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All Ears English, 54- English with Fluency MC- How to Find Love on Valentine’s Day

54- English with Fluency MC- How to Find Love on Valentine's Day

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 54: Meeting Monday, “English with Fluency MC: How to Find Love on Valentine's Day.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, you are going to meet a world star ESL rapper.


Gabby: All right. Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. I'm doing great today.

Gabby: Great. I'm so excited. We're here today with a very special guest. We have Jason R. Levine, also known as Fluency MC. What's up Jason?

Jason: Hey what's up? Thanks so much for having me on your, your program, your podcast.

Gabby: Yeah, we're super excited to have you.

Lindsay:Yeah, thanks for coming on.

Jason: Oh, my pleasure.

Gabby: Very cool.

So, yeah, this week – well actually next week is Valentine's Day, so, (you know), we wanted to ask you a little bit (um) about your opinion as a guy, (you know), ‘cause (because) Lindsay and I we, we talk a lot about Valentine's Day and relationship stuff, but, (you know), we're two ladies, but we want to get your opinion. (Uh) whaddya (what do you) think about Valentine's Day? Is it (uh) – do you celebrate Valentine's Day or (do) you think it's just kinda (kind of)… Lindsay:

Just a big cliché or whaddya (what do you) think?

Gabby:…for the birds?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Jason: Well, let's see. I guess I would put myself at this point in my life, (uh) sort of in the middle. Part of, part of it is very cool and real, and, and potentially, (you know), romantic and special and part of it, to me, is kind of over-commercialized. (Um) not cliché as much as, I guess, the commercialism of it sometimes bother me. (Um) but, (you know), I don't, I don't like that I can, that I'm cynical like that. I like, I like to, I like to (uh) – remember especially, (um), being young and how much I liked being young for Valentine's Day. (Um) when we were kids – I don't know if you, if you guys remember anything about that.

Gabby: Absolutely.

Both: Yeah.

Gabby: I know what you're talking about.

Lindsay: Yeah, I remember making little Valentines for every kid in the class.

Gabby: Yep.

Jason: Yes. Yes. And we – I remember, (uh), I remember my parents telling me that when they were kids and they did stuff like that, (like), (you know), the, the popular kids got the, lots of Valentines and the unpopular kids didn't.

Gabby: Oh.

Jason: Well I think things changed ‘cause (because) I remember when I was little, (uh), everybody had to give – if you gave Valentines, you had to give one to everyone.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: That's right.

Make it fair across the board.

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: Everybody gets a Valentine. I remember that.

Lindsay: That's interesting.

Jason: I also remember, (you know), looking forward to, or, (you know), hoping to get a Valentine with a little extra special note, (you know), from a special girl.

Lindsay: Aw.

Jason: You had to give one to everyone, but you didn't have to, (you know), present them the same way.

Gabby: I always hoped that they had candy attached to them.

Lindsay: Chocolate preferably, it's gotta (got to) be chocolate.

Gabby: Like no candy, I don't care.

Jason: Yes, I like that, I like that part about Valentine's Day. No, but I think it's, I think it's a (um), (you know), it's in, in the States at least, (um), (you know), it's, it's kinda (kind of) – I, I guess it just depends, some people really get into it, and some people don't. And I'm in Paris, now, and (you know), Paris is, it really is a really romantic place.

Gabby: Oh, I bet.

Jason: This will be my first, (uh), my first Valentine's Day here, (uh) with my wife in Paris, so maybe I need to think a little more seriously about Valentine's Day.

Gabby: Or…

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: …or no matter what you do it's gonna (going to) be great because you're in Paris, right?

Lindsay: Right.

Jason: Yeah, that's, that's right. That's right.


Lindsay: Very cool. Exciting.

Gabby: Romantic city. Very cool.

Jason: But as an English Teacher, (um), I, I really, (I mean), holidays are great opportunities to talk about culture and to teach, to teach language, and (uh) Valentine's Day in particular is a really great one because so many, so many learners of all ages are curious about vocabulary and idioms for talking about love.

Lindsay: Definitely.

Both: Yeah.

Lindsay: And love is that thing that brings everyone together. Everyone experiences love, so we can (sort of), (you know), we can talk about that.

Gabby: Very cool.

Lindsay: So I know you have one of your awesome songs, (one of) your raps that shows a lot of these different ways to, (you know), call your, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your lover, (um), and you were gonna (going to) share that with our listeners today right?

