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Assorted YouTube videos, Can you learn a language just by listening?

Can you learn a language just by listening?

Hey, guys. Welcome to engVid. Today's lesson is a little bit different,

it's me talking about: Is it possible for you to learn a language just by listening?

This is something that I think many of us would love, love, love, love to be true.

I can just learn a language by listening, I don't have to really do anything

if I just spend enough time listening, then,

you know, I'll be able to speak; I'll have learned the language.

So, some ways we might do this are... Could be watching... Watching TV in that language,

you're trying to learn and just think:

"Well, I'm... I'm learning. I'm learning stuff just by watching."

Another way is you move to a different country, and you spend time around

native speaker friends, and you don't understand anything, but you're like:

"Well, I'm learning. The more time I spend doing this, I'll get to a point where I can just speak the language."

And that is a situation that I, myself, have been in many times in my life. If you put

all the time together, I would say I probably wasted a couple of years of my life, taking

that approach, just thinking you learn by listening. Now, don't get me wrong, you do

learn how to understand what people are talking about if you take that approach. You know,

you're the only one who doesn't speak the same language that everybody else speaks,

you're the only one who doesn't speak it, after a while you do kind of understand what

people are talking about, so you can often guess from the situation. But that doesn't

mean the same thing as being able to put a sentence together, and join in in the conversation

in that language. Because although you kind of understand what people are saying, you

just haven't developed the skill of moving your tongue and saying the words of the other

language. So I would say taking that approach is a very, very frustrating, and slow, and

ineffective way to learn any language. And that's based from my personal experience.

If the language that you're hoping, trying, wishing to learn is very close to your language,

then of course, you will understand much, much more of what is being said, and you'll

be able to guess many of the words. But if the language is completely different to your

native language, it's a really ineffective way to expect to learn a language, because

there's just not a lot you can guess. The words are very different, the grammar structure

is very different.

And have you ever been in that situation when you're the only one who doesn't understand

anything? Well, I've been in that situation many times, and I don't know if this happens

to all people, but this happens to me. After a while, you stop listening. And, at least

I do, and I start thinking about my own things in my head. So you're there, but you're not

even listening. And you have to ask yourself:

Is this the same thing that's also happening

if you're watching a movie that's spoken in a language that you don't understand? Are

you actually listening to the words, or are you just reading subtitles in your own language

that you understand? So that's an important part of it as well. Is that time you are listening

to the language you want to learn, are you using that time with your ears, really awake

and switched on to what people are saying? Because I think most of the time, when you

don't actually know that language, you're not fully listening because you don't understand

anything. You're really concentrating on something you don't understand, it's a very hard thing

to do for more than a couple of minutes.

So, learning a language just by listening, in my opinion, is a very frustrating, slow

way to learn a language. Of course, we all learn like this when we are children, but

that's a very different situation, because when we're babies, we're always surrounded

by this language, we're the one that doesn't speak, and the people around us interact with

us and get us to say words one by one, and then, you know, language comes slowly, comes

slowly, comes slowly. But as adults, we don't get that kind of attention, one-to-one from

the native speakers, and we just don't have that long.

We don't have that long to be not understanding things.

So, if you're in that situation, or thinking that you're just going to learn a language

by listening, I want you to stop frustrating yourself, stop lying to yourself, and

get to the point where you're like:

"Well, how am I actually going to learn this language?" if you want to learn.

"How am I actually going to learn it?"

And the way that you learn is

by being active. And there are so many different ways you can be active when it comes to learning

a language. But it means the...

Rather than just taking in by watching or by listening,

you actually have to be putting effort from your side into learning that language. So

the ways that I most like to be learning a language in an active way by writing, I just

find it very helpful for me to use my hand when I'm learning something. Even if I never

look at it again, I do like this with a paper, throw it over my shoulder. For me, it's very

helpful to write things down again and again. Sometimes it's very helpful.

Other ways of being active, are of course, doing speech practice, having someone you

can speak to. But if you don't have anyone to speak to, don't worry, because you can

speak to yourself. You can speak, and speak, and speak to yourself.

When you're watching engVid videos, you can write comments.

You can also do the quiz at the end of the lesson.

These are ways to be interactive. And I encourage you to take notes of the lessons as well.

Just keep doing it, be active, and that is what's going to get you out of that frustration of:

"I'm learning a language, but I think I'm learning a language, but I'm not getting any better."

Because if you are just watch, watch, listen, listen - it's not going to

take you where you want to be with learning your language in a quick enough, fast enough time.

So what I want to do now is invite you to leave a comment, if you've got any tips for

learning a language in an active way. And also, after you leave a comment,

go and do the quiz for today's video.

I want to say thank you for watching, and come and join us again at engVid soon.

And until next time, bye.

