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All Ears English, 99- How an English Gratitude Journal Helps Motivation and Fluency

99- How an English Gratitude Journal Helps Motivation and Fluency

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Deep Thoughts Thursday, Episode 99: “How an English Gratitude Journal Helps Motivation and Fluency.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn how to uplift your heart, rewire your brain, and improve your English all in one cool activity.


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. I'm doing well. And you?

Gabby: I'm doing great ‘cause (because) I heard we got some excellent reviews from Brazil.

Lindsay: Oh, my gosh. We got some amazing reviews and we're so happy about those. Thank you so much to Fernanda for your great voice review, your audio review. Thank you to Perezesf7, Carlos Avelin, thank you, he's here in Boston, Carlos B, Daniel Henker, Saulo and Rafael Paz. We really need your reviews, guys. The reviews help us to keep this show up in the rankings and to keep All Ears English moving forward and to – so that we can keep publishing for you.

Gabby: Yeah, thanks. So please leave us a review. We appreciate it. And yeah, without further ado, we wanna (want to), we wanna (want to) introduce a new topic today for our ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' about how keeping a gratitude journal can really improve your English. So, Lindsay's been doing this and Lindsay could you tell us what a gratitude journal is? First of all, what's the idea, what does it mean?

Lindsay: Absolutely. So gratitude is all the rage these days, isn't it? Everyone's talking about it in, in mindfulness, in the newspapers and the, the idea of reflecting on what you're grateful for, what you're thankful for is such a healthy practice. So you could do this in English in a journal or you could do it, (you know), (um) through voice, by talking with people.

Gabby: Oh, I like that.

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: It's like positive psychology, too. You're fo – focusing on the good, the positive.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's got a little bit of that. I actually started a gratitude practice with my parents last week, two weeks ago. We've started doing a three-way e-mail every evening. We each write what we're thankful for to each other. So it's the process of thinking, reflecting, letting your brain soak that in…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …what you're thankful for. And then hearing what the other people are thankful for. That's another way to do it.

Gabby: I absolutely adore that idea because it's not only a great way to improve your language. (Uh), let's pretend you're studying English.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: But it's not only a good way to practice your language, it's also a great way to uplift your psyche and your mentality and, (you know), avoid any negative depression and above all else what you're doing with this e-mail, (um), gratitude journal with your parents is to deepen the connection that you have with people you love. So you guys, if you know other, (you know), friends, family members that are (um) learning English or who already speak English and who would join you on this gratitude journal journey

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: …(um), or you wanna (want to) ask your new friends if they might be interested in doing this. This is an awesome way to connect with people on a deeper level and really establish those, those close relationships that you, you desire.

Lindsay: Exactly. And this isn't all just woo-woo, right?

Gabby: No.

Lindsay: This is real. I love that term.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Because this is science, guys. (Um), (you know), I, I study mindfulness and meditation and it's – but it's coming up in the science at the same time these days.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I found an article in the New York Times of, from November of 2011, called “A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day.” So sci – neuroscientists are finding out that reflecting on what you're grateful and thankful for actually changes the wiring of your brain.

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: That will change your brain physically.

Gabby: I believe it.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So in terms of English learning, if you – I know that a lot of English learners kinda (kind of) struggle with self-confidence and feeling selfconscious. So this is another way you could use this. If you're in any given situation and you're afraid to approach someone or you've just made a mistake, instead of going and blaming yourself for that mistake you could go ahead and think, ‘Oh, I'm so glad that I had this opportunity to practice.'

Gabby: Or, ‘What did I do well?' Yeah.

Lindsay: ‘What did I do well in this conversation?' Or, ‘I'm so thankful for my English tutor…'

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or what else?

Gabby: Well, yeah, (I mean) you could specifically use your English gratitude journal to talk about what you're happy about in your English studies (like), I love my teacher, I love my classmates, I love that I'm doing my homework. I love All Ears English!

Lindsay: Right. Very simple things.

Gabby: But, (you know), you can, you can talk about anything that is going well in your life. It doesn't have to be only English. But if you write this in English with other people in English that will be really a deep way to learn and practice.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So just go ahead and give this a try. If, if it seems like something that you'd be into…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and let us know how it goes. Come back to our website and leave a comment in the blog post and let us know how your gratitude practice helped your language learning and how it helped you feel better.

Gabby: Yeah.

Just as a kind of a bonus (uh) one last word before we end. There's a lot of different ways you could do this. You mentioned e-mail with your parents. You could do it by text. You could do it with (uh) a number of different apps that people use to text internationally. (Um), you could do it on a voice recorder.

Lindsay: Nice.

Gabby: (Uh) there's a lot of different websites like (um), what was it? (Uh), there's, there's (there are) different video sharing websites you could use.

Lindsay: Like vsnap.com.

Gabby: That's the one I was thinking of.

