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All Ears English, 9- Is It Dangerous to Fall in Love Abroad?

9- Is It Dangerous to Fall in Love Abroad?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 9: Meeting Monday. Is it dangerous to fall in love abroad?

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, we're gonna (going to) share our top three favorite websites for making native English speaker friends, real friends at home, uh, in your country where you live.

Lindsay: Okay. So Gabby. Good to see you again. How's it going?

Gabby: Good to see you too Lindsay.

Lindsay: All right. So today we're talking about the experience of going abroad and immersing yourself in a new culture and in what way could we – I mean like what is that like. Like what are your experiences being abroad?

Gabby: Yeah.

Well, I just – I mean I've fallen in love with the culture when I go

abroad like, I've been to several different countries, uh, Japan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and I think when we're talking about falling in love, we're talking about really learning about the culture, living in it, finding things that you enjoy, things that become part of you, um, things that you want to go back to, again and again. So it's kind of like a tongue-in-cheek thing to say ‘fall in love.' Like we're not talking about you know, romance or anything like that, but really just the appreciation of a place and a culture.

Lindsay: Yeah,

Gabby: So, I mean, I'm trying to think – I had so many specific examples, but um, I would say, you know, like in Brazil, taking dance classes, you know, I, I just felt um, amazing, you know, learning new movements and interacting with locals through um, through the dance classes was really great because it's not something that I had to be super fluent in Portuguese to, you know, to interact with people, um, in a dance class. It's more movement based and there were just a lot of locals in the classes and it was a great way to get immersed going to dance classes every day.

Lindsay: Yeah. That sounds like a really cool thing. Yeah, that feeling of immersion is a special experience that not everyone gets a chance to have in their life and so the more that you can immerse yourself in, into the culture and meet the local people, the more of a rich experience you're gonna (going to) have.

Gabby: What was uh, one way that you, you kind of fell in love with a, a culture?

Lindsay: Yeah. I mean again, so many experiences and so many different things that I could talk about forever and I feel like the memories are starting to fade also which is a little bit sad, um, but I don't know, living in Buenos Aires, I lived there for three months and I met lots of local people, got invited to a lot of like family barbeques.

Gabby: Nice.

Lindsay: And that was great, just enjoying the meat, and the wine, and the bread

and just kind of seeing how they enjoyed their Sunday, how the stores close on Sundays completely so nobody is off during errands or working.

They're like spending the time with family and that to me was really cool.

Gabby: Very nice. I think what you said about, you know, the memories, um, keeping those memories alive, you could do that by journaling or blogging when you are living in a new place or um, or just all the time. I mean why limit it to when you go abroad, but for me journaling really helps not only to develop my foreign languages, but to remember those experiences. So you know bring a paper or an electronic journal with you.

Lindsay: Yeah, or also when you get back to your home country, trying to connect with people from that country that you were in.

Gabby: Oh yeah.

Lindsay: You know, like I like to go to the, the Boston Spanish meet-up…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …where I do meet people from Argentina or from wherever.

Gabby: And, and meetup, this is literally a website, www.meetup, so M-e-e-t-u-

p.com and it's really popular all over the US. Um, I'm not sure about other countries, but maybe it's starting.

Lindsay: Yeah. That's a good question. I feel like it's starting to spread across the world.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I think it is.

Gabby: Yeah, you can find um, you know, people like conversation partners, activity partners through meetup or through a lot of different websites nowadays.

Lindsay: Yeah. I was also thinking about couchsurfing.com…

Gabby: Definitely.

Lindsay: …could be another great – the other day I met a student in New York

who's doing a lot with couchsurfing. Like she's going out, attending the meetups through couchsurfing.com and she's meeting a lot of people and practicing her English a lot and I know that she's gonna (going to) be successful.

Gabby: It's not just about finding a place to stay with Couchsurfing.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: You can meet someone for coffee and uh, just get to know someone from another culture, another language, so it's a really good resource for just meeting people who love to travel and to connect with people from other cultures.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's important.

Gabby: Another website and group that I enjoy is InterNations. Um, it's really popular in the US, but I first started going in Japan when I lived over there and I know there's (there are) chapters all over the world. They have over a million members now. Again, it's just a place where you can meet other people who like to interact with international friends.

Lindsay: Wow! That's cool. Yeah, I've been meaning to get to one of those here in


Gabby: Oh, yeah.

Lindsay: …but there's a big community here.

