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What The English?!, Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth

Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth

Hello fellow weirdos, and welcome to episode three of What the English? !, a podcast for intermediate English learners who want to listen to interesting, thought-provoking and sometimes weird content spoken in clear and natural English.

Remember to subscribe and click on the little bell to get notified when new episodes go live.

If you‘ve been listening from episode one, you might remember I said my name is Jahrine. Well, it still is, but I've started using my middle name now, Elizabeth (Elle for short). Just wanted to let you know so there isn't any confusion. I've been wanting to go by my middle name for many years and this year I went for it. “Went for it” means I decided to just do it, no more thinking about it. If 2020 taught me anything it's that life might be shorter than you think, so eat the dessert, call your grandparents, change your name, take that painting class or start that podcast. Whatever it is you've been thinking about but haven't felt brave or ready enough, just go for it!

If you ever think of a topic you'd like me to cover in an episode, just email me at hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com and let me know. I'm happy to talk about anything weird and wonderful. The transcript to each podcast episode is always available to anyone who would like it. I will always create a lesson with the transcript on LingQ, so if you're a member you can study it there. For those of you who don't know LingQ, it's an app that allows you to make lessons out of any content you find online, like this podcast. You then translate any words and phrases you don't know as you go and save all vocabulary to your personal dictionary. I'm part of the team at LingQ, and I also use it to study French. Actually, a French podcast called Inner French was the inspiration for this channel and podcast. Check it out if you're also studying French.

In this the third episode of What the English?! I want to talk about conspiracy theories, or one in particular. Do you know that term, “conspiracy theory”? It's an idea that a group or organization is behind an event. The popular story of how something happened or is happening is not the truth, and, in fact, there are groups who are responsible, they are working in the shadows, manipulating everyone for their own benefit.

Some conspiracy theories you might have heard of include the moon landing (some people think it was faked in a movie studio, even directed by the legendary movie director Stanley Kubrick), September 11 (some believe the American government was responsible), the assassination of JFK, the British Royal family actually being reptilian aliens, Bill Gates created COVID-19 so he could make a vaccine with nano-technology in it… the list goes on.

I'm just going to focus on one conspiracy theory in today's episode though. One that I find fascinating. The Flat Earth Theory. So put your tin foil hat on (that's a dig at conspiracy theorists as some are said to wear hats made out of tin foil to block mind control or electromagnetic fields) and let's discover more about a group of people who believe that we have been lied to for too long. Our planet is not a sphere, Earth is flat.

Over 2000 years ago in Greece the great philosopher Aristotle made a discovery. Here's how I imagine he sounded “"Again, our observations of the stars make it evident, not only that the Earth is circular, but also that it is a circle of no great size.” Of course, he would have said it in Greek. I wouldn't offend any Greeks by trying to do an accent!

Before this, the common understanding was that the Earth was flat. It makes sense. We don't see a curve when we look to the horizon. Once Aristotle had shocked the world with this information, another Greek philosopher, Eratosthenes, measured the circumference of our planet, that means the distance around. Do you know the Earth's circumference? I tried to guess before checking and I was way off, nowhere near the actual number. No idea? It's 40,075 km. Now you know. Maybe that question will come up when you're doing a general knowledge quiz one day. You're welcome.

If people back in the 1500s still weren't convinced that the Earth wasn't flat, surely Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan changed their mind. Magellan circumnavigated the planet, meaning he sailed all around it, from 1519 to 1522. So that proved it then, the Earth was not flat. It isn't possible to fall off the edge. Super… so how are there people today, Flat Earthers they call themselves, that still do not believe that the Earth is spherical? What exactly do they think is the truth, and who is behind this conspiracy theory?

Those sounds are chorus radio waves with the Earth's atmosphere recorded by the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) team at the University of Iowa. There are actually lots of recordings like this on the NASA website. You can hear recordings from different missions: earthquakes on Mars, lightning on Jupiter and very creepy radio emissions from Saturn. I'll be using these sounds throughout the episode today, they are very cool. I think so anyway.

Another fact for future general knowledge quizzes: do you know what the acronym NASA stands for? It's National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

So what do Flat-Earthers believe exactly? Well the most popular Flat Earth organization is the Flat Earth Society and their website states that “...the Earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall surrounding the known continents. This is the generally accepted model among members of the society. In this model, circumnavigation is performed by moving in a great circle around the North Pole.

The Earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to the Flat Earth Society. To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.”

Wow! So explorer Ferdinand Magellan didn't actually circumnavigate the globe back in the 1500s according to Flat-Earthers, he just sailed around the North Pole. Ok then.

If you are a Round-Earther (yep, that's what Flat-Earthers call us) like me, you will likely have a lot of questions after hearing this theory that the Earth is actually a disk and the water is held in by walls of ice. The Flat Earth Society website has answers to the most commonly asked questions. Let's take a look…

That of course was the recording of astronaut Neil Armstrong's first words when he stepped onto the moon on July 20, 1969. Armstrong and his fellow astronauts aboard Apollo 11 got a pretty great view of the Earth from up there, they took some pretty great pictures too. So how do Flat-Earthers explain those pictures? Easy, they believe that the space agencies of the world are all faking any travel into space. So the Flat Earth conspiracy theory is linked to the fake moon landing conspiracy theory. The Flat Earth Society makes it clear that they do not believe that the space agencies are trying to make us all believe that the Earth is a sphere, they are just saying it is a sphere because that's what they believe it is.

I wonder what the world's astronauts think about these claims that they are, in fact, actors. I know what Buzz Aldrin thinks of it. Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon after Armstrong. There is a video online of Aldrin punching a Flat-Earther in the nose after he calls him a coward and liar.

So Flat-Earthers simply don't believe that any recordings or photographs of Earth are real, but how do they explain night and day and the seasons?

Apparently the Sun moves in circles around the North Pole. When it is over your head, it's day. When it's not, it's night. The light of the sun is confined to a limited area upon the Earth. As for the seasons, When the sun is further away from the North Pole, it's winter in the northern hemiplane (that's Flat-Earther language for hemisphere) and summer in the south.

So, these are the Flat-Earther responses to some of the most obvious questions us Round-Earthers have, but what evidence do they have to suggest that our planet is actually flat?

The Flat Earth Society website claims that Flat-Earthers use the empirical approach, which means they use their senses to figure it out. Our world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, you don't see the curvature, which means the way it curves, of the Earth when you look to the horizon… that's all the proof they need apparently!

I wonder how they would explain how ships appear to be coming up out of the water when you see them sailing toward you. Wouldn't they just appear smaller and then get bigger as they get closer if Earth were flat? That's an easy experiment to do with one of the senses. There are of course many other proofs for the Earth being a sphere:

The Earth's curved shadow on the moon during an eclipse.

The fact that shadow clocks work on our planet.

No one has ever flown off the edge of the Earth on a plane, and you can actually see the curvature of the planet when flying in a plane. And so on...

That was my favourite of the sounds on the NASA website (I listened to them all). So eerie. It's the sound of radio emissions from Saturn recorded by the Cassini spacecraft.

Anyway, let's get back down to Flat Earth. There are more proofs that the world is a sphere than the ones I just listed of course, but none of these proofs seem to matter to Flat-Earthers. And that brings us to what, I think, is the most interesting factor in this movement, and in a lot of other movements around conspiracy theories too: the psychology behind it.

Why do some people believe these conspiracy theories, even though there is lots of evidence that they are wrong? This is a very important question these days, especially with the conspiracy theories around COVID-19.

In an article on The American Psychological Association website, researchers say the driving force behind beliefs like the Flat-Earthers have is because humans “perceive patterns and embrace information that meets needs for security and belonging.” So we see what we want to see and we believe what we want to believe basically.

That makes sense, it's easier to believe that some shadow group is in control because otherwise no one is in control, life is random, and that's a scary fact to come to terms with. That's a great phrase “come to terms with”, it means to accept as true. Some people will not or cannot accept some truths, and so they find patterns and what they see as “proof” for a different explanation. Then they find other people who believe the same and feel like they have found their community.

Us humans are social animals, and so that feeling of connection to and belonging with other people is a powerful motivation to believe even more strongly. It becomes almost like a religion in a way, they have faith in the idea. These ideas can come to define a person too, they use them as part of their identity “Hi, my name is Karen and I'm a wife, a mother, a vegetarian and a Flat-Earther.”

When people connect their identity with a belief like the Earth is flat or Bill Gates is adding nanotechnology to the COVID-19 vaccines it's very difficult for them to be convinced of the truth.

If you have ever wondered what lightning on Jupiter sounds like, now you know.

So are there people who are more likely to believe conspiracy theories? Well, psychologists believe that people who are eccentric, meaning a little strange or not in line with the majority, and suspicious of others are more likely to believe conspiracy theories. Also, a study done by a psychology student at Emory University in the US surveyed 2000 people and discovered that people with low agreeableness, conscientiousness, and humility were more likely to believe conspiracy theories. And people with high grandiosity, which means you think you are above other people, or very low self-esteem were even more likely to believe.

