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All Ears English, 96- Why Personal Branding Matters for You as an English Speaker

96- Why Personal Branding Matters for You as an English Speaker

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 96: “Why Personal Branding Matters for You as an English Speaker: An Interview with Peter Sterlacci.”

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. Gabby: In this episode, personal branding expert, Peter Sterlacci shares two practical, free personal branding tools that you can use online now. Gabby: Hey, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby.

Gabby: How's it going?

Lindsay: Okay. How about you?

Gabby: Great.

(Um), we're here with my friend and colleague, Peter Sterlacci, consultant and coach for personal branding. (Um), he's based in Japan.

(Uh) Peter, how are you doing?

Peter: Great, Gabby. How are you? Hi, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey, Peter.

Gabby: Maybe you could tell us what a personal brand is.

Peter: (A) Personal brand, the simplest definition of it that I use, is it's your unique promise of value. And so like any brand that's out there, whether it's a product like Apple, or a place like Boston, or a person like, (you know), you guys and me. We, we all have a value, a value that we promise to the world around us. And we know, for example, that Apple promises innovation. (Um), Boston, I'll ask you guys, what is, what is the brand promise for Boston?

Gabby: It's education.

Lindsay: Yeah, education and maybe also some traditions. It's sort of a traditional city.

Gabby: Sports, too.

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah, a few different things.

Peter: Exactly.

So that's the message, that's the brand message that Boston provides. And, (you know), Lindsay and Gabby and me and all of your listeners, every single one of us even as a person, we have a promise of value that we offer. There's something unique about us. There's a unique strength, unique value that we deliver to the people around us. And so that, that uniqueness is your personal brand and it's what really separates you from anybody else around you who might be doing the same thing, or comes from a similar background. But it is that promise of value that, that we, we provide and more in today – in today's world, we need to really differentiate ourselves because we do live in (uh), in an economy that's always changing, but your personal brand is the one constant thing that you can always rely on. So, that's what I help people to do, is to uncover really what that – to get clarity on what that unique promise of value is and then using that to deliver the greatest value to your career and to your life.

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: And, yeah, that's, that's interesting. And where in the world is personal branding really popular and where is it less common?

Peter: All right, well, personal branding I would say in the last (um) four or five years has grown tremendously. And it's – now it's probably today's, one of today's hottest (uh) career development topics. (Um), (uh), in the United Sates it's, it's, it's quite big (um) and culturally we would expect it to be because it is a culture that really values kind of differentiation and, and (uh) individuality. But even here in Asia you're starting to see the value of personal branding and (uh) in cultures like Japan and other Asian cultures where there are more group cultures (um), there still is the value of understanding what your strengths are because you, you use those strengths in the benefit of the group as well. It's not just to separate yourself. You're not isolating yourself from the group. You're using that unique promise of value to benefit the group…

Lindsay: Oh.

Peter: …or the organization. So even in Asian cultures, it is starting to take ground as well…

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: …probably a bit more slowly than other places but it still is.

Lindsay: (Huh).

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That's a good way to look at it.

Gabby: Well, and it's – it's so cool thinking about, (you know), the background we came from professionally like teaching English to international professionals or, or Japanese people who are working with people from all over the world, English speakers. It's really important to, (you know), get this concept and be able to, (you know), use it to, to your benefit and to help the group and, (you know), if, if you're (uh) an English speaker and you wanna (want to), you wanna (want to) work with Internationals, I think this concept is really important. It's just really important these days.


Peter: Absolutely, absolutely.

Gabby: So, we were talking about (um) some tips that you wanted to share with our listeners. So maybe we can…

Peter: Sure.

Gabby: …dig right into those.

Peter: Well the first thing (um) (uh) the first tip I wanna (want to) give is that (um) we – you really need to get feedback about (um) how people see you. (Um)…

Gabby: Ah, yeah.

Peter: …and your personal brand is basically held in the hearts and minds of those around you. And so one of the things you can do, a very informal way of doing this, is sit down with a piece of paper and, and write down five words that you would use to describe yourself. And then circle that – out of those five words, circle one word that you wanna (want to) be known for. (Like), let's say you wanna (want to) be known as passionate.

Gabby: Okay.

Peter: (Like) that's the word that defines you.

Gabby: Right.

Peter: That's the most important brand attribute that you think is important to you. Then go around and ask people who know you: friends, family, colleagues, co-workers, to do the same thing, to pick five words they would use to describe you and to circle the one word that they, they think is the one word that is you. And look for the similarities and the gaps and differences and, and see where, where they are. And that is the beginning of understanding really your brand attributes.

Gabby: I'm guessing…

Peter: So that's a very informal way of doing it.

Gabby: I'm guessing you want to describe your character and not so much (like), “Oh, I have curly hair “or “I'm tall,” right?

Peter: Right.

Gabby: Okay.

Peter: Exactly.

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah.

Peter: Even from a, from an English learning standpoint, let's just say, adjectives that you would use to describe yourself like passionate, (you know)…

Gabby: Responsible.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Peter: Responsible, international, things like that.

Lindsay: Okay. Gabby and I have been talking a little bit about the book called “Strength Finder 2.0.” Are you familiar with that book?

Peter: Yes.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Do you point clients towards that book sometimes to figure out what those things are or is that more of a…?

