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Assorted YouTube videos, John D Rockefeller's Advice for Young People Who Want to Be Rich

John D Rockefeller's Advice for Young People Who Want to Be Rich

ten advice from john d rockefeller for

young people who want to be rich and

successful John Davison Rockefeller was

an American oil industry business

magnate industrialist and philanthropist

he is widely considered the wealthiest

American of all time and the richest

person in modern history kind enough

Rockefeller gives some advice that could

be helpful for anyone who desires to be

rich and successful in life in this

video we will be sharing with you ten of

the most inspiring advice from john d

rockefeller and we hope some of them

help you to become rich and successful

faster number eight is very important so

try and watch this video till the end if

you are new here consider subscribing so

you will miss other interesting videos

like this number one if you want to

succeed you should strike out on new

paths rather than travel the one paths

of accepted success I have an elder

brother who loved me so much until I

made it known that I wasn't going to

follow his path nor would I follow most

of his advice and the reason for that is

very simple I don't want to end up like

him Albert Einstein once said insanity

is doing the same thing over and over

again and expecting different results if

you want to succeed in life you've got

to do something different from what

everyone is doing

you've got to strike out a new path

rather than following the common road if

you're not doing different things you

can't get different results

number two the most important thing for

a young man is to establish a reputation

over the years I've got so many people

to finance my businesses simply because

they trust me it doesn't matter whether

your interest is in business science or

politics you need people to devote their

resources and time for you your

reputation is the only thing that will

determine whether or not

you'll get enough people to support your

vision see yourself as a product and

consider creating a strong brand for

yourself Robert Greene wrote do not

leave your reputation to chance or

gossip it is your life's artwork and you

must craft it hone it and display it

with the care of an artist number three

don't be afraid to give up the good to

go for the great bad things is not the

problem of the world because everyone

kicks against what is evil good things

is the number one human problem because

good things brings us contentment after

all that's what everyone has after all

this is better than what my friends have

many times in your lifetime

the real temptation will be the bad

thing but the good thing that looks

normal say no too good to say yes too

great number four I would rather earn

one percent of 100 people's efforts than

100 percent of my own efforts Robert

Kiyosaki said the number one thing

that's responsible for people's poverty

is their willingness to work for another

man all their lives and yet to see a

rich man who doesn't know how to use

leverage leverage of other people's

resources time ideas and efforts stop

having pride in your ability to get

things done start looking at how you can

get others to do for you what you ought

to do yourself it's better to earn one

percent of 100 people's efforts than to

earn 100 percent of your own effort work

less use leverage number five if your

only goal is to become rich you will

never achieve it

Bill Gates didn't set out to become the

richest man Mark Zuckerberg main set out

to be a billionaire these are guys who

just love creative while desire for

money isn't a sin your desire for money

has to be subdued for the love of


you must have a strong desire to make a

change create and innovate the mission

to make the world a better place is your

assurance of success except you're

willing to give you can't get accept

you're willing to help a large number of

people in some ways nobody will be

willing to pay or follow you and you

can't become successful in life the

exact LaRouche you can get anything you

want out of life if only you'll help

enough people to get what they want

number six singleness of purpose is one

of the chief essentials for success in

life no matter what may be your aim I've

spent the last one and a half decade of

my life assuming a single dream which is

to build my own company I wake up every

day of these several years to do

something about this single dream the

progress at the beginning was too slow

and intimidating for my progress right

now is fast and sometimes magical can

you invest everything we've got to

pursue a single dream for 10 years if

you can't do this you may as well give

up any desire to achieve any substantial

