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All Ears English, 92- American Role Play Conversation: Is the Invitation Real?

92- American Role Play Conversation: Is the Invitation Real?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 92: “American Role Play Conversation: Is the Invitation Real?”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In this episode, you'll listen to two role play conversations and see if you can decide which one has the real invitation.


Gabby: Hey guys. This is the end of a conversation. So…

Lindsay: All right.

Gabby: “Hey. So it was really good talking with you.”

Lindsay: “Yeah, yeah. That was great. Yeah, so (um) (you know) yeah maybe we should hang out some time.”

Gabby: “Yeah, that'd be great.”

Lindsay: “All right. So have a good night.”

Gabby: “Yeah, you too. Get home safe.”

Lindsay: “Yeah. Take care. “ Gabby: “Okay. Bye.” All right and this is the end of another conversation. We'll call this conversation two. “So it was really great talking with you.”

Lindsay: “I know. That was really cool (you know). It, it's so cool, (you know), we connect on so many different, in different areas.”

Gabby: “Yeah.”

Lindsay: “(Like) you know we're both interested in business. That's really cool.”

Gabby: “I would love to hear more about your projects.”

Lindsay: “Yeah absolutely. So have you (um) maybe we should get coffee, (you know), next week.”

Gabby: “That would be great. (Um) are you generally free (like) in the mornings or the afternoons?”

Lindsay: “Yeah afternoons are usually better for me, even (like) next Tuesday I'm free.”

Gabby: “Perfect. Okay. So sometime Tuesday afternoon. Let me give you a call on Monday.”

Lindsay: “Cool.”

Gabby: “Is that all right?”

Lindsay: “That'll be great.”

Gabby: “Okay cool. We'll follow up then.”

Lindsay: “Awesome. I can't wait.”

Gabby: “Okay. Have a good night.”

Lindsay: “Take care.”

Gabby: “Bye.” Okay cool. So you guys we showed you the end of two different conversations. (Um) which do you think has the better possibility of us actually seeing each other again? The first one or the second one? If you said the second one…

Lindsay: “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.”

Gabby: You are correct. (Um) in this, in this episode, we wanna (want to) talk about when people say “Do you wanna (want to) hang out some time?” Or “Do you wanna (want to) get coffee some time? Do you wanna (want to) get dinner some time? Do you wanna (want to) do blah, blah, blah some time?” Are they sincere?

Lindsay: Right.

So this is really tricky. And I've had a lot of students ask me “Why is it that Americans invite me out and then don't follow-up or when I followup they act weird and say they don't want to see me?” It's very confusing…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …so the word “sometime” could mean “I'm serious.” It could also mean “I'm not serious.”

Gabby: Yeah.

It's very common and very confusing. But, (you know), we were talking about, well how do we use “Do you wanna (want to) hang out sometime?” Sometimes it's used to end a conversation. It's not even sincere. It's not even real.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: It's just a way to exit a conversation. It's not a very good way, in my opinion ‘cause (because) it's…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …it can be confusing, but it happens a lot.

Lindsay: Yeah.

There are definitely better ways to do it. It could be (you know) – so try to avoid using this. But if you receive this (um) this statement, you need to understand it's not necessarily an invitation.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: (Um) can you give us an example of when you've used this Gabby?

Gabby: Oh yeah, absolutely. So (um) I remember – well I, I went to study abroad (like) twelve years ago in Cuba. I was there in the summer and (you know) I was having a conversation with some, some nice Cuban friends and (um) my Spanish wasn't that good at that time actually, but, (you know), I remember, (you know) (um) they invited me to have dinner (like) at their house and I said “Yeah we should do that some time.” And they're (like) “Well, how ‘bout (about), how ‘bout (about) tomorrow?” And I was like “Well, maybe some time, (you know).”

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a great example.

Gabby: And they, they took it really seriously. And, (you know), they were calling me the next day saying “Oh we have dinner prepared.” And I was (like) “What?” I did not understand that “sometime” or tomorrow for them was really serious and when I said some time I just meant to say good-bye.