Peter: Absolutely, and actually one of the websites I wanna (want to), I wanna (want to) give your listeners (um) is (uh), a more formal tool that you can use (uh) that's similar to “Strengths Finder.” It's called the “360Reach Personal Brand Survey.” It's the only survey that you can take (uh) online that actually is designed to understand your personal brand. And if your listeners go to 360, so 3-6-0-reach, r-e-a-c… r-e-a-c-h.me, so 360reach.me, you can get a free 15-day trial of the survey. And you can set – what you do is you send this out again to people who know you well…

Gabby: Yep.

Peter: …and they will anonymously – so you, you will not know who sends it back to you – give you feedback about your personal brand.

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: And it's really the beginning point and (um), and it's a great free tool to use in the beginning (uh) (uh) and then listeners, if they want to really expand upon it and get the premium tool they can look at that, too. But, but that's a really great starting point.

Lindsay: Very helpful.

Peter: And “Strengths Finder” and the “360Reach” tool (uh) actually correlate really well.

Lindsay: Oh, interesting….

Gabby: Great.

Lindsay: …interesting. Yeah, I was really impressed with “Strengths Finder”. I took it over the summer and I was (like), “Oh my god, this is so accurate.”

Gabby: Yeah, it's very helpful.

Lindsay: And it's so amazing to get a set of strengths, things that you really do well and that you might not recognize that you do so well.

Peter: And, and I think the key thing to remember here is that the benefit of “Strengths Finder” is, is awesome in the sense of you understanding what your core strengths are.

Both: Yeah. Peter: (Uh) what 360Reach personal brand survey would give you is the external feedback.

Gabby: Yeah.


Peter: So it's both self-awareness as well as external feedback which is so critical for the personal branding side as well. So, it's…

Gabby: Absolutely. Cool.

Lindsay: What a great tool.

Peter: It's a really good tool. The other thing, the other tip I wanted to give you guys is (um) a big part of personal branding is your online identity, your reputation in the worldwide web.

Lindsay: Yep.

Peter: (Um), and (uh) that's really critical as we know today to be present online and what we often say, if you don't show up on Google, you don't exist.

Lindsay: Ooh, yeah.

Gabby: Oh, that's tough.

Peter: And, and nowadays, it's, it's, it's imperative that we have an online presence. And so…

Gabby: Right.

Peter: …a lot of people don't know what their online presence is right now. So another free tool that you can go to is called the onlineidcalculator.com.

(Uh) that's a mouthful, but onlineidcalculator.com. And this is another free tool…

Gabby: Great.

Peter: …where it'll ask you to Google your name and then you'll answer some questions about it and then it'll tell you what your online identity is (uh) based on a…

Gabby: Wow.

Peter: …scale that it used. (Um), and it'll tell you whether you're (uh), have a very big online presence or you're invisible online or what have you.

Gabby: (Huh).

Peter: I think it's another really cool way of understanding how the world sees you because that's how we see each other now. It's on Google.

Gabby: Yeah, (I mean) even if you don't have like a, a business or a website or something, if you're applying for a job (like) at an international company, usually the first thing they're gonna (going to) do in HR is Google your name, right?

Lindsay: Right.

Peter: Yes.

Well, the statistics will tell you now that now it's close to about 90% of companies are going to Google, to Google your name to find out more information about you. (Um) and this is the reality of the working world these days is that, is that it's, it's well beyond your resume. While your resume will never disappear, it'll always be there. (Uh), employers are going online, they're trying to see how professional you look, (um), (you know) they're going into your Facebook page (um)…

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah.

Peter: …and so it's really important that I think (uh) especially for students to be aware of, of how critical it is to, to, to be presenting yourself in, in a way that will be beneficial to your future career.

Gabby: Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes when you're (like) what, 17 years old, you don't think about that but it's so important if you're applying to college, if you're applying for a job, they're probably gonna (going to) Google you so that's a really good point.

Peter: Definitely, definitely. So it's a good idea to go to, (you know), the onlineidcalculator.com, get a sense of what your current online reputation is…

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: …and then just stay on top of it. (I mean) (uh), (you know), Google yourself (uh) you can set up (uh) Google (uh) alerts (uh) where Google will tell you whenever you show up on (uh) (uh) online and then you can manage your online personal brand as well.

Gabby: Yeah, that's handy.

Lindsay: Cool. Good tip. I like that.

Gabby: Those are two…

Peter: Sure.

Gabby: …really practical websites. Great tools.

Lindsay: Thank you for that.

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: Oh, you're welcome.

Gabby: Great.

So (uh) when our listeners wanna (want to) find out more about you Peter, when they wanna (want to), (you know), connect with you, where can they go to do that?

Peter: (Uh), the best place is (uh) directly to my website, which is petersterlacci.com (um) p-e-t-e-r-s-t-e-r-l-a-c-c-i.com. (Um), and then on my website they can – people can connect with me. I'm on Twitter. I'm very active on Twitter (um) that's my main social media tool. (Um), but you connect with me on Twitter. And also I would recommend for people to (uh) subscribe to (uh) my newsletter (um) that I released. (Uh), you can also download for free (uh) two e-books that I have, one on (um) personal branding across cultures and I think that would be very interesting.

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: (Uh), and then another, another one which is basically – actually, Gabby, I think you're in that one. Lindsay: Sweet. You're famous.

Peter: Yes.