Lindsay: Yep.

Gabby: That's right. (Um), and then you can share them with a group. So there's a lot of different formats for doing this. And, (you know), if you don't wanna (want to) do it socially that's okay just make your own journal, (um), electronically or on paper.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So just find a technology or the way of expressing that's comfortable for you and give it a try. Let us know how it works. Thanks, guys.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast,” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1 through 88 and you guys can ask direct questions. You can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. So it's a huge value.

You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations, that's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there!


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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99- How an English Gratitude Journal Helps Motivation and Fluency |||Благодарность|||||беглость речи 99- Wie ein englisches Dankbarkeitstagebuch die Motivation und die Sprachfertigkeit fördert 99- Cómo un diario de gratitud en inglés ayuda a la motivación y la fluidez 99- Como um diário de gratidão em inglês ajuda na motivação e na fluência 99- Как журнал благодарностей на английском языке помогает повысить мотивацию и уровень владения языком 99- İngilizce Şükran Günlüğü Motivasyona ve Akıcılığa Nasıl Yardımcı Olur? 99 - 英语感恩日记如何帮助动力和流利 99 - 英語感恩日記如何幫助動力和流利 99 - 英語感恩日記如何幫助動力和流利

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Deep Thoughts Thursday, Episode 99: “How an English Gratitude Journal Helps Motivation and Fluency.” [Instrumental] |||||||||||||||感恩|||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,週四深度思考,第 99 集:“英語感恩日記如何幫助動力和流利。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn how to uplift your heart, rewire your brain, and improve your English all in one cool activity. ||||||||提升|||||||||||||| |||||||||||再配線する||||||||||| |||||||||||перепрограммировать||||||||||| Lindsay:在今天的節目中,您將學習如何透過一個很酷的活動來振奮精神、重新連接大腦並提高英語水平。


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. I'm doing well. And you?

Gabby: I'm doing great ‘cause (because) I heard we got some excellent reviews from Brazil. 蓋比:我做得很好,因為(因為)我聽說我們得到了來自巴西的一些好評。

Lindsay: Oh, my gosh. |||Oh, my goodness. We got some amazing reviews and we're so happy about those. 我們收到了一些很棒的評論,我們對此感到非常高興。 Thank you so much to Fernanda for your great voice review, your audio review. |||||フェルナンダさんへ|||||||| 非常感謝費爾南達的精彩語音評論和音訊評論。 Thank you to Perezesf7, Carlos Avelin, thank you, he's here in Boston, Carlos B, Daniel Henker, Saulo and Rafael Paz. |||Perezesf7||Carlos Avelin||||||||||Executioner|Saulo||Rafael Paz|Peace |||ペレゼスフ||アヴェリン||||||||||ヘンカー|サウロ||| 感謝 Perezesf7、Carlos Avelin,謝謝他在波士頓、Carlos B、Daniel Henker、Saulo 和 Rafael Paz。 We really need your reviews, guys. 夥計們,我們真的需要你們的評論。 The reviews help us to keep this show up in the rankings and to keep All Ears English moving forward and to – so that we can keep publishing for you. |||||||||||ランキング|||||||||||||||||| 這些評論幫助我們保持節目在排名中的排名,並讓 All Ears English 繼續前進,以便我們可以繼續為您發佈內容。

Gabby: Yeah, thanks. So please leave us a review. 所以請給我們留下評論。 We appreciate it. And yeah, without further ado, we wanna (want to), we wanna (want to) introduce a new topic today for our ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' about how keeping a gratitude journal can really improve your English. ||||不再拖延||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||без лишних слов||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 是的,言歸正傳,我們想要(想要)、我們想要(想要)今天為我們的「週四深度思考」介紹一個新主題,關於如何寫感恩日記可以真正提高你的英語水平。 So, Lindsay's been doing this and Lindsay could you tell us what a gratitude journal is? |リンジーは|||||||||||||| Lindsay 一直在做這件事,Lindsay 你能告訴我們什麼是感恩日記嗎? First of all, what's the idea, what does it mean? 首先,這個想法是什麼,又意味著什麼?

Lindsay: Absolutely. So gratitude is all the rage these days, isn't it? |благодарность||||в моде|||| |||||very popular trend|||| |感謝の気持ち||||流行しています|||| Благодарность в наши дни на пике популярности, не так ли? 所以現在感恩很流行,不是嗎? Everyone's talking about it in, in mindfulness, in the newspapers and the, the idea of reflecting on what you're grateful for, what you're thankful for is such a healthy practice. ||||||正念|||||||||||||感恩的||||感恩的|||||| ||||||осознанность||||||||||||||||||||||| 每個人都在談論它,在正念中,在報紙上,以及反思你所感激的事情的想法,你所感激的事情是一種健康的做法。 So you could do this in English in a journal or you could do it, (you know), (um) through voice, by talking with people. 所以你可以用英語在日記中做到這一點,或者你可以透過聲音,透過與人交談來做到這一點,(你知道),(嗯)。

