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All Ears English, 63- Get the Job in English- How to Ask about the Status of Your Application

63- Get the Job in English- How to Ask about the Status of Your Application

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 63: “Get the Job in English: How to Ask about the Status of Your Application.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.In today's episode, you're going to hear how to follow up on your interview by phone in English without being pushy

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it goin' (going)?

Lindsay: It's great. Everything's great Gabby. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: Going well. Thank you.

Lindsay: Glad to hear it.


So yesterday in our ‘Meeting Monday' we had (um) English with Jo or Jo from English with Jo on our show and she was talking about how she got a job working with the Royal Family.


That was incredible.


It was really interesting to hear.


So cool.


So just to quickly summarize, Jo is from Australia. She went to England and she applied for a lot of different jobs and she interviewed for a job that she didn't really know what it was. It was kind of secret. She interviewed three times and then it took three months to hear back.


Such a long time.


(A) long time to wait, but finally, they said “Okay, we'll hire you and by the way it's for the Royal Family.” Lindsay:



So I guess it was worth the wait.


I guess it was. But if that ever happens to you guys. I'm not sure if you're, if you were actually applying for a job here in the US if it would take that long. That's kind of an exception but you might go in for an interview and then you might not hear back for two, three, even four weeks.




So how would you call to check up on the status of your application? That's what we want to talk about today.


Yeah, we're gonna (going to) do a little role play to show you how we would do it.



So here we go.



[Phone rings]


This is All Ears English.


Hi. (Uh) this is Gabby Wallace. (Uh) could I speak with Lindsay McMahon?


Oh yes. This is Lindsay.


Hi Lindsay. (Um) I just wanted to follow up on our interview that we had (uh) a week and a half ago. (Um) I wanted to thank you for your time and I also just wanted to find out (um) (you know) where we are in the process as far as what the next step might be.


Oh yes Gabby. Thanks so much for calling to follow up. I really enjoyed our conversation. It was fantastic getting to know you and learning about your experience (uh) teaching English and all of your qualifications. (Um) so at this point… Gabby:

Thank you.


…yes. So at this point – thank you for calling by the way – and at this point, we're actually checking up on some references… Gabby:



…to learn a bit more about your background, and what you've done in the field, chat with some of your references. And so we will definitely get back to you within the next ten days to talk about a possible follow-up interview.


Okay. Perfect. (Um) is there any other information that you need from me?



So at this point, I have contact information for two of your references. I have a great (uh) letter of recommendation. (Um) and I've also got your cover letter and your resume, so I think now I have all of the information that I need.


Okay. Great.

Well I'm really hoping that I could work with All Ears English, so I really look forward to hearing back from you. So, so I'll just wait for your call or your email right?



I will be in touch if (uh), if we're gonna (going to) have a follow-up interview. So we hope to speak with you soon.



Thanks so much and have a great day.


Thank you.




That was great.


So yeah (um) just a little role play where I – I don't know if I was clear in the beginning, but I was calling to check up on my job application for All Ears English so, (you know) obviously we're just role playing and, (you know), maybe uh… Lindsay:

Gabby's not really applying for a job.



(Um) yeah so (I mean) that, that's typically what I would do to follow up and I think it is, (um), (you know), I recommend following up if you haven't heard, (um), after a week or so… Lindsay:

Yeah, it kind of helps you to stand out and it also tells the employer that you are indeed interested.




Sometimes the employer doesn't know if you're interested in the job.



Exactly. And it, (you know) they get really busy too, so I think it's good to just (um) take that initiative.






All right. That was fun. Thank you.


Thanks Lindsay

Gabby: If you want to connect with us, come to our website allearsenglish.com/win. That's w-i-n. We want to share the four ways to win at English. So again, come to allearsenglish.com/win to connect with us and learn the four ways to win at English.


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your Smartphone. Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time!

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63- Get the Job in English- How to Ask about the Status of Your Application Отримати||||||||||||| 63- Den Job auf Englisch bekommen - Wie Sie nach dem Stand Ihrer Bewerbung fragen 63- Consigue el trabajo en inglés- Cómo preguntar por el estado de tu solicitud 63- Get the Job in English- How to ask about the status of your application (en anglais) 63- Ottenere il lavoro in inglese - Come chiedere informazioni sullo stato della vostra candidatura 63- 영어로 취업하기- 지원서 상태에 대해 문의하는 방법 63- Zdobądź pracę po angielsku - Jak zapytać o status swojej aplikacji? 63- Get the Job in English- Como perguntar sobre o estado da sua candidatura 63- Получить работу на английском языке- Как спросить о статусе вашего заявления 63- İşi İngilizce Alın- Başvurunuzun Durumunu Nasıl Sorabilirsiniz? 63- Отримати роботу англійською - як запитати про статус вашої заявки 63-用英语找到工作-如何询问您的申请状态 63-用英語找到工作-如何詢問您的申請狀態