I wonder if life experiences can make a person more likely to believe in a certain conspiracy theory too. Perhaps the small business owner who lost everything because of the COVID-19 lockdowns believes that the pandemic is all a lie told by the governments of the world so they have somewhere to direct their anger. You can't shout and scream at a tiny virus. I guess you could, but it wouldn't care.

Perhaps those people were already disagreeable though, who knows.

It's a good thing to question authority and do your own research if you don't think a theory is correct, but it seems that more and more people these days believe the conspiracy theory even when there is lots more evidence for the general theory. Or maybe it just seems this way because these people are very active online.

I chose the Flat Earth Theory because to me, it is one of the most ridiculous. I simply cannot understand how someone would believe this theory, and I have to wonder if it's all a big joke. But there are so many websites, groups and events now that I don't think so.

There are conspiracy theories I believe, like the Jeffrey Epstein “suicide” (you can't see me but I'm using air quotes as I do not believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in prison), but that's maybe a topic for another episode. If you haven't heard of Epstein, there's a great documentary on Netflix.

So that ends episode three of What The English?! I'll leave the link to the NASA sounds in the description, as well as the link to this video as a lesson on LingQ if you're a member.

I wish you all the best for the new year. For many of us 2021 couldn't have come soon enough! See you next time.

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Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth ||||||Episode 1|| Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?! Ep. 3, Flache Erde Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth Podcast de Inglés Intermedio | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth Intermediate English Podcast | What the English ? Ep. 3, Terre plate Podcast di inglese intermedio | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Terra piatta 中級英語ポッドキャスト |何英語?!: Ep。 3、平らな地球 중급 영어 팟캐스트 | 왓 더 잉글리시?!! 에피소드 3, 평평한 지구 Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?! Ep. 3, Flat Earth Podcast de Inglês Intermédio | What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?! Ep. 3, Flat Earth Podcast på engelska för medelålders - What the English?!: Ep. 3, Flat Earth Intermediate English Podcast | What the English?! Ep. 3, Düz Dünya Подкаст для середнього рівня володіння англійською мовою | What the English?!: Епізод 3, Пласка Земля 中级英语播客 | 什么是英语?第 3 集,扁平地球 中级英语播客 | 什么是英语?第 3 集,扁平地球

Hello fellow weirdos, and welcome to episode three of What the English? ||quirky people||||||||| ||придурки||||||||| |compañeros|||||||||| ||čudaki||||||||| 各位怪人大家好,欢迎收看《英语是什么?》第三集。 !, a podcast for intermediate English learners who want to listen to interesting, thought-provoking and sometimes weird content spoken in clear and natural English. ! は、わかりやすく自然な英語で話される、興味深く、考えさせられる、時には奇妙なコンテンツを聞きたい中級英語学習者向けのポッドキャストです。 !, um podcast para alunos de inglês intermédio que querem ouvir conteúdos interessantes, estimulantes e por vezes estranhos, falados num inglês claro e natural.

Remember to subscribe and click on the little bell to get notified when new episodes go live. 新しいエピソードが公開されたときに通知を受け取るには、登録して小さなベルをクリックすることを忘れないでください。

If you‘ve been listening from episode one, you might remember I said my name is Jahrine. Si has estado escuchando desde el episodio uno, quizás recuerdes que dije que mi nombre es Jahrine. エピソード 1 から聞いている場合は、私の名前は Jahrine と言ったことを覚えているかもしれません。 如果您从第一集开始听,您可能还记得我说我的名字是贾琳。 Well, it still is, but I've started using my middle name now, Elizabeth (Elle for short). |||||||||||||Elle|| Bueno, todavía lo es, pero ahora he empezado a usar mi segundo nombre, Elizabeth (Elle para abreviar). まあ、今でもそうですが、今はミドルネームのエリザベス(略してエル)を使い始めました。 嗯,现在仍然如此,但我现在开始使用我的中间名,伊丽莎白(简称 Elle)。 Just wanted to let you know so there isn't any confusion. 混乱がないようにお知らせしたかっただけです。 Só queria avisar-vos para que não haja confusão. 只是想让您知道,以免造成任何混乱。 I've been wanting to go by my middle name for many years and this year I went for it. Ich wollte schon seit vielen Jahren meinen zweiten Vornamen annehmen, und dieses Jahr habe ich es getan. He querido usar mi segundo nombre durante muchos años y este año lo hice. 私は長年ミドルネームで行きたいと思っていましたが、今年はそうしました。 Ik wil al jaren mijn tweede naam gebruiken en dit jaar heb ik het gedaan. 多年来我一直想用我的中间名,今年我这么做了。 “Went for it” means I decided to just do it, no more thinking about it. |||||||||||||al respecto de| 「やってみよう」というのは、もう何も考えずに、ただやろうと決めたという意味です。 “Wought for it”意味着我决定去做,不再考虑。 If 2020 taught me anything it's that life might be shorter than you think, so eat the dessert, call your grandparents, change your name, take that painting class or start that podcast. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||розпочати|| Wenn mich 2020 etwas gelehrt hat, dann, dass das Leben kürzer sein könnte, als du denkst, also iss den Nachtisch, ruf deine Großeltern an, ändere deinen Namen, nimm an diesem Malkurs teil oder starte diesen Podcast. 2020 年に私が学んだことがあるとすれば、人生は思ったよりも短いかもしれないということです。デザートを食べたり、祖父母に電話したり、名前を変えたり、絵画教室に参加したり、ポッドキャストを始めたりしてください。 如果说 2020 年教会了我什么的话,那就是生命可能比你想象的要短,所以吃甜点,给你的祖父母打电话,改变你的名字,参加绘画课或开始播客。 Whatever it is you've been thinking about but haven't felt brave or ready enough, just go for it! Woran auch immer Sie gedacht haben, sich aber nicht mutig oder bereit genug gefühlt haben, machen Sie es einfach! あなたが考えていたことが何であれ、勇気や準備が十分にできていない場合は、ただそれを実行してください! Wat je ook hebt overwogen, maar je voelde je nog niet dapper genoeg, ga er gewoon voor! 无论你一直在想什么,但还没有勇气或准备好,就去做吧!

If you ever think of a topic you'd like me to cover in an episode, just email me at hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com and let me know. |||||||||||||||||||hiwhattheenglish|gmail address|email address|||| Wenn Sie jemals an ein Thema denken, das ich in einer Episode behandeln soll, senden Sie mir einfach eine E-Mail an hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com und lassen Sie es mich wissen. エピソードで取り上げてほしいトピックについて考えたことがある場合は、hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com までメールでお知らせください。 如果您想到希望我在剧集中介绍某个主题,请发送电子邮件至 hiwhattheenglish@gmail.com 让我知道。 I'm happy to talk about anything weird and wonderful. 奇妙で素晴らしいことについて喜んで話します。 我很高兴谈论任何奇怪而美妙的事情。 The transcript to each podcast episode is always available to anyone who would like it. 各ポッドキャスト エピソードのトランスクリプトは、希望する人なら誰でもいつでも利用できます。 每个播客剧集的文字记录始终可供任何想要的人使用。 I will always create a lesson with the transcript on LingQ, so if you're a member you can study it there. LingQでトランスクリプト付きのレッスンを随時作成していきますので、会員の方はそちらで勉強していただけます。 我会一直在 LingQ 上用成绩单创建一个课程,所以如果你是会员,你可以在那里学习。 For those of you who don't know LingQ, it's an app that allows you to make lessons out of any content you find online, like this podcast. ||||||รู้จัก|||||||||||||||||||| Für diejenigen, die LingQ nicht kennen: Es ist eine App, mit der man aus beliebigen Inhalten, die man online findet, Lektionen erstellen kann, z. B. diesen Podcast. LingQ をご存じない方のために説明すると、このポッドキャストのように、オンラインで見つけたあらゆるコンテンツからレッスンを作成できるアプリです。 对于那些不了解 LingQ 的人来说,这是一个应用程序,可让您利用在线找到的任何内容(例如此播客)来制作课程。 You then translate any words and phrases you don't know as you go and save all vocabulary to your personal dictionary. そして、知らない単語やフレーズをその都度翻訳し、すべての語彙をパーソナル辞書に保存する。 Depois, traduz as palavras e frases que não conhece à medida que avança e guarda todo o vocabulário no seu dicionário pessoal. 然后,您可以随时翻译任何您不认识的单词和短语,并将所有词汇保存到您的个人词典中。 I'm part of the team at LingQ, and I also use it to study French. 私は LingQ のチームの一員であり、フランス語の勉強にも使用しています。 我是 LingQ 团队的一员,我也用它来学习法语。 Actually, a French podcast called Inner French was the inspiration for this channel and podcast. 実は、このチャンネルとポッドキャストは、Inner French というフランスのポッドキャストから着想を得たものです。 实际上,一个名为“Inner French”的法语播客是该频道和播客的灵感来源。 Check it out if you're also studying French. フランス語を勉強している方もチェックしてください。 看看你是否也在学习法语。

