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All Ears English, 98- Susanna Zaraysky Explains How to Learn English through Music

98- Susanna Zaraysky Explains How to Learn English through Music

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 98: “Susanna Zaraysky Explains How to Learn English through Music.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.

In this episode, author, Susanna Zaraysky, shares three practical tips how you can use popular American English music to improve your English and she offers a tip on how to use fun karaoke to improve your English too.


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you doing today?

Gabby: Doing great, Lindsay. How are you?

Lindsay: I'm good. I'm super excited because today we have Susanna Zaraysky and she's the author of “Language is Music.” She's here to talk to our listeners about how to use music to improve their English.

Gabby: Hey Susanna. Susanna: Hi.

Lindsay: How are you doing today?

Susanna: I am doing wonderful. I'm doing very well.

Lindsay: Excellent.

Gabby: Great.

Lindsay: We're excited to have you.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And so what tips could you offer our audience for a way to use music? I think you have three ideas for our audience. Let's get straight into it. What would be a first tip that you could offer?

Susanna: (Uh) the first thing is to find music that you like and to find lyrics to that music. So (in) the beginning you should really just listen to the music, the songs in English that you, you find enjoyable, and without even trying to decipher them, just enjoy them. Because when you start to use your brain to figure out, “Oh, what's that word? What's that word? What's that word?” you've already lost the song. You're, (you know), because you're, you're…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Susanna: What's that?

Gabby: Just listen.

Susanna: Just listen, yeah. You have to enjoy it and then, after you listen to it, (you know), maybe a couple of times and you're already starting to pick up on the melody, maybe you're humming along, then listen for the lyrics and then find the lyrics, (you know), on the internet, or if it's – you have a CD (uh) box – (you know), they usually have the, the thing there. And, and then compare, like write down the words that you know, that you think you recognize. So as you're listening to the song, write down the words.

Lindsay: (Uh-huh).

Susanna: And then, (you know), compare it to what the original is and then you can see “Oh, okay. I thought he said ‘red' but actually he said ‘bed'.”

Lindsay: Oh, interesting. I like that.

Gabby: That's great.

Lindsay: Do you, do you have any favorite websites where people can find lyrics online?

Susanna: (Um), there's a website, I think it's called smartlyrics.net or smartlyrics.com and there's – then there's also lyrics.com. The problem with some of these lyrics websites, unfortunately, is that they are, (uh), some of the lyrics are translated (um) or – sorry. They're, they're written down by users, they're not necessarily the original.

Lindsay: Oh.

Susanna: Yeah. So you (uh) you might have to (uh) look for the song in a couple of different places just to make sure that you, you're getting the lyrics (uh) because if they're users writing the lyrics there, they could make mistakes, especially spelling mistakes. Yeah, so that, that's a good thing, (you know), to look out for.

Gabby: Also, I wanted to share with our listeners if you're not sure what songs are popular, sometimes I go to the Billboard Top 100 or, (you know), Billboard Top 40 and that's a great way to just see what are the top songs in North America right now.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Susanna: Yep. Yeah.

That's a good way to do it, yeah.

Lindsay: What do you find are some common songs that students like to use? Are there any patterns in terms of famous songs that students really like?

Susanna: No. (I mean), it, it really varies from person to person. (I mean), some people like the old Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald…

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: …those songs. And actually, to be honest, it – in terms of learning English, the older songs that are slower and are telling a story are much better than the ones that are very fast and the instrumentals are very strong because, if the instrumentals are strong, you can't hear the lyrics clearly.

So, (you know), if you do like the older songs, they're wonderful because their pronunciation is usually excellent. They're not cutting off so many words. They're, they're singing slowly but usually telling a story.

Gabby: That's a good tip.

Lindsay: So I was thinking about the song “Hotel California.” Would that fall into that category, more or less? By the Eagles?

Susanna: Yeah, that is telling a story but, (you know), it's telling a story of people who were probably drug-induced.

Lindsay: Yeah, exactly.

Gabby: It might not be that easy to follow, but yeah. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, (um) - there's a lot of old classic singers and I can imagine those songs in my mind just being really nice and slow and clear and, and catchy too.

