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All Ears English, 84- “Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English.”

84- “Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English.”

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 84: “Do You Know How to Be Happy? : 6 Idioms in American English.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn six idioms to talk about being happy and find out about one way that American culture is changing forever.



Hey Lindsay.



Hey Gabby.


Why are you snapping?


Because I'm happy.


Is it because you were listening to that new Pharrell song “Happy”?


Absolutely. So last night I listened to this song before bed and I was just so happy, I was just singing it in my head and I couldn't sleep.


(Aw) that's such a good song. It really sticks in your head.


It really does. What is that about?


I don't know. It's so catchy with the snapping and the upbeat tempo. I just, I can't stop.


I know.


So you guys, we're talking about a new song that came out late last year, early this year… Lindsay:



…by Pharrell Williams. It's called “Happy.” It's been on the top of the Billboard charts in (like) 15 different countries. So you may or may not have already heard it, but we're really excited to talk about it today. Some of you guys have been asking us to talk about popular music and we thought this was a great pick and we can do a lot with it as far as sharing some idioms with you too about being happy. And in tomorrow's episode, ‘Teaching Tuesday', we're going to talk about the lyrics and sharing what the lyrics from “Happy” mean. But… Lindsay:

Let's get into it.



Let's get into some idioms.


All right. So here's (here are) some idioms that use the word “happy.” Here's one. “I'm a happy camper.” If I say “I'm a happy camper” what am I saying? Am I actually going camping?


No you're not. (Um) it's basically just that you're happy, (like) you're totally content. But it's just a more colorful way of saying you're happy.


Yeah, (like) you could say “That kid is a happy camper” when he has ice cream in his hand.


Yeah, yeah. It just sounds nice. Another one is, let's see, (um) “Slap happy.” Both:

“Slap happy.”


It's (like) really happy (like) hyper and excited.



Sometimes when you're, you haven't slept a lot or something, you can become “slap happy.”


Get silly.




Cool. What's another one?


Well “happy hour” of course is my favorite time of the day.


“Happy hour.” What is “happy hour”? Explain for us.


So “happy hour” is when drinks are available for a lower price at the bar, so… Gabby:

Usually it's like earlier in the evening because most people will go out later in the evening, although some people will go out after work and that's happy hour. Maybe from (like) 5-7.


Yeah, although, (you know) in Boston, I think “happy hour” doesn't exist.



Yeah, I don't know. I haven't been out in a while. But… Lindsay:

Yeah, that goes back to the puritanical (sort of) – we have some very strange, strict rules here in the city of Boston. But back in New York, (um) “happy hour” was alive and well.


(Mm) yeah. In many places in the world it's alive and well. So another idiom with “happy” going back to feeling happy is “happy as a clam.” Lindsay:

When do you feel “happy as a clam”?


Oh, “happy as a clam” if I just had (like) a really good meal (um), gosh, or if I had a good meal with friends then…

Yeah, that's even better.


…I'm “happy as a clam.”



For me it's (um) when I'm at the beach on the weekend during the summer or maybe having a glass of wine with my family or something.


Aw that sounds great.


That makes me “happy as a clam.”


Nice. And another one that's also about feeling happy is “happy-go-lucky.” Lindsay:

Yeah, somebody who's “happy-go-lucky” feels happy or appears to be happy all the time.


Yeah, (like) no matter what happens right…?




…they're always looking at the positive.


Right. Looking on the bright side. They (um), they have a positive outlook towards life and that (kind of) leads us to into (like) an interesting question. So it seems like – this video's really interesting because I think in American culture, we really look for, (um) – in the past it seems like Americans have been striving for happiness in material things (like) fashion, clothing, cars, the beautiful house….


But people are getting sick of that.


But things are changing…




…just seeing this video. Normally you would see (like) a Hip-hop rap video with a guy with lots of bling. What's “bling”?


“Bling” like gold chains…


Gold teeth, in the car.


…diamonds, gold teeth.


(You know) the car's bouncing, a convertible Mercedes Benz, the BMW…


(Like) really (uh) luxurious clothing, like name brands (um)… Lindsay:

Right. Champagne, Cristal, whatever they call it.


