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Assorted YouTube videos, How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by J... (2)

How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by J... (2)

warren buffett so he's had a very

successful career

and he came to warren buffett one day

and he said warren i would like to fly

this particular type of plane

i think whenever we upgrade we should

get this new one and he said mike

you know if you're working for me in 10

years when we buy a new plane

then i probably have failed you as a

boss so here's what i'd like you to do

and this exercise that i'm about to


you can do on any level you can do it

for your career

you can do it for the things that you or

your team need to get done this month

you can do it for the things you need to

work on today or this week

and he said i'd like you to take the 25

things that you want to achieve in your

career and write them down on a list

so mike flint goes away writes down 25


he gets done and he says all right great

i want you to circle the top five things

on that list

so spend some more time he circles the

top five priorities

he says all right tell me what your

strategy is at this point

mike flynn said well i have my top five

things so

i'm gonna work on those first and he

said great what about the other things

on your list

uh he said well those will be the things

i do on nights or weekends or when i get

tired or bored or you know a project

stalls i'll work on that

and warren buffett said mike you got it

all wrong

the things that you have circled are

your priorities the other items on your

list number six

through 25 this is your never do under

any circumstance list

and the reason is because it's so easy

for us to rationalize

spending time on things that are good

uses of time but not great uses of time

it's items that six through 25 on your

list that take up time and space and

energy because we can justify why we

need to do them they're on the list for

a reason

they just don't happen to be the best

uses of our time


i call this the three r's of habit

formation but the basic idea is that

no matter what habit you're working on

there are three main steps

based on the research the first step is

the prompt or the cue

or the trigger it's like a reminder the

thing that signals that we should do

something so

if my phone buzzes for example that's a


the next piece is the routine this is

the behavior itself the actual habit

that you're going to perform so my phone

buzzes that's the trigger

i answer the phone that's the routine

the third piece is the reward

so this is the benefit that you get for

doing the behavior and it's important to


that all habits good or bad have some

kind of benefit

or reward associated with them take

smoking for example people will often

label smoking as a bad habit so what's

the benefit what's the reward of it well

there's some kind of physiological

reward there's a hit of nicotine that's

associated with it

and then there are often social rewards

right you get to share smoke with a

friend or a colleague something like


so regardless of how we label habits or


the important thing is to note that all

of them have some kind of benefit

neurologically associated with them now

so my phone rings that's a reminder

i answer the phone that's the routine

and then i get to satisfy my curiosity

or find out who's calling that's the


and what ends up happening is that if

that reward is positive

then it tells your brain hey remember

next time this reminder happens next

time this trigger comes along

we should repeat that pattern and once

you make it through the cycle enough


it becomes a habit it becomes ingrained


how can we leverage the first part of

this the trigger or the reminder

let's say that i wanted to start

meditating i could say

all right in the morning i make a cup of

coffee and so for this new behavior i

could say

when i make my morning cup of coffee i

will meditate for 60 seconds

and so the current behavior the things

that you're already doing

become the trigger for the new behavior

that you're trying to build

and the reason that this is important is

that your current behaviors things that

are already habits

have this neurological network built

into your mind

they already have like an on-ramp in

your brain and so you're just kind of

tapping into that

so you can tag the new behavior and link

it to something that's already strongly

correlated in your mind


the two-minute rule there is no habit

that we're going to work on

that takes less than two minutes to do

but nearly any habit

can be started in under two minutes so

if you take exercise for example

you know often people get home from a

long day of work and they say i'm too

exhausted to go for a run or to try to


so i never get around to doing it

because i think about oh i have to run

five kilometers or whatever some long

distance that seems overwhelming to me

so rather than focus on the whole thing

that you need to do i would encourage

you to focus on just the first two


so what's the first two minutes of that

habit i put my running shoes on i get

out the door and i lock the door

and if you do just that it doesn't

matter if you take another step

but what you find is that motivation

often comes after starting

not before we often think that

motivation is something that we're

supposed to have before we do work

but motivation will come as a result of

doing some small bit of work

and then we can trust that the rest of

the process will flow easily

but the point here is that the

motivation needed to complete a habit is

at its peak

at the beginning of a behavior the

greatest amount of friction

for any type of task is that in the

beginning is in the starting

so the key idea is make it so easy that