In this the third episode of What the English?! What the English?! の第 3 話です。 在这第三集 What the English?! I want to talk about conspiracy theories, or one in particular. Ich möchte über Verschwörungstheorien sprechen, oder über eine ganz bestimmte. 陰謀論、または特定の陰謀論について話したいと思います。 Tôi muốn nói về các thuyết âm mưu, hoặc một thuyết âm mưu cụ thể. 我想谈谈阴谋论,或者说一个特别的阴谋论。 Do you know that term, “conspiracy theory”? Kennen Sie den Begriff „Verschwörungstheorie“? 「陰謀論」という言葉をご存知ですか? 你知道“阴谋论”这个词吗? It's an idea that a group or organization is behind an event. グループまたは組織がイベントの背後にあるという考えです。 Het is een idee dat een groep of organisatie achter een evenement zit. 这是一个团体或组织在事件背后的想法。 The popular story of how something happened or is happening is not the truth, and, in fact, there are groups who are responsible, they are working in the shadows, manipulating everyone for their own benefit. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||controlling||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ชักใย||||| Die beliebte Geschichte, wie etwas passiert ist oder passiert, ist nicht die Wahrheit, und tatsächlich gibt es Gruppen, die dafür verantwortlich sind, sie arbeiten im Schatten und manipulieren jeden zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil. 何かがどのように起こったか、または起こっているかについての一般的な話は真実ではありません。実際、責任を負うグループがあり、彼らは陰で働いており、自分の利益のためにすべての人を操作しています. Câu chuyện phổ biến về việc một điều gì đó đã hoặc đang xảy ra không phải là sự thật, và trên thực tế, có những nhóm phải chịu trách nhiệm, họ hoạt động trong bóng tối, thao túng mọi người vì lợi ích riêng của họ. 关于某件事如何发生或正在发生的流行故事并不是事实,事实上,有一些团体对此负有责任,他们在幕后工作,为了自己的利益而操纵每个人。

Some conspiracy theories you might have heard of include the moon landing (some people think it was faked in a movie studio, even directed by the legendary movie director Stanley Kubrick), September 11 (some believe the American government was responsible), the assassination of JFK, the British Royal family actually being reptilian aliens, Bill Gates created COVID-19 so he could make a vaccine with nano-technology in it… the list goes on. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ermordung||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||staged|||||||||||||Stanley Kubrick||||||||||of JFK||John F Kennedy|||||||reptilian aliens|||||||||||vaccine||nanotechnology||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||في |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Stanley Kubrick|Stanley Kubrick||||||||||zamach na JFK||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Zu den Verschwörungstheorien, von denen Sie vielleicht schon gehört haben, gehören die Mondlandung (manche glauben, dass sie in einem Filmstudio gefälscht wurde, sogar unter der Regie des legendären Regisseurs Stanley Kubrick), der 11. September (manche glauben, dass die amerikanische Regierung dafür verantwortlich war), die Ermordung von JFK, dass die britische Königsfamilie in Wirklichkeit reptilienartige Außerirdische sind, dass Bill Gates COVID-19 erschaffen hat, um einen Impfstoff mit Nanotechnologie herstellen zu können... die Liste geht weiter. あなたが聞いたことがあるかもしれないいくつかの陰謀論には、月面着陸 (伝説の映画監督スタンリー・キューブリックによってさえ、映画スタジオで偽造されたと考える人もいます)、9 月 11 日 (アメリカ政府が責任を負っていると信じている人もいます)、 JFK、英国王室は実際には爬虫類エイリアンであり、ビル・ゲイツはCOVID-19を作成したため、ナノテクノロジーを使用したワクチンを作成できました…リストは続きます。 Một số thuyết âm mưu mà bạn có thể đã từng nghe đến bao gồm việc đổ bộ lên mặt trăng (một số người cho rằng nó được làm giả trong một xưởng phim, thậm chí còn được đạo diễn bởi đạo diễn phim huyền thoại Stanley Kubrick), ngày 11 tháng 9 (một số người tin rằng chính phủ Mỹ phải chịu trách nhiệm), vụ ám sát JFK, Hoàng gia Anh thực sự là người ngoài hành tinh bò sát, Bill Gates đã tạo ra COVID-19 để ông có thể tạo ra một loại vắc xin có công nghệ nano trong đó… danh sách vẫn tiếp tục.

I'm just going to focus on one conspiracy theory in today's episode though. Sin embargo, solo me centraré en una teoría de la conspiración en el episodio de hoy. 今日のエピソードでは、1 つの陰謀論に焦点を当てます。 Ik ga me in de aflevering van vandaag echter richten op één samenzweringstheorie. 不过,在今天的剧集中,我只关注一个阴谋论。 One that I find fascinating. 私が魅力的だと思う1つ。 The Flat Earth Theory. 地球平面説。 平面地球理论。 So put your tin foil hat on (that's a dig at conspiracy theorists as some are said to wear hats made out of tin foil to block mind control or electromagnetic fields) and let's discover more about a group of people who believe that we have been lied to for too long. |||القصدير|رقائق الألمني||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||tin|hat||||||||conspiracy theorists||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||folia aluminiowa|folię aluminiową||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||folija||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Setzen Sie also Ihren Alufolienhut auf (das ist ein Seitenhieb auf Verschwörungstheoretiker, da einige Hüte aus Alufolie tragen sollen, um die Gedankenkontrolle oder elektromagnetische Felder zu blockieren) und lassen Sie uns mehr über eine Gruppe von Menschen herausfinden, die glauben, dass wir belogen wurden zu lange. Así que póngase su sombrero de papel de aluminio (eso es una excavación para los teóricos de la conspiración, ya que se dice que algunos usan sombreros hechos de papel de aluminio para bloquear el control mental o los campos electromagnéticos) y descubramos más sobre un grupo de personas que creen que nos han mentido. demasiado tiempo. では、スズ箔の帽子をかぶって (マインド コントロールや電磁界を遮断するためにスズ箔で作られた帽子をかぶっている人もいるので、これは陰謀論者を掘り下げるものです)、私たちが嘘をついていると信じている人々のグループについて詳しく調べてみましょう。あまりにも長い間。 Por isso, ponha o seu chapéu de folha de alumínio (isto é uma alusão aos teóricos da conspiração, pois diz-se que alguns usam chapéus feitos de folha de alumínio para bloquear o controlo da mente ou os campos electromagnéticos) e vamos descobrir mais sobre um grupo de pessoas que acredita que nos mentiram durante demasiado tempo. Vì vậy, hãy đội chiếc mũ bằng lá thiếc của bạn lên (đó là sự chỉ trích những người theo thuyết âm mưu vì một số người được cho là đội mũ làm từ lá thiếc để chặn khả năng kiểm soát tâm trí hoặc trường điện từ) và hãy khám phá thêm về một nhóm người tin rằng chúng ta đã bị lừa dối. để quá lâu. 所以,戴上你的锡箔帽子(这是对阴谋论者的嘲讽,因为据说有些人戴着锡箔制成的帽子来阻挡精神控制或电磁场),让我们更多地了解一群相信我们被骗了的人太久了。 Our planet is not a sphere, Earth is flat. |||||shape||| |||||krog||| 私たちの惑星は球体ではなく、地球は平らです。 我们的星球不是球体,地球是平的。

Over 2000 years ago in Greece the great philosopher Aristotle made a discovery. ||||||||Arystoteles||| 2000年以上前、ギリシャで偉大な哲学者アリストテレスが発見をしました。 2000多年前,伟大的哲学家亚里士多德在希腊有了一个发现。 Here's how I imagine he sounded “"Again, our observations of the stars make it evident, not only that the Earth is circular, but also that it is a circle of no great size.” Of course, he would have said it in Greek. |||||||||||||||||||||kreisförmig|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||oczywiste||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich stelle mir vor, wie er so geklungen hat: „Auch hier machen unsere Beobachtungen der Sterne deutlich, dass die Erde nicht nur kreisförmig ist, sondern auch, dass sie ein Kreis von nicht großer Größe ist.“ Natürlich hätte er es auf Griechisch gesagt. Así es como me imagino que sonaba: "Nuevamente, nuestras observaciones de las estrellas hacen evidente, no solo que la Tierra es circular, sino también que es un círculo de tamaño no grande". Por supuesto, lo habría dicho en griego. 「繰り返しになりますが、私たちの星の観察は、地球が円形であるだけでなく、それほど大きくない円であることも明らかにしています。」もちろん、彼はそれをギリシャ語で言ったでしょう。 Đây là cách tôi tưởng tượng anh ấy phát âm “"Một lần nữa, những quan sát của chúng tôi về các ngôi sao cho thấy rõ ràng rằng, không chỉ Trái đất có hình tròn mà còn là một vòng tròn không có kích thước lớn." Tất nhiên, anh ấy sẽ nói điều đó bằng tiếng Hy Lạp. 我想象他的声音是这样的:“我们对星星的观察再次表明,地球不仅是圆形的,而且它是一个尺寸不大的圆。”当然,他会用希腊语说。 I wouldn't offend any Greeks by trying to do an accent! ||insult|||||||| ||||||||||naglas Ich würde keinen Griechen beleidigen, indem ich versuchen würde, einen Akzent zu setzen! ¡No ofendería a ningún griego tratando de hacer un acento! アクセントを付けようとして、ギリシャ人の気分を害するつもりはありません。 Tôi sẽ không xúc phạm bất kỳ người Hy Lạp nào bằng cách cố gắng nói giọng! 我不会因为尝试带口音而冒犯任何希腊人!