Maybe he's on his own private jet.



So that's what you see all the time. And this is something new where – these guys aren't wearing fancy jewelry.


Right, you're talking about in the “Happy” video.


In the video,



Yeah, it's just simple. Actually it's great if you guys can, can come to our website and look at the video. We embedded it in the blog post so that you can just see it shows a great cross-section of Americans. There's (there are) (you know) young, old, (you know) (uh) what students, (um) like every kind of….


Overweight people, skinny people….


Different colors.





It's really cool just seeing normal people.


Absolutely, yeah. I think this is something that's happening here in the US. (I mean), I personally, I study Buddhism, so I think about this stuff a lot and one of the core philosophies of the Buddha was that happiness is inside of you and the key is just finding – getting in touch with that. (Um) and I see more people (you know), just thinking about this on different levels here in the US… Gabby:



…and the world I think. I don't know. What do you think, Gabby?


I agree. I think that people have found that happiness doesn't come with material possessions, even if you have a lot of things that are fun, or nice to look at, it doesn't necessarily make you happy. So… Lindsay:



…I think (you know) this, this is a nice chance to add in our, our sixth idiom, which is “to strike a happy medium,” which means, yeah, it's fun to have material things that you like, but it's not going to bring you happiness, so you have to strike a happy medium between, (you know), being happy inside and being happy with your, (I guess) material position, (uh) possessions (on the) outside.



Totally. And I think it'll be really interesting to see what happens in the next 20 or 30 years because our economy, it's so powered on the idea that happiness is outside of you and that you have to go and buy the makeup, buy the dress, buy the jewelry to actually be happy. And when people start to realize that that's not totally true, what's going to happen to the economy in the US, or the world?




I don't know, but it'll be interesting.


I'm not going to invest in bling.


I don't have any bling.


So, yeah we had a lot of idioms in this lesson today, (um), six different ones. So if you just want to listen again, you can catch those, all different ways to say you're happy and then a couple of ones using the word “happy” (um) “happy hour” or (um) “to strike a happy medium.”


Yeah and come back tomorrow to (uh) find out what Pharrell Williams is actually saying in this song.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (um) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.



So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.


Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen. So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.



Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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84- “Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English.” 84- "هل تعرف كيف تكون سعيدًا ؟: 6 مصطلحات في الإنجليزية الأمريكية." 84- "Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English". 84- "¿Sabes ser feliz?: 6 modismos del inglés americano". 84- "Do You Know How to Be Happy : 6 Idioms in American English". 84- "Sai come essere felice?: 6 modi di dire nell'inglese americano". 84- "Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English". 84- "Do You Know How to Be Happy?: 6 Idioms in American English." 84- "Знаете ли вы, как стать счастливым?: 6 идиом в американском английском". 84- "Nasıl Mutlu Olunacağını Biliyor musunuz?: Amerikan İngilizcesinde 6 Deyim." 84 - “你知道如何快乐吗?:6 个美式英语习语。” 84-“你知道如何快樂嗎?:6個美式英語習語。” 84-“你知道如何快樂嗎?:6個美式英語習語。”

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 84: “Do You Know How to Be Happy? Lindsay: This is a All Ears English Podcast، Episode 84: “Do You know How to Be Happy؟ : 6 Idioms in American English.” Expressions||| : 6 مصطلحات باللغة الإنجليزية الأمريكية. " : 6 個美式英語慣用語。”

[Instrumental] [آلات موسيقية]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. غابي: مرحبًا بكم في All Ears English Podcast ، حيث ستحصل أخيرًا على محادثة حقيقية باللغة الإنجليزية مع مضيفيك ، Lindsay McMahon ، "المغامر الإنجليزي" و Gabby Wallace ، "ملاك اللغة" ، من بوسطن ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn six idioms to talk about being happy and find out about one way that American culture is changing forever. Lindsay: في حلقة اليوم ، ستتعلم ستة مصطلحات للتحدث عن السعادة وتكتشف طريقة واحدة تتغير بها الثقافة الأمريكية إلى الأبد. Lindsay:在今天的節目中,您將學習六個談論快樂的習慣用語,並了解美國文化正在永遠改變的一種方式。



Hey Lindsay.