Jason: Yeah, well thanks so much for, for, for that idea of doing a song live with you guys and (um), yeah, I, I, I like this song, especially, like I said because it's an opportunity to, to put some (uh) – especially idioms that are really high frequency (uh) for talking about relationships and talking about love (um), into a song where it's going to be easier to remember them by listening, (you know), to the song several times. If you like the song, you listen, you remember without trying to learn it, (uh), and that's, (you know), the hardest thing, I think, for anyone learning a language is that idea of, (you know), thinking you've learned something because you understood it and then realizing later you, you, you don't remember it because you didn't get enough exposure to it. So songs are great for that. So yeah, I'd love, I'd love to take advantage of this opportunity, if I may and…

Gabby: Absolutely.

Lindsay: Yes, you may. Let's do it- please do.

Jason: …do a song for your followers. Yeah.

Gabby: Cool, yeah. Bring it on.

Jason: All right. Ah, oh and I did forget one thing that's important about my (um) adult life experience of Valentine's before I go on ‘cause I… but (uh) I proposed to my wife on Valentine's Day… Both: Whoo!

Lindsay: That's a big deal.

Gabby: Yeah.

Jason: That was in Paris, so I really have to retract my statement about this being my first Valentine's Day in Paris.

Lindsay: Oops. (You) might be in trouble.

Jason: So that was – this will be my first Valentine's Day in Paris if I'm, if I'm not wrong.

Gabby: As a married man.

Jason: In the last 15 years.

Gabby: Yes. Well that's very romantic. That's awesome.

Lindsay: Beautiful. Love it, love it.

Gabby: Yeah.

Jason: I'm glad I could throw that in there.

Lindsay: Cool.

Jason: (Uh) cool. So let me, let me cue up the song here, just give me one sec (second). So this song is called – it, it doesn't have a very original title, it's just called “Valentine's Day.” Lindsay: Perfect.

Jason: And (um), if anyone's interested (um), (you know), you can find that easily on my YouTube channel and (I'll) give you guys the link and you can put it in, (um)…. but also the lyrics, I'm happy to send anyone the lyrics, if they want to email me so I'll make sure that I give you guys that email address.

Lindsay: Great.


On YouTube you're Fluency Mc, right?

Jason: Yeah, but it's, it's the Collolearn address

Gabby: That's right.

Lindsay: Oh.

Jason: But if anybody wants the lyrics, I'm happy to, to send them to them.

Lindsay: Excellent. Thank you for that.

Jason: So yeah, so (um), should I, should I start up the music?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Go for it. We're ready and waiting.

Jason: All right. Here we go.

[Song: Valentine's Day, by Jason R. Levine] Hey! It's Valentine's Day. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

It's Valentine's Day. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The date when you find the time and the way to say the things that you feel to the love of your life, Your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your husband or your wife.

Hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The date when you find the time and the way to say how deeply you love and adore your sweetie pie, the one, your honey, that special gal or guy, The apple of your eye, your main squeeze, your soulmate, your partner or the person you just started to date.

Through luck or fate, you know you've got a good catch and if the chemistry is right you might be a perfect match.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The 14th of February's Valentine's Day.

Romantic love is in the air and on display.

We go out to eat or catch a movie matinee.

We get each other cards and flower bouquets or a box of chocolates or a poem we wrote.

The girl at school you've got a crush on, you might pass her a love note and work up the courage to ask her out on a date.

If she plays hard to get, she might ask you to wait.

If she finds you attractive, you might go out on the town, but if you turn her off, she'll probably turn you down.

Hey, hey!



Lindsay: Yeah.


I love it. That's awesome.

We were dancing over here.

Jason: And that, that “hey, hey, hey” is also my wife.

Both: Oh.

Gabby: That's great.

Lindsay: Love it, love it, love it.

Jason: Her name is Brijitte by the way and her nickname is Beesh and my nickname is Jase (uh) by the way and, (you know), we, we made a podcast called (um), we're (um) Beesh and Jase.

Gabby: Beesh and Jase. That's nice.

Jason: Beesh and Jase.

Lindsay: Aw, very cool.

Jason: We're gonna (going to), we're gonna (going to) revisit that and do some more with that, and (um), I changed the lyrics a couple of times to that song, so I got a little confused there.

Both: No, it sounded great.

Lindsay: We didn't notice. We thought it was fantastic.

Jason: Oh, good. I'm glad.

Gabby: Tell us a little bit more about your projects. You mentioned a podcast, (um), what else are you working on?