Gabby: It's a big group. It's a big group. And it's different everywhere you go. Some, uh, some chapters are free, some you have to pay for, so just check it out and uh see what it's like in your area.

Lindsay: Yeah, so falling in love abroad, immersing yourself, meeting people and making memories that, you know, you'll have forever.

Gabby: Yeah, it'll change you forever when you study abroad and you'll wanna (want to) connect with uh, those kinds of people again.

Lindsay: Absolutely.

Lindsay: Okay. So I have a question for you guys today. Are you wondering how to

maximize your time and learn English as quickly as possible and as easily as

possible? I know everyone's busy these days, so you might be wondering this. So here's one way. We have a free e-book and we have your – some top – the top ten ways to learn English with a podcast. So we'd like to offer that to you as a gift, for, just for being a listener of the All Ears EnglishPodcast and you can get that by going to www.allearsenglish.com/free.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

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9- Is It Dangerous to Fall in Love Abroad? 是||||||| |||||||해외에서 |||||||no exterior 9- Ist es gefährlich, sich im Ausland zu verlieben? 9- ¿Es peligroso enamorarse en el extranjero? 9- Est-il dangereux de tomber amoureux à l'étranger ? 9- È pericoloso innamorarsi all'estero? 9- 海外で恋に落ちるのは危険? 9- 해외에서 사랑에 빠지는 것은 위험한가요? 9- É perigoso apaixonar-se no estrangeiro? 9- Опасно ли влюбляться за границей? 9- Je nebezpečné zamilovať sa v zahraničí? 9- Yurt Dışında Aşık Olmak Tehlikeli mi? 9- Чи небезпечно закохуватися за кордоном? 9-在国外恋爱有危险吗? 9-在國外戀愛有危險嗎? 9- 在國外談戀愛有危險嗎?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 9: Meeting Monday. Линдси: Это подкаст All Ears English, эпизод 9: Meeting Monday. Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 9 集:週一會議。 Is it dangerous to fall in love abroad? ||危险||||| Is it dangerous to fall in love abroad? 海外で恋に落ちるのは危険ですか? Опасно ли влюбляться за границей? 在國外談戀愛有危險嗎?

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. Габби: Добро пожаловать в подкаст All Ears English Podcast, где вы наконец-то сможете услышать настоящий разговор на родном английском. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||||||모험가||||||언어 천사||||||매사추세츠| Перед вами ведущие Линдси МакМахон, "английская авантюристка", и Габби Уоллес, "языковой ангел", прибывшие к вам из Бостона, штат Массачусетс, США.

In this episode, we're gonna (going to) share our top three favorite websites for making native English speaker friends, real friends at home, uh, in your country where you live. ||||||||||||网站||||||||||||||||| In questo episodio, condivideremo i nostri tre migliori siti Web preferiti per fare amici di madrelingua inglese, veri amici a casa, uh, nel tuo paese in cui vivi. W tym odcinku podzielimy się (zamierzamy) naszymi trzema ulubionymi stronami internetowymi, w których można nawiązywać znajomości z rodzimymi użytkownikami języka angielskiego, prawdziwymi przyjaciółmi w domu, uh, w twoim kraju, w którym mieszkasz. В этом эпизоде мы поделимся тремя любимыми сайтами, на которых можно найти друзей-носителей английского языка, настоящих друзей дома, в стране, где вы живете. 在這一集中,我們將分享我們最喜歡的三個網站,以結交以英語為母語的朋友,真正的朋友,在家裡,呃,在你居住的國家。

Lindsay: Okay. Линдси: Хорошо. So Gabby. Значит, Габби. Good to see you again. Рад видеть вас снова. How's it going? ¿Cómo te va? Jak leci?

Gabby: Good to see you too Lindsay. Gabby: Me alegro de verte también Lindsay.

