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All Ears English, 60- How to Meet American Same-Sex Friends

60- How to Meet American Same-Sex Friends

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 60: Wisdom Wednesday “How to Meet American Same-S@x Friends.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon,the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn four great tips for making good friends who speak English.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. I'm doing very well. Thank you.

Gabby: Awesome. So you were telling me you had a conversation with a student of yours, one of our listeners and, (um), she was asking about how to make friends?


Yeah, so, (you know), one of the things that we always recommend is to have students go out and practice right?




And meet up and go out and speak, speak, speak, speak, speak.




But part of the problem there, especially for, for women, for female language learners who are here from other countries, (uh) English learners, it – sometimes you might go to one of these meet-ups and it might feel like a bit of a meat market.


Ah. Yeah.

Meat market, meaning (like) people interested in dating, dating more than being friends. Yeah.


Yeah, so the problem that my– that the particular person I was speaking with was experiencing was that all these men were approaching her and she wasn't looking for a date, she was just looking to make some friends and practice her English. So she asked me how she could actually meet (uh) women in the US.


Yeah, (I mean) it's funny, and, and this is a great topic for this week, because, (you know), Valentine's day, (um), (you know), we've been talking about dating, (you know), in that context, this time of year. But what if you don't want to date? What if you're not interested in dating someone, you just want to make more friends, especially, (you know), friends of the same sex. But, (you know), maybe you just want to have friends of the opposite S@x as well. So how do you go out and meet people in the context of friendship, nothing more. Well that's the question we're gonna (going to) answer today. So we have a few great suggestions. I think they're great anyway. We hope they're practical for you guys. (Um) the first one has to do with selecting a specific class or group. Lindsay tell us more about that.


Yeah, so this whole idea of, (you know) – and be selective about what kind of class or group you join.





So one great idea that you had Gabby was to actually join a fitness class.



So this is funny because last summer, I found out about this free cross-fit class (um) that was outdoors here in Boston. I thought “Oh my gosh. Cross-fit. There's gonna (going to) be so many good looking, fit men. I'm just going to go meet them in this free class,” and I showed up and there were like 50 people and 49 of them were women. Which is, (you know), that's, that's great, that's awesome. I'm glad there's so many women that are into cross-fit. I was totally surprised. And (you know) I was actually happy because I met some very nice women, and very friendly, and it was fun, but it just wasn't what I expected, but it's actually a good way to make friends. (Um), (you know) if you're female, I think a lot of women are into being fit. So I would definitely recommend checking out a fitness class. And especially in the summer there's (there are) a lot of free fitness classes outdoors, but there's also, (you know), throughout the year, there are free classes, like a trial class, (um), if you, say you're interested in joining a class (um) or a gym, you could pop in and check that out.



Another kind of class you could take is a cooking class.


Yeah, a lot of grocery stores, especially (like) specialty grocery stores, or health food stores, or adult education will have cooking classes.


Yeah, it's always a great idea to learn to cook in English.


And (um)…




…a student of mine in New York actually tried this and she met some really nice people in her class.


Very cool. Not only how to cook in English, but how do you cook American dishes?




With (um) food that you can easily find here in the US.




It might be different from the grocery store, (you know), where you're from.



And that kind of class, the fitness or the cooking classes, is not likely to be a meat market… Gabby:



…as you say.


And typically, typically more women – although…




It's, it doesn't really…


Couples maybe.


…matter. There could be men and women, but the context is not really about looking for someone to date.


That's the point.


It's about friendship and just getting to know people in your community.


Was there another idea?



(Um) volunteering is also a great way to make friends. So there are a number of organizations that need volunteers and just look around and think about who you might want to volunteer with, whether you're interested in working for a food bank, a soup kitchen, working with children, (uh) working to teach. There are just a lot of different organizations that need your help. So it's a great way to make friends (um) through volunteering.



And the last thing that you could do is if you can't find – if none of these options are working out for you, you can create your own situation, right?



I love this. I love this idea.




It's like, (you know), when all else fails, well, take action!


Take action.