Before this, the common understanding was that the Earth was flat. それ以前は、地球は平らだというのが一般的な理解でした。 Trước đó, hiểu biết chung là Trái đất phẳng. 在此之前,普遍的认识是地球是平的。 It makes sense. それは理にかなっている。 这说得通。 We don't see a curve when we look to the horizon. 地平線を見てもカーブは見えない。 Chúng ta không nhìn thấy một đường cong khi nhìn về phía chân trời. 当我们看向地平线时,我们看不到曲线。 Once Aristotle had shocked the world with this information, another Greek philosopher, Eratosthenes, measured the circumference of our planet, that means the distance around. ||||||||||||Eratosthenes||||||||||| ||||||||||||เอราทอสเท|||เส้นรอบวง|||||||| ||||||||||||Eratostenes|||obwód naszej planety|||||||| |||||||||||||||obseg|||||||| アリストテレスがこの情報で世界に衝撃を与えた後、別のギリシャの哲学者エラトステネスが地球の円周、つまり周囲の距離を測定しました。 Sau khi Aristotle gây chấn động thế giới với thông tin này, một triết gia Hy Lạp khác, Eratosthenes, đã đo chu vi hành tinh của chúng ta, nghĩa là khoảng cách xung quanh. 当亚里士多德用这一信息震惊世界后,另一位希腊哲学家埃拉托色尼测量了我们星球的周长,即周围的距离。 Do you know the Earth's circumference? |||||محيط الأرض |||||size around |||||obwód 地球の周長を知っていますか? 你知道地球的周长吗? I tried to guess before checking and I was way off, nowhere near the actual number. Traté de adivinar antes de verificar y estaba muy lejos, ni cerca del número real. 確認する前に推測しようとしましたが、実際の数にはほど遠いものでした。 Tentei adivinhar antes de verificar e estava muito enganado, não estava nem perto do número real. Tôi đã cố gắng đoán trước khi kiểm tra và tôi đã sai lầm, không thể nào gần được con số thực tế. 在检查之前我试图猜测,但结果离实际数字相差甚远。 No idea? わかりませんか? 不知道? It's 40,075 km. |kilometrów Es sind 40.075 km. 它是 40,075 公里。 Now you know. 现在你知道了。 Maybe that question will come up when you're doing a general knowledge quiz one day. ある日、一般知識のクイズをしていると、その質問が出てくるかもしれません。 Может быть, когда-нибудь этот вопрос всплывет при проведении викторины на общие знания. 也许有一天当你做常识测验时会出现这个问题。 You're welcome. 不客气。

If people back in the 1500s still weren't convinced that the Earth wasn't flat, surely Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan changed their mind. |||||||||||||||||فرديناند ما|||| |||||||||||||||||Ferdinand Magellan|Ferdinand Magellan||| |||||||||||||||||Ferdynand Magellan|Magellan||| Wenn die Menschen im 15. Jahrhundert immer noch nicht davon überzeugt waren, dass die Erde nicht flach ist, hat der portugiesische Entdecker Ferdinand Magellan ihre Meinung geändert. Si la gente en el siglo XVI todavía no estaba convencida de que la Tierra no era plana, seguramente el explorador portugués Fernando de Magallanes cambió de opinión. 1500 年代の人々がまだ地球が平らではないことを確信していなかったとしたら、ポルトガルの探検家フェルディナンド マゼランが考えを変えたことは間違いありません。 Nếu mọi người ở những năm 1500 vẫn không tin rằng Trái đất không phẳng thì chắc chắn nhà thám hiểm người Bồ Đào Nha Ferdinand Magellan đã thay đổi quan điểm của họ. 如果 1500 年代的人们还不相信地球不是平的,那么葡萄牙探险家费迪南德·麦哲伦肯定改变了他们的想法。 Magellan circumnavigated the planet, meaning he sailed all around it, from 1519 to 1522. |sailed around|||||||||| |obejszył|||||||||| マゼランは 1519 年から 1522 年にかけて地球を一周しました。 Magellan đã đi vòng quanh hành tinh, nghĩa là ông đã đi thuyền vòng quanh nó, từ năm 1519 đến năm 1522. 麦哲伦环绕地球航行,这意味着他从 1519 年到 1522 年绕地球航行了一圈。 So that proved it then, the Earth was not flat. 这证明了地球不是平的。 It isn't possible to fall off the edge. |||||||rob エッジから落ちることはありません。 Không thể rơi ra khỏi mép. 不可能从边缘掉下来。 Super… so how are there people today, Flat Earthers they call themselves, that still do not believe that the Earth is spherical? |||||||||||||||||||||kugelförmig ||||||||Flat Earthers|||||||||||||round in shape ||||||||Ziemianie||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||sferična Super... wie kommt es also, dass es heute Menschen gibt, die sich Flat Earthers nennen, die immer noch nicht glauben, dass die Erde kugelförmig ist? すごい…では、地球が球形であるとまだ信じていない、彼らが自分たちをフラットアースと呼んでいる今日の人々がどうしているのですか? 超级……那么今天怎么会有人,他们自称是扁平地球人,仍然不相信地球是球形的? What exactly do they think is the truth, and who is behind this conspiracy theory? |precisely||||||||||||| 彼らは一体何を真実だと考えているのか、そしてこの陰謀論の背後にいるのは誰なのか? 他们到底认为什么是真相,这个阴谋论的幕后黑手是谁?

Those sounds are chorus radio waves with the Earth's atmosphere recorded by the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) team at the University of Iowa. |||أصوات الكورس|||||الأرض|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Instrument Suite|Instrument Suite||||EMFISIS team||||||University of Iowa |||chóru|||||||||||||||||||zespół EMFISIS||||||Iowa |||zbor||||||||||||||||||||||||| Esos sonidos son ondas de radio de coro con la atmósfera de la Tierra registradas por el equipo de Ciencias Integradas y Conjunto de Instrumentos de Campo Magnético y Eléctrico (EMFISIS) de la Universidad de Iowa. これらの音は、アイオワ大学の電磁気フィールド機器スイートおよび統合科学 (EMFISIS) チームによって記録された地球の大気を含むコーラス電波です。 Esses sons são ondas de rádio em coro com a atmosfera terrestre, registadas pela equipa do Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) da Universidade de Iowa. Những âm thanh đó là các sóng vô tuyến đồng loạt với bầu khí quyển của Trái đất được ghi lại bởi nhóm Bộ thiết bị điện và từ trường và Khoa học tích hợp (EMFISIS) tại Đại học Iowa. 这些声音是由爱荷华大学的电场和磁场仪器套件和综合科学 (EMFISIS) 团队记录的地球大气的合唱无线电波。 There are actually lots of recordings like this on the NASA website. ||||||||||NASA| 実際、NASA の Web サイトには、このような記録がたくさんあります。 在 NASA 网站上实际上有很多这样的录音。 You can hear recordings from different missions: earthquakes on Mars, lightning on Jupiter and very creepy radio emissions from Saturn. ||||||||||||Jupiter (planet)|||strange||||Saturn's emissions |||||||||||||||||||Saturn 火星の地震、木星の雷、土星からの非常に不気味な電波放射など、さまざまなミッションの録音を聞くことができます。 您可以听到来自不同任务的录音:火星上的地震、木星上的闪电以及土星发出的令人毛骨悚然的无线电发射。 I'll be using these sounds throughout the episode today, they are very cool. ||||||||||||awesome 今日のエピソード全体でこれらのサウンドを使用します。とてもクールです。 我今天将在整个剧集中使用这些声音,它们非常酷。 I think so anyway. とにかくそう思います。

Another fact for future general knowledge quizzes: do you know what the acronym NASA stands for? ||||||||||||abbreviation||| ||||||||||||kratica||| Otro dato para futuras pruebas de conocimiento general: ¿sabes qué significa el acrónimo NASA? 今後の一般知識クイズのもう 1 つの事実: NASA の頭字語が何を表しているか知っていますか? 未来常识测验的另一个事实:你知道 NASA 的首字母缩写词代表什么吗? It's National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ||Luftfahrt||| ||Aerospace||| アメリカ航空宇宙局です。

