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All Ears English, 97- Four Phrases in English to Talk About Your Personal Brand

97- Four Phrases in English to Talk About Your Personal Brand

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 97: “Teaching Tuesday: Four Phrases in English to Talk About Your Personal Brand” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In today's episode, you're gonna (going to) get four super cool ways to talk about yourself as a personal brand in English.


Gabby: Good morning Lindsay.

Lindsay: Good morning Gabby. How are you?

Gabby: I'm doing great. How are you?

Lindsay: Feeling good today. Yeah.

Gabby: Great. All right.

Lindsay: So, today we're gonna talk about Peter's episode yesterday. We talked about personal branding and we learned a lot of good stuff. Did you learn some good things?

Gabby: I did. It's very eye-opening to think about yourself, your person, as a brand.

Lindsay: Right but, as Peter said, that's what we have to do now. So, we wanna (want to) help you guys start to do that and learn how to actually talk about that in English.

Gabby: Yeah.

So we're gonna (going to) look at four words or phrases that were used during Monday's episode and talk about how you can use them to talk about your personal brand. So let's get started.

Lindsay: All right. Let's go. So the first one was “uniqueness.”

Gabby: Uniqueness is (uh) a way – it's – well, a noun form of “unique” (it's an adjective), to talk about what's special.

Lindsay: Yeah.

What's different about you? What's special? What's unique?

What's, what's not like anyone else?

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: What is your uniqueness?

Gabby: Yeah.

So when you talk about your personal brand, you wanna (want to) talk about what stands out, what is unique. And that has to do with the next (um) verb, the next vocabulary word. A verb: to “differentiate.” So when you talk about how you're unique, you differentiate yourself from others.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So if everyone else in your field has a background in writing and you have a background in art, for example…

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: …you would want to highlight that. So that's a way to differentiate yourself.

Gabby: Yeah.

To differentiate means to show what's different.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Definitely. Nice.

Gabby: And what's the next phrase?

Lindsay: The next one is “to point someone towards something.”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Okay. So we can use this in a lot of different ways. (Um) to point someone towards – (ah), you, you're indicating. You're, you're showing them the way. You're…

Lindsay: Moving them in that direction.

Gabby: Right, right. Right.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: (Um) you can use this in another way, like (um) my writing skills point towards a career in writing. (You know), you could use it talk, to talk about your skills.

Lindsay: Right. Or if you have your own small business, then your website could point your readers towards something that you wanna (want to) feature, something that you want to highlight about, about yourself.

Gabby: Cool. And the last phrase we wanna (want to) share with you is “to dig into.”

Lindsay: Ooh. Does this mean I pick up a shovel and I dig?

Gabby: Kind of. That's the idea.

Lindsay: Oh.

Gabby: “To delve into” is another way to say this. To (um), just to explore?

Lindsay: “To get into,” right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: “Get” can fill in, be filled in there.

Gabby: “To get into.”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Absolutely. To look into, (uh)…

Lindsay: “To examine.”

Gabby: Oh, I like that.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Gabby: Yeah.

So to go a little deeper than a surface view – so if you are examining your personal brand, you need to dig into your personality traits, your skills and the way that other people see you.

Lindsay: Definitely. Great example. And how did we use this in the interview yesterday, Gabby?

Gabby: Oh. To introduce Peter's three tips for you, we said, “Okay, let's get started. Let's dig into your three tips.”

Lindsay: Exactly. We didn't wanna (want to) waste any time, so we went straight to the point.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: To dig into it.

Gabby: Great. So we hope that you find these four (uh) vocabulary words or phrases helpful. Let's just take a minute to repeat them. So go ahead and repeat right after us. I'll say the first word: “uniqueness.”

Lindsay: And the next one is “to differentiate.”

Gabby: “To point someone towards.”

Lindsay: And the last one is “to dig into.”

Gabby: Awesome.

Lindsay: Nice.

Gabby: Good job. Thanks for listening.