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yes. And, (you know), in terms of modern singers, Adele.

Both: Adele.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yes. Wonderful. (You know) U2, (uh), (you know), when Bono's singing, he sings very clearly and…

Gabby: True.

Susanna: …usually he's not that fast when he's singing. So, (you know), it's not just songs from fifty or sixty years ago. You can still find modern songs that are like that but, (you know), even if you wanna (want to) go with Lady Gaga.

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: For example, Lady Gaga sings fairly clearly.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: (You know), there are modern singers you can use, but what you need to stay away from is, are, are – you have to stay away from songs which have a lot of slang, like rap or some hip-hop, because you can find hip-hop and rap which can help you learn English…

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: …but you have to make sure that it's, that, that it's not full of derogatory (uh) language and, and slang because then you're going to be learning incorrect, (you know), improper English which you would not want to use professionally at all.

Gabby: Absolutely.

That was a good tip. Okay.

So, first, (um) find the music, listen to it, write down what you hear, and then check your listening comprehension by reading those lyrics online. Is that correct?

Susanna: Correct.

Gabby: Great.


Lindsay: Is there one more thing that they could do?

Susanna: Yeah, there (um) – what's actually really good is you can go on YouTube and find karaoke versions of these songs. So you can listen to the songs and see the lyrics at the same time.

Gabby: Oh cool.

I like that idea.

Lindsay: So get the whole body involved. (Mm-hm).

Susanna: What? What's that?

Lindsayy: You just get your whole body involved and watching people sing and kind of voicing the lyrics, yeah.

Susanna: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. (You know), it – to be honest, some of my karaoke (uh) versions are only instrumental, so – because you're not supposed to be hearing the singer…

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: …you're supposed to be singing [crosstalk]…

Lindsay: You would sing.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yeah, you're supposed to be listening. So what, what you might have to do is you might have to sync two different videos at the same: one video that is the original of, of the singer singing the song and then you can turn on the karaoke lyrics at the same time, but turn off the volume on the karaoke lyrics video because you don't need to hear the instrumental and you'll see the lyrics on one screen and you'll hear – (you know), the music is gonna (going to) come from another screen. (Uh), (you know), and you can have two opened at the same time. (Um), that, that's really good because then you're seeing the word as you're hearing it and there was actually research done in India using same-language subtitling for Bollywood films that showed that literacy rates went up in very poor areas in India where people were watching Bollywood movies and listening to Bollywood songs and having the word that they heard (uh) lit up on the screen

Gabby: Absolutely.

Lindsay: Oh.


Gabby: I know…

Susanna: So simple.

Gabby: Yeah.

I know from my time living in Japan, well, karaoke's very popular there and in other Asian countries and when I would go to try to sing Japanese at karaoke, I would see those characters on the screen and that was great practice. So, (you know), for someone learning English, training karaoke is a great…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …fun way to become more literate and, and improve your pronunciation.

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: So train karaoke.

Lindsay: That's great. I had never thought of that idea of using karaoke. Brilliant.

I love it.

Susanna: Yep. Well, it's a lot…

Gabby: Very cool.

Lindsay: Oh, that's great.

Gabby: Yeah.

I love these tips. I think it's fun and practical.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Well, yeah, I think we can pretty much wrap it up there. Thank you so much, Susanna. So can you, (um), let our listeners know where they can find you online?

Susanna: Sure. So my book is called “Language is Music” and you can just type in languageismusic.com or look me up on (uh) YouTube and, and Facebook and, and Twitter. I'm all there with (uh) “The Language is Music” and (uh) my Facebook page is actually under my name, Susanna Zaraysky and the last name is Z-a-r-a-y-s-k-y and I also have a page for my book, “Language is Music.” And the book is available now both in English, it's, both of it it's available in English, (uh) Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian. So the Spanish name is “El Idioma Es Musica”, the Portuguese is “Idioma é Música”, and the Russian one is totally different. It's (uh) – actually, it's funny. I forgot the name of my book. (Please see blog post for the link) something like that.

