caliente y galletas y estaba obsesionado con 特斯拉孤身一人死去,破產了。他以熱牛奶和餅乾為食,並且沉迷於

feeding the pigeons outside. One of the greatest  inventors of all time faded into obscurity and giving food to||birds||||||||||gradually disappeared||"being forgotten"| alimentando||pombos||||||||||desapareceu||obscuridade| ||||||||mucitler||||gözden kayboldu||unutulmuşluk| ||||||||||||||ketidakjelasan| ||||||||||||||默默无闻| maitinant balandžius||balandžius||||||||||išnyko į užmarštį||užmarštį| إطعام||الحمام||واحد||||المخترعين||||تلاشى||الضياع| ||||||||||||upadl v zapomnění||zapomnění| ||鳩に餌をやる||||||||||||無名| ||||||||||||se desvaneció||obscuridad| draußen die Tauben füttern. Einer der größten Erfinder aller Zeiten geriet in Vergessenheit alimentando a las palomas afuera. Uno de los más grandes inventores de todos los tiempos se desvaneció en la oscuridad y 在外面餵鴿子。有史以來最偉大的發明家之一逐漸默默無聞

died penniless. There is a reason why this  happened which will become clear by the end |died without money|||||||||||||| |sem dinheiro|||||||||||||| |parasız|||||||||||||| |身无分文|||||||||||||| |mirė be pinigų|||||||||||||| |بلا مال||||||||سوف يصبح|||||| |zemřel bez peněz|||||||||||||| |無一文で死んだ|||||||||||||| |sin dinero|||||||||||||| mittellos gestorben. Es gibt einen Grund, warum dies geschah, der am Ende klar werden wird 死时身无分文。发生这种情况是有原因的,到最后就会清楚 死時身無分文。發生這種情況是有原因的,到最後就會清楚

of this story. Tesla was born in the town of  Smiljan in present-day Croatia on July 10, 1856. ||||||||||斯米连||||克罗地亚||七月 ||||||||||Smiljane mieste||dabartinės||Kroatijoje||liepos 10 d. ||||||||||a Croatian town||||modern-day Croatia|| ||||||||||سميلجان|||||| ||||||||||desta história. Tesla nasceu na cidade de Smiljan, na Croácia atual, em 10 de julho de 1856.|||||| dieser Geschichte. Tesla wurde am 10. Juli 1856 in der Stadt Smiljan im heutigen Kroatien geboren. 這個故事。特斯拉於 1856 年 7 月 10 日出生於斯米連 (Smiljan) 鎮 (今克羅埃西亞)。

He was born during a lightning storm. According to  family legend, the midwife said halfway through the |||||lightning storm|||||family story||midwife||midpoint of the|| ||||||||||efsane||ebe hemşire||yarısında|ortasında| ||||||||||||助産師|||| |||||闪电|雷雨||||||助产士|||| |||||žaibo audra|žaibo audra|Pasak|||šeimos legenda||akušerė|||| |||خلال||عاصفة رعدية|||||||||نصف الطريق|| ||||||||||||bidan|mengatakan|setengah jalan|di tengah-tengah| ||||||||||||partera|||| Er wurde während eines Gewitters geboren. Laut Familienlegende sagte die Hebamme auf halbem Weg Nasceu durante uma trovoada. De acordo com a lenda familiar, a parteira disse a meio do parto 他出生在一場雷雨中。據家族傳說,助產士在產程進行到一半時說:

birth: this child will be a child of darkness to  which his mother replied, no, he will be a child |||||||||||||回答道|||||| gimimas||vaikas||||||tamsa||||motina|atsakė|||||| child's arrival||||||||||||||||||| طفل||||||||||التي||||||||| ||||||||oscuridad||||||||||| Geburt: Dieses Kind wird ein Kind der Dunkelheit sein, worauf seine Mutter antwortete, nein, er wird ein Kind sein 出生:這個孩子將是一個黑暗的孩子,他的母親回答說,不,他將是一個孩子

of light. Little did she know how prophetic those  words would be. When Tesla was five he witnessed |||||||foretelling the future|those statements|||||||||observed |||||||kehanet dolu|||||||||| |||||||预言性的|||||||||| |šviesos. Mažai žinojo||||||pranašiški||||||||||matė |||||||نبويّة||||||||||شهد |||||||||||||||||byl svědkem |||||||予言的な|||||||||| |||||||proféticas||||||||||presenció von Licht. Sie wusste nicht, wie prophetisch diese Worte sein würden. Als Tesla fünf war, war er Zeuge de luz. Mal sabia ela como essas palavras seriam proféticas. Quando Tesla tinha cinco anos, testemunhou 光。她几乎不知道这句话有多么有预见性。特斯拉五岁时目睹了 光。她幾乎不知道這句話有多有預見性。特斯拉五歲時目睹了

his older brother fall from a horse and later  die. This would haunt him for the rest of his life. ||||||equine animal|||pass away|||Trouble deeply||||||| ||||||||||||rahatsız etmek||||||| ||||||||||||困扰||||||| |vyresnis|||||arklio||vėliau||||persekioti||||likusį gyvenimą||| ||||||||||||تطارد||||||| ||||||||||||pronásledovat||||||| |||||||||||le perseguiría|lo atormentaría||||||| sein älterer Bruder fällt von einem Pferd und stirbt später. Dies würde ihn für den Rest seines Lebens verfolgen. 他的哥哥從馬上摔下來死了。這件事將伴隨他一生。

