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What The English?!, What the English?!: Ep. 4, Weird Canada

What the English?!: Ep. 4, Weird Canada

Hello fellow weirdos, and welcome to episode four of the “What the English? !” podcast.

This podcast is for intermediate English learners who want to listen to interesting, thought-provoking and sometimes weird content spoken in clear and natural English.

Remember to subscribe and click on the little bell to get notified when new episodes go live.

If you ever think of a topic you'd like me to cover in an episode, I would love to hear it. Just email me at hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com and share your ideas with me.

I love making these podcast episodes, and I'm going to try to make them more often for you guys. You know how it is, life gets busy and there isn't always time for hobbies. But I promise I'm going to record more episodes moving forward.

In today's episode I want to talk about some of the things I have found weird and wonderful about the country I now call home: Canada.

I'm originally from Wales in the UK, and though British and Canadian cultures are quite similar, there were a few things that gave me culture shock when I moved here. I'm sure you can guess what that term “culture shock” means. It's when something within a new culture is surprising or makes you take notice.

That was a little of the Canadian National Anthem “O Canada”. I got to sing it with a room full of fellow immigrants when I became a Canadian citizen in December of 2018. It was surprisingly emotional for me, even though we sounded pretty terrible singing together! I don't think one of us was in the same key. Anyway, it was still a very special day!

So, I've been a Canadian citizen for just over two years now, but I've been living in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada for eight and a half years in total. I came here with my husband, who I met while we were both teaching English for the same company in Sendai, Japan.

I'm pretty acclimatized now I would say. Meaning I feel like Canada is home, I know the social norms and what's expected of me. I feel comfortable in social settings. That isn't to say there aren't things that continue to surprise me though.

Here are some things I found a little weird when I came to Canada.

I want to start with a drink. A drink I tried without knowing what was in it, and I was horrified afterwards when I discovered the ingredients. I'm talking about the Canadian Caesar.

Have you heard of it? I hadn't. This drink is most definitely NOT popular in the UK. A Canadian Caesar is clamato juice, vodka, hot sauce and worcester sauce. You may know vodka, it's an alcoholic spirit. That word “spirit” came up in my episode about Halloween, do you remember? It means ghost, to “get into the spirit” means to show that you are enthusiastic about something, but in this case spirit has a different meaning: it means a strong alcoholic drink. Some other spirits include whiskey, rum and gin.

Anyway, you mix your vodka with clamato first. That word “clamato” is a combination of two words, or a portmanteau, the two words are: clams and tomatoes. Yes, you heard that first word right, clams. The clams you find on the beach. Clamato juice is clam juice and tomato juice mixed together. What does it taste like? Exactly like you would imagine clam juice and tomato juice to taste: gross!

I mean, it's not for me, I don't enjoy it at all. Especially after the hot sauce and worcester sauce have been added. There is usually a stick of celery added to the drink at the end too. Just in case you want to stir it then snack on the celery afterward. Celery happens to be the only vegetable I don't like the taste of.

When I first tried a Canadian Caesar I found it very difficult to swallow. Really difficult. I didn't want to at all. Then when I was told what was in the drink I made a promise to myself, I will never drink a Caesar again.

It's a really popular hangover cure here. A hangover is that awful feeling you get the day after a night of lots of alcohol. There's a saying “Hair of the dog that bit you” and it means the alcoholic drink you have when you are experiencing a hangover that helps you feel better. So if you hear someone say they need the “hair of the dog” now you know to get them a caesar… or something less gross maybe.

In the UK, hunting is something only rich people do and most of it is “sport hunting”. That means hunting to kill and not to kill and eat. The most commonly hunted animals in the UK are deer and foxes. Deer are hunted with guns and their heads are kept as trophies, that means a kind of prize for achieving something. Fox hunting though, is cruel. Hunters search for foxes with horses and dogs. Once they find a fox or foxes, the hunters send their dogs into the foxes burrow, the hole in the ground they live in, to kill them. Fox hunting is actually banned now in the UK, but groups continue to do it.

I most definitely did not grow up rich, and so hunting is something I never did. I never had the desire to either. Though I do eat meat, I love animals. I realize that is a rather contradictory thing to say. A contradictory statement is one that says two things that can't both be true. How can you love animals but also be ok with them being killed so you can eat them? Anyway… I'm getting off topic. It's something I struggle with.

Back to hunting… while in the UK hunting is associated with the rich, here in Canada it is an activity many people do, rich, poor and in between. Instead of buying meat from the supermarket or the butcher, lots of Canadians hunt for deer, duck, moose, caribou… even bears! There is sport hunting in Canada too, but mostly what is hunted is eaten.

My husband hunts. At first, I had an issue with it. Deer are so beautiful, those poor cute little ducks! But then I really thought about it. I eat meat, would I rather eat an animal that spent its life locked in a warehouse in the dark with no room to move? An animal that had to listen to other animals being slaughtered and wait its turn? Isn't it more humane, meaning kinder (if you could say there's a kind way to kill), to kill an animal quickly? An animal that got to live in its natural habitat? I think so, and so moving to Canada completely changed my mind about hunting.

I don't agree with sport hunting, but I eat ducks and deer that my husband has hunted, and I feel more grateful to the animal, more connected almost, than if I had bought it from the butcher. So many difficult and disturbing things are hidden from us in today's world. Sometimes you just need to pull the feathers out of the bird you're going to eat for dinner.

Now onto something sweet. Canadians like to put it on pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs... snow. I'm talking about maple syrup.

You might think of this sweet and sticky syrup when you think of Canada. I did before I moved here. But I wasn't quite ready for how popular maple syrup really is, and how my eating habits would change once I was introduced to this delicious food.

I used to make fun of my husband for putting maple syrup on scrambled eggs and bacon, but now I do it. Have you tried it? If not, you have to. I'm not sure how available maple syrup is in your country, but here in Canada you can buy it at any supermarket and it comes in one litre jugs. We always have one in the fridge.

I think my favourite thing with maple syrup has to be candied salmon. It's salmon that has been smoked with salt and sugar then painted with maple syrup.

I haven't tried maple taffy yet. Maple taffy is made by pouring maple syrup over snow and then scooping it up with a stick and eating it off like a popsicle. I'm hungry…

You might have heard the stereotype that Canadians say sorry a lot. “Stereotype”, that‘s a great word. It means something that is generally believed about a group of people. You know, like the stereotype that British people have bad teeth or that blonde women are not very smart.

If you have never met a Canadian or been to Canada I am here to tell you that this stereotype is mostly true! Canadians are always saying sorry, and it's adorable! I have bumped into people and it has been 100% my fault and the person I bumped into has said sorry! It's true what they say, Canadians are just really nice! Of course I'm speaking generally, there are mean Canadians out there.

I have a theory about why Canadians are generally polite and nice… Canada is amazing! The natural beauty alone is enough to put me in a good mood most of the time. I just came from a snowy walk in the woods near my house and someone had left a disposable coffee cup on the trail (not cool). I had a dog poop bag in my pocket and so I happily picked it up, without touching it of course in these COVID times, and carried it with me on the rest of my walk because I didn't want it to ruin the beauty of the woods. Also, you hardly ever see trash here.