Lindsay: Wow.

Susanna: It's a verb phrase.

Gabby: Oh cool.

Susanna: (Uh), but, (you know), if you find my website, you can find all of those books.

Lindsay: Oh, fantastic. So hopefully our listeners will be able to check that out.

Thank you so much. We're so happy to have you on today…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and I think you offered some awesome ideas. Thanks so much, Susanna.

Susanna: Thanks so much for the invitation. Goodbye.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Hey guys if you want to learn ten ways to learn English with a podcast, come to our website and get our free e-book at www.allearsenglish.com/free.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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98- Susanna Zaraysky Explains How to Learn English through Music Сусанна|||||||| 98- Susanna Zaraysky erklärt, wie man mit Musik Englisch lernt 98- Susanna Zaraysky explica cómo aprender inglés a través de la música 98- Susanna Zaraysky spiega come imparare l'inglese attraverso la musica 98- スザンナ・ザレイスキーが音楽で英語を学ぶ方法を解説 98- Susanna Zaraysky explica como aprender inglês através da música 98- Susanna Zaraysky Müzik Yoluyla Nasıl İngilizce Öğrenileceğini Açıklıyor 98 - Susanna Zaraysky 解釋如何透過音樂學習英語 98 - Susanna Zaraysky 解釋如何透過音樂學習英語

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 98: “Susanna Zaraysky Explains How to Learn English through Music.” |||||||||スザンナ|ザライスキー||||||| Lindsay:這是一個 All Ears 英語播客,第 98 集:“Susanna Zaraysky 解釋如何透過音樂學習英語。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. ||||||||||нарешті||||||||||||||||||||||

In this episode, author, Susanna Zaraysky, shares three practical tips how you can use popular American English music to improve your English and she offers a tip on how to use fun karaoke to improve your English too. |||作者|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||スザンナ|ザライスキー|||||||||||||||||||||||||使う||||||| ||||||ділиться||||||||||||||||||пропонує||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||предлагает||||||||||||| 在本集中,作者 Susanna Zaraysky 分享瞭如何使用流行的美國英語音樂來提高英語的三個實用技巧,她還提供瞭如何使用有趣的卡拉 OK 來提高英語的技巧。


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you doing today?

Gabby: Doing great, Lindsay. How are you?

Lindsay: I'm good. I'm super excited because today we have Susanna Zaraysky and she's the author of “Language is Music.” She's here to talk to our listeners about how to use music to improve their English. ||||||||||||авторка||||||||||нашим|||||||||| 我非常興奮,因為今天我們邀請到了蘇珊娜·扎賴斯基(Susanna Zaraysky),她是《語言就是音樂》的作者。她來這裡是為了與我們的聽眾談論如何使用音樂來提高英語水平。

Gabby: Hey Susanna. Gabby speaking|| Susanna: Hi.

Lindsay: How are you doing today? ||||feeling|

Susanna: I am doing wonderful. ||||great 蘇珊娜:我做得很好。 I'm doing very well. |performing||

Lindsay: Excellent. |Great job

Gabby: Great. |Awesome

Lindsay: We're excited to have you. ||happy||have you| Lindsay:我們很高興有你。

Gabby: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

Lindsay: And so what tips could you offer our audience for a way to use music? ||||suggestions|can||||listeners or viewers|||||| Ліндсей: Тож які поради ви могли б дати нашій аудиторії щодо використання музики? Lindsay:那麼您能為我們的觀眾提供哪些使用音樂的建議呢? I think you have three ideas for our audience. |believe|||three ideas|suggestions|||target group 我認為您對我們的觀眾有三個想法。 Let's get straight into it. ||прямо|в це| さっそく本題に入ろう。 讓我們直接進入正題。 What would be a first tip that you could offer? |||||порада|||| 您可以提供的第一個建議是什麼?

