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All Ears English, 8- How to Get Over Your Fear of Talking with Native English Speakers

8- How to Get Over Your Fear of Talking with Native English Speakers

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 8: Deep Thoughts Thursday.

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, you're going to learn how to get over your fear of talking with native English Speakers.

Gabby: Today we want to share a quote with you that has to do with language learning. And the quote is “Life is inherently risky. There's only one risk you should avoid at all costs and that is the risk of doing nothing.” Lindsay: Hmm.

Gabby: Love this quote.

Lindsay: Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. What does ‘inherently' mean by the way?

Gabby: Um, ‘inherently' is like ‘really'. I think that's the simplest word I can think of to boil it down, is ‘really'. The only thing that's really risky, truly risky.

Lindsay: Yeah. Or just within itself, right?

Gabby: Without adding anything to it. It just is. That is the way it is. It is risky.

Lindsay: Yeah. We're always taking risks in life.

Gabby: Yeah.

I mean it's important to take risks. That's um, I think as they say, “no pain, no gain.” It's kind of similar like you have to take a risk. You have to um, do something where maybe you don't know the outcome.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: But that's the way that you can have more gains perhaps. You don't know what's going to happen, but sometimes you just have to take a risk in order to make a – I don't know to have a better outcome.

Lindsay: Yeah. And the best language learners that I've met have been people that take risks every single day.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Like they do something that makes them feel a little bit uncomfortable every day and that means in language learning and during a conversation or volunteering to answer a question in class.

Gabby: That's what we're talking about really is when you're studying English, um, put yourself outside of your comfort zone and you know, try out a new expression, try out a new structure, talk to people who you don't know and they could reject you and say “I don't want to talk to you,” but it's more likely that they're gonna (going to) be nice and they'll, they'll respond to you and that'll be a new interaction that you can learn from.

Lindsay: Right and just always think- what's the worst that could happen if you screw up in any situation? I mean you're not going to die.

Gabby: You're right, right.

Lindsay: So take the risk and try it. Use a new vocab word or enter a conversation, like we said.

Gabby: Yeah.

I think, um, you know, I'd like to mention some ways that you can actually do this. So, I mean asking for directions, asking for someone's opinion, like “Hey, excuse me. Do you know a good coffee shop close to here?” Um, I always use coffee as an example, but um, or, you know, do you know where the nearest um, what, the nearest blah, blah, the nearest post office, the nearest ATM, the….similarly asking for directions, right. But what are some other ways that you could talk to strangers?

Lindsay: Yeah, I think those are great examples. And then also just um committing to attending certain events where you know you'll have no option but to actually start those conversations, right? So committing to going to a meetup, saying “Okay Tuesday night is an English as a Second Language (ESL) meet-up. I'm gonna (going to) go, I'm gonna (going to) be there and I'm gonna (going to) communicate.” So just like putting it in your schedule and writing it down.


Yeah, so I went out last night and one man had an interesting strategy for going outside of his comfort zone. He was carrying a paper coupon, which said, uh, ‘free hugs', so I'm not recommending this, but this is something that he did to just meet strangers. He would pull it out and he would show someone who he wanted to hug and say “Excuse me. I have this coupon, I would like to redeem for my free hug.” So there's (there are) a lot of different ways. You can be creative. I mean it's a little weird.

Lindsay: Yeah. I mean you can create some kind of an alter ego… Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and just sort of do that and get yourself out there. Whatever it requires – whatever it takes.

Gabby: Yeah.

I like that idea of creating an alter ego actually because when you think of yourself as kind of an actor on the stage.

Lindsay: And you know they say life's a stage, right?

Gabby: It's less intimidating. It's like well this is my English speaker persona and… Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: …you know she's going to just be really outgoing and confident and you know meet five new people today.

Lindsay: It could be really empowering.

Gabby: Totally.

Lindsay: So experiment with that. Play around with that and see what you can, what you can do.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Great. All right.

Gabby: Thanks Lindsay.

Lindsay: Thanks.