As a child, he began seeing visions accompanied by  flashes of light, confusing what was real and what ||||||hallucinations|paired with||bursts of light|||blurring reality boundaries||||| |||||||eşlik eden|||||||||| |||||||伴随|||||||||| ||||pradėjo matyti||vizijas|lydimas||šviesos blyksniai|||suklaidindamas kas||||| |||||||مصحوبة|||||مربكاً||||| ||||||vidiny|doprovázené|||||||||| Als Kind begann er, Visionen zu sehen, die von Lichtblitzen begleitet wurden, und verwechselte, was real und was war 當他還是個孩子的時候,他開始看到伴隨著閃光的幻象,混淆了什麼是真實的,什麼是真實的

was imaginary. This never went away. The vision  spurred his ability to conceive inventions in |not real|||||||stimulated||||create innovative ideas|creative ideas| ||||||||teşvik etti||||tasarlamak|| ||||||||||||考案する|| ||||||||激发了||||构思|发明创造| |įsivaizduojamas||||||vizija|paskatino||||sukurti|išradimus kurti| ||||||||حفزت||||ابتكار|اختراعات| ||||||||podnítila||||vymýšlet|| ||||||||memacu||||membayangkan|| ||||||||impulsó|||||| 是想像的。這從未消失。這個願景激發了他構思發明的能力

his head in such detail that he didn't even need  to draw them out. He explained how the designs |||||||||||||||解释了如何||| |jo galvoje|||detaliai|||||||nupiešti||||paaiškino kaip|||dizainus ||||||||||||||||||diseños 他的頭如此細緻,他甚至不需要把它們畫出來。他解釋瞭如何設計

were perfected in his mind in an article in 1919.  "Invariably, my device works as I conceived that |fully developed||||||||Always||||||imagined or planned| |||||||||daima||||||| |||||||||Selalu||||||| |||||||||总是||||||| |ištobulinti||||||straipsnyje||Visada||įrenginys||||sugalvojau| |||||||||دائمًا||الجهاز||||تصورت| |||||||||||||||vymyslel si to| 完成された|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||concebido| 在 1919 年的一篇文章中,他的想法得到了完善。「我的設備總是按照我的設想工作。

it should and the experiment comes out exactly  as I planned it. In 20 years there has not been |||||dopadne|||||||||||| ||||实验||||||||||||| ||||eksperimentas||||||suplanavau||||||| 應該如此,而且實驗結果完全按照我的計畫進行。 20年來,還沒有出現過

a single exception." Tesla credits his mom for his  interest in invention. Đuka Mandić invented small ||výjimka||||||||||||| ||||归功于||||||||||| ||išimtis||priskiria nuopelnus||mama|||||išradimas, kūryba|Đuka Mandić|Mandić|išrado mažus dalykus|mažus dalykus ||one anomaly||attributes to||||||||Đuka Mandić|Đuka Mandić|| ||استثناء||يُنسب|||||اهتمامه|||ذوكا مانديتش||اخترع|اختراع صغير 唯一的例外。」特斯拉將他對發明的興趣歸功於他的媽媽。杜卡·曼迪奇發明了小型

household appliances in her spare time. She had an  eidetic memory - the ability to recall an image from domestic|household devices|||free time|||||photographic memory|||||bring to mind||| |aletler||||||||fotoğrafik|||||||| 家用电器|家用电器|||空闲时间|||||过目不忘|||||||| buitiniai prietaisai|buitiniai prietaisai|||laisvalaikiu|||||fotografinė atmintis|||||atkurti iš atminties||| الأجهزة المنزلية|الأجهزة المنزلية|||الفراغ|||||صور ذهنية|||||استرجاع||| |||||||||鮮明な記憶|||||||| doméstica||||tiempo libre|||||memoria eidética|||||recordar imagen||| 閒暇時的家用電器。她有過目不忘的記憶力──能夠回憶起某個畫面

memory with high precision and she passed this on  to her son. Tesla's father was a priest and wanted |||accuracy|||||||||Tesla's father||||religious leader|| |||kesinlik||||||||||||||| |||高精度|||||||||||||牧师|| |||tikslumas|||perdavė||||||Teslos tėvas|tėvas buvo kunigas|||kunigas|| |||دقة|||نقلت|||||||||||| |||přesnost|||||||||||||kněz|| ||||||||||||||||sacerdote||quería 她的記憶力非常精確,她把這一點傳給了她的兒子。特斯拉的父親是牧師並被通緝

him to become one too but Tesla was interested in  engineering. When he contracted cholera as a teen ||||||||||technical field|||caught|disease he contracted|||young person |||||||||||||hastalığa yakalandı|||| |||||||||||||感染了|霍乱||| ||||||||||inžinerija|||susirgo|susirgo cholera|||paauglys |||||||||||||أصيب|الكوليرا||| ||||||||||||||コレラ||| 他也想成為其中一員,但特斯拉對工程學有興趣。當他青少年時期感染霍亂時

and nearly died, his father promised to send  him to engineering school if he survived and |beveik mirė||||||išsiųsti jį į||||inžinerijos mokyklą|||išgyveno ir| |||||vowed to send||||||||||

miraculously, he did. He went to study in Austria  at the Technical College of Graz where he is 奇迹般地||||||||奥地利||||||格拉茨||| stebuklingai||||||||Austrijoje|||Technikos kolegijoje|Technikos kolegija||Gracas mieste||| بشكل معجزي||||||||النمسا|||التقنية|||غراتس||| against all odds||||||||Austria||||||Graz, Austria||| mucizevi bir şekilde||||||||||||||||| 奇蹟般的是,他做到了。他前往奧地利格拉茨技術學院學習