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Can you learn a language just by listening? Can||||||| Kann man eine Sprache nur durch Zuhören lernen? Μπορείς να μάθεις μια γλώσσα μόνο ακούγοντας; ¿Se puede aprender un idioma sólo escuchando? Peut-on apprendre une langue simplement en écoutant ? Si può imparare una lingua solo ascoltando? リスニングだけで語学を習得できるのか? 듣기만 해도 언어를 배울 수 있나요? Czy można nauczyć się języka tylko poprzez słuchanie? Você pode aprender um idioma apenas ouvindo? Можно ли выучить язык, просто слушая его? Sadece dinleyerek bir dil öğrenebilir misiniz? Чи можна вивчити мову, просто слухаючи? 光听就能学会一门语言吗? 光靠聽就能學會語言嗎?

Hey, guys. Welcome to engVid. Today's lesson is a little bit different, 嘿,大家|大家|||英语视频||||||| ||||영어 비디오||수업|||조금|| ||||英語学習||||||| |pessoal|||engVid|||||||diferente Hallo Leute, willkommen bei engVid. Die Lektion heute ist ein bisschen anders, Ei pessoal. Bem-vindo ao engVid. A lição de hoje é um pouco diferente, Эй, ребята. Добро пожаловать в engVid. Сегодняшний урок немного отличается, Selam millet. engVid'e hoş geldiniz. Bugünkü dersimiz biraz farklı, 大家 好 。 欢迎 来到 engVid。 今天 的 课程 有点 不同 ,

it's me talking about: Is it possible for you to learn a language just by listening? ||||||可能吗||||||||| |||||||||||||||escuchar ich spreche nämlich über die Frage, ob ihr eine Sprache nur durch Hören lernen könnt. 제가 말하는 거예요: 듣기만 해도 언어를 배울 수 있을까요? это я говорю: можно ли выучить язык, просто слушая? 这 是 我 讲 的 : 对 你 来说 有没有 可能 只是 通过 听 来 学习 一门 语言 ?

This is something that I think many of us would love, love, love, love to be true. ||||||||||||||||真实的 ||||||many = molti|||would = would|||||||true 이것|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||verdadeiro ||||||||||||||||absolutely true Das ist etwas, von dem ich glaube, dass viele von uns wünschten, das wäre wahr. 이것은 많은 사람들이 사랑하고, 사랑하고, 사랑하고, 사랑할 것이라고 생각합니다. Это то, что, я думаю, многие из нас хотели бы, любить, любить, любить, чтобы это было правдой. Bu, sanırım birçoğumuzun gerçek olmasını çok, çok, çok, çok isteyeceği bir şey. 这 是 我 认为 大多 人 的 事 , 爱 , 爱 , 爱 , 爱是 正确 的 。

I can just learn a language by listening, I don't have to really do anything ||||||||私は|||||| Ich kann eine Sprache nur durch das Hören lernen. Ich muss nicht wirklich etwas machen, I can just learn a language by listening, I don't have to really do anything Eu posso apenas aprender um idioma ouvindo, eu não tenho que realmente fazer nada Я могу просто выучить язык, слушая, мне действительно не нужно ничего делать 我 可以 通过 听 学习 一门 语言 , 我 没有 做 任何 事情

if I just spend enough time listening, then, |||花费|||| ||||sufficiently long||| ||||충분한||| |||||||então wenn ich einfach genug Zeit mit Zuhören verbringe, dann, se eu passar tempo suficiente ouvindo, então, если я просто слушаю достаточно времени, тогда, 如果 我 只是 花 足够 时间 听 , 然后 ,

you know, I'll be able to speak; I'll have learned the language. ||||能够||||||| |||||||||배웠을 것이다|| ||vou||||||||| ihr wisst schon, dann kann ich sprechen, dann habe ich die Sprache gelernt. вы знаете, я смогу говорить; Я выучу язык. 你 知道 , 我 就 能 讲 ; 我 将 学会 这门 语言 。

So, some ways we might do this are... Could be watching... Watching TV in that language, ||方法||可能会||||||||||| |||||하다|||||||||| Also, man könnte das auf verschiedene Arten machen ... das könnte in der Sprache fernsehen sein, Então, algumas maneiras de fazer isso são... Pode ser assistindo... Assistir TV nesse idioma, Вот несколько способов, которыми мы можем это сделать ... Могли бы смотреть ... смотреть телевизор на этом языке, 所以 , 用 某些 方法 我们 可以 做到 这 一点 的 ? 像 看 ...... 看 那种 语言 的 电视 ,

you're trying to learn and just think: ||for|||| man versucht, zu lernen, und denkt einfach: вы пытаетесь учиться и просто думать: öğrenmeye ve sadece düşünmeye çalışıyorsunuz: 你 想 学习 只是 觉得 :

"Well, I'm... I'm learning. I'm learning stuff just by watching." ||||||东西||| ||||||things||| ||||||stuff||| "Naja, ich ... ich lerne ja gerade. Ich lerne Sachen, einfach in dem ich zusehe." 「まあ、私は...私は学んでいます。私は見ているだけで何かを学んでいます。」 "Bem, eu estou... estou aprendendo. Estou aprendendo coisas apenas observando." «Ну, я ... я учусь. Я узнаю что-то, просто наблюдая». “ 嗯 , 我 ... 我 学习 。 我 仅仅 通过 观看 学习 的 东西 。“