Gabby, Gabby is actually in my other e-book which was a 30-day event that I did.

Gabby: A blogathon, yes.

Peter: Writing about personal branding and, and Gabby did it from a, from a language learning perspective. So…

Lindsay: Nice.

Gabby: Nice, yeah. And I'm subscribed for your newsletter so I know it's helpful, it's practical, I would recommend that for sure.

Peter: Cool.

Gabby: Yeah.

All right. Well, thanks Peter for joining us and thanks for the, the practical tips. Thanks for connecting with us. It was really great.

Lindsay: Yeah, thank you so much. That was fun.

Peter: Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure and (uh) I enjoyed it a lot.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast,” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1 through 88 and you guys can ask direct questions. You can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. So it's a huge value.

You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations, that's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there! Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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96- Why Personal Branding Matters for You as an English Speaker 96- Warum Personal Branding für Sie als Englischsprachige/r wichtig ist 96- Por qué la marca personal es importante para ti como angloparlante 96- Pourquoi le Personal Branding est-il important pour vous en tant qu'anglophone ? 96- 英語話者としてパーソナル・ブランディングが重要な理由 96- 영어 사용자로서 개인 브랜딩이 중요한 이유 96- Dlaczego marka osobista ma znaczenie dla Ciebie jako osoby mówiącej po angielsku? 96- Porque é que a marca pessoal é importante para si enquanto falante de inglês 96 - Почему персональный брендинг важен для вас как для носителя английского языка 96- Bir İngilizce Konuşmacısı Olarak Kişisel Markalaşma Sizin İçin Neden Önemlidir? 96-为什么个人品牌对你作为一个说英语的人很重要 96-為什麼個人品牌對你作為一個說英語的人很重要

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 96: “Why Personal Branding Matters for You as an English Speaker: An Interview with Peter Sterlacci.” ||||||||||||||||||English Speaker||interview segment||| |||||||||||||||||||||||スターラッチ Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 96 集:“為什麼個人品牌對英語使用者來說很重要:彼得·斯特拉奇 (Peter Sterlacci) 訪談。”

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. Gabby: In this episode, personal branding expert, Peter Sterlacci shares two practical, free personal branding tools that you can use online now. |||||个人品牌||||||||||工具|||||| Gabby:在本集中,個人品牌專家 Peter Sterlacci 分享了兩個實用、免費的個人品牌工具,您現在可以在線上使用它們。 Gabby: Hey, Lindsay. ||name

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. ||name

Gabby: How's it going? |||going on

Lindsay: Okay. How about you? |suggestion regarding|

Gabby: Great. |Awesome

(Um), we're here with my friend and colleague, Peter Sterlacci, consultant and coach for personal branding. ||||||||||顾问||||| |||||friend and||work associate|Peter Sterlacci|Peter Sterlacci||and|personal branding expert|on|individual|personal branding (嗯),我們和我的朋友兼同事 Peter Sterlacci 一起來到這裡,他是個人品牌顧問兼教練。 (Um), he's based in Japan. ||located||Japan (嗯),他住在日本。

(Uh) Peter, how are you doing? |Peter||||feeling

Peter: Great, Gabby. How are you? ||you Hi, Lindsay. |Lindsay (name)

Lindsay: Hey, Peter.

Gabby: Maybe you could tell us what a personal brand is. |perhaps|||||||individual|| 蓋比:也許你可以告訴我們什麼是個人品牌。

Peter: (A) Personal brand, the simplest definition of it that I use, is it's your unique promise of value. ||||||||||||||||обещание|| |||||most basic|meaning||||||||||commitment of value|| Питер: (А) Личный бренд - самое простое определение, которое я использую, - это ваше уникальное обещание ценности. Peter:(A) 個人品牌,我使用的最簡單的定義,就是你獨特的價值承諾。 And so like any brand that's out there, whether it's a product like Apple, or a place like Boston, or a person like, (you know), you guys and me. ||||entity|that is||||||||Apple product|||||city in Massachusetts|||individual like|||||you all|| 就像任何品牌一樣,無論是像蘋果這樣的產品,還是像波士頓這樣的地方,或者像(你知道的)你們和我這樣的人。 We, we all have a value, a value that we promise to the world around us. |||possess|||||||||||surrounding| 我們,我們都有一個價值觀,一個我們向周遭世界承諾的價值觀。 And we know, for example, that Apple promises innovation. ||||||||创新 例如,我們知道蘋果公司承諾創新。 (Um), Boston, I'll ask you guys, what is, what is the brand promise for Boston? ||||||||||||brand promise||Boston brand (嗯),波士頓,我問你們,波士頓的品牌承諾是什麼?

Gabby: It's education. ||the subject 加比:這是教育。

Lindsay: Yeah, education and maybe also some traditions. Lindsay:是的,教育,也許還有一些傳統。 It's sort of a traditional city. 這是一個傳統的城市。

Gabby: Sports, too. 蓋比:運動也是。

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah, a few different things.

Peter: Exactly.