So what do Flat-Earthers believe exactly? では、フラットアース派は正確に何を信じているのでしょうか? 那么扁平地球人究竟相信什么? Well the most popular Flat Earth organization is the Flat Earth Society and their website states that “...the Earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall surrounding the known continents. |||||||||||||||claims||||||||||disk|||||||||Antarctica wall||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Biegun|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zid|||poznanih| Nun, die beliebteste Flat Earth-Organisation ist die Flat Earth Society, und auf ihrer Website heißt es: „... die Erde hat die Form einer Scheibe mit dem Nordpol in der Mitte und der Antarktis als Mauer, die die bekannten Kontinente umgibt. 最も人気のあるフラット アース組織はフラット アース ソサエティであり、そのウェブサイトには次のように記載されています。 Chà, tổ chức Trái đất phẳng phổ biến nhất là Hiệp hội Trái đất phẳng và trang web của họ tuyên bố rằng “...Trái đất có dạng một chiếc đĩa với Bắc Cực ở trung tâm và Nam Cực như một bức tường bao quanh các lục địa đã biết. 最受欢迎的地平说组织是地平说协会,他们的网站指出“……地球是一个圆盘,北极位于中心,南极洲是围绕已知大陆的墙。 This is the generally accepted model among members of the society. これは、社会のメンバーの間で一般的に受け入れられているモデルです。 Este é o modelo geralmente aceite pelos membros da sociedade. Đây là mô hình được chấp nhận rộng rãi giữa các thành viên trong xã hội. 这是社会成员普遍接受的模式。 In this model, circumnavigation is performed by moving in a great circle around the North Pole. |||الدوران حول||تتم|||||||||| |||traveling around|||||||||||| |||การเดินทางรอบ|||||||||||| |||okrążenie|||||||||||| Bei diesem Modell erfolgt die Weltumsegelung durch eine Bewegung in einem Großkreis um den Nordpol. Dans ce modèle, la circumnavigation est effectuée en se déplaçant dans un grand cercle autour du pôle Nord. このモデルでは、北極を中心に大円を描くように周航します。 In dit model wordt een omvaart uitgevoerd door in een grote cirkel rond de Noordpool te bewegen. Neste modelo, a circum-navegação é efectuada movendo-se num grande círculo à volta do Pólo Norte. В этой модели кругосветное плавание осуществляется путем движения по большому кругу вокруг Северного полюса. Trong mô hình này, việc đi vòng quanh được thực hiện bằng cách di chuyển theo một vòng tròn lớn quanh Bắc Cực. 在这个模型中,通过绕北极大圈移动来进行环球航行。

The Earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. ||||||||||||||oceans| La Tierra está rodeada por todos lados por una pared de hielo que retiene los océanos. 地球は四方を氷の壁で囲まれており、海を妨げています。 A Terra está rodeada de todos os lados por uma parede de gelo que retém os oceanos. Земля со всех сторон окружена ледяной стеной, которая сдерживает океаны. 地球四面环绕着一堵将海洋挡住的冰墙。 This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. |||||the explorers||| この氷の壁は、探検家が南極大陸と名付けたものです。 Bức tường băng này là thứ mà các nhà thám hiểm đã đặt tên là Nam Cực. 这堵冰墙就是探险家们将其命名为南极洲的地方。 Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to the Flat Earth Society. Jenseits der Eiswand ist ein Thema von großem Interesse für die Flat Earth Society. 氷の壁の向こう側は、フラット アース ソサエティにとって大きな関心事です。 Bên ngoài bức tường băng là chủ đề được Hiệp hội Trái đất phẳng rất quan tâm. 冰墙之外是扁平地球协会非常感兴趣的话题。 To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. Unseres Wissens ist niemand sehr weit hinter der Eiswand gewesen und zurückgekehrt, um von ihrer Reise zu erzählen. Hasta donde sabemos, nadie ha pasado mucho más allá de la pared de hielo y ha regresado para contarnos su viaje. 私たちの知る限り、氷の壁をはるかに通り過ぎて、彼らの旅を語るために戻ってきた人は誰もいません。 Tanto quanto sabemos, ninguém passou muito longe da parede de gelo e regressou para contar a sua viagem. 据我们所知,没有人越过冰墙很远回来讲述他们的旅程。 What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.” |||||||surrounds||||||||||||||||| |||||||otacza||||||||||||||||| Was wir wissen, ist, dass sie die Erde umgibt und dazu dient, unsere Ozeane zu halten und uns vor allem zu schützen, was dahinter liegt. Lo que sí sabemos es que rodea la tierra y sirve para contener nuestros océanos y nos ayuda a protegernos de lo que sea que haya más allá”. 私たちが知っていることは、それが地球を取り囲み、私たちの海にとどまり、その向こうにあるものから私たちを守るのに役立つということです. Những gì chúng ta biết là nó bao quanh trái đất và có tác dụng giữ các đại dương của chúng ta và giúp bảo vệ chúng ta khỏi bất cứ thứ gì nằm ở bên ngoài.” 我们所知道的是,它环绕着地球,并固定在我们的海洋中,并帮助保护我们免受外界任何影响。”

Wow! So explorer Ferdinand Magellan didn't actually circumnavigate the globe back in the 1500s according to Flat-Earthers, he just sailed around the North Pole. ||explorer Ferdinand|Ferdinand Magellan|||sail around|||||||in the view of|||Flat Earth believers||||||| ||||||obejść||||||||||||||||| ||||||obplul||||||||||||||||| Der Entdecker Ferdinand Magellan hat also nicht die Welt um 1500 umrundet, wie die Flat-Earthers behaupten, sondern ist nur um den Nordpol gesegelt. Flat-Earthers によると、探検家フェルディナンド・マゼランは 1500 年代に実際に地球を一周したのではなく、北極点を航海しただけでした。 Vì vậy, nhà thám hiểm Ferdinand Magellan đã không thực sự đi vòng quanh thế giới vào những năm 1500 theo thuyết Trái đất phẳng, ông chỉ đi vòng quanh Bắc Cực. 因此,根据 Flat-Earthers 的说法,探险家费迪南德·麦哲伦实际上并没有在 1500 年代环游地球,他只是绕着北极航行。 Ok then.

If you are a Round-Earther (yep, that's what Flat-Earthers call us) like me, you will likely have a lot of questions after hearing this theory that the Earth is actually a disk and the water is held in by walls of ice. Assuming|||||Round-Earther|yes||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zadržana||||| Si vous êtes un Round-Earther (oui, c'est ce que les Flat-Earthers nous appellent) comme moi, vous aurez probablement beaucoup de questions après avoir entendu cette théorie selon laquelle la Terre est en fait un disque et l'eau est retenue par des murs de glace. . もしあなたが私のように地球が丸い人なら (ええ、フラットアースの人はそう呼んでいます)、地球は実際には円盤であり、水は氷の壁によって保持されているというこの理論を聞いた後、多くの疑問を抱くでしょう。 . Als je een Round-Earther bent (ja, zo noemen Flat-Earthers ons) zoals ik, zul je waarschijnlijk veel vragen hebben na het horen van deze theorie dat de aarde eigenlijk een schijf is en dat het water wordt vastgehouden door muren van ijs . Nếu bạn là Người Trái đất Tròn (vâng, đó là cách mà Người Trái đất phẳng gọi chúng tôi) như tôi, bạn có thể sẽ có rất nhiều câu hỏi sau khi nghe lý thuyết này rằng Trái đất thực sự là một cái đĩa và nước được giữ lại bởi những bức tường băng . 如果您像我一样是圆地球人(是的,扁平地球人就是这么称呼我们的),在听到地球实际上是一个圆盘并且水被冰墙保持的理论后,您可能会有很多问题. The Flat Earth Society website has answers to the most commonly asked questions. フラット アース ソサエティの Web サイトには、よく寄せられる質問への回答が掲載されています。 O sítio Web da Flat Earth Society tem respostas para as perguntas mais frequentes. Flat Earth Society 网站提供了最常见问题的答案。 Let's take a look… 見てみよう

That of course was the recording of astronaut Neil Armstrong's first words when he stepped onto the moon on July 20, 1969. |||||||Neil Armstrong|Armstrong|Neil Armstrong|||||||||| |||||||||Armstronga|||||||||| それはもちろん、1969年7月20日に月面に降り立ったニール・アームストロング宇宙飛行士の第一声を録音したものだ。 那当然是宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在 1969 年 7 月 20 日登月时的第一句话的录音。 Armstrong and his fellow astronauts aboard Apollo 11 got a pretty great view of the Earth from up there, they took some pretty great pictures too. Neil Armstrong|||companions|crewmates|on|Apollo 11|||||||||||||||||| Armstrong||||||Apollo|||||||||||||||||| Armstrong e os seus colegas astronautas a bordo da Apollo 11 tiveram uma óptima vista da Terra lá de cima e também tiraram algumas fotografias muito boas. Armstrong và các phi hành gia đồng hành trên tàu Apollo 11 đã có được một cái nhìn khá tuyệt vời về Trái đất từ trên đó, họ cũng chụp được một số bức ảnh khá đẹp. 阿姆斯特朗和他在阿波罗 11 号上的宇航员同伴从那里可以看到非常棒的地球景观,他们也拍了一些非常棒的照片。 So how do Flat-Earthers explain those pictures? では、平面地球学者はこれらの写真をどう説明するのだろうか? 那么扁平地球人是如何解释这些照片的呢? Easy, they believe that the space agencies of the world are all faking any travel into space. ||||||space organizations||||||pretending|||| 簡単に言えば、世界の宇宙機関はすべて宇宙旅行を偽装していると考えているのだ。 Thật dễ dàng, họ tin rằng các cơ quan vũ trụ trên thế giới đều đang giả mạo bất kỳ chuyến du hành nào vào không gian. 很简单,他们相信世界上的航天机构都在伪造任何太空旅行。 So the Flat Earth conspiracy theory is linked to the fake moon landing conspiracy theory. ||||||||||false|||| つまり、平らな地球の陰謀論は、偽の月面着陸の陰謀論とつながっているのだ。 Assim, a teoria da conspiração da Terra plana está ligada à teoria da conspiração da falsa aterragem na Lua. 所以平地阴谋论与假登月阴谋论有关。 The Flat Earth Society makes it clear that they do not believe that the space agencies are trying to make us all believe that the Earth is a sphere, they are just saying it is a sphere because that's what they believe it is. Die Flat Earth Society macht deutlich, dass sie nicht glauben, dass die Weltraumagenturen versuchen, uns alle glauben zu machen, dass die Erde eine Kugel ist, sie sagen nur, dass es eine Kugel ist, weil sie das glauben. フラットアース協会は、宇宙機関が地球が球体であると私たち全員に信じさせようとしているとは考えていないことを明らかにしている。 A Sociedade da Terra Plana deixa claro que não acredita que as agências espaciais estejam a tentar fazer-nos acreditar que a Terra é uma esfera, apenas dizem que é uma esfera porque é isso que acreditam que é. Hiệp hội Trái đất phẳng nói rõ rằng họ không tin rằng các cơ quan vũ trụ đang cố gắng làm cho tất cả chúng ta tin rằng Trái đất là một hình cầu, họ chỉ nói rằng nó là một hình cầu vì đó là những gì họ tin. Flat Earth Society 明确表示,他们不相信太空机构试图让我们所有人相信地球是一个球体,他们只是说它是一个球体,因为他们相信它就是这样。