Another way is you move to a different country, and you spend time around 另一种方法||||||||||||| Eine andere Art ist in ein anderes Land zu ziehen und dort Zeit in Begleitung von Outra maneira é você se mudar para um país diferente e passar o tempo Другой способ - вы переезжаете в другую страну и проводите время Başka bir yol da farklı bir ülkeye taşınmak ve orada vakit geçirmektir. 另 一种 方法 是 你 移居 到 一个 不同 的 国家 , 你 花些 时间 围绕 着

native speaker friends, and you don't understand anything, but you're like: 母语者|||||||||| Muttersprachlern zu verbringen, oder von Freunden, und man versteht zwar nichts, aber man denkt sich so: amigos falantes nativos e você não entende nada, mas fica tipo: Друзья-носители языка, а ты ничего не понимаешь, но ты такой: 本地 母语 的 朋友 们 , 而 你 听 不 懂得 任何 事情 , 但 你 喜欢 :

"Well, I'm learning. The more time I spend doing this, I'll get to a point where I can just speak the language." ||||||||||||||程度||||||| "Naja, ich lerne. Je mehr Zeit ich damit verbringe, das zu machen, desto eher werde ich an einen Punkt kommen, wo ich dann einfach die Sprache kann." "Bem, estou aprendendo. Quanto mais tempo eu passar fazendo isso, chegarei a um ponto em que posso simplesmente falar a língua." «Что ж, я учусь. Чем больше времени я трачу на это, я доберусь до того момента, когда смогу просто говорить на этом языке». “ 嗯 , 我 正在 学习 。 这样 做 的 时间 越长 , 我会 到 一个 可以 讲 那种 语言 的 地步 。“

And that is a situation that I, myself, have been in many times in my life. If you put ||||情况|||||||||||生活||| Und das ist eine Situation, in der ich persönlich sehr oft in meinem Leben war. Wenn man E essa é uma situação que eu mesmo já estive muitas vezes na minha vida. Se você colocar 这 是 我 的 一种 情况 , 在 我 的 生活 中 已经 被 做 了 很 多次 。 如果 你 把

all the time together, I would say I probably wasted a couple of years of my life, taking |||||||||Spent unwisely|||||||| |||||||||sprecato|||||||| |||||||||浪费了||几年的时间||||||浪费时间 |||||||||wasted||a couple|||||| |||||||||無駄にした|||||||| |||||||||desperdicié|||||||| die ganze Zeit zusammenzählt, in der ich das gemacht habe, dann würde ich sagen habe ich ein paar Jahre meines Lebens vergeudet, todo o tempo juntos, eu diria que provavelmente desperdicei alguns anos da minha vida, levando все время вместе, я бы сказал, что, наверное, потратил пару лет своей жизни, принимая 所有 的 时间 放在 一起 , 我会 说 我 可能 浪费 了 我 几年 的 生活 , 用

that approach, just thinking you learn by listening. Now, don't get me wrong, you do |方法||||||||||||| |method||||||||||||| |approach||||||||||||| |enfoque||||||||||||| |підхід||||||||||||| indem ich so vorgegangen bin, indem ich einfach gedacht habe, man lernt durch das Zuhören. Also versteht mich jetzt nicht falsch, man essa abordagem, apenas pensando que você aprende ouvindo. Agora, não me entenda mal, você entende этот подход, просто думая, что вы учитесь, слушая. Теперь не поймите меня неправильно, вы понимаете 这种 做法 , 你 仅仅 想 通过 听 来 学习 。 现在 , 不要 误会 我 的 意思 , 如果 你

learn how to understand what people are talking about if you take that approach. You know, |||||||||||||方法|| |||||||||||||method|| |||||||||||||enfoque|| lernt tatsächlich, zu verstehen, wovon die Leute reden, wenn man so vorgeht. Wisst ihr, aprenda a entender sobre o que as pessoas estão falando se você adotar essa abordagem. Você sabe, научитесь понимать, о чем говорят люди, если вы воспользуетесь этим подходом. Тебе известно, 采取 这种 做法 学习 如何 理解 人们 在 说 什么 。 你 知道 ,

you're the only one who doesn't speak the same language that everybody else speaks, |||||||||||大家|其他人| wenn du die einzige bist, die nicht die gleiche Sprache spricht wie alle anderen, você é o único que não fala a mesma língua que todo mundo fala, ты единственный, кто не говорит на том же языке, что и все остальные, 你 是 唯一 一个 不会 说 其他人 会 说 的 语言 的 人 ,

you're the only one who doesn't speak it, after a while you do kind of understand what ||||||||||一段时间后|||||| wenn du die einzige bist, die sie nicht spricht, dann verstehst du nach eine Weile irgendwie, wovon você é o único que não fala isso, depois de um tempo você meio que entende o que ты единственный, кто этого не говорит, через некоторое время ты понимаешь, что 你 是 唯一 一个 不会 说 的 , 一段时间 后 , 你 有点 了解

