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English in 1 Minute, Match vs Fit vs Suit - English in a Minute

Match vs Fit vs Suit - English in a Minute

Hi, I'm Sam from BBC Learning English

and today we're going to look at the differences

between to 'match', to 'fit' and to 'suit'

when talking about clothes.

To 'match' simply means that two things

are the same or very similar

– that they look good together.

Your blue shirt matches your blue eyes.

To 'fit' means that something is the correct size.

My glasses don't fit.

This is a fact, not an opinion.

So if you want to say that you think

someone looks good in what they're wearing

to pay them a compliment,

then we use the verb to 'suit'.

That dress really suits you.

Yes, it looks and sounds the same

as the noun 'a suit'.

The meaning and how we use it are different

but the spelling and pronunciation are the same.

Not /swiːt/, /suːt/.

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Match vs Fit vs Suit - English in a Minute Match vs Fit vs Suit - Englisch in einer Minute Match vs Fit vs Suit - ελληνικά σε ένα λεπτό Match vs Fit vs Suit - Inglés en un minuto Match vs Fit vs Suit - L'anglais en une minute マッチ vs フィット vs スーツ - 1分でわかる英語 매치 vs 핏 vs 정장 - 1분 안에 끝내는 영어 Match vs Fit vs Suit - Angielski w minutę Match vs Fit vs Suit - Inglês num minuto Match vs Fit vs Suit - Английский за минуту Match vs Fit vs Suit - Bir Dakikada İngilizce Match vs Fit vs Suit - англійська за хвилину Match vs Fit vs Suit - 一分钟英语 Match vs Fit vs Suit - 一分鐘英語

Hi, I'm Sam from BBC Learning English

and today we're going to look at the differences |||going to|||||variations and today we're going to look at the differences

between to 'match', to 'fit' and to 'suit' ||||適合||| ||passen||passen|||passen in relation to||suit|||||suit between to 'match', to 'fit' and to 'suit' 'eşleşmek', 'uymak' ve 'uygun olmak' arasında

when talking about clothes. |discussing||apparel |||服について kıyafetler hakkında konuşurken.

To 'match' simply means that two things ||in a straightforward manner|definition|||items 'Eşleştirmek' basitçe iki şeyin eşleşmesi anlamına gelir

are the same or very similar ||||quite|alike 同じか非常に似ている aynı veya çok benzerdir 相同或非常相似

– that they look good together. ||||as a pair - お似合いだよ。 - birlikte iyi göründüklerini.

Your blue shirt matches your blue eyes. |||подходит к||| |||搭配||藍色的|

To 'fit' means that something is the correct size. ||||||||размер ||||||||尺寸 'Uygun' olmak, bir şeyin doğru boyutta olması anlamına gelir.

My glasses don't fit. Мои очки не подходят.

This is a fact, not an opinion. ||||||意見 Bu bir gerçektir, fikir değil. 這是事實,不是意見。

So if you want to say that you think 所以如果你想說你認為

someone looks good in what they're wearing alguien|||||| Birisi giydiği şeyin içinde iyi görünüyor

to pay them a compliment, ||||讚美 ||||faire un compliment ||||praise |褒める|||褒める と褒める、 чтобы сделать им комплимент, onlara iltifat etmek için, 向他們表示讚美,

then we use the verb to 'suit'.

That dress really suits you. |Это платье действительно тебе идет.||| |那件洋裝||適合你| Это платье тебе очень идет. Bu elbise sana çok yakışmış.

Yes, it looks and sounds the same そう、見た目も音も同じだ Evet, görünüşü ve sesi aynı. 是的,看起来和听起来都一样

as the noun 'a suit'. ||||un costume を名詞「スーツ」として使う。 'bir takım elbise' ismi olarak.

The meaning and how we use it are different 意味も使い方も違う Значение и то, как мы его используем, различны

but the spelling and pronunciation are the same. ||||sound of words|are identical||identical

Not /swiːt/, /suːt/. |不是甜,是套。|不是甜,是西裝。 |doux|costume Negation|Not sweet, suit.|Business attire swiːt/ではなく、/suːt/。