said to have worked from 3 am until 11 pm  every day. Professors were worried that he |||dirbo|||||||Profesoriai nerimavo, kad||susirūpinę|| 據說每天從凌晨3點工作到晚上11點。教授擔心他

would die from exhaustion. Tesla had a beautiful  mind. He could perform calculus in his head and |||筋疲力尽|||||||||微积分|||| |||išsekimo||||gražiąją||||atlikti skaičiavimus|skaičiavimus mintyse|||| |||الإرهاق||||||||يحلّ حساب|حساب التفاضل|||| |||extreme fatigue||||||||do mentally|mental math|||| ||||||||||||hesaplamalar yapardı|||| 會因精疲力盡而死。特斯拉有一個美麗的頭腦。他可以在腦中進行微積分

spoke eight languages. He was a good student  at the start but would not finish school. kalbėjo||||||||||||||| يتحدث||||||||||||||| 說八種語言。他一開始是個好學生,但沒有完成學業。

He dropped out after becoming addicted to gambling  and cut ties with his family so they wouldn't find |withdrew||||dependent on gambling||betting|||connections||||||| ||||||||||bağları||||||| |||||priklausomas nuo azartinių lošimų||azartiniai lošimai||nutraukė ryšius|nutraukė ryšius||||||nesužinotų| |انسحب||||مدمن على||القمار||قطع|العلاقات||||||| ||||||||||vztahy||||||| |abandonó|||||||||||||||| 他沉迷於賭博後就輟學了,並與家人斷絕了聯繫,以免他們發現

out. His friends didn't know what happened to  him either. They thought he drowned in a river. |||||||||||||sank and died||| |||||||||||||淹死了||| |||||||||||manė||nuskendo|||upėje |||||||||||||غرق||| |||||||||||||utopil se||| |||||||||||||se ahogó|||

Tesla moved around Europe and eventually ended  up in Budapest working as an electrician at a |||||||||布达佩斯||||电工|| |||Europa||galiausiai|atsidūrė|||Budapeštą||||elektriku dirbdamas|| |||||في النهاية|انتهى|انتهى به المطاف|||||||| |||||||||city in Hungary||||electrical technician||

telephone company. While walking around a park  in the city one day, he had an epiphany about |||||||||urban area||||||sudden realization about| ||||etrafında||||||||||bir|farkındalık anı|hakkında |||||||||||||||顿悟| telefono bendrovė|telefono bendrovė||vaikščiodamas po|||parkas mieste|||miesto telefonas||||||nušvitimas apie| |||||||||||||||لحظة إدراك| |||||||||||||||prozření o telefonní| |||||||||||||||epifanía| 电话公司。有一天,当他在城里的一个公园里散步时,他顿悟了

developing a new way of generating electricity  using alternating current. It would be his greatest ||||||||交流电|当前的||||| kurdamas|||||generuoti|elektra generavimas||kintamoji srovė|||||| Creating|||||producing|||switching back-and-forth|||||| تطوير|||||توليد|||المتردد|التيار المتناوب|||||

invention that would change the world. I'll  explain more about AC a little later. In 1882, |||pakeisti pasaulį|||||||kintamoji srovė|||| ||||||||||Alternating Current (AC)||||

he settled in Paris to work for the French branch  of Thomas Edison's electric company. He started off |||||||||分公司|||||||| |apsigyveno||Paryžiuje įsikūrė||||||padalinys|||Edisono|elektros|||| |moved permanently||||||||division|||Thomas Edison’s||||| |||||||||الفرع|||||||| |se estableció|||||||||||||||comenzó|

installing indoor lighting but the managers  noticed his talents and had him doing more |||||||||并且|||做更多的事| įrengiant|vidaus|apšvietimo įrengimas|||vadovai|||gabumai||||| setting up|inside the building|Installing indoor lights|||supervisors|||skills and abilities||||| تركيب|الداخلية|الإضاءة الداخلية||||لاحظوا||المهارات|||||

complicated work, designing and building dynamos  and motors. He was soon traveling throughout Europe |||||发电机||电动机|||||| sudėtingas||kūrimas|||dinamos ir variklius||varikliai|||||visoje| معقدة||||||||||||| ||creating plans for|||electric generators||electric machines||||journeying through Europe|| |||||発電機|||||||| 複雜的工作,設計和建造發電機和馬達。不久他就開始遊歷歐洲

fixing problems at other Edison branches. Two  years later, in 1884, Tesla's manager offered him ||||爱迪生|分公司|||||||| taisymas problemų|||||padaliniai||||||vadovas|pasiūlė jam| resolving||||||||||||| 解決愛迪生其他分支機構的問題。兩年後,在 1884 年,特斯拉的經理向他提供了

a job at Edison Machine Works in New York City. He agreed and arrived in America with only four ||||Mašina||||Niujorko mieste|||sutiko||atvyko į Ameriką||Amerikoje||| ||||industrial equipment|||||||||||||| 在紐約市愛迪生機器廠工作。他同意了,並帶著只有四個人的人來到了美國。

cents in his pocket because his money was stolen  on the boat ride over. Tesla initially had a good ||||||||被偷了||||船程|||最初||| centai kišenėje||||||||pavogti|||laive|kelionė laivu|||iš pradžių||| |||||||||||||||başlangıçta||| 他口袋裡有幾毛錢,因為他的錢在坐船的時候被偷了。特斯拉最初的表現不錯