people are talking about, so you can often guess from the situation. But that doesn't ||||||||猜测|||情境||| ||||||||infer from context|||||| die Leute sprechen, das heißt du kannst oft aus der Situation auf den Sinn schließen. Aber das ist nicht das gleiche as pessoas estão falando, então muitas vezes você pode adivinhar a partir da situação. Mas isso não о чем говорят люди, поэтому часто можно догадаться по ситуации. Но это не так 人们 都 在 谈论 什么 , 所以 你 可以 经常 从 情景 猜测 。 但是 , 这 并 不

mean the same thing as being able to put a sentence together, and join in in the conversation ||||||||||能说话|||||||对话能力 als wenn du einen Satz zusammen bauen könntest und an dem Gespräch teilnehmen könntest znače isto što i moći sastaviti rečenicu i uključiti se u razgovor significa a mesma coisa que ser capaz de montar uma frase e participar da conversa означает то же самое, что и возможность составить предложение и присоединиться к разговору 意味着 你 可以 做 同样 的 事情 , 就 像 能够 用 那种 语言 组成 一个 句子 并 在 谈话 中 加入 对话 。

in that language. Because although you kind of understand what people are saying, you ||||尽管||||||||| ||||||sort of||||||| ||||nonostante che||||||||| ||||anche se||||||||| in der fremden Sprache. Weil du, obwohl du irgendwie verstehst, was die anderen sagen, nessa língua. Porque embora você entenda o que as pessoas estão dizendo, você 因为 虽然 你 有点 明白 的 人们 在 说 什么 , 你

just haven't developed the skill of moving your tongue and saying the words of the other |还没有|掌握||技巧||移动舌头||舌头||||||| hast du eben nicht die Fähigkeit entwickelt, deine Zunge zu bewegen und die Wörter in der anderen simplesmente não desenvolveu a habilidade de mover a língua e dizer as palavras do outro 只是 还 没有 培养 出 移动 你 的 舌头 的 技巧 , 说 其他 语言 的话 。

language. So I would say taking that approach is a very, very frustrating, and slow, and ||||||||||||令人沮丧||| ||||||||||||frustrating||| ||||||||||||hayal kırıcı||| |||||||підхід|||||дуже розчаровує||| Sprache zu sagen. Also, ich würde sagen, diese Art vorzugehen ist eine sehr sehr frustrierende, und langsame, und Língua. Então, eu diria que adotar essa abordagem é muito, muito frustrante e lento, e 所以 , 我 要说 采取 这一 做法 是 一个 非常 , 非常 令人 沮丧 , 而且 缓慢 ,

ineffective way to learn any language. And that's based from my personal experience. 无效的||||任何语言||||基于|||个人经验|个人经历 ineffective|||||||||||| 効果的でない|||||||||||| uneffektive Art, eine Sprache zu lernen. Und das basiert auf meiner persönlichen Erfahrung. neučinkovit način učenja bilo kojeg jezika. I to iz mog osobnog iskustva. maneira ineficaz de aprender qualquer idioma. E isso é baseado na minha experiência pessoal. 无效 的 方式 去 学习 任何 语言 。 这是 基于 我 个人 的 经验 。

If the language that you're hoping, trying, wishing to learn is very close to your language, |||||希望||希望|||||接近||| |||||||desiderando di imparare|||||||| |||||esperando|||||||||| Wenn die Sprache, die du zu lernen hoffst, versuchst, wünschst, deiner Sprache sehr ähnlich ist, あなたが望んでいる、試みている、学びたいと思っている言語があなたの言語に非常に近い場合、 Se o idioma que você espera, tenta e deseja aprender está muito próximo do seu idioma, 如果 你 希望 、 尝试 去 学习 某种 非常 接近 你 母语 的 语言 ,

then of course, you will understand much, much more of what is being said, and you'll |||||||||||||||你将会 dann wirst du natürlich viel viel mehr von dem verstehen, was gesagt wird, und du então, é claro, você vai entender muito, muito mais do que está sendo dito, e você vai 那 当然 , 你 就 会 明白 了 更 多 , 更 多 正在 被 说 的话 , 你 将

be able to guess many of the words. But if the language is completely different to your |||||||||||||完全不同||| |||predict||||||||||||| wirst in der Lage sein, viele von den Wörtern zu erraten. Aber wenn die Sprache total anders ist als deine ser capaz de adivinhar muitas das palavras. Mas se o idioma for completamente diferente do seu 能够 猜出 的 许多 话 。 但是 , 如果 这 语言 和 你 的 母语 是 完全 能夠猜出很多單字。但如果語言與你完全不同