Gabby: So we've made a special resource for you all. It's an e-book with ten top ways to learn English with a podcast and you can get that e-book for free if you come to visit us at www.allearsenglish.com/free. So come on over and get your copy.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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8- How to Get Over Your Fear of Talking with Native English Speakers |||||克服恐惧|||||| 8- Wie Sie Ihre Angst vor Gesprächen mit englischen Muttersprachlern überwinden können 8- How to Get Over Your Fear of Talking with Native English Speakers 8- Cómo superar el miedo a hablar con hablantes nativos de inglés 8- ネイティブ・スピーカーとの会話に対する恐怖心を克服する方法 8- 영어 원어민과 대화하는 것에 대한 두려움을 극복하는 방법 8- Jak przezwyciężyć strach przed rozmową z native speakerami? 8- Como ultrapassar o seu medo de falar com falantes nativos de inglês 8 - Как преодолеть страх перед общением с носителями английского языка 8- Anadili İngilizce Olan Kişilerle Konuşma Korkunuzu Nasıl Aşarsınız? 8-如何克服与英语为母语的人交谈的恐惧 8-如何克服與英語為母語的人交談的恐懼

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 8: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Lindsay: Este é o podcast All Ears English, Episódio 8: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 8 集:星期四的深刻思考。

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. Gabby: Bem-vindos ao All Ears English Podcast, onde finalmente vão ter uma verdadeira conversa em inglês nativo. Gabby:歡迎來到 All Ears English Podcast,在這裡您將最終獲得真正的母語英語對話。 Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||||||||蓋比|華萊士|||語言天使|||||波士頓|麻薩諸塞州| 現在,主持人「英國冒險家」林賽·麥克馬洪和「語言天使」蓋比·華萊士從美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓來到這裡。

In today's episode, you're going to learn how to get over your fear of talking with native English Speakers. ||||||||||superar|||||||| Šiandienos epizode sužinosite, kaip įveikti baimę bendrauti su gimtakalbiais anglakalbiais. No episódio de hoje, vai aprender a ultrapassar o seu medo de falar com falantes nativos de inglês. 在今天的節目中,您將學習如何克服與以英語為母語的人交談的恐懼。

Gabby: Today we want to share a quote with you that has to do with language learning. |||||||引言|||||||||学习 |||||||citazione||||||||| Gabby: Aujourd'hui, nous souhaitons partager avec vous une citation relative à l'apprentissage des langues. Gabby: Šiandien norime pasidalinti citata, susijusia su kalbų mokymusi. Gabby: Dzisiaj chcemy podzielić się z Wami cytatem, który dotyczy nauki języków. Gabby: Hoje queremos partilhar convosco uma citação que tem a ver com a aprendizagem de línguas. Gabby: Bugün sizlerle dil öğrenimi ile ilgili bir alıntı paylaşmak istiyoruz. Gabby:今天我們想與您分享一段與語言學習有關的名言。 And the quote is “Life is inherently risky. ||||||inherently| ||||||intrinsecamente| ||||||本質上| ||||||von Natur aus|riskant ||||||intrinsecamente| ||||||本质上|冒险的 ||||||vốn dĩ|rủi ro Y la cita es: "La vida es intrínsecamente arriesgada. E la citazione è: "La vita è intrinsecamente rischiosa. A cytat brzmi: „Życie jest z natury ryzykowne. Alıntı da şu: "Hayat doğası gereği risklidir. 引用是「生命本質上是有風險的。 There's only one risk you should avoid at all costs and that is the risk of doing nothing.” Lindsay: Hmm. ||||||避免|||代价|||||||||| |||Risiko|||||||||||||||| Il n'y a qu'un seul risque à éviter à tout prix et c'est le risque de ne rien faire. Lindsay : Hum. Yra tik viena rizika, kurios turėtumėte vengti bet kokia kaina - tai rizika nieko nedaryti." Lindsay: Hmm. Jest tylko jedno ryzyko, którego należy unikać za wszelką cenę, a jest nim ryzyko nierobienia niczego”. Lindsay: Hmm. Her ne pahasına olursa olsun kaçınmanız gereken tek bir risk vardır, o da hiçbir şey yapmama riskidir." Lindsay: Hmm. 只有一種風險是你應該不惜一切代價避免的,那就是無所作為的風險。”林賽:嗯。

Gabby: Love this quote. |喜愛|| Gabby: Uwielbiam ten cytat. 蓋比:喜歡這句話。

Lindsay: Love it. Lindsay: Uwielbiam to. Love it. Love it. Love it. What does ‘inherently' mean by the way? ||intrinsecamente|||| ||本質的に|||| ¿Qué significa 'inherentemente' por cierto? Beje, ką reiškia "iš esmės"? Co przy okazji oznacza „z natury”? 順便問一下,「本質上」是什麼意思?

