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All Ears English, 61- When People Tell You Your English Stinks, Here’s What to Do

61- When People Tell You Your English Stinks, Here's What to Do

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 61: Deep Thoughts Thursday “When People Tell You Your English Sucks, Here's What to Do.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn how to make negative comments your motivator to improve your English.


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Good evening. How's everything?

Gabby: Hey. Hey Lindsay. Good. How are you doing?

Lindsay: I'm doing good (well). I'm feeling great. Here we are for Episode 61.Cool. Yeah, so we have a great quote for you guys, to inspire you. It's from Frank Sinatra and he says “The best revenge is massive success.” Lindsay:

Massive. What does massive mean?


Huge. Big. Tremendous. Incredible.



So has anyone ever told you that your English isn't good?


(Um) actually yeah.


It's happened to you?


It's happened to me. It's happened (um) in other languages, (you know), where (like) I thought I was completely fluent in Spanish and then someone asked me (like) (um) “Do you speak Spanish?” Lindsay:



Because they didn't think I was doing a very good job.


Oh my god. That's so rude.




I can't believe they said that to you.


Well, and that, that's where this quote and, and this idea of, (you know), people telling you your English sucks come together because I think the best way to deal with that when people tell you ‘You can't speak English,” is to get back at them, to have revenge, by really improving your language skills. What do you think Lindsay?


Yeah, I really find – that when someone tells me I can't do something, I find that it's a huge motivator. For example, (you know), (I mean), I want to have my own business. I want to, (you know), have a great, thriving business and be able to travel.




Some people might say, “You can't do that.” Right.


“You need to work a 9 to 5 job.”




“You need to be in the office.” That's – there's nothing more motivating to me… Gabby:



…than to have someone say that because I'm going to go and prove them wrong.


That's right. Those naysayers. Right.




People who say “No you can't do that” is a “naysayer” and the best revenge is just to prove them wrong.


(Yep), and, and understand that their comment to you is more about them than it is about you… Gabby:



…about the insecurities that they feel about themselves or disappointments that they haven't accomplished their own goals.




So don't forget it's really about them.



Great. I really love this quote and I want you guys to remember this. Next time someone puts (you) down or disparages or, (you know), tells you your English is not good, just remember, just, you don't have to respond to them, you don't have to say anything. You can just quietly remember “The best revenge is massive success.” Lindsay:

Thank you. That's awesome.


Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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61- When People Tell You Your English Stinks, Here’s What to Do ||||||糟糕|||| ||||||ひどい|||| 61- Wenn man Ihnen sagt, dass Ihr Englisch schlecht ist, sollten Sie Folgendes tun 61- Cuando la gente te dice que tu inglés apesta, esto es lo que debes hacer 61- Kiedy ludzie mówią ci, że twój angielski jest do niczego, oto co robić 61- Quando as pessoas dizem que o seu inglês é péssimo, eis o que fazer 61- Когда люди говорят, что у вас плохой английский, вот что нужно делать 61- İnsanlar Size İngilizcenizin Berbat Olduğunu Söylediğinde İşte Yapmanız Gerekenler 61-當人們告訴你你的英語很糟糕時,該怎麼做 61-當人們告訴你你的英語很糟糕時,該怎麼做

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 61: Deep Thoughts Thursday “When People Tell You Your English Sucks, Here's What to Do.” [Instrumental] ||||||||||||||||||糟糕||||| ||||||||||||||||||fa schifo||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 61 集:星期四的深刻思考“當人們告訴你你的英語很糟糕時,你該怎麼做。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn how to make negative comments your motivator to improve your English. 在本集中,您將學習如何將負面評論作為提高英語能力的動力。


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Good evening. How's everything?

Gabby: Hey. Hey Lindsay. Good. How are you doing?

Lindsay: I'm doing good (well). I'm feeling great. Here we are for Episode 61.Cool. Yeah, so we have a great quote for you guys, to inspire you. 是的,所以我們為你們準備了一段很棒的引言,以激勵你們。 It's from Frank Sinatra and he says “The best revenge is massive success.” Lindsay: |||||||||复仇||巨大的|| |||||||||vendetta||enorme|| 這是弗蘭克辛納屈 (Frank Sinatra) 發來的,他說:“最好的報復就是巨大的成功。”林賽:

Massive. What does massive mean? 龐大是什麼意思?


Huge. Big. Tremendous. 巨大的 巨大的。 Incredible.



So has anyone ever told you that your English isn't good? 那麼有沒有人告訴過你你的英文不好呢?


(Um) actually yeah.


It's happened to you? 你發生過這樣的事嗎?


