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English in 1 Minute, When 'tell' doesn't mean 'tell' - English In A Minute

When 'tell' doesn't mean 'tell' - English In A Minute

Hi, everyone!

Think of 'tell' and you think of speaking,

but 'tell' doesn't always mean 'tell'.

Let me tell you why…

OK that time I meant speaking.

Not only does the verb 'tell' mean

'say something to someone',

it also has a meaning similar to

'know', 'recognise', 'understand', or 'perceive'.

We often use it in combination with the verb 'can'

to make 'can tell' for the present

and 'could tell' for the past.

I can tell he's from France. He has an accent!


We could tell it was going to rain because of the clouds.

We often use it to talk about differences.

Then, we might use the negative or the question.

Can you tell the difference between

this cup and that cup?

I can't tell the difference between this cup and that cup.

We often use 'can tell' with the pronoun 'you'

to talk about something that many people should

find obvious.

You can tell he's an English teacher

– he knows all the answers.

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When 'tell' doesn't mean 'tell' - English In A Minute ||no|significa||||| Wenn 'erzählen' nicht 'erzählen' bedeutet - English In A Minute Cuando 'tell' no significa 'tell' - English In A Minute Quand "tell" ne veut pas dire "tell" - English In A Minute Quando "tell" non significa "tell" - Inglese in un minuto tell」が「伝える」を意味しない場合 - English In A Minute 'tell'가 '말하다'를 의미하지 않을 때 - English In A Minute Kiedy 'tell' nie oznacza 'tell' - English In A Minute Quando 'tell' não significa 'tell' - Inglês Num Minuto Когда "tell" не значит "tell" - English In A Minute När "berätta" inte betyder "berätta" - English In A Minute 'Söylemek' 'anlatmak' anlamına gelmediğinde - English In A Minute Коли "сказати" не означає "розповісти" - English In A Minute 当“告诉”不等于“告诉”时 - 一分钟英语 當“告訴”並不意味著“告訴”時 - 一分鐘英語

Hi, everyone! |todos

Think of 'tell' and you think of speaking, ||說話||||想到|說話 |||||||hablando 伝える』といえば、話すことを思い浮かべるだろう、 'Anlatmak' deyince aklınıza konuşmak geliyor,

but 'tell' doesn't always mean 'tell'. |||siempre||

Let me tell you why… déjame|||| なぜかというと...。 Sana nedenini söyleyeyim.

OK that time I meant speaking. 好吧||||| ||||intended| ||||intendevo| está bien||||me refería| ||||意指| OK that time I meant speaking. OK esa vez me refería a hablar. OK、あの時は話すという意味だった。 В тот раз я имел в виду разговор. Tamam, o zaman konuşmayı kastetmiştim.

Not only does the verb 'tell' mean ||動詞|||| |solo||||| Not only does the verb 'tell' mean 'Söylemek' fiili sadece 動詞「告訴」不只有

'say something to someone', 'birine bir şey söyle', '對某人說點什麼',

it also has a meaning similar to |||||相似的| |también||||similar| 它也有類似的含義

'know', 'recognise', 'understand', or 'perceive'. ||||воспринимать |Identify or acknowledge|||Become aware of |識別|||感知 wissen|erkennen|verstehen||wahrnehmen |riconoscere||| |يتعرف على||| ||||сприймати |認識する|||知覚する conocer||||percibir 'know', 'recognise', 'understand', or 'perceive'. 知る」、「認識する」、「理解する」、「知覚する」。 'bilmek', 'tanımak', 'anlamak' veya 'algılamak'. 'biết', 'nhận ra', 'hiểu' hoặc 'nhận thức'. 「知道」、「認識」、「理解」或「感知」。

We often use it in combination with the verb 'can' |||||結合使用|||| |||||together with|||| |||||поєднанні|||| ||usamos|||combinación con||||puede 動詞「can」と組み合わせて使うことが多い。 Genellikle 'can' fiili ile birlikte kullanırız

to make 'can tell' for the present ||||||presente to make 'can tell' for the present сделать 'can tell' для настоящего времени şimdiki zaman için 'söyleyebilir' yapmak

and 'could tell' for the past. |міг би|||| y|podía||||pasado ve geçmiş için 'söyleyebilirdi'.

I can tell he's from France. He has an accent! |||||法國||||口音 |||||||||distinctive pronunciation |||||||||アクセント yo|||él es||Francia||||acento |||||||||акцент I can tell he's from France. He has an accent! 私は彼がフランス出身だと言うことができます。彼にはアクセントがあります! Я могу сказать, что он из Франции. У него акцент! Fransa'dan geldiğini söyleyebilirim. Aksanı var! Tôi có thể nói anh ấy đến từ Pháp. Anh ấy có giọng nói! 我看得出他來自法國。他有口音!

Or: または:

We could tell it was going to rain because of the clouds. |||||||||||雲朵 |||||||||||Wolken |||||about to|||||| |podíamos ver||||iba a||iba a llover|porque|||las nubes |могли|||||||||| We could tell it was going to rain because of the clouds. Nous pouvions dire qu'il allait pleuvoir à cause des nuages. 雲のせいで雨が降るのがわかった。 Мы могли сказать, что собирался дождь из-за облаков. Bulutlar yüzünden yağmur yağacağını anlayabiliyorduk. 由於有云,我們知道要下雨了。

We often use it to talk about differences. |||||||Unterschiede |a menudo||||||diferencias 違いについて話すときによく使います。 Мы часто используем его, чтобы говорить о различиях. Bunu genellikle farklılıklar hakkında konuşmak için kullanırız. 我们经常用它来谈论差异。

Then, we might use the negative or the question. |||||否定句||| |||||否定形||| ||podríamos usar|||la negativa|||la pregunta Then, we might use the negative or the question. 次に、否定または質問を使用する場合があります。 Тогда мы могли бы использовать отрицание или вопрос. 然後,我們可以使用否定句或疑問句。

Can you tell the difference between |||||zwischen の違いがわかりますか Можете ли вы сказать разницу между Aradaki farkı söyleyebilir misiniz?

this cup and that cup? questa|||| |taza||| このカップとあのカップ? эта чашка и та чашка? bu fincan ve o fincan? 这个杯子和那个杯子?

I can't tell the difference between this cup and that cup. |no puedo||||||||| このカップとあのカップの違いがわかりません。 Я не могу отличить эту чашку от той. 我分不清這個杯子和那個杯子的差別。

We often use 'can tell' with the pronoun 'you' |||||||Pronomen 'du'| |||||||代名詞| |||||||tú| We often use 'can tell' with the pronoun 'you' 私たちはしばしば代名詞「あなた」と一緒に「can tell」を使います 'Can tell' kelimesini genellikle 'you' zamiriyle birlikte kullanırız 我們經常將“可以告訴”與代名詞“你”一起使用

to talk about something that many people should |||||||应该 |||||||ought to 多くの人がすべきことについて話すこと говорить о чем-то, что многие люди должны birçok insanın konuşması gereken bir konu hakkında 谈论许多人应该谈论的事情

find obvious. |顯而易見 |offensichtlich finden encontrar|obvio |очевидное açık bul. 發現明顯。

You can tell he's an English teacher du|kann||||| ||||||profesor de inglés You can tell he's an English teacher あなたは彼が英語の先生だと言うことができます Вы можете сказать, что он учитель английского языка 你可以看出他是一名英语老师

– he knows all the answers. |知道||| – 彼はすべての答えを知っています。 - он знает все ответы. - tüm cevapları biliyor. – 他知道所有的答案。