Susanna: (Uh) the first thing is to find music that you like and to find lyrics to that music. |||||||||||||||тексти піс||| Сюзанна: (Е-е) Перше, що потрібно зробити - це знайти музику, яка вам подобається, і знайти слова до неї. 蘇珊娜:(呃)第一件事是找到你喜歡的音樂並找到該音樂的歌詞。 So (in) the beginning you should really just listen to the music, the songs in English that you, you find enjoyable, and without even trying to decipher them, just enjoy them. ||||||||||||||||||||愉快的|||||||||| |||||||||||||пісні|||||||приємними|||навіть||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||попыток||расшифровывать|||| だから(最初のうちは)、ただ音楽を聴き、自分が楽しいと思う英語の歌を聴き、それを解読しようともせず、ただ楽しむべきだ。 Тож (на) початку вам варто просто слухати музику, пісні англійською мовою, які вам подобаються, і навіть не намагаючись розшифровувати їх, просто насолоджуватися ними. 所以(一開始)你真的應該只是聽音樂,聽你覺得有趣的英文歌曲,甚至不需要試圖解讀它們,只是享受它們。 Because when you start to use your brain to figure out, “Oh, what's that word? |||||||||з'ясувати||||| なぜなら、「ああ、この言葉は何だろう? Тому що коли ви починаєте використовувати свій мозок, щоб з'ясувати: "О, що це за слово? 因為當你開始用你的大腦去弄清楚,「哦,那個字是什麼? What's that word? |это| What's that word?” you've already lost the song. |||ти вже|вже||| 那個詞是什麼?”你已經失去了這首歌。 You're, (you know), because you're, you're… 你是,(你知道),因為你是,你是…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Susanna: What's that?

Gabby: Just listen.

Susanna: Just listen, yeah. You have to enjoy it and then, after you listen to it, (you know), maybe a couple of times and you're already starting to pick up on the melody, maybe you're humming along, then listen for the lyrics and then find the lyrics, (you know), on the internet, or if it's – you have a CD (uh) box – (you know), they usually have the, the thing there. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||旋律|||哼唱|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||singing softly|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||підспівую|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||напеваешь мелод|вместе||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ви повинні насолоджуватися нею, а потім, після того, як ви прослухаєте її, можливо, пару разів, і вже почнете вловлювати мелодію, можливо, наспівувати, тоді послухайте текст, а потім знайдіть його в інтернеті, або якщо у вас є CD-бокс, то, як правило, там є така штука. 你必須享受它,然後,在你聽了它之後,(你知道),也許聽了幾次,你已經開始聽懂旋律了,也許你正在哼唱,然後聽歌詞,然後在互聯網上找到歌詞(你知道),或者如果是——你有一個CD(呃)盒子——(你知道),他們通常有那個東西。 And, and then compare, like write down the words that you know, that you think you recognize. |||порівняй|||||||||||||впізнає А потім порівняйте, наприклад, запишіть слова, які ви знаєте, які, на вашу думку, ви впізнаєте. 然後再進行比較,例如寫下你所知道的、你認為你認識的單字。 So as you're listening to the song, write down the words. Тому, слухаючи пісню, записуйте слова. 因此,當您聽這首歌時,請寫下歌詞。

Lindsay: (Uh-huh).

Susanna: And then, (you know), compare it to what the original is and then you can see “Oh, okay. 蘇珊娜:然後,(你知道),將其與原件進行比較,然後你可以看到“哦,好吧。 I thought he said ‘red' but actually he said ‘bed'.” |думав|||||||| 我以為他說的是‘紅色’,但實際上他說的是‘床’。”

Lindsay: Oh, interesting. 林賽:哦,有趣。 I like that.

Gabby: That's great.

Lindsay: Do you, do you have any favorite websites where people can find lyrics online? Lindsay:您有沒有最喜歡的網站,人們可以在其中在線找到歌詞?