Hey Gabby. يا غابي.

Gabby: غابي:

Why are you snapping? |||Почему ты щелкаешь? |||怒っている |||发火 Почему ты огрызаешься? 為什麼要啪啪啪?


Because I'm happy. لأني سعيد. 因為我開心。

Gabby: غابي:

Is it because you were listening to that new Pharrell song “Happy”? هل هذا لأنك كنت تستمع إلى أغنية فاريل الجديدة "سعيدة"؟ 是因為你在聽 Pharrell 的新歌《Happy》嗎?

Yeah. نعم.

Absolutely. قطعاً. So last night I listened to this song before bed and I was just so happy, I was just singing it in my head and I couldn't sleep. لذا استمعت الليلة الماضية إلى هذه الأغنية قبل النوم وكنت سعيدًا جدًا ، كنت أغنيها في رأسي ولم أستطع النوم. 所以昨晚我睡前聽了這首歌,我太高興了,我只是在腦子裡唱著這首歌,我睡不著。


(Aw) that's such a good song. (噢)這首歌真好聽。 It really sticks in your head. ||заседает||| ||残る||| إنه حقًا عالق في رأسك. 它確實深深地印在你的腦海裡。

Lindsay: ليندسي:

It really does. 確實如此。 What is that about? ما هذا؟


I don't know. It's so catchy with the snapping and the upbeat tempo. ||запоминающаяся|||щелчки пальцами|||задорный|темп ||キャッチー|||パチン|||陽気な|テンポ ||朗朗上口|||||||节奏 Она так запоминается благодаря щелчкам и бодрому темпу. 它的節奏和歡快的節奏是如此吸引人。 I just, I can't stop.


I know.


So you guys, we're talking about a new song that came out late last year, early this year… Lindsay: 所以你們,我們正在談論一首去年年底、今年年初發行的新歌… Lindsay:



…by Pharrell Williams. It's called “Happy.” It's been on the top of the Billboard charts in (like) 15 different countries. ||||||||||Биллборд чарты||||| |||||||||||排行榜|||| 這就是所謂的「快樂」。它在 15 個不同國家的公告牌排行榜上名列前茅。 So you may or may not have already heard it, but we're really excited to talk about it today. Some of you guys have been asking us to talk about popular music and we thought this was a great pick and we can do a lot with it as far as sharing some idioms with you too about being happy. 你們中的一些人一直要求我們談論流行音樂,我們認為這是一個很好的選擇,我們可以用它做很多事情,與你們分享一些關於快樂的習慣用語。 And in tomorrow's episode, ‘Teaching Tuesday', we're going to talk about the lyrics and sharing what the lyrics from “Happy” mean. ||明天的|||||||||||||||||| 在明天的“教學星期二”節目中,我們將討論歌詞並分享“快樂”的歌詞的含義。 But… Lindsay:

Let's get into it.



Let's get into some idioms.


All right. So here's (here are) some idioms that use the word “happy.” Here's one. 這裡有一些使用「快樂」這個字的習慣用語。這是一個。 “I'm a happy camper.” If I say “I'm a happy camper” what am I saying? |||счастливый человек||||||||||| |一人|幸せ|幸せな人||||||||||| ||||||||||开心的人|||| “我是一個快樂的露營者。”如果我說「我是一個快樂的露營者」我在說什麼? Am I actually going camping? 我真的要去露營嗎?


No you're not. (Um) it's basically just that you're happy, (like) you're totally content. ||||||||||доволен полностью (嗯)基本上就是你很高興,(就像)你完全滿足了。 But it's just a more colorful way of saying you're happy. |||||多彩的||||| 但這只是一種更豐富多彩的方式來表達你的快樂。


Yeah, (like) you could say “That kid is a happy camper” when he has ice cream in his hand. 是的,當他手裡拿著冰淇淋時,你可以說「那孩子是個快樂的露營者」。