So that's the message, that's the brand message that Boston provides. ||||||||||предоставляет ||||||||||提供 這就是波士頓提供的訊息,這就是品牌訊息。 And, (you know), Lindsay and Gabby and me and all of your listeners, every single one of us even as a person, we have a promise of value that we offer. 而且,(你知道),林賽、蓋比、我以及所有聽眾,我們每個人,甚至作為一個人,我們都有我們提供的價值承諾。 There's something unique about us. 我們有一些獨特之處。 There's a unique strength, unique value that we deliver to the people around us. 我們向周圍的人傳遞獨特的力量和獨特的價值。 And so that, that uniqueness is your personal brand and it's what really separates you from anybody else around you who might be doing the same thing, or comes from a similar background. ||||独特性|||||||||使与众不同||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||in your vicinity|||||||||||||comparable|upbringing |||||||||||||分ける||||||||||||||||||| 因此,這種獨特性就是您的個人品牌,也是您與周圍可能做同樣事情或來自相似背景的其他人真正區分開來的原因。 But it is that promise of value that, that we, we provide and more in today – in today's world, we need to really differentiate ourselves because we do live in (uh), in an economy that's always changing, but your personal brand is the one constant thing that you can always rely on. |||||||||||||||||||||||区分|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||commitment to value||||||||||||||||||||our brand|since||||||||||constantly|evolving|||individual||||||||||consistently||rely on |||||||||||||||||||||||差別化する|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||полагаться на| 但這是我們在今天提供的以及更多的價值承諾——在當今世界,我們需要真正使自己與眾不同,因為我們確實生活在(呃)一個不斷變化的經濟中,但你的個人品牌是您始終可以信賴的一件不變的事。 So, that's what I help people to do, is to uncover really what that – to get clarity on what that unique promise of value is and then using that to deliver the greatest value to your career and to your life. ||||||||||раскрыть|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |that is|that|||||||||truly||that||||||||unique value proposition|of value||||||||||most significant||||professional journey|||| ||||||||||明らかにする|||||得る|明確さ|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||揭示||||||清晰度|||||||||||||||||||||||| 所以,這就是我幫助人們做的事情,就是揭示真正的意義——弄清楚獨特的價值承諾是什麼,然後利用它為你的職業和生活帶來最大的價值。

Gabby: Wow. |surprise expression

Lindsay: And, yeah, that's, that's interesting. Lindsay:是的,這很有趣。 And where in the world is personal branding really popular and where is it less common? 世界上哪些地方個人品牌真正流行,哪些地方不太常見?

Peter: All right, well, personal branding I would say in the last (um) four or five years has grown tremendously. |||||||||||||||||||非常大地 彼得:好吧,我想說的是,個人品牌在過去(嗯)四、五年裡已經有了巨大的發展。 And it's – now it's probably today's, one of today's hottest (uh) career development topics. |||||||||最热门的|||| 這可能是當今最熱門的(呃)職業發展主題之一。 (Um), (uh), in the United Sates it's, it's, it's quite big (um) and culturally we would expect it to be because it is a culture that really values kind of differentiation and, and (uh) individuality. |||||美国||||||||||||||||||||||重视|||差异化||||个体性 |||||United States||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||アメリカ|||||||||||||||||||||||||差別化|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||дифференциация|||| (嗯),(呃),在美國,它是,它是相當大的(嗯),從文化上來說,我們期望它是這樣,因為它是一種真正重視差異化和,以及(呃)個性的文化。 But even here in Asia you're starting to see the value of personal branding and (uh) in cultures like Japan and other Asian cultures where there are more group cultures (um), there still is the value of understanding what your strengths are because you, you use those strengths in the benefit of the group as well. 但即使在亞洲,你也開始看到個人品牌的價值,並且(呃)在日本和其他亞洲文化等有更多群體文化的文化中(嗯),了解你的優勢仍然是有價值的,因為你也可以利用這些優勢為團隊謀取利益。 It's not just to separate yourself. 這不僅僅是為了分離自己。 You're not isolating yourself from the group. ||孤立|||| 你並沒有將自己孤立於群體之外。 You're using that unique promise of value to benefit the group… 您正在利用這種獨特的價值承諾來使團隊受益…

Lindsay: Oh.

Peter: …or the organization. 彼得:……或者組織。 So even in Asian cultures, it is starting to take ground as well… |||||||||根付く||| 因此,即使在亞洲文化中,它也開始紮根......

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: …probably a bit more slowly than other places but it still is. 彼得:……可能比其他地方慢一點,但仍然如此。

Lindsay: (Huh).

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That's a good way to look at it. Lindsay:這是一個很好的看待問題的方式。

Gabby: Well, and it's – it's so cool thinking about, (you know), the background we came from professionally like teaching English to international professionals or, or Japanese people who are working with people from all over the world, English speakers. ||||||||||||||||职业上|||||||||||||||||||||| 加比:嗯,想到(你知道)我們的專業背景真是太酷了,例如向國際專業人士教授英語,或與來自世界各地的英語使用者一起工作的日本人。 It's really important to, (you know), get this concept and be able to, (you know), use it to, to your benefit and to help the group and, (you know), if, if you're (uh) an English speaker and you wanna (want to), you wanna (want to) work with Internationals, I think this concept is really important. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||国际人士||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||国際的な||||||| (你知道)了解這個概念並能夠(你知道)利用它來為你帶來好處並幫助團隊,並且(你知道)如果,如果你(呃)一個說英語的人,你想要(想要) ,你想要(想要)與國際人士合作,我認為這個概念非常重要。 It's just really important these days. 這些天這真的很重要。


Peter: Absolutely, absolutely.