success because that's what it takes

number seven a friendship founded on

business is better than a business

founded on friendship this is very


don't ever get your friends involved in

your business because business is too

tough for friendship in fact I employed

someone a friend recommended only for me

to regret that decision

don't employ anyone who can't fire don't

partner with anyone who is not willing

to make sacrifices for your growth

because business is as serious as war

number eight I do not think that there

is any other quality so essential to

success of any kind as the quality of

perseverance it overcomes almost

everything even nature Winston Churchill

once said if you're going through hell

keep going life is tough and there is

nothing you can do about it those who

win the war of life are those who don't

make excuses or complain about their

situations believe me you are not alone

everyone has gotten some pains they have

to endure and give the hell and keep

moving to you get to heaven number nine

the way to make money is to buy when

blood is running in the street warren

buffett said if you want to make one be

joyful when everyone is panicking most

things in the world are better done at

the opposite of everyone the best time

to start a business is when everyone is

looking for a job

the best time to invest is when everyone

thinks it's risky the way to make money

is to buy when blood is running in the

street number 10 I always tried to turn

every disaster into an opportunity Dale

Carnegie said when fate hands you a

lemon make a lemonade when life pushes

you to the ground look for what to pick

up remain optimistic and never blame

other people for your situation because

if you do you lose the power to solve

your problems in summary if you want to

be rich and successful in life don't do

what everyone is doing

strike a new path establish a reputation

as a trustworthy individual so others

can support your dreams don't be afraid

to give up the good to go for the great

don't be proud of working hard learn how

to leverage and make money from other

people's efforts

don't just strive to be rich strive to

help other people's life become better

because it's by doing so you can truly

be rich be willing to focus on a single

goal for many years never employ anyone

you cannot fire when things are not

working remain persistent invest while

others are panicking panic when others

invest in when fate hands you a lemon

make lemonade you enjoyed this video

don't you we'd like to give you another

interesting video for you to enjoy next

but before then but you will be very

happy if you can like this video and

share to your friends on social media if

you're new here don't forget to

subscribe so you will miss other

interesting videos like this look at

your screen now to see two other videos

we are picked for you to enjoy next we

love you


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John D Rockefeller's Advice for Young People Who Want to Be Rich ||洛克菲勒的|||年轻人||||||富有的 ||Rockefeller's advice||||||||| John|||conselho||jovem|pessoas|||para|| Juan||||||||||| Consejos de John D. Rockefeller a los jóvenes que quieren ser ricos I consigli di John D. Rockefeller ai giovani che vogliono diventare ricchi 金持ちになりたい若者へのジョン・D・ロックフェラーのアドバイス 부자가 되고 싶은 젊은이들을 위한 존 록펠러의 조언 Johno D. Rockefellerio patarimai jauniems žmonėms, norintiems tapti turtingais Porady Johna D. Rockefellera dla młodych ludzi, którzy chcą być bogaci Conselhos de John D. Rockefeller para os jovens que querem ser ricos Советы Джона Д. Рокфеллера молодым людям, которые хотят стать богатыми Поради Джона Д. Рокфеллера для молодих людей, які хочуть бути багатими 约翰·D·洛克菲勒给想要致富的年轻人的建议 约翰-洛克菲勒给想致富的年轻人的建议

ten advice from john d rockefeller for |||||洛克菲勒建议| |||||Rockefeller's guidance| dez|dez conselhos de John D. Rockefeller para|||||

young people who want to be rich and

successful John Davison Rockefeller was ||戴维森|| ||Rockefeller|| o bem-sucedido||||

an American oil industry business ||石油行业|石油行业| ||uma empresa da indústria de petróleo americana||uma empresa da indústria de petróleo americana

magnate industrialist and philanthropist 大亨|实业家||慈善家 Wealthy businessperson|Business tycoon||charitable benefactor sanayici ve hayırsever magnat||| magnata|magnata industrialista e filantropo||magnata industrial e filantropo magnat przemysłowiec i filantrop

he is widely considered the wealthiest ||广泛地|被认为||最富有的 ||generally|||most affluent person ||geniş çapta|||en zengin olarak ||amplamente|||mais rico jest powszechnie uważany za najbogatszego

American of all time and the richest ||||||最富有的 ||||||mais rico

person in modern history kind enough ||现代|现代史上|| ||pessoa na história moderna gentil o suficiente||tipo|pessoa na história moderna gentil o suficiente