Yeah, yeah. It just sounds nice. 聽起來不錯。 Another one is, let's see, (um) “Slap happy.” Both: ||||давай посмотрим||Шлёпнуть счастливо|| ||||||ハイテンション|| 另一個是,讓我們看看,(嗯)“一巴掌高興。”兩個都:

“Slap happy.” 打耳光|


It's (like) really happy (like) hyper and excited. |||||взволнованный|| |||||ハイテンション|| |||||超级|| 它(就像)真的很高興(就像)亢奮和興奮。



Sometimes when you're, you haven't slept a lot or something, you can become “slap happy.” Иногда, когда вы не выспались или что-то еще, вы можете стать "счастливым пощечиной". 有時候,當你沒有睡很多或其他什麼的時候,你可能會變得「高興極了」。


Get silly.




Cool. What's another one?


Well “happy hour” of course is my favorite time of the day. |楽しい時間|||||||||| 嗯,「歡樂時光」當然是我一天中最喜歡的時間。


“Happy hour.” What is “happy hour”? Explain for us.


So “happy hour” is when drinks are available for a lower price at the bar, so… Gabby: 所以「歡樂時光」是指酒吧以較低價格提供飲料的時候,所以…Gabby:

Usually it's like earlier in the evening because most people will go out later in the evening, although some people will go out after work and that's happy hour. Обычно это бывает раньше вечером, потому что большинство людей выходят позже, хотя некоторые выходят после работы, и это счастливый час. 通常是在晚上早些時候,因為大多數人會在晚上晚些時候出去,儘管有些人會在下班後出去,那是歡樂時光。 Maybe from (like) 5-7.


Yeah, although, (you know) in Boston, I think “happy hour” doesn't exist. Да, хотя в Бостоне, по-моему, "счастливого часа" не существует. 是的,儘管(你知道)在波士頓,我認為「歡樂時光」並不存在。



Yeah, I don't know. I haven't been out in a while. ||||||давно Je ne suis pas sorti depuis un moment. Я давно не выходил на улицу. 我有一段時間沒出去了。 But… Lindsay:

Yeah, that goes back to the puritanical (sort of) – we have some very strange, strict rules here in the city of Boston. ||||||пуританский||||||||||||||| ||||||禁欲的な||||||||||||||| ||||||清教徒式的||||||||||||||| 是的,這可以追溯到清教徒(某種程度上)——我們在波士頓市有一些非常奇怪、嚴格的規則。 But back in New York, (um) “happy hour” was alive and well. |||||||||жив и здоров||в полном разгаре 但回到紐約,(嗯)「歡樂時光」依然存在。


(Mm) yeah. In many places in the world it's alive and well. 在世界許多地方,它仍然充滿活力。 So another idiom with “happy” going back to feeling happy is “happy as a clam.” Lindsay: ||||||||||||||Счастлив как моллюск| |||||||||||幸せ|||幸せな貝| Еще одна идиома со словом "happy", восходящим к чувству счастья, - "happy as a clam". Линдси: 因此,另一個用「快樂」回到感覺快樂的成語是「happy as a clam」。林賽:

When do you feel “happy as a clam”? 什麼時候你會感到「幸福如蛤」?


Oh, “happy as a clam” if I just had (like) a really good meal (um), gosh, or if I had a good meal with friends then… 哦,“高興得像蛤蜊”如果我剛剛吃了一頓非常好的飯菜(嗯),天哪,或者如果我和朋友吃了一頓美餐然後......

Yeah, that's even better.


…I'm “happy as a clam.” ||||蛤蜊



For me it's (um) when I'm at the beach on the weekend during the summer or maybe having a glass of wine with my family or something. 對我來說,這是(嗯)夏天週末在海灘上或和家人一起喝一杯酒什麼的。


Aw that sounds great.


That makes me “happy as a clam.” 這讓我「高興得像蛤蜊」。


Nice. And another one that's also about feeling happy is “happy-go-lucky.” Lindsay: 另一種也與感到快樂有關的是「無憂無慮」。林賽:

Yeah, somebody who's “happy-go-lucky” feels happy or appears to be happy all the time. |||||||||кажется|||||| 是的,「無憂無慮」的人總是感到快樂或看起來很快樂。


Yeah, (like) no matter what happens right…? 是的,(就像)無論發生什麼,對吧…?




