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All Ears English, 87- How Living in a Home Stay or International House Can Help Your English

87- How Living in a Home Stay or International House Can Help Your English

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 87: “How Living in a Home Stay or International House Can Help Your English.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.

Hey guys in this episode, you're going to hear from Lindsay about how she lived in an international home and how it really helped her to learn her target language, Spanish, and you'll learn how living in a similar situation can help your English.


Lindsay: Hello Gabby.

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's happening?

Lindsay: How (are) you doing today?


I'm good. It's warming up a little bit.


A little bit


I'm happy, I'm happy about that.


Yeah, you're happy. Okay. Very good.


“Happy.” Get it? Remember our lesson?


I get it.


Remember our episode on Monday and Tuesday?



I'm still feeling the happy glow after that.


Cool. Yeah today we're talking about something different, right.



But before we get into it, I want to start by just thanking just some of our reviewers.


Because we're so happy about our reviewers.



And we just want to say “Thank you so much for leaving these reviews.” Let's start with (um) some views from the Italian iTunes store. We want to say “Thank You” to Mnnt76, Fuffy 28, Liverpaol, MardiGras28, JianLucaRizzeto, Roy345. Thanks also to Giuseppe for being a loyal listener to All Ears English. Thanks guys. If you haven't left a review yet, please go ahead on over to your iTunes store and leave us a review so we can keep All Ears English going, keep it up in the rankings and let us continue to provide awesome content for you guys. Let's build our community.


Yeah, we listen and we love it. All right, so today we want to talk about how living in a home stay or international house can help your English. (Um) we've had some experience with this. We've also had listeners, students asking about this, so we think it's a good topic for today. (Um) we also have a quote that we wanna (want to) introduce.


Yeah, let's start out with the quote. Do you want to read that Gabby?


Sure. So Christopher Columbus said, “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” So the shore is the land, right? And when, when you're in a boat like Christopher Columbus was, (um), you're sailing away from the land, you're sailing into the ocean, the huge, big, wide ocean and eventually, all you're going to be able to see is water and that's a little scary ‘cause (because) you don't know when you're going to hit land.


Yeah, there's no turning back.


No turning back right?





So we want to relate this to your English learning, right? Sometimes you have to lose sight of land, or the shore or your, your native language…




…native culture.


Absolutely. And I can give a good example of how I tried to do this when I was learning Spanish. I spent three months – I spent a year backpacking through Latin American and stayed in Argentina for three months, specifically in Buenos Aires and I ended up…




…(um) I really knew that I needed to live in a Spanish-speaking house to really take my Spanish to the next level. There was no doubt about that. I didn't want to live in a hostel where everyone was speaking English. So I went out, I found a house in Palermo Viejo, and a nice little home with (um) two Italian students, two French students, (uh), there was myself and another American student and I think (uh) an Argentine guy. And, (you know), the six or seven of us lived together. We had dinners together and the language of the house was Spanish. When I moved in and I interviewed for the room, they said “We don't speak English here.” And…


Que Bueno (that's good).


Yeah, buenisimo (that's very good). So it really helped a lot. (Um) after three months of living with those guys, I was much more comfortable in Spanish. It made a huge difference. So I allowed myself to lose sight of the shore by diving in and just giving myself no other option, but to live in Spanish.



Literally immersing yourself in the ocean of Spanish.


And it wasn't so scary. (I mean) people were nice.




(You know), (I mean) in the end, people are people.


Well, and I like that (uh) situation, living in an international house or a home stay with other international students because, (you know), to use kind of a pun with, (you know), Christopher Columbus, you're in the same boat, right? You're in the same situation, right? You all want to learn Spanish or you all want to learn a certain language. So you're all in the same boat. (Um) you want to help each other and, (you know), as long as your, your roommates (um) are, (you know), on the same page, they want to learn the language, it's a really great bonding experience, right?



So think about what you can do. So if you're here in Boston or in New York or in LA, or San Francisco and you're here to learn English, if that's your primary goal, think about finding a homestay, (um) finding just an international apartment where your roommates are from here or other international students.



Yeah (I mean) even if you're in the US living with family (um) – I, I'm working with a student now who's living with family and he really, really wants to spend more time with English speakers, so he decided to stay with a homestay family and three other international students for a few weeks.


