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Assorted YouTube videos, The Power Of Silence - 10 Reasons Silent People Are Successful

The Power Of Silence - 10 Reasons Silent People Are Successful

ten reasons why silent people are

successful have you ever wondered why

silent people are successful one of the

psychology theories that divides humans

into two types of personality is based

on how they get their energy one who

gets their energy from being on the

outside and socializing is called

an extrovert while one who gets their

energy from alone time is called an


how does extraversion and introversion

correlate with success some of the

qualities of a successful person are

often associated with an extroverted

person especially in a field which

requires more public speaking and

networking however some of the most

successful and influential people in the

world are introverts there are a bunch

of successful silent people such as Bill

Gates Mark Zuckerberg and Albert

Einstein here is the reason why silent

people are successful reasons why silent

people are successful one they are great

planners silent people often need more

time to process information in their

heads that is the reason why they do not

talk much with the ability to think

things through

it makes them great planners they will

come up with several scenarios in their

heads because they don't see a reason

why a person should talk much unless

it's necessary to succeed in any field

one needs to create plans and execute

them this requires a lot of thinking and

it would not be done by talking alone -

they are good listeners silent people

are successful without a shortcut a

person will not instantly become

successful it will take a lot of advice

and improvement to finally succeed on

their quest to be able to receive advice

well one needs to be a good listener

this doesn't necessarily mean people who

love to talk more are not good listeners

it is more because silent people often

let others talk first so they receive

more feedback to help them succeed 3

they are very creative

silent people prefer to spend more of

their time within their heads instead of

talking to people during their alone

time they often generate ideas and Link

theories that result in creative work

creativity is important to manage a

business since customers often prefer

variety the reason why some silent

people are successful is that they use

their creativity to create and enhance

their business this type of person

usually is the one who will surprise

their peers with unconventional or

innovative ideas for they choose their

words carefully if you want to be

successful but are afraid of people

judging you for being a quiet person

there is a great aspect of people who

prefer silence a good communicator is

not exclusive to those who like to talk

silent people tend to speak less than

others but once they do its granted that

they have weighed their words carefully

choosing the right words and emphasizing

the important message is more tactful to

persuade a prospective business client

as a quiet person you spend more time

deciding what to say and what you should

not say 5 they are great observers a

situation where one person does the

talking and the other just stays in the

background means it's likely for the

latter to notice their surroundings more

in a business it is important to observe

the targeted market by using cues silent

people are successful since they are apt

to their surroundings they can see a

pattern and use it for their next move

being a good observer also serves as an

advantage if you work in a field that

requires a lot of strategies

six they keep only the best people

introverts are likely more selective in

their social circle they don't mind

having only a few friends and confidants

but they know they can count on them if

you are an introvert you prefer quality

over quantity therefore despite being a

quiet person networking is still

possible the difference of networking

between silent people and the loud ones

is the relationship is often

premeditated an introvert businessman

knows who he should associate himself

with it helps to create both meaningful

and beneficial relationships 7 they know

their priorities think there are not any

good qualities of silent people left

it's incredible how an attribute that's

often seen as a weakness has a lot of

positive sides silent people may not be

the most fun at parties but they know

their priorities why some silent people

are successful is that they know where

they stand and they stick to their

beliefs for example a person who focuses

on a food and beverage industry knows

that this is their priority before

expanding their business to an unrelated

field a consistent effort and right

priorities are more likely to result in

success 8 they can gain trust easily

while being a trusted person may not

have anything to do with how someone

gets their energy it is understandable

that others think that silent people are

more trustworthy not talking all the

time is also a sign of good self-control

they know that some things are better

left unsaid especially if it deals with

confidential information take a look at

a banker who probably knows the password