Susanna: (Um), there's a website, I think it's called smartlyrics.net or smartlyrics.com and there's – then there's also lyrics.com. |||||||||lyrics websites||||||||||| |||||||||スマートリリックス||||||||||| |||||||||smartlyrics|нет|||||||||| 蘇珊娜:(嗯),有一個網站,我想它的名字是 smartlyrics.net 或 smartlyrics.com,還有 – 還有 Lyrics.com。 The problem with some of these lyrics websites, unfortunately, is that they are, (uh), some of the lyrics are translated (um) or – sorry. |||||||||||||||||||翻译||| Проблема з деякими з цих сайтів текстів пісень, на жаль, полягає в тому, що вони, (гм), деякі тексти пісень перекладені (гм) або - вибачте. 不幸的是,其中一些歌詞網站的問題是,(呃),一些歌詞被翻譯了(嗯)或 – 抱歉。 They're, they're written down by users, they're not necessarily the original. |||||用户||||| ||||||||не обов'язково|| Вони записані користувачами, вони не обов'язково оригінальні. 它們是由使用者寫下的,不一定是原創的。

Lindsay: Oh.

Susanna: Yeah. So you (uh) you might have to (uh) look for the song in a couple of different places just to make sure that you, you're getting the lyrics (uh) because if they're users writing the lyrics there, they could make mistakes, especially spelling mistakes. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||текст песни|||||||||||||||орфографические ошибки| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||орфографічні| 所以你(呃)你可能必須(呃)在幾個不同的地方尋找這首歌只是為了確保你,你得到歌詞(呃)因為如果他們是在那裡寫歌詞的用戶,他們可能會犯錯誤,尤其是拼字錯誤。 Yeah, so that, that's a good thing, (you know), to look out for. 是的,所以,這是一件好事,(你知道),值得留意。

Gabby: Also, I wanted to share with our listeners if you're not sure what songs are popular, sometimes I go to the Billboard Top 100 or, (you know), Billboard Top 40 and that's a great way to just see what are the top songs in North America right now. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||ビルボード||||||||||||||||||| Gabby:另外,如果您不確定哪些歌曲流行,我想與我們的聽眾分享,有時我會去 Billboard 前 100 名,或者(你知道)Billboard 前 40 名,這是了解哪些歌曲的好方法。目前北美最熱門的歌曲。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Susanna: Yep. |так Yeah.

That's a good way to do it, yeah. 這是一個好方法,是的。

Lindsay: What do you find are some common songs that students like to use? Lindsay:您發現學生喜歡使用哪些常見歌曲? Are there any patterns in terms of famous songs that students really like? |існують||шаблони||щодо||||||| Чи є якісь закономірності щодо відомих пісень, які дуже подобаються студентам? 學生真正喜歡的名曲有哪些模式?

Susanna: No. (I mean), it, it really varies from person to person. (我的意思是)這個,這個確實是因人而異的。 (I mean), some people like the old Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald… ||||||||フランク・シナトラ|エラ・フィッツジェラルド|フィッツジェラルド (我的意思是),有些人喜歡老弗蘭克·辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)、埃拉·菲茨杰拉德(Ella Fitzgerald)…

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: …those songs. And actually, to be honest, it – in terms of learning English, the older songs that are slower and are telling a story are much better than the ones that are very fast and the instrumentals are very strong because, if the instrumentals are strong, you can't hear the lyrics clearly. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||伴奏|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||楽器の演奏||||||||||||||| ||||чесно|||в плані|||||||||повільніші|||||||||||ті що||||||||||||||||||не можеш||||чітко 事實上,說實話,就學習英語而言,較慢且講故事的老歌比那些速度很快且器樂很強的歌曲要好得多,因為如果器樂很強,你聽不清歌詞。

So, (you know), if you do like the older songs, they're wonderful because their pronunciation is usually excellent. |||||||||||замечательные|||||| 所以,(你知道),如果你確實喜歡老歌,它們會很棒,因為它們的發音通常很棒。 They're not cutting off so many words. ||скорочуючи|||| 他們不會刪掉那麼多話。 They're, they're singing slowly but usually telling a story. 他們唱得很慢,但通常是在講故事。

Gabby: That's a good tip.

Lindsay: So I was thinking about the song “Hotel California.” Would that fall into that category, more or less? |||||||||||||||类别||| |||||||||||||||категорія||| Lindsay:所以我想到了《加州旅館》這首歌。它或多或少屬於這一類嗎? By the Eagles? ||イーグルスによって "Орли"? 老鷹?