native language, it's a really ineffective way to expect to learn a language, because |||||无效的|||指望||||| Muttersprache, dann ist das eine echt uneffiziente Art, von der man glaubt, dass man so eine Sprache lernen kann, weil idioma nativo, é uma maneira realmente ineficaz de esperar aprender um idioma, porque 不同 , 这是 一个 非常 无效 的 办法 指望 学习 一门 语言 , 因为 母語,這是一種非常無效的學習語言的方式,因為

there's just not a lot you can guess. The words are very different, the grammar structure ||||||||||||||语法结构|语法结构 es da einfach nicht viel gibt, was du erraten kannst. Die Wörter sind total anders, die grammatische Struktur não há muito que você possa adivinhar. As palavras são muito diferentes, a estrutura gramatical 有 很多 你 猜 不到 的 东西 。 单词 有 很大 的 不同 , 语法结构 你能猜到的東西並不多。單字差異很大,文法結構

is very different. ist total anders. 也 是 非常 不同 的 。

And have you ever been in that situation when you're the only one who doesn't understand |||ever = ever|||||||||||| und warst du schon einmal in der Situation, in der du die einzige warst, die absolut nichts E você já esteve nessa situação quando você é o único que não entende 你 是否 在 一个 你 是 唯一 一个 不能 理解 任何 东西 的 情况 ?

anything? Well, I've been in that situation many times, and I don't know if this happens versteht? Naja, ich war schon oft in der Stuation, und ich weiß nicht, ob das nada? Bem, eu já estive nessa situação muitas vezes, e não sei se isso acontece 好 吧 , 我 已经 在 这种 情况 下 很 多次 , 我 不 知道 是否 这种 情况 发生

to all people, but this happens to me. After a while, you stop listening. And, at least ||||||||||||||||at least allen Leuten so geht, aber so geht es mir, Nach einer Weile hörst du auf zuzuhören. Und, zumindest ist das para todas as pessoas, mas isso acontece comigo. Depois de um tempo, você para de ouvir. E pelo menos 在 所有 的 人 身上 , 但 这种 情况 发生 在 我 身上 。 过 一会儿 , 你 停止 了 听 。 而且 , 至少

I do, and I start thinking about my own things in my head. So you're there, but you're not bei mir so, ich fange nach einer Weile an, über meine eigenen Probleme nachzudenken. Also ist man schon anwesend, aber irgendwie hört Eu faço, e eu começo a pensar sobre minhas próprias coisas na minha cabeça. Então você está lá, mas você não está 我 这样 做 , 我 开始 在 我 的 脑子里 思考 我 自己 的 事情 。 所以 , 你 在 那里 , 但 你 不

even listening. And you have to ask yourself: |||||||你自己 anche||||||| man nicht mal zu. Und da muss man sich fragen: mesmo ouvindo. E você deve se perguntar: 在 听 。 你 不得不 要 问 自己 :

Is this the same thing that's also happening Passiert nicht dasselbe, wenn É a mesma coisa que também está acontecendo 这 是不是 也 同样 发生 的 事

if you're watching a movie that's spoken in a language that you don't understand? Are man einen Film ansieht, der in einer Sprache ist, die man nicht versteht? Hört se você estiver assistindo a um filme falado em um idioma que você não entende? Está 在 你 观看 一个 说 你 不会 的 语言 的 电影

you actually listening to the words, or are you just reading subtitles in your own language |||||||||||字幕|||| |||||||||||napisy dialogowe|||| man da eigentlich wirklich auf die Wörter, oder liest man nur die Untertitel in seiner eigenen Sprache você está realmente ouvindo as palavras, ou está apenas lendo legendas em seu próprio idioma 你 实际上 听 的 是 单词 , 或者 你 只是 读 你 自己 的 语言 的 字幕

that you understand? So that's an important part of it as well. Is that time you are listening ||||||||||同样||||||| die man versteht? Das ist also auch ein wichtiger Aspekt von der Sache. Ist diese Zeit, die du que você entende? Então essa é uma parte importante disso também. É esse tempo que você está ouvindo 你 明白 了 吗 ? 所以 这是 一个 重点 。 这 就是 你 在 听

to the language you want to learn, are you using that time with your ears, really awake ||||||||||||||耳朵醒着||真正清醒 ||||||||||||||||fully alert mit dem Hören der Sprache verbringst, die du lernen willst, benutzt du diese Zeit mit wirklich wachen Ohren para o idioma que você quer aprender, você está usando esse tempo com seus ouvidos, realmente acordado 你 想 学习 的 语言 的 时候 , 你 是不是 花费 时间 在 你 的 耳朵 上 , 真的 唤醒

and switched on to what people are saying? Because I think most of the time, when you |切换到||||||||||||||| |tuned in||||||||||||||| |włączony||||||||||||||| |conectado||||||||||||||| und konzentriert auf das, was die Leute sagen? Weil ich glaube, meistens, wenn man e ligado para o que as pessoas estão dizendo? Porque eu acho que na maioria das vezes, quando você 并 开启 到 人们 在 说 什么 ? 因为 我 觉得 大部分 的 时间 , 当 你

