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All Ears English, 74- Arguing in English- Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice

74- Arguing in English- Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 74, Meeting Monday: “Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice: Arguing in English.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, learn how to have a friendly argument in English about an exciting and meaningful topic. And if you're interested in leaving us a comment or asking a question, please go to allearsenglish.com and look for the orange bar that comes out on the home page on the right side. Click on that and please go ahead and leave a message. We want to hear your voice. We want to hear your questions. Talk to you soon. [Instrumental] Gabby: Hey. Good afternoon Lindsay.

Lindsay: Good afternoon Gabby. How are you?

Gabby: I'm good. How are you?

Lindsay: I'm super excited.

Gabby: Why?

Lindsay: Because today's topic is something I think about all the time.

Gabby: Yeah- passion, and strengths, and your career. I think, (you know), we spend a lot of time thinking about our careers.

Lindsay: Definitely. It's something that everyone should think about because imagine how many hours of your life you spend at work.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: You gotta (got to) be doing something that works for you.

Gabby: Yeah.

So I know you guys, our listeners, you spend a lot of time thinking about your career and even how English can help you in your career, (um), but we're not even talking about English in your career today. We're actually going to be debating what's more important, passion or strengths.



We're gonna (going to) have a little friendly argument here (um) and so. All right. So when you're choosing a career, Gabby, what do you think is more important? Should you choose the thing that you love or should you choose the thing that you're naturally talented in?


I think you have to choose the thing that you love. You choose the job that you're passionate about because you will have more motivation and energy to follow that career path.


(Mm). (I mean) I see what you mean. I see your point; (it) makes sense. But I don't know. (You know), this summer I actually took this assessment and I always talk about this, (um), and it's called the Strengths Finder 2.0 and I really recommend that to you guys.


How nice?


I took an assessment –if you take this assessment you get your top five strengths and those are things that you're so good at, naturally good at that nobody else does as well as you and you don't realize that you're good at them because they come so naturally to you. Okay.


Oh, interesting.


(Um) so for example for me, one of my strengths is helping other people develop themselves and that's why I'm in teaching.




(Um) so I think you should choose a career based on how many of those strengths you can actually use.



Well my question would be are you going to be happy if you don't pursue your passion, but you pursue something that you're strong in?

(Um), okay, I was just listening to another podcast, (um) “Entrepreneur on Fire” and I listened to this episode, it was episode 344 and it was an interview with Bill Brown, the Classy Chocolate Man. I just thought it was interesting because Bill said that it took him a long time to understand what this strength and his passion were, (um), or what he really wanted to do, but finally, (you know), after a few decades of, (you know), working in offices and things like that, he started making chocolate as a hobby and everyone just loved his chocolates and (um) so he decided to become a chocolate maker and now he sells these great designer chocolates, and… Lindsay:



…(you know), my understanding is that he's doing pretty well and he's really happy ‘cause (because) it's his passion.


Yeah, I guess so. But (I mean) – so maybe in his case, it's actually his passion and it's also his strength.


Interesting point. Yeah.


(You know). Because what about this? What about this movie (uh) “Rudy”? Have you seen the movie?




It's crazy because it really highlights the narrative in American culture and our narrative is: choose something you really want to do, choose a passion, put your mind to it, and just work your butt off… Gabby:



…and accomplish that goal. But maybe that's not the smartest decision because Rudy wasn't a very good football player even though he worked ten times harder than everyone else on the team.




So he went from being a terrible football player to a mediocre football player. What I'm arguing here is that when you're using your strengths in your job, in the career you choose, you can go from being an above average football player or chocolate maker to an exceptional chocolate maker making a lot of money, being fulfilled and doing what you want.


That's a really good point. (Um), I, I have to agree that you have to have a little of both. (Um) I'm not sure though, that if you're really good at something, if you have a strength, but you have no passion or no interest in that area, (um), I don't know if you'd be so good at it, but (um), but that's another point actually, passion versus interest. And I was just listening to another pod, podcast… Lindsay:

You listen to a lot of podcasts.