The last thing I want to mention in this episode about weird and wonderful Canada is some of the slang I have discovered. This is a podcast about English after all.

You can't mention Canadian slang without mentioning the word “eh”. “Eh” is what's called an interjection, which means a word or phrase that shows emotion or feeling. Words like “hey”, “wow” and “oh” are also interjections.

“Eh” can mean two things: that you didn't understand something that was said to you. It's like saying “huh?” or “can you repeat that?”. Canadians, though, use “eh” to express a question, they want to know if you agree with what was said. For example, “maple syrup tastes great on eggs, eh?” or “Bob makes the best Caesars, eh?”. I would make fun of the way all Canadians use “eh” when I first came to Canada. I would use it on purpose and try to say it in a Canadian accent. Now though, I actually use “eh” for real, all the time. It's funny how that happens, eh?

Another word you will hear a lot if you ever visit Canada is toque. This isn't a word used in the UK at all, and so I had no idea what it meant. I toque is a warm, tight-fitting winter hat. Most places in Canada have very cold and snowy winters, so Canadians love their toques.

Snowy wind

People from the UK are Brits, Americans are Yanks, New Zealanders are Kiwis and Canadians are… do you know? The slang word for Canadians is Canuck. This word I learned very early on as the Vancouver ice hockey team is the Vancouver Canucks.

What do Canucks say when they want you to give it your all, to just do it… “give ‘er!” I love this phrase. It's a combination of the words “give” and “her”. Your friend might say “I have no energy at all today. I don't know how I'm going to make it through until 5”. And you can respond. “You can do it. Just have another coffee and give'er!”.

I want to finish with my favourite expression. I looked it up and it apparently originated in the UK, but I had never heard it before I came to live in Canada. My husband says it all the time, “my dogs are barking.” Can you guess what it means? “My dogs are barking” means my feet hurt. So the next time you've had a hard day working on your feet, or maybe you went on a big hike, you can tell your friends that your dogs are barking!

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What the English?!: Ep. 4, Weird Canada |||قسمت|عجیب و غریب| ||||Unusual| Was zum Teufel?! Ep. 4, Seltsames Kanada Τι είναι τα αγγλικά;!! Καναδάς What the English?!: Ep. 4, Weird Canada ¿Qué inglés? Ep. 4, Weird Canada Qu'est-ce que c'est que l'anglais ? Ep. 4, Weird Canada Che inglese?!: Ep. 4, Strano Canada What the English?第4話「変なカナダ 영어가 뭐야?! 에피소드 4, 이상한 캐나다 Ką anglų kalba?!: 4 dalis, "Keista Kanada What the English?! Ep. 4, Dziwna Kanada O que é que o inglês?! Ep. 4, Weird Canada Что за английский?! Эп. 4, Странная Канада Ne İngilizcesi?!: Bölüm 4, Garip Kanada Що за англійська?! Епізод 4, Дивна Канада 什么是英语?第 4 集,奇怪的加拿大 什么是英语?第 4 集,奇怪的加拿大

Hello fellow weirdos, and welcome to episode four of the “What the English? |رفیق|سلام عجیب‌ها|||||||||| ||مرحباً أيها الغرباء|||||||||| ||people|||||||||| |współtowarzysze|dziwacy|||||||||| Hallo andere Verrückte und willkommen zur vierten Folge von „What the English? Bonjour amis cinglés, et bienvenue dans l'épisode 4 de "What the English? Witajcie koledzy dziwacy i witajcie w czwartym odcinku „What the English? Olá amigos esquisitos, bem-vindos ao quarto episódio de “What the English? Привет, чудаки, и добро пожаловать в четвертый выпуск «What the English? 各位怪人大家好,欢迎收看“英语是什么?”的第四集。 !” podcast. پادکست

This podcast is for intermediate English learners who want to listen to interesting, thought-provoking and sometimes weird content spoken in clear and natural English. |پادکست|||متوسط||یادگیرندگان|||||||||||||گفته شده||روان||| ||||||||||||||محفز للتفكير|||||||||| Dieser Podcast ist für fortgeschrittene Englischlerner, die interessante, zum Nachdenken anregende und manchmal seltsame Inhalte hören möchten, die in klarem und natürlichem Englisch gesprochen werden. Ce podcast est destiné aux apprenants d'anglais de niveau intermédiaire qui souhaitent écouter du contenu intéressant, stimulant et parfois étrange, parlé dans un anglais clair et naturel. Ten podcast jest przeznaczony dla średniozaawansowanych osób uczących się języka angielskiego, które chcą słuchać interesujących, prowokujących do myślenia i czasami dziwnych treści wypowiadanych w jasnym i naturalnym języku angielskim. 这个播客适合那些想要听用清晰自然的英语讲的有趣、发人深省、有时甚至很奇怪的内容的中级英语学习者。

Remember to subscribe and click on the little bell to get notified when new episodes go live. ||عضو شوید||||||زنگوله کوچک|||مطلع شوید|||قسمت‌های جدید|| Nezapomeňte se přihlásit k odběru a klikněte na zvoneček, abyste byli upozorněni na nové epizody. N'oubliez pas de vous abonner et de cliquer sur la petite cloche pour être averti de la sortie des nouveaux épisodes. Не забудьте подписаться и нажать на колокольчик, чтобы получать уведомления о выходе новых эпизодов. 记得订阅并点击小铃铛,以便在新剧集上线时收到通知。

If you ever think of a topic you'd like me to cover in an episode, I would love to hear it. |||||||||||پوشش دادن||||||||| Pokud vás někdy napadne téma, kterému bych se rád věnoval v některém z dílů, rád si ho poslechnu. Si jamais vous pensez à un sujet que vous aimeriez que je couvre dans un épisode, j'aimerais l'entendre. Jeśli kiedykolwiek pomyślisz o temacie, który chciałbyś, żebym omówił w jednym odcinku, chciałbym go usłyszeć. 如果您想到希望我在一集中介绍的主题,我很乐意听到。 Just email me at hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com and share your ideas with me. ||||hiwhattheenglish|فقط به من ایمیل بزنید در hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com و ایده‌های خود را با من به اشتراک بگذارید.||||||| ||||hiwhattheenglish|||||||| ||||hi what the|gmail|||||||

I love making these podcast episodes, and I'm going to try to make them more often for you guys. Rád dělám tyto podcastové epizody a budu se snažit je pro vás dělat častěji. 我喜欢制作这些播客剧集,并且我将尝试为你们更频繁地制作它们。 You know how it is, life gets busy and there isn't always time for hobbies. ||||||||||||||سرگرمی‌ها Víte, jak to chodí, život je náročný a ne vždy je čas na koníčky. 你知道这是怎么回事,生活变得忙碌,并不总是有时间从事爱好。 But I promise I'm going to record more episodes moving forward. |||||||||پیش رو| Ale slibuji, že budu nahrávat další díly. Ale obiecuję, że będę nagrywać więcej odcinków w przyszłości. 但我保证我会继续录制更多剧集。

In today's episode I want to talk about some of the things I have found weird and wonderful about the country I now call home: Canada. |امروز||||||||||||||||شگفت‌انگیز||||||||