Cool. That's a good option.


Yeah, yeah. So I really admire that because it is brave. It's, it's really, (you know), leaving the shore behind and going into uncharted territories. I'm sorry. So many puns. I'm on a roll. (Um) yeah, but it's just, it's a great way to immerse yourself in language.

All right. So good luck guys if you decide to go for the international living situation and (uh) lose sight of the shore.

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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87- How Living in a Home Stay or International House Can Help Your English 87- Wie das Leben in einer Gastfamilie oder einem internationalen Haus Ihr Englisch verbessern kann 87- Cómo vivir en una estancia en familia o en una casa internacional puede ayudarte con el inglés 87- Jak mieszkanie w domu lub domu międzynarodowym może pomóc w nauce angielskiego? 87- Como viver num lar ou numa casa internacional pode ajudar o seu inglês 87- Как проживание в доме престарелых или международном доме может помочь вашему английскому языку 87 - 住在寄宿家庭或國際之家如何幫助你提升英語水平 87 - 住在寄宿家庭或國際之家如何幫助你提升英語水平

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 87: “How Living in a Home Stay or International House Can Help Your English.” Lindsay: Ceci est un podcast en anglais All Ears, épisode 87: «Comment vivre dans un foyer ou une maison internationale peut aider votre anglais.» Lindsay:這是一個 All Ears 英語播客,第 87 集:“住在寄宿家庭或國際之家如何幫助你提高英語水平。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.

Hey guys in this episode, you're going to hear from Lindsay about how she lived in an international home and how it really helped her to learn her target language, Spanish, and you'll learn how living in a similar situation can help your English. 大家好,在本集中,您將聽到 Lindsay 講述她如何在國際家庭中生活,以及這如何真正幫助她學習目標語言西班牙語,並且您將了解生活在類似的情況下如何幫助您英語。


Lindsay: Hello Gabby.

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's happening?

Lindsay: How (are) you doing today?


I'm good. It's warming up a little bit. |变暖|||| |少し暖かくなっている|||| 天氣正在變暖一點。


A little bit


I'm happy, I'm happy about that.


Yeah, you're happy. Okay. Very good.


“Happy.” Get it? “快樂的。”得到它? Remember our lesson? 還記得我們的教訓嗎?


I get it.


Remember our episode on Monday and Tuesday? 還記得我們週一和週二的劇集嗎?



I'm still feeling the happy glow after that. |||||幸福的余韵|| Je ressens toujours la lueur heureuse après ça. 在那之後我仍然感受到幸福的光芒。


Cool. Yeah today we're talking about something different, right. 是的,今天我們談論一些不同的事情,對吧。



But before we get into it, I want to start by just thanking just some of our reviewers. ||||||||||||感谢||||| ||||||||||||感謝する||||| 但在我們開始討論之前,我想先感謝我們的一些審稿人。


Because we're so happy about our reviewers. ||||||评论者 ||||||レビュアーの皆さん 因為我們對我們的審稿人感到非常高興。



And we just want to say “Thank you so much for leaving these reviews.” Let's start with (um) some views from the Italian iTunes store. 我們只想說“非常感謝您留下這些評論。”讓我們從(嗯)義大利 iTunes 商店的一些觀點開始。 We want to say “Thank You” to Mnnt76, Fuffy 28, Liverpaol, MardiGras28, JianLucaRizzeto, Roy345. |||||||Mnnt76に感謝|フッフィー|リバプール|マルディグラ28|ジャンルカ・リゼット| 我們想對 Mnnt76、Fuffy 28、Liverpaol、MardiGras28、JianLucaRizzeto、Roy345 說「謝謝」。 Thanks also to Giuseppe for being a loyal listener to All Ears English. |||ジュゼッペ||||||||| 也要感謝 Giuseppe 成為 All Ears English 的忠實聽眾。 Thanks guys. If you haven't left a review yet, please go ahead on over to your iTunes store and leave us a review so we can keep All Ears English going, keep it up in the rankings and let us continue to provide awesome content for you guys. 如果您尚未留下評論,請前往您的 iTunes 商店並給我們留下評論,以便我們能夠讓 All Ears English 繼續發展,保持排名,讓我們繼續為您們提供精彩的內容。 Let's build our community. 讓我們建立我們的社區。