Rockefeller gives some advice that could |给出|||| |dá||conselho||

be helpful for anyone who desires to be |||||渴望|| |||||wants|| |||||isteyenler|| |||qualquer pessoa||deseja||

rich and successful in life in this ||bem-sucedido||||

video we will be sharing with you ten of ||||分享给你|||| ||||compartilhando||||

the most inspiring advice from john d ||最鼓舞人心的|||| ||ilham verici|||| ||a mais inspiradora||||

rockefeller and we hope some of them |||esperamos||| ||nosotros|esperamos||| rockefeller e esperamos que alguns deles

help you to become rich and successful |||se tornar|||

faster number eight is very important so 更快的|||||| mais rápido|número|oito|||| szybszy numer osiem jest więc bardzo ważny

try and watch this video till the end if |||||直到||| |||||up to||| tente||assistir|||até|||

you are new here consider subscribing so ||||考虑订阅|订阅频道| ||||considere|se inscrever|

you will miss other interesting videos ||错过||| ||vai perder||| perderá outros vídeos interessantes

like this number one if you want to

succeed you should strike out on new |||闯出新路||| |||girişimde bulunmak||| ||dever|suceder você deve tentar algo novo||| powodzenia, powinieneś wykreślić nowe ter sucesso, deve partir para uma nova

paths rather than travel the one paths 路径|而不是||路径|||路径 caminhos|em vez de||caminhos em vez de percorrer um caminho||| ścieżek zamiast wędrować jedną ścieżką caminhos em vez de percorrer os únicos caminhos

of accepted success I have an elder |公认的|||||长辈 ||||||more experienced person |de sucesso aceito eu tenho um mais velho|||||mais velho akceptowanego sukcesu mam starszego

brother who loved me so much until I 深爱我的哥哥||深爱||||| ||||||até|

made it known that I wasn't going to ||表明||||| ||deixou claro|||||

follow his path nor would I follow most 跟随||道路|也不|||| |||ne de|||| seguir|||nem||||

of his advice and the reason for that is

very simple I don't want to end up like

him Albert Einstein once said insanity |爱因斯坦|爱因斯坦|||疯狂 ||Albert Einstein|||irrational behavior |Albert|Einstein|||loucura ele Albert Einstein disse uma vez insanidade

is doing the same thing over and over |||||repetidamente|| está fazendo a mesma coisa repetidamente

again and expecting different results if ||期待||不同结果| novamente||novamente e esperando resultados diferentes se||| novamente e esperando resultados diferentes se

you want to succeed in life you've got |||succeed|||| você quer ter sucesso na vida você tem

to do something different from what

everyone is doing todos||

you've got to strike out a new path |||riscar|||| é preciso seguir um novo caminho

rather than following the common road if |||||常规道路| em vez de seguir o caminho comum se||||||

you're not doing different things you

can't get different results |||结果不同

number two the most important thing for

a young man is to establish a reputation |||||树立||名声 |||||estabelecer||

over the years I've got so many people ||||conseguido|||

to finance my businesses simply because |资助||企业|| |||meus negócios||

they trust me it doesn't matter whether |信任||||| |confiam||||importa|se (eles) confiam em mim não importa se

your interest is in business science or |兴趣||||商业科学|

politics you need people to devote their 政治需要奉献|||||奉献| |||||dedicar|seu

resources and time for you your 资源||||| recursos|||||

reputation is the only thing that will 声誉||||||

determine whether or not 确定||| |se||

you'll get enough people to support your |||||支持你| você terá||vai conseguir pessoas suficientes para apoiar o seu||||

vision see yourself as a product and 愿景|||||产品| visão||a si mesmo|||produto| visão vê-se a si próprio como um produto e

consider creating a strong brand for 考虑创建|创建|||品牌| consider|criar||para||

yourself Robert Greene wrote do not |你不是罗伯特|格林著作|写道|| ||not Robert Greene||| a si mesmo||você mesmo Robert Greene escreveu não|||

leave your reputation to chance or ||声誉||听天由命| deixar|sua|reputação||deixar sua reputação ao acaso| deixe sua reputação ao acaso ou

gossip it is your life's artwork and you 八卦||||一生的|作品|| Rumor-mongering passion||||life's work|Masterpiece|integral to| fofoca||é|sua|da vida|fofoca|| gossip it is your life's artwork and you fofoca é a obra de arte da sua vida e você

must craft it hone it and display it |制作||打磨|||展示| |||refine|||| deve|||aprimorar||e|mostrar| must craft it hone it and display it deve criá-lo, aprimorá-lo e exibi-lo