Susanna: Yeah, that is telling a story but, (you know), it's telling a story of people who were probably drug-induced. ||||||||||||||||||||под воздействием наркотиков ||||||||||||||||||||薬物誘発 ||||||||||||||||||||药物诱导的 蘇珊娜:是的,這是在講一個故事,但是,(你知道),它講的是一個可能是吸毒的人的故事。

Lindsay: Yeah, exactly.

Gabby: It might not be that easy to follow, but yeah. 蓋比:可能沒那麼容易理解,但是的。 Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, (um) - there's a lot of old classic singers and I can imagine those songs in my mind just being really nice and slow and clear and, and catchy too. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||запоминающиеся| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||memorable and appealing| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||キャッチーな| 法蘭克辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)、艾拉費茲傑拉(Ella Fitzgerald),(嗯)-有很多老經典歌手,我可以想像我腦海中的那些歌曲真的很好聽、緩慢、清晰、朗朗上口。

Lindsay: Definitely. 林賽:當然。

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yes. And, (you know), in terms of modern singers, Adele. ||||||||アデル 而且,(你知道),就現代歌手而言,阿黛爾。

Both: Adele.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yes. Wonderful. (You know) U2, (uh), (you know), when Bono's singing, he sings very clearly and… |||||||ボノが|||歌う||| (你知道)U2,(呃),(你知道)Bono唱歌的時候,他唱得很清楚,而且…

Gabby: True.

Susanna: …usually he's not that fast when he's singing. 蘇珊娜:……通常他唱歌的時候速度沒那麼快。 So, (you know), it's not just songs from fifty or sixty years ago. 所以,(你知道),這不只是五十或六十年前的歌曲。 You can still find modern songs that are like that but, (you know), even if you wanna (want to) go with Lady Gaga. ||||||||||||||||||||||レディー・ガガ 你仍然可以找到類似的現代歌曲,但是,(你知道),即使你想(想要)和 Lady Gaga 一起。

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: For example, Lady Gaga sings fairly clearly. ||||||довольно| ||||||相当| 蘇珊娜:比如,Lady Gaga 唱歌就相當清晰。

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: (You know), there are modern singers you can use, but what you need to stay away from is, are, are – you have to stay away from songs which have a lot of slang, like rap or some hip-hop, because you can find hip-hop and rap which can help you learn English… |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ラップ|||||||||||||||||| 蘇珊娜:(你知道),你可以使用一些現代歌手,但你需要遠離的是,是,是——你必須遠離有很多俚語的歌曲,比如說唱或一些嘻哈音樂,因為你可以找到嘻哈和說唱音樂來幫助你學習英語…

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: …but you have to make sure that it's, that, that it's not full of derogatory (uh) language and, and slang because then you're going to be learning incorrect, (you know), improper English which you would not want to use professionally at all. |||||||||||||||уничижительный||||||||||||||||неправильный||||||||||| |||||||||||||||軽蔑的な|||||||||||||間違った|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||贬义的|||||||||||||不正确的|||不当的||||||||||| 蘇珊娜:……但是你必須確保它不充滿貶義的(呃)語言和俚語,因為那樣你就會學到不正確的、(你知道的)、不恰當的英語,而你不會想要專業地使用。

Gabby: Absolutely.

That was a good tip. Okay.

So, first, (um) find the music, listen to it, write down what you hear, and then check your listening comprehension by reading those lyrics online. 所以,首先,(嗯)找到音樂,聽它,寫下你聽到的內容,然後透過線上閱讀這些歌詞來檢查你的聽力理解能力。 Is that correct?

Susanna: Correct.

Gabby: Great.


Lindsay: Is there one more thing that they could do? Lindsay:他們還能做一件事嗎?

Susanna: Yeah, there (um) – what's actually really good is you can go on YouTube and find karaoke versions of these songs. |||||||||||||||||版本||| 蘇珊娜:是的,有(嗯)——實際上真正好的一點是你可以在 YouTube 上找到這些歌曲的卡拉 OK 版本。 So you can listen to the songs and see the lyrics at the same time. 這樣您就可以一邊聽歌曲一邊查看歌詞。

Gabby: Oh cool.