That's what we talk about on this podcast all the time. So go on to Facebook or whatever medium you use, whatever social media (um)… Gabby:



…tool – email. And email five of your friends here in the US or, international friends even and say “Hey, I'm gonna (going to) have a potluck dinner at my house…” Gabby:



“…so please bring three of your friends,” and all of a sudden, you'll have a lot of people in your home… Gabby:



…brand new people to meet and to practice English with and it won't be a dating scene.


Very cool tip. I love it.




Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. [Instrumental] Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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60- How to Meet American Same-Sex Friends 60- Wie man amerikanische gleichgeschlechtliche Freunde trifft 60- Cómo conocer amigos estadounidenses del mismo sexo 60- アメリカ人の同性の友人と出会う方法 60- 미국인 동성 친구를 만나는 방법 60- Jak poznać amerykańskich przyjaciół tej samej płci? 60- Como conhecer amigos americanos do mesmo sexo 60- Amerikalı Eşcinsel Arkadaşlarla Nasıl Tanışılır? 60 - 如何认识美国同性朋友 60 - 如何認識美國同性朋友

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 60: Wisdom Wednesday “How to Meet American Same-S@x Friends.” [Instrumental] Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 60 集:智慧星期三“如何結識美國同性朋友”。 [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Gabby: All Ears English Podcast'e hoş geldiniz, burada nihayet gerçek, anadili İngilizce olan konuşmalar dinleyeceksiniz. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon,the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Şimdi karşınızda ev sahipleriniz, 'İngilizce Maceracısı' Lindsay McMahon ve 'Dil Meleği' Gabby Wallace, size Boston, Massachusetts, ABD'den geliyorlar.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn four great tips for making good friends who speak English. Lindsay:在本集中,您將學到結交說英語的好朋友的四個重要技巧。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Selam Gabby. I'm doing very well. Çok iyi gidiyorum. Thank you.

Gabby: Awesome. So you were telling me you had a conversation with a student of yours, one of our listeners and, (um), she was asking about how to make friends? Bana bir öğrencinizle, dinleyicilerimizden biriyle sohbet ettiğinizi ve nasıl arkadaş edinileceğini sorduğunu söylüyordunuz. 所以你告訴我你和你的一個學生(我們的一位聽眾)進行了一次對話,(嗯)她在問如何交朋友?


Yeah, so, (you know), one of the things that we always recommend is to have students go out and practice right? Evet, (bilirsiniz), her zaman tavsiye ettiğimiz şeylerden biri öğrencilerin dışarı çıkıp pratik yapmalarıdır, değil mi? 是的,所以,(你知道),我們一直推薦的事情之一就是讓學生出去練習,對吧?




And meet up and go out and speak, speak, speak, speak, speak. Ve buluşup dışarı çıkın ve konuşun, konuşun, konuşun, konuşun. 然後見面,出去說話,說話,說話,說話,說話。

Gabby: Gabby:



But part of the problem there, especially for, for women, for female language learners who are here from other countries, (uh) English learners, it – sometimes you might go to one of these meet-ups and it might feel like a bit of a meat market. Ancak buradaki sorunun bir kısmı, özellikle kadınlar için, başka ülkelerden buraya gelen kadın dil öğrencileri için, (uh) İngilizce öğrenenler için, bazen bu buluşmalardan birine gidebilirsiniz ve biraz et pazarı gibi hissedebilirsiniz. 但問題的一部分,特別是對於女性,對於來自其他國家的女性語言學習者,(呃)英語學習者來說,有時你可能會去參加其中一個聚會,可能會感覺有點像的肉類市場。


Ah. Yeah.

Meat market, meaning (like) people interested in dating, dating more than being friends. |||||||romantic relationships|romantic relationships|prefer|rather than|just|friendship Et pazarı, yani (gibi) flört etmekle ilgilenen, arkadaş olmaktan çok flört eden insanlar. 肉市,意思是(喜歡)對約會有興趣的人,約會比做朋友更重要。 Yeah. agreement or affirmation


