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English in 1 Minute, As if vs As though - English In A Minute

As if vs As though - English In A Minute

Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Have you ever wondered about the difference

between ‘as if' and ‘as though'?

We use ‘as if' and ‘as though' to

make comparisons about an imaginary situation

or a possible situation that might be true.

To make comparisons about an imaginary situation,

we use the past tense for the verb following

‘as if' or ‘as though'.

'He acted as if he didn't hear anything, but he did.'

'They feel as though they weren't appreciated,

but they were.'

To make comparisons about a possible situation

that might be true, we use the present tense

for the verb following ‘as if' or ‘as though'.

'He speaks as if he knows a lot about cooking.

He must love it!'

'Let's ask her for directions. She looks

as though she lives here.'

My stomach is rumbling as if I didn't have any breakfast,

but I did!


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As if vs As though - English In A Minute ||||obwohl|||| ||||even if|||| Als ob vs. Als ob - English In A Minute As if vs As though - English In A Minute As if vs As though - English In A Minute As if vs As though - イングリッシュ・イン・ミニット 마치 대 마치 - 1분 안에 끝내는 영어 As if vs As though - Angielski w minutę As if vs As though - Inglês Num Minuto As if vs As though - English In A Minute As if vs As though - Engelska på en minut As if vs As though - English In A Minute As if vs As though - англійська за хвилину 仿佛与仿佛 - 一分钟英语 彷彿與彷彿 - 一分鐘英語

Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Have you ever wondered about the difference |||задумывались||| |||nachgedacht||| |||been curious||| Aradaki farkı hiç merak ettiniz mi?

between ‘as if' and ‘as though'? |||||como se と「まるで」の間? между "как будто" и "как будто"? "sanki" ve "sanki" arasında ne fark var?

We use ‘as if' and ‘as though' to ||||||хотя| ||||||as if| ||||||come se|

make comparisons about an imaginary situation ||||воображаемый| |comparaisons|||| |Vergleiche anstellen|||imaginär| |hypothetical comparisons|||| ||||imaginária| 架空の状況について比較する сравнивать воображаемые ситуации hayali bir durum hakkında karşılaştırmalar yapmak

or a possible situation that might be true. ya da doğru olabilecek olası bir durum. 或者可能是真實的情況。

To make comparisons about an imaginary situation, ために|行う||||| ||comparaciones hipotéticas||||

we use the past tense for the verb following aşağıdaki fiil için geçmiş zaman kullanırız

‘as if' or ‘as though'. 'sanki' veya 'sanki'.

'He acted as if he didn't hear anything, but he did.' |вел себя||||||||| |tat so als|||er|nicht||||| |pretended||||||||| ||||||||しかし|| |actuó||||||||| 'Er tat so, als ob er nichts gehört hätte, aber das hatte er.' 何も聞こえないように振舞っていたが、聞こえていた』。 Он сделал вид, что ничего не слышал, но он слышал". "Hiçbir şey duymamış gibi davrandı ama duydu. “他表現得好像什麼也沒聽到,但他確實聽到了。”

'They feel as though they weren't appreciated, ||||||оценили ||||||appréciés |||als ob|||geschätzt |||like|||valued ||||彼らは||評価されていな 'Sie fühlen sich, als ob sie nicht geschätzt würden, 自分たちが評価されていないと感じている、 'Они чувствуют, что их не оценили, "Kendilerine değer verilmediğini düşünüyorlar, 「他們感覺好像自己沒有受到重視,

but they were.' aber das wurden sie.' ama öyleydiler.' 但他們確實是。

To make comparisons about a possible situation ||сравнения ситуации|||| Olası bir durum hakkında karşılaştırma yapmak

that might be true, we use the present tense das könnte wahr sein, wir verwenden die Gegenwartsform bu doğru olabilir, şimdiki zaman kullanırız 這可能是真的,我們用現在式

for the verb following ‘as if' or ‘as though'. für das Verb nach 'als ob' oder 'als ob'.

'He speaks as if he knows a lot about cooking. 'Er spricht, als ob er viel über das Kochen wüsste.' 彼は料理についてよく知っているかのように話す。 Он говорит так, как будто много знает о кулинарии. 'Yemek pişirmek hakkında çok şey biliyormuş gibi konuşuyor.

He must love it!' Er muss es lieben! Он должен любить это! Buna bayılıyor olmalı!' 他一定很喜歡它!

'Let's ask her for directions. She looks ||||指路|| ||sie||Wegbeschreibung|| 'Lass uns sie nach dem Weg fragen. Sie sieht aus, Давайте спросим у нее дорогу. Она смотрит Ona yol soralım. O bakar

as though she lives here.' als ob sie hier wohnt.' как будто она здесь живет". sanki burada yaşıyormuş gibi.' 就好像她住在這裡一樣。

My stomach is rumbling as if I didn't have any breakfast, |||grognement||||||| |||growling||||||| |||roncando||||||| |||咕嚕聲||||||| |||knurrt||||||| |||鳴っている||||||| Mein Magen knurrt, als hätte ich kein Frühstück gehabt, Мой желудок урчит, как будто я не завтракал, Sanki kahvaltı yapmamışım gibi karnım gurulduyor,

but I did! ama ben yaptım!

Bye さようなら