It's happened to me. It's happened (um) in other languages, (you know), where (like) I thought I was completely fluent in Spanish and then someone asked me (like) (um) “Do you speak Spanish?” Lindsay: 這在其他語言中也發生過(嗯),(你知道),我以為我的西班牙語完全流利,然後有人問我(比如)(嗯)“你會說西班牙語嗎?”林賽:



Because they didn't think I was doing a very good job. 因為他們認為我做得不太好。


Oh my god. That's so rude.




I can't believe they said that to you. 我不敢相信他們對你這麼說。


Well, and that, that's where this quote and, and this idea of, (you know), people telling you your English sucks come together because I think the best way to deal with that when people tell you ‘You can't speak English,” is to get back at them, to have revenge, by really improving your language skills. ||||||citazione|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Eh bien, et ça, c'est là que cette citation et, et cette idée de, (vous savez), les gens qui vous disent que votre anglais est nul se rejoignent parce que je pense que la meilleure façon de gérer cela quand les gens vous disent "Vous ne pouvez pas parler anglais », c'est se venger d'eux, se venger, en améliorant vraiment ses compétences linguistiques. 嗯,這就是這句話和(你知道的)人們告訴你你的英語很糟糕的想法結合在一起的地方,因為我認為當人們告訴你“你不會說英語”時處理這個問題的最好方法,」就是透過真正提升你的語言技能來報復他們、報復他們。 What do you think Lindsay? 林賽你覺得怎麼樣?


Yeah, I really find – that when someone tells me I can't do something, I find that it's a huge motivator. 是的,我確實發現——當有人告訴我我不能做某事時,我發現這是一個巨大的動力。 For example, (you know), (I mean), I want to have my own business. 比如說,(你知道),(我的意思是),我想擁有自己的事業。 I want to, (you know), have a great, thriving business and be able to travel. ||||||||蓬勃发展的|||||| ||||||||florente|||||| 我想要,(你知道),擁有一份偉大、繁榮的事業,並且能夠去旅行。




Some people might say, “You can't do that.” Right. 有些人可能會說:“你不能這樣做。”正確的。


“You need to work a 9 to 5 job.” "Vous devez travailler un travail de 9 à 5." “你需要做朝九晚五的工作。”




“You need to be in the office.” That's – there's nothing more motivating to me… Gabby: "Vous devez être au bureau." C'est - il n'y a rien de plus motivant pour moi... Gabby : “你需要在辦公室。”那是——沒有什麼比這更能激勵我了…… Gabby:



…than to have someone say that because I'm going to go and prove them wrong. ||||||||||||dimostrare|| … que d'avoir quelqu'un qui dit ça parce que je vais aller leur prouver qu'ils ont tort. ……而不是讓別人這麼說,因為我要去證明他們錯了。


That's right. Those naysayers. |反对者 |反対者 |i detrattori 那些反對者。 Right.




People who say “No you can't do that” is a “naysayer” and the best revenge is just to prove them wrong. ||||||||||反对者|||||||||| ||||||||||否定者|||||||||| "Hayır, bunu yapamazsın" diyen insanlar "hayırcı "dır ve en iyi intikam onların yanıldığını kanıtlamaktır. 那些說“不,你不能那樣做”的人是“反對者”,最好的報復就是證明他們錯了。


(Yep), and, and understand that their comment to you is more about them than it is about you… Gabby: (Evet) ve size yaptıkları yorumun sizden çok kendileriyle ilgili olduğunu anlayın... Gabby: (是的),並且,並且理解他們對你的評論更多的是關於他們而不是關於你...... Gabby:



…about the insecurities that they feel about themselves or disappointments that they haven't accomplished their own goals. ||不安|||||||失望||||||| |||||||||失望||||||| …sur les insécurités qu'ils ressentent à leur sujet ou les déceptions de ne pas avoir atteint leurs propres objectifs. ...kendileri hakkında hissettikleri güvensizlikler veya kendi hedeflerine ulaşamadıkları için yaşadıkları hayal kırıklıkları hakkında. ……關於他們對自己的不安全感或他們沒有實現自己的目標的失望。




So don't forget it's really about them. 所以不要忘記這實際上是關於他們的。



Great. I really love this quote and I want you guys to remember this. 我真的很喜歡這句話,我希望你們記得這一點。 Next time someone puts (you) down or disparages or, (you know), tells you your English is not good, just remember, just, you don't have to respond to them, you don't have to say anything. |||||||贬低|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||軽視する|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 下次有人貶低(你)或貶低你,或(你知道)告訴你你的英語不好時,請記住,只是,你不必回應他們,你不必說任何話。 You can just quietly remember “The best revenge is massive success.” Lindsay: |||||||復讐|||| 你只需靜靜地記住「最好的復仇就是巨大的成功」。林賽:

Thank you. That's awesome.


Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.