I'm originally from Wales in the UK, and though British and Canadian cultures are quite similar, there were a few things that gave me culture shock when I moved here. |اصالتاً||ولز|||بریتانیا|||||کانادایی||||||||||||||شوک فرهنگی|||| Pocházím z Walesu ve Velké Británii, a přestože jsou si britská a kanadská kultura dost podobné, po přestěhování sem jsem zažila kulturní šok. 我来自英国威尔士,虽然英国和加拿大的文化非常相似,但当我搬到这里时,有一些事情给了我文化冲击。 I'm sure you can guess what that term “culture shock” means. Určitě tušíte, co znamená pojem "kulturní šok". Je suis sûr que vous pouvez deviner ce que signifie ce terme « choc culturel ». Jestem pewien, że można się domyślić, co oznacza termin „szok kulturowy”. It's when something within a new culture is surprising or makes you take notice. Je to tehdy, když vás něco v nové kultuře překvapí nebo přiměje zpozornět. C'est quand quelque chose dans une nouvelle culture surprend ou vous fait remarquer. É quando algo dentro de uma nova cultura é surpreendente ou nos faz prestar atenção. 这是指新文化中的某些事物令人惊讶或引起您的注意。

That was a little of the Canadian National Anthem “O Canada”. ||||||||سرود ملی کانادا|ای| ||||||Canadian||Anthem|| ||||||||النشيد الوطني|| ||||||||Hymn|| To byla malá část kanadské hymny "O Canada". C'était un peu l'hymne national canadien « Ô Canada ». 这是加拿大国歌“O Canada”的一小部分。 I got to sing it with a room full of fellow immigrants when I became a Canadian citizen in December of 2018. |||||||||||مهاجران||||||||دسامبر ۲۰۱۸| ||||||||||other|||||||citizen||| Když jsem se v prosinci 2018 stal kanadským občanem, zazpíval jsem si ji s místností plnou imigrantů. Zaśpiewałem go w pokoju pełnym kolegów imigrantów, kiedy w grudniu 2018 roku zostałem obywatelem Kanady. 当我于 2018 年 12 月成为加拿大公民时,我必须和一屋子的移民同胞一起唱这首歌。 It was surprisingly emotional for me, even though we sounded pretty terrible singing together! ||به طرز شگفت‌آوری|احساسی||||||صدایمان|||آواز خواندن| Bylo to pro mě překvapivě emotivní, i když jsme spolu zpívali dost hrozně! C'était étonnamment émouvant pour moi, même si nous semblions assez terribles en chantant ensemble ! To było dla mnie zaskakująco emocjonalne, mimo że śpiewaliśmy razem okropnie! Foi surpreendentemente emocionante para mim, apesar de termos soado muito mal a cantar juntos! 尽管我们一起唱歌听起来很糟糕,但对我来说,这是令人惊讶的情感! I don't think one of us was in the same key. Myslím, že ani jeden z nás nebyl ve stejné tónině. Nie sądzę, żeby któryś z nas był w tej samej tonacji. 我不认为我们中的任何人都使用同一把钥匙。 Anyway, it was still a very special day! Každopádně to byl velmi výjimečný den!

So, I've been a Canadian citizen for just over two years now, but I've been living in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada for eight and a half years in total. |||||||||||||||||ونکوور||||ساحل غربی|||||||||| Donc, je suis citoyen canadien depuis un peu plus de deux ans maintenant, mais je vis à Vancouver sur la côte ouest du Canada depuis huit ans et demi au total. Итак, я являюсь гражданином Канады чуть более двух лет, но я живу в Ванкувере на западном побережье Канады в общей сложности восемь с половиной лет. 我成为加拿大公民才两年多,但我在加拿大西海岸的温哥华总共生活了八年半。 I came here with my husband, who I met while we were both teaching English for the same company in Sendai, Japan. |||||||||||||تدریس کردن|||||||سندای، ژاپن| ||||||||||||||||||||Sendai Japan| ||||||||||||||||||||Sendai| Přijela jsem sem se svým manželem, se kterým jsem se seznámila, když jsme oba učili angličtinu pro stejnou společnost v japonském Sendai. 我和我的丈夫一起来到这里,我们是在日本仙台的同一家公司教英语时认识的。

I'm pretty acclimatized now I would say. ||عادت کرده‌ام|||| ||متأقلم الآن|||| ||adapted|||| Řekl bych, že už jsem se docela aklimatizoval. Je suis assez acclimaté maintenant, je dirais. 我想说我现在已经很适应了。 Meaning I feel like Canada is home, I know the social norms and what's expected of me. |||||||||||هنجارهای اجتماعی||||| |||||||||||الأعراف الاجتماعية||||| Cítím se v Kanadě jako doma, znám společenské normy a vím, co se ode mě očekává. 这意味着我觉得加拿大是我的家,我了解社会规范以及对我的期望。 I feel comfortable in social settings. |||||محیط‌های اجتماعی |||||situations with people Ve společnosti se cítím dobře. Je me sens à l'aise dans les milieux sociaux. Dobrze się czuję w ustawieniach społecznościowych. 我在社交场合感觉很舒服。 That isn't to say there aren't things that continue to surprise me though. To ale neznamená, že mě některé věci nepřekvapují. Isso não quer dizer que não haja coisas que continuam a surpreender-me. 但这并不是说没有什么事情继续让我感到惊讶。

Here are some things I found a little weird when I came to Canada. Oto kilka rzeczy, które wydały mi się trochę dziwne, kiedy przyjechałem do Kanady. 以下是我来到加拿大后发现的一些奇怪的事情。

I want to start with a drink. A drink I tried without knowing what was in it, and I was horrified afterwards when I discovered the ingredients. |||||||||||||||||کشف کردم||مواد تشکیل‌دهنده |||||||||||||مذعور|فيما بعد||||| |||||||||||||shocked and dismayed|||||| Nápoj, který jsem vyzkoušela, aniž bych věděla, co v něm je, a byla jsem zděšená, když jsem zjistila složení. 我在不知道里面有什么成分的情况下尝试了一种饮料,当我发现成分时我感到震惊。 I'm talking about the Canadian Caesar. |||||قيصر الكندي |||||cocktail |||||cezar Je parle du César canadien. Mówię o Cezarze Kanadyjskim. Я говорю о канадском Цезаре. 我说的是加拿大凯撒。