I wonder what the world's astronauts think about these claims that they are, in fact, actors. |||||||||trditve|||||| 世界の宇宙飛行士たちは、自分たちが俳優であるという主張についてどう考えているのだろう。 Pergunto-me o que pensam os astronautas do mundo sobre estas afirmações de que são, de facto, actores. 我想知道世界上的宇航员如何看待这些声称他们实际上是演员的说法。 I know what Buzz Aldrin thinks of it. |||Buzz Aldrin|Buzz Aldrin||| ||||Aldrin||| バズ・オルドリンがどう考えているかは知っている。 我知道巴兹奥尔德林是怎么想的。 Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon after Armstrong. 奥尔德林是继阿姆斯特朗之后第二个在月球上行走的人。 There is a video online of Aldrin punching a Flat-Earther in the nose after he calls him a coward and liar. |||||||hitting||||||||||||cowardice||deceiver ネットには、オルドリンがフラットアース論者の鼻を殴り、臆病者だ、嘘つきだと罵るビデオがある。 Há um vídeo na Internet que mostra Aldrin a dar um murro no nariz de um defensor da Terra Plana depois de este lhe chamar cobarde e mentiroso. В Интернете есть видеозапись, на которой Олдрин бьет по носу плоскогорца после того, как тот называет его трусом и лжецом. Có một đoạn video trực tuyến quay cảnh Aldrin đấm vào mũi Flat-Earther sau khi anh ta gọi anh ta là kẻ hèn nhát và kẻ dối trá. 网上有一段视频,奥尔德林在称他为懦夫和骗子后,用拳头打了一个扁平地球人的鼻子。

So Flat-Earthers simply don't believe that any recordings or photographs of Earth are real, but how do they explain night and day and the seasons? では、フラットアース派は、単に地球の記録や写真が本物だとは信じていないだけなのだが、昼夜や季節はどう説明するのだろうか? 所以扁平地球人根本不相信地球的任何记录或照片是真实的,但他们如何解释昼夜和季节?

Apparently the Sun moves in circles around the North Pole. どうやら太陽は北極の周りをぐるぐると回っているようだ。 显然,太阳绕着北极转圈。 When it is over your head, it's day. 当它在你的头上时,它是一天。 When it's not, it's night. 当它不是,它是晚上。 The light of the sun is confined to a limited area upon the Earth. ||||||مقيد إلى||||||| ||||||ograniczony||||||| Das Licht der Sonne ist auf einen begrenzten Bereich auf der Erde beschränkt. Свет Солнца распространяется на ограниченную площадь Земли. 太阳的光被限制在地球上的有限区域。 As for the seasons, When the sun is further away from the North Pole, it's winter in the northern hemiplane (that's Flat-Earther language for hemisphere) and summer in the south. |||||||||||||||||||نصف الطائرة||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||hemisphere||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||hemipłaszczyzna||||||półkula||||| |||||||||||||||||||polovica planeta||||||||||| 季節については、太陽が北極から遠くなると、北半球(平地球派の言葉で半球のこと)では冬になり、南半球では夏になる。 Wat betreft de seizoenen, als de zon verder van de Noordpool verwijderd is, is het winter op het noordelijk halfrond (dat is Flat-Earther-taal voor het halfrond) en zomer in het zuiden. Quanto às estações do ano, quando o Sol está mais afastado do Pólo Norte, é inverno no hemiplano norte (é a linguagem dos terraplanistas para hemisfério) e verão no sul. 至于季节,当太阳离北极较远时,北半平面是冬天(这是半球的平地语言),南半球是夏天。

So, these are the Flat-Earther responses to some of the most obvious questions us Round-Earthers have, but what evidence do they have to suggest that our planet is actually flat? ||||||||||||očitne||||||||||||||||||| さて、以上が私たち丸地球派が抱く最も明白な疑問に対する平地球派の回答であるが、では私たちの惑星が実際に平らであることを示唆する証拠はあるのだろうか? Portanto, estas são as respostas dos terraplanistas a algumas das perguntas mais óbvias que nós, terraplanistas, temos, mas que provas têm eles para sugerir que o nosso planeta é de facto plano? 所以,这些是扁平地球人对我们圆形地球人所面临的一些最明显问题的回应,但他们有什么证据表明我们的星球实际上是平坦的?

The Flat Earth Society website claims that Flat-Earthers use the empirical approach, which means they use their senses to figure it out. |||||||||||تجريبية||||||||||| |||||||||||observational||||||||||| Auf der Website der Flat Earth Society wird behauptet, dass die Flat-Earthers den empirischen Ansatz verwenden, d. h. sie nutzen ihre Sinne, um es herauszufinden. フラットアース協会のウェブサイトは、フラットアース論者は経験的アプローチ、つまり感覚を使って解明すると主張している。 O sítio Web da Sociedade da Terra Plana afirma que os terraplanistas usam a abordagem empírica, o que significa que usam os seus sentidos para o descobrir. Trang web của Hiệp hội Trái đất phẳng tuyên bố rằng những người theo chủ nghĩa Trái đất phẳng sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận thực nghiệm, nghĩa là họ sử dụng các giác quan của mình để tìm ra điều đó. Flat Earth Society 网站声称 Flat-Earthers 使用经验方法,这意味着他们使用他们的感官来解决这个问题。 Our world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, you don't see the curvature, which means the way it curves, of the Earth when you look to the horizon… that's all the proof they need apparently! |||||bases|||||||||curving surface||||||curves outward||||||||||||||||it seems ||||||||||||||انحناء|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||ความโค้ง|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||krivine||||||||||||||||očitno Unsere Welt sieht flach aus, die Unterseiten der Wolken sind flach, man sieht die Krümmung der Erde nicht, wenn man zum Horizont schaut... das ist offenbar der einzige Beweis, den sie brauchen! 私たちの世界は平らに見え、雲の底は平らで、地平線を見ても地球の湾曲は見えない! 我们的世界看起来是平的,云的底部是平的,当你看向地平线时,你看不到地球的曲率,这意味着它弯曲的方式……这显然是他们需要的全部证据!

I wonder how they would explain how ships appear to be coming up out of the water when you see them sailing toward you. Me pregunto cómo explicarían cómo los barcos parecen salir del agua cuando los ves navegar hacia ti. 船がこちらに向かって航行しているのを見ると、海から上がってくるように見えるのはどう説明するのだろう。 Интересно, как они объяснят, что корабли кажутся поднимающимися из воды, когда вы видите, что они плывут к вам. Tôi tự hỏi họ sẽ giải thích thế nào về việc những con tàu dường như đang nhô lên khỏi mặt nước khi bạn nhìn thấy chúng đang tiến về phía bạn. 我想知道当你看到船只向你驶来时,他们会如何解释它们是如何从水里冒出来的。 Wouldn't they just appear smaller and then get bigger as they get closer if Earth were flat? Würden sie nicht erst kleiner erscheinen und dann größer werden, wenn sie näher kommen, wenn die Erde flach wäre? 地球が平らなら、小さく見えて、近づくにつれて大きくなるのでは? Chẳng phải chúng sẽ trông nhỏ hơn và sau đó lớn hơn khi chúng đến gần hơn nếu Trái đất phẳng sao? 如果地球是平的,它们不会看起来更小,然后随着它们越来越近而变大吗? That's an easy experiment to do with one of the senses. 感覚のひとつでできる簡単な実験だ。 用其中一种感觉做一个简单的实验。 There are of course many other proofs for the Earth being a sphere: ||||||arguments|||||| もちろん、地球が球体であることの証明は他にもたくさんある: 当然还有很多其他证明地球是球体的证据:

The Earth's curved shadow on the moon during an eclipse. ||curved|||||||lunar event 日食中の月にかかる地球の湾曲した影。 A sombra curva da Terra sobre a Lua durante um eclipse. 日食期间地球在月球上的弯曲阴影。

The fact that shadow clocks work on our planet. ||||الساعات الظليّة|||| El hecho de que los relojes de sombra funcionen en nuestro planeta. 私たちの惑星で影絵時計が機能しているという事実。 Thực tế là đồng hồ bóng tối hoạt động trên hành tinh của chúng ta. 影子时钟在我们的星球上工作的事实。

No one has ever flown off the edge of the Earth on a plane, and you can actually see the curvature of the planet when flying in a plane. ||||طيران|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||flown|||||||||||||||||||||||| Nadie ha volado nunca desde el borde de la Tierra en un avión, y en realidad puedes ver la curvatura del planeta cuando vuelas en un avión. Nunca ninguém voou para fora da borda da Terra num avião e é possível ver a curvatura do planeta quando se voa num avião. 从来没有人在飞机上飞离地球边缘,在飞机上飞行时,您实际上可以看到地球的曲率。 And so on... 等等...