Jason: Yeah.

(Um), well, let's see. (Um), I guess the main, the main thing I'm working on these days is (uh), while I'm especially in Europe trying to do live events.

Gabby: Cool.

Jason: So I'm doing one in Spain, (uh), in Zaragoza, Spain next week, for (uh), about 300 kids, 14 through16.

Lindsay: Oh, very fun.

Jason: And I'm doing one (uh), February, (uh) well in February, for (um) a school in France about, about 40 minutes outside of Paris.

Lindsay: So you're gonna (going to) get the kids singing and dancing and…

Jason: Yeah.




Yeah absolutely.


That's great.


So I'm hoping to do more things like that. I'm working (um), trying to work with, with other (um), other people in, in ELT (English Language Training) who are making, (uh), especially making songs and videos, so Vicki Hollett from Simple English Videos, we're working on stuff together and (um), I'm very involved in English language training through (um) MOOCs on WizIQ where I work. So we just finished one. (Uh) we had almost 3,000 teachers for continuing professional development in English language teaching and we have another one coming up in March.

Gabby:That's so great.

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: You've got a lot going on.

Lindsay: You (have) got a lot on your plate there.

Gabby: So for, for…

Jason: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of fun.

Gabby: …for our listeners, what's the best place for them to connect with you?

Jason: Well, I think that the easiest thing probably if you just remember my name Fluency MC and you Google, you'll see three things. (Um), right away, you'll see my website, (uh), which is, it says it's Fluency MC home- it's colloandspark.com, but it's really easy to get to if you just Google me and then (uh) YouTube and Facebook is where I spend most of my time, especially Facebook. So we have what people call the Fluency Family on Facebook, so it's a Facebook page that's very active, (uh), so I'm on there a lot. (Um) others are on there helping me out and (uh) participating there, so – especially English learners (um) who want extra practice and meet, to meet other, other learners around the world, that's a great place to go.

Gabby: Very cool.

Yeah, I know Lindsay and I first found out about you through YouTube and we just love your videos. We totally recommend them to our listeners. Very fun ways to learn English.

Lindsay: Absolutely. Fun and fresh.


Jason: Really appreciate your support and (uh) hope we can work together on some stuff in the future.

Gabby: Yeah.

Same here. Well cool. (Um), thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing a song and a little bit about your projects. It's been really great to have you on the show.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Thanks so much Jason.

Jason: Oh, it's a great chance to, to meet, meet some of your, your people, your followers and fans, so that's great. And congratulations on the success of this podcast. It's, it's, it's really terrific.

Gabby: Thanks so much.

Lindsay:Thank you.


Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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54- English with Fluency MC- How to Find Love on Valentine’s Day 54- English with Fluency MC- Wie man die Liebe am Valentinstag findet 54- English with Fluency MC- Cómo encontrar el amor en San Valentín 54- English with Fluency MC- Jak znaleźć miłość w Walentynki 54- English with Fluency MC- How to Find Love on Valentine's Day (Como encontrar o amor no dia dos namorados) 54- English with Fluency MC- How to Find Love on Valentine's Day 54- English with Fluency MC - Як знайти кохання на День Святого Валентина 54 - 流利英语MC-如何在情人节找到爱情 54 - 流利英語MC-如何在情人節找到愛情 54 - 流利英語MC-如何在情人節找到愛情

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 54: Meeting Monday, “English with Fluency MC: How to Find Love on Valentine's Day.” [Instrumental] ||||||podcast title|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||バレンタイン|| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 54 集:週一會議,“流利的英語 MC:如何在情人節找到愛情。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, you are going to meet a world star ESL rapper. ||||||||||||说唱歌手 ||||||||||||ラッパー ||||||||||||rapper di fama mondiale 在今天的節目中,您將見到一位世界明星 ESL 說唱歌手。


Gabby: All right. Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. I'm doing great today.

Gabby: Great. I'm so excited. We're here today with a very special guest. 今天我們迎來了一位非常特別的客人。 We have Jason R. Levine, also known as Fluency MC. ||ジェイソン||レビン||||| 我們有 Jason R. Levine,也被稱為 Fluency MC。 What's up Jason? 傑森怎麼了?

Jason: Hey what's up? 傑森:嘿,怎麼了? Thanks so much for having me on your, your program, your podcast. |||||||tuo|||| 非常感謝您讓我參加您的節目、播客。

Gabby: Yeah, we're super excited to have you.