Have you heard of it? I hadn't. nie. This drink is most definitely NOT popular in the UK. ||||قطعا||محبوب نیست||| 这种饮料在英国绝对不受欢迎。 A Canadian Caesar is clamato juice, vodka, hot sauce and worcester sauce. ||سزار کانادایی||کلاماتو||ودکا||||سس ووسترشر| ||||عصير كلا ماتو||||||صلصة ورشستر| ||||tomato juice||vodka||hot sauce||Worcestershire sauce| ||||clamato||wódka||||sos Worcestershire| Kanadský Caesar se skládá z mušlové šťávy, vodky, pálivé omáčky a worcesterové omáčky. Un César canadien est composé de jus de clamato, de vodka, de sauce piquante et de sauce Worcester. Een Canadese Caesar is clamato-sap, wodka, hete saus en worcestersaus. Kanadyjski Cezar to sok z clamato, wódka, ostry sos i sos worcester. Канадский цезарь - это сок кламато, водка, острый соус и вустерский соус. 加拿大凯撒由克拉马托汁、伏特加、辣酱和伍斯特酱组成。 You may know vodka, it's an alcoholic spirit. |||ودکا|||الکلی| |||||||beverage Może znasz wódkę, to alkoholowy spirytus. 你可能知道伏特加,它是一种烈酒。 That word “spirit” came up in my episode about Halloween, do you remember? ||روح|||||||||| ||الروح|||||||||| |||||||||the holiday||| To słowo „duch” pojawiło się w moim odcinku o Halloween, pamiętasz? It means ghost, to “get into the spirit” means to show that you are enthusiastic about something, but in this case spirit has a different meaning: it means a strong alcoholic drink. ||روح||||||||||||مشتاق||||||||||||||||| ||alcoholic drink||||||||||||excited||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||متحمس||||||||||||||||| Znamená to duch, "dostat se do ducha" znamená dát najevo, že jste něčím nadšeni, ale v tomto případě má duch jiný význam: znamená silný alkoholický nápoj. 它的意思是“幽灵”,“进入精神”意味着表明你对某件事充满热情,但在这种情况下,精神有不同的含义:它意味着烈性酒精饮料。 Some other spirits include whiskey, rum and gin. ||مشروبات الکلی|شامل شدن|ویسکی|||جین ||types of alcohol||whiskey|rum (type of alcohol)||gin Inne alkohole to whisky, rum i gin. 其他一些烈酒包括威士忌、朗姆酒和杜松子酒。

Anyway, you mix your vodka with clamato first. ||مخلوط می‌کنی||||کلاماتو| W każdym razie najpierw mieszasz wódkę z clamato. That word “clamato” is a combination of two words, or a portmanteau, the two words are: clams and tomatoes. ||کلاماتو (ترکیب صدف و گوجه)|||ترکیب دو کلمه||||||کلمه مرکب|||||صدف‌های خوراکی|| |||||||||||كلمة مركبة|||||المحار|| |||||||||||blended word|||||clam|| |||||||||||คำผสม||||||| |||||||||||portmanteau|||||małże|| Ce mot « clamato » est une combinaison de deux mots, ou un mot-valise, les deux mots sont : palourdes et tomates. Dat woord "clamato" is een combinatie van twee woorden, of een samenvoeging, de twee woorden zijn: mosselen en tomaten. “clamato”这个词是两个词的组合,或者说是一个合成词,这两个词是:蛤和西红柿。 Yes, you heard that first word right, clams. The clams you find on the beach. |صدف‌های دریایی||||| Clamato juice is clam juice and tomato juice mixed together. |||آب صدف|||آب گوجه فرنگی||مخلوط شده| |||clam juice|||||| |||sok małżowy|||pomidor||| Clamato-sap is mosselsap en tomatensap met elkaar vermengd. What does it taste like? Jak to smakuje? Exactly like you would imagine clam juice and tomato juice to taste: gross! دقیقاً|||||صدف دریایی||||||| ||||||||||||مقرف جداً ||||||||||||obrzydliwy Exactement comme vous l'imaginez jus de palourde et jus de tomate au goût : dégoûtant ! 和你想象的蛤汁和番茄汁的味道一模一样:恶心!

I mean, it's not for me, I don't enjoy it at all. No es para mí, no lo disfruto en absoluto. To znaczy, to nie dla mnie, wcale mi się to nie podoba. 我的意思是,这不适合我,我根本不喜欢它。 Especially after the hot sauce and worcester sauce have been added. ||||||سس ووسترشر|||| Zwłaszcza po dodaniu ostrego sosu i sosu worcester. 尤其是加入辣酱和伍斯特酱之后。 There is usually a stick of celery added to the drink at the end too. ||||||كرفس|||||||| ||||||a stick|||||||| ||||||ขึ้นฉ่าย|||||||| ||||||seler naciowy|||||||| Na końcu do napoju zwykle dodaje się również kij selera. 最后通常还会在饮料中添加一根芹菜。 Just in case you want to stir it then snack on the celery afterward. ||||||هم بزنید|||میان‌وعده|||کرفس|بعد از آن ||||||تحركها|||تناول وجبة خفيفة|||| ||||||mix|the dip||eat||||later on ||||||mieszać|||||||potem Na wypadek, gdybyś chciał go zamieszać, a następnie przekąsić seler. Para o caso de querer mexer e depois petiscar o aipo. 以防万一你想搅拌一下,然后吃芹菜。 Celery happens to be the only vegetable I don't like the taste of. Seler to jedyne warzywo, którego nie lubię w smaku. Acontece que o aipo é o único vegetal de que não gosto do sabor.

When I first tried a Canadian Caesar I found it very difficult to swallow. ||||||سزار کانادایی|||||||قورت دادن |||||||||||||ابتلاعها |||||||||||||przełknąć ||||||ซีซาร์||||||| Lorsque j'ai essayé un César canadien pour la première fois, je l'ai trouvé très difficile à avaler. 当我第一次尝试加拿大凯撒时,我发现很难吞咽。 Really difficult. I didn't want to at all. W ogóle nie chciałem. Then when I was told what was in the drink I made a promise to myself, I will never drink a Caesar again. 然后,当我被告知饮料中的成分时,我向自己保证,我再也不会喝凯撒了。

It's a really popular hangover cure here. ||||درمان خماری|درمان خماری| |||||علاج للصداع| |||||lek na kaca| C'est un remède contre la gueule de bois très populaire ici. To bardzo popularne lekarstwo na kaca. Здесь это очень популярное средство от похмелья. 这是这里非常流行的解酒疗法。 A hangover is that awful feeling you get the day after a night of lots of alcohol. |خماری|||||||||||||||الکل |hangover||||||||||||||| 宿醉是指在一夜大量饮酒后的第二天出现的一种可怕的感觉。 There's a saying “Hair of the dog that bit you” and it means the alcoholic drink you have when you are experiencing a hangover that helps you feel better. |||موی سگ||||||||||||||||||تجربه کردن||خماری||||| |||شعر الكلب||||||||||||||||||||صداع الكحول||||| Il y a un dicton « Poils du chien qui vous a mordu » et cela signifie que la boisson alcoolisée que vous buvez lorsque vous avez la gueule de bois vous aide à vous sentir mieux. Jest takie powiedzenie „Włos psa, który cię ugryzł” i oznacza napój alkoholowy, który pijesz, gdy doświadczasz kaca, który pomaga ci poczuć się lepiej. Há um ditado que diz "Hair of the dog that bit you" e que se refere à bebida alcoólica que se toma quando se está de ressaca e que ajuda a sentir-se melhor. 有句话说“咬你的狗的毛”,意思是当你宿醉时喝的酒精饮料可以帮助你感觉好一点。 So if you hear someone say they need the “hair of the dog” now you know to get them a caesar… or something less gross maybe. ||||||||||||||||||||سزار||||| ||||||||||||||||||||قيصر||||| Donc, si vous entendez quelqu'un dire qu'il a besoin du «poil du chien», vous savez maintenant qu'il faut lui offrir un césar… ou quelque chose de moins dégoûtant peut-être. Więc jeśli usłyszysz, jak ktoś mówi, że potrzebuje „psiej sierści”, teraz wiesz, jak dać mu cesarza… lub może coś mniej obrzydliwego. Por isso, se ouvir alguém dizer que precisa do "pelo do cão", agora já sabe que lhe deve comprar um caesar... ou talvez algo menos nojento. 所以,如果你听到有人说他们需要“狗毛”,那么你现在就知道给他们买一个凯撒……或者可能是一些不那么恶心的东西。