Gabby: Oh, I like that. 蓋比:噢,我喜歡這樣。

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: It's like positive psychology, too. ||||心理学| 蓋比:這也像正向心理學。 You're fo – focusing on the good, the positive. |フォーカス|||||| 你關注的是好的、正面的方面。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's got a little bit of that. Lindsay:有一點這樣的。 I actually started a gratitude practice with my parents last week, two weeks ago. 事實上,上週,也就是兩週前,我開始和父母一起進行感恩練習。 We've started doing a three-way e-mail every evening. 我們開始每天晚上發送三通電子郵件。 We each write what we're thankful for to each other. 我們每個人都寫下我們對彼此的感謝。 So it's the process of thinking, reflecting, letting your brain soak that in… ||||||||||吸收|| ||||||||||吸収する|| ||||||||||впитывать|| 所以這是一個思考、反思、讓你的大腦沉浸其中的過程…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …what you're thankful for. |||благодарна| And then hearing what the other people are thankful for. 然後聽聽其他人的感激。 That's another way to do it. 這是另一種方法。

Gabby: I absolutely adore that idea because it's not only a great way to improve your language. |||обожаю||||||||||||| 蓋比:我非常喜歡這個想法,因為它不僅是提高語言的好方法。 (Uh), let's pretend you're studying English. ||представим||| (呃),假設你正在學習英語。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: But it's not only a good way to practice your language, it's also a great way to uplift your psyche and your mentality and, (you know), avoid any negative depression and above all else what you're doing with this e-mail, (um), gratitude journal with your parents is to deepen the connection that you have with people you love. ||||||||||||||||||||心理|||心态|||||||抑郁||||||||||||||||||||加深||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||精神状態||||||||||うつ病||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||психику||||||||||||прежде всего|||||||||||благодарность|||||||||||||||| 蓋比:但這不僅是練習語言的好方法,也是提升你的心靈和心態的好方法,並且(你知道)避免任何負面抑鬱,最重要的是你用這個電子所做的事情——給父母寫郵件(嗯)感恩日記是為了加深你和你愛的人的連結。 So you guys, if you know other, (you know), friends, family members that are (um) learning English or who already speak English and who would join you on this gratitude journal journey 所以你們,如果你們認識其他(你們知道的)朋友、家人正在(嗯)學習英語或已經會說英語,並且誰會加入你們這個感恩日記之旅

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: …(um), or you wanna (want to) ask your new friends if they might be interested in doing this. 加比:……(嗯),或是你想(想)問問你的新朋友是否有興趣這麼做。 This is an awesome way to connect with people on a deeper level and really establish those, those close relationships that you, you desire. |||||||||||||||установить||||||||желаете 這是一種很棒的方式,可以與人們進行更深層的聯繫,並真正建立您想要的親密關係。

Lindsay: Exactly. And this isn't all just woo-woo, right? |||||ерунда|ерунда| 這不只是嗚嗚,對吧?

Gabby: No.

Lindsay: This is real. I love that term. 我喜歡這個詞。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Because this is science, guys. (Um), (you know), I, I study mindfulness and meditation and it's – but it's coming up in the science at the same time these days. (嗯),(你知道),我,我研究正念和冥想,但它現在同時出現在科學中。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I found an article in the New York Times of, from November of 2011, called “A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day.” So sci – neuroscientists are finding out that reflecting on what you're grateful and thankful for actually changes the wiring of your brain. ||||||||||||||||порция|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||neural connections||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||神経科学者||||||||||||||||配線||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||神经连接||| Lindsay:我在《紐約時報》上發現了 2011 年 11 月的一篇文章,題為「一份感恩之心可能會拯救世界」。因此,科學神經科學家發現,反思你所感激的事情實際上會改變你大腦的連結。

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: That will change your brain physically. Lindsay:這會改變你大腦的物理結構。

Gabby: I believe it.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So in terms of English learning, if you – I know that a lot of English learners kinda (kind of) struggle with self-confidence and feeling selfconscious. |||||||||||||||||||挣扎||||||自我意识 |||||||||||||||||||||||||aware of oneself |||||||||||||||||||||||||自意識過剰 ||||||||||||||||||||||||чувством|сознание себя 因此,就英語學習而言,如果你——我知道很多英語學習者都有點(有點)在自信和自我意識方面掙扎。 So this is another way you could use this. 這是您可以使用它的另一種方式。 If you're in any given situation and you're afraid to approach someone or you've just made a mistake, instead of going and blaming yourself for that mistake you could go ahead and think, ‘Oh, I'm so glad that I had this opportunity to practice.' ||||||||боюсь||подойти к||||||||||||обвиняя себя||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||自分を責める||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||责备||||||||||||||||||||| 如果你在任何特定的情況下,你害怕接近某人,或者你剛剛犯了一個錯誤,與其去責怪自己的錯誤,你可以繼續思考,『哦,我很高興我有這個機會練習。

Gabby: Or, ‘What did I do well?' 蓋比:或者,“我哪些方面做得很好?” Yeah.