you can't say no

here's another way to do this it's a

concept called pre-commitment it's been

very well researched

and i call these kind of like instant

willpower improvements they're things

that seem very simple

but we often ignore or don't put into

practice and if we do put them into


they result in immediate boosts in

willpower here's one study

random sample of a business with 3 272


the business wanted their employees to

get their annual flu

shot now to do this they sent them

a flyer that said you need to get your

flu shot but then they sent another


and that other version said you need to

get a flu shot

your appointment has already been

scheduled for april 22nd

click here or you know right send us a

message here

to choose the time that you want to

attend and what they found was just by

selecting a date

just by picking the day when people

would get it they were 2.4 times more

likely to follow through

but then they sent a third version and

they said

you need to get your flu shot you've

already been scheduled for 1pm

on april 22nd if you need to change the

time you can click here and do so

and the people who had the exact time

and date scheduled for them were four

times more likely to follow through

simply because they were pre-committed

and we often think oh we should give

people more options we should let them

choose whatever they want to do

but if we're trying to incentivize

behavior of trying to make it more

likely for people to follow through

pre-commitment is a great device for

doing this

implementation intentions is another

method very similar to pre-commitment

but slightly different and this is the

study that i like that shows this so

there was a study that looked at

different groups and their

motivation and ability to stick with

exercise so there are three groups in

this study

the first group they brought in and they

said we want you to track

how often you exercise over the next two


so that's group one group two we want

you to track how often you exercise

and we're going to show you this

motivational video about the benefits of


why you should do it so group two was

the motivated group

then there was group three group three

got the exact same treatment as group


they were told to track their exercise

they were given the motivational speech

they were equally motivated

but they did one thing differently and

that one thing is they filled out this


that said during the next week i will

partake in at least 20 minutes of

vigorous exercise

on this day at this time at this place

and what they found when they looked at

all the analysis at the end of the study

is this is what happened group one 38

of them worked out over the next two

weeks the control group no motivation

group two remember they were the

motivated group and the motivation

faded almost immediately as soon as they

walked out of the research lab

so 35 of them worked out and group three

it was almost double or even triple the

odds that they would work out over the

next two weeks

91 of them stuck to exercise and the

only difference was that they filled out

this little sentence

and it seems so basic but by

pre-committing ourselves to things we

make it much more likely that we fall


implementation intentions which is what

this is called this is an implementation


there are over hunt there are hundreds

of studies on this so it's been proven

in a bunch of different contexts

it's very simple and something that

actually leads to real results

now you may be saying all right that's

great i should just pick times and

places for everything i want to work on

but in fact we can get really overloaded

by the amount of things that we want to


there are all sorts of things you may

want to improve upon so how do you

decide where to start

again i'm big on simplicity i'm big on


most of the choices that you can focus

just on the very best uses of your time

and if you're thinking how do i decide

what to focus on after this presentation

i would say focus on the keystone habit

and a keystone habit is a routine or

ritual that ripples

into the rest of your life it creates a

cascade of good behavior

so for myself my keystone habit is

working out i know that if i work out i


the benefits of exercise sure but i also

tend to focus better i have this period

of like high focus the post workout high

for an hour or so afterward

i sleep better that night because i am

tired and exhausted and have worked

myself physically

which means i wake up the next day with

better energy which means i focus better


and i also tend to eat better just

because i feel like i worked out so i

don't want to waste it so i actually eat

How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by J... (2) Wie man sein Gehirn dazu bringt, schwierige Dinge gerne zu tun - Atomic Habits von J... (2) How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by J... (2) Cómo engañar a tu cerebro para que le guste hacer cosas difíciles - Hábitos atómicos por J... (2) Comment tromper votre cerveau pour qu'il aime faire des choses difficiles - Atomic Habits par J... (2) Come ingannare il cervello per fargli apprezzare le cose difficili - Atomic Habits di J... (2) 難しいことを好きになる脳のトリック - アトミック・ハビッツ by J... (2) 어려운 일을 좋아하도록 뇌를 속이는 방법 - J...의 원자 습관 (2) (2) Kaip apgauti smegenis, kad joms patiktų daryti sunkius dalykus - Atomic Habits by J... (2) Jak oszukać mózg, by polubił robienie trudnych rzeczy - Atomic Habits by J... (2) Como enganar o seu cérebro para gostar de fazer coisas difíceis - Atomic Habits por J... (2) Zor Şeyleri Yapmayı Sevmesi İçin Beyninizi Nasıl Kandırırsınız - Atomik Alışkanlıklar by J... (2) Як обдурити мозок, щоб йому подобалося робити складні речі - "Атомні звички" Дж... (2) 如何欺骗你的大脑喜欢做困难的事情 - J 的原子习惯... (2) 如何欺骗大脑让它喜欢做困难的事情--《原子习惯》,J... (2)