Gabby: Um, ‘inherently' is like ‘really'. Gabby: "Iš prigimties" yra kaip "tikrai". Gabby: Um, „z natury” to jak „naprawdę”. Gabby: Hum, "inerentemente" é como "realmente". 蓋比:嗯,「本質上」就像「真的」。 I think that's the simplest word I can think of to boil it down, is ‘really'. ||||最简单的||||||||||| |||||||||||要約する|||| |||||||||||reduzir|isso|reduzir a|| ||||đơn giản nhất||||||||||| Creo que esa es la palabra más simple que se me ocurre para resumirlo, es 'realmente'. Je pense que c'est le mot le plus simple auquel je puisse penser pour résumer, c'est «vraiment». Credo che la parola più semplice che mi viene in mente per sintetizzare il tutto sia "davvero". Manau, kad paprasčiausias žodis, kurį galiu sugalvoti, yra "tikrai". Myślę, że to najprostsze słowo, jakie przychodzi mi do głowy, to „naprawdę”. 我認為這是我能想到的最簡單的詞來概括它,那就是「真的」。 The only thing that's really risky, truly risky. ||||||真正| ||||||verdadeiramente| Vienintelis dalykas, kuris yra tikrai rizikingas, tikrai rizikingas. Jedyna rzecz, która jest naprawdę ryzykowna, naprawdę ryzykowna. A única coisa que é realmente arriscada, verdadeiramente arriscada. 唯一真正有風險的事情,真正有風險的事情。

Lindsay: Yeah. Or just within itself, right? |||它自己| O simplemente dentro de sí mismo, ¿verdad? Albo po prostu w sobie, prawda? Или просто внутри себя, верно? 或只是在其自身內部,對嗎?

Gabby: Without adding anything to it. ||添加||| Gabby: Sin añadirle nada. Gabby: nieko nepridėdama. Gabby: Bez dodawania czegokolwiek. Gabby: Sem acrescentar nada. Габби: Не добавляя к нему ничего. 蓋比:沒有加任何東西。 It just is. Po prostu jest. That is the way it is. Así es como es. Tak to jest. Так оно и есть. 事情就是這樣。 It is risky. ||有风险 To ryzykowne. 這是有風險的。

Lindsay: Yeah. 林賽:是的。 We're always taking risks in life. |||风险|| |||Risiken|| Estamos sempre a correr riscos na vida. 生活中我們總是在冒險。

Gabby: Yeah.

I mean it's important to take risks. Quiero decir que es importante tomar riesgos. Noriu pasakyti, kad svarbu rizikuoti. Quero dizer que é importante correr riscos. Yani risk almak önemlidir. 我的意思是,承擔風險很重要。 That's um, I think as they say, “no pain, no gain.” It's kind of similar like you have to take a risk. ||||||||痛苦||||||||||||| ||||||||Schmerz||||||||||||| ||||||||đau đớn||||||||||||| それは "ノーペイン・ノーゲイン "ということだと思う。リスクを負わなければならないのと似ているね。 Manau, kad, kaip sakoma, "nėra skausmo, nėra naudos". Tai panašu į tai, kad reikia rizikuoti. To jest um, myślę, jak mówią: „bez bólu, bez zysku”. To trochę tak, jakbyś musiał zaryzykować. Sanırım dedikleri gibi, "acı yoksa kazanç da yok." Risk almak zorunda olmak gibi bir şey. 我想,正如他們所說,「沒有痛苦,就沒有收穫」。這有點類似於你必須冒險。 You have to um, do something where maybe you don't know the outcome. ||||||||||||结果 ||||||||||||Ergebnis ||||||||||||risultato finale ||||||||||||kết quả Turite daryti kažką, ko galbūt nežinote, koks bus rezultatas. Musisz zrobić coś, czego być może nie znasz. 你必須嗯,做一些你可能不知道結果的事情。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: But that's the way that you can have more gains perhaps. ||||||||||收益| ||||||||||Gewinne| ||||||||||guadagni| |||||||||||talvez ||||||||||利益| Gabby: Pero esa es la forma en que puedes tener más ganancias quizás. Gabby: Bet tai būdas, kuriuo galbūt galite gauti daugiau naudos. Gabby: Ale być może w ten sposób możesz osiągnąć więcej korzyści. 蓋比:但也許這樣你才能獲得更多收穫。 You don't know what's going to happen, but sometimes you just have to take a risk in order to make a – I don't know to have a better outcome. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||risultato migliore ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||結果 何が起こるかわからない。でも、より良い結果を得るためには、リスクを冒さなければならないこともある。 你不知道會發生什麼,但有時你必須冒險才能——我不知道是否會有更好的結果。