Lindsay: All right. So today we're talking about the experience of going abroad and immersing yourself in a new culture and in what way could we – I mean like what is that like. |||||||||||沉浸于|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||engaging deeply|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||몰입하는|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||沉浸|||||||||||||||||| Así que hoy estamos hablando de la experiencia de ir al extranjero y sumergirse en una nueva cultura y de qué manera podríamos, quiero decir, cómo es eso. Donc, aujourd'hui, nous parlons de l'expérience d'aller à l'étranger et de s'immerger dans une nouvelle culture et de quelle manière pourrions-nous – je veux dire comment c'est. Quindi oggi parliamo dell'esperienza di andare all'estero e immergerti in una nuova cultura e in che modo potremmo - intendo dire com'è. ですから、今日は、海外に行って新しい文化に没頭した経験と、どのようにすればよいかについて話します。つまり、そのようなものです。 Więc dzisiaj mówimy o doświadczeniu wyjazdu za granicę i zanurzeniu się w nowej kulturze i w jaki sposób moglibyśmy – mam na myśli to, jak to jest. Сегодня мы поговорим об опыте поездки за границу и погружения в новую культуру, а также о том, как мы могли бы это сделать - я имею в виду, что это такое. 所以今天我們談論的是出國的經歷,讓自己沉浸在新的文化中,我們可以用什麼方式——我的意思是那種感覺。 Like what are your experiences being abroad? ¿Cuáles son tus experiencias en el extranjero? Comme quelles sont vos expériences à l'étranger? Quali sono le tue esperienze all'estero? 海外での経験はどうですか? Каков ваш опыт пребывания за границей? Mesela yurtdışındaki deneyimleriniz nelerdir? 例如你在國外的經驗是怎麼樣的?

Gabby: Yeah. Габби: Да.

Well, I just – I mean I've fallen in love with the culture when I go Cóż, ja po prostu – to znaczy, zakochałem się w kulturze, kiedy idę Ну, я просто... я имею в виду, я влюбилась в культуру, когда приехала. Şey, ben sadece - yani ben gittiğimde kültüre aşık oldum 好吧,我只是 - 我的意思是當我去的時候我就愛上了這裡的文化

abroad like, I've been to several different countries, uh, Japan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and I think when we're talking about falling in love, we're talking about really learning about the culture, living in it, finding things that you enjoy, things that become part of you, um, things that you want to go back to, again and again. ||||||||||||多米尼加|多米尼加共和国|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||we||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||여러|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||ドミニカ共和国||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Cộng hòa Dominica||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| abroad like, I've been to several different countries, uh, Japan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and I think when we're talking about falling in love, we're talking about really learning about the culture, living in it, finding things that you enjoy, things that become part of you, um, things that you want to go back to, again and again. en el extranjero como, he estado en varios países diferentes, eh, Japón, Brasil, República Dominicana y creo que cuando hablamos de enamorarnos, estamos hablando de aprender realmente sobre la cultura, vivir en ella, encontrar cosas que disfrutas, cosas que se vuelven parte de ti, cosas a las que quieres volver, una y otra vez. za granicą, na przykład, byłem w kilku różnych krajach, uh, Japonii, Brazylii, Republice Dominikany i myślę, że kiedy mówimy o zakochiwaniu się, mówimy o prawdziwym poznawaniu kultury, życiu w niej, znajdowaniu rzeczy, które lubisz, rzeczy, które stają się częścią ciebie, hm, rzeczy, do których chcesz wracać raz za razem. За границей я побывал в нескольких разных странах, в Японии, Бразилии, Доминиканской Республике, и я думаю, что когда мы говорим о влюбленности, мы говорим о том, чтобы действительно узнать культуру, пожить в ней, найти то, что тебе нравится, то, что становится частью тебя, то, к чему ты хочешь возвращаться снова и снова. 在國外,我去過幾個不同的國家,呃,日本,巴西,多明尼加共和國,我想當我們談論墜入愛河時,我們談論的是真正了解這種文化,生活在其中,發現你喜歡的東西,成為你一部分的東西,嗯,你想一次又一次回到的東西。 So it's kind of like a tongue-in-cheek thing to say ‘fall in love.' ||||||||调侃|||||| ||||||혀||비꼬는|||||| So it's kind of like a tongue-in-cheek thing to say ‘fall in love.' Así que es un poco irónico decir 'enamórate'. Donc, c'est un peu comme une chose ironique de dire "tomber amoureux". Quindi è un po 'come una cosa ironica dire "innamorarsi". だから、「恋に落ちる」と言うのは、冗談っぽいことのようなものです。 Więc to trochę jak żartobliwe powiedzenie „zakochaj się”. Так что сказать "влюбиться" - это как бы в шутку. 所以說「墜入愛河」有點像半開玩笑的說法。 Like we're not talking about you know, romance or anything like that, but really just the appreciation of a place and a culture. ||||||||||||||||欣赏|||||| ||||||||||||||||admiration|||||| Come se non stessimo parlando di sai, romanticismo o qualcosa del genere, ma in realtà solo l'apprezzamento di un luogo e di una cultura. 私たちがあなたが知っていること、ロマンスなどについて話しているのではなく、実際には場所と文化への感謝について話しているだけです。 Jakbyśmy nie mówili o romansie czy czymś w tym rodzaju, ale po prostu o docenieniu miejsca i kultury. Мы не говорим о романтике или чем-то подобном, а просто ценим место и культуру. 就像我們不是在談論浪漫或類似的東西,而只是對一個地方和一種文化的欣賞。