impression of Edison. Edison was also impressed by  Tesla, later saying: "I have had many hard-working įspūdis apie Edisoną||||||sužavėtas|||||||||| 對愛迪生的印象。愛迪生也對特斯拉印象深刻,後來說:「我有過很多勤奮的經驗。

assistants but you take the cake." This mutual  admiration didn't last. They would become bitter |||||||vzájemný|||||||zahořklí ||||||||钦佩之情||||||反目成仇 padėjėjai, bet tu|||||pasižymi labiausiai||abipusė|abipusė pagarba||||||kartūs ||sen|||||karşılıklı|hayranlık|||||| 「助理,但蛋糕你拿。」這種相互欽佩並沒有持續多久,他們會變得痛苦

rivals. The two men disagreed over how electricity  should be contained and delivered. Edison preferred rivalové|||||||||||||| 对手|||||||||||||| varžovai|||vyrų, varžovų|nesutarė||||||sukontroliuota||tiekiama||teikė pirmenybę 競爭對手。兩人對於如何控制和傳輸電力存在分歧。愛迪生首選

direct current which is a system where the  electric charge only flows in one direction. |||||||||||teka||| 直流电是一种电荷仅沿一个方向流动的系统。 直流電是一種電荷僅沿一個方向流動的系統。

Tesla was a fan of alternating current in which  the electric charge changes direction periodically. |||||交流|||||||||周期性地 ||||||||||elektrinis įkrovimas||keičia kryptį||periodiškai 特斯拉非常喜歡交流電,交流電中的電荷會週期性地改變方向。

Changing directions is crucial to maintaining a  steady supply of electricity because it does not |||||||stabilní||||||| Keisti kryptis|||gyvybiškai svarbu||palaikyti||pastovus|tiekimas|||||| |||||||constante||||||| 改變方向對於維持穩定的電力供應至關重要,因為它不會

overpower outlets. This means it can provide  more power and transmit power over longer 超强电源|插座|||||||||传输电力||| perkrauti lizdus|lizdai|||||tiekti||||perduoti energiją|||ilgesniais atstumais sobrecargar|salidas de energía|||||||||||| 壓倒插座。這意味著它可以提供更多的功率並在更長的時間內傳輸功率

distances. It's the reason AC powers our homes  and other large appliances whereas DC powers ||||||||||||zatímco|| |||||||||||电器设备||| atstumai|||||tiekia energiją||namus ir kitus|||didelių atstumų|||| |||||||||||||direct current| ||||||||||||oysa|| 距離。這就是為什麼我們的家庭和其他大型電器使用交流電而使用直流電

smaller items like flashlights. But Edison didn't  care about AC because it could have hurt the |||手电筒|||||||||||| mažesnių daiktų kaip|daiktus||žibintuvėliai|||||||||||| 較小的物品,例如手電筒。但愛迪生並不關心交流電,因為它可能會損害

sales of direct current since he owned all the  patents for DC. According to Tesla, a manager at |||||||||专利权|||||||| ||||||valdė|||patentai||nuolatinė srovė|||||| 自從他擁有直流電的所有專利以來,他就開始了直流電的銷售。特斯拉的一位經理表示

Edison's company offered him a $50,000 bonus if  he could improve some machines that ran on DC. |||||premija||||patobulinti||mašinas||veikė su|| 如果愛迪生能夠改進一些在直流電上運行的機器,他的公司就會向他提供 50,000 美元的獎金。

When he did, the manager refused to pay up. Another  account of the story has Edison telling Tesla: |||||atsisakė|||||||||||| 當他這樣做時,經理拒絕付款。這個故事的另一個說法是愛迪生告訴特斯拉:

"You don't understand our American humor." Regardless  of how it played out, Tesla quit and set off to |||||humoras|Nepaisant to||||susiklostė|||pasitraukė|||| ||||||independientemente de|||||||renunció|||| “你不懂我们的美式幽默。”不管结果如何,特斯拉退出并开始了 “你不懂我們的美式幽默。”不管結果如何,特斯拉退出並開始了

form his own electric company the following year  in 1885. But his investors showed little interest įkurti|||||||||||investuotojai||| |||||||||||inversores||| 隔年(即 1885 年)成立了自己的電力公司。但他的投資者對此興趣不大

and decided to take the company and all of  Tesla's patents which they could do because ||||||||||专利权||||| 並決定拿走該公司和特斯拉的所有專利,因為他們可以這樣做

Tesla had assigned the patents to the company in  exchange for stock which was now worthless. After |||||||||||||||bezcenné| ||priskyrė|||||||mainais už||akcijų||||bevertis| |||||||||||||||sin valor| 特斯拉已將專利轉讓給該公司,以換取現在一文不值的股票。後

losing his company, Tesla had to take a job digging  ditches for two dollars a day just to survive. But |||||||||挖沟渠|挖沟渠||||||||| praradęs|||||||||kasdamas griovius|kasdamas griovius|||doleriai per dieną|||||išgyventi| |||||||||manual labor|excavation trenches||||||||| ||||||||||溝掘り||||||||| |||||||||cavando zanjas|zanjas||||||||| 失去了公司,特斯拉必須接受一份每天兩美元的挖溝工作才能生存。但

his fortunes would change. In 1887, Tesla invented  an induction motor that ran on alternating current. |命运|||||||感应电动机|||||交流电| |jo likimas pasikeistų|||||||indukcinis variklis|indukcinis variklis||||| ||||||||induction motor|||||| |şansı||||||||||||| ||||||||誘導|||||| 他的命运将会改变。 1887年,特斯拉发明了一种使用交流电运行的感应电动机。 他的命運將會改變。 1887年,特斯拉發明了一種使用交流電運轉的感應電動機。

