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English in 1 Minute, Beside vs Besides: English In A Minute

Beside vs Besides: English In A Minute

Hi, I'm Phil, and I'm going to tell you the

difference between 'beside' and 'besides'.

And it's one small letter, but it's quite a big difference.

'Beside' (with no 's') is a preposition, and

we usually use it to talk about physical position.

So, you can say: 'Put the chair beside the table.'

Or: 'Come and sit beside me.'

It's like a more formal version of 'next to'

Now, 'besides' (with an s) is either a preposition

or an adverb, and is often used to add information.

'Besides knowing grammar well, you need to

have a good vocabulary.'

'You should do something else besides studying.'

Here it's like 'as well as'

As an adverb, it's often used to add a more

important or stronger point.

'I'm going to practise now because I've got

time and besides, I need to!'

It's like a less-formal version of 'moreover'

So, besides remembering that 'beside' is for

physical position, remember that 'besides' is

for adding information.

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Beside vs Besides: English In A Minute ||In addition to|||| 隣に||その上|||| Beside vs. Besides: Englisch in einer Minute Beside vs Besides: Inglés en un minuto Beside vs Besides : L'anglais en une minute Beside vs Besides: Inglese in un minuto Beside vs Besides:分でわかる英語 Beside vs Besides: Angielski w minutę Beside vs Besides: Inglês num minuto Beside vs Besides: Английский за минуту Yanında vs Ayrıca: Bir Dakikada İngilizce Beside vs Besides: Англійська за хвилину 旁白与旁白:一分钟英语 旁白與旁白:一分鐘英語

Hi, I'm Phil, and I'm going to tell you the ||||||||あなたに|

difference between 'beside' and 'besides'. ||next to||in addition ||「~のそばに」||

And it's one small letter, but it's quite a big difference. ||||буква|||||| 小さな一文字だが、大きな違いだ。 I to jedna mała litera, ale to całkiem duża różnica. Küçük bir harf ama oldukça büyük bir fark.

'Beside' (with no 's') is a preposition, and ||||||предлог рядом с| 'Yanında' ('s' olmadan) bir edattır ve

we usually use it to talk about physical position. |||||||物理的な| 私たちは通常、身体的なポジションについて話すときに使う。 genellikle fiziksel konum hakkında konuşmak için kullanırız. 我们通常用它来谈论物理位置。

So, you can say: 'Put the chair beside the table.' |||||||рядом с|| Так, вы можете сказать: "Поставьте стул рядом со столом". Yani, 'Sandalyeyi masanın yanına koy' diyebilirsiniz.

Or: 'Come and sit beside me.' ||||поруч з| ||||ao lado| Ya da: "Gel ve yanıma otur.

It's like a more formal version of 'next to' next to "の正式なバージョンのようなものだ。 "Yanında" kelimesinin daha resmi bir versiyonu gibi.

Now, 'besides' (with an s) is either a preposition ||||||或者|| ||||||entweder|| ||||||one of two|| Teraz „besides” (z s) jest albo przyimkiem Şimdi, 'ayrıca' (s ile) ya bir edattır 現在,「besides」(有 s)可以是介詞

or an adverb, and is often used to add information. lub przysłówek i jest często używany do dodawania informacji. veya bir zarftır ve genellikle bilgi eklemek için kullanılır.

'Besides knowing grammar well, you need to Кроме|||||| In addition to|||||| さらに|||||| além de|||||| Окрім того, що|||||| 文法をよく知ることに加えて、次のことが必要だ „Oprócz dobrej znajomości gramatyki, musisz 'Помимо хорошего знания грамматики, вам необходимо 'Dilbilgisini iyi bilmenin yanı sıra 「除了熟悉文法之外,你還需要

have a good vocabulary.' ||良い| |||vocabulario amplio mieć dobre słownictwo”.

'You should do something else besides studying.' tú|||||además de| 勉強以外のことをしたほうがいい』。 – Powinieneś robić coś innego poza nauką. 'Ты должна заниматься чем-то еще, кроме учебы'. "Ders çalışmak dışında başka bir şey yapmalısın. “除了学习,你还应该做点别的事情。”

Here it's like 'as well as' ||||auch| ||||también| ここでは "as well as "である。 Tutaj jest jak „jak również” Здесь это как "а также". Burada 'yanı sıra' gibi. 在这里就像‘以及’

As an adverb, it's often used to add a more Bir zarf olarak, genellikle daha fazla anlam eklemek için kullanılır. 作为副词,它通常用来添加更多

important or stronger point. 重要な点、より強い点。 önemli veya daha güçlü bir nokta. 重要或更强的观点。

'I'm going to practise now because I've got |||üben|||| 'Я собираюсь практиковаться сейчас, потому что у меня есть “我现在要去练习,因为我有

time and besides, I need to!' ||кроме того||| 時間||||| время и, кроме того, мне это необходимо! ve ayrıca, buna ihtiyacım var!' 时间,而且我需要!’

It's like a less-formal version of 'moreover' |||||||而且 |||||||What's more |||||||게다가 |||||||além disso moreover "のフォーマルでないバージョンのようなものだ。 "Dahası "nın daha az resmi bir versiyonu gibi 这就像是“moreover”的非正式版本

So, besides remembering that 'beside' is for Bu yüzden, 'yanında' kelimesinin aşağıdakiler için olduğunu hatırlamanın yanı sıra 因此,除了记住“旁边”是指

physical position, remember that 'besides' is ||||además de| 物理位置,记住“此外”是

for adding information. 情報を追加する。 添加信息。