Lindsay: Yeah. And the best language learners that I've met have been people that take risks every single day. Geriausiai kalbų mokosi tie, kurie rizikuoja kiekvieną dieną. 我見過的最好的語言學習者都是每天都敢於冒險的人。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Like they do something that makes them feel a little bit uncomfortable every day and that means in language learning and during a conversation or volunteering to answer a question in class. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||志愿回答|||||| ||||||||||||unbequem||||||||||||||Freiwilligenarbeit|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||tình nguyện|||||| Lindsay: Comme s'ils faisaient quelque chose qui les mettait un peu mal à l'aise tous les jours et que cela signifie dans l'apprentissage d'une langue et pendant une conversation ou se porter volontaire pour répondre à une question en classe. Lindsay: Tai reiškia, kad jie kasdien daro kažką, kas verčia juos jaustis šiek tiek nepatogiai, t. y. mokantis kalbos, kalbantis arba savanoriškai atsakant į klausimą klasėje. Lindsay: Jakby robili coś, co sprawia, że każdego dnia czują się trochę nieswojo, a to oznacza naukę języka, rozmowę lub wolontariat, aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie w klasie. Lindsay:就像他們每天都會做一些讓他們感到有點不舒服的事情,這意味著在語言學習、對話或自願在課堂上回答問題時。

Gabby: That's what we're talking about really is when you're studying English, um, put yourself outside of your comfort zone and you know, try out a new expression, try out a new structure, talk to people who you don't know and they could reject you and say “I don't want to talk to you,” but it's more likely that they're gonna (going to) be nice and they'll, they'll respond to you and that'll be a new interaction that you can learn from. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||interaction||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||tente experimentar||um|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||từ chối|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tương tác||||| |||||||||||||||||||Komfortzone||||||||||||||||||||||||ablehnen|||||||||||||||||||||||||antworten||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||舒适区||||||||||||||句型|||||||||||拒绝你||||||||||||||更可能|||||||||||回应||||||||互动||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||句型||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gabby: Tai, apie ką mes iš tikrųjų kalbame, kai mokotės anglų kalbos, yra tai, kad išeikite iš savo komforto zonos ir išbandykite naują išraišką, naują struktūrą, kalbėkite su žmonėmis, kurių nepažįstate, ir jie gali jus atstumti ir pasakyti: "Nenoriu su jumis kalbėti", bet labiau tikėtina, kad jie bus malonūs ir atsakys jums, ir tai bus nauja sąveika, iš kurios galėsite pasimokyti. Gabby: Tak naprawdę mówimy o tym, że uczysz się angielskiego, um, wyjdź poza swoją strefę komfortu i wiesz, wypróbuj nowe wyrażenie, wypróbuj nową strukturę, porozmawiaj z ludźmi, których znasz. Nie wiem i mogą cię odrzucić i powiedzieć „Nie chcę z tobą rozmawiać”, ale jest bardziej prawdopodobne, że będą (zamierzają) być mili i tak zrobią, odpowiedzą ci i to będzie nową interakcją, z której możesz się uczyć. Gabby: Bahsettiğimiz şey gerçekten de İngilizce çalışırken, kendinizi konfor alanınızın dışına çıkarmak ve bilirsiniz, yeni bir ifade denemek, yeni bir yapı denemek, tanımadığınız insanlarla konuşmak ve sizi reddedip "Seninle konuşmak istemiyorum" diyebilirler, ancak büyük olasılıkla iyi davranacaklar ve size cevap verecekler ve bu, öğrenebileceğiniz yeni bir etkileşim olacak. 加比:這就是我們真正在談論的,當你學習英語時,嗯,把自己放在舒適圈之外,嘗試一種新的表達方式,嘗試一種新的結構,與你不熟悉的人交談。不知道,他們可能會拒絕你並說“我不想和你說話”,但更有可能的是他們會表現得很好,他們會回應你,然後“這將是一種新的互動方式,您可以從中學習。