Lindsay: Yeah, Линдси: Да,

Gabby: So, I mean, I'm trying to think – I had so many specific examples, but um, I would say, you know, like in Brazil, taking dance classes, you know, I, I just felt um, amazing, you know, learning new movements and interacting with locals through um, through the dance classes was really great because it's not something that I had to be super fluent in Portuguese to, you know, to interact with people, um, in a dance class. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Portuguese language|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||giao tiếp||||||| ||||||||||||구체적인||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gente del posto|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||具体的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||动作||互动||当地人||||||||||||||||||||流利||葡萄牙语|||||交流||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||交流する||地元の人々|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gabby: Entonces, quiero decir, estoy tratando de pensar, tenía tantos ejemplos específicos, pero, um, diría, ya sabes, como en Brasil, tomando clases de baile, ya sabes, yo, me sentí um, increíble , ya sabes, aprender nuevos movimientos e interactuar con los lugareños a través de las clases de baile fue realmente genial porque no es algo que tuviera que ser muy fluido en portugués para, ya sabes, interactuar con la gente, um, en una clase de baile. . Габби: То есть, я пытаюсь вспомнить - у меня было так много конкретных примеров, но я бы сказала, что, например, в Бразилии, посещая занятия по танцам, я просто чувствовала себя потрясающе, узнавала новые движения и общалась с местными жителями на занятиях по танцам - это было действительно здорово, потому что я не должна была свободно владеть португальским языком, чтобы общаться с людьми на занятиях по танцам. 加比:所以,我的意思是,我試著思考- 我有很多具體的例子,但是嗯,我想說,你知道,就像在巴西,參加舞蹈課,你知道,我,我只是覺得嗯,太棒了,你知道,透過嗯,透過舞蹈課學習新動作並與當地人互動真的很棒,因為我不需要非常流利的葡萄牙語才能,你知道,在舞蹈課上與人互動。 It's more movement based and there were just a lot of locals in the classes and it was a great way to get immersed going to dance classes every day. |||||||||||||||||||||||đắm chìm|||||| ||运动|||||||||||||||||||||沉浸其中|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||몰입하다|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||方式||||||||| Se basa más en el movimiento y había muchos lugareños en las clases y fue una excelente manera de sumergirse en las clases de baile todos los días. それはより動きに基づいており、クラスには地元の人がたくさんいて、毎日ダンスクラスに没頭するのに最適な方法でした。 Jest bardziej oparty na ruchu, a na zajęciach było tylko wielu miejscowych i był to świetny sposób na zanurzenie się w codziennych zajęciach tanecznych. 它更多的是基於動作,而且班上只有很多當地人,這是每天沉浸在舞蹈課中的好方法。

Lindsay: Yeah. That sounds like a really cool thing. 這聽起來真是一件很酷的事。 Yeah, that feeling of immersion is a special experience that not everyone gets a chance to have in their life and so the more that you can immerse yourself in, into the culture and meet the local people, the more of a rich experience you're gonna (going to) have. ||||沉浸感||||体验|||||||||||||||||||沉浸||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||안으로|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||將要|| 是的,這種沉浸感是一種特殊的體驗,不是每個人都有機會在生活中擁有,所以你越能沉浸其中,融入文化並結識當地人,你的體驗就越豐富。將會(將會)擁有。

Gabby: What was uh, one way that you, you kind of fell in love with a, a culture? Gabby: ¿De qué manera te enamoraste de una cultura? Gabby: W jaki sposób zakochałeś się w jakiejś kulturze? Габби: Каким образом вы влюбились в какую-то культуру? 蓋比:嗯,你愛上一種文化的方式是什麼?