The motor was the most efficient way to convert  electricity to mechanical power. Aversion of it |||||||||||||Odpor k tomu|| |||||||||||||厌恶感|| |||||efektyviausias||||||mechaninę energiją||Atsisakymas nuo jo|| |||||||||||||Dislike of it|| |||||verimli||||||||kaçınma|| 馬達是將電能轉換為機械能最有效的方式。厭惡它

powers Tesla's vehicles which took its name from  the inventor. He patented the motor and showed it ||车辆|||||||发明家||专利注册||||| ||transporto priemones|||||||išradėjas||patentavo||||| 為特斯拉的車輛提供動力,特斯拉的名字來自發明者。他為電機申請了專利並展示了它

off the following year at the American Institute  of Electrical Engineers that caught the attention |||||||Institutas||elektros inžinierių|||patraukė dėmesį||dėmesį patraukė no ano seguinte no Instituto Americano de Engenheiros Elétricos que chamou a atenção 次年在美国电气工程师学会引起了人们的注意 隔年在美國電機工程師學會引起了人們的注意

of George Westinghouse, a major player in the  electric market who realized Tesla's AC motor |Džordžas|Vestinghauzas|||||||elektros rinka||||| ||George Westinghouse|||||||||||| 喬治·威斯汀豪斯 (George Westinghouse) 是電力市場的主要參與者,他實現了特斯拉的交流電機

might just be what he needed to complete his  alternating current system and compete against |||||||||||||varžytis su|prieš 可能正是他完成交流電系統並與之競爭所需要的

Edison's DC system. So Tesla licensed the  patents for the AC motor to Westinghouse for |||||授权||专利权||||||| |||||licencijavo||||||||| 愛迪生的直流系統。因此特斯拉將交流電機的專利授權給西屋電氣

$60,000 and also received stock and  royalties. Westinghouse hired him as a consultant |||||版税收入||||||顾问 ||gavo|||autorinis atlyginimas||pasamdė||||konsultantas 60,000 美元,也收到股票和特許權使用費。西屋電氣聘請他為顧問

for $2,000 a month which is the  equivalent of over $50,000 a month ||||||相当于|||| ||||||atitinkantis|||| ||||||eşdeğer|||| 每月 2,000 美元,相當於每月 50,000 美元以上

today. The war of the currents began. Edison tried  hard to try to discredit Westinghouse and Tesla. |||||电流之战||||||||||| ||šiandien karas|||srovės karas prasidėjo|||bandė stengtis|||||diskredituoti||| |||||electricity systems||||||||||| hoje. A guerra das correntes começou. Edison se esforçou para tentar desacreditar a Westinghouse e a Tesla. 今天。潮流之戰開始了。愛迪生竭盡全力抹黑西屋電氣和特斯拉。

He secretly financed the electric chair that used  alternating current to prove how dangerous AC was. ||资助|||电椅|||||||多么||| |slapta|finansavo slapta|||elektrinė kėdė||||||įrodyti|||| 他秘密資助了使用交流電的電椅,以證明交流電有多危險。

Edison's company also publicly tortured animals  to prove its point. In 1903, they electrocuted a ||||折磨||||||||电死| |||viešai|kankino|||||argumentą įrodyti|||nukrėtė elektra| 愛迪生的公司也公開折磨動物來證明自己的觀點。 1903年,他們觸電身亡

circus elephant named Topsy and produced a film  about it called Electrocuting an Elephant. Despite 马戏团|||托普西||||||||电击||| cirkas|dramblį cirke||Topsė||sukūrė||filmas apie Topsy||||Elektros šokas||| ||||||||||||||rağmen 馬戲團大象托普西(Topsy)並製作了一部關於它的電影《電死大象》(Electrocuting an Elephant)。儘管

Edison's schemes, good things were happening for  Westinghouse and Tesla. They underbid Edison and |计划||||||||||出价低于|| |planai||||||||||pasiūlė mažesnę kainą|| |||||||||||offered lower prices|| |planları||||||||||daha düşük teklif vermek|| |esquemas|||||||||||| 愛迪生的計劃,西屋電氣和特斯拉的好事正在發生。他們出價低於愛迪生

his newly formed company General Electric to  illuminate the World's Colombian Exposition |||||||照亮|||哥伦比亚博览会|博览会 |naujai įkurta|įkurtą|||||apšviesti|||Kolumbijos|Pasaulinė paroda |||||||||||sergi 他新成立的通用電氣公司為哥倫比亞世界博覽會提供照明

in Chicago in 1893. The first all-electric fair  celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher |||||||||||周年纪念日||克里斯托弗 |Čikagoje 1893 m.||||||paroda|šventė|||400 metų sukaktį||Kristupas Kolumbas em Chicago em 1893. A primeira feira totalmente elétrica comemorou o 400º aniversário de Christopher 1893 年在芝加哥舉行。首屆全電動博覽會慶祝克里斯多福誕辰 400 週年

