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English in 1 Minute, Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute

Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute

Hi I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Do you ever wonder about the differences between

'next', 'the next' and 'nearest'?

'Next' means 'immediately after this one' and

is often used with 'day', 'week', 'month' or 'year'.

'I go on holiday next Tuesday.'

'I'll start my diet next week.'

'The next' means 'the period of time starting from now'.

'The next two weeks are very busy.'

'It'll be cold for the next few days.'

'Nearest' means 'the closest to something

or someone in distance'.

'The nearest bus stop is over there.'

'I think we should stay at Susie's.

She lives the nearest to the airport.'

Right I'm off to the nearest cafe to get a coffee!


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Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute |||||nächster|||| |||||Closest|||| Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute Next vs The next vs Nearest - Inglés en un minuto Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute Next vs The next vs Nearest - Inglese in un minuto Next vs The next vs Nearest - イングリッシュ・イン・ミニット Next vs The next vs Nearest - Angielski w minutę Next vs The next vs Nearest - Inglês Num Minuto Next vs The next vs Nearest - English In A Minute Next vs The next vs Nearest - Engelska på en minut Next vs The next vs Nearest - Bir Dakikada İngilizce Next vs The next vs Nearest - англійська за хвилину 下一个 vs 下一个 vs 最近的 - 一分钟英语 下一個 vs 下一個 vs 最近的 - 一分鐘英語

Hi I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Do you ever wonder about the differences between

'next', 'the next' and 'nearest'? 'sonraki', 'bir sonraki' ve 'en yakın'?

'Next' means 'immediately after this one' and ||sofort|||| "Следующий" означает "сразу после этого" и 'Sonraki', 'bundan hemen sonra' anlamına gelir ve

is often used with 'day', 'week', 'month' or 'year'. genellikle 'gün', 'hafta', 'ay' veya 'yıl' ile birlikte kullanılır.

'I go on holiday next Tuesday.' |行く||休暇|| |||||terça-feira 来週の火曜日に休暇に入るんだ』。 'Я уезжаю в отпуск в следующий вторник'. “我下週二去度假。”

'I'll start my diet next week.' |||диета|| |||Diät|| |||dieta|| 'Я начну диету на следующей неделе'. "Diyetime gelecek hafta başlayacağım.

'The next' means 'the period of time starting from now'. "Следующий" означает "период времени, начинающийся с настоящего момента". 'Sonraki', 'şu andan itibaren başlayan zaman dilimi' anlamına gelir.

'The next two weeks are very busy.' Следующие две недели будут очень напряженными". "Önümüzdeki iki hafta çok yoğun geçecek. “接下來的兩週非常忙碌。”

'It'll be cold for the next few days.' 'В ближайшие несколько дней будет холодно'. "Önümüzdeki birkaç gün soğuk olacak.

'Nearest' means 'the closest to something |significa|||| mais próximo||||| ニアレスト」は「何かに最も近い」という意味である。

or someone in distance'. |||distancia lejana あるいは遠くにいる誰か』。

'The nearest bus stop is over there.' "Ближайшая автобусная остановка находится вон там". "En yakın otobüs durağı şurada. “最近的公車站就在那裡。”

'I think we should stay at Susie's. ||||||Susie ||||||Susie's place ||||||スージーの家 Я думаю, мы должны остаться у Сьюзи. Bence Susie'de kalmalıyız. 「我想我們應該留在蘇西家。

She lives the nearest to the airport.' Она живет ближе всех к аэропорту". Havaalanına en yakın yerde yaşıyor.

Right I'm off to the nearest cafe to get a coffee! ||||||coffee shop|||| よし|||||||||| Сейчас я пойду в ближайшее кафе, чтобы выпить кофе! Ben kahve içmek için en yakın kafeye gidiyorum! 我现在要去最近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡!

Bye! さようなら!