Lindsay: Yeah. I mean again, so many experiences and so many different things that I could talk about forever and I feel like the memories are starting to fade also which is a little bit sad, um, but I don't know, living in Buenos Aires, I lived there for three months and I met lots of local people, got invited to a lot of like family barbeques. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||grill gatherings |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Buenos Aires|Buenos Aires||||||||||||||||||||||tiệc nướng ||||||||||||||||||||||||||사라지다||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||바베큐 ||||||||||||||||||||||回忆||||褪色||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||烧烤 |||||||||||||||||||||||正在||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||バーベキュー Quiero decir, de nuevo, tantas experiencias y tantas cosas diferentes de las que podría hablar para siempre y siento que los recuerdos se están empezando a desvanecer también, lo cual es un poco triste, um, pero no sé, viviendo en Buenos Aires, Viví allí durante tres meses y conocí a mucha gente local, me invitaron a muchas barbacoas familiares. Je veux dire encore une fois, tant d'expériences et tant de choses différentes dont je pourrais parler pour toujours et j'ai l'impression que les souvenirs commencent à s'estomper aussi, ce qui est un peu triste, euh, mais je ne sais pas, vivant à Buenos Aires, J'y ai vécu pendant trois mois et j'ai rencontré beaucoup de gens du coin, j'ai été invité à de nombreux barbecues familiaux. 繰り返しになりますが、私が永遠に話すことができる非常に多くの経験と非常に多くの異なること、そして記憶も薄れ始めているように感じます、それは少し悲しいです、ええと、しかし私は知りません、ブエノスアイレスに住んでいます、私はそこに3か月住んでいて、たくさんの地元の人々に会い、家族のバーベキューのようにたくさん招待されました。 我的意思是,這麼多的經歷和這麼多不同的事情我可以永遠談論,我覺得記憶也開始褪色,這有點悲傷,嗯,但我不知道,住在布宜諾斯艾利斯,我在在那裡住了三個月,遇到了很多當地人,被邀請參加很多類似的家庭燒烤活動。

Gabby: Nice.

Lindsay: And that was great, just enjoying the meat, and the wine, and the bread ||||||||carne|||||| Lindsay: I to było świetne, po prostu cieszenie się mięsem, winem i chlebem Lindsay:那太棒了,享受肉、酒和麵包

and just kind of seeing how they enjoyed their Sunday, how the stores close on Sundays completely so nobody is off during errands or working. ||||||||||||||||||||||tasks outside|| ||||||||||||||||||||||việc vặt|| ||||||||||||가게들||||||||쉬는|동안|심부름|| ||||||||||||||||||||||commissioni|| ||||||||||||||||||||||跑腿事务|| ||||||||||||||||||||||跑腿|| ||||||||||||||||||||||用事|| y simplemente ver cómo disfrutaban su domingo, cómo las tiendas cierran los domingos por completo para que nadie esté fuera haciendo mandados o trabajando. et juste en quelque sorte voir comment ils ont apprécié leur dimanche, comment les magasins ferment complètement le dimanche afin que personne ne soit absent pendant les courses ou le travail. e solo per vedere come si sono divertiti la domenica, come i negozi chiudono completamente la domenica così nessuno è fuori durante le commissioni o il lavoro. そして、彼らが日曜日をどのように楽しんだか、日曜日に店が完全に閉まるので、用事や仕事中に誰も休むことがないのを見るだけです。 i po prostu widząc, jak cieszyli się swoją niedzielą, jak sklepy są całkowicie zamykane w niedziele, aby nikt nie był wyłączony podczas załatwiania sprawunków lub pracy. e ver como aproveitaram o domingo, como as lojas fecham completamente ao domingo, para que ninguém esteja de folga a fazer recados ou a trabalhar. 只是看看他們如何享受週日,商店如何在周日完全關門,這樣就沒有人在辦事或工作期間休息。

They're like spending the time with family and that to me was really cool. 他們就像與家人共度時光,這對我來說真的很酷。