of your savings book or an intelligence

agent who knows the undisclosed secret

people choose them for their ability to

zip their mouths and not spill secrets

all over the place

9 they are self-aware another reason why

silent people are successful is they are

aware of their ability and their

shortcomings they know that every

startup will not skyrocket in an instant

as a result they are likely to follow a

program to improve themselves and to

fill the gap of their floors with other

qualities self-awareness is not to be

mistaken with being self conscious being

self-aware means they know they lack

something but instead of whining about

it they seek a solution to make the best

of their flaws

10 they have good self control as stated

before silent people tend to have good

self control being self-aware and

focusing on a single thing means they

don't over indulge themselves in stuff

that will not benefit them with this

quality some silent people are

successful because they know what they

should do and what they should not do

they focus on their productivity instead

of just pleasing people conclusion being

choir in a loud world can be tough but

once silent people know their worth the

world will change with them the key is

to know and to utilize these qualities

silent people have many qualities as

mentioned above that will help them to

be successful their abilities to think

deeply to know when to speak and to

observe are some reasons why silent

people are successful more than they

expect to be hopefully by learning the

good side of being an introvert it will

help the silent people out there to

start making an actual change and to

become successful

The Power Of Silence - 10 Reasons Silent People Are Successful El poder del silencio - 10 razones por las que las personas silenciosas tienen éxito قدرت سکوت - 10 دلیل برای اینکه افراد ساکت موفق هستند Le pouvoir du silence - 10 raisons pour lesquelles les personnes silencieuses réussissent Il potere del silenzio - 10 motivi per cui le persone silenziose hanno successo 沈黙の力 - 無口な人が成功する10の理由 침묵의 힘 - 침묵하는 사람이 성공하는 10가지 이유 Tylos galia - 10 priežasčių, kodėl tylūs žmonės yra sėkmingi Potęga ciszy - 10 powodów, dla których cisi ludzie odnoszą sukcesy O Poder do Silêncio - 10 razões pelas quais as pessoas silenciosas são bem sucedidas Сила молчания - 10 причин успеха молчаливых людей Sessizliğin Gücü - Sessiz İnsanların Başarılı Olmasının 10 Nedeni Сила мовчання - 10 причин, чому мовчазні люди досягають успіху 沉默的力量 - 沉默的人成功的 10 个原因 沉默的力量--沉默者成功的 10 个原因

ten reasons why silent people are |||silencieux||

successful have you ever wondered why réussi||||| ناجحة هل سبق لك أن تساءلت لماذا Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, почему

silent people are successful one of the الأشخاص الصامتون ناجحون في واحدة من

psychology theories that divides humans |||divise| نظريات علم النفس التي تقسم البشر психологические теории, разделяющие людей

into two types of personality is based ||types|||| ويستند إلى نوعين من الشخصية на два типа личности основано

on how they get their energy one who حول كيفية حصولهم على طاقتهم о том, как они получают свою энергию тот, кто

gets their energy from being on the يحصل على طاقته من وجوده على получает свою энергию от пребывания на

outside and socializing is called dehors||socialiser|| يسمى الخارج والتنشئة الاجتماعية

an extrovert while one who gets their |extraverti||||| منفتح بينما يحصل على экстраверт, а тот, кто получает свое

energy from alone time is called an الطاقة من الوقت وحده تسمى энергия от одинокого времени называется

introvert introverti منطوي

how does extraversion and introversion ||extraversion|| كيف الانبساط والانطواء

correlate with success some of the correspondre||succès||| ترتبط بالنجاح بعض

qualities of a successful person are |||réussi||

often associated with an extroverted غالبًا ما يرتبط بالمنفتح

person especially in a field which |surtout|||domaine| شخص وخاصة في المجال الذي

requires more public speaking and nécessite plus de|||| يتطلب المزيد من التحدث أمام الجمهور و

networking however some of the most réseautage|cependant|||| الشبكات ولكن بعض من أكثر

successful and influential people in the ||influent|||

world are introverts there are a bunch ||||||groupe العالم انطوائيون هناك حفنة

of successful silent people such as Bill من الأشخاص الصامتين الناجحين مثل بيل

Gates Mark Zuckerberg and Albert

Einstein here is the reason why silent أينشتاين هنا هو سبب صمته

people are successful reasons why silent

people are successful one they are great

planners silent people often need more les planificateurs||||| غالبًا ما يحتاج المخططون الصامتون إلى المزيد

time to process information in their ||temps de traitement||| الوقت لمعالجة المعلومات في بهم

heads that is the reason why they do not têtes|||||||| رؤساء وهذا هو السبب في أنهم لا يفعلون ذلك

talk much with the ability to think ||||capacité|| التحدث كثيرا مع القدرة على التفكير

things through الأشياء من خلال

it makes them great planners they will ||||planificateurs|| يجعلهم مخططين رائعين

come up with several scenarios in their الخروج مع عدة سيناريوهات في بهم

heads because they don't see a reason رؤوسهم لأنهم لا يرون سبباً

why a person should talk much unless ||||||à moins que لماذا يجب على الإنسان أن يتكلم كثيراً إلا إذا