…they're always looking at the positive. ……他們總是看到正面積極的一面。


Right. Looking on the bright side. 往好的方面看。 They (um), they have a positive outlook towards life and that (kind of) leads us to into (like) an interesting question. ||||||взгляд на жизнь|к жизни||||||||||||| ||||||展望|||||||||||||| ||||||生活态度|||||||||||||| 他們(嗯),他們對生活有積極的看法,這(有點)引導我們進入(類似)一個有趣的問題。 So it seems like – this video's really interesting because I think in American culture, we really look for, (um) – in the past it seems like Americans have been striving for happiness in material things (like) fashion, clothing, cars, the beautiful house…. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||стремились к|||||||||||| |||||動画の|||||||||||||||||||||||努力して|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||追求|||||||||||| 所以看起來——這個影片真的很有趣,因為我認為在美國文化中,我們真的在尋找,(嗯)——在過去,美國人似乎一直在物質事物(例如)時尚、服裝、汽車、漂亮的房子…。


But people are getting sick of that. Но людям это уже надоело. 但人們已經厭倦了這種情況。


But things are changing… 但事情正在改變…




…just seeing this video. Normally you would see (like) a Hip-hop rap video with a guy with lots of bling. ||||||||||||||||побрякушки ||||||||||||||||派手な装飾 通常你會看到(例如)一個嘻哈說唱視頻,裡面有一個戴著很多金光閃閃的人。 What's “bling”? |华丽的装饰


“Bling” like gold chains… |||Цепочки |||链子 像金鍊子一樣「金光閃閃」…


Gold teeth, in the car. 金牙,在車上。


…diamonds, gold teeth. ……鑽石、金牙。


(You know) the car's bouncing, a convertible Mercedes Benz, the BMW… ||||подпрыгивает|||||| |||車の|跳ねている||オープンカー|メルセデス|メルセデス・ベンツ|| ||||在颠簸||敞篷车|||| (你知道)汽車在彈跳,敞篷賓士、寶馬…


(Like) really (uh) luxurious clothing, like name brands (um)… Lindsay: |||||||品牌|| |||||||ブランド|| (例如)真正(呃)奢華的服裝,例如名牌(嗯)… Lindsay:

Right. Champagne, Cristal, whatever they call it. ||что угодно||| シャンパン|クリスタル|||| 香檳,水晶,不管他們叫什麼。


Maybe he's on his own private jet. ||||||私人飞机 ||||||ジェット 也許他在自己的私人飛機上。



So that's what you see all the time. C'est donc ce que vous voyez tout le temps. 這就是你一直看到的情況。 And this is something new where – these guys aren't wearing fancy jewelry. ||||||||||дорогой| Et c'est quelque chose de nouveau où – ces gars-là ne portent pas de bijoux fantaisie. И это что-то новое - эти парни не носят причудливых украшений. 這是一件新鮮事——這些人沒有戴華麗的珠寶。


Right, you're talking about in the “Happy” video. 是的,你說的是「快樂」影片中的內容。


In the video,



Yeah, it's just simple. 是的,這很簡單。 Actually it's great if you guys can, can come to our website and look at the video. 事實上,如果你們可以訪問我們的網站並觀看視頻,那就太好了。 We embedded it in the blog post so that you can just see it shows a great cross-section of Americans. |встроили||||||||||||||||||| |埋め込んだ||||||||||||||||||| |嵌入||||||||||||||||||| 我們將其嵌入到部落格文章中,以便您可以看到它展示了美國人的橫截面。 There's (there are) (you know) young, old, (you know) (uh) what students, (um) like every kind of…. 有(有)(你知道)年輕的,年老的,(你知道)(呃)什麼學生,(嗯)喜歡各種……。