Gabby: So, we were talking about (um) some tips that you wanted to share with our listeners. 蓋比:所以,我們正在談論(嗯)您想與我們的聽眾分享的一些技巧。 So maybe we can…

Peter: Sure.

Gabby: …dig right into those. 加比:……深入研究這些。

Peter: Well the first thing (um) (uh) the first tip I wanna (want to) give is that (um) we – you really need to get feedback about (um) how people see you. 彼得:嗯,第一件事(嗯)(呃)我想(想)給的第一個建議是(嗯)我們 - 你真的需要得到關於(嗯)人們如何看待你的回饋。 (Um)…

Gabby: Ah, yeah.

Peter: …and your personal brand is basically held in the hearts and minds of those around you. ||||||||||сердцах|||||| 彼得:……你的個人品牌基本上是保留在你周遭人的心中。 And so one of the things you can do, a very informal way of doing this, is sit down with a piece of paper and, and write down five words that you would use to describe yourself. 因此,你可以做的一件事(一種非常非正式的方式)就是坐下來,拿著一張紙,寫下五個你用來描述自己的單字。 And then circle that – out of those five words, circle one word that you wanna (want to) be known for. ||圈出||||||||||||||||| 然後圈出它-從這五個字中圈出一個你想(想要)出名的字。 (Like), let's say you wanna (want to) be known as passionate. ||||||||||страстный

Gabby: Okay.

Peter: (Like) that's the word that defines you. ||||||определяет| ||||||定义|

Gabby: Right.

Peter: That's the most important brand attribute that you think is important to you. ||||||атрибут||||||| ||||||属性||||||| 彼得:這是您認為對您來說最重要的最重要的品牌屬性。 Then go around and ask people who know you: friends, family, colleagues, co-workers, to do the same thing, to pick five words they would use to describe you and to circle the one word that they, they think is the one word that is you. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||обвести|||||||||||||| 然後四處詢問認識你的人:朋友、家人、同事、同事,做同樣的事情,選擇他們會用來描述你的五個詞,並圈出他們認為是的一個詞。那個詞就是你。 And look for the similarities and the gaps and differences and, and see where, where they are. ||||相似之处|||||||||||| 尋找相似點、差距和差異,看看它們在哪裡。 And that is the beginning of understanding really your brand attributes. ||||||||||品牌属性 這就是真正理解您的品牌屬性的開始。

Gabby: I'm guessing…

Peter: So that's a very informal way of doing it. 彼得:所以這是一種非常非正式的方式。

Gabby: I'm guessing you want to describe your character and not so much (like), “Oh, I have curly hair “or “I'm tall,” right? ||угадываешь|||||||||||||||||||| 蓋比:我猜你想描述你的角色,而不是(例如)“哦,我有一頭捲髮”或“我很高”,對吧?

Peter: Right.

Gabby: Okay.

Peter: Exactly.

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah.

Peter: Even from a, from an English learning standpoint, let's just say, adjectives that you would use to describe yourself like passionate, (you know)… ||||||||точки зрения||||страстный|||||||||страстный|| ||||||||perspective||||||||||||||| ||||||||視点||||||||||||||| ||||||||学习角度||||||||||||||| 彼得:即使從英語學習的角度來看,你會用形容詞來形容自己,例如充滿熱情,(你知道)…

Gabby: Responsible.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Peter: Responsible, international, things like that. 彼得:負責任、國際化等等。

Lindsay: Okay. Gabby and I have been talking a little bit about the book called “Strength Finder 2.0.” Are you familiar with that book? ||||||||||||||ファインダー|||||| 蓋比和我一直在談論《力量發現者 2.0》這本書。你熟悉那本書嗎?

Peter: Yes.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Do you point clients towards that book sometimes to figure out what those things are or is that more of a…? |||клиенты||||||||||||||||| Dirigez-vous parfois les clients vers ce livre pour comprendre ce que sont ces choses ou est-ce plutôt un… ? 有時你會引導客戶看那本書來弄清楚這些東西是什麼,還是更多的是…?

Peter: Absolutely, and actually one of the websites I wanna (want to), I wanna (want to) give your listeners (um) is (uh), a more formal tool that you can use (uh) that's similar to “Strengths Finder.” It's called the “360Reach Personal Brand Survey.” It's the only survey that you can take (uh) online that actually is designed to understand your personal brand. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||опрос||||||||||разработан для||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||调查||||||||||旨在||||| Peter : Absolument, et en fait l'un des sites Web que je veux (veux), je veux (veux) donner à vos auditeurs (euh) est (euh), un outil plus formel que vous pouvez utiliser (euh) qui est similaire à "Forces Chercheur." C'est ce qu'on appelle le "360Reach Personal Brand Survey". C'est la seule enquête que vous pouvez effectuer (euh) en ligne et qui est réellement conçue pour comprendre votre marque personnelle. 彼得:當然,實際上我想要(想要),我想要(想要)給你們的聽眾(嗯)的網站之一是(呃),一個你可以使用(呃)的更正式的工具,類似於“優勢”發現者。”它被稱為“360Reach 個人品牌調查”。這是您可以(呃)在線進行的唯一一項實際上旨在了解您的個人品牌的調查。 And if your listeners go to 360, so 3-6-0-reach, r-e-a-c… r-e-a-c-h.me, so 360reach.me, you can get a free 15-day trial of the survey. Et si vos auditeurs vont à 360, donc 3-6-0-reach, reac… reach.me, so 360reach.me, vous pouvez obtenir un essai gratuit de 15 jours de l'enquête. 如果您的聽眾造訪 360(即 3-6-0-reach)、reac…reach.me(即 360reach.me),您可以獲得該調查的 15 天免費試用期。 And you can set – what you do is you send this out again to people who know you well… Et vous pouvez définir – ce que vous faites, c'est que vous renvoyez ceci à des personnes qui vous connaissent bien… 你可以設定 - 你所做的就是再次將其發送給熟悉你的人...