Columbus's discovery of America. It was clear to  the 27 million people who attended that AC would 哥伦布的||||||||||||参加了||| Kolumbo|Kolumbo atradimas||||||||milijonų žmonių|||dalyvavo||| Columbus||||||||||||||| A descoberta da América por Colombo. Ficou claro para os 27 milhões de pessoas que compareceram que o AC iria 哥倫布發現美洲。參加會議的 2700 萬人都清楚,AC 將

power the future. Their success continued when  they beat out Edison's General Electric again to |||||tęsėsi toliau||||||Bendrai||| 為未來提供動力。當他們再次擊敗愛迪生的通用電氣,獲得成功時,他們的成功仍在繼續。

build the world's first alternating current power  plant in Niagara Falls. The hydroelectric power |||||||||尼亚加拉|尼亚加拉瀑布||水力发电| ||pasaulio||||||||||hidroelektrinė energija| |||||||facility|||||| 在尼加拉瀑佈建造世界上第一座交流電發電廠。水力發電

station was a massive success and helped light up  Buffalo, New York. The building of the plant also |||||||||水牛城|||||||| |||milžiniška sėkmė|||padėjo apšviesti|||Bafalas, Niujorkas|||||||| 車站取得了巨大成功,並幫助照亮了紐約州布法羅。廠房的建設也

meant Tesla became a pioneer in renewable energy.  His statue can be found at Niagara Falls today. ||||先驱者||可再生能源|||雕像|||||尼亚加拉|| ||||pradininkas||atgaminama energija|energijos šaltiniai||statula|||||Niagaros kriokliuose|Niagaros kriokliuose| ||||öncü|||||||||||| 意味着特斯拉成为可再生能源的先驱。今天可以在尼亚加拉大瀑布找到他的雕像。 意味著特斯拉成為再生能源的先驅。今天可以在尼加拉瀑布找到他的雕像。

Westinghouse and Tesla won the war of the  currents and direct current was being phased out. ||||||||||||||淘汰| |||laimėjo|||||||||||palaipsniui atsisakoma| ||||||||akımlar||||||| ||||||||||||||eliminado gradualmente| 西屋電氣和特斯拉贏得了電流之戰,直流電正在淘汰。

But there were problems. Westinghouse's company  was running out of money and eventually went $10 ||||„Westinghouse'o“||||||||| ||||Westinghouse's||||||||| Ama||||||||||||| 但也有問題。西屋電氣的公司資金耗盡,最終跌至 10 美元

million into debt. In 1897, he went to Tesla  and asked if his royalties could be reduced ||||||||||||版税||| ||skola|||||||paprašė sumažinti||||||sumažintos ||||||||||||regalías||| 百萬負債。 1897年,他去特斯拉詢問是否可以減少他的專利費

in a desperate attempt to save the company. Tesla  was so compelled by compassion for his friend ||拼命|尝试||||||||迫于情感||||| ||beviltiškas|bandymas||||||||priverstas||užuojauta draugui||| |||||||||||Driven||||| |||||||||||impulsado por comp||||| 不顧一切地試圖拯救公司。特斯拉對他的朋友充滿同情心

that he ripped up his contract. He was grateful to  Westinghouse for believing in him when no one else ||撕毁|||合同||||||||||||| ||sudraskė|||sutartis|||dėkingas||||tikėjimu juo|||||| ||tore up|||||||||||||||| ||rompió||||||agradecido|||||||||| 他撕毀了合約。他很感激西屋公司在沒有人的情況下信任他

would. Tesla willingly walked away from $12 million  in royalties which in today's terms ||savanoriškai||||||||||šiandienos sąlygomis ||voluntariamente|||||||||| 會。特斯拉自願放棄 1200 萬美元的特許權使用費,以今天的標準

would be worth over $300 million. Had he held on  to those royalties over time, he would have likely |||||||laikęs|||||||||| ||valdría|||||hubiera mantenido||||regalías||||||probablemente habría 價值將超過3億美元。如果他隨著時間的推移保留這些版稅,他可能會

become the wealthiest person on the planet and the  first person with a billion dollar net worth. That |||||||||||||milijardas|milijardų dolerių|grynoji vertė|grynoji vertė| ||en zengin||||||||||||||| 成為地球上最富有的人,也是第一個擁有十億美元淨資產的人。那

act of compassion for his friend of tearing up his  contract saved Westinghouse. In return, Westinghouse ||||||||||合同||||| |||||||plėšymas||||išgelbėjo|||mainais į tai| 出於同情朋友而撕毀合約的行為拯救了威斯汀豪斯。作為回報,西屋電氣

paid Tesla $216,000 for the rights to use as ac patents forever. This |||||||||专利权|| ||||teises naudoti patentus||||||amžinai| 向特斯拉支付了 216,000 美元,以獲得永久使用 AC 專利的權利。這

is the equivalent of about $60 million today. With that money, Tesla became financially ||||||||||||finansiškai stabilus 相當於今天約 6000 萬美元。有了這筆錢,特斯拉在財務上變得

independent and set up a series of laboratories in  New York for new projects where he was visited by |||||||实验室||||||||||| nepriklausomas|||||seriją||laboratorijas||||||projektams||||| 獨立,並在紐約為新項目建立了一系列實驗室,並在那裡參觀了他

the rich and famous, including his close friend and  one of the greatest American writers of all time, |||garsus ir turtingas|įskaitant||||||||||rašytojų||| 富人和名人,包括他的密友和有史以來最偉大的美國作家之一,

Mark Twain. This was his period of many inventions.  He held over 300 patents in his lifetime. |马克·吐温|||||||||||专利权||| Markas Tvenas|Markas Tvenas||||||||||||||gyvenimo laikotarpiu |Mark Twain|||||||||||||| ||||||||||poseía||||| 馬克吐溫.這是他的許多發明的時期。他一生擁有 300 多項專利。