Yeah, so the problem that my– that the particular person I was speaking with was experiencing was that all these men were approaching her and she wasn't looking for a date, she was just looking to make some friends and practice her English. |||issue|that||||specific|||||||facing||||those|||coming up to|||||seeking|||||||seeking companionship||||||improve|| Ouais, donc le problème que ma - que la personne en particulier avec qui je parlais rencontrait était que tous ces hommes l'approchaient et qu'elle ne cherchait pas un rendez-vous, elle cherchait juste à se faire des amis et à pratiquer son anglais. Evet, konuştuğum kişinin yaşadığı sorun, tüm bu erkeklerin ona yaklaşmasıydı ve o bir randevu aramıyordu, sadece arkadaş edinmek ve İngilizce pratik yapmak istiyordu. 是的,所以我的——與我交談的那個人所經歷的問題是,所有這些男人都在接近她,而她並不是在尋找約會對象,她只是想結交一些朋友並練習英語。 So she asked me how she could actually meet (uh) women in the US. ||||||was able to|really|connect with||women in the US||the United States|United States Bu yüzden bana ABD'deki kadınlarla nasıl tanışabileceğini sordu. 所以她問我她如何才能真正認識(呃)美國的女性。


Yeah, (I mean) it's funny, and, and this is a great topic for this week, because, (you know), Valentine's day, (um), (you know), we've been talking about dating, (you know), in that context, this time of year. Evet, (yani) komik ve bu hafta için harika bir konu, çünkü (bilirsiniz) Sevgililer Günü, (um), (bilirsiniz), yılın bu zamanında bu bağlamda flört hakkında konuşuyorduk. 是的,(我的意思是)這很有趣,而且,這是本週的一個很好的話題,因為,(你知道),情人節,(嗯),(你知道),我們一直在談論約會,(你知道),在這種情況下,每年的這個時候。 But what if you don't want to date? Peki ya çıkmak istemiyorsanız? 但如果你不想約會怎麼辦? What if you're not interested in dating someone, you just want to make more friends, especially, (you know), friends of the same sex. Ya biriyle çıkmakla ilgilenmiyorsanız, sadece daha fazla arkadaş edinmek istiyorsanız, özellikle de (bilirsiniz) aynı cinsiyetten arkadaşlar. 如果您對約會某人不感興趣,而只是想結交更多朋友,尤其是(您知道的)同性朋友,該怎麼辦? But, (you know), maybe you just want to have friends of the opposite S@x as well. Ama, (bilirsiniz), belki de sadece karşı cinsten arkadaşlarınız olsun istersiniz. 但是,(你知道),也許你也只是想擁有異性戀 S@x 的朋友。 So how do you go out and meet people in the context of friendship, nothing more. Peki dışarı çıkıp insanlarla arkadaşlık bağlamında nasıl tanışırsınız, daha fazlası değil. 那麼如何出去認識朋友,僅此而已。 Well that's the question we're gonna (going to) answer today. İşte bugün yanıtlayacağımız (yanıtlayacağımız) soru bu. 這就是我們今天要回答的問題。 So we have a few great suggestions. ||||||建议 Bu yüzden birkaç harika önerimiz var. 所以我們有一些很好的建議。 I think they're great anyway. Bence yine de harikalar. 無論如何我認為他們都很棒。 We hope they're practical for you guys. Umarız sizin için pratik olurlar. 我們希望它們對你們實用。 (Um) the first one has to do with selecting a specific class or group. ||||||||选择||||| (Bunlardan ilki belirli bir sınıf veya grubun seçilmesiyle ilgilidir. (嗯)第一個與選擇特定的班級或小組有關。 Lindsay tell us more about that. 林賽告訴我們更多相關資訊。


Yeah, so this whole idea of, (you know) – and be selective about what kind of class or group you join. |||entire||concept|||||choosy|||type||type of class||class|you|participate in Evet, yani tüm bu fikir, (bilirsiniz) - ve ne tür bir sınıfa veya gruba katıldığınız konusunda seçici olun. 是的,所以這整個想法,(你知道)——並且有選擇性地選擇你加入什麼樣的班級或團體。


Right. correct answer


Right. correct answer

So one great idea that you had Gabby was to actually join a fitness class. |||||||||||||健身课程| ||excellent|||||||||||| Gabby'nin aklına gelen harika fikirlerden biri de bir fitness sınıfına katılmaktı. 所以,你擁有嘉比的一個好主意就是參加健身課程。