That was my favourite of the sounds on the NASA website (I listened to them all). NASAのウェブサイトにある音の中で一番好きだった(全部聴いた)。 这是 NASA 网站上我最喜欢的声音(我都听了)。 So eerie. |So unheimlich. |strange and unsettling |dziwne tan espeluznante Tão sinistro. 好诡异。 It's the sound of radio emissions from Saturn recorded by the Cassini spacecraft. ||||||||||||Raumsonde |||||الإشعاعات||||||| |||||||||||spacecraft|Cassini probe |||||||||||Cassini| ||||||||||||vesoljska plov Es ist der Klang von Radioemissionen vom Saturn, aufgezeichnet von der Raumsonde Cassini. 这是卡西尼号宇宙飞船记录的土星无线电发射的声音。

Anyway, let's get back down to Flat Earth. 无论如何,让我们回到平地。 There are more proofs that the world is a sphere than the ones I just listed of course, but none of these proofs seem to matter to Flat-Earthers. もちろん、世界が球体であることの証明は、今挙げたもの以外にもあるが、平地球体論者にとってはどれも重要ではないようだ。 Tất nhiên, có nhiều bằng chứng cho thấy thế giới là hình cầu hơn những bằng chứng tôi vừa liệt kê, nhưng không có bằng chứng nào trong số này có vẻ quan trọng đối với những Người Trái đất phẳng. 当然,证明世界是一个球体的证据比我刚刚列出的要多,但这些证据对扁平地球人来说似乎都不重要。 And that brings us to what, I think, is the most interesting factor in this movement, and in a lot of other movements around conspiracy theories too: the psychology behind it. そして、この運動、そして陰謀論にまつわる他の多くの運動で最も興味深いのは、その背後にある心理だと思う。 Và điều đó đưa chúng ta đến điều mà tôi nghĩ là yếu tố thú vị nhất trong phong trào này và trong rất nhiều phong trào khác xung quanh các thuyết âm mưu: tâm lý đằng sau nó. 我认为,这让我们想到了这场运动以及围绕阴谋论的许多其他运动中最有趣的因素:它背后的心理学。

Why do some people believe these conspiracy theories, even though there is lots of evidence that they are wrong? 陰謀論が間違っているという証拠がたくさんあるにもかかわらず、なぜ一部の人々は陰謀論を信じるのだろうか? 为什么有些人相信这些阴谋论,即使有很多证据表明他们是错误的? This is a very important question these days, especially with the conspiracy theories around COVID-19.

In an article on The American Psychological Association website, researchers say the driving force behind beliefs like the Flat-Earthers have is because humans “perceive patterns and embrace information that meets needs for security and belonging.” So we see what we want to see and we believe what we want to believe basically. ||||||||||||||||||||||||wahrnehmen||||||||||und|Zugehörigkeit||||||||||||||||| ||||||Psychological|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||يتقبلون||||||||||||||||||||||||| In einem Artikel auf der Website der American Psychological Association sagen Forscher, dass die treibende Kraft hinter Überzeugungen wie denen der Flat-Earthers darin besteht, dass Menschen „Muster wahrnehmen und Informationen annehmen, die den Bedürfnissen nach Sicherheit und Zugehörigkeit entsprechen“. Wir sehen also, was wir sehen wollen, und wir glauben, was wir im Grunde glauben wollen. En un artículo en el sitio web de la Asociación Estadounidense de Psicología, los investigadores dicen que la fuerza impulsora detrás de creencias como las que tienen los Flat-Earthers es porque los humanos "percibimos patrones y adoptamos información que satisface las necesidades de seguridad y pertenencia". Así que vemos lo que queremos ver y creemos lo que queremos creer básicamente. Num artigo publicado no sítio Web da Associação Americana de Psicologia, os investigadores afirmam que a força motriz por detrás de crenças como as dos terraplanistas se deve ao facto de os seres humanos "percepcionarem padrões e aceitarem informações que satisfazem necessidades de segurança e de pertença". Portanto, vemos o que queremos ver e acreditamos no que queremos acreditar, basicamente. В статье, опубликованной на сайте Американской психологической ассоциации, исследователи утверждают, что движущей силой убеждений, подобных убеждениям плоских землян, является то, что люди "воспринимают шаблоны и принимают информацию, которая удовлетворяет потребности в безопасности и принадлежности". Таким образом, мы видим то, что хотим видеть, и верим в то, во что хотим верить. 在美国心理学会网站上的一篇文章中,研究人员表示,像扁平地球人这样的信念背后的驱动力是因为人类“感知模式并接受满足安全和归属需求的信息”。所以我们看到我们想看到的,我们相信我们基本上想相信的。

That makes sense, it's easier to believe that some shadow group is in control because otherwise no one is in control, life is random, and that's a scary fact to come to terms with. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||come to terms||| |||||||||||||||v nasprotnem|||||||||||||||||| Das macht Sinn, es ist einfacher zu glauben, dass eine Schattengruppe die Kontrolle hat, denn sonst hat niemand die Kontrolle, das Leben ist zufällig, und das ist eine beängstigende Tatsache, mit der man sich abfinden muss. そうでなければ、誰もコントロールできない。人生はランダムなもので、それを受け入れるのは恐ろしいことだ。 Isso faz sentido, é mais fácil acreditar que algum grupo sombra está no controlo porque, caso contrário, ninguém está no controlo, a vida é aleatória, e isso é um facto assustador com o qual temos de nos confrontar. 这是有道理的,更容易相信某个影子团体处于控制之中,因为否则没有人处于控制之中,生活是随机的,这是一个可怕的事实。 That's a great phrase “come to terms with”, it means to accept as true. Das ist ein großartiger Ausdruck „sich damit abfinden“, es bedeutet, als wahr zu akzeptieren. Esa es una gran frase "llegar a un acuerdo", significa aceptar como verdad. この "come to terms with "という言葉は素晴らしい。 这是一个很好的短语“接受”,它意味着接受真实。 Some people will not or cannot accept some truths, and so they find patterns and what they see as “proof” for a different explanation. ||||||||facts||||||||||||||| 人によっては、ある真実を受け入れようとしない、あるいは受け入れることができないので、別の説明のためのパターンや "証拠 "となるものを見つける。 有些人不会或不能接受某些真理,因此他们会找到模式和他们认为的“证据”来进行不同的解释。 Then they find other people who believe the same and feel like they have found their community. そして、同じことを信じる仲間を見つけ、自分たちのコミュニティを見つけたように感じるのだ。 然后他们会找到其他同样相信并觉得他们找到了自己的社区的人。

Us humans are social animals, and so that feeling of connection to and belonging with other people is a powerful motivation to believe even more strongly. Uns Menschen||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||แรงจูงใจ||||| 私たち人間は社会的動物であり、他の人々とのつながりや帰属意識は、さらに強く信じようとする強力な動機となる。 我们人类是群居动物,因此与他人的联系和归属感是更强烈地相信的强大动力。 It becomes almost like a religion in a way, they have faith in the idea. |||||belief system|in|||||||| Es wird in gewisser Weise fast wie eine Religion, sie glauben an die Idee. These ideas can come to define a person too, they use them as part of their identity “Hi, my name is Karen and I'm a wife, a mother, a vegetarian and a Flat-Earther.” Diese Ideen können auch dazu kommen, eine Person zu definieren, sie verwenden sie als Teil ihrer Identität: „Hi, mein Name ist Karen und ich bin Ehefrau, Mutter, Vegetarierin und Flat-Earther.“ このような考え方は、人を定義することにもなり、自分のアイデンティティの一部として使われる。 这些想法也可以用来定义一个人,他们将它们用作他们身份的一部分“嗨,我叫凯伦,我是妻子、母亲、素食主义者和扁平地球人。”

When people connect their identity with a belief like the Earth is flat or Bill Gates is adding nanotechnology to the COVID-19 vaccines it's very difficult for them to be convinced of the truth. ||||||||||||||||||nanotechnology addition||||COVID-19 vaccines||||||||||| 地球は平らであるとか、ビル・ゲイツがCOVID-19ワクチンにナノテクノロジーを加えているといった信念と自分のアイデンティティが結びついたとき、人々が真実を確信することは非常に難しくなる。 当人们将自己的身份与地球是平的或比尔盖茨在 COVID-19 疫苗中添加纳米技术等信念联系起来时,他们很难相信真相。