warren buffett so he's had a very

successful career

and he came to warren buffett one day y vino a Warren Buffett un día そして彼はある日ウォーレン・バフェットのところに来ました

and he said warren i would like to fly

this particular type of plane

i think whenever we upgrade we should アップグレードするときはいつでもそうすべきだと思います

get this new one and he said mike

you know if you're working for me in 10

years when we buy a new plane

then i probably have failed you as a それから私はおそらくあなたを失敗させました

boss so here's what i'd like you to do

and this exercise that i'm about to


you can do on any level you can do it

for your career

you can do it for the things that you or

your team need to get done this month

you can do it for the things you need to

work on today or this week

and he said i'd like you to take the 25

things that you want to achieve in your あなたが達成したいこと

career and write them down on a list

so mike flint goes away writes down 25 だからマイク・フリントは去っていく 25 を書き留める


he gets done and he says all right great 彼は完了し、彼は大丈夫だと言います

i want you to circle the top five things 上位5つに丸をつけてほしい

on that list

so spend some more time he circles the もう少し時間をかけて、彼は

top five priorities

he says all right tell me what your

strategy is at this point

mike flynn said well i have my top five

things so

i'm gonna work on those first and he

said great what about the other things

on your list

uh he said well those will be the things ええと、彼はよく言った

i do on nights or weekends or when i get

tired or bored or you know a project

stalls i'll work on that 私はそれに取り組みます

and warren buffett said mike you got it そしてウォーレン・バフェットはマイクに言った、あなたはそれを手に入れた

all wrong

the things that you have circled are

your priorities the other items on your

list number six

through 25 this is your never do under 25歳までこれはあなたの決してしないことです

any circumstance list 任意の状況リスト

and the reason is because it's so easy

for us to rationalize

spending time on things that are good

uses of time but not great uses of time

it's items that six through 25 on your それはあなたの6から25までのアイテムです

list that take up time and space and 時間とスペースを取るリストと

energy because we can justify why we 理由を正当化できるからです。

need to do them they're on the list for

a reason

they just don't happen to be the best

uses of our time


i call this the three r's of habit 私はこれを習慣の3つのRと呼んでいます

formation but the basic idea is that フォーメーションですが、基本的な考え方は

no matter what habit you're working on どんな習慣に取り組んでいても

there are three main steps 3つの主なステップがあります

based on the research the first step is

the prompt or the cue el aviso o la señal プロンプトまたはキュー

or the trigger it's like a reminder the o el gatillo es como un recordatorio del またはトリガーはリマインダーのようなものです

thing that signals that we should do

something so

if my phone buzzes for example that's a たとえば、私の電話がブザーを鳴らした場合、それは

trigger 引き金

the next piece is the routine this is 次のピースはルーティンです

the behavior itself the actual habit 行動そのもの 実際の習慣

that you're going to perform so my phone あなたが演じるつもりだから私の電話

buzzes that's the trigger

i answer the phone that's the routine

the third piece is the reward 3枚目はご褒美

so this is the benefit that you get for これがあなたが得られるメリットです

doing the behavior and it's important to 行動を行うこと、そしてそれが重要です

note ノート

that all habits good or bad have some 良くも悪くもすべての習慣にはある程度の癖がある

kind of benefit

or reward associated with them take またはそれらに関連する報酬

smoking for example people will often たとえば、人々はしばしば喫煙します

label smoking as a bad habit so what's 喫煙を悪い習慣とレッテルを貼る

the benefit what's the reward of it well

there's some kind of physiological なんらかの生理がある

reward there's a hit of nicotine that's 報酬 ニコチンのヒットがあります

associated with it それに関連付けられた

and then there are often social rewards そして、社会的報酬がしばしばあります

right you get to share smoke with a

friend or a colleague something like 友人や同僚のような


so regardless of how we label habits or independientemente de cómo etiquetemos los hábitos o 習慣や