Gabby: Very nice. I think what you said about, you know, the memories, um, keeping those memories alive, you could do that by journaling or blogging when you are living in a new place or um, or just all the time. |||||||||||保持|||||||||||写博客||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||살아있게||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||ブログを書く||||||||||||||| Creo que lo que dijiste sobre, ya sabes, los recuerdos, um, mantener vivos esos recuerdos, podrías hacerlo escribiendo un diario o blogueando cuando vives en un lugar nuevo o um, o simplemente todo el tiempo. Je pense que ce que vous avez dit sur, vous savez, les souvenirs, euh, garder ces souvenirs vivants, vous pourriez le faire en journalisant ou en bloguant quand vous vivez dans un nouvel endroit ou euh, ou juste tout le temps. Penso che quello che hai detto riguardo, sai, i ricordi, um, mantenendo vivi quei ricordi, potresti farlo scrivendo un diario o un blog quando vivi in un posto nuovo o um, o semplicemente tutto il tempo. Myślę, że to, co powiedziałeś, no wiesz, wspomnienia, hm, utrzymywanie tych wspomnień przy życiu, możesz to zrobić, pisząc dziennik lub blogując, kiedy mieszkasz w nowym miejscu lub po prostu przez cały czas. 我認為你所說的,你知道,記憶,嗯,讓這些記憶鮮活起來,當你住在一個新的地方或嗯,或者一直住在一個新的地方時,你可以通過寫日記或寫博客來做到這一點。 I mean why limit it to when you go abroad, but for me journaling really helps not only to develop my foreign languages, but to remember those experiences. |||限制||||||||||写日记|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||keeping a journal|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||외국어|||||| |||||||||||||日記を書くこと|||||||||||||| Chodzi mi o to, dlaczego ograniczać się do wyjazdu za granicę, ale dla mnie dziennikarstwo naprawdę pomaga nie tylko rozwijać języki obce, ale także pamiętać te doświadczenia. 我的意思是為什麼要限制在出國時才寫,但對我來說,寫日記不僅有助於發展我的外語,而且有助於記住這些經歷。 So you know bring a paper or an electronic journal with you. |||||||||期刊|| ||||||||전자||| Więc wiesz, weź ze sobą gazetę lub dziennik elektroniczny. 所以你知道隨身攜帶紙本或電子期刊。

Lindsay: Yeah, or also when you get back to your home country, trying to connect with people from that country that you were in. Lindsay: Sí, o también cuando regresas a tu país de origen, tratando de conectarte con personas de ese país en el que estabas. Lindsay:是的,或者當你回到自己的祖國時,試著與你國家的人們建立聯繫。

Gabby: Oh yeah.

Lindsay: You know, like I like to go to the, the Boston Spanish meet-up… Lindsay: Sabes, me gusta ir a la reunión de español en Boston... Lindsay : Vous savez, comme j'aime aller au, le rendez-vous espagnol de Boston… Lindsay: Wiesz, lubię chodzić na spotkanie hiszpańskiego w Bostonie… Lindsay:你知道,就像我喜歡去波士頓西班牙聚會一樣…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …where I do meet people from Argentina or from wherever. |||||||阿根廷||| Lindsay: …gdzie spotykam ludzi z Argentyny lub skądkolwiek. Lindsay:……我在那裡遇到了來自阿根廷或其他地方的人。

Gabby: And, and meetup, this is literally a website, www.meetup, so M-e-e-t-u- ||||||字面意思|||||||||| |||gathering event||||||||||||| |||모임||||||||||||| Gabby:而且,還有 meetup,這實際上是一個網站,www.meetup,所以 Meetu-

p.com and it's really popular all over the US. p.com i jest bardzo popularny w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych. p.com,它在美國各地都很受歡迎。 Um, I'm not sure about other countries, but maybe it's starting. Um, nie jestem pewien co do innych krajów, ale może to się zaczyna. 嗯,我不確定其他國家的情況,但也許它正在開始。

Lindsay: Yeah. That's a good question. To dobre pytanie. I feel like it's starting to spread across the world. 我覺得它開始蔓延到世界各地。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I think it is.

Gabby: Yeah, you can find um, you know, people like conversation partners, activity partners through meetup or through a lot of different websites nowadays. |||||||||||||||||||||||现在 |||||||||||||||||||||||現在 Gabby : Ouais, vous pouvez trouver euh, vous savez, des gens comme des partenaires de conversation, des partenaires d'activité via des rencontres ou via de nombreux sites Web différents de nos jours. Gabby: Sì, puoi trovare persone come partner di conversazione, partner di attività attraverso meetup o attraverso molti siti web diversi al giorno d'oggi. Gabby: Tak, w dzisiejszych czasach można znaleźć um, wiesz, ludzi takich jak partnerzy do rozmów, partnerzy do aktywności poprzez spotkania lub przez wiele różnych stron internetowych. 蓋比:是的,你可以透過聚會或現在許多不同的網站找到人們喜歡的談話夥伴、活動夥伴。

Lindsay: Yeah. I was also thinking about couchsurfing.com… |||||沙发客网站| |||||코우치서핑| |||||couchsurfing.com| Je pensais aussi à couchsurfing.com… Myślałem też o couchsurfing.com… 我也在考慮 couchsurfing.com...