Yeah, we listen and we love it. 是的,我們聽並且喜歡它。 All right, so today we want to talk about how living in a home stay or international house can help your English. Итак, сегодня мы хотим поговорить о том, как жизнь в доме престарелых или международном доме может помочь вашему английскому. 好吧,今天我們想談談住在寄宿家庭或國際宿舍如何幫助你提升英語能力。 (Um) we've had some experience with this. (嗯)我們在這方面有一些經驗。 We've also had listeners, students asking about this, so we think it's a good topic for today. 我們也有聽眾、學生詢問這個問題,所以我們認為這是今天的一個很好的話題。 (Um) we also have a quote that we wanna (want to) introduce. (嗯)我們還有一句話要介紹。


Yeah, let's start out with the quote. 是的,讓我們從引用開始。 Do you want to read that Gabby? 你想讀那本加比的書嗎?


Sure. So Christopher Columbus said, “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” So the shore is the land, right? ||||||||||||||смелость|||вид|||берег||||||| ||コロンブス||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||海岸|||| 所以克里斯多福哥倫布說:“除非你有勇氣看不到海岸,否則你永遠無法穿越海洋。”那麼海岸就是陸地,對嗎? And when, when you're in a boat like Christopher Columbus was, (um), you're sailing away from the land, you're sailing into the ocean, the huge, big, wide ocean and eventually, all you're going to be able to see is water and that's a little scary ‘cause (because) you don't know when you're going to hit land. ||||||船|||||||航行|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||в конце концов|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 當你像克里斯多福·哥倫布那樣坐船時,(嗯),你駛離陸地,駛入海洋,巨大、寬闊的海洋,最終,你所擁有的一切能夠看到的是水,這有點可怕,因為(因為)你不知道什麼時候會著陸。


Yeah, there's no turning back. 是的,沒有回頭路了。


No turning back right? 沒有回頭路吧?





So we want to relate this to your English learning, right? 所以我們想將其與您的英語學習聯繫起來,對吧? Sometimes you have to lose sight of land, or the shore or your, your native language… 有時你必須忘記陸地、海岸或你的母語…




…native culture.


Absolutely. And I can give a good example of how I tried to do this when I was learning Spanish. 我可以舉一個很好的例子來說明我在學習西班牙語時如何嘗試做到這一點。 I spent three months – I spent a year backpacking through Latin American and stayed in Argentina for three months, specifically in Buenos Aires and I ended up… |||||||||||||||Аргентина||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||ブエノスアイレス|ブエノスアイレス|||| 我花了三個月的時間——我花了一年的時間在拉丁美洲背包旅行,並在阿根廷呆了三個月,特別是在布宜諾斯艾利斯,最後我…




…(um) I really knew that I needed to live in a Spanish-speaking house to really take my Spanish to the next level. |||знал||||||||||||||||||| ……(嗯)我真的知道我需要住在說西班牙語的房子裡才能真正將我的西班牙語提升到一個新的水平。 There was no doubt about that. 這是毫無疑問的。 I didn't want to live in a hostel where everyone was speaking English. |||||||旅舍||||| 我不想住在每個人都說英語的旅館裡。 So I went out, I found a house in Palermo Viejo, and a nice little home with (um) two Italian students, two French students, (uh), there was myself and another American student and I think (uh) an Argentine guy. |||||||||パレルモ地区|ビエホ地区|||||||||||||||||||||||||||アルゼンチン人| 所以我出去了,我在巴勒莫維耶霍找到了一棟房子,還有一個漂亮的小房子,裡面有(嗯)兩個義大利學生,兩個法國學生,(呃),還有我自己和另一個美國學生,我想(呃)一個阿根廷人。 And, (you know), the six or seven of us lived together. 而且,(你知道),我們六、七個人住在一起。 We had dinners together and the language of the house was Spanish. ||晚餐||||||||| 我們一起吃晚飯,家裡的語言是西班牙語。 When I moved in and I interviewed for the room, they said “We don't speak English here.” And… 當我搬進去面試房間時,他們說“我們這裡不說英語。”和…