Lindsay:Yeah, thanks for coming on. Lindsay:好的,謝謝您的光臨。

Jason: Oh, my pleasure. 傑森:噢,我很高興。

Gabby: Very cool.

So, yeah, this week – well actually next week is Valentine's Day, so, (you know), we wanted to ask you a little bit (um) about your opinion as a guy, (you know), ‘cause (because) Lindsay and I we, we talk a lot about Valentine's Day and relationship stuff, but, (you know), we're two ladies, but we want to get your opinion. |||||in fact|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 所以,是的,這週——實際上下周是情人節,所以,(你知道),我們想問你一點(嗯)關於你作為一個男人的看法,(你知道),因為(因為)林賽和我,我們談論了很多關於情人節和人際關係的事情,但是,(你知道),我們是兩位女士,但我們想聽聽你的意見。 (Uh) whaddya (what do you) think about Valentine's Day? (呃)你對情人節有什麼看法? Is it (uh) – do you celebrate Valentine's Day or (do) you think it's just kinda (kind of)… Lindsay: ||||||||||||||un po'||| 是(呃)——你慶祝情人節還是(做)你認為這只是有點(有點)…… Lindsay:

Just a big cliché or whaddya (what do you) think? |||陈词滥调|||||| |||クリシェ|||||| 只是一個陳腔濫調或什麼(你覺得怎麼樣)?

Gabby:…for the birds? 蓋比:……為了鳥兒?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Jason: Well, let's see. ||let us| 傑森:好吧,讓我們看看。 I guess I would put myself at this point in my life, (uh) sort of in the middle. ||||||||stage||||||||| 我想我會把自己放在人生的這個階段,(呃)有點中間。 Part of, part of it is very cool and real, and, and potentially, (you know), romantic and special and part of it, to me, is kind of over-commercialized. ||||||||||||可能||||||||||||||||过度商业化 它的一部分,一部分是非常酷和真實的,並且,並且潛在地,(你知道),浪漫和特別的,並且它的一部分,對我來說,有點過度商業化。 (Um) not cliché as much as, I guess, the commercialism of it sometimes bother me. |||||||||商业化||||| |||||||||商業主義||||| (嗯)我想,這並不陳腔濫調,因為它的商業主義有時會讓我煩惱。 (Um) but, (you know), I don't, I don't like that I can, that I'm cynical like that. ||||||||||||||愤世嫉|| ||||||||||||||皮肉な|| ||||||||||||||cinico|| (嗯)但是,(你知道),我不,我不喜歡我能那樣,我那樣憤世嫉俗。 I like, I like to, I like to (uh) – remember especially, (um), being young and how much I liked being young for Valentine's Day. 我喜歡,我喜歡,我喜歡(呃)——特別記得,(嗯),年輕,我多麼喜歡年輕的情人節。 (Um) when we were kids – I don't know if you, if you guys remember anything about that. (嗯)當我們還是孩子的時候——我不知道你們是否還記得那件事。

Gabby: Absolutely.

Both: Yeah.

Gabby: I know what you're talking about. |||||referring to| 蓋比:我知道你在說什麼。

Lindsay: Yeah, I remember making little Valentines for every kid in the class. |||recall||||||||| 林賽:是的,我記得我為班上的每個孩子製作了小情人節禮物。

Gabby: Yep.

Jason: Yes. Yes. And we – I remember, (uh), I remember my parents telling me that when they were kids and they did stuff like that, (like), (you know), the, the popular kids got the, lots of Valentines and the unpopular kids didn't. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||不受欢迎|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tanti|||||non popolari|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||バレンタイン|||人気がない|| 我們- 我記得,(呃),我記得我的父母告訴我,當他們還是孩子的時候,他們做了類似的事情,(就像),(你知道),受歡迎的孩子們得到了,很多情人節和不受歡迎的孩子則不然。

Gabby: Oh.

Jason: Well I think things changed ‘cause (because) I remember when I was little, (uh), everybody had to give – if you gave Valentines, you had to give one to everyone. 傑森:嗯,我認為事情發生了變化,因為(因為)我記得當我還小的時候,(呃),每個人都必須給予——如果你送情人節禮物,你就必須給每個人一個。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: That's right.

Make it fair across the board. ||equa||| 使其全面公平。

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: Everybody gets a Valentine. ||||情人 ||||バレンタイン 蓋比:每個人都會有一個情人節。 I remember that.

