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English in 1 Minute, 3 ways to use infinitive with to - English In A Minute

3 ways to use infinitive with to - English In A Minute

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to English In A Minute.

I'm James and today we're going to talk

about three different uses of the infinitive with 'to'.

We can use an infinitive with 'to' after

an adjective.'It's easy to learn English with the BBC.'

Another way to use the infinitive with 'to' is to talk

about the purpose, or the reason, for something.

For example: 'I went to the shops to buy some milk.'

So, in this example I'm saying that the

reason I went to the shop was to buy milk.

Finally, use the infinitive with 'to' after quantifiers.

The structure for this is:

quantifier + noun + infinitive with 'to'.

For example: 'I have too many emails to send.'

Or: 'There isn't enough time to get to the station.'

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3 ways to use infinitive with to - English In A Minute |||不定詞|||||| 3 způsoby použití infinitivu s to - English In A Minute 3 Möglichkeiten, den Infinitiv mit to zu verwenden - English In A Minute 3 maneras de usar el infinitivo con to - English In A Minute 3 façons d'utiliser l'infinitif avec to - English In A Minute toを使った不定詞の3つの使い方 - English In A Minute 부정사를 to와 함께 사용하는 3가지 방법 - 1분 안에 영어 배우기 3 sposoby użycia bezokolicznika z to - English In A Minute 3 maneiras de usar o infinitivo com to - Inglês Num Minuto 3 способа использования инфинитива с to - English In A Minute To ile mastar kullanmanın 3 yolu - English In A Minute 3 способи вживання інфінітива з to - English In A Minute 3 种使用 to 动词不定式的方法 - 一分钟英语 與 to 一起使用不定式的 3 種方法 - 一分鐘英語

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to English In A Minute. |||回到|||||

I'm James and today we're going to talk |||||要||談話 Jsem James a dnes si promluvíme

about three different uses of the infinitive with 'to'. |||用法||||| ||||||不定詞|| o třech různých použitích infinitivu s 'to'. to」を使った不定詞の3つの異なる用法について。 带“to”的不定式的三种不同用法。

We can use an infinitive with 'to' after Můžeme použít infinitiv s 'to' after

an adjective.'It's easy to learn English with the BBC.' |легко|||||||| |||||||用|| прилагательное. "С Би-би-си легко учить английский язык".

Another way to use the infinitive with 'to' is to talk Dalším způsobem, jak použít infinitiv s 'to', je mluvit Another way to use the infinitive with 'to' is to talk Mastarı 'to' ile kullanmanın bir başka yolu da konuşmaktır

about the purpose, or the reason, for something. ||Zweck||||| o účelu nebo důvodu něčeho. Bir şeyin amacı ya da nedeni hakkında.

For example: 'I went to the shops to buy some milk.' |||||||||一些| Například: 'Šel jsem do obchodů koupit nějaké mléko.' Например: "Я пошел в магазин, чтобы купить молоко". Örneğin: "Biraz süt almak için dükkana gittim.

So, in this example I'm saying that the Takže v tomto příkladu říkám, že

reason I went to the shop was to buy milk. Důvodem, proč jsem šel do obchodu, bylo koupit mléko. Dükkana gitmemin sebebi süt almaktı.

Finally, use the infinitive with 'to' after quantifiers. |||||||количественные слова |||||||quantificateurs |||||||amount words phrases |||||||量詞 Schließlich|||||||Mengenangaben |||||||수량 표현 |||||||数量詞 Nakonec použijte infinitiv s 'to' za kvantifikátory. Son olarak, niceleyicilerden sonra mastarı 'to' ile kullanın.

The structure for this is: 這|||| |Struktur||| Struktura pro to je: Bunun yapısı şöyledir:

quantifier + noun + infinitive with 'to'. квантификатор + существительное + инфинитив|||| un certain nombre de|||| Amount of something|||| 量詞|||| Quantor|Nomen||| 量詞|||| Quantifizierer + Substantiv + Infinitiv mit "zu".

For example: 'I have too many emails to send.' Например: "У меня слишком много писем для отправки". Örneğin: "Göndermem gereken çok fazla e-posta var.

Or: 'There isn't enough time to get to the station.' Nebo: 'Není dost času dostat se na nádraží.' Lub: „Nie ma wystarczająco dużo czasu, aby dostać się na stację”. Или: "У нас недостаточно времени, чтобы добраться до станции". Ya da: "İstasyona gitmek için yeterli zaman yok.

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