Que Bueno (that's good). なんて|それは良いね|| Que Bueno(很好)。


Yeah, buenisimo (that's very good). |非常好||| |うん、最高||| 是的,buenisimo(非常好)。 So it really helped a lot. 所以這真的很有幫助。 (Um) after three months of living with those guys, I was much more comfortable in Spanish. (嗯)和這些人一起生活了三個月後,我對西班牙語感到更加自在了。 It made a huge difference. 這產生了巨大的變化。 So I allowed myself to lose sight of the shore by diving in and just giving myself no other option, but to live in Spanish. |||||||||||潜水||||||||||||| 所以我允許自己潛入水中,讓自己看不見海岸,除了用西班牙語生活之外別無選擇。



Literally immersing yourself in the ocean of Spanish. |погружаясь|||||| |没入する|||||| 真正讓自己沉浸在西班牙語的海洋中。


And it wasn't so scary. 這並沒有那麼可怕。 (I mean) people were nice. (我的意思是)人們都很好。




(You know), (I mean) in the end, people are people. (你知道),(我的意思是)歸根結底,人就是人。


Well, and I like that (uh) situation, living in an international house or a home stay with other international students because, (you know), to use kind of a pun with, (you know), Christopher Columbus, you're in the same boat, right? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||в одной лодке||||||||||| 嗯,我喜歡那種(呃)情況,和其他國際學生一起住在國際宿舍或寄宿家庭,因為,(你知道),用一種雙關語來說,(你知道)克里斯托弗·哥倫布,你是在同一條船上,對嗎? You're in the same situation, right? 你也有同樣的情況,對吧? You all want to learn Spanish or you all want to learn a certain language. 你們都想學習西班牙語或是你們都想學習某種語言。 So you're all in the same boat. 所以你們都在同一條船上。 (Um) you want to help each other and, (you know), as long as your, your roommates (um) are, (you know), on the same page, they want to learn the language, it's a really great bonding experience, right? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||сближение|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||絆を深める経験|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||建立联系|| (嗯)你想互相幫助,(你知道),只要你的室友(嗯),(你知道),在同一頁上,他們想學習語言,這是一個非常好的紐帶經驗,對吧?



So think about what you can do. 所以想想你能做什麼。 So if you're here in Boston or in New York or in LA, or San Francisco and you're here to learn English, if that's your primary goal, think about finding a homestay, (um) finding just an international apartment where your roommates are from here or other international students. |||||||||||||||||||||||||主要||||||寄宿家庭|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ホームステイ|||||||||||||||| 因此,如果您在波士頓、紐約、洛杉磯或舊金山,並且您來這裡是為了學習英語,如果這是您的主要目標,請考慮尋找寄宿家庭,(嗯)尋找國際公寓,在那裡您可以室友來自這裡或其他國際學生。



Yeah (I mean) even if you're in the US living with family (um) – I, I'm working with a student now who's living with family and he really, really wants to spend more time with English speakers, so he decided to stay with a homestay family and three other international students for a few weeks. 是的(我的意思是)即使你在美國和家人住在一起(嗯)——我,我現在和一個和家人住在一起的學生一起工作,他真的非常想花更多的時間和說英語的人在一起,所以他決定在寄宿家庭和其他三名國際學生住幾個星期。


Cool. That's a good option.


Yeah, yeah. So I really admire that because it is brave. |||восхищаюсь||||| 所以我真的很佩服它,因為它很勇敢。 It's, it's really, (you know), leaving the shore behind and going into uncharted territories. ||||||||||||неизведанные территории|территории |||||||岸辺を離れる|||||未知の領域|未開の領域 ||||||||||||未知领域|领域 這是,真的,(你知道),離開海岸,進入未知的領域。 I'm sorry. So many puns. ||игры слов ||ダジャレが多い 這麼多雙關語。 I'm on a roll. |||顺风顺水 |調子がいい|| 我很高興。 (Um) yeah, but it's just, it's a great way to immerse yourself in language. ||||||||||没頭する||| (嗯)是的,但這只是,這是讓自己沉浸在語言中的好方法。

All right. So good luck guys if you decide to go for the international living situation and (uh) lose sight of the shore. |||||||||||||||||вид||| 如果您決定追求國際化的生活環境並且(呃)忽視了海岸,那麼祝大家好運。

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.