it's necessary to succeed in any field |||réussir|||domaine فمن الضروري النجاح في أي مجال необходимо добиться успеха в любой области

one needs to create plans and execute ||||||exécuter يحتاج المرء إلى وضع الخطط وتنفيذها нужно создавать планы и выполнять

them this requires a lot of thinking and لهم وهذا يتطلب الكثير من التفكير و им это требует много размышлений и

it would not be done by talking alone - ولن يتم ذلك عن طريق التحدث وحده - это не будет сделано одними разговорами -

they are good listeners silent people |||écouteurs|| إنهم مستمعون جيدون وصامتون они хорошие слушатели молчаливые люди

are successful without a shortcut a ||||raccourci| ناجحة دون اختصار أ успешны без ярлыка a

person will not instantly become |||instantanément| لن يصبح الشخص على الفور

successful it will take a lot of advice ناجحة وسوف يستغرق الكثير من النصائح

and improvement to finally succeed on |amélioration|||réussir| والتحسين لتحقيق النجاح في النهاية

their quest to be able to receive advice |quête|||||| سعيهم ليكونوا قادرين على تلقي المشورة

well one needs to be a good listener حسنًا، يجب على المرء أن يكون مستمعًا جيدًا

this doesn't necessarily mean people who

love to talk more are not good listeners

it is more because silent people often بل هو أكثر لأن الناس الصامتين في كثير من الأحيان

let others talk first so they receive دع الآخرين يتحدثون أولاً حتى يتلقوا

more feedback to help them succeed 3 |retours|||| المزيد من ردود الفعل لمساعدتهم على النجاح 3

they are very creative |||créatif إنهم مبدعون للغاية

silent people prefer to spend more of يفضل الأشخاص الصامتون إنفاق المزيد

their time within their heads instead of وقتهم داخل رؤوسهم بدلا من

talking to people during their alone التحدث مع الناس أثناء وجودهم بمفردهم

time they often generate ideas and Link |||générer|||lien الوقت الذي يقومون فيه في كثير من الأحيان بتوليد الأفكار والارتباط

theories that result in creative work ||résultat||| النظريات التي تؤدي إلى العمل الإبداعي

creativity is important to manage a الإبداع مهم لإدارة أ

business since customers often prefer الأعمال التجارية منذ أن يفضل العملاء في كثير من الأحيان

variety the reason why some silent variété||||| متنوع سبب صمت البعض

people are successful is that they use الناس ناجحون هو أنهم يستخدمون

their creativity to create and enhance |||||améliorer إبداعهم لخلق وتعزيز

their business this type of person أعمالهم هذا النوع من الأشخاص

usually is the one who will surprise عادة هو الذي سوف يفاجئ

their peers with unconventional or |pairs non conventionnels||non conventionnel| أقرانهم مع غير تقليدية أو

innovative ideas for they choose their innovantes||||| أفكار مبتكرة ليختاروا ما يناسبهم

words carefully if you want to be الكلمات بعناية إذا كنت تريد أن تكون

successful but are afraid of people

judging you for being a quiet person juger||||||

there is a great aspect of people who ||||un grand aspect|||

prefer silence a good communicator is ||||communicateur| يفضل الصمت كمتواصل جيد

not exclusive to those who like to talk |pas seulement pour|||||| ليست حصرية لأولئك الذين يحبون الحديث

silent people tend to speak less than ||ont tendance||||

others but once they do its granted that ||||||accordé que| الآخرين ولكن بمجرد أن يفعلوا ذلك فمنحت ذلك

they have weighed their words carefully ||pesé||| لقد وزنوا كلماتهم بعناية

choosing the right words and emphasizing |||||soulignant اختيار الكلمات الصحيحة والتأكيد

the important message is more tactful to |||||diplomatique| الرسالة المهمة هي أكثر لبقة ل

persuade a prospective business client ||potentiel client|| إقناع عميل الأعمال المحتمل

as a quiet person you spend more time ||calme|||||

deciding what to say and what you should تحديد ما يجب قوله وما يجب عليك

not say 5 they are great observers a |||||observateurs| لا أقول 5 أنهم مراقبون عظماء أ

situation where one person does the الوضع الذي يقوم فيه شخص واحد

talking and the other just stays in the يتحدث والآخر يبقى فقط في

background means it's likely for the contexte|||probablement|| الخلفية تعني أنه من المحتمل أن يكون