with the care of an artist number three ||用心|||艺术家|| com|||||com o cuidado de um artista número três|| com o cuidado de um artista número três

don't be afraid to give up the good to ||害怕|||||| ||||dar|||bom| Nie bój się zrezygnować z tego, co dobre, aby não tenha medo de desistir do bom para

go for the great bad things is not the ir|para||grande||||| dążenie do wielkich złych rzeczy nie jest ir para as grandes coisas ruins não é o

problem of the world because everyone 世界问题||||| ||||porque|todos

kicks against what is evil good things 反抗邪恶|反对|||邪恶|| combate|contra|||mal|boas| kicks against what is evil good things chutes contra o que é mau coisas boas

is the number one human problem because ||||人类问题|| é o problema humano número um porque

good things brings us contentment after ||带来||满足感| ||||Peace of mind| ||||contentamento| good things brings us contentment after coisas boas nos traz contentamento depois

all that's what everyone has after all |||todos||| afinal, é o que toda a gente tem

this is better than what my friends have ||melhor||do que|meus||

many times in your lifetime ||||一生中 ||||entire life span ||||vida

the real temptation will be the bad ||真正的诱惑将是坏的|||| ||Strong desire|||| ||a verdadeira tentação será a má|||| the real temptation will be the bad

thing but the good thing that looks

normal say no too good to say yes too 正常||||||||

great number four I would rather earn |||||宁愿|赚取 grande|número|quatro||gostaria||

one percent of 100 people's efforts than |百分比||人们的|努力| |||das pessoas|esforços|

100 percent of my own efforts Robert 100 por cento dos meus próprios esforços Robert

Kiyosaki said the number one thing 清崎说||||| Robert Kiyosaki||||| Kiyosaki|||||

that's responsible for people's poverty |导致|||贫困 |responsável|||pobreza

is their willingness to work for another ||愿意工作|||| ||disposição||||outro

man all their lives and yet to see a |||一生||||| |||||ainda|||

rich man who doesn't know how to use

leverage leverage of other people's 利用他人|利用他人资源||| Utilize others' resources|||| alavancagem de outras pessoas|alavancagem de outras pessoas||| alavancar a alavancagem de outras pessoas

resources time ideas and efforts stop 资源||||努力| recursos||||esforços|

having pride in your ability to get |为能力自豪||||| |Self-respect||||| |orgulho|||||

things done start looking at how you can |||||in what way||

get others to do for you what you ought ||||||||应该 ||||||||should be doing ||||||||devem

to do yourself it's better to earn one ||fazer você mesmo é melhor ganhar um|||||

percent of 100 people's efforts than to |||努力|| |||esforços||

earn 100 percent of your own effort work 赚取|||||努力| ||||próprio||

less use leverage number five if your ||杠杆作用|||| ||alavanca||||

only goal is to become rich you will |唯一目标||||||

never achieve it |实现不了| |nunca alcançar|

Bill Gates didn't set out to become the 比尔|比尔·盖茨|没有|着手|||| |Bill Gates||aim to|||| |Gates||começar|||| Bill Gates não se propôs a tornar-se o

richest man Mark Zuckerberg main set out ||马克·扎克伯格|扎克伯格||| |||Mark Zuckerberg||| |||Zuckerberg|principal|em|

to be a billionaire these are guys who |||亿万富翁|||| |||extremely wealthy individuals|||| ||||ser bilionário esses são caras que|||

just love creative while desire for ||创意无限||渴望| apenas|amor||enquanto|desejo|por

money isn't a sin your desire for money |||罪恶|||| |não||pecado||||

has to be subdued for the love of |||为了爱而克制|||| |||restrained|||| |||tem que ser contido pelo amor de||||

creation 创造 Act of making criação

you must have a strong desire to make a ||||||||产生

change create and innovate the mission |创造||创新||使命 |||introduce new ideas|| |||inovar||missão

to make the world a better place is your ||||||地方||

assurance of success except you're 成功保证|||除非你| certainty|||| garantia||sucesso|exceto| garantia de sucesso, exceto se você estiver