He created an early version of neon lighting, the  tesla turbine - a bladeless turbine for vehicles. ||||||霓虹灯||||涡轮机||无叶片的|涡轮机|| |sukūrė||ankstyvąją|versija||neono apšvietimas||||turbina||bementė||| ||||||||||turbine design||without blades||| 他創造了霓虹燈的早期版本——特斯拉渦輪機——一種用於車輛的無葉片渦輪機。

He pioneered x-ray technology by experimenting  with radiation. This is an x-ray of his own hand. |开创了|||||试验||辐射|这是|||||||| |pradininkas|rentgeno spindulių||technologija||eksperimentuodamas su||spinduliuotė|||||rentgeno spindulys|||| 他透過輻射實驗開創了 X 射線技術。這是他自己手部的 X 光片。

Another stand-out invention was one of the first  remote controls. In 1898, he controlled a miniature |||||||||遥控器||||||微型装置 |išsiskiriantis išradimas|||||||||nuotoliniai valdikliai|||||miniatiūrinį modelį 另一項傑出的發明是最早的遙控器之一。 1898年,他控制了一個微型

boat at Madison Square Garden in New York. It was  so far ahead of its time that the crowd thought ||麦迪逊广场||||||||||||||||| ||Madisono aikštėje|aikštė|Madisono aikštė||||||||||||||minia| 紐約麥迪遜廣場花園的遊船。它遠遠超前於時代,以至於人們認為

he was using magic to make it move. That would be  the ancestor to today's remote-controlled drones. ||||||||||||前身|||遥控器||无人机 |||magija|||||||||pirmtakas|||nuotolinio valdymo|valdomas nuotoliniu būdu|dronai ||||||||||||ata||||| 他正在使用魔法讓它移動。這將是當今遙控無人機的祖先。

One of his most well-known inventions is the Tesla  coil - a device that can produce large amounts of ||||||||||Tesla ritė|||||||didelį kiekį| ||||||||||Tesla coil|||||||| ||||||||||bobin|||||||| 他最著名的發明之一是特斯拉線圈——一種可以產生大量電流的裝置

high voltage electricity. Because of the coils, he discovered he could send and receive powerful |aukšta įtampa|||||ritės|||||||gauti|galingą ||||||bobinas|||||||| 高壓電。由於線圈,他發現他可以發送和接收強大的

radio signals when they resonated at the same  frequency. Tesla was getting ready to broadcast radijo signalai|signalai|||rezonavo||||dažnis||||||transliuoti ||||resonaron|||||||||| 當它們以相同頻率共振時產生無線電訊號。特斯拉正在準備直播

his first radio signal but disaster struck. A  fire destroyed his lab in 1895. He lost years |||signalas||nelaimė ištiko|ištiko nelaimė||gaisras sunaikino laboratoriją|sunaikino||laboratoriją|||| |||||felaket|felaket geldi||||||||| 他收到了第一個無線電訊號,但災難降臨了。 1895 年,一場大火燒毀了他的實驗室。他失去了數年生命

of research and equipment. Tesla didn't apply for  a patent for the radio until two years later. The |||įranga ir priemonės|||pateikė paraišką|||patentas|||||||| |||||||||patente|||||||| 研究和設備。特斯拉直到兩年後才申請了無線電專利。這

fire would be the turning point in his life that  led to a downhill spiral. At the same time that ||||lūžio taškas|||||||||žemyn einantis|nuosmukio spiralė||||| 火災將成為他人生的轉捩點,導致他的人生走下坡。同時那

he was working on radio, an Italian entrepreneur,  Guglielmo Marconi, was also working on the radio ||||||italų kilmės|verslininkas|Guglielmas Marconi|Markonis|||||| |||||||||Guglielmo Marconi|||||| 他在廣播電台工作,義大利企業家古列爾莫·馬可尼也在廣播電台工作

in England. He tried to acquire patent rights in the  US but was turned down because it was too similar |Anglijoje||||įsigyti||||||||atmestas||||||pernelyg panašus |||||edinmek|||||||||||||| 在英國。他試圖在美國取得專利權,但因過於相似而被拒絕

to Tesla's. However, things changed when Marconi was  able to send the world's first transatlantic radio ||||||||||||||transatlantinį radijo signalą| 到特斯拉的。然而,當馬可尼能夠發送世界上第一台跨大西洋無線電時,事情發生了變化

message in 1901 using 17 of Tesla's patents. Edison  then threw his financial support behind Marconi. ||||||||paskyrė||finansinę paramą|paramos|| 1901 年的消息使用了特斯拉的 17 項專利。愛迪生隨後向馬可尼提供了財政支持。