In the UK, hunting is something only rich people do and most of it is “sport hunting”. |||شکار ورزشی||||||||||||| Au Royaume-Uni, la chasse est quelque chose que seuls les riches font et la plus grande partie est de la «chasse sportive». W Wielkiej Brytanii polowanie to coś, co robią tylko bogaci ludzie, a większość z nich to „polowanie sportowe”. No Reino Unido, a caça é algo que só os ricos fazem e a maior parte é "caça desportiva". 在英国,狩猎是只有富人才会做的事情,而且大部分是“运动狩猎”。 That means hunting to kill and not to kill and eat. ||شکار کردن|||||||| 这意味着狩猎是为了杀戮,而不是为了杀戮和吃东西。 The most commonly hunted animals in the UK are deer and foxes. ||رایج‌ترین|||||||گوزن||روباه‌ها |||sought after||||||||foxes Les animaux les plus chassés au Royaume-Uni sont les cerfs et les renards. 英国最常被猎杀的动物是鹿和狐狸。 Deer are hunted with guns and their heads are kept as trophies, that means a kind of prize for achieving something. ||شکار می‌شوند|||||سرها||||||||||جایزه||| ||||firearms|||||||prizes for hunting||||||||| |||||||||||جوائز الصيد||||||||| Les cerfs sont chassés avec des fusils et leurs têtes sont conservées comme trophées, c'est-à-dire une sorte de prix pour avoir réalisé quelque chose. 鹿被用枪猎杀,它们的头被保留作为战利品,这意味着一种成就某事的奖品。 Fox hunting though, is cruel. شکار روباه残||||بی‌رحمانه hunting fox||||inhumane ||||قاسي Cependant, la chasse au renard est cruelle. Polowanie na lisy jest jednak okrutne. 猎狐虽然残酷。 Hunters search for foxes with horses and dogs. |||||اسب‌ها|| people who hunt||||||| 猎人用马和狗寻找狐狸。 Once they find a fox or foxes, the hunters send their dogs into the foxes burrow, the hole in the ground they live in, to kill them. ||||روباه||||شکارچیان|||||||لانه روباه||سوراخ||||||||| |||||||||||||||جحر الثعالب||||||||||| |||||||||||||||den||||||||||| |||||||||||||||รูของสุนั||||||||||| |||||||||||||||norę, nora||||||||||| Une fois qu'ils ont trouvé un renard ou des renards, les chasseurs envoient leurs chiens dans le terrier des renards, le trou dans le sol où ils vivent, pour les tuer. 一旦发现一只或多只狐狸,猎人就会把狗送进狐狸的洞穴,也就是狐狸居住的地面上的洞里,杀死它们。 Fox hunting is actually banned now in the UK, but groups continue to do it. |شکار روباه||||||||||||| ||||prohibited|||||||||| Polowanie na lisy jest obecnie zakazane w Wielkiej Brytanii, ale grupy nadal to robią. 英国现在实际上禁止狩猎狐狸,但团体仍在继续这样做。

I most definitely did not grow up rich, and so hunting is something I never did. ||||||||||شکار کردن||||| Zdecydowanie nie dorastałem bogaty, więc polowanie to coś, czego nigdy nie robiłem. 我绝对不是长大后变得富有的,所以狩猎是我从未做过的事情。 I never had the desire to either. Je n'ai jamais eu envie non plus. Ja też nigdy nie miałem na to ochoty. 我也从未有过这样的愿望。 Though I do eat meat, I love animals. ||||گوشت||| Même si je mange de la viande, j'adore les animaux. Chociaż jem mięso, kocham zwierzęta. 虽然我吃肉,但我喜欢动物。 I realize that is a rather contradictory thing to say. ||||||متناقض||| |||||إلى حد ما|متناقض||| ||||||conflicting||| ||||||sprzeczne||| Zdaję sobie sprawę, że to dość sprzeczna rzecz do powiedzenia. 我意识到这是一个相当矛盾的说法。 A contradictory statement is one that says two things that can't both be true. ||بیانیه متناقض||||||||||| Une déclaration contradictoire est une déclaration qui dit deux choses qui ne peuvent pas être vraies toutes les deux. Uma afirmação contraditória é aquela que diz duas coisas que não podem ser ambas verdadeiras. 自相矛盾的陈述是指两件事不能同时为真。 How can you love animals but also be ok with them being killed so you can eat them? 你怎么能爱动物却又可以接受它们被宰杀来吃呢? Anyway… I'm getting off topic. W każdym razie… wychodzę z tematu. 无论如何……我要跑题了。 It's something I struggle with. C'est quelque chose avec lequel je lutte. 这是我挣扎的事情。

Back to hunting… while in the UK hunting is associated with the rich, here in Canada it is an activity many people do, rich, poor and in between. ||||||||||||||||||||||||فقیر||| ||||||||||||||||||||العديد من||||||| 回到狩猎……在英国,狩猎与富人联系在一起,而在加拿大,这是许多人都从事的活动,无论是富人、穷人还是介于两者之间的人。 Instead of buying meat from the supermarket or the butcher, lots of Canadians hunt for deer, duck, moose, caribou… even bears! ||||||سوپرمارکت|||قصاب|||کانادایی‌ها||||اردک|گوزن شمالی|گوزن شمالی||خرس‌ها ||||||||||||people in Canada|||||large game|reindeer|| ||||||||||||||||بطة|موظ|كاريبو|| |||||||||||||||||łoś|renifery||niedźwiedzie Au lieu d'acheter de la viande au supermarché ou chez le boucher, beaucoup de Canadiens chassent le chevreuil, le canard, l'orignal, le caribou… même l'ours ! 许多加拿大人不再从超市或肉店购买肉类,而是狩猎鹿、鸭子、驼鹿、驯鹿……甚至熊! There is sport hunting in Canada too, but mostly what is hunted is eaten. ||||||||عمدتاً|||شکار می‌شود||خورده می‌شود Il y a aussi la chasse sportive au Canada, mais la plupart du temps, ce qui est chassé est mangé. 加拿大也有运动狩猎,但大部分被猎杀的都是吃的。