Overweight people, skinny people…. 超重的||瘦人| ||痩せた人| 超重的人、瘦的人…


Different colors. 不同的顏色。





It's really cool just seeing normal people. 看到普通人真的很酷。


Absolutely, yeah. I think this is something that's happening here in the US. 我認為這就是美國正在發生的事情。 (I mean), I personally, I study Buddhism, so I think about this stuff a lot and one of the core philosophies of the Buddha was that happiness is inside of you and the key is just finding – getting in touch with that. |||||||||||||||||||основные философии|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||核心|哲学||||||||||||||||||||| (我的意思是),就我個人而言,我研究佛教,所以我對這個問題思考了很多,佛陀的核心哲學之一是幸福就在你的內心,關鍵就是找到——接觸它。 (Um) and I see more people (you know), just thinking about this on different levels here in the US… Gabby: (嗯)我看到更多的人(你知道),只是在美國的不同層面上思考這個問題…加比:



…and the world I think. ……還有我認為的世界。 I don't know. What do you think, Gabby? 你覺得怎麼樣,加比?


I agree. I think that people have found that happiness doesn't come with material possessions, even if you have a lot of things that are fun, or nice to look at, it doesn't necessarily make you happy. ||||||||||||вещи|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||所有物|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||物质财富|||||||||||||||||||||| 我認為人們已經發現幸福並不取決於物質財富,即使你擁有很多有趣的東西,或好看的東西,也不一定能讓你幸福。 So… Lindsay:



…I think (you know) this, this is a nice chance to add in our, our sixth idiom, which is “to strike a happy medium,” which means, yeah, it's fun to have material things that you like, but it's not going to bring you happiness, so you have to strike a happy medium between, (you know), being happy inside and being happy with your, (I guess) material position, (uh) possessions (on the) outside. |||||||||||||||||который|||найти золотую середину|||золотая середина|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||имущественное положение||| ……我認為(你知道)這是一個很好的機會,可以添加我們的第六個習語,即“找到一個快樂的媒介”,這意味著,是的,擁有你喜歡的物質事物很有趣,但它是不會給你帶來快樂,所以你必須在(你知道的)內心快樂和對你的(我猜)物質地位、(呃)財產(外在)感到快樂之間找到一個快樂的中間點。



Totally. And I think it'll be really interesting to see what happens in the next 20 or 30 years because our economy, it's so powered on the idea that happiness is outside of you and that you have to go and buy the makeup, buy the dress, buy the jewelry to actually be happy. ||||||||||||||||||经济|||驱动|||||||||||||||||||化妆品|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||化粧品|||||||||| 我認為看看未來 20 或 30 年會發生什麼真的很有趣,因為我們的經濟,它的動力來自於這樣一種觀念:幸福不在你身邊,你必須去買化妝品、買衣服。 ,買珠寶其實是為了快樂。 And when people start to realize that that's not totally true, what's going to happen to the economy in the US, or the world?




I don't know, but it'll be interesting.


I'm not going to invest in bling. ||||||派手な装飾 我不會投資金光閃閃。


I don't have any bling.

Gabby: ギャビー

So, yeah we had a lot of idioms in this lesson today, (um), six different ones. 所以,是的,今天這堂課我們有很多習慣用語,(嗯),六個不同的習慣用語。 So if you just want to listen again, you can catch those, all different ways to say you're happy and then a couple of ones using the word “happy” (um) “happy hour” or (um) “to strike a happy medium.” 所以,如果你只是想再聽一遍,你可以聽聽這些,所有不同的方式來表達你的快樂,然後用“快樂”(嗯)“歡樂時光”或(嗯)“來表達你的快樂”這個詞。快樂的媒介。”


Yeah and come back tomorrow to (uh) find out what Pharrell Williams is actually saying in this song. 是的,明天回來(呃)看看法瑞爾威廉斯在這首歌中到底在說什麼。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. I heard that (um) one of your students was talking about the transcripts.



So (um) a student of mine in Spain was saying that he is really a visual learner, so he needs to not only listen to All Ears English every day, but he also needs to see the words.


Yeah, that's really helpful, I think, for a lot of people to read as they listen. So yeah, we wanted to remind you that we have the transcripts available at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. And the transcripts are just the text of what you're hearing.



Just every word that we're saying spelled out for you. So there are no secrets. You'll know exactly what you're saying, we're saying. So come on over.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.