Lindsay: Right and just always think- what's the worst that could happen if you screw up in any situation? ||||||||最糟糕||||||搞砸|||| ||||||||||||||verpatzen|||| ||||||||||||||sbagliare|||| ||||||||||||||搞砸|||| ||||||||||||||làm hỏng|sai lầm||| Lindsay: Correcto y siempre piensa: ¿qué es lo peor que podría pasar si metes la pata en cualquier situación? Lindsay: C'est vrai et pensez toujours - quel est le pire qui pourrait arriver si vous vous trompez dans n'importe quelle situation? Lindsay: Giusto e pensa sempre: qual è la cosa peggiore che può accadere se sbagli in qualsiasi situazione? Lindsay: Kas gali nutikti blogiausio, jei bet kokioje situacijoje ką nors sugadinsi? Lindsay: Racja i zawsze myśl – co najgorszego może się zdarzyć, jeśli schrzanisz w jakiejkolwiek sytuacji? A Lindsay: Exato e pensem sempre - qual é o pior que pode acontecer se fizerem asneira em qualquer situação? Lindsay: Đúng rồi và luôn luôn nghĩ - điều tồi tệ nhất có thể xảy ra nếu bạn mắc sai lầm trong bất kỳ tình huống nào là gì? Lindsay:是的,只要經常想一想,如果你在任何情況下搞砸了,最糟糕的情況是什麼? I mean you're not going to die. Aš turiu omenyje, kad tu nemirsi. Mam na myśli, że nie umrzesz. Quero dizer que não vais morrer. Ý tôi là bạn sẽ không chết đâu. 我的意思是你不會死。

Gabby: You're right, right. ||correct|correct Gabby: Bạn nói đúng, đúng. 蓋比:你說得對,對。

Lindsay: So take the risk and try it. ||采取||||| Lindsė: Taigi rizikuokite ir pabandykite. Use a new vocab word or enter a conversation, like we said. |||詞彙|||||||| |||vocabulary|vocabulary word||join|a single|discussion|as|we discussed|previously mentioned Naudokite naują žodyną arba pradėkite pokalbį, kaip jau minėjome. Użyj nowego słownictwa lub rozpocznij rozmowę, tak jak powiedzieliśmy. Utilizar uma nova palavra do vocabulário ou iniciar uma conversa, como dissemos.

Gabby: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

I think, um, you know, I'd like to mention some ways that you can actually do this. |believe|||you understand||would like||bring up|||in which||||| Manau, kad norėčiau paminėti keletą būdų, kaip iš tikrųjų galite tai padaryti. Penso que gostaria de mencionar algumas formas de o fazer. 我想,嗯,你知道,我想提到一些實際上可以做到這一點的方法。 So, I mean asking for directions, asking for someone's opinion, like “Hey, excuse me. |||||问路指引|||||||| ||||||||jemandes|||hey|| ||I mean|requesting|in regard to|guidance or advice|requesting||a person’s|viewpoint|for example|Excuse me|pardon|I Entonces, me refiero a pedir direcciones, pedir la opinión de alguien, como “Oye, disculpe. Mam na myśli pytanie o drogę, pytanie o czyjąś opinię, na przykład „Hej, przepraszam. 所以,我的意思是詢問方向,詢問某人的意見,例如「嘿,對不起。 Do you know a good coffee shop close to here?” Um, I always use coffee as an example, but um, or, you know, do you know where the nearest um, what, the nearest blah, blah, the nearest post office, the nearest ATM, the….similarly asking for directions, right. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||自动取款机||同样地|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nächste|||||Postamt||||||||Geldautomat||ähnlich|||| ||have knowledge of||quality|coffee shop|||||||||coffee shop||||||||||||||closest||place||closest||||closest||||closest||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||最寄りのATM|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais próxima||||||||||||||||||| Znasz dobrą kawiarnię w pobliżu?” Um, zawsze używam kawy jako przykładu, ale um, czy wiesz, gdzie jest najbliższa um, co, najbliższy bla, bla, najbliższy urząd pocztowy, najbliższy bankomat,… podobnie pytam o drogę , Prawidłowy. 你知道這附近有什麼好的咖啡店嗎?”嗯,我總是用咖啡作為例子,但嗯,或者,你知道,你知道最近的嗯,什麼,最近的等等,最近的郵局,最近的 ATM,......同樣問路在哪裡, 正確的。 But what are some other ways that you could talk to strangers? ||||additional||||||| Ale jakie są inne sposoby rozmowy z nieznajomymi? Mas quais são as outras formas de falar com estranhos? 但是還有哪些方式可以與陌生人交談呢?