My husband hunts. ||شکار می‌کند ||goes hunting ||poluje At first, I had an issue with it. Au début, j'avais un problème avec. Na początku miałem z tym problem. 起初,我对此有疑问。 Deer are so beautiful, those poor cute little ducks! ||||||بامزه||اردک‌های کوچک ||||||||kaczki Les cerfs sont si beaux, ces pauvres petits canards tout mignons ! 鹿真漂亮,那些可怜可爱的小鸭子! But then I really thought about it. Ale wtedy naprawdę o tym pomyślałem. 但后来我真的想了想。 I eat meat, would I rather eat an animal that spent its life locked in a warehouse in the dark with no room to move? ||||||||||گذراندن|||قفل شده|||انبار|||||||| ||||||||||||||||مستودع|||||||| ||||||||||||||||warehouse|||||||| ||||||||||||||||magazyn|||||||| Je mange de la viande, est-ce que je préférerais manger un animal qui a passé sa vie enfermé dans un entrepôt dans le noir sans pièce pour bouger ? Jem mięso, czy wolałbym zjeść zwierzę, które spędziło życie zamknięte w magazynie w ciemności, bez możliwości poruszania się? 我吃肉,我宁愿吃一只一生都被锁在黑暗的仓库里没有活动空间的动物吗? An animal that had to listen to other animals being slaughtered and wait its turn? ||||||||||ذبح شدن|||| ||||||||||مذبوح|||| ||||||||||killed for meat|||| ||||||||||zabity|||| Un animal qui devait écouter les autres animaux se faire abattre et attendre son tour ? 一只必须听着其他动物被宰杀并等待轮到的动物? Isn't it more humane, meaning kinder (if you could say there's a kind way to kill), to kill an animal quickly? |||انسانی‌تر||مهربان‌تر||||||||||||||| |||kind||compassionate||||||||||||||| |||ludzki||bardziej ludzki||||||||||||||| 快速杀死动物不是更人道,意味着更仁慈(如果你可以说有一种仁慈的方式来杀死动物)吗? An animal that got to live in its natural habitat? |||||||||زیستگاه طبیعی |||||||||موطن طبيعي |||||||||environmental home |||||||||środowisko naturalne Zwierzę, które ma żyć w swoim naturalnym środowisku? 一种必须生活在其自然栖息地的动物? I think so, and so moving to Canada completely changed my mind about hunting. 我想是的,所以搬到加拿大完全改变了我对狩猎的看法。

I don't agree with sport hunting, but I eat ducks and deer that my husband has hunted, and I feel more grateful to the animal, more connected almost, than if I had bought it from the butcher. |||||||||||||||||||||سپاسگزار|||||مرتبط|||||||||| Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la chasse sportive, mais je mange des canards et des cerfs que mon mari a chassés, et je me sens plus reconnaissante envers l'animal, plus connectée presque, que si je l'avais acheté chez le boucher. 我不同意狩猎运动,但我吃我丈夫猎到的鸭子和鹿,而且我对这些动物感到更加感激,几乎比我从屠夫那里买来的动物更有联系。 So many difficult and disturbing things are hidden from us in today's world. ||||آزاردهنده|||پنهان شده||||| ||||مقلقة|||||||| ||||niepokojące|||||||| Tant de choses difficiles et inquiétantes nous sont cachées dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Há tantas coisas difíceis e perturbadoras que nos são ocultadas no mundo atual. 在当今世界,有许多困难和令人不安的事情对我们来说是隐藏的。 Sometimes you just need to pull the feathers out of the bird you're going to eat for dinner. |||||||پرها را拔 کردن||||پرنده|||||| |||||سحب|||||||||||| Parfois, il vous suffit de retirer les plumes de l'oiseau que vous allez manger pour le dîner. Por vezes, é preciso arrancar as penas da ave que se vai comer ao jantar. 有时你只需要将晚餐要吃的鸟的羽毛拔下来即可。

Now onto something sweet. |||حالا به چیزی شیرین 现在来点甜食吧。 Canadians like to put it on pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs... snow. ||||||پنکیک‌ها|سوسیس‌ها|بیکن|| Os canadianos gostam de o pôr em panquecas, salsichas, bacon, ovos... neve. 加拿大人喜欢把它放在煎饼、香肠、培根、鸡蛋……雪上。 I'm talking about maple syrup. |||افرا| |||klon| 我说的是枫糖浆。

You might think of this sweet and sticky syrup when you think of Canada. |||||||چسبناک|||||| 当您想到加拿大时,您可能会想到这种又甜又粘的糖浆。 I did before I moved here. 我搬到这里之前就这么做了。 But I wasn't quite ready for how popular maple syrup really is, and how my eating habits would change once I was introduced to this delicious food. ||||||||شیره افرا|||||||خوردن|عادات غذایی|||||||||| Mais je n'étais pas tout à fait prêt à voir à quel point le sirop d'érable est vraiment populaire et à quel point mes habitudes alimentaires changeraient une fois que j'aurais découvert ce délicieux aliment. Maar ik was er nog niet helemaal klaar voor hoe populair ahornsiroop eigenlijk is, en hoe mijn eetgewoonten zouden veranderen zodra ik kennis maakte met dit heerlijke eten. 但我还没有准备好了解枫糖浆到底有多受欢迎,以及一旦我接触到这种美味的食物,我的饮食习惯将会如何改变。

I used to make fun of my husband for putting maple syrup on scrambled eggs and bacon, but now I do it. |||||||||ریختن||||هم‌زده|||||||| |||||||||||||scrambled|||||||| 我曾经嘲笑我的丈夫在炒鸡蛋和培根上放枫糖浆,但现在我这样做了。 Have you tried it? 你试过了吗? If not, you have to. 如果没有,你必须这样做。 I'm not sure how available maple syrup is in your country, but here in Canada you can buy it at any supermarket and it comes in one litre jugs. ||||در دسترس|||||||||||||||||||||||لیتر|پارچ‌ها ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||containers ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dzbanki Je ne sais pas dans quelle mesure le sirop d'érable est disponible dans votre pays, mais ici au Canada, vous pouvez l'acheter dans n'importe quel supermarché et il est vendu en bidons d'un litre. 我不确定你们国家的枫糖浆供应情况如何,但在加拿大,您可以在任何超市购买枫糖浆,而且一升罐装。 We always have one in the fridge. 我们冰箱里总是备着一份。

I think my favourite thing with maple syrup has to be candied salmon. |||مورد علاقه||||||||آب‌نباتی شده|ماهی سالمون |||||||||||glazed| |||||||||||kandyzowany| Creo que lo que más me gusta del jarabe de arce es el salmón confitado. Je pense que ma chose préférée avec du sirop d'érable doit être le saumon confit. Ik denk dat mijn favoriete ding met ahornsiroop gekonfijte zalm is. 我想我最喜欢的枫糖浆一定是蜜饯鲑鱼。 It's salmon that has been smoked with salt and sugar then painted with maple syrup. |||||دودی شده||نمک||شکر||رنگ شده||| |||||cured with smoke||||||||| Trata-se de salmão fumado com sal e açúcar e depois pintado com xarope de ácer. Это лосось, который копчили с солью и сахаром, а затем красили кленовым сиропом. 这是用盐和糖熏制的鲑鱼,然后涂上枫糖浆。