the important thing is to note that all 重要なことは、すべてのことに注意することです

of them have some kind of benefit

neurologically associated with them now

so my phone rings that's a reminder

i answer the phone that's the routine

and then i get to satisfy my curiosity そして好奇心を満たす

or find out who's calling that's the

benefit 利点

and what ends up happening is that if そして最終的に何が起こるかというと、

that reward is positive その報酬は正です

then it tells your brain hey remember それからそれはあなたの脳にちょっと覚えているように伝えます

next time this reminder happens next la próxima vez que suceda este recordatorio siguiente

time this trigger comes along hora de que llegue este disparador このトリガーが来る時

we should repeat that pattern and once

you make it through the cycle enough あなたはサイクルを十分にやり遂げます


it becomes a habit it becomes ingrained se convierte en un hábito se arraiga


how can we leverage the first part of ¿Cómo podemos aprovechar la primera parte de

this the trigger or the reminder

let's say that i wanted to start

meditating i could say 私が言うことができる瞑想

all right in the morning i make a cup of

coffee and so for this new behavior i

could say

when i make my morning cup of coffee i

will meditate for 60 seconds

and so the current behavior the things

that you're already doing

become the trigger for the new behavior

that you're trying to build

and the reason that this is important is

that your current behaviors things that

are already habits

have this neurological network built

into your mind

they already have like an on-ramp in 彼らはすでに入り口のようなものを持っています

your brain and so you're just kind of

tapping into that aprovechando eso

so you can tag the new behavior and link

it to something that's already strongly それをすでに強く持っている何かに

correlated in your mind あなたの心の中で相関している


the two-minute rule there is no habit

that we're going to work on

that takes less than two minutes to do

but nearly any habit

can be started in under two minutes so 2分もかからずに始められるので

if you take exercise for example

you know often people get home from a

long day of work and they say i'm too

exhausted to go for a run or to try to 走りに行くかしようとするために疲れ果てた


so i never get around to doing it

because i think about oh i have to run

five kilometers or whatever some long

distance that seems overwhelming to me

so rather than focus on the whole thing

that you need to do i would encourage

you to focus on just the first two


so what's the first two minutes of that

habit i put my running shoes on i get

out the door and i lock the door

and if you do just that it doesn't

matter if you take another step

but what you find is that motivation

often comes after starting

not before we often think that

motivation is something that we're

supposed to have before we do work

but motivation will come as a result of

doing some small bit of work

and then we can trust that the rest of

the process will flow easily

but the point here is that the

motivation needed to complete a habit is 習慣を完成させるために必要な動機は

at its peak en su pico 最盛期

at the beginning of a behavior the 行動の開始時に、

greatest amount of friction 最大の摩擦

for any type of task is that in the

beginning is in the starting

so the key idea is make it so easy that 重要なアイデアは、それをとても簡単にすることです

you can't say no

here's another way to do this it's a

concept called pre-commitment it's been プレコミットメントと呼ばれるコンセプト

very well researched

and i call these kind of like instant そして、私はこれらの種類をインスタントと呼んでいます

willpower improvements they're things

that seem very simple

but we often ignore or don't put into しかし、私たちはしばしば無視したり、入れたりしません

practice and if we do put them into


they result in immediate boosts in resultan en impulsos inmediatos en 彼らはすぐにブーストをもたらします

willpower here's one study

random sample of a business with 3 272


the business wanted their employees to

get their annual flu obtener su gripe anual 毎年恒例のインフルエンザにかかる

shot now to do this they sent them dispararon ahora para hacer esto los enviaron

a flyer that said you need to get your un volante que decía que necesita obtener su

flu shot but then they sent another vacuna contra la gripe pero luego enviaron otra