Gabby: Yep. Gaby : Ouais.

Peter: …and they will anonymously – so you, you will not know who sends it back to you – give you feedback about your personal brand. ||||匿名地||||||||||||||||||| ||||匿名で||||||||||||||||||| Peter : …et ils vous donneront anonymement – donc vous, vous ne saurez pas qui vous le renvoie – des commentaires sur votre marque personnelle. 彼得:……他們會匿名——所以你,你不會知道誰把它發回給你——給你關於你的個人品牌的回饋。

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: And it's really the beginning point and (um), and it's a great free tool to use in the beginning (uh) (uh) and then listeners, if they want to really expand upon it and get the premium tool they can look at that, too. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||расширить|||||||||||| 彼得:這確實是一個起點(嗯),它是一個很棒的免費工具,可以在開始時使用(呃)(呃)然後聽眾,如果他們想真正擴展它並獲得他們可以查看的高級工具對此,也是如此。 But, but that's a really great starting point. 但是,但這確實是一個很好的起點。

Lindsay: Very helpful.

Peter: And “Strengths Finder” and the “360Reach” tool (uh) actually correlate really well. ||||||достижение|||||| ||||||||||相関する|| Питер: "Strengths Finder" и инструмент "360Reach" на самом деле очень хорошо коррелируют. Peter:「Strengths Finder」和「360Reach」工具(呃)其實關聯得非常好。

Lindsay: Oh, interesting….

Gabby: Great.

Lindsay: …interesting. Yeah, I was really impressed with “Strengths Finder”. ||||впечатлён||| 是的,「優勢查找器」給我留下了深刻的印象。 I took it over the summer and I was (like), “Oh my god, this is so accurate.” ||||||||||||||||准确 我整個夏天都接受了它,我(就像),“天哪,這太準確了。”

Gabby: Yeah, it's very helpful.

Lindsay: And it's so amazing to get a set of strengths, things that you really do well and that you might not recognize that you do so well. Lindsay:獲得一系列優勢真是太神奇了,這些優勢是你真正擅長的事情,而且你可能沒有意識到自己做得這麼好。

Peter: And, and I think the key thing to remember here is that the benefit of “Strengths Finder” is, is awesome in the sense of you understanding what your core strengths are. ||||||||||||||||Сильные стороны||||||||||||||| Peter : Et, et je pense que l'élément clé à retenir ici est que l'avantage de "Strengths Finder" est, est génial dans le sens où vous comprenez quelles sont vos principales forces. 彼得:而且,我認為這裡要記住的關鍵一點是,「優勢查找器」的好處是,在你了解自己的核心優勢是什麼的意義上是非常棒的。

Both: Yeah. Peter: (Uh) what 360Reach personal brand survey would give you is the external feedback. Peter : (Euh) ce que l'enquête sur la marque personnelle 360Reach vous donnerait, ce sont les commentaires externes. Peter:(呃)360Reach 個人品牌調查會給你的是外在回饋。

Gabby: Yeah.


Peter: So it's both self-awareness as well as external feedback which is so critical for the personal branding side as well. |||||||||外部反馈|||||至关重要||||||| Peter : C'est donc à la fois la conscience de soi et les commentaires externes qui sont aussi essentiels pour l'image de marque personnelle. 彼得:所以自我意識和外部回饋對於個人品牌方面也非常重要。 So, it's…

Gabby: Absolutely. Cool.

Lindsay: What a great tool.

Peter: It's a really good tool. The other thing, the other tip I wanted to give you guys is (um) a big part of personal branding is your online identity, your reputation in the worldwide web. |||||||||||||||||||||||身份||声誉|||| |||||||||||||||||||ブランド戦略|||||||||| 另一件事,我想給你們的另一個建議是(嗯)個人品牌的一個重要部分是您的線上身份,您在萬維網上的聲譽。

Lindsay: Yep.

Peter: (Um), and (uh) that's really critical as we know today to be present online and what we often say, if you don't show up on Google, you don't exist. Peter : (Euh), et (euh) c'est vraiment essentiel car nous savons aujourd'hui être présents en ligne et ce que nous disons souvent, si vous n'apparaissez pas sur Google, vous n'existez pas. 彼得:(嗯),(呃)這真的很重要,因為我們今天知道要出現在網路上,我們常說,如果你不出現在谷歌上,你就不存在。

Lindsay: Ooh, yeah.

Gabby: Oh, that's tough.

Peter: And, and nowadays, it's, it's, it's imperative that we have an online presence. |||в наши дни||||императивный|||||| |||||||必須の|||||| |||||||||||||在线存在 Peter : Et, et de nos jours, c'est, c'est, c'est impératif que nous ayons une présence en ligne. 彼得:現在,我們必須在網路上開展業務。 And so…

Gabby: Right.