willing to give you can't get accept 愿意||||||接受 Ready|||||| disposto|||||| disposto a dar, você não consegue aceitar

you're willing to help a large number of |||||大量的|| |open to|||||| você está disposto a ajudar um grande número de

people in some ways nobody will be |||某些方面|没有人|| ||algumas|formas|ninguém|| pessoas de alguma forma ninguém será

willing to pay or follow you and you 愿意||愿意付出||||| disposto||||||| disposto a pagar ou seguir você e você

can't become successful in life the |não pode se tornar bem-sucedido na vida|||| não pode se tornar bem-sucedido na vida

exact LaRouche you can get anything you 确切的|拉鲁什||||| |LaRouche movement influence||||| exata|LaRouche|||conseguir|qualquer coisa|

want out of life if only you'll help

enough people to get what they want Sufficient number of|||||| suficiente|pessoas|||o que|pessoas|

number six singleness of purpose is one ||专一性||专一目标|| ||Undivided focus|||| ||a singularidade||propósito||

of the chief essentials for success in ||主要|成功的关键要素||| ||most important|key elements||| ||essenciais para o sucesso|essenciais||| 의 성공을 위한 주요 필수 요소

life no matter what may be your aim I've |||||||目标| ||importa|||||objetivo|eu tenho

spent the last one and a half decade of ||||||一又半|十年半| |da||||||passou a última década e meia de|

my life assuming a single dream which is ||假设||单一|梦想|| ||supondo||||que|

to build my own company I wake up every |建立|||公司||||

day of these several years to do |||几年来的||| ||dia desses vários anos para fazer||||

something about this single dream the algo sobre este único sonho|||||

progress at the beginning was too slow 进展|||||| progress||||||

and intimidating for my progress right |令人畏惧|||进展| |e intimidante para o meu progresso||||certo and intimidating for my progress right

now is fast and sometimes magical can |||||神奇的| |||||Enchanting| ||rápido||às vezes|mágico|

you invest everything we've got to |投入|||| ||investimos tudo o que temos|||

pursue a single dream for 10 years if 追求|||||| Chase|||||| perseguir||um|perseguir um único sonho por 10 anos se||| pursue a single dream for 10 years if

you can't do this you may as well give ||||você|pode|||dar se não o conseguir fazer, mais vale desistir

up any desire to achieve any substantial ||||||实质性的 ||||attain significant goals|| qualquer desejo de alcançar qualquer substancial|qualquer|desejo||alcançar||qualquer desejo de alcançar algo substancial up any desire to achieve any substantial qualquer desejo de alcançar um objetivo substancial

success because that's what it takes sucesso||é|||é necessário sucesso porque é isso que é preciso

number seven a friendship founded on |||七年之痒友谊|建立于| ||||based on| sete|sete||amizade|fundada| número sete uma amizade fundada em

business is better than a business negócios|||do que||

founded on friendship this is very

straightforward 直接了当 Simple and clear direto straightforward

don't ever get your friends involved in |||||牵扯到| |||||included in something| |||||envolvidos|

your business because business is too

tough for friendship in fact I employed 艰难的||友情艰难||||雇用了 challenging|||||| difícil||||||contei

someone a friend recommended only for me |||推荐的|||

to regret that decision |后悔那个决定||决定 |lamentar||

don't employ anyone who can't fire don't |雇用||||解雇| |hire||||| |não empregue|qualquer pessoa|||demitir|

partner with anyone who is not willing 合作伙伴||||||愿意 ||||||not eager parceiro com alguém que não está disposto||qualquer pessoa|qualquer pessoa|||

to make sacrifices for your growth ||牺牲|||成长 |||||personal development ||sacrifícios|||crescimento

because business is as serious as war ||||严肃||战争

number eight I do not think that there número oito, não creio que haja

is any other quality so essential to |||品质||至关重要|

success of any kind as the quality of 成功品质|||||||

perseverance it overcomes almost 毅力克服||克服|几乎 Persistent effort triumphs||conquers|nearly all a perseverança supera quase||a perseverança supera quase| perseverance it overcomes almost

everything even nature Winston Churchill ||大自然|温斯顿丘吉尔|丘吉尔 ||||Winston Churchill

once said if you're going through hell |||||经历| |||||atravessando|inferno uma vez disse que se está a passar por um inferno