Gabby: We made a special quiz for you for today's episode to test your understanding. You can find it on our website, allearsenglish.com, on today's episode. See you there.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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97- Four Phrases in English to Talk About Your Personal Brand 97- Vier englische Sätze, um über Ihre persönliche Marke zu sprechen 97- Cuatro frases en inglés para hablar de tu marca personal 97- Quatro frases em inglês para falar da sua marca pessoal 97- Четыре фразы на английском языке для разговора о вашем личном бренде 97- Kişisel Markanız Hakkında Konuşmak İçin Dört İngilizce İfade 97-四個英語短語談論你的個人品牌

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 97: “Teaching Tuesday: Four Phrases in English to Talk About Your Personal Brand” [Instrumental] Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 97 集:「星期二教學:用英語談論你的個人品牌的四個短語」[樂器]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In today's episode, you're gonna (going to) get four super cool ways to talk about yourself as a personal brand in English. 蓋比:在今天的節目中,您將獲得四種超級酷的方式來用英語談論自己的個人品牌。


Gabby: Good morning Lindsay.

Lindsay: Good morning Gabby. ||greeting to Gabby|Gabby (name) How are you? in what manner||

Gabby: I'm doing great. ||feeling|very well How are you? in what manner||

Lindsay: Feeling good today. |am|well|this day Yeah. affirmative response

Gabby: Great. All right. |okay

Lindsay: So, today we're gonna talk about Peter's episode yesterday. ||||going to||regarding||| 林賽:所以,今天我們要來談談彼得昨天的插曲。 We talked about personal branding and we learned a lot of good stuff. 我們討論了個人品牌,學到了很多好東西。 Did you learn some good things?

Gabby: I did. It's very eye-opening to think about yourself, your person, as a brand. 將自己、你的人當作一個品牌來思考,真是令人大開眼界。

Lindsay: Right but, as Peter said, that's what we have to do now. Lindsay:是的,但是,正如彼得所說,這就是我們現在必須做的。 So, we wanna (want to) help you guys start to do that and learn how to actually talk about that in English. 所以,我們想(想要)幫助你們開始這樣做,並學習如何用英語實際談論這一點。

Gabby: Yeah.

So we're gonna (going to) look at four words or phrases that were used during Monday's episode and talk about how you can use them to talk about your personal brand. 因此,我們將看一下週一節目中使用的四個單字或短語,並討論如何使用它們來談論您的個人品牌。 So let's get started. 那麼就讓我們開始吧。

Lindsay: All right. Let's go. So the first one was “uniqueness.” |||||уникальность 所以第一個是「獨特性」。

Gabby: Uniqueness is (uh) a way – it's – well, a noun form of “unique” (it's an adjective), to talk about what's special. |||||||||существительное||||||особенный||||| 蓋比:獨特性是(呃)一種方式——它是——嗯,「獨特」(它是一個形容詞)的名詞形式,用來談論什麼是特別的。

Lindsay: Yeah.

What's different about you? 你有什麼不同? What's special? What's unique?

What's, what's not like anyone else? Что не похоже на других? 什麼,什麼和其他人不一樣?

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: What is your uniqueness? Lindsay:你的獨特之處是什麼?

Gabby: Yeah.

So when you talk about your personal brand, you wanna (want to) talk about what stands out, what is unique. 因此,當你談論你的個人品牌時,你想要談論什麼是突出的、什麼是獨特的。 And that has to do with the next (um) verb, the next vocabulary word. 這與下一個(嗯)動詞、下一個詞彙有關。 A verb: to “differentiate.” So when you talk about how you're unique, you differentiate yourself from others. |||||||||||||различать||| 動詞:「區分」。因此,當您談論自己的獨特之處時,您就將自己與其他人區分開來。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So if everyone else in your field has a background in writing and you have a background in art, for example… 因此,如果您所在領域的其他人都有寫作背景,而您有藝術背景,例如…

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: …you would want to highlight that. Lindsay:……你想強調這一點。 So that's a way to differentiate yourself. |||||выделить себя| 所以這是讓自己與眾不同的一種方式。

Gabby: Yeah.

To differentiate means to show what's different. 區分意味著顯示不同之處。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Definitely. Nice.

Gabby: And what's the next phrase?