Lindsay: Yeah, it's kind of a filler.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's a filler word. It's a way to end the conversation and that's really it in that case and especially your intonation.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: “We should have dinner some time.”

Gabby: Yeah, really unsure.

Lindsay: In an unsure kinda (kind of) trailing off.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. (Um) so in our first conversation it was not – there, there were no specific (um) times mentioned. There was nothing specific that we wanted to talk about or follow-up on, whereas in the second conversation, (you know), we mentioned what we wanted to talk about, why we wanted to meet again, and generally when we were going to meet and when we were going to talk again.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So much more specific. That's how you know when someone is really inviting you to meet again.

Lindsay: Yeah, this is one of those nuances that you might have to experience life abroad, life in the US to really understand it, but (it's) just something that's important to be aware of. So the key…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …take away today is not (uh) a phrase or an expression, it's just an awareness. We want you guys to be aware that this term is used in different ways to mean different things.

Gabby: Right.

Yeah, very helpful.

Lindsay: Awesome.

Gabby: Cool.

Lindsay: Interesting. Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (uh) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.

Gabby: Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen.

So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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92- American Role Play Conversation: Is the Invitation Real? ||||||приглашение| 92- Amerikanisches Rollenspiel-Gespräch: Ist die Einladung echt? 92- Conversación sobre el juego de rol americano: ¿Es real la invitación? 92- Conversazione sul gioco di ruolo americano: L'invito è reale? 92- アメリカのロールプレイ会話:招待状は本物か? 92- Conversa sobre o jogo de papéis americano: O convite é real? 92- Американская ролевая игра "Разговор": Реально ли приглашение? 92-美式角色扮演對話:邀請是真的嗎?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 92: “American Role Play Conversation: Is the Invitation Real?” Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 92 集:“美國角色扮演對話:邀請是真的嗎?”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: In this episode, you'll listen to two role play conversations and see if you can decide which one has the real invitation. ||||||||||||||||||||||приглашение 蓋比:在這一集中,您將聽到兩個角色扮演對話,看看您是否可以決定哪一個擁有真正的邀請。


Gabby: Hey guys. This is the end of a conversation. 一次談話就這樣結束了。 So…

Lindsay: All right.

Gabby: “Hey. So it was really good talking with you.” 所以和你談話真是太好了。”

Lindsay: “Yeah, yeah. That was great. Yeah, so (um) (you know) yeah maybe we should hang out some time.” 是的,所以(嗯)(你知道)是的,也許我們應該出去玩一段時間。”

Gabby: “Yeah, that'd be great.”

Lindsay: “All right. So have a good night.”

Gabby: “Yeah, you too. Get home safe.” 安全回家。”

Lindsay: “Yeah. Take care. “ Gabby: “Okay. Bye.” All right and this is the end of another conversation. We'll call this conversation two. 我們將這次談話稱為第二次。 “So it was really great talking with you.” “所以和你談話真是太棒了。”

Lindsay: “I know. That was really cool (you know). 那真的很酷(你知道)。 It, it's so cool, (you know), we connect on so many different, in different areas.” 它,這太酷了,(你知道),我們在不同領域的許多不同方面建立了聯繫。”

Gabby: “Yeah.”

Lindsay: “(Like) you know we're both interested in business. Lindsay:「(比如)你知道我們都對商業有興趣。 That's really cool.”

Gabby: “I would love to hear more about your projects.” 蓋比:“我很想听聽更多關於你的項目的信息。”

Lindsay: “Yeah absolutely. So have you (um) maybe we should get coffee, (you know), next week.” 那麼,你(嗯)也許我們應該喝咖啡,(你知道),下週。”

Gabby: “That would be great. 蓋比:「那就太好了。 (Um) are you generally free (like) in the mornings or the afternoons?” (嗯)你一般早上或下午有空嗎?”