keep going life is tough and there is ||||艰难的||| ||||difícil||| continuar a viver a vida é dura e há

nothing you can do about it those who 无能为力|||||||

win the war of life are those who don't 赢得|||||||| ||||||aqueles||

make excuses or complain about their |找借口||抱怨|| |||Grumble about|| |dar desculpas||fazer desculpas ou reclamar sobre seus||

situations believe me you are not alone 情况||||||

everyone has gotten some pains they have ||||痛苦|| ||recebido||dores|| toda a gente tem dores que têm

to endure and give the hell and keep |忍受|||||| |Persist through challenges|||||| |suportar e dar o inferno e continuar||||||

moving to you get to heaven number nine |||||天堂||九号天堂 |||||para o nono céu||

the way to make money is to buy when

blood is running in the street warren 血流成河|||||街道| ||||||maze of alleys ||||||warren o sangue está a correr na rua warren

buffett said if you want to make one be 巴菲特|||||||| Warren Buffett|||||||| Buffett||||||||

joyful when everyone is panicking most 喜悦的||||惊慌失措|最严重时 Oddly cheerful||||freaking out| alegre||||em pânico|

things in the world are better done at

the opposite of everyone the best time |相反时刻|||||

to start a business is when everyone is

looking for a job

the best time to invest is when everyone |||在...时|投资||| ||||put money in|||

thinks it's risky the way to make money ||冒险的||||| ||highly uncertain||||| ||arriscado|||||

is to buy when blood is running in the

street number 10 I always tried to turn

every disaster into an opportunity Dale |每次灾难|||机会|戴尔 |||||Turnaround |cada desastre em uma oportunidade Dale||||cada desastre em uma oportunidade Dale

Carnegie said when fate hands you a 卡内基|||命运|递给你|| Dale Carnegie|||destiny or circumstances||| Carnegie disse que quando o destino lhe entrega um|||destino|mãos|| Carnegie disse que quando o destino nos dá uma

lemon make a lemonade when life pushes 柠檬|||柠檬水|||逼迫 limão|||limonada||vida|empurra

you to the ground look for what to pick |||地上||||| |||chão|olhar||||você

up remain optimistic and never blame |保持|乐观|||责怪 ||Hopeful|||hold responsible |permaneça|otimista|||culpar

other people for your situation because

if you do you lose the power to solve ||||||解决能力||解决问题 ||||||||find solutions to

your problems in summary if you want to |||总结问题|||| |||resumo||||

be rich and successful in life don't do

what everyone is doing

strike a new path establish a reputation |||开辟道路|树立||声誉

as a trustworthy individual so others ||值得信赖|值得信赖的人|| ||Reliable||| ||como uma pessoa confiável para os outros|como uma pessoa confiável para os outros|| como uma pessoa de confiança para que os outros

can support your dreams don't be afraid |支持||梦想|||

to give up the good to go for the great

don't be proud of working hard learn how ||自豪||||| não se orgulhe de trabalhar arduamente aprenda como

to leverage and make money from other |利用||||| |Utilize for profit||||| para alavancar e ganhar dinheiro com outros

people's efforts

don't just strive to be rich strive to ||努力奋斗||||努力| ||aim努力||||| ||esforce||||| não se esforcem apenas por ser ricos, esforcem-se por

help other people's life become better

because it's by doing so you can truly |||||||真正地 |||||||verdadeiramente

be rich be willing to focus on a single |||愿意||专注|||单一目标 |||eager to commit||||| |||disposto|||||

goal for many years never employ anyone 目标|||||雇佣| |||||empregar|

you cannot fire when things are not ||开火||||

working remain persistent invest while |保持|坚持不懈|投资| |Stay committed|Continuously determined|| ||permanecer persistente|| working remain persistent invest while pracujący pozostają wytrwałymi inwestorami, podczas gdy

others are panicking panic when others ||恐慌他人|恐慌|| |||pânico||

invest in when fate hands you a lemon 利用|||命运|||| |||circumstances or destiny||||

make lemonade you enjoyed this video |柠檬水||||

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