Lindsay: That's interesting. 林賽:這很有趣。

Jason: I also remember, (you know), looking forward to, or, (you know), hoping to get a Valentine with a little extra special note, (you know), from a special girl. ||||||||||||||||Valentine's card|||a bit||extra||||||| 傑森:我還記得,(你知道),期待,或者,(你知道),希望從一個特別的女孩那裡得到一個帶有一點額外特別說明的情人節禮物,(你知道)。

Lindsay: Aw.

Jason: You had to give one to everyone, but you didn't have to, (you know), present them the same way. ||||||||||||||||||nello stesso modo| 傑森:你必須給每個人一份,但你不必(你知道)以同樣的方式呈現它們。

Gabby: I always hoped that they had candy attached to them. ||||||||附带|| 蓋比:我一直希望它們上面附有糖果。

Lindsay: Chocolate preferably, it's gotta (got to) be chocolate. ||最好|||||| ||できれば|||||| Lindsay:最好是巧克力,它必須是巧克力。

Gabby: Like no candy, I don't care. 蓋比:就像沒有糖果一樣,我不在乎。

Jason: Yes, I like that, I like that part about Valentine's Day. 傑森:是的,我喜歡這個,我喜歡關於情人節的那部分。 No, but I think it's, I think it's a (um), (you know), it's in, in the States at least, (um), (you know), it's, it's kinda (kind of) – I, I guess it just depends, some people really get into it, and some people don't. 不,但我認為,我認為這是一個(嗯),(你知道),它在,至少在美國,(嗯),(你知道),它,它有點(有點) – 我,我我猜這只是取決於,有些人真的很投入,有些人則不然。 And I'm in Paris, now, and (you know), Paris is, it really is a really romantic place. 我現在在巴黎,(你知道),巴黎確實是一個非常浪漫的地方。

Gabby: Oh, I bet. |||scommetto 蓋比:哦,我敢打賭。

Jason: This will be my first, (uh), my first Valentine's Day here, (uh) with my wife in Paris, so maybe I need to think a little more seriously about Valentine's Day. 傑森:這將是我的第一個,(呃),我在這裡的第一個情人節,(呃)和我在巴黎的妻子一起過的,所以也許我需要更認真地考慮一下情人節。

Gabby: Or…

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: …or no matter what you do it's gonna (going to) be great because you're in Paris, right? |||regardless of|||action||||||||||the city| 加比:……或者無論你做什麼都會很棒,因為你在巴黎,對吧?

Lindsay: Right. |correct

Jason: Yeah, that's, that's right. ||that||correct 傑森:是的,沒錯。 That's right.


Lindsay: Very cool. Exciting. Thrilling

Gabby: Romantic city. |romantic| 蓋比:浪漫的城市。 Very cool.

Jason: But as an English Teacher, (um), I, I really, (I mean), holidays are great opportunities to talk about culture and to teach, to teach language, and (uh) Valentine's Day in particular is a really great one because so many, so many learners of all ages are curious about vocabulary and idioms for talking about love. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||好奇的|||||||| ||||language|English instructor||||||||||times|||||||||||||Valentine's Day|||||||excellent||since||||a lot of|students|||various age groups|||love vocabulary|words||expressions about love||discussing|the topic of| 傑森:但是作為一名英語老師,(嗯),我,我真的,(我的意思是),假期是談論文化和教學、教授語言的絕佳機會,而且(呃)情人節尤其是一個非常好的機會。其一是因為很多很多各個年齡層的學習者都對談論愛情的詞彙和習慣用語感到好奇。

Lindsay: Definitely. |for sure

Both: Yeah.

Lindsay: And love is that thing that brings everyone together. ||affection|||force||unites|all people|as one Lindsay:愛是將每個人聚集在一起的東西。 Everyone experiences love, so we can (sort of), (you know), we can talk about that. All people|feels|romantic affection|||||||||||discuss|that topic

Gabby: Very cool. Gabby speaking||awesome or impressive

Lindsay: So I know you have one of your awesome songs, (one of) your raps that shows a lot of these different ways to, (you know), call your, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your lover, (um), and you were gonna (going to) share that with our listeners today right? ||||||||||||||说唱||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||understand||||||great|raps|||||that rap|demonstrates|||||various|methods|||||possessive pronoun||significant other||girlfriend|||||||||||||the|audience|| ||||||||||||||ラップ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:所以我知道你有一首很棒的歌曲,(其中一首)你的說唱展示了很多不同的方式,(你知道),打電話給你的,你的男朋友,你的女朋友,你的愛人,(嗯),您今天打算與我們的聽眾分享這一點,對吧?