Lindsay: ‘What did I do well in this conversation?' Lindsay:“在這次談話中我哪些方面做得很好?” Or, ‘I'm so thankful for my English tutor…' 或者,“我非常感謝我的英語導師…”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or what else? 林賽:……還是別的什麼?

Gabby: Well, yeah, (I mean) you could specifically use your English gratitude journal to talk about what you're happy about in your English studies (like), I love my teacher, I love my classmates, I love that I'm doing my homework. 蓋比:嗯,是的,(我的意思是)你可以專門用你的英語感恩日記來談論你在英語學習中感到高興的事情(比如),我愛我的老師,我愛我的同學,我喜歡我」我正在做作業。 I love All Ears English!

Lindsay: Right. Very simple things. 非常簡單的事。

Gabby: But, (you know), you can, you can talk about anything that is going well in your life. 蓋比:但是,(你知道),你可以,你可以談論你生活中一切順利的事情。 It doesn't have to be only English. 它不必只是英語。 But if you write this in English with other people in English that will be really a deep way to learn and practice. 但如果你用英語和其他人用英語寫這篇文章,那將是一種真正深入的學習和練習方式。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So just go ahead and give this a try. 所以請繼續嘗試。 If, if it seems like something that you'd be into… 如果,如果它看起來像你喜歡的東西…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and let us know how it goes. Lindsay:……讓我們知道進展如何。 Come back to our website and leave a comment in the blog post and let us know how your gratitude practice helped your language learning and how it helped you feel better. 返回我們的網站並在部落格文章中發表評論,讓我們知道您的感恩練習如何幫助您的語言學習以及它如何幫助您感覺更好。

Gabby: Yeah.

Just as a kind of a bonus (uh) one last word before we end. 就像我們結束前的最後一句話一樣(呃)作為一種獎勵。 There's a lot of different ways you could do this. 有很多不同的方法可以做到這一點。 You mentioned e-mail with your parents. 您提到了與父母的電子郵件。 You could do it by text. 你可以透過文字來做到這一點。 You could do it with (uh) a number of different apps that people use to text internationally. ||||||||||应用程序||||||国际间 ||||||||||||||||国際的に 您可以使用(呃)人們用來國際短信的許多不同應用程式來做到這一點。 (Um), you could do it on a voice recorder. ||||||||录音机 (嗯),你可以用錄音機來做。

Lindsay: Nice.

Gabby: (Uh) there's a lot of different websites like (um), what was it? 加比:(呃)有很多不同的網站,像是(嗯),那是什麼? (Uh), there's, there's (there are) different video sharing websites you could use. (呃),有,有(有)不同的影片分享網站您可以使用。

Lindsay: Like vsnap.com. ||Video snapshot platform| ||vsnap.comのように|

Gabby: That's the one I was thinking of. 蓋比:我就是這麼想的。

Lindsay: Yep.

Gabby: That's right. (Um), and then you can share them with a group. (嗯),然後你可以與一群人分享。 So there's a lot of different formats for doing this. ||||||格式||| 所以有很多不同的格式可以做到這一點。 And, (you know), if you don't wanna (want to) do it socially that's okay just make your own journal, (um), electronically or on paper. |||||||||||社交上|||||||||||| 而且,(你知道),如果你不想(想要)在社交場合做,那沒關係,只需製作你自己的日記,(嗯),電子或紙質的。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So just find a technology or the way of expressing that's comfortable for you and give it a try. |||||||||表达方式||||||||| 因此,只要找到適合您的技術或表達方式並嘗試一下即可。 Let us know how it works. 讓我們知道它是如何運作的。 Thanks, guys.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. Gabby:如果您喜歡 All Ears English 並且想認真提高英語水平,達到接近母語的水平,我們為您製作了高級訂閱包,為您提供更多支持。 What do you get? 你得到了什麼? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. 當每個新劇集發佈時,您都會收到它們的音訊和文字記錄。 You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast,” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1 through 88 and you guys can ask direct questions. 您可以獲得我們電子書的獨家訂戶版本“如何通過播客提高英語水平”,並且您可以獲得所有以前的文本記錄,從第 1 集到第 88 集,並且您可以直接提出問題。 You can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. 您可以直接與 Lindsay 和我 Gabby 溝通,詢問有關英語的任何問題。 So it's a huge value. 所以這是一個巨大的價值。

You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations, that's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. 您可以在我們的網站 allearsenglish.com/conversations 上找到該訂閱包,這就是對話。 See you there!


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.