Gabby: Definitely. 蓋比:當然。

Lindsay: …could be another great – the other day I met a student in New York Lindsay : … pourrait être un autre grand - l'autre jour, j'ai rencontré un étudiant à New York Lindsay: …może być kolejny świetny – pewnego dnia poznałam studenta w Nowym Jorku Lindsay:……可能是另一個偉大的人——有一天我在紐約遇到了一個學生

who's doing a lot with couchsurfing. |||||코우치서핑 qui fait beaucoup de couchsurfing. che sta facendo molto con il couchsurfing. kto dużo robi z couchsurfingiem. 誰經常進行沙發衝浪。 Like she's going out, attending the meetups through couchsurfing.com and she's meeting a lot of people and practicing her English a lot and I know that she's gonna (going to) be successful. ||||||聚会|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||partecipando a|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||沙發衝浪|||||||||||||||||||||||| Como si ella saliera, asistiera a las reuniones a través de couchsurfing.com y conociera a mucha gente y practicara mucho su inglés y sé que va a tener éxito. Comme si elle sortait, assistait aux rencontres via couchsurfing.com et qu'elle rencontrait beaucoup de gens et pratiquait beaucoup son anglais et je sais qu'elle va (va) réussir. 就像她出去透過 couchsurfing.com 參加聚會一樣,她會見很多人並大量練習英語,我知道她會成功。

Gabby: It's not just about finding a place to stay with Couchsurfing. |||||||||||カウチサーフィン Gabby: Nie chodzi tylko o znalezienie miejsca na Couchsurfing. Gabby:這不只是為了在 Couchsurfing 找到一個住宿的地方。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: You can meet someone for coffee and uh, just get to know someone from another culture, another language, so it's a really good resource for just meeting people who love to travel and to connect with people from other cultures. Gabby : Vous pouvez rencontrer quelqu'un pour prendre un café et, euh, apprendre à connaître quelqu'un d'une autre culture, d'une autre langue, c'est donc une très bonne ressource pour rencontrer des gens qui aiment voyager et se connecter avec des personnes d'autres cultures. 蓋比:你可以和某人一起喝咖啡,呃,只是去認識來自另一種文化、另一種語言的人,所以對於結識那些喜歡旅行的人並與來自其他文化的人建立聯繫來說,這是一個非常好的資源。

Lindsay: Yeah, that's important.

Gabby: Another website and group that I enjoy is InterNations. |||||||||国际人士 |||||||||インターナations Gabby: Otro sitio web y grupo que disfruto es InterNations. Gabby: Kolejną stroną internetową i grupą, którą lubię, jest InterNations. Gabby:我喜歡的另一個網站和團體是 InterNations。 Um, it's really popular in the US, but I first started going in Japan when I lived over there and I know there's (there are) chapters all over the world. |||||||||||||||||||||||||分会|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||지부|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||capitoli|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||支部|||| Um, es muy popular en los EE. UU., pero comencé a ir a Japón cuando vivía allí y sé que hay (hay) capítulos en todo el mundo. Euh, c'est très populaire aux États-Unis, mais j'ai commencé à aller au Japon quand j'habitais là-bas et je sais qu'il y a (il y a) des chapitres partout dans le monde. えーと、アメリカではとても人気がありますが、日本に住み始めたのは、あそこに住んでいて、世界中に支部があることを知っています。 Um, to bardzo popularne w USA, ale po raz pierwszy zacząłem jeździć do Japonii, kiedy tam mieszkałem i wiem, że są (są) rozdziały na całym świecie. É muito popular nos EUA, mas comecei a ir ao Japão quando vivia lá e sei que há capítulos em todo o mundo. 嗯,它在美國真的很受歡迎,但我第一次開始去日本是當我住在日本的時候,我知道世界各地都有分會。 They have over a million members now. ||||百万|| 他們現在擁有超過一百萬會員。 Again, it's just a place where you can meet other people who like to interact with international friends. |||||||||||喜歡|||||| 再說一次,這只是一個你可以認識其他喜歡與國際朋友互動的人的地方。

Lindsay: Wow! That's cool. Yeah, I've been meaning to get to one of those here in Sí, tenía la intención de llegar a uno de esos aquí en Ouais, j'avais l'intention d'aller à l'un de ceux ici dans Sì, avevo intenzione di andare a uno di quelli qui a Tak, miałem zamiar dostać się do jednego z tych tutaj w 是的,我一直想去找其中一個

Boston… 波士頓…

Gabby: Oh, yeah.