Jason: Yeah, well thanks so much for, for, for that idea of doing a song live with you guys and (um), yeah, I, I, I like this song, especially, like I said because it's an opportunity to, to put some (uh) – especially idioms that are really high frequency (uh) for talking about relationships and talking about love (um), into a song where it's going to be easier to remember them by listening, (you know), to the song several times. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||高频||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||appreciate it||very much|||||||performing||||||you all|||affirmative response|||||||particularly||||since|||chance||||||||||||common usage|||discussing|discussing|connections||discussing|||||||in which||going to|||simpler to recall||retain|||to||||||multiple| 傑森:是的,非常感謝,因為,和你們一起現場創作一首歌的想法,(嗯),是的,我,我,我喜歡這首歌,特別是,就像我說的,因為這是一個機會,把一些(呃)——尤其是那些非常高頻(呃)用於談論關係和談論愛情(嗯)的習語放入一首歌中,透過聽(你知道),可以更容易記住它們這首歌好幾次了。 If you like the song, you listen, you remember without trying to learn it, (uh), and that's, (you know), the hardest thing, I think, for anyone learning a language is that idea of, (you know), thinking you've learned something because you understood it and then realizing later you, you, you don't remember it because you didn't get enough exposure to it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||意识到|||||||||||||接触|| ||||tune||||recall|without effort|effort||memorize||||that is||you know|||aspect||||any person|||language||that|concept||||believing|you have|acquired knowledge|concept|since||comprehended it||||discovering||||||||due to||||sufficient||| 如果你喜歡這首歌,你會聽,你會記住,而不是試圖學習它,(呃),那就是,(你知道),我認為,對於任何學習語言的人來說,最難的事情就是這個想法,(你知道) ,認為你學到了一些東西,因為你理解了它,然後意識到你,你,你不記得它,因為你沒有得到足夠的接觸它。 So songs are great for that. |||beneficial|| 所以歌曲非常適合這一點。 So yeah, I'd love, I'd love to take advantage of this opportunity, if I may and… ||||||||benefit from|||chance|||if I may| 所以,是的,我很樂意,我很樂意利用這個機會,如果可以的話…

Gabby: Absolutely. |Definitely yes

Lindsay: Yes, you may. 林賽:是的,你可以。 Let's do it- please do. Let us|||| 讓我們這樣做吧——請這樣做。

Jason: …do a song for your followers. ||||||粉丝们 ||||||fans or audience 傑森:……為你的追隨者創作一首歌。 Yeah.

Gabby: Cool, yeah. Bring it on. Bring it|| 來吧。

Jason: All right. Ah, oh and I did forget one thing that's important about my (um) adult life experience of Valentine's before I go on ‘cause I… but (uh) I proposed to my wife on Valentine's Day… Both: Whoo! |||||neglect||||significant||||||life events||Valentine's|prior to||go||because||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||わーい 啊,哦,在我繼續之前,我確實忘記了一件關於我的(嗯)情人節成人生活經歷的重要事情,因為我……但是(呃)我在情人節向我的妻子求婚了……兩人:哇!

Lindsay: That's a big deal. ||||important matter 林賽:這是一件大事。

Gabby: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

Jason: That was in Paris, so I really have to retract my statement about this being my first Valentine's Day in Paris. ||||||||||收回||声明||||||||| ||||first location|||truly|need||||claim|regarding||it being|||Valentine's|Valentine's Day|in|Paris ||||||||||撤回する||||||||||| ||||||||||ritirare||affermazione||||||||| 傑森:那是在巴黎,所以我真的必須收回關於這是我在巴黎的第一個情人節的聲明。

Lindsay: Oops. |Oops (You) might be in trouble. |may|||dangerous situation (你)可能有麻煩了。

Jason: So that was – this will be my first Valentine's Day in Paris if I'm, if I'm not wrong. ||that|||||||||||||||| 傑森:所以,如果我沒猜錯的話,這將是我在巴黎的第一個情人節。

Gabby: As a married man. 蓋比:作為一個已婚男人。

Jason: In the last 15 years. 傑森:過去 15 年。

Gabby: Yes. Well that's very romantic. 嗯,這很浪漫。 That's awesome.

Lindsay: Beautiful. Love it, love it.

Gabby: Yeah.