I haven't tried maple taffy yet. |||افرا|| ||||taffy| ||||cukierki klonowe| Todavía no he probado el caramelo de arce. Je n'ai pas encore essayé la tire d'érable. 我还没试过枫太妃糖。 Maple taffy is made by pouring maple syrup over snow and then scooping it up with a stick and eating it off like a popsicle. افرا|||||ریختن|||||||برداشتن||||||||||||آب‌نبات یخی ||||||||||||lifting||||||||||||frozen treat ||||||||||||nabieranie||||||||||||lodowy przysmak La tire d'érable est faite en versant du sirop d'érable sur la neige, puis en le ramassant avec un bâton et en le mangeant comme un popsicle. O caramelo de ácer é feito deitando xarope de ácer sobre a neve e depois apanhando-o com um pau e comendo-o como se fosse um gelado. 枫太妃糖是将枫糖浆倒在雪上,然后用棍子舀起来,像冰棒一样吃掉的。 I'm hungry…

You might have heard the stereotype that Canadians say sorry a lot. |||||کلیشه|||||| 您可能听说过加拿大人经常说对不起的刻板印象。 “Stereotype”, that‘s a great word. کلیشه||||| “刻板印象”,这是个好词。 It means something that is generally believed about a group of people. |||||به طور کلی|||||| Significa algo em que se acredita geralmente sobre um grupo de pessoas. 它意味着人们普遍相信的关于一群人的事情。 You know, like the stereotype that British people have bad teeth or that blonde women are not very smart. ||||کلیشه|||||||||بلوند||||| Vous savez, comme le stéréotype selon lequel les Britanniques ont de mauvaises dents ou que les femmes blondes ne sont pas très intelligentes. 你知道,就像人们对英国人牙齿不好或者金发女郎不太聪明的刻板印象一样。

If you have never met a Canadian or been to Canada I am here to tell you that this stereotype is mostly true! |||||||||||||||||||کلیشه||| 如果您从未见过加拿大人或去过加拿大,我在这里告诉您,这种刻板印象大多是正确的! Canadians are always saying sorry, and it's adorable! |||||||بامزه Les Canadiens s'excusent toujours, et c'est adorable ! Канадцы всегда извиняются, и это восхитительно! 加拿大人总是说对不起,这很可爱! I have bumped into people and it has been 100% my fault and the person I bumped into has said sorry! ||برخورد کرده‌ام||||||||تقصیر من|||||برخورد کرده‌ام|||| |||||||||||||||zderzyłem się|||| ¡Me he topado con personas y ha sido 100% mi culpa y la persona con la que me topé me ha dicho que lo siento! J'ai croisé des gens et c'était à 100% de ma faute et la personne que j'ai rencontrée a dit pardon ! 我撞到了人,这 100% 都是我的错,而我撞到的人已经说了对不起! It's true what they say, Canadians are just really nice! 他们说的没错,加拿大人真的很好! Of course I'm speaking generally, there are mean Canadians out there. 当然,我说的是一般情况下,加拿大人也有一些卑鄙的。

I have a theory about why Canadians are generally polite and nice… Canada is amazing! |||نظریه||||||مودب و مهربان||||| 我有一个关于为什么加拿大人普遍有礼貌和友善的理论……加拿大太棒了! The natural beauty alone is enough to put me in a good mood most of the time. ||زیبایی طبیعی||||||||||حال خوب|||| A beleza natural, por si só, é suficiente para me deixar de bom humor a maior parte do tempo. 光是自然美景就足以让我大部分时间保持好心情。 I just came from a snowy walk in the woods near my house and someone had left a disposable coffee cup on the trail (not cool). |||||برفی|||||||||||||یکبار مصرف||لیوان یکبار مصرف||||| ||||||||||||||||||jednorazowy||||||| Acabei de vir de um passeio na neve no bosque perto da minha casa e alguém tinha deixado um copo de café descartável no trilho (nada fixe). 我刚从我家附近的树林里散步回来,有人在路上留下了一个一次性咖啡杯(不酷)。 I had a dog poop bag in my pocket and so I happily picked it up, without touching it of course in these COVID times, and carried it with me on the rest of my walk because I didn't want it to ruin the beauty of the woods. ||||||||جیب||||با خوشحالی|برداشتم||||لمس کردن||||||کرونا|||حمل کردم||||||باقی مانده||||||||||خراب کردن||||| ||||kupę||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tinha um saco de cocó de cão no bolso e, por isso, apanhei-o alegremente, sem lhe tocar, claro, nestes tempos de COVID, e levei-o comigo durante o resto do meu passeio, porque não queria que estragasse a beleza do bosque. 我的口袋里有一个狗屎袋,所以我很高兴地把它捡起来,当然在这些新冠疫情时期没有碰它,并在剩下的步行中随身携带它,因为我不想让它破坏美丽的景色。森林。 Also, you hardly ever see trash here. ||به ندرت|||زباله| |||||garbage| |||||śmieci| Além disso, quase nunca se vê lixo aqui. 而且,在这里你几乎看不到垃圾。

The last thing I want to mention in this episode about weird and wonderful Canada is some of the slang I have discovered. ||||||ذکر کردن|||||||||||||اصطلاحات عامیانه||| |||||||||||||amazing||||||||| A última coisa que quero mencionar neste episódio sobre o estranho e maravilhoso Canadá é alguma da gíria que descobri. 在这一集中关于奇怪而美妙的加拿大的最后一件事是我发现的一些俚语。 This is a podcast about English after all. 毕竟这是一个关于英语的播客。

You can't mention Canadian slang without mentioning the word “eh”. ||||||ذکر کردن||| Não se pode falar de calão canadiano sem mencionar a palavra "eh". 提到加拿大俚语,就不能不提到“eh”这个词。 “Eh” is what's called an interjection, which means a word or phrase that shows emotion or feeling. «اِه»|||||حرف ندا||||||«اه» یک حرف ندا است||نشان می‌دهد||| |||||part of speech||||||||||| |||||wykrzyknik||||||||||| “呃”就是所谓的感叹词,是指表示情感或感觉的词或短语。 Words like “hey”, “wow” and “oh” are also interjections. ||||||||حرف‌های ندا ||||||||part of speech ||||||||wykrzykniki Woorden als "hey", "wow" en "oh" zijn ook tussenwerpsels. 像“嘿”、“哇”和“哦”这样的词也是感叹词。

“Eh” can mean two things: that you didn't understand something that was said to you. “呃”可能意味着两件事:你不明白别人对你说的话。 It's like saying “huh?” or “can you repeat that?”. |||چی؟||||| É como dizer "hã?" ou "podes repetir isso?". 就好像在说“啊?”或“你能再说一遍吗?”。 Canadians, though, use “eh” to express a question, they want to know if you agree with what was said. |||||ابراز کردن||||||||||||| Os canadianos, no entanto, usam "eh" para expressar uma pergunta, querem saber se concorda com o que foi dito. 不过,加拿大人用“eh”来表达问题,他们想知道你是否同意所说的话。 For example, “maple syrup tastes great on eggs, eh?” or “Bob makes the best Caesars, eh?”. ||افرا||مزه می‌دهد||||مگه نه؟|||||||مگه نه؟ ||||||||||||||Caesar cocktails| ||||||||||||||Królowie| Por exemplo, "o xarope de ácer sabe bem nos ovos, não é?" ou "o Bob faz os melhores Caesars, não é?". 例如,“枫糖浆在鸡蛋上味道很好,嗯?”或“鲍勃做出最好的凯撒,嗯?”。 I would make fun of the way all Canadians use “eh” when I first came to Canada. ||||||||||«ها»|||||| Quando cheguei ao Canadá, gozava com a forma como todos os canadianos usavam o "eh". 当我第一次来到加拿大时,我会嘲笑所有加拿大人使用“eh”的方式。 I would use it on purpose and try to say it in a Canadian accent. ||||||||||||||لهجه کانادایی Eu usava-o de propósito e tentava dizê-lo com um sotaque canadiano. 我会故意使用它并尝试用加拿大口音说出来。 Now though, I actually use “eh” for real, all the time. Agora, porém, uso "eh" a sério, a toda a hora. 但现在,我实际上一直在真实地使用“eh”。 It's funny how that happens, eh? |بامزه|||| É engraçado como isso acontece, não é? 有趣的是,这是怎么发生的,嗯?