(Um) this one was (uh) Pat Flynn's “Smart Passive Income” and (um) he mentioned, (you know), that you don't have to be passionate about something to be good at it, but you do need to have interest in it. So, so maybe there's some middle ground between our… Lindsay:



…our opinions here.


Yeah, it's true. (I mean) there might be a situation where someone, (you know), has math skills, right?




(Um) and so maybe they become an accountant. So they're really good at it, but they actually hate it. So I agree with you in that sense that they necessarily – shouldn't necessarily go into something just because they're good at it. But I think many times what we're good at is also something that fulfills us.




(You know), when we're able to use those strengths, it actually feels like we're not working.


Yes, I completely agree. Right? And that's the idea of “flow,” right. I've been reading about this… Lindsay:



…where you just follow what you're good at and you, you feel like you're not working, like you said it's (like) “Really, I could get paid for this?” ‘cause (because) it just feels so natural, (you know).


Yeah, so I think people shouldn't stop looking for that thing.


(Um), I agree. So I think, (you know), we've come to kind of an agreement. I, I do agree that you need to have strengths (um), (you know), but you also have to be interested.



So you have to find that intersection of your strength, your unique strengths – I guess we could call them gifts even.


Oh yeah.


Your unique gifts and your passion, what you're excited about, what gets you fired up.






I agree.

Lindsay: Awesome. Interesting argument.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Thanks for chatting with me today or arguing.

Gabby: Yeah, my pleasure.


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time.

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74- Arguing in English- Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice 74- Argumentieren auf Englisch- Leidenschaft vs. Stärken bei der Berufswahl 74- Argumentar en inglés- Pasión vs. Fortalezas en tu elección profesional 74- 영어로 논쟁하기- 직업 선택에 대한 열정 대 강점 74- Argumentar em inglês - Paixão vs. Pontos fortes na escolha da carreira 74- Аргументация на английском языке - Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice 74- İngilizce Tartışma - Kariyer Seçiminizde Tutku ve Güçlü Yönler 74- Аргументація англійською: пристрасть проти сильних сторін у виборі кар'єри 74-用英語爭論-職業選擇中的熱情與優勢

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 74, Meeting Monday: “Passion vs. Strengths in Your Career Choice: Arguing in English.” [Instrumental] |||||||All Ears English||||||Strengths|||||||| ||||||||||||対||||||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 74 集,週一會議:“職業選擇中的熱情與優勢:用英語爭論。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |Greetings|||||All Ears English|||||||||dialogue Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||||||English Adventurer|||||||||||||

Lindsay: In today's episode, learn how to have a friendly argument in English about an exciting and meaningful topic. |||||||||||||||||有意义的| Линдси: В сегодняшнем эпизоде вы узнаете, как вести дружеский спор на английском языке на интересную и значимую тему. Lindsay:在今天的節目中,學習如何用英語就一個令人興奮且有意義的話題進行友好的爭論。 And if you're interested in leaving us a comment or asking a question, please go to allearsenglish.com and look for the orange bar that comes out on the home page on the right side. А если вы хотите оставить нам комментарий или задать вопрос, зайдите на сайт allearsenglish.com и найдите оранжевую полосу, которая появляется на главной странице справа. 如果您有興趣給我們留言或提出問題,請訪問 allearsenglish.com 並查找主頁右側出現的橙色欄。 Click on that and please go ahead and leave a message. 按一下該按鈕,然後請繼續留言。 We want to hear your voice. 我們想聽聽你的聲音。 We want to hear your questions. 我們想聽聽您的問題。 Talk to you soon. [Instrumental] Gabby: Hey. Good afternoon Lindsay.

Lindsay: Good afternoon Gabby. How are you?

Gabby: I'm good. How are you?

Lindsay: I'm super excited.

Gabby: Why?