Peter: …a lot of people don't know what their online presence is right now. Peter : …beaucoup de gens ne savent pas ce qu'est leur présence en ligne en ce moment. 彼得:……很多人現在不知道他們的網路形像是什麼。 So another free tool that you can go to is called the onlineidcalculator.com. ||||||||||||Online ID calculator| Donc, un autre outil gratuit auquel vous pouvez accéder s'appelle onlineidcalculator.com. 因此,您可以使用另一個免費工具,稱為 onlineidcalculator.com。

(Uh) that's a mouthful, but onlineidcalculator.com. |||||在线身份计算器| |||a lot||| |||||オンラインID計算機| (Euh) c'est une bouchée, mais onlineidcalculator.com. (呃)這很拗口,但是 onlineidcalculator.com。 And this is another free tool… 這是另一個免費工具......

Gabby: Great.

Peter: …where it'll ask you to Google your name and then you'll answer some questions about it and then it'll tell you what your online identity is (uh) based on a… Peter : ... où il vous demandera de Google votre nom, puis vous répondrez à quelques questions à ce sujet, puis il vous dira quelle est votre identité en ligne (euh) sur la base d'un… 彼得:……它會要求你在谷歌上搜尋你的名字,然後你會回答一些有關它的問題,然後它會根據……告訴你你的線上身分是什麼(呃)。

Gabby: Wow.

Peter: …scale that it used. Peter : … l'échelle qu'il a utilisée. 彼得:……它使用的規模。 (Um), and it'll tell you whether you're (uh), have a very big online presence or you're invisible online or what have you. (Um), et il vous dira si vous êtes (euh), si vous avez une très grande présence en ligne ou si vous êtes invisible en ligne ou quoi que ce soit d'autre. (嗯),它會告訴你,你是否(呃),在網路上有很大的影響力,或者你在網路上是隱形的,或者你有什麼。

Gabby: (Huh).

Peter: I think it's another really cool way of understanding how the world sees you because that's how we see each other now. Peter : Je pense que c'est une autre façon vraiment cool de comprendre comment le monde vous voit parce que c'est ainsi que nous nous voyons maintenant. 彼得:我認為這是了解世界如何看待你的另一種非常酷的方式,因為這就是我們現在看待彼此的方式。 It's on Google.

Gabby: Yeah, (I mean) even if you don't have like a, a business or a website or something, if you're applying for a job (like) at an international company, usually the first thing they're gonna (going to) do in HR is Google your name, right? |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||人事||||| Gabby : Ouais, (je veux dire) même si vous n'avez pas une, une entreprise ou un site Web ou quelque chose, si vous postulez pour un emploi (comme) dans une entreprise internationale, généralement la première chose qu'ils vont faire (va) faire dans les RH, c'est ton nom Google, n'est-ce pas ? 加比:是的,(我的意思是)即使你沒有企業或網站之類的東西,如果你在一家國際公司申請工作,通常他們首先要做的就是(打算)在人力資源部門做的是谷歌你的名字,對吧?

Lindsay: Right.

Peter: Yes.

Well, the statistics will tell you now that now it's close to about 90% of companies are going to Google, to Google your name to find out more information about you. 好吧,現在的統計數據會告訴你,現在有接近 90% 的公司會去 Google,去 Google 搜尋你的名字來找到更多關於你的資訊。 (Um) and this is the reality of the working world these days is that, is that it's, it's well beyond your resume. (嗯)這就是當今職場的現實,遠遠超出了你的履歷。 While your resume will never disappear, it'll always be there. |||||消失|||| 雖然您的履歷永遠不會消失,但它將永遠存在。 (Uh), employers are going online, they're trying to see how professional you look, (um), (you know) they're going into your Facebook page (um)… (呃),雇主正在上網,他們想看看你看起來有多專業,(嗯),(你知道)他們會進入你的 Facebook 頁面(嗯)......

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah.

Peter: …and so it's really important that I think (uh) especially for students to be aware of, of how critical it is to, to, to be presenting yourself in, in a way that will be beneficial to your future career. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||有利于|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||有益な|||| 彼得:……所以我認為(呃)特別是對於學生來說,要意識到以一種對你未來職業有益的方式展示自己是多麼重要。

Gabby: Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes when you're (like) what, 17 years old, you don't think about that but it's so important if you're applying to college, if you're applying for a job, they're probably gonna (going to) Google you so that's a really good point. ||||||||||||||||||подавая||||||||||||||||||||| 有時候,當你(例如)17 歲的時候,你不會考慮這一點,但如果你申請大學,如果你申請工作,這一點非常重要,他們可能會(去)谷歌你,所以這是一個非常好的觀點。

Peter: Definitely, definitely. So it's a good idea to go to, (you know), the onlineidcalculator.com, get a sense of what your current online reputation is… 因此,最好訪問(您知道)onlineidcalculator.com,了解您當前的線上聲譽...

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: …and then just stay on top of it. (I mean) (uh), (you know), Google yourself (uh) you can set up (uh) Google (uh) alerts (uh) where Google will tell you whenever you show up on (uh) (uh) online and then you can manage your online personal brand as well. |||||||||||||||提醒||||||||||||||||||||||||| (我的意思是)(呃),(你知道),谷歌自己(呃)你可以設定(呃)谷歌(呃)警報(呃)當你出現在(呃)(呃)在線時谷歌會告訴你然後您還可以管理您的線上個人品牌。

Gabby: Yeah, that's handy.

