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English in 1 Minute, 'You and me' or 'You and I' - English In A Minute

'You and me' or 'You and I' - English In A Minute

Let's look at how to avoid confusion

between 'me' and 'I'.

Now, the main difference is simple.

Use 'I' when you are the subject of a clause.

And use 'me' when you are the object

Now, that's easy enough – but here is where

it starts to get more complicated.

If you've got two people, say 'Sam and me',

or should that be 'Sam and I'?

Well, this question is most important in formal

language – writing rather than speaking.

If you're using formal language, you need

to think whether you are the subject or the


'Sam and I are making a video.'

'Tom and I are getting coffee.'

'If you've got a problem, talk to Sam or me.'

'You're going to be working with me and Tom.'

An easy way to check is to take out the other

person (sorry Sam).

Now it should be easy to see I should say

'I'm making a video', or

'if you've got a problem, talk to me.'

So, just remember that 'you' and 'I' are subjects,

while the objects are 'me' and 'you'.

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'You and me' or 'You and I' - English In A Minute 'Du und ich' oder 'Du und ich' - English In A Minute You and me' o 'Tú y yo' - English In A Minute You and me" ou "You and I" - English In A Minute 'You and me' o 'You and I' - Inglese in un minuto あなたと私」または「あなたと私」 - English In A Minute '너와 나' 또는 '너와 나' - 1분 안에 끝내는 영어 'You and me' lub 'You and I' - Angielski w minutę 'You and me' ou 'You and I' - Inglês Num Minuto 'You and me' или 'You and I' - English In A Minute 'Du och jag' eller 'Du och jag' - English In A Minute 'Sen ve ben' veya 'Sen ve ben' - English In A Minute “你和我”或“你和我” - 一分钟英语 “你和我”或“你和我” - 一分鐘英語

Let's look at how to avoid confusion Lassen Sie uns|schauen||||Vermeiden|Verwirrung vermeiden Sehen wir uns an, wie man Verwirrung vermeiden kann 混乱を避ける方法を見てみよう。 Kafa karışıklığını nasıl önleyeceğimize bakalım

between 'me' and 'I'. 'ben' ve 'ben' arasında.

Now, the main difference is simple. ||Haupt-|||einfach |||||clear-cut Der Hauptunterschied ist einfach. Şimdi, temel fark basittir.

Use 'I' when you are the subject of a clause. ||||||Subjekt|||Satzglied |||||||||clausola Verwenden Sie "ich", wenn Sie das Subjekt eines Satzes sind. Használja az „I”-t, ha záradék tárgya. 自分が主語の節では「I」を使う。 Используйте "I", когда вы являетесь субъектом высказывания. Bir tümcenin öznesi olduğunuzda 'I' kullanın. 當你是子句的主語時使用 'I'。

And use 'me' when you are the object |||||||mich verwenden Und verwenden Sie "ich", wenn Sie das Objekt sind És használd az „én”-t, amikor te vagy a tárgy そして、自分が対象であるときには「me」を使う。 當你是賓語時使用 'me'。

Now, that's easy enough – but here is where ||einfach genug|leicht genug|||| Nun, das ist einfach genug - aber hier ist der Punkt Nos, ez elég egyszerű – de itt van a hely Şimdi, bu yeterince kolay - ama işte burada 現在,這很簡單——但這就是問題所在

it starts to get more complicated. |||||es wird komplizierter |||||complicado beginnt es komplizierter zu werden. kezd bonyolultabb lenni. より複雑になってくる。 daha karmaşık hale gelmeye başlar.

If you've got two people, say 'Sam and me', ||||||Sam und mich|| Wenn Sie zwei Personen haben, sagen Sie "Sam und ich", Ha két embered van, mondd azt, hogy „Sam és én” Eğer iki kişiyseniz, 'Sam ve ben' deyin,

or should that be 'Sam and I'? |sollte||||| oder sollte es heißen "Sam und ich"? vagy ez legyen a „Sam és én”? Yoksa "Sam ve ben" mi demeliydim?

Well, this question is most important in formal ||Frage|||wichtig||formellen Kontext Nun, diese Frage ist besonders wichtig bei formellen Nos, ez a kérdés formálisan a legfontosabb さて、この質問はフォーマルな場では最も重要である。

language – writing rather than speaking. ||скорее|| Schriftsprache|Schreiben|eher|als|mündlich ||piuttosto|| ||preferencialmente|| Sprache - eher schriftlich als mündlich. nyelv – írás helyett beszéd. 話すことよりも書くこと。 язык - письменный, а не разговорный. dil - konuşmak yerine yazmak.

If you're using formal language, you need ||verwenden||Sprache, formelle Sprache|| |||official|formal language|you|must

to think whether you are the subject or the |nachdenken ob||||||| |consider|if|you|are|the subject|topic|predicate|the subject zu denken, ob Sie das Subjekt oder der gondolkodni, hogy te vagy az alany vagy a

object. Objekt im Kontext object

'Sam and I are making a video.' a person|together with|me|verb|creating|a video|a recording Sam und ich drehen ein Video. "Мы с Сэмом снимаем видео".

'Tom and I are getting coffee.' Tom|together with|me|verb to be|picking up|a coffee drink Tom und ich gehen einen Kaffee trinken. "Мы с Томом пьем кофе". "Tom ve ben kahve alıyoruz.

'If you've got a problem, talk to Sam or me.' |du hast||einem|Problem||||| |you have|have||issue|speak||Sam|| Wenn du ein Problem hast, sprich mit Sam oder mir. Если у вас есть проблемы, поговорите с Сэмом или со мной". "Bir sorunun varsa Sam'le ya da benimle konuş.

'You're going to be working with me and Tom.' ||||collaborating|alongside|myself|along with|Tom 'Ты будешь работать со мной и Томом'. "Tom ve benimle birlikte çalışacaksın.

An easy way to check is to take out the other Eine|||||||||| An|simple|method|to verb|verify|to be|to verb|remove|remove|the other|remaining one |||||||取り出す||| Kontrol etmenin kolay bir yolu, diğer 一個簡單的檢查方法是把另一個人拿出來(對不起,Sam)。

person (sorry Sam). individual|apologetic address|name of person 現在應該很容易看到我應該說的。

Now it should be easy to see I should say At this moment|it|ought to|to|simple|to|understand|that|ought to|speak ||べきです||||||| Jetzt sollte es leicht zu erkennen sein, ich sollte sagen Şimdi bunu görmek kolay olmalı. 我現在應該很容易看到我應該說的。

'I'm making a video', or I am|creating|a video|a recording|or something Ich mache ein Video", oder 'Bir video hazırlıyorum' veya

'if you've got a problem, talk to me.' |you have|have|a|issue|speak|to|me 'Wenn du ein Problem hast, sprich mit mir'. 'Ha problémád van, beszélj velem.'

So, just remember that 'you' and 'I' are subjects, therefore|simply|keep in mind|that|you|and|the speaker|are|grammatical elements Denken Sie also daran, dass "Sie" und "ich" Subjekte sind,

while the objects are 'me' and 'you'. when|the|me and you||first person||you mientras que|||||| während die Objekte "ich" und "du" sind. 一方、対象は「私」と「あなた」である。 nesneler ise 'ben' ve 'sen'dir.