Lindsay: Because today's topic is something I think about all the time. Lindsay:因為今天的話題是我一直在思考的事情。

Gabby: Yeah- passion, and strengths, and your career. 蓋比:是的──熱情、優勢和你的事業。 I think, (you know), we spend a lot of time thinking about our careers. |||||||||||||职业 |||||||||||||キャリア 我認為,(你知道),我們花了很多時間思考我們的職業生涯。

Lindsay: Definitely. It's something that everyone should think about because imagine how many hours of your life you spend at work. 這是每個人都應該考慮的事情,因為想像一下您一生中有多少時間花在工作上。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: You gotta (got to) be doing something that works for you. Lindsay:你必須做一些對你有用的事情。

Gabby: Yeah.

So I know you guys, our listeners, you spend a lot of time thinking about your career and even how English can help you in your career, (um), but we're not even talking about English in your career today. Donc je vous connais, nos auditeurs, vous passez beaucoup de temps à penser à votre carrière et même à la façon dont l'anglais peut vous aider dans votre carrière, (um), mais nous ne parlons même pas de l'anglais dans votre carrière aujourd'hui. 所以我知道你們,我們的聽眾,你們花了很多時間思考你的職業生涯,甚至英語如何在你的職業生涯中幫助你,(嗯),但我們今天甚至沒有談論英語在你的職業生涯中的作用。 We're actually going to be debating what's more important, passion or strengths. |||||辩论|||||| 我們實際上將討論什麼更重要,熱情還是優勢。



We're gonna (going to) have a little friendly argument here (um) and so. 我們將(將)在這裡進行一些友好的爭論(嗯)等等。 All right. So when you're choosing a career, Gabby, what do you think is more important? 那麼,當你選擇職業時,Gabby,你認為什麼比較重要呢? Should you choose the thing that you love or should you choose the thing that you're naturally talented in? 你該選擇你喜歡的事還是該選擇你天生有天賦的事?


I think you have to choose the thing that you love. 我認為你必須選擇你喜歡的東西。 You choose the job that you're passionate about because you will have more motivation and energy to follow that career path. 您選擇自己熱愛的工作,因為您將有更多動力和精力走這條職業道路。


(Mm). (I mean) I see what you mean. (我的意思是)我明白你的意思。 I see your point; (it) makes sense. 我明白你的意思; (這說得通。 But I don't know. (You know), this summer I actually took this assessment and I always talk about this, (um), and it's called the Strengths Finder 2.0 and I really recommend that to you guys. (Vous savez), cet été, j'ai fait cette évaluation et j'en parle toujours, (euh), et ça s'appelle le Strengths Finder 2.0 et je vous le recommande vraiment. (你知道),今年夏天我實際上進行了這個評估,我總是談論這個,(嗯),它被稱為“優勢查找器 2.0”,我真的向你們推薦它。


How nice?


I took an assessment –if you take this assessment you get your top five strengths and those are things that you're so good at, naturally good at that nobody else does as well as you and you don't realize that you're good at them because they come so naturally to you. ||||||||评估|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Я прошла оценку - если вы пройдете ее, то узнаете пять своих сильных сторон, и это те вещи, в которых вы настолько хороши, естественны, что никто другой не делает этого так хорошо, как вы, и вы не осознаете, что хороши в них, потому что они приходят к вам так естественно. 我進行了一項評估——如果你進行了這項評估,你就會得到你的前五項優勢,這些都是你非常擅長的事情,自然而然地擅長,沒有人比你做得更好,而且你沒有意識到自己很擅長因為它們對你來說是如此自然。 Okay.


Oh, interesting.


(Um) so for example for me, one of my strengths is helping other people develop themselves and that's why I'm in teaching. (嗯)例如,對我來說,我的優勢之一是幫助其他人發展自己,這就是我從事教學的原因。




(Um) so I think you should choose a career based on how many of those strengths you can actually use. (嗯)所以我認為你應該根據你實際可以利用的優勢來選擇職業。



Well my question would be are you going to be happy if you don't pursue your passion, but you pursue something that you're strong in? |||||||||||||||||||追求||||| 那麼我的問題是,如果你不追求自己的熱情,而是追求自己擅長的東西,你會快樂嗎?