latter to notice their surroundings more dernier||||environnement|

in a business it is important to observe

the targeted market by using cues silent |||||indices silencieux| السوق المستهدف باستخدام الإشارات الصامتة

people are successful since they are apt الناس ناجحون لأنهم مناسبون

to their surroundings they can see a إلى محيطهم يمكنهم رؤية أ

pattern and use it for their next move modèle|||||||

being a good observer also serves as an |||||sert||

advantage if you work in a field that

requires a lot of strategies ||||stratégies

six they keep only the best people

introverts are likely more selective in ||probablement plus||plus sélectifs|

their social circle they don't mind

having only a few friends and confidants ||||||confidents

but they know they can count on them if |||||compter|||

you are an introvert you prefer quality أنت انطوائي وتفضل الجودة

over quantity therefore despite being a ||donc||| على الكمية لذلك على الرغم من كونها أ

quiet person networking is still التواصل شخص هادئ لا يزال

possible the difference of networking ممكن الفرق من الشبكات

between silent people and the loud ones بين الصامتين والصاخبين

is the relationship is often

premeditated an introvert businessman مع سبق الإصرار رجل أعمال انطوائي

knows who he should associate himself يعرف من يجب أن يربط نفسه

with it helps to create both meaningful ||||||significatif مع أنه يساعد على خلق كل من معنى

and beneficial relationships 7 they know |bénéfiques|relations||

their priorities think there are not any أولوياتهم تعتقد أنه لا يوجد أي

good qualities of silent people left تركت الصفات الحميدة للصامتين

it's incredible how an attribute that's |incroyable|||attribut| إنه أمر لا يصدق كيف هذه السمة

often seen as a weakness has a lot of ||||faiblesse||||

positive sides silent people may not be positif|aspects positifs|||||

the most fun at parties but they know

their priorities why some silent people

are successful is that they know where

they stand and they stick to their ||||position||

beliefs for example a person who focuses croyances||||||se concentre

on a food and beverage industry knows ||||boisson|industrie alimentaire|

that this is their priority before

expanding their business to an unrelated expansion|||||non lié

field a consistent effort and right ||effort constant|effort||

priorities are more likely to result in

success 8 they can gain trust easily

while being a trusted person may not |||fiable|||

have anything to do with how someone

gets their energy it is understandable |||||compréhensible

that others think that silent people are

more trustworthy not talking all the |plus fiable||||

time is also a sign of good self-control ||||||||contrôle

they know that some things are better

left unsaid especially if it deals with |non dit||||affaires|

confidential information take a look at

a banker who probably knows the password |banquier|||||mot de passe

of your savings book or an intelligence ||épargne|livre|||

agent who knows the undisclosed secret ||||non divulgué|

people choose them for their ability to

zip their mouths and not spill secrets fermer||bouches||||

all over the place

9 they are self-aware another reason why

silent people are successful is they are

aware of their ability and their conscient|||||

shortcomings they know that every lacunes||||

startup will not skyrocket in an instant startup|||décoller rapidement|||instantané

as a result they are likely to follow a

program to improve themselves and to

fill the gap of their floors with other |le|écart|||étages||

qualities self-awareness is not to be ||conscience de soi|||| qualities self-awareness is not to be

mistaken with being self conscious being ||||conscient| confundido com o facto de ser consciente de si próprio

self-aware means they know they lack ||||||manquer

something but instead of whining about ||||se plaindre|

it they seek a solution to make the best

of their flaws ||leurs défauts

10 they have good self control as stated

before silent people tend to have good

self control being self-aware and

focusing on a single thing means they

don't over indulge themselves in stuff ||se laisser aller|||

that will not benefit them with this |||bénéficier|||

quality some silent people are

successful because they know what they

should do and what they should not do

they focus on their productivity instead ||||productivité|

of just pleasing people conclusion being ||agréable||conclusion de plaire| просто угождать людям, делая вывод, что

choir in a loud world can be tough but chorale|||||||| Хор в шумном мире может быть трудным, но

once silent people know their worth the

world will change with them the key is

to know and to utilize these qualities ||||utiliser||

silent people have many qualities as

mentioned above that will help them to |mentionné ci-dessus|||||

be successful their abilities to think |||capacités||

deeply to know when to speak and to profondément savoir|||||||

observe are some reasons why silent

people are successful more than they

expect to be hopefully by learning the |||espérons que|||

good side of being an introvert it will

help the silent people out there to

start making an actual change and to |faire||réel changement|changement réel||

become successful