So this is funny because last summer, I found out about this free cross-fit class (um) that was outdoors here in Boston. |||||||||||||||||||户外||| |||amusing|the reason||the previous summer||discovered||||||||||||||Boston Massachusetts Bu çok komik çünkü geçen yaz Boston'da açık havada düzenlenen ücretsiz cross-fit dersini öğrendim. 所以這很有趣,因為去年夏天,我發現了波士頓戶外的免費運動量來找到課程(嗯)。 I thought “Oh my gosh. Cross-fit. Cross-fit. There's gonna (going to) be so many good looking, fit men. ||||||a lot of|||| Çok fazla iyi görünümlü, fit erkek olacak (olacak). 將會有很多帥氣、健康的男人。 I'm just going to go meet them in this free class,” and I showed up and there were like 50 people and 49 of them were women. |||||meet||||||||||||||attendees||||were| Onlarla bu ücretsiz sınıfta buluşacağım" dedim ve gittiğimde yaklaşık 50 kişi vardı ve 49'u kadındı. 我要去參加這個免費課程,」然後我出現了,大約有 50 個人,其中 49 人是女性。 Which is, (you know), that's, that's great, that's awesome. ||||||||fantastic Ki bu, (bilirsiniz), bu, bu harika, bu müthiş. 這是,(你知道),那是,那太棒了,那太棒了。 I'm glad there's so many women that are into cross-fit. |||||women||||| Cross-fit yapan bu kadar çok kadın olmasına sevindim. 我很高興有這麼多女性參與交叉健身。 I was totally surprised. |||astonished Çok şaşırdım. 我完全驚訝了。 And (you know) I was actually happy because I met some very nice women, and very friendly, and it was fun, but it just wasn't what I expected, but it's actually a good way to make friends. Well|||||in fact||since||||||ladies|||||||||||was not|||anticipated|||||||||connections Ve (biliyorsunuz) aslında mutluydum çünkü çok hoş kadınlarla tanıştım, çok arkadaş canlısıydılar ve eğlenceliydi, ama beklediğim gibi değildi, ama aslında arkadaş edinmek için iyi bir yol. (你知道)我實際上很高興,因為我遇到了一些非常好的女性,非常友好,這很有趣,但這不是我所期望的,但這實際上是結交朋友的好方法。 (Um), (you know) if you're female, I think a lot of women are into being fit. |||||a woman||||||women|||staying| (Um), (bilirsiniz) eğer kadınsanız, bence pek çok kadın fit olmayı sever. (嗯),(你知道)如果你是女性,我認為很多女性都喜歡健身。 So I would definitely recommend checking out a fitness class. |||certainly|suggest|attending|||exercise| 所以我絕對會建議您參加健身課程。 And especially in the summer there's (there are) a lot of free fitness classes outdoors, but there's also, (you know), throughout the year, there are free classes, like a trial class, (um), if you, say you're interested in joining a class (um) or a gym, you could pop in and check that out. |particularly|||summer season|there are|||||||exercise|fitness classes|outside||there are||||during the year||the entire year||||||||||||||want to join||enrolling in||fitness class||||||might|drop by|visit|and then|look at|that class|check it out Ve özellikle yaz aylarında açık havada çok sayıda ücretsiz fitness dersi var, ama aynı zamanda yıl boyunca deneme dersi gibi ücretsiz dersler de var, (um), eğer bir sınıfa (um) veya spor salonuna katılmakla ilgileniyorsanız, uğrayıp bunu kontrol edebilirsiniz. 特別是夏天,有很多戶外的免費健身課程,但是也有,(你知道),全年都有免費的課程,比如試聽課,(嗯),如果你,說你有興趣參加課程(嗯)或健身房,您可以過來看看。


Yeah. agreement or affirmation

Another kind of class you could take is a cooking class. different|||||might||||culinary| 您可以參加的另一種課程是烹飪課程。


Yeah, a lot of grocery stores, especially (like) specialty grocery stores, or health food stores, or adult education will have cooking classes. ||||||||特色||||||||||||| ||||grocery||particularly|||specialty grocery|||wellness||health food stores|||adult education|||cooking classes|cooking classes Evet, birçok markette, özellikle de özel marketlerde veya sağlıklı gıda mağazalarında ya da yetişkin eğitimlerinde yemek pişirme dersleri veriliyor. 是的,很多雜貨店,特別是(像)專賣雜貨店,或是保健食品店,或成人教育店都會開設烹飪課程。