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 63: “Get the Job in English: How to Ask about the Status of Your Application.” [Instrumental] Lindsay:這是一個 All Ears 英語播客,第 63 集:“用英語找到工作:如何詢問您的申請狀態。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.In today's episode, you're going to hear how to follow up on your interview by phone in English without being pushy |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||咄咄逼 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||invadente İşte karşınızda sunucularınız, 'İngilizce Maceracısı' Lindsay McMahon ve 'Dil Meleği' Gabby Wallace, Boston, Massachusetts, ABD'den sizlere sesleniyorlar Bugünkü bölümde, telefonla yaptığınız bir görüşmeyi ısrarcı olmadan İngilizce olarak nasıl takip edeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz 現在,主持人“英國冒險家”林賽·麥克馬洪和“語言天使”蓋比·華萊士從美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓來到您身邊。在今天的節目中,您將聽到如何跟進您的活動。用英語進行電話面試,不咄咄逼人

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it goin' (going)?

Lindsay: It's great. Everything's great Gabby. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: Going well. 蓋比:進展順利。 Thank you.

Lindsay: Glad to hear it. ||||це 林賽:很高興聽到這個消息。


So yesterday in our ‘Meeting Monday' we had (um) English with Jo or Jo from English with Jo on our show and she was talking about how she got a job working with the Royal Family. 因此,昨天在我們的“週一會議”中,我們在節目中與喬進行了(嗯)英語與喬的交流,她正在談論她如何找到一份與皇室一起工作的工作。


That was incredible. 這太不可思議了。


It was really interesting to hear.


So cool.


So just to quickly summarize, Jo is from Australia. ||||总结一下|||| ||||riassumere|||| 簡而言之,喬來自澳洲。 She went to England and she applied for a lot of different jobs and she interviewed for a job that she didn't really know what it was. ||||||申请|||||||||||||||||||| 她去了英國,申請了很多不同的工作,並且面試了一份她並不真正知道那是什麼的工作。 It was kind of secret. 這有點秘密。 She interviewed three times and then it took three months to hear back. 她面試了三次,三個月後才收到回覆。


Such a long time.


(A) long time to wait, but finally, they said “Okay, we'll hire you and by the way it's for the Royal Family.” Lindsay: |||||||||||assumere||||||||||| (A) 等了很長時間,但最後,他們說“好吧,我們會僱用你,順便說一句,這是為了皇室。”林賽:



So I guess it was worth the wait. 所以我想這是值得等待的。


I guess it was. 我想是的。 But if that ever happens to you guys. 但如果這種事發生在你們身上。 I'm not sure if you're, if you were actually applying for a job here in the US if it would take that long. 我不確定你是否真的在美國申請工作是否需要那麼長時間。 That's kind of an exception but you might go in for an interview and then you might not hear back for two, three, even four weeks. ||||例外||||||||||||||||||||| C'est une sorte d'exception, mais vous pouvez passer un entretien et ne pas avoir de nouvelles pendant deux, trois, voire quatre semaines. 這是一種例外,但你可能會去參加面試,然後你可能會在兩週、三週、甚至四個星期內沒有收到回覆。




So how would you call to check up on the status of your application? 那麼,您該如何致電查詢您的申請狀態呢? That's what we want to talk about today.


Yeah, we're gonna (going to) do a little role play to show you how we would do it. 是的,我們將做一個小角色扮演來向您展示我們將如何做到這一點。



So here we go. |||Отже, починаємо. Отже, поїхали.



[Phone rings]


This is All Ears English. 這是全耳英語。


Hi. (Uh) this is Gabby Wallace. (呃)這是蓋比華萊士。 (Uh) could I speak with Lindsay McMahon? (呃)我可以跟 Lindsay McMahon 通話嗎?


Oh yes. This is Lindsay.


Hi Lindsay. (Um) I just wanted to follow up on our interview that we had (uh) a week and a half ago. |||||слідкувати за|||||||||||||| (Я просто хотел продолжить наше интервью, которое мы провели полторы недели назад. (Гм) Я просто хотів продовжити наше інтерв'ю, яке ми провели півтора тижні тому. (嗯)我只是想跟進我們(呃)一周半前的採訪。 (Um) I wanted to thank you for your time and I also just wanted to find out (um) (you know) where we are in the process as far as what the next step might be. |||||||||||||||дізнатися||||||||||||наскільки||||||| (Um) Je voulais vous remercier pour votre temps et je voulais aussi juste savoir (um) (vous savez) où nous en sommes dans le processus en ce qui concerne la prochaine étape. (Я хотів би подякувати вам за ваш час, і я також хотів би дізнатися, на якому етапі ми знаходимося, і яким може бути наш наступний крок. (嗯)我想感謝您抽出時間,我也只是想了解(嗯)(您知道)我們目前處於什麼階段以及下一步可能是什麼。


Oh yes Gabby. 哦,是的,加比。 Thanks so much for calling to follow up. 非常感謝您致電跟進。 I really enjoyed our conversation. 我真的很喜歡我們的談話。 It was fantastic getting to know you and learning about your experience (uh) teaching English and all of your qualifications. |||||||||||||||||||资历 |||||||||||||||||||кваліфікації 認識您並了解您教授英語的經驗(呃)以及您的所有資格真是太棒了。 (Um) so at this point… Gabby: (嗯)所以在這一點上…Gabby:

Thank you.