Lindsay: Cool. Good tip. I like that.

Gabby: Those are two…

Peter: Sure.

Gabby: …really practical websites. Gabby:……非常實用的網站。 Great tools.

Lindsay: Thank you for that.

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: Oh, you're welcome.

Gabby: Great.

So (uh) when our listeners wanna (want to) find out more about you Peter, when they wanna (want to), (you know), connect with you, where can they go to do that? 所以(呃)當我們的聽眾想要(想要)更多地了解你時,彼得,當他們想要(想要)(你知道)與你聯繫時,他們可以去哪裡做到這一點?

Peter: (Uh), the best place is (uh) directly to my website, which is petersterlacci.com (um) p-e-t-e-r-s-t-e-r-l-a-c-c-i.com. |||||||прямо||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||petersterlacci.com||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||ピーター・スターラッチ||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||彼得·斯特||||||||||||||||| Peter:(呃),最好的地方是(呃)直接訪問我的網站,即 petersterlacci.com(嗯)petersterlacci.com。 (Um), and then on my website they can – people can connect with me. I'm on Twitter. I'm very active on Twitter (um) that's my main social media tool. 我在 Twitter(嗯)上非常活躍,這是我的主要社交媒體工具。 (Um), but you connect with me on Twitter. (嗯),但是你在 Twitter 上與我聯絡。 And also I would recommend for people to (uh) subscribe to (uh) my newsletter (um) that I released. |||||||||||||通讯||||发布的 |||||||||||||ニュースレター|||| Et aussi je recommanderais aux gens de (uh) s'abonner à (uh) ma newsletter (um) que j'ai publiée. 我還建議人們(呃)訂閱(呃)我發布的時事通訊(嗯)。 (Uh), you can also download for free (uh) two e-books that I have, one on (um) personal branding across cultures and I think that would be very interesting. (Euh), vous pouvez aussi télécharger gratuitement (euh) deux e-books que j'ai, un sur (euh) l'image de marque personnelle à travers les cultures et je pense que ce serait très intéressant. (呃),你還可以免費下載(呃)我擁有的兩本電子書,一本是關於(嗯)跨文化個人品牌的,我認為這會非常有趣。

Gabby: Yeah.

Peter: (Uh), and then another, another one which is basically – actually, Gabby, I think you're in that one. Peter : (Euh), et puis un autre, un autre qui est essentiellement – en fait, Gabby, je pense que tu es dans celui-là. 彼得:(呃),然後另一個,另一個基本上是——實際上,加比,我認為你也在其中。 Lindsay: Sweet. Lindsay : adorable. You're famous. 你很有名。

Peter: Yes.

Gabby, Gabby is actually in my other e-book which was a 30-day event that I did. Gabby, Gabby est en fait dans mon autre livre électronique qui était un événement de 30 jours que j'ai fait. Gabby,Gabby 實際上出現在我的另一本電子書中,那是我舉辦的為期 30 天的活動。

Gabby: A blogathon, yes. ||блогомарафон| ||Blogging marathon| ||ブログマラソン| ||博客马拉松|

Peter: Writing about personal branding and, and Gabby did it from a, from a language learning perspective. Peter : Écrire sur l'image de marque personnelle et, et Gabby l'a fait du point de vue de l'apprentissage des langues. 彼得:寫關於個人品牌的文章,加比是從語言學習的角度寫的。 So…

Lindsay: Nice. 林賽:很好。

Gabby: Nice, yeah. And I'm subscribed for your newsletter so I know it's helpful, it's practical, I would recommend that for sure. ||订阅了|||||||||||||||| Et je suis abonné à votre newsletter donc je sais que c'est utile, c'est pratique, je le recommanderais à coup sûr. 我訂閱了你們的時事通訊,所以我知道它很有幫助,很實用,我絕對會推薦它。

Peter: Cool.

Gabby: Yeah.

All right. Well, thanks Peter for joining us and thanks for the, the practical tips. 好吧,感謝彼得加入我們,並感謝他提供的實用技巧。 Thanks for connecting with us. It was really great.

Lindsay: Yeah, thank you so much. That was fun.

Peter: Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure and (uh) I enjoyed it a lot. 這是一種樂趣,(呃)我非常喜歡它。


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. |||||||||||||||||||||||||订阅套餐|||||| Gabby:如果您喜歡 All Ears English 並且想認真提高英語水平,達到接近母語的水平,我們為您製作了高級訂閱包,為您提供更多支持。 What do you get? 你得到了什麼? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. 當每個新劇集發佈時,您都會收到它們的音訊和文字記錄。 You get practical learning tips every week. 您每週都會獲得實用的學習技巧。 You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast,” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1 through 88 and you guys can ask direct questions. 您可以獲得我們電子書的獨家訂戶版本“如何通過播客提高英語水平”,並且您可以獲得所有以前的文本記錄,從第 1 集到第 88 集,並且您可以直接提出問題。 You can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. 您可以直接與 Lindsay 和我 Gabby 溝通,詢問有關英語的任何問題。 So it's a huge value.

You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations, that's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. 您可以在我們的網站 allearsenglish.com/conversations 上找到該訂閱包,這就是對話。 See you there! Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.