Lindsay: Lindsay's statement

Yeah, it's always a great idea to learn to cook in English. ||always||excellent|suggestion||||||English language 是的,學習用英語做飯總是個好主意。

Lindsay: Lindsay's statement

And (um)… |filler word




…a student of mine in New York actually tried this and she met some really nice people in her class. |one||my student||||in fact|||||encountered||very|||||course section ……我在紐約的一個學生實際上嘗試過這個,她在班上遇到了一些非常好的人。


Very cool. Not only how to cook in English, but how do you cook American dishes? ||the method of||||English language|||||||American cuisine 不僅如何用英語做飯,而且如何做美國菜?


Yeah. agreement or affirmation


With (um) food that you can easily find here in the US. ||food options||||readily||||| 你可以在美國輕鬆找到(嗯)食物。




It might be different from the grocery store, (you know), where you're from. |||not the same|||grocery||||location of|| 它可能與你來自的雜貨店(你知道)不同。



And that kind of class, the fitness or the cooking classes, is not likely to be a meat market… Gabby: ||||||exercise|||cooking class|classes||||||||dating scene|Gabby speaking 而那種課程,健身課或烹飪課,不太可能是肉品市場…Gabby:



…as you say.


And typically, typically more women – although… ||generally|||but 通常情況下,通常更多的是女性——儘管…


Probably. likely


It's, it doesn't really… |||truly 這、這實在是…


Couples maybe. 情侣| |might be Coppie| 也許是情侶。


…matter. …事情。 There could be men and women, but the context is not really about looking for someone to date. |||people||females||||||||||a partner||go out with 可能有男人和女人,但背景並不是真正要尋找約會對象。


That's the point. ||main idea 這才是重點。


It's about friendship and just getting to know people in your community. |||||becoming acquainted|||individuals|||local area 這是關於友誼和了解社區中的人。


Was there another idea?



(Um) volunteering is also a great way to make friends. |||||excellent||||new connections (嗯)志工服務也是結交朋友的好方法。 So there are a number of organizations that need volunteers and just look around and think about who you might want to volunteer with, whether you're interested in working for a food bank, a soup kitchen, working with children, (uh) working to teach. ||||||组织|||志愿者||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||people to help|||||||||||||offer help||||||||||||soup kitchen|||||||| 因此,有很多組織需要志願者,只要環顧四周,想想你可能想和誰一起做志願者,你是否有興趣在食物銀行、施粥處工作、與兒童一起工作,(呃)為教。 There are just a lot of different organizations that need your help. 有很多不同的組織需要您的幫助。 So it's a great way to make friends (um) through volunteering. 所以這是透過志工服務結交朋友的好方法。



And the last thing that you could do is if you can't find – if none of these options are working out for you, you can create your own situation, right? 你能做的最後一件事就是如果你找不到——如果這些選項都不適合你,你可以創造你自己的情況,對嗎?



I love this. I love this idea.




It's like, (you know), when all else fails, well, take action! |||||||失败时||| 就像,(你知道),當其他一切都失敗時,好吧,採取行動!


Take action.




That's what we talk about on this podcast all the time. 這就是我們一直在這個播客上談論的內容。 So go on to Facebook or whatever medium you use, whatever social media (um)… Gabby: 所以繼續使用 Facebook 或任何你使用的媒體,無論社交媒體(嗯)… Gabby:



…tool – email. And email five of your friends here in the US or, international friends even and say “Hey, I'm gonna (going to) have a potluck dinner at my house…” Gabby: |||||||||||||||||||||||聚餐||||| 給你在美國的五個朋友,甚至國際朋友發電子郵件,說「嘿,我要在我家吃頓便餐…」Gabby:



“…so please bring three of your friends,” and all of a sudden, you'll have a lot of people in your home… Gabby: 「......所以請帶上你的三個朋友,」突然之間,你家裡就會有很多人...... Gabby:



…brand new people to meet and to practice English with and it won't be a dating scene. …可以結識新朋友並練習英語,這不會是約會場景。


Very cool tip. I love it.




Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts. Développez votre vocabulaire et apprenez de manière autonome ou avec un tuteur grâce aux transcriptions premium.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. [Instrumental] Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.