I like that idea.

Lindsay: So get the whole body involved. ||||||вовлечённым Lindsay:所以讓整個身體都參與其中。 (Mm-hm).

Susanna: What? What's that?

Lindsayy: You just get your whole body involved and watching people sing and kind of voicing the lyrics, yeah. |||||||||||||||发声||| リンゼイ|||||||||||||||||| Lindsayy:你只需全心投入,看著人們唱歌並說出歌詞,是的。

Susanna: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. (You know), it – to be honest, some of my karaoke (uh) versions are only instrumental, so – because you're not supposed to be hearing the singer… |||||||||||||||||||не положено||||| (你知道),它 - 說實話,我的一些卡拉 OK(呃)版本只是器樂,所以 - 因為你不應該聽到歌手的聲音......

Gabby: Right.

Susanna: …you're supposed to be singing [crosstalk]… ||||||overlapping conversation ||||||かぶってる声 蘇珊娜:……你應該唱[相聲]…

Lindsay: You would sing.

Gabby: Yeah.

Susanna: Yeah, you're supposed to be listening. 蘇珊娜:是的,你應該聽著。 So what, what you might have to do is you might have to sync two different videos at the same: one video that is the original of, of the singer singing the song and then you can turn on the karaoke lyrics at the same time, but turn off the volume on the karaoke lyrics video because you don't need to hear the instrumental and you'll see the lyrics on one screen and you'll hear – (you know), the music is gonna (going to) come from another screen. |||||||||||||синхрониз||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||音量|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Так что, возможно, вам придется синхронизировать два разных видео одновременно: одно видео - оригинал песни, а затем вы можете включить караоке с текстом, но выключить громкость на видео с караоке, потому что вам не нужно слышать инструментальную часть, и вы будете видеть текст на одном экране, а слышать - (вы знаете), музыка будет звучать с другого экрана. 那麼,您可能需要做的是,您可能必須同時同步兩個不同的視頻:一個視頻是歌手演唱歌曲的原創視頻,然後您可以同時打開卡拉 OK 歌詞,但請關閉卡拉OK 歌詞視頻的音量,因為您不需要聽到樂器演奏,您會在一個螢幕上看到歌詞,然後您會聽到–(您知道),音樂即將(即將)響起從另一個螢幕。 (Uh), (you know), and you can have two opened at the same time. (呃),(你知道),而且可以同時打開兩個。 (Um), that, that's really good because then you're seeing the word as you're hearing it and there was actually research done in India using same-language subtitling for Bollywood films that showed that literacy rates went up in very poor areas in India where people were watching Bollywood movies and listening to Bollywood songs and having the word that they heard (uh) lit up on the screen ||||||||||||||||||||||||||字幕|||||||识字率|识字率|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||highlighted on screen|increased||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||字幕表示|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||грамотность||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (Это очень хорошо, потому что вы видите слово, которое слышите, и в Индии было проведено исследование с использованием субтитров на одном языке для болливудских фильмов, которое показало, что уровень грамотности повысился в очень бедных районах Индии, где люди смотрели болливудские фильмы и слушали болливудские песни, а слово, которое они слышали (э), высвечивалось на экране. (嗯),這真的很好,因為你會看到這個詞,就像你聽到的那樣,而且實際上在印度進行的研究使用寶萊塢電影的同語言字幕表明,在非常貧困的地區識字率提高在印度,人們觀看寶萊塢電影、聽寶萊塢歌曲,他們聽到的單字(呃)在螢幕上亮起

Gabby: Absolutely.

Lindsay: Oh.

Brilliant. 傑出的。

Gabby: I know…

Susanna: So simple.

Gabby: Yeah.