If you have ever wondered what lightning on Jupiter sounds like, now you know. ||||thought about||||||||| 木星の稲妻はどんな音がするのだろう? 如果你曾经想知道木星上的闪电听起来像什么,现在你知道了。

So are there people who are more likely to believe conspiracy theories? ||||||||||teorije zarote| では、陰謀論を信じやすい人はいるのだろうか? 那么有没有更可能相信阴谋论的人呢? Well, psychologists believe that people who are eccentric, meaning a little strange or not in line with the majority, and suspicious of others are more likely to believe conspiracy theories. |||||||غريب الأطوار|||||||||||||مريبون||||||||| |||||||unconventional|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||แปลกประหล|||||||||||||||||||||| Bueno, los psicólogos creen que las personas que son excéntricas, es decir, un poco extrañas o que no están en línea con la mayoría, y que desconfían de los demás, son más propensas a creer en las teorías de la conspiración. 心理学者たちは、ちょっと変わっているとか、大多数とは違っているとか、他人を疑ってかかるというようなエキセントリックな人は、陰謀説を信じやすいと考えている。 Bem, os psicólogos acreditam que as pessoas excêntricas, ou seja, um pouco estranhas ou não alinhadas com a maioria, e que desconfiam dos outros são mais susceptíveis de acreditar em teorias da conspiração. 那么,心理学家认为,那些性格古怪、有点奇怪或与大多数人不符、对他人持怀疑态度的人更有可能相信阴谋论。 Also, a study done by a psychology student at Emory University in the US surveyed 2000 people and discovered that people with low agreeableness, conscientiousness, and humility were more likely to believe conspiracy theories. |||||||||Emory University|||||gathered data from||||||||personality trait|conscientiousness trait||modesty||||||| ||||||||||||||استطلعت||||||||الودّية|الضمير الحي||التواضع||||||| |||||||||Uniwersytet Emory|||||||||||||zgodność interpersonalna|sumienność||pokora||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||prijaznost|vestnost||||||||| また、米エモリー大学の心理学専攻の学生が2000人を対象に行った調査によると、同意性、良心性、謙虚さが低い人ほど陰謀説を信じやすいことが判明した。 Além disso, um estudo efectuado por um estudante de psicologia da Universidade de Emory, nos EUA, inquiriu 2000 pessoas e descobriu que as pessoas com baixa agradabilidade, conscienciosidade e humildade eram mais propensas a acreditar em teorias da conspiração. 此外,美国埃默里大学的一名心理学学生对 2000 人进行了一项研究,发现与人相处、责任心和谦逊程度低的人更容易相信阴谋论。 And people with high grandiosity, which means you think you are above other people, or very low self-esteem were even more likely to believe. ||||عظمة الذات|||||||||||||||||||| ||||self-importance||||||||||||||self-worth|||||| ||||wielkościowe myślenie||||||||||||||wysoka samoocena|||||| ||||velika samopod|||||||||||||||||||| また、自分は他人より優れていると考える「誇大性」が高い人や、自尊心が非常に低い人は、信じる傾向がさらに強かった。 E as pessoas com elevada grandiosidade, o que significa que se pensa que está acima das outras pessoas, ou com uma autoestima muito baixa tinham ainda mais probabilidades de acreditar. 高度夸大的人,这意味着你认为自己高于其他人,或者自尊心很低的人更有可能相信。

I wonder if life experiences can make a person more likely to believe in a certain conspiracy theory too. 人生経験によって、ある陰謀説を信じやすくなることもあるのだろうか。 我想知道生活经历是否也能让一个人更有可能相信某种阴谋论。 Perhaps the small business owner who lost everything because of the COVID-19 lockdowns believes that the pandemic is all a lie told by the governments of the world so they have somewhere to direct their anger. ||||||||||||الإغلاقات العامة||||الجائحة|||||||||||||||مكان ما|||| ||||||||||||restrictions on movement||||||||||||||||||||||| おそらく、COVID-19の閉鎖によってすべてを失った中小企業の経営者は、パンデミックはすべて世界政府がついた嘘だと信じているのだろう。 Talvez o pequeno empresário que perdeu tudo por causa do confinamento devido à COVID-19 acredite que a pandemia é uma mentira contada pelos governos de todo o mundo, para ter para onde dirigir a sua raiva. 也许因 COVID-19 封锁而失去一切的小企业主认为,这种流行病完全是世界各国政府所说的谎言,因此他们有地方发泄愤怒。 You can't shout and scream at a tiny virus. ||yell|||||| ちっぽけなウイルスに怒鳴ったり叫んだりすることはできない。 你不能对一个微小的病毒大喊大叫。 I guess you could, but it wouldn't care. ||||||würde nicht| できるだろうけど、気にしないだろうね。 我想你可以,但它不会在意。

Perhaps those people were already disagreeable though, who knows. |||||unpleasant||| |||||nieprzyjemni||| その人たちがすでに不愉快だったのかもしれないが。 Mas talvez essas pessoas já fossem desagradáveis, quem sabe? 也许那些人已经不愉快了,谁知道呢。

It's a good thing to question authority and do your own research if you don't think a theory is correct, but it seems that more and more people these days believe the conspiracy theory even when there is lots more evidence for the general theory. ある説が正しいと思わなければ、権威を疑い、自分で調査するのは良いことだが、最近は、一般的な説の方が証拠がたくさんあるにもかかわらず、陰謀説を信じる人が増えているようだ。 É bom questionar a autoridade e fazer a nossa própria investigação se não acharmos que uma teoria está correcta, mas parece que hoje em dia cada vez mais pessoas acreditam na teoria da conspiração, mesmo quando há muito mais provas da teoria geral. 如果您认为某个理论不正确,质疑权威并进行自己的研究是一件好事,但现在似乎越来越多的人相信阴谋论,即使有更多证据支持一般理论。 Or maybe it just seems this way because these people are very active online. Oder vielleicht scheint es nur so, weil diese Leute online sehr aktiv sind. あるいは、そういう人たちはネット上でとてもアクティブだから、そう見えるだけかもしれない。 或者也许只是因为这些人在网上非常活跃,所以看起来就是这样。

I chose the Flat Earth Theory because to me, it is one of the most ridiculous. |||||||||||||||absurd theories Ich habe mich für die Flache-Erde-Theorie entschieden, weil sie für mich eine der lächerlichsten ist. 私が地球平面説を選んだのは、それが最も馬鹿げているからだ。 我选择了扁平地球理论,因为对我来说,它是最荒谬的理论之一。 I simply cannot understand how someone would believe this theory, and I have to wonder if it's all a big joke. この説を信じる人の気持ちが理解できないし、すべて大きなジョークなのではないかと疑わざるを得ない。 我简直无法理解有人怎么会相信这个理论,我不得不怀疑这是否是一个大笑话。 But there are so many websites, groups and events now that I don't think so. |||||online platforms||||||||| でも、今はたくさんのウェブサイトやグループ、イベントがあるから、そうは思わない。 但是现在有很多网站、团体和活动,我不这么认为。

There are conspiracy theories I believe, like the Jeffrey Epstein “suicide” (you can't see me but I'm using air quotes as I do not believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in prison), but that's maybe a topic for another episode. ||||||||Epstein|suicide|air quotes|||||||||air quotes|||||||suicide|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||علامات الاقتباس||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||Jeffrey Epstein|Epstein||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich glaube, es gibt Verschwörungstheorien wie den „Selbstmord“ von Jeffrey Epstein (Sie können mich nicht sehen, aber ich verwende Luftzitate, da ich nicht glaube, dass Jeffrey Epstein sich im Gefängnis umgebracht hat), aber das ist vielleicht ein Thema für eine andere Episode. ジェフリー・エプスタインの "自殺 "のような陰謀説もありますが(見えないと思いますが、ジェフリー・エプスタインが刑務所で自殺したとは思っていないので、引用符を使っています)、それはまた別のエピソードで。 我相信有阴谋论,比如杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的“自杀”(你看不到我,但我使用空中引号,因为我不相信杰弗里·爱泼斯坦在狱中自杀),但这可能是另一集的话题。 If you haven't heard of Epstein, there's a great documentary on Netflix. |||||||||film|| エプスタインのことを知らないなら、Netflixに素晴らしいドキュメンタリーがある。 如果您还没有听说过 Epstein,Netflix 上有一部很棒的纪录片。

So that ends episode three of What The English?! というわけで、『What The English? 《What The English?》第三集就这样结束了?! I'll leave the link to the NASA sounds in the description, as well as the link to this video as a lesson on LingQ if you're a member. 説明文にNASAのサウンドへのリンクと、会員ならLingQのレッスンとしてこのビデオへのリンクを残しておこう。 如果您是会员,我将在说明中留下指向 NASA 声音的链接,以及指向此视频的链接作为 LingQ 的课程。

I wish you all the best for the new year. 新年もよろしくお願いします。 祝你们在新的一年里一切顺利。 For many of us 2021 couldn't have come soon enough! 私たちの多くにとって、2021年はこれ以上ないほど早くやってきた! Para muitos de nós, 2021 não poderia ter chegado tão cedo! 对于我们中的许多人来说,2021 年来得还不够快! See you next time. |أراك||