Jason: I'm glad I could throw that in there. 傑森:我很高興能把它放在那裡。

Lindsay: Cool.

Jason: (Uh) cool. So let me, let me cue up the song here, just give me one sec (second). |||||播放|||||||||| |||||mettere in riprodu|||||||||| ||||||||||||||一秒| 所以讓我,讓我在這裡提示這首歌,只給我一秒(秒)。 So this song is called – it, it doesn't have a very original title, it's just called “Valentine's Day.” Lindsay: Perfect. 所以這首歌就叫——它,它沒有一個非常原創的標題,就叫「情人節」。林賽:完美。

Jason: And (um), if anyone's interested (um), (you know), you can find that easily on my YouTube channel and (I'll) give you guys the link and you can put it in, (um)…. ||||任何人||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||誰かの||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 傑森:(嗯),如果有人有興趣(嗯),(你知道),你可以在我的YouTube 頻道上輕鬆找到它,(我會)給你們鏈接,你可以把它放進去,(嗯) …… 。 but also the lyrics, I'm happy to send anyone the lyrics, if they want to email me so I'll make sure that I give you guys that email address. 還有歌詞,我很樂意向任何人發送歌詞,如果他們想給我發電子郵件,那麼我會確保給你們那個電子郵件地址。

Lindsay: Great.


On YouTube you're Fluency Mc, right? 在 YouTube 上,您是 Fluency Mc,對吧?

Jason: Yeah, but it's, it's the Collolearn address ||||||Collolearnの住所| ||||||indirizzo Collolearn| 傑森:是的,但是,這是 Collolearn 地址

Gabby: That's right.

Lindsay: Oh.

Jason: But if anybody wants the lyrics, I'm happy to, to send them to them. 傑森:但是如果有人想要歌詞,我很樂意將其發送給他們。

Lindsay: Excellent. Thank you for that.

Jason: So yeah, so (um), should I, should I start up the music?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Go for it. 林賽:去做吧。 We're ready and waiting.

Jason: All right. Here we go.

[Song: Valentine's Day, by Jason R. Levine] Hey! It's Valentine's Day. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

It's Valentine's Day. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The date when you find the time and the way to say the things that you feel to the love of your life, Your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your husband or your wife. 當你找到時間和方式向你一生的摯愛、你的女朋友、你的男朋友、你的丈夫或你的妻子表達你的感受的日子。

Hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The date when you find the time and the way to say how deeply you love and adore your sweetie pie, the one, your honey, that special gal or guy, The apple of your eye, your main squeeze, your soulmate, your partner or the person you just started to date. |||||||||||||||||崇拜||||||||||||||||||||主要伴侣||灵魂伴侣|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||愛しい人||||||||女||||||||||恋人||運命の人|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||tesoro||||||||ragazza||||||||||la tua dolce metà||anima gemella|||||||||| 當你找到時間和方式來表達你對你的甜心派、那個人、你的親愛的、那個特別的女孩或男人、你的掌上明珠、你的主要對象、你的靈魂伴侶、你的伴侶或你剛剛開始約會的人。

Through luck or fate, you know you've got a good catch and if the chemistry is right you might be a perfect match. |||命运|||||||||||化学反应|||||||| ||||||||||||||chimica|||||||| 無論是運氣還是命運,你都知道自己抓住了一個好機會,如果化學反應合適,你們可能是完美的搭檔。

Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's Valentine's Day.

The 14th of February's Valentine's Day. |||2月の||

Romantic love is in the air and on display. ||||||||展示 浪漫的愛情瀰漫在空氣中並表現出來。

We go out to eat or catch a movie matinee. |||||||||午场 |||||||||昼の上映 |||||||||pomeridiana 我們出去吃飯或看場電影。

We get each other cards and flower bouquets or a box of chocolates or a poem we wrote. |||||||花束|||||巧克力盒|||诗|| |||||||花束||||||||詩|| 我們互相贈送卡片、花束、一盒巧克力或一首我們寫的詩。

The girl at school you've got a crush on, you might pass her a love note and work up the courage to ask her out on a date. ||||||||||||||||||||勇气||||||| |||||||cotta|||||||||||||||||||| 對於你暗戀的學校女孩,你可以寫一封情書,並鼓起勇氣約她出去約會。

If she plays hard to get, she might ask you to wait. 如果她表現得很難接近,她可能會要求你等待。

If she finds you attractive, you might go out on the town, but if you turn her off, she'll probably turn you down. 如果她發現你有吸引力,你可能會出去逛街,但如果你讓她失去興趣,她可能會拒絕你。

Hey, hey!