Lindsay: Yeah, I think those are great examples. Lindsay: Tak, myślę, że to są świetne przykłady. Lindsay:是的,我認為這些都是很好的例子。 And then also just um committing to attending certain events where you know you'll have no option but to actually start those conversations, right? |||||参加||参加||活动|||||||选择||||||| |||||sich verpflichten||teilnehmen|||||||||Option||||||| |||||engaging in||participating|||||||||||||||discussions| |||||impegnarsi a||partecipare a|||||||||||||||| Et puis aussi je m'engage à assister à certains événements où vous savez que vous n'aurez pas d'autre choix que de commencer ces conversations, n'est-ce pas? Taip pat tiesiog įsipareigokite dalyvauti tam tikruose renginiuose, kuriuose žinote, kad neturėsite kitos išeities, kaip tik pradėti tuos pokalbius, tiesa? A potem po prostu zobowiążesz się do brania udziału w pewnych wydarzeniach, na których wiesz, że nie masz innego wyjścia, jak tylko rozpocząć te rozmowy, prawda? E, depois, também se compromete a participar em determinados eventos onde sabe que não terá outra opção senão iniciar essas conversas, certo? 然後,承諾參加某些你知道你別無選擇的活動,只能真正開始這些對話,對吧? So committing to going to a meetup, saying “Okay Tuesday night is an English as a Second Language (ESL) meet-up. |承诺|||||聚会|||||||||||||| ||||||Treffen|||||||||||||| |||||||indicating||||||||||||| |Impegnarsi a|||||incontro sociale|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||英語學習|| Donc, s'engager à aller à une rencontre, en disant: «Okay mardi soir est une rencontre d'anglais langue seconde (ESL). Więc zobowiązując się do pójścia na spotkanie, mówiąc: „Dobra wtorkowy wieczór to spotkanie w języku angielskim jako drugim (ESL). Assim, comprometer-se a ir a um encontro, dizer "Ok, terça-feira à noite é um encontro de Inglês como Segunda Língua (ESL). 因此,承諾參加聚會,並說“好吧,週二晚上是英語作為第二語言 (ESL) 聚會。 I'm gonna (going to) go, I'm gonna (going to) be there and I'm gonna (going to) communicate.” So just like putting it in your schedule and writing it down. ||||||||||||||||沟通|||||||||||| Je vais (vais) y aller, je vais (vais) être là et je vais (vais) communiquer. Donc, tout comme le mettre dans votre emploi du temps et l'écrire. Aš eisiu, būsiu ten ir bendrausiu." Taigi tiesiog įtraukite tai į savo tvarkaraštį ir užsirašykite. Eu vou (vou), eu vou (vou) estar lá e vou (vou) comunicar." Por isso, é como colocar na agenda e escrever. 我要(要)去,我要(要)在那裡,我要(要)溝通。”就像把它放在你的日程安排中並寫下來一樣。