I know from my time living in Japan, well, karaoke's very popular there and in other Asian countries and when I would go to try to sing Japanese at karaoke, I would see those characters on the screen and that was great practice. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||字符|||||||| |||||||||カラオケは||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我在日本生活的時候就知道,卡拉 OK 在那裡和其他亞洲國家非常流行,當我去卡拉 OK 嘗試唱日語時,我會在屏幕上看到這些角色,這是很好的練習。 So, (you know), for someone learning English, training karaoke is a great… 所以,(你知道),對於學習英語的人來說,訓練卡拉 OK 是一個很棒的…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …fun way to become more literate and, and improve your pronunciation. ||||||有文化的||||| Gabby:……透過有趣的方式變得更有文化,並且提升你的發音。

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: So train karaoke. 蓋比:所以訓練卡拉 OK。

Lindsay: That's great. I had never thought of that idea of using karaoke. 我從來沒有想過要使用卡拉 OK 的想法。 Brilliant.

I love it.

Susanna: Yep. Well, it's a lot… 嗯,有很多…

Gabby: Very cool.

Lindsay: Oh, that's great.

Gabby: Yeah.

I love these tips. 我喜歡這些技巧。 I think it's fun and practical. 我認為這很有趣而且很實用。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Well, yeah, I think we can pretty much wrap it up there. 嗯,是的,我想我們基本上可以到此結束了。 Thank you so much, Susanna. So can you, (um), let our listeners know where they can find you online? 那麼你能(嗯)讓我們的聽眾知道他們可以在網路上找到你嗎?

Susanna: Sure. So my book is called “Language is Music” and you can just type in languageismusic.com or look me up on (uh) YouTube and, and Facebook and, and Twitter. ||||||||||||||Language is Music|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||言語は音楽|||||||||||||| 所以我的書叫做“語言就是音樂”,你只需輸入 languageismusic.com 或在(呃)YouTube 和 Facebook 和 Twitter 上找到我。 I'm all there with (uh) “The Language is Music” and (uh) my Facebook page is actually under my name, Susanna Zaraysky and the last name is Z-a-r-a-y-s-k-y and I also have a page for my book, “Language is Music.” And the book is available now both in English, it's, both of it it's available in English, (uh) Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian. 我完全支持(呃)“語言就是音樂”,並且(呃)我的 Facebook 頁面實際上是在我的名字下,Susanna Zaraysky,姓氏是 Zaraysky,我也有一個我的書的頁面,“語言就是音樂” 」。這本書現在有英文版,它有英文版、(呃)西班牙語版、葡萄牙語版和俄語版。 So the Spanish name is “El Idioma Es Musica”, the Portuguese is “Idioma é Música”, and the Russian one is totally different. ||||||||||||语言||||||||| ||||||||Music|||||is|Music||||||| 所以西班牙語的名字是“El Idioma Es Musica”,葡萄牙語的名字是“Idioma é Música”,而俄語的名字則完全不同。 It's (uh) – actually, it's funny. 這(呃)——實際上,這很有趣。 I forgot the name of my book. 我忘記了我的書名。 (Please see blog post for the link) something like that. (請參閱部落格文章的連結)類似的東西。

Lindsay: Wow.

Susanna: It's a verb phrase. 蘇珊娜:這是一個動詞片語。

Gabby: Oh cool.

Susanna: (Uh), but, (you know), if you find my website, you can find all of those books. 蘇珊娜:(呃)但是,(你知道),如果你找到我的網站,你就能找到所有這些書。

Lindsay: Oh, fantastic. So hopefully our listeners will be able to check that out. 所以希望我們的聽眾能夠檢查出來。

Thank you so much. We're so happy to have you on today… 我們很高興今天有您參加…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and I think you offered some awesome ideas. Lindsay:……我認為你提供了一些很棒的想法。 Thanks so much, Susanna. 非常感謝,蘇珊娜。

Susanna: Thanks so much for the invitation. Goodbye.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Hey guys if you want to learn ten ways to learn English with a podcast, come to our website and get our free e-book at www.allearsenglish.com/free. Lindsay:大家好,如果您想透過播客學習十種學習英語的方法,請訪問我們的網站並獲取我們的免費電子書:www.allearsenglish.com/free。


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.