…yes. So at this point – thank you for calling by the way – and at this point, we're actually checking up on some references… Gabby: |||||||||||||||||verificando||||riferimenti| |||||||||||||||||перевіряємо||||рекомендації| Тож на цьому етапі - до речі, дякуємо за дзвінок - і на цьому етапі ми фактично перевіряємо деякі рекомендації... Габбі: 所以在這一點上——謝謝你順便打電話——在這一點上,我們實際上正在檢查一些參考資料……加比:



…to learn a bit more about your background, and what you've done in the field, chat with some of your references. ||||||||||||||settore professionale|||||| |||||||досвід роботи||що|||||галузь|||||| ...щоб дізнатися трохи більше про ваш досвід і про те, що ви робили в цій галузі, поспілкуватися з деякими з ваших рекомендацій. ....想進一步了解您的背景以及您在該領域所做的工作,請與您的一些推薦人聊天。 And so we will definitely get back to you within the next ten days to talk about a possible follow-up interview. 因此,我們一定會在接下來的十天內回覆您,討論可能的後續訪談。


Okay. Perfect. (Um) is there any other information that you need from me? (嗯)您還需要我提供其他資訊嗎?



So at this point, I have contact information for two of your references. ||||||контактні дані|||||| Отже, на даний момент я маю контактну інформацію для двох з ваших рекомендацій. 現在,我已經掌握了兩位推薦人的聯絡資訊。 I have a great (uh) letter of recommendation. |||||||推荐信 我有一封很棒的(呃)推薦信。 (Um) and I've also got your cover letter and your resume, so I think now I have all of the information that I need. ||||||||||curriculum vitae||||||||||||| ||||||супровідний лист||||||||||||||||| (嗯)我也收到了你的求職信和履歷,所以我想現在我已經擁有了我需要的所有資訊。


Okay. Great.

Well I'm really hoping that I could work with All Ears English, so I really look forward to hearing back from you. ||||||міг би||||Вуха||||||||отримати відповідь||| Я дуже сподіваюся, що зможу співпрацювати з All Ears English, тому з нетерпінням чекаю на відповідь від вас. 嗯,我真的希望能夠與 All Ears English 合作,所以我真的很期待您的回覆。 So, so I'll just wait for your call or your email right? 那麼,我就等你的電話或電子郵件吧?



I will be in touch if (uh), if we're gonna (going to) have a follow-up interview. 如果(呃)如果我們要(打算)進行後續採訪,我會與您聯繫。 So we hope to speak with you soon. 因此,我們希望盡快與您交談。



Thanks so much and have a great day. 非常感謝,祝你有美好的一天。


Thank you.




That was great.


So yeah (um) just a little role play where I – I don't know if I was clear in the beginning, but I was calling to check up on my job application for All Ears English so, (you know) obviously we're just role playing and, (you know), maybe uh… Lindsay: 所以,是的(嗯)只是一個小角色扮演,我 - 我不知道我一開始是否清楚,但我打電話來檢查我的 All Ears English 工作申請,所以,(你知道)顯然我們'只是角色扮演,(你知道),也許呃… Lindsay:

Gabby's not really applying for a job. 加比並不是真的在申請工作。



(Um) yeah so (I mean) that, that's typically what I would do to follow up and I think it is, (um), (you know), I recommend following up if you haven't heard, (um), after a week or so… Lindsay: (嗯)是的,所以(我的意思是),這通常是我會做的跟進,我認為是,(嗯),(你知道),如果你還沒有聽說過,我建議跟進, (嗯),大約一週後… Lindsay:

Yeah, it kind of helps you to stand out and it also tells the employer that you are indeed interested. ||||||||||||||||||veramente| 是的,這可以幫助你脫穎而出,也可以告訴雇主你確實有興趣。




Sometimes the employer doesn't know if you're interested in the job. 有時雇主不知道你是否對這份工作有興趣。



Exactly. And it, (you know) they get really busy too, so I think it's good to just (um) take that initiative. 而且,(你知道)他們也很忙,所以我認為(嗯)採取主動是很好的。






All right. That was fun. Thank you.


Thanks Lindsay

Gabby: If you want to connect with us, come to our website allearsenglish.com/win. Gabby:如果您想與我們聯繫,請造訪我們的網站 allearsenglish.com/win。 That's w-i-n. We want to share the four ways to win at English. 我們想分享贏得英語的四種方法。 So again, come to allearsenglish.com/win to connect with us and learn the four ways to win at English. 再次強調,請造訪 allearsenglish.com/win 與我們聯繫並學習贏得英語的四種方法。


Lindsay: If you like to put your ears into English with Lindsay and Gabby, be sure to subscribe to the podcast audio in iTunes for free on your computer or on your Smartphone. Lindsay:如果您想與 Lindsay 和 Gabby 一起聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上免費訂閱 iTunes 中的播客音訊。 Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. See you next time!