Lindsay: Yeah.


I love it. That's awesome.

We were dancing over here.

Jason: And that, that “hey, hey, hey” is also my wife.

Both: Oh.

Gabby: That's great.

Lindsay: Love it, love it, love it.

Jason: Her name is Brijitte by the way and her nickname is Beesh and my nickname is Jase (uh) by the way and, (you know), we, we made a podcast called (um), we're (um) Beesh and Jase. ||||||||||昵称||||||||||||||||||||||||||杰斯 ||||ブリジット||||||||ビッシュ|||||ジェイス||||||||||||||||||| Jason:順便說一句,她的名字是Brijitte,她的暱稱是Beesh,我的暱稱是Jase(呃)順便說一下,(你知道),我們,我們製作了一個播客,名為(嗯),我們是(嗯)Beesh和傑斯。

Gabby: Beesh and Jase. That's nice.

Jason: Beesh and Jase.

Lindsay: Aw, very cool.

Jason: We're gonna (going to), we're gonna (going to) revisit that and do some more with that, and (um), I changed the lyrics a couple of times to that song, so I got a little confused there. |||||||||重新审视||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||再訪する||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 傑森:我們要(要),我們要(要)重新審視它,並做更多的事情,並且(嗯),我對那首歌修改了幾次歌詞,所以我得到了一些那裡很困惑。

Both: No, it sounded great. |||听起来| 兩人:不,聽起來很棒。

Lindsay: We didn't notice. 林賽:我們沒有註意到。 We thought it was fantastic. 我們認為這太棒了。

Jason: Oh, good. I'm glad.

Gabby: Tell us a little bit more about your projects. 蓋比:請告訴我們更多有關您的項目的資訊。 You mentioned a podcast, (um), what else are you working on? 你提到了一個播客,(嗯),你還在做什麼?

Jason: Yeah.

(Um), well, let's see. (Um), I guess the main, the main thing I'm working on these days is (uh), while I'm especially in Europe trying to do live events. (嗯),我想我這些天所做的主要工作是(呃),而我特別是在歐洲嘗試舉辦現場活動。

Gabby: Cool.

Jason: So I'm doing one in Spain, (uh), in Zaragoza, Spain next week, for (uh), about 300 kids, 14 through16. |||||||||サラゴサ|||||||| 傑森:所以我下週將在西班牙(呃)西班牙薩拉戈薩為(呃)大約 300 名 14 歲到 16 歲的孩子做一個活動。

Lindsay: Oh, very fun.

Jason: And I'm doing one (uh), February, (uh) well in February, for (um) a school in France about, about 40 minutes outside of Paris. 傑森:我正在二月為法國的一所學校做一件事,距離巴黎大約 40 分鐘車程。

Lindsay: So you're gonna (going to) get the kids singing and dancing and… Lindsay:所以你要讓孩子唱歌、跳舞,然後…

Jason: Yeah.




Yeah absolutely.


That's great.


So I'm hoping to do more things like that. 所以我希望能做更多這樣的事。 I'm working (um), trying to work with, with other (um), other people in, in ELT (English Language Training) who are making, (uh), especially making songs and videos, so Vicki Hollett from Simple English Videos, we're working on stuff together and (um), I'm very involved in English language training through (um) MOOCs on WizIQ where I work. ||||||||||||||英語教育||||||||||||||ビッキー|ヴィッキー・ホレット|||||||||||||||||||||MOOC||ウィジック||| 我正在(嗯),嘗試與其他(嗯),ELT(英語語言培訓)中的其他人一起工作,他們正在製作,(呃),特別是製作歌曲和視頻,所以來自 Simple English 的 Vicki Hollett視頻,我們正在一起做一些事情,並且(嗯),我透過我工作的WizIQ 上的(嗯)慕課參與了英語語言訓練。 So we just finished one. 所以我們剛剛完成了一個。 (Uh) we had almost 3,000 teachers for continuing professional development in English language teaching and we have another one coming up in March. (呃)我們有近 3,000 名教師在英語教學方面進行持續專業發展,我們將在 3 月再添一名教師。

Gabby:That's so great.

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: You've got a lot going on. 加比:你有很多事情要做。

Lindsay: You (have) got a lot on your plate there. ||||||||盘子| Lindsay:你有很多事情要做。

Gabby: So for, for… 蓋