Lindsay: “Yeah afternoons are usually better for me, even (like) next Tuesday I'm free.” |||||||||||вторник|| Lindsay:“是的,下午通常對我來說更好,甚至(例如)下週二我也有空。”

Gabby: “Perfect. Okay. So sometime Tuesday afternoon. 所以周二下午的某個時候。 Let me give you a call on Monday.” 週一我打電話給你。”

Lindsay: “Cool.”

Gabby: “Is that all right?” 蓋比:“這樣可以嗎?”

Lindsay: “That'll be great.” 林賽:“那就太好了。”

Gabby: “Okay cool. We'll follow up then.” 到時候我們會跟進。”

Lindsay: “Awesome. I can't wait.”

Gabby: “Okay. Have a good night.”

Lindsay: “Take care.”

Gabby: “Bye.” Okay cool. So you guys we showed you the end of two different conversations. 我們向你們展示了兩次不同對話的結尾。 (Um) which do you think has the better possibility of us actually seeing each other again? (嗯)你認為哪一個更有可能讓我們再見面? The first one or the second one? 第一個還是第二個? If you said the second one… 如果你說的是第二個…

Lindsay: “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.” 林賽:“叮,叮,叮,叮,叮。”

Gabby: You are correct. 蓋比:你是對的。 (Um) in this, in this episode, we wanna (want to) talk about when people say “Do you wanna (want to) hang out some time?” Or “Do you wanna (want to) get coffee some time? (嗯)在這一集中,我們想(想)談論當人們說「你想(想)出去玩一段時間嗎?」時。或是「你想找個時間喝杯咖啡嗎? Do you wanna (want to) get dinner some time? 你想找個時間吃晚餐嗎? Do you wanna (want to) do blah, blah, blah some time?” Are they sincere? |||||||||||||искренние |||||||||||||真诚 你想(想要)做些廢話、廢話、廢話嗎?”他們是真誠的嗎?

Lindsay: Right.

So this is really tricky. 所以這真的很棘手。 And I've had a lot of students ask me “Why is it that Americans invite me out and then don't follow-up or when I followup they act weird and say they don't want to see me?” It's very confusing… |||||||||||||||||||||||||последующий|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||フォローアップ|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||跟进|||||||||||||| 有很多學生問我“為什麼美國人邀請我出去然後不跟進,或者當我跟進時他們表現得很奇怪並說他們不想見我?”這很令人困惑…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …so the word “sometime” could mean “I'm serious.” It could also mean “I'm not serious.” Lindsay:……所以「有時」這個字可能意味著「我是認真的」。它也可能意味著“我不是認真的”。

Gabby: Yeah.

It's very common and very confusing. 這很常見,也很令人困惑。 But, (you know), we were talking about, well how do we use “Do you wanna (want to) hang out sometime?” Sometimes it's used to end a conversation. 但是,(你知道),我們正在談論,我們如何使用“你想(想)出去玩一下嗎?”有時也用來結束對話。 It's not even sincere. |||искренний 連誠意都沒有。 It's not even real. 這甚至都不是真的。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: It's just a way to exit a conversation. ||||||结束|| 蓋比:這只是退出對話的一種方式。 It's not a very good way, in my opinion ‘cause (because) it's… 在我看來,這不是一個很好的方法,因為(因為)它是......

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …it can be confusing, but it happens a lot. 蓋比:……這可能會令人困惑,但這種情況經常發生。

Lindsay: Yeah.

There are definitely better ways to do it. 肯定有更好的方法來做到這一點。 It could be (you know) – so try to avoid using this. 它可能是(你知道的)——所以盡量避免使用它。 But if you receive this (um) this statement, you need to understand it's not necessarily an invitation. |||получаете|||||||||||||приглашение 但如果您收到此(嗯)此聲明,您需要了解這不一定是邀請。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: (Um) can you give us an example of when you've used this Gabby? Lindsay:(嗯)你能給我們舉個你使用 Gabby 的例子嗎?