Tesla had no problem with Marconi's achievements  but in 1904, the US Patent Office suddenly changed |||||Marconio|pasiekimais|||||||| |||||achievements||||||||| 特斯拉對馬可尼的成就沒有異議,但1904年,美國專利局突然改變了

its mind and awarded Marconi a patent for  the invention the radio. There has never |||suteikė patentą||||||||||| 並授予馬可尼無線電發明專利。從來沒有

been a reason given for this decision but the  powerful financial backing Marconi received |||pateikta||||||||finansinė parama|| 是做出這項決定的一個原因,但馬可尼獲得了強大的財政支持

could explain it. Marconi went on to win the Nobel  Prize in Physics in 1911 which was only possible |||||||||Nobelio premiją|Nobelio premiją||||||| could explain it. Marconi went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 which was only possible 可以解釋一下。馬可尼最終獲得了 1911 年諾貝爾物理學獎,這是不可能的

due to Tesla's work. Tesla was furious and sued  Marconi. The case dragged on in court for years and dėl Teslos darbo||||||įsiutęs dėl||padavė į teismą||||užsitęsė|||||| ||||||||demandó||||se prolongó|||||| 由於特斯拉的工作。特斯拉勃然大怒,起訴了馬可尼。此案在法庭上拖延了多年

was only settled in Tesla's favor after his death.  That radio incident negatively impacted the rest |||||naudai|||mirtis|||incidentas su radiju||neigiamai paveikė|| |||||lehine|||||||||| 在特斯拉去世後,這個問題才得到了有利於特斯拉的解決。那次無線電事件對其他事件產生了負面影響

of Tesla's career. For example, Tesla was obsessed  with bringing wireless communication to the world ||karjera|||||||atnešimu|belaidis ryšys|||| 特斯拉的職業生涯。例如,特斯拉沉迷於將無線通訊帶入世界

and built a huge wireless transmission station in  Long Island, New York called Wardenclyffe Tower. He |pastatė||milžinišką||perdavimo stotį||||||||Wardenclyffe bokštą|Wardenclyfo bokštą| |||||||||||||Wardenclyffe Tower|| 並在紐約長島建造了一個巨大的無線傳輸站,名為 Wardenclyffe Tower。他

imagined a world where we could send and receive  messages wirelessly. He was, again, well ahead of his įsivaizdavo|||||||||žinutės belaidžiu būdu|be laidžiojo ryšio||||||| ||||||||||kablosuz olarak||||||| 想像一個我們可以無線發送和接收訊息的世界。他再一次遠遠領先他的

time. But financial backers did not have enough  faith in his project. They pulled out and banked |||finansiniai rėmėjai||||||||projektas||pasitraukė|||sukaupė lėšas |||financial supporters|||||||||||||saved their money |||patrocinadores financieros||||||||||se retiraron|||se retiraron 時間。但金融支持者對他的專案沒有足夠的信心。他們退出並存入銀行

on Marconi's radio invention instead. This left  Tesla in financial ruin. He had no choice but to ||||||||||finansinį žlugimą|||||| 相反,馬可尼的無線電發明。這讓特斯拉陷入了財務困境。他別無選擇,只能

abandon his dream project in 1905 and eventually  lost Wardenclyffe Tower to foreclosure. Tesla's atsisakė|||||||||||arešto teisė| |||||||||||loss of property| 1905 年,他放棄了自己的夢想項目,並最終因喪失抵押品贖回權而失去了 Wardenclyffe Tower。特斯拉的

mental health deteriorated. He lived his last  decade in the New Yorker Hotel beginning in 1933. ||sutriko|||||||||||| ||kötüleşti|||||||||||| 心理健康狀況惡化。從 1933 年開始,他在紐約客酒店度過了生命的最後十年。

Westinghouse Corporation hired him as a consultant  and paid for his room. He lived rent-free but died |Korporacija|||||||||||||nemokamai gyveno||| 西屋公司聘請他為顧問並支付了他的房間費用。他免租居住但去世了

in debt. So why did one of the greatest inventors  of all time fade into obscurity and die penniless? 負債累累。那麼,為什麼有史以來最偉大的發明家之一會變得默默無聞並身無分文地去世呢?

You could say T esla was unlucky at times like  when the fire burned down his New York lab. |||Tesla|Teslos||nelaimingas|||||||sudegino||||| ||||Tesla|||||||||||||| 你可以說特斯拉有時很不幸,例如大火燒毀了他在紐約的實驗室。

But the main reason is because Tesla was not  a capitalist. He made decisions that those with ||pagrindinė priežastis||||||||kapitalistas|||||| 但最主要的原因是因為特斯拉不是資本家。他所做的決定讓那些有

more business acumen would not have made such as  giving up his royalties for the AC motor. He wasn't ||verslumo įžvalga|||||||atsisakymas||||||||| ||business insight|||||||||||||||| ||perspicacia empresarial|||||||||||||||| 如果再有商業頭腦,他也不會放棄交流馬達的特許權使用費。他不是

concerned about money. He was concerned about the  pursuit of science for the betterment of humanity. susirūpinęs||||||||siekiant mokslo||mokslas|||gerovė žmonijai||žmonijos gerovė |||||||||||||mejoramiento de|| 擔心錢。他關心的是為了人類的進步而追求科學。

He wanted to change the world and he did. Thanks  in part to Elon Musk's company, people are starting |||||||||||||Elono Musko|Musk'o|||| |||||||||||||Elon Musk|Musk's company|||| 他想改變世界,他做到了。部分歸功於伊隆馬斯克的公司,人們開始

to learn more about the man who inspired  the company, a man whose inventions would |||||||įkvėpė|||||kurio|| 進一步了解這位為公司帶來靈感的人,他的發明將

power our entire planet. It's because of Tesla  that modern society functions the way it does. |||||||||||veikia|||| 為我們整個星球提供動力。正是因為特斯拉,現代社會才得以運作。

Tesla's mother called him a child of light  and she was quite right. Tesla'nın|||||||||||| 特斯拉的母親稱他為光明之子,她說得很對。

Thanks for watching the story of Nikola Tesla, I hope you  enjoyed it. |||||||||||mėgavotės tuo| 感謝您觀看尼古拉·特斯拉的故事,希望您喜歡。

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