(Um), okay, I was just listening to another podcast, (um) “Entrepreneur on Fire” and I listened to this episode, it was episode 344 and it was an interview with Bill Brown, the Classy Chocolate Man. (嗯),好吧,我剛剛在聽另一個播客,(嗯)“企業家著火”,我聽了這一集,這是第 344 集,是對優雅巧克力人比爾·布朗的採訪。 I just thought it was interesting because Bill said that it took him a long time to understand what this strength and his passion were, (um), or what he really wanted to do, but finally, (you know), after a few decades of, (you know), working in offices and things like that, he started making chocolate as a hobby and everyone just loved his chocolates and (um) so he decided to become a chocolate maker and now he sells these great designer chocolates, and… Lindsay: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||办公室||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||设计师巧克力||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||チョコレート職人||||売っている|||||| 我只是覺得這很有趣,因為比爾說他花了很長時間才明白這種力量和他的熱情是什麼,(嗯),或者他真正想做的事情,但最後,(你知道),幾十年後(你知道),在辦公室和類似的地方工作,他開始把製作巧克力作為一種愛好,每個人都喜歡他的巧克力,(嗯)所以他決定成為一名巧克力製造商,現在他銷售這些很棒的設計師巧克力,並且…林賽:



…(you know), my understanding is that he's doing pretty well and he's really happy ‘cause (because) it's his passion. ……(你知道),我的理解是他做得很好而且他真的很高興因為(因為)這是他的熱情。


Yeah, I guess so. But (I mean) – so maybe in his case, it's actually his passion and it's also his strength. 但是(我的意思是)——所以也許對他來說,這實際上是他的熱情,也是他的力量。


Interesting point. 有趣的一點。 Yeah.


(You know). Because what about this? 因為這個呢? What about this movie (uh) “Rudy”? |||||ルディ 這部電影(呃)「魯迪」怎麼樣? Have you seen the movie?




It's crazy because it really highlights the narrative in American culture and our narrative is: choose something you really want to do, choose a passion, put your mind to it, and just work your butt off… Gabby: |||||突显||叙事||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||物語||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這很瘋狂,因為它真正突出了美國文化的敘事,而我們的敘事是:選擇你真正想做的事情,選擇激情,全神貫注,全力以赴...... Gabby:



…and accomplish that goal. ……並實現該目標。 But maybe that's not the smartest decision because Rudy wasn't a very good football player even though he worked ten times harder than everyone else on the team. |||||最も賢い|||||||||||||||||||||| 但這也許不是最明智的決定,因為魯迪並不是一名非常優秀的足球員,儘管他比球隊中其他人付出了十倍的努力。




So he went from being a terrible football player to a mediocre football player. |||||||||||平庸的|| |||||||||||平凡な|| 所以他從一個糟糕的足球員變成了一個平庸的足球員。 What I'm arguing here is that when you're using your strengths in your job, in the career you choose, you can go from being an above average football player or chocolate maker to an exceptional chocolate maker making a lot of money, being fulfilled and doing what you want. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||卓越的|||||||||感到满足||||| ||主張している||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||卓越した|||||||||||||| 我在這裡想說的是,當你在工作中、在你選擇的職業中發揮自己的優勢時,你可以從一名高於平均水平的足球運動員或巧克力製造商變成一名賺很多錢的傑出巧克力製造商,滿足並做你想做的事。


That's a really good point. 這是一個非常好的觀點。 (Um), I, I have to agree that you have to have a little of both. (Um) I'm not sure though, that if you're really good at something, if you have a strength, but you have no passion or no interest in that area, (um), I don't know if you'd be so good at it, but (um), but that's another point actually, passion versus interest. (嗯)我不確定,如果你真的擅長某件事,如果你有優勢,但你對那個領域沒有熱情或不感興趣,(嗯),我不知道你是否'我會很擅長,但是(嗯),但這實際上是另一點,熱情與興趣。 And I was just listening to another pod, podcast… Lindsay: |||||||播客|| |||||||ポッド|| 我只是在聽另一個播客,播客...... Lindsay:

You listen to a lot of podcasts. 你聽了很多播客。



(Um) this one was (uh) Pat Flynn's “Smart Passive Income” and (um) he mentioned, (you know), that you don't have to be passionate about something to be good at it, but you do need to have interest in it. |||||パット|フリンの|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (嗯)這是(呃)帕特·弗林(Pat Flynn)的“智能被動收入”,(嗯)他提到,(你知道),你不必對某件事充滿熱情才能擅長它,但你確實需要對它有興趣。 So, so maybe there's some middle ground between our… Lindsay: 所以,也許我們的…之間存在著一些中間立場 Lindsay:



…our opinions here.


Yeah, it's true. (I mean) there might be a situation where someone, (you know), has math skills, right? (我的意思是)在某些情況下,某人(你知道)可能具有數學技能,對嗎?




(Um) and so maybe they become an accountant. |||||||会计师 |||||||会計士 (嗯)所以也許他們會成為會計師。 So they're really good at it, but they actually hate it. 所以他們真的很擅長,但實際上他們討厭它。 So I agree with you in that sense that they necessarily – shouldn't necessarily go into something just because they're good at it. Je suis donc d'accord avec vous dans ce sens qu'ils ne devraient pas nécessairement – ne devraient pas nécessairement se lancer dans quelque chose simplement parce qu'ils sont bons dans ce domaine. 所以我同意你的觀點,即他們不一定——不應該僅僅因為他們擅長某件事就去做某事。 But I think many times what we're good at is also something that fulfills us. |||||||||||||使我们满足| |||||||||||||満たす| 但我認為很多時候我們擅長的事情也是能讓我們感到滿足的事情。




(You know), when we're able to use those strengths, it actually feels like we're not working. (Vous savez), lorsque nous sommes capables d'utiliser ces forces, nous avons l'impression de ne pas travailler. (你知道),當我們能夠利用這些優勢時,實際上感覺我們沒有在工作。


Yes, I completely agree. 是的,我完全同意。 Right? And that's the idea of “flow,” right. |||||心流| 這就是「心流」的概念,對吧。 I've been reading about this… Lindsay: 我一直在閱讀有關此內容的內容... Lindsay:



…where you just follow what you're good at and you, you feel like you're not working, like you said it's (like) “Really, I could get paid for this?” ‘cause (because) it just feels so natural, (you know). ……你只是遵循你擅長的事情,而你,你感覺自己沒有工作,就像你說的那樣(就像)“真的,我可以為此獲得報酬嗎?”因為(因為)感覺很自然,(你知道)。


Yeah, so I think people shouldn't stop looking for that thing. 是的,所以我認為人們不應該停止尋找那個東西。


(Um), I agree. So I think, (you know), we've come to kind of an agreement. 所以我認為,(你知道)我們已經達成了某種協議。 I, I do agree that you need to have strengths (um), (you know), but you also have to be interested. 我,我確實同意你需要有優勢(嗯),(你知道),但你也必須有興趣。



So you have to find that intersection of your strength, your unique strengths – I guess we could call them gifts even. ||||||交集|||||||||||||| ||||||交差点|||||||||||||| 所以你必須找到你的優勢、你獨特的優勢的交集——我想我們甚至可以稱它們為天賦。


Oh yeah.


Your unique gifts and your passion, what you're excited about, what gets you fired up. 你獨特的天賦和熱情,你對什麼感到興奮,什麼讓你興奮。






I agree.

Lindsay: Awesome. Interesting argument. 有趣的論點。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Thanks for chatting with me today or arguing. |||聊天||||| Lindsay:感謝您今天與我聊天或爭論。

Gabby: Yeah, my pleasure. 加比:是的,我很高興。


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想與 Lindsay 和 Gabby 一起聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上免費訂閱 iTunes 中的播客音訊。 Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time.