Gabby: Oh yeah, absolutely. So (um) I remember – well I, I went to study abroad (like) twelve years ago in Cuba. ||||||||||за границей|||||| ||||||||||||||||キューバ 所以(嗯)我記得──嗯,我,我十二年前去古巴留學了。 I was there in the summer and (you know) I was having a conversation with some, some nice Cuban friends and (um) my Spanish wasn't that good at that time actually, but, (you know), I remember, (you know) (um) they invited me to have dinner (like) at their house and I said “Yeah we should do that some time.” And they're (like) “Well, how ‘bout (about), how ‘bout (about) tomorrow?” And I was like “Well, maybe some time, (you know).” |||||||||||engaged in|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我夏天在那裡,(你知道)我正在和一些很好的古巴朋友交談,(嗯)我的西班牙語實際上當時不太好,但是,(你知道),我記得,(你知道)(嗯)他們邀請我去他們家吃晚餐(例如),我說“是的,我們應該找個時間這樣做。”他們(例如)“好吧,明天怎麼樣?”我當時想:“好吧,也許有一天,(你知道)。”

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a great example.

Gabby: And they, they took it really seriously. 蓋比:他們非常認真地對待這件事。 And, (you know), they were calling me the next day saying “Oh we have dinner prepared.” And I was (like) “What?” I did not understand that “sometime” or tomorrow for them was really serious and when I said some time I just meant to say good-bye. 而且,(你知道),他們第二天打電話給我說“哦,我們已經準備好了晚餐。”我當時(就像)“什麼?”我不明白“某個時候”或明天對他們來說真的很嚴肅,當我說“某個時候”時,我只是想說再見。

Lindsay: Yeah, it's kind of a filler. ||||||заполнитель ||||||フィラー Lindsay:是的,它是一種填充物。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's a filler word. Lindsay:這是一個填充詞。 It's a way to end the conversation and that's really it in that case and especially your intonation. 這是結束對話的一種方式,在這種情況下確實如此,尤其是你的語調。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: “We should have dinner some time.” Lindsay:“我們應該找個時間吃晚餐。”

Gabby: Yeah, really unsure. |||不太确定 |||不安な

Lindsay: In an unsure kinda (kind of) trailing off. |||||||拖延的| |||||||fading away uncertainly| |||||||途切れかけた| Lindsay:有點不確定。

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. (Um) so in our first conversation it was not – there, there were no specific (um) times mentioned. (嗯)所以在我們的第一次談話中,情況並非如此——那裡,沒有提到具體的(嗯)時間。 There was nothing specific that we wanted to talk about or follow-up on, whereas in the second conversation, (you know), we mentioned what we wanted to talk about, why we wanted to meet again, and generally when we were going to meet and when we were going to talk again. ||||||||||||||в то время как|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 沒有什麼具體的事情是我們想要談論或跟進的,而在第二次談話中,(你知道),我們提到了我們想要談論的內容,為什麼我們想再次見面,以及一般來說我們什麼時候會面見面以及我們何時再次交談。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So much more specific. 加比:更具體。 That's how you know when someone is really inviting you to meet again. 這就是您如何知道某人何時真正邀請您再次見面的方式。

Lindsay: Yeah, this is one of those nuances that you might have to experience life abroad, life in the US to really understand it, but (it's) just something that's important to be aware of. |||||||细微差别|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||осведомленным| Lindsay:是的,這是你可能必須經歷國外生活、美國生活才能真正理解的細微差別之一,但(它)只是需要注意的重要事情。 So the key…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …take away today is not (uh) a phrase or an expression, it's just an awareness. |||||||||||||||осознание |||||||||||||||Conscious understanding Lindsay:……今天帶走不是(呃)一個片語或一個表達方式,它只是一種意識。 We want you guys to be aware that this term is used in different ways to mean different things. 我們希望你們知道這個術語以不同的方式使用來表示不同的事物。

Gabby: Right.

Yeah, very helpful.

Lindsay: Awesome.

Gabby: Cool.

Lindsay: Interesting. Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (uh) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.

Gabby: Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen.

So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.