don't actually know that language, you're not fully listening because you don't understand |||||||完全地||||| ||||言語|||||||| eine Sprache eigentlich nicht kann, dann hört man nicht richtig zu, eben weil man realmente não conhece esse idioma, você não está ouvindo totalmente porque não entende 实际上 不会 那种 语言 , 你 不是 完全 在 听 , 因为 你 不 明白

anything. You're really concentrating on something you don't understand, it's a very hard thing |||专心致志|||||||||| |||집중하고 있는|||||||||| |||||||||それは|||| nichts versteht. Man konzentriert sich auf etwas, was man nicht versteht, das ist echt eine anstrengende Sache nada. Você está realmente se concentrando em algo que não entende, é uma coisa muito difícil 任何 东西 。 你 真正 地 专注 于 你 不 明白 的 事情 上 , 这是 一个 很 困难 的 事情

to do for more than a couple of minutes. ||||超过|||| wenn man das länger als ein paar Minuten macht. fazer por mais de alguns minutos. 去 做 上 超过 几分钟 。

So, learning a language just by listening, in my opinion, is a very frustrating, slow ||||||||我的|我认为||||令人沮丧| |||||||||||||frustrating| |||||||||||||좌절스러운| |||||||||||||イライラする| ||||||||||||дуже|дуже розчаровує| Das bedeutet, eine andere Sprache einfach durchs Zuhören zu lernen ist meiner Meinung nach eine echt frustrierende und langsame Então, aprender um idioma apenas ouvindo, na minha opinião, é um processo muito frustrante, lento 所以 , 学习 一门 语言 只是 通过 听 , 在我看来 , 是 一个 非常 令人 沮丧 , 缓慢

way to learn a language. Of course, we all learn like this when we are children, but ||||||||所有人|||||||| Art, eine Sprache zu lernen. Natürlich lernen wir als Kind alle so, aber maneira de aprender uma língua. Claro, todos nós aprendemos assim quando somos crianças, mas 的 方式 来 学习 一门 语言 。 当然 , 我们 都 这样 学习 当 我们 是 孩子 的 时候 , 但

that's a very different situation, because when we're babies, we're always surrounded ||||||||婴儿时|||包围着 |||||||||||surroundati |||||||||||çevrili |||||||||||cercados por das ist eine ganz andere Situation, weil wenn wir Babys sind, sind wir immer von dieser Sprache essa é uma situação muito diferente, porque quando somos bebês, estamos sempre cercados 这是 一个 非常 不同 的 情况 , 因为 当 我们 的 婴儿 , 我们 一直 围绕 着

by this language, we're the one that doesn't speak, and the people around us interact with ||||||||||||||互动| ||||||||||||||etkileşimde bulunur| ||||||||||||||상호작용하다| ||||||||||||||взаємодіють з нами| umgeben, wir sind diejeinigen, die nicht sprechen, und die Menschen um uns herum interagieren mit por essa linguagem, somos nós que não falamos, e as pessoas ao nosso redor interagem 这种 语言 , 我们 是 不 说话 的 那个 人 , 围绕 着 我们 的 人 和 我们

us and get us to say words one by one, and then, you know, language comes slowly, comes ||||||||||||||||慢慢地| uns und bringen uns dazu, die Wörter eins nach dem anderen zu sagen, und dann, wisst ihr, entwickelt sich die Sprache nós e nos fazer dizer palavras uma por uma, e então, você sabe, a linguagem vem devagar, vem 交流 并且 和 我们 开始 说话 一个 人 接着 一个 人 , 然后 , 你 知道 , 语言 来 的 很慢 ,

slowly, comes slowly. But as adults, we don't get that kind of attention, one-to-one from |||||成年人|||||||关注|||| ||천천히|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||увага|||| ||||||||recibimos|||||||| langsam aber sicher. Aber als Erwachsene bekommen wir nicht diese Art von Aufmerksamkeit, eins zu eins von devagar, vem devagar. Mas como adultos, não recebemos esse tipo de atenção, um a um de 很慢 , 很慢 。 但 作为 成年人 , 我们 得不到 那样 的 注意 , 和 一个 一个 的 来自

the native speakers, and we just don't have that long. |||||||||那么长的时间 den Muttersprachlern, und wir haben einfach nicht so viel Zeit. os falantes nativos, e não temos tanto tempo. 的 母语 的 人 , 还有 我们 还 没有 那么 长 的 时间 。

We don't have that long to be not understanding things. ||||||||理解| Wir können es uns nicht leisten, so lange Dinge nicht zu verstehen. Não temos tanto tempo para ficar sem entender as coisas. 我们 没有 那么 长 的 时间 变得 什么 都 不 懂 。