Yeah, so I went out last night and one man had an interesting strategy for going outside of his comfort zone. |||||||||||||策略||||||| Tak, więc wyszedłem wczoraj wieczorem i jeden mężczyzna miał ciekawą strategię wyjścia poza swoją strefę komfortu. Evet, dün gece dışarı çıktım ve bir adamın konfor alanının dışına çıkmak için ilginç bir stratejisi vardı. 是的,所以我昨晚出去了,一個人有一個有趣的策略來走出他的舒適區。 He was carrying a paper coupon, which said, uh, ‘free hugs', so I'm not recommending this, but this is something that he did to just meet strangers. |||||优惠券|||||拥抱||||不推荐|||||||||||| |||||Gutschein|||||Umarmungen||||empfehlen|||||||||||| |||||クーポン券|||||||||勧めているわけでは|||||||||||| |||||優惠券||||||||||||||||||||| |||||buono sconto|||||abbracci gratis|||||||||||||||| Il portait un coupon papier, qui disait, euh, «câlins gratuits», donc je ne le recommande pas, mais c'est quelque chose qu'il a fait juste pour rencontrer des inconnus. Jis turėjo popierinį kuponą, ant kurio buvo užrašyta "nemokami apkabinimai", todėl nerekomenduoju to daryti, bet jis tai darė norėdamas susipažinti su nepažįstamais žmonėmis. Miał przy sobie papierowy kupon, na którym było napisane „darmowe uściski”, więc nie polecam tego, ale to jest coś, co zrobił, żeby po prostu spotkać nieznajomych. Ele trazia um cupão de papel, que dizia "abraços grátis", por isso não estou a recomendar isto, mas foi algo que ele fez para conhecer estranhos. Üzerinde 'bedava sarılma' yazan bir kağıt kupon taşıyordu, bu yüzden bunu tavsiye etmiyorum, ama bu sadece yabancılarla tanışmak için yaptığı bir şeydi. 他帶著一張紙質優惠券,上面寫著,呃,“免費擁抱”,所以我不建議這樣做,但這是他為了結識陌生人而做的事情。 He would pull it out and he would show someone who he wanted to hug and say “Excuse me. ||||||||||||||Umarmung|||| ||||||||||||||abbracciare|||| Il le retirait et il montrait à quelqu'un qu'il voulait embrasser et lui disait «Excusez-moi. Jis išsitraukdavo jį ir parodydavo žmogų, kurį norėjo apkabinti, ir sakydavo: "Atsiprašau. Wyciągał go i pokazywał komuś, kogo chciał przytulić i powiedzieć „Przepraszam. Ele tirava-o para fora e mostrava a alguém que queria abraçar e dizia: "Com licença. Onu çıkarır ve sarılmak istediği birini göstererek "Affedersiniz. 他會把它拉出來,然後給他想擁抱的人看,然後說「對不起。 I have this coupon, I would like to redeem for my free hug.” So there's (there are) a lot of different ways. ||||||||exchange||||||||||||| ||||||||兌換||||||||||||| ||||||||einlösen||||||||||||| ||||||||riscattare||||||||||||| |||优惠券|||||兑换||||||||||||| ||||||||引き換える||||||||||||| Tengo este cupón, me gustaría canjearlo por mi abrazo gratis". Así que hay (hay) muchas formas diferentes. J'ai ce coupon, je souhaite l'échanger contre mon câlin gratuit. " Il y a donc (il y a) de nombreuses façons différentes. Turiu šį kuponą, kurį norėčiau iškeisti į nemokamą apkabinimą." Taigi yra (yra) daugybė skirtingų būdų. Mam ten kupon, który chciałbym wymienić na darmowy uścisk.” Tak więc jest (jest) wiele różnych sposobów. Elimde bu kupon var, bedava sarılmak için kullanmak istiyorum." Yani pek çok farklı yol var (var). 我有這張優惠券,我想兌換我的免費擁抱。”所以有很多不同的方法。 You can be creative. |||有创意 Galite būti kūrybingi. 你可以發揮創意。 I mean it's a little weird. |||||有點奇怪 |||||seltsam |||||strange |||||strano |||||奇怪 Quiero decir que es un poco raro. Tai šiek tiek keista. To trochę dziwne. 我的意思是這有點奇怪。

Lindsay: Yeah. I mean you can create some kind of an alter ego… Gabby: Yeah. |||||||||另一个自我|另一个自我|| |||||||||Alter ego||| |||||||||alternative persona|alter identity|| Ich meine, man kann eine Art Alter Ego erschaffen… Gabby: Ja. Quiero decir que puedes crear algún tipo de alter ego... Gabby: Sí. Je veux dire que vous pouvez créer une sorte d'alter ego… Gabby: Ouais. Mam na myśli, że możesz stworzyć swego rodzaju alter ego… Gabby: Tak. Yani bir tür alter ego yaratabilirsiniz... Gabby: Evet. 我的意思是你可以創造某種另一個自我… 加比:是的。

Lindsay: …and just sort of do that and get yourself out there. Lindsay:… et faites juste ça et sortez. Lindsė: ...ir tiesiog tai darykite, kad išvystumėte save. Lindsay: …i po prostu zrób to i idź tam. Lindsay:……就這麼做吧,然後讓自己走出去。 Whatever it requires – whatever it takes. ||需要||| Lo que sea necesario, lo que sea necesario. Kad ir ko prireiktų - kad ir ko prireiktų. Nieważne, czego wymaga – nieważne, czego potrzeba. 無論需要什麼——無論需要什麼。

Gabby: Yeah.