Another word you will hear a lot if you ever visit Canada is toque. |||||||||||||کلاه پشمی |||||||||||||knit hat |||||||||||||หมวกไหมพรม Un autre mot que vous entendrez beaucoup si jamais vous visitez le Canada est toque. Een ander woord dat je veel zult horen als je ooit Canada bezoekt, is toque. Outra palavra que ouvirá muito se alguma vez visitar o Canadá é toque. Еще одно слово, которое вы часто будете слышать, если когда-нибудь посетите Канаду, - это toque. 如果您访问加拿大,您会经常听到的另一个词是 toque。 This isn't a word used in the UK at all, and so I had no idea what it meant. Esta palavra não é de todo utilizada no Reino Unido, pelo que não fazia ideia do seu significado. 这个词在英国根本不使用,所以我不知道它是什么意思。 I toque is a warm, tight-fitting winter hat. |کلاه زمستانی گرم|||||چسبان|| |czapka zimowa||||||| I toque es un gorro de invierno cálido y ajustado. O toque é um chapéu de inverno quente e justo. I toque 是一款温暖、紧身的冬帽。 Most places in Canada have very cold and snowy winters, so Canadians love their toques. |||||||||زمستان‌های سرد|||||کلاه‌های بافتنی ||||||||||||||winter hats ||||||||||||||czapki zimowe A maioria dos locais no Canadá tem Invernos muito frios e com neve, pelo que os canadianos adoram os seus toques. 加拿大大部分地方的冬天都非常寒冷和下雪,所以加拿大人喜欢他们的toques。

Snowy wind Vento de neve 雪风

People from the UK are Brits, Americans are Yanks, New Zealanders are Kiwis and Canadians are… do you know? |||||بریتانیایی‌ها|آمریکایی‌ها||یانکی‌ها||نیوزیلندی‌ها||کیوی‌ها|||||| ||||||||Yankees||Kiwis||Kiwis|||||| ||||||||Kanadyjczycy||Kanadyjczycy||Kanadyjczycy|||||| Os britânicos são britânicos, os americanos são ianques, os neozelandeses são kiwis e os canadianos são... sabe? 英国人是英国人,美国人是美国佬,新西兰人是新西兰人,加拿大人是……你知道吗? The slang word for Canadians is Canuck. |اصطلاح عامیانه|||||کَنادایی ||||||slang term ||||||คำสแลงของ ||||||Kanadyjczyk Het slangwoord voor Canadezen is Canuck. A palavra de calão para os canadianos é Canuck. Сленговое слово для канадцев - канак. 加拿大人的俚语是 Canuck。 This word I learned very early on as the Vancouver ice hockey team is the Vancouver Canucks. ||||||||||||||||ونکوور کاناکس ||||||||||||||||ทีมแคนัค ||||||||||||||||Kanadyjczycy Esta palavra aprendi muito cedo, pois a equipa de hóquei no gelo de Vancouver é o Vancouver Canucks. 这个词我很早就学到了,因为温哥华冰球队是温哥华加人队。

What do Canucks say when they want you to give it your all, to just do it… “give ‘er!” I love this phrase. ||ونکوورها||||||||||||||||بده دیگه|||| ¿Qué dicen los Canucks cuando quieren que lo des todo, que simplemente lo hagas… “¡Dale!” Me encanta esta frase. O que é que os canadianos dizem quando querem que dês o teu melhor, que o faças... "give 'er!". Eu adoro esta frase. 当加人队希望你全力以赴、只管去做时,他们会说什么……“给吧!”我喜欢这句话。 It's a combination of the words “give” and “her”. 它是“给予”和“她”这两个词的组合。 Your friend might say “I have no energy at all today. |||||||انرژی||| O seu amigo pode dizer: "Hoje não tenho energia nenhuma. 你的朋友可能会说:“我今天一点精力都没有。 I don't know how I'm going to make it through until 5”. Não sei como é que vou aguentar até aos 5". 我不知道如何才能熬到五点钟。 And you can respond. 你可以回应。 “You can do it. “你能行的。 Just have another coffee and give'er!”. |||||go for it |||||dawaj to Prends juste un autre café et donne! ». 只要再喝一杯咖啡就可以了!”

I want to finish with my favourite expression. |||تمام کردن||||عبارت مورد علاقه 我想用我最喜欢的表达来结束。 I looked it up and it apparently originated in the UK, but I had never heard it before I came to live in Canada. ||||||ظاهراً||||||||||||||||| |||||||pochodziło|||||||||||||||| J'ai cherché et il semblerait que cela vienne du Royaume-Uni, mais je ne l'avais jamais entendu avant de venir vivre au Canada. 我查了一下,它显然起源于英国,但在我来加拿大生活之前从未听说过。 My husband says it all the time, “my dogs are barking.” Can you guess what it means? ||||||||||پاهایم درد می‌کنند|||||| Mon mari le dit tout le temps, "mes chiens aboient". Peux-tu deviner ce que cela signifie ? O meu marido está sempre a dizer: "Os meus cães estão a ladrar". Consegues adivinhar o que significa? Мой муж все время говорит: «Мои собаки лают». Вы можете догадаться, что это значит? 我丈夫一直这么说,“我的狗在吠。”你能猜到是什么意思吗? “My dogs are barking” means my feet hurt. ||||||پاهایم|درد می‌کنند |feet|||||| "Mes chiens aboient" signifie que j'ai mal aux pieds. “我的狗在吠叫”意味着我的脚受伤了。 So the next time you've had a hard day working on your feet, or maybe you went on a big hike, you can tell your friends that your dogs are barking! ||||||||||||||||||||پیاده‌روی طولانی|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||wędrówka|||||||||| Así que la próxima vez que tengas un día duro de trabajo o te vayas de excursión, puedes decirles a tus amigos que tus perros ladran. Donc, la prochaine fois que vous avez passé une dure journée à travailler debout, ou peut-être que vous avez fait une grande randonnée, vous pourrez dire à vos amis que vos pieds vous font mal ! Por isso, da próxima vez que tiver um dia de trabalho duro, ou se tiver feito uma grande caminhada, pode dizer aos seus amigos que os seus cães estão a ladrar! 因此,下次当您辛苦工作一天,或者进行一次远足时,您可以告诉您的朋友您的狗在吠叫!