So, if you're in that situation, or thinking that you're just going to learn a language Wenn ihr also in der Situation seid, oder wenn ihr glaubt, dass ihr eine Sprache einfach Então, se você está nessa situação, ou pensando que vai aprender um idioma 所以 , 如果 你 在 这种 情况 下 , 或 想着 你 要 学习 一门 语言

by listening, I want you to stop frustrating yourself, stop lying to yourself, and |||||||让自己沮丧|||欺骗自己||| ||||||||||mentendo||| durch das Zuhören lernen werdet, dann solltet ihr aufhören, euch selbst zu frustieren, euch selbst zu belügen, und ouvindo, quero que você pare de se frustrar, pare de mentir para si mesmo e 只是 通过 听 , 我 希望 你 停止 折腾 自己 , 停止 欺骗 自己 ,

get to the point where you're like: an den Punkt zu kommen, wo ihr euch fragt: chegar ao ponto em que você é como: 到 了 你 喜欢 听 的 重点 了 :

"Well, how am I actually going to learn this language?" if you want to learn. "Ok, wie werde ich diese Sprache wirklich lernen?" wenn ihr lernen wollt. "Bem, como eu realmente vou aprender essa língua?" se você quer aprender. “ 好 了 , 实际上 我 如何 打算 去 学习 这种 语言 ?“ 如果 你 想 学习 。

"How am I actually going to learn it?" "Wie werde ich sie wirklich lernen?" "Como eu realmente vou aprender isso?" “ 我 如何 实际上 打算 去 学习 它 ?“

And the way that you learn is Und die Art, wie man lernt, ist E a maneira que você aprende é 你 的 学习 方式 是

by being active. And there are so many different ways you can be active when it comes to learning ||积极的|||||||||||||||| indem man etwas macht. Und da sind so viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie man aktiv sein kann, wenn es darum geht, por estar ativo. E há tantas maneiras diferentes de você ser ativo quando se trata de aprender 通过 变 有效 。 而且 这里 有 许多 不同 的 有效 的 方法 , 当 谈到 学习

a language. But it means the... eine Sprache zu lernen. Aber es bedeutet uma linguagem. Mas significa que... 一种 语言 。 但 它 意味着 ......

Rather than just taking in by watching or by listening, 而不是||||||||| Instead of||||||||| En lugar de|en lugar de|||||||| Швидше||||||||| Statt einfach nur aufzunehmen, indem ihr zuschaut oder zuhört, Em vez de apenas absorver assistindo ou ouvindo, 而 不仅仅 是 通过 看 和 听 摄入 ,

you actually have to be putting effort from your side into learning that language. So |||||付出|努力|||方面||||| müsst ihr beim Lernen der Sprache eurerseits richtig etwas investieren. Und você realmente tem que se esforçar para aprender esse idioma. assim 你 实际上 已经 投入 你 的 努力 到 学习 语言 。 所以

the ways that I most like to be learning a language in an active way by writing, I just |||||||||||||积极的||||| |||||||||||||actively engaged||||| die Art, in der ich am liebsten eine Sprache auf aktive Art lerne, ist, indem ich schreibe, ich finde das maneiras que eu mais gosto de aprender uma língua de forma ativa escrevendo, eu apenas 写作 的 是 我 最 喜欢 的 被 用来 有效 的 学习 一门 语言 学习 的 方法 , 我 只是

find it very helpful for me to use my hand when I'm learning something. Even if I never |||||||||用手|||||||| ||||||||||||||"including"||| es einfach sehr hilfreich für mich, wenn ich meine Hand benutze, wenn ich etwas lerne. Auch wenn ich das nie acho muito útil usar minha mão quando estou aprendendo alguma coisa. Mesmo que eu nunca 发现 它 非常 有用 , 当 我 学习 一些 东西 用 我 用 我 的 手 。 即使 我 从来 没有

look at it again, I do like this with a paper, throw it over my shoulder. For me, it's very ||||||||||纸张|扔掉它||||肩膀上|||| |||||||||||||||shoulder|||| |||||||||||||||spalla|||| wieder ansehen werde, ich mache das so mit den Papier, ich werfe es hinter mich. Mir hilft es persönlich sehr, olhe para ele de novo, eu faço assim com um papel, jogue-o por cima do meu ombro. Para mim, é muito 再 看 一次 , 我 不 喜欢 这样 一份 文件 , 它 扔 在 我 的 肩膀 。 对 我 来说 , 这是 非常

helpful to write things down again and again. Sometimes it's very helpful. ||写下来||||||有时||| |||||||||||Beneficial Sachen immer und immer wieder aufzuschreiben. Manchmal ist das sehr hilfreich. útil para escrever as coisas de novo e de novo. Às vezes é muito útil. 有 帮助 的 , 一次 又 一次 的 写 东西 , 再次 。 有时候 , 这是 非常 有 帮助 的 。

