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English in 1 Minute, When to use 'the' to talk about places - English In A Minute

When to use 'the' to talk about places - English In A Minute

Today, we look at geographic features, and

why some don't use any article, and others

use the definite article 'the'.

Usually, we don't use the with names. That's

why we don't need to use 'the' before the

names of:

Lakes: 'I live near Lake Como.'

Mountains: 'I visited Mont Blanc last year.'

Cities: 'I went to Tokyo last summer.'

Islands: I really want to go to Cuba.

Continents: Asia is a huge continent.

We also don't use ‘the' with the names of

most countries.

'I love Spain.'

However, for countries which are plural nouns,

we need to use ‘the'.

'I flew to the Netherlands.'

And for countries which contain words like 'states',

‘kingdom' or ‘republic', we use 'the'.

'I visited the United States last year.'

'I live in the United Kingdom.'

You know what, I'd love to visit the US again. Bye!

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When to use 'the' to talk about places - English In A Minute いつ||||||||||| Wann man 'the' benutzt, um über Orte zu sprechen - English In A Minute Cuándo usar 'the' para hablar de lugares - English In A Minute Quand utiliser "the" pour parler de lieux - English In A Minute Quando usare "the" per parlare di luoghi - Inglese in un minuto 場所について話すときに「the」を使う - English In A Minute Kada vartoti "the" kalbant apie vietoves - English In A Minute Kiedy używać 'the', by mówić o miejscach - English In A Minute Quando usar 'the' para falar de lugares - Inglês Num Minuto Когда нужно использовать "the", чтобы говорить о местах - English In A Minute Yerler hakkında konuşurken 'the' ne zaman kullanılır - English In A Minute Коли використовувати 'the', щоб говорити про місця - English In A Minute 何时使用“the”谈论地点 - 一分钟英语 何時使用“the”談論地點 - 一分鐘英語

Today, we look at geographic features, and ||||caractéristiques géographiques|| |||||characteristics|in addition |||||Merkmale| |||||caratteristiche geografiche| ||||географічні особливості|| ||||地理的な|| Heute befassen wir uns mit geografischen Merkmalen, und 今日は地理的な特徴について見ていこう。 Bugün, coğrafi özelliklere bakıyoruz ve 今天,我們來看地理特徵,以及

why some don't use any article, and others |certain people|do not|utilize|any article|definite article|but|some people |||使う||冠詞|| どの記事も使わない人と使わない人がいる理由 neden bazıları hiçbir makale kullanmıyor ve diğerleri 為什麼有些不使用任何冠詞,而其他

use the definite article 'the'. ||определённый|| ||bestimmten|| utilize|the definite article|specific|the|the ||定冠詞の|| ||artículo definido|| 定冠詞 'the' を使う。 'the' belirli artikelini kullanın. 使用定冠詞 'the'。

Usually, we don't use the with names. That's Generally|we do|do not|employ|the definite article|preposition|proper nouns|that is 通常、ウィズネームは使わない。それは Genellikle isimleri kullanmayız. Bu

why we don't need to use 'the' before the reason|we do|do not|require|verb phrase|utilize|the definite article|in front of|the article の前に'the'を使う必要がないのはなぜか? neden 'the' kelimesinden önce 'the' kullanmamız gerekmiyor?

names of: list of names|possessive marker の名前である: isimleri:

Lakes: 'I live near Lake Como.' |||||Lac Como geographical features|I|reside|close to|Lake Como|Lake in Italy |||||コモ湖 湖:『私はコモ湖の近くに住んでいます。 Göller: "Como Gölü yakınlarında yaşıyorum. 湖泊:'我住在科莫湖附近。'

Mountains: 'I visited Mont Blanc last year.' |||montagne||| |||Mount|White Mountain|| |||モン|ブラン|| ||visité|||| |||Монблан|Монблан|| 山:去年モンブランを訪れたんだ』。 Dağlar: "Geçen yıl Mont Blanc'ı ziyaret ettim. 山脈:'我去年去過白朗峰。'

Cities: 'I went to Tokyo last summer.' ||||Tokyo|| cities|||||| 都市:去年の夏、東京に行ったんだ」。 城市:'我去年夏天去了東京。'

Islands: I really want to go to Cuba. |||||||Cuba Tropical destinations|||||||Caribbean island nation |||||||キューバ |||||||Куба 島々:キューバには本当に行きたい。

Continents: Asia is a huge continent. |l'Asie|||| Large landmasses|||||large landmass |Asien|||| ||||巨大な| ||||enorme| 大陸:アジアは巨大な大陸である。

We also don't use ‘the' with the names of の名前に'the'は使わない。

most countries. |most nations ほとんどの国で。 çoğu ülkede.

'I love Spain.' ||the country

However, for countries which are plural nouns, |||die||| On the other hand|in the case of|nations|that||multiple entities|countries しかし、複数形の名詞である国については、そのようなことはない、 Ancak, çoğul isim olan ülkeler için, 然而,對於那些是複數名詞的國家,

we need to use ‘the'. |must|verb||the definite article を使う必要がある。 我們需要使用「the」。

'I flew to the Netherlands.' ||||Нидерланды |traveled by plane|||the Dutch country |飛びました||| オランダに飛んだ』。 "Я прилетел в Нидерланды". 「我飛往荷蘭。」

And for countries which contain words like 'states', ||||enthalten||| ||nations|that|include|terms|such as|regions また、"states "のような単語を含む国についても、 Ve 'devlet' gibi kelimeler içeren ülkeler için, 對於包含單詞如 'states' 的國家,

‘kingdom' or ‘republic', we use 'the'. kingdom|alternative|Form of government|the definite article|utilize|the definite article '王国'や'共和国'は'the'を使う。 'krallık' veya 'cumhuriyet' yerine 'the' kelimesini kullanırız. ‘kingdom' 或 ‘republic',我們使用 'the'。

'I visited the United States last year.' |traveled to|definite article|United States|United States|previous|the previous year 昨年、アメリカを訪れたんだ』。 '我去年造訪了美國。'

'I live in the United Kingdom.' |reside|inside|definite article|United Kingdom|Kingdom of Britain "Birleşik Krallık'ta yaşıyorum. '我住在英國。'

You know what, I'd love to visit the US again. Bye! |understand|the thing|I would|would like|to|go to|the||one more time|See you あなた|||||||||| Wissen Sie was, ich würde gerne wieder in die USA reisen. Tschüss! またアメリカに行きたいね。さようなら! Знаете что, я бы с удовольствием посетил США еще раз. Пока! 你知道嗎,我很想再次訪問美國。再見!