and that other version said you need to

get a flu shot

your appointment has already been あなたの予定はすでに

scheduled for april 22nd 4月22日予定

click here or you know right send us a

message here

to choose the time that you want to

attend and what they found was just by 出席し、彼らが見つけたのは

selecting a date

just by picking the day when people

would get it they were 2.4 times more

likely to follow through

but then they sent a third version and

they said

you need to get your flu shot you've

already been scheduled for 1pm

on april 22nd if you need to change the

time you can click here and do so

and the people who had the exact time

and date scheduled for them were four

times more likely to follow through

simply because they were pre-committed 単に彼らが事前にコミットされたからです

and we often think oh we should give

people more options we should let them 人々にもっと多くの選択肢を与えるべきです

choose whatever they want to do 彼らがやりたいことを選ぶ

but if we're trying to incentivize しかし、私たちがインセンティブを与えようとしているなら

behavior of trying to make it more

likely for people to follow through 人々がフォロースルーする可能性が高い

pre-commitment is a great device for

doing this

implementation intentions is another intenciones de implementación es otra 実装の意図は別です

method very similar to pre-commitment

but slightly different and this is the

study that i like that shows this so

there was a study that looked at

different groups and their

motivation and ability to stick with 継続するモチベーションと能力

exercise so there are three groups in

this study

the first group they brought in and they el primer grupo que trajeron y ellos

said we want you to track dijo que queremos que rastrees 追跡してほしいと言った

how often you exercise over the next two


so that's group one group two we want

you to track how often you exercise

and we're going to show you this

motivational video about the benefits of


why you should do it so group two was

the motivated group

then there was group three group three

got the exact same treatment as group グループとまったく同じ扱いを受けた


they were told to track their exercise

they were given the motivational speech

they were equally motivated

but they did one thing differently and

that one thing is they filled out this que una cosa es que llenaron esto 1つのことは、彼らがこれに記入したことです


that said during the next week i will それは言った 来週中に私は

partake in at least 20 minutes of

vigorous exercise 激しい運動

on this day at this time at this place

and what they found when they looked at

all the analysis at the end of the study 調査終了時のすべての分析

is this is what happened group one 38

of them worked out over the next two

weeks the control group no motivation

group two remember they were the

motivated group and the motivation

faded almost immediately as soon as they すぐに色あせた

walked out of the research lab

so 35 of them worked out and group three そのうちの 35 人が解決し、グループ 3

it was almost double or even triple the ほぼ2倍か3倍だった

odds that they would work out over the 彼らがうまくいく確率

next two weeks

91 of them stuck to exercise and the

only difference was that they filled out 唯一の違いは、彼らが記入したことでした

this little sentence この短い文

and it seems so basic but by それはとても基本的なようですが、

pre-committing ourselves to things we 物事に自分自身を事前にコミットする

make it much more likely that we fall 私たちが落ちる可能性をはるかに高くする


implementation intentions which is what 実装の意図は何ですか

this is called this is an implementation


there are over hunt there are hundreds hay más caza hay cientos オーバーハントがあり、何百人もいる

of studies on this so it's been proven

in a bunch of different contexts さまざまな文脈の中で

it's very simple and something that

actually leads to real results

now you may be saying all right that's

great i should just pick times and 素晴らしい、私は時間を選ぶべきです

places for everything i want to work on

but in fact we can get really overloaded しかし実際には、過負荷になる可能性があります

by the amount of things that we want to 私たちがしたいことの量によって


there are all sorts of things you may あなたができるあらゆる種類のものがあります

want to improve upon so how do you 改善したいので、どうすればいいですか

decide where to start どこから始めるかを決める

again i'm big on simplicity i'm big on 繰り返しますが、私はシンプルさが大好きです。


most of the choices that you can focus 集中できる選択肢のほとんど

just on the very best uses of your time

and if you're thinking how do i decide

what to focus on after this presentation このプレゼンテーションの後、何に焦点を当てるか

i would say focus on the keystone habit キーストーンの習慣に焦点を当てると思います

and a keystone habit is a routine or

ritual that ripples ritual que ondula

into the rest of your life it creates a あなたの人生の残りの部分に

cascade of good behavior

so for myself my keystone habit is

working out i know that if i work out i haciendo ejercicio sé que si hago ejercicio


the benefits of exercise sure but i also 運動の利点は確かですが、私も

tend to focus better i have this period 私はこの期間を持っています

of like high focus the post workout high de como alto enfoque el post entrenamiento alto のような高フォーカスワークアウト後の高

for an hour or so afterward durante una hora más o menos después

i sleep better that night because i am

tired and exhausted and have worked

myself physically

which means i wake up the next day with

better energy which means i focus better


and i also tend to eat better just そして私はまた、よりよく食べる傾向があります

because i feel like i worked out so i

don't want to waste it so i actually eat