Other ways of being active, are of course, doing speech practice, having someone you |||||||||演讲练习|练习演讲||| Andere Möglichkeiten, aktiv zu sein, ist natürlich das Sprechen zu trainieren, wenn du jemanden hast, mit dem Outras maneiras de ser ativo são, claro, praticar a fala, ter alguém que você 其他 变 有效 的 方法 , 当然 有 , 做 演讲 练习 , 有 一个 你

can speak to. But if you don't have anyone to speak to, don't worry, because you can ||||||||任何人|||||||| du sprechen kannst. Aber wenn du niemanden hast, mit dem du sprechen kannst, ist das nicht schlimm, weil du zu pode falar. Mas se você não tem com quem falar, não se preocupe, porque você pode 可以 说话 的 人 。 但是 , 如果 你 没有 任何人 可以 说话 , 不用 担心 , 因为 你 可以

speak to yourself. You can speak, and speak, and speak to yourself. dir selbst sprechen kannst. Du kannst mit dir selbst sprechen und sprechen und sprechen. 对 自己 说话 。 你 可以 不断 的 和 自己 说话 。

When you're watching engVid videos, you can write comments. |||engVid 视频|||||评论 Wenn du engVid Videos anschaust, kannt du Kommentare schreiben. 当 你 看 engVid 视频 的 时候 , 你 可以 写 评论 。

You can also do the quiz at the end of the lesson. |||||测验|在||||| Du kannst auch das Quiz am Ende der Lektion machen. Você também pode fazer o teste no final da lição. 在 课程 结束 , 你 也 可以 做 小 测验 。

These are ways to be interactive. And I encourage you to take notes of the lessons as well. |||||互动的|||鼓励||||笔记|||||也要 ||||||||urge||||write down observations||||| |||||対話型の|||||||||||| ||||||||заохочую||||||||| Auf diese Art und Weise kannst du interagieren. Und ich ermutige euch, in der Lektion auch mitzuschreiben. Estas são maneiras de ser interativo. E eu encorajo você a tomar notas das lições também. 这些 办法 是 互动 的 。 我 鼓励 你 做 这堂 课 的 笔记 。

Just keep doing it, be active, and that is what's going to get you out of that frustration of: |||||积极的||||||||||||沮丧情绪| |||||||||||||||||hayal kırıklığı| |||||||||||||||||苛立ち| Mach es einfach immer wieder, sei aktiv, und das wird dich dann rausbringen aus der Frustration von: Apenas continue fazendo isso, seja ativo, e é isso que vai te tirar dessa frustração de: 只要 保持 这样 做 , 积极主动 , 这是 一些 让 你 走出 挫折 的 事 :

"I'm learning a language, but I think I'm learning a language, but I'm not getting any better." |||语言||||||||||||| "Ich lerne eine Sprache, aber ich glaube nur, dass ich die Sprache lerne, ich verbessere mich einfach nicht." "Estou aprendendo uma língua, mas acho que estou aprendendo uma língua, mas não estou melhorando." “ 我 正在 学习 语言 , 但 只是 我 觉得 我 在 学习 一种 语言 , 但 我 没有 得到 任何 改善 。“

Because if you are just watch, watch, listen, listen - it's not going to |||||||||||行く| Weil, wenn du nur zusiehst, zusiehst, zuhörst, zuhörst - das bringt dich nicht 因为 如果 你 只是 看 , 看 听 , 听 - 它 不会

take you where you want to be with learning your language in a quick enough, fast enough time. |||||||||||||迅速|||| dahin, wo du sein willst, wenn du eine Sprache schnell genug lernen willst, in einer Zeit, die kurz genug ist. levá-lo onde você quer estar com o aprendizado de seu idioma em um tempo rápido o suficiente. 带 你 到 你 想到 的 程度 随着 学习 你 的 语言 在 一个 足够 迅速 的 时间 。

So what I want to do now is invite you to leave a comment, if you've got any tips for ||||||||邀请你留言|||||评论|||||建议| ||||||||招待する||||||||||| entonces||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||поради| Was ich jetzt machen werde, ist, euch zu bitten, einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen, wenn ihr irgendwelche Tipps habt, Então o que eu quero fazer agora é convidá-lo a deixar um comentário, se você tem alguma dica para 所以 我 想 现在 要 做 的 就是 邀请 您 发表 评论 , 如果 你 有 任何 小 技巧

learning a language in an active way. And also, after you leave a comment, |||||积极的||||||||评论 wie man aktiv Sprachen lernen kann. Und ich bitte euch auch, nachdem ihr den Kommentar gepostet habt, 关于 有效 学习 一门 语言 的 方法 。 你 也 可以 发表 评论 ,

go and do the quiz for today's video. auf das Quiz zum heutigen Video zu klicken und es zu machen. 去 做 今天 的 视频 的 测验

I want to say thank you for watching, and come and join us again at engVid soon. ||||||||||||||||尽快 I|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||engVid| Ich möchte euch danken, dass ihr zugesehen habt, und kommt bald wieder zu uns auf engVid. Quero agradecer por assistir e se juntar a nós novamente no engVid em breve. 我 想 说 , 感谢您 的 收看 , 并 在 不久以后 再次 来到 或 加入 engVid。

And until next time, bye. |直到||| Bis zum nächsten Mal, tschüs. 下 一 再说 吧 , 再见 。