Lindsay: The next one is “to point someone towards something.” Линдси: Следующий - "направить кого-то на что-то". Lindsay:下一個是「引導某人走向某事」。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Okay. So we can use this in a lot of different ways. 所以我們可以透過很多不同的方式來使用它。 (Um) to point someone towards – (ah), you, you're indicating. ||||||||指向 (嗯)指向某人-(啊),你,你在指示。 You're, you're showing them the way. 你,你正在為他們指明道路。 You're…

Lindsay: Moving them in that direction. |||||that way Lindsay:讓他們朝那個方向發展。

Gabby: Right, right. Right. correct answer

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: (Um) you can use this in another way, like (um) my writing skills point towards a career in writing. |||||||different|||||writing|||||profession||writing career 蓋比:(嗯)你可以用另一種方式使用它,就像(嗯)我的寫作技巧指向寫作生涯。 (You know), you could use it talk, to talk about your skills. |||||||||||abilities (你知道),你可以用它來談論你的技能。

Lindsay: Right. Or if you have your own small business, then your website could point your readers towards something that you wanna (want to) feature, something that you want to highlight about, about yourself. ||||||||||||||читателям||||||||особенность||||||||| |||||||small business|in that case|||||||to|content|||want to|||showcase|specific aspect|||||emphasize|regarding|regarding|yourself ||||||||||||||||||||||特色||||||||| 或者,如果您擁有自己的小型企業,那麼您的網站可以引導您的讀者了解您想要(想要)展示的內容,您想要強調的關於您自己的內容。

Gabby: Cool. And the last phrase we wanna (want to) share with you is “to dig into.” 我們想與您分享的最後一個短語是「深入研究」。

Lindsay: Ooh. Does this mean I pick up a shovel and I dig? |||||||лопата||| |||||||铲子||| 這是否意味著我拿起鏟子去挖?

Gabby: Kind of. That's the idea.

Lindsay: Oh.

Gabby: “To delve into” is another way to say this. ||углубиться||||||| ||"Explore deeply"||||||| 蓋比:「深入研究」是另一種表達方式。 To (um), just to explore? ||||探索一下 為了(嗯),只是為了探索?

Lindsay: “To get into,” right? Lindsay:“進入”,對吧?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: “Get” can fill in, be filled in there. Lindsay:「Get」可以填,就填在那裡。

Gabby: “To get into.”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Absolutely. To look into, (uh)…

Lindsay: “To examine.” ||изучить

Gabby: Oh, I like that.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Gabby: Yeah.

So to go a little deeper than a surface view – so if you are examining your personal brand, you need to dig into your personality traits, your skills and the way that other people see you. ||||||||表面||||||审视|||||||||||个性特征|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||черты личности|||||||||| 因此,要比表面觀點更深入一些——如果你正在審視你的個人品牌,你需要深入了解你的個性特徵、你的技能以及其他人看待你的方式。

Lindsay: Definitely. Great example. And how did we use this in the interview yesterday, Gabby? 加比,我們在昨天的訪談中是如何使用這個的?

Gabby: Oh. To introduce Peter's three tips for you, we said, “Okay, let's get started. 為了向您介紹 Peter 的三個技巧,我們說:「好吧,讓我們開始吧。 Let's dig into your three tips.” 讓我們深入探討一下您的三個秘訣。”

Lindsay: Exactly. We didn't wanna (want to) waste any time, so we went straight to the point. 我們不想浪費任何時間,所以我們直奔主題。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: To dig into it.

Gabby: Great. So we hope that you find these four (uh) vocabulary words or phrases helpful. 因此,我們希望這四個(呃)詞彙或短語對您有所幫助。 Let's just take a minute to repeat them. 讓我們花一點時間重複一下。 So go ahead and repeat right after us. 所以請繼續跟在我們後面重複。 I'll say the first word: “uniqueness.” 我會說第一個字:「獨特性」。

Lindsay: And the next one is “to differentiate.” |||||||различать Lindsay:下一個是「差異化」。

Gabby: “To point someone towards.” 蓋比:“指向某人。”

Lindsay: And the last one is “to dig into.”

Gabby: Awesome.

Lindsay: Nice.

Gabby: Good job. Thanks for listening.


Gabby: We made a special quiz for you for today's episode to test your understanding. Gabby:我們在今天的節目中為您做了一個特別的測驗來測試您的理解程度。 You can find it on our website, allearsenglish.com, on today's episode. 您可以在我們的網站 allearsenglish.com 上找到今天節目的內容。 See you there.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.