I like that idea of creating an alter ego actually because when you think of yourself as kind of an actor on the stage. ||||||||||||||||||||演員||| ||||||||self||||||||||||||| |||||||別人格|||||||||||||||| Man patinka ši idėja sukurti alter ego, nes kai galvoji apie save kaip apie aktorių scenoje. Gosto dessa ideia de criar um alter ego, porque quando pensamos em nós próprios como uma espécie de ator no palco. Aslında bir alter ego yaratma fikrini seviyorum çünkü kendinizi sahnedeki bir aktör olarak düşündüğünüzde. 我實際上喜歡創造另一個自我的想法,因為當你認為自己是舞台上的演員。

Lindsay: And you know they say life's a stage, right? ||||||des Lebens||| Lindsay: A wiesz, że mówią, że życie to scena, prawda? A Lindsay: E sabes que se diz que a vida é um palco, certo? Lindsay: Hayat bir sahnedir derler, biliyorsun değil mi? Lindsay:你知道他們說人生是一個舞台,對吧?

Gabby: It's less intimidating. |||没那么吓人。 |||einschüchternd |||daunting |||それほど怖くない Gabby: Tai mažiau gąsdina. Gabby: To mniej onieśmielające. Gabby: É menos intimidante. Gabby: Daha az korkutucu. 蓋比:沒那麼嚇人了。 It's like well this is my English speaker persona and… Lindsay: Right. ||||||||nhân cách||| ||||||||人设||| ||||||||キャラクター||| ||||||||personaggio||| Wygląda na to, że to moja osobowość mówiąca po angielsku i… Lindsay: Tak. 這就像我說英語的角色一樣… Lindsay:是的。

Gabby: …you know she's going to just be really outgoing and confident and you know meet five new people today. |||||||||extrovertida||confiante|||||||| |||||||||hòa đồng|||||||||| |||||||||gesellig||selbstbewusst|||||||| |||||||||estroversa|||||||||| |||||||||||自信的|||||||| |||||||||社交的な|||||||||| Gabby: …wiesz, że będzie po prostu bardzo otwarta i pewna siebie, poznajesz dzisiaj pięć nowych osób. Gabby: ...gerçekten dışa dönük ve kendinden emin olacak ve bugün beş yeni insanla tanışacak. 蓋比:……你知道她會變得非常外向和自信,你知道今天會認識五個新朋友。

Lindsay: It could be really empowering. |||||赋予力量 |||||ermutigend |||||uplifting |||||potenziante |||||empoderador Lindsay: Podría ser muy enriquecedor. Lindsay: potrebbe essere molto stimolante. Lindsay: To może być naprawdę wzmacniające. Lindsay: Gerçekten güçlendirici olabilir. Lindsay:這確實可以賦予你力量。

Gabby: Totally.

Lindsay: So experiment with that. ||试试看吧|用| ||try it out|| Lindsay: O zaman bunu deneyin. Play around with that and see what you can, what you can do. Pobaw się tym i zobacz, co możesz, co możesz zrobić. Bununla oynayın ve neler yapabileceğinizi, neler yapabileceğinizi görün. 嘗試一下,看看你能做什麼,你能做什麼。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Great. All right.

Gabby: Thanks Lindsay.

Lindsay: Thanks.

Gabby: So we've made a special resource for you all. 加比||||||||| ||nós temos||||recurso especial||| Gabby: Więc stworzyliśmy dla was specjalne źródło. 蓋比:所以我們為你們製作了一個特別的資源。 It's an e-book with ten top ways to learn English with a podcast and you can get that e-book for free if you come to visit us at www.allearsenglish.com/free. So come on over and get your copy.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.