Lindsay: …but there's a big community here. Lindsay:……但是這裡有一個很大的社區。

Gabby: It's a big group. 蓋比:這是一個大團體。 It's a big group. |||一個大團體 這是一個大團體。 And it's different everywhere you go. 而且每個地方的情況都不一樣。 Some, uh, some chapters are free, some you have to pay for, so just check it out and uh see what it's like in your area. Algunos, uh, algunos capítulos son gratuitos, algunos tienes que pagar, así que échale un vistazo y mira cómo es en tu área. Alcuni... alcuni capitoli sono gratuiti, altri a pagamento, quindi controllate e vedete com'è nella vostra zona. Niektóre, uh, niektóre rozdziały są darmowe, za niektóre trzeba zapłacić, więc po prostu sprawdź i uh zobacz, jak to jest w Twojej okolicy. Некоторые главы бесплатны, за некоторые нужно платить, так что просто загляните туда и посмотрите, как обстоят дела в вашем регионе. 有些,呃,有些章節是免費的,有些則需要付費,所以只要檢查一下,呃,看看你所在地區的情況如何。

Lindsay: Yeah, so falling in love abroad, immersing yourself, meeting people and making memories that, you know, you'll have forever. Lindsay: Tak, więc zakochanie się za granicą, zanurzenie się, poznanie ludzi i tworzenie wspomnień, które, wiesz, będziesz mieć na zawsze. Lindsay:是的,所以在國外墜入愛河,沉浸其中,結識新朋友,留下永遠的回憶。

Gabby: Yeah, it'll change you forever when you study abroad and you'll wanna (want to) connect with uh, those kinds of people again. Gabby: Sí, te cambiará para siempre cuando estudies en el extranjero y querrás (querrás) volver a conectarte con ese tipo de personas. 加比:是的,當你出國留學時,它會永遠改變你,你會想再次與呃,那些人聯繫。

Lindsay: Absolutely. 林賽:當然。

Lindsay: Okay. So I have a question for you guys today. Are you wondering how to ¿Te estás preguntando cómo Vous vous demandez comment 您是否想知道如何

maximize your time and learn English as quickly as possible and as easily as 最大化||||||||||||| maximice su tiempo y aprenda inglés lo más rápido posible y tan fácil como 最大限度地利用您的時間,盡可能快、盡可能輕鬆地學習英語

possible? I know everyone's busy these days, so you might be wondering this. Sé que todo el mundo está ocupado estos días, así que quizás te estés preguntando esto. Je sais que tout le monde est occupé ces jours-ci, alors vous vous demandez peut-être ceci. 我知道最近大家都很忙,所以你可能想知道這個。 So here's one way. Así que aquí hay una forma. Voici donc une façon. We have a free e-book and we have your – some top – the top ten ways to learn English with a podcast. |||||||||||||best|||||||| Tenemos un libro electrónico gratuito y tenemos sus, algunas de las mejores, las diez formas principales de aprender inglés con un podcast. Nous avons un e-book gratuit et nous avons vos - certains des meilleurs - les dix meilleures façons d'apprendre l'anglais avec un podcast. Ücretsiz bir e-kitabımız ve podcast ile İngilizce öğrenmenin en iyi on yolu var. 我們有一本免費的電子書,還有您推薦的十種透過播客學習英語的方法。 So we'd like to offer that to you as a gift, for, just for being a listener of the All Ears EnglishPodcast and you can get that by going to www.allearsenglish.com/free. ||||提供||||||||||||听众|||||英语播客|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||英語ポッドキャスト|||||||||||| Nous aimerions donc vous offrir cela en cadeau, juste pour être un auditeur du podcast anglais All Ears et vous pouvez l'obtenir en allant sur www.allearsenglish.com/free. Поэтому мы хотим предложить его вам в качестве подарка, просто за то, что вы являетесь слушателем All Ears EnglishPodcast, и вы можете получить его, перейдя по ссылке www.allearsenglish.com/free. 因此,我們想將其作為禮物送給您,僅作為 All Ears EnglishPodcast 的聽眾,您可以透過造訪 www.allearsenglish.com/free 來獲得該禮物。

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. 林赛||||||||| Lindsay:感謝您收聽全耳英語播客。 We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. 我們隨時幫助您學習英語,您可以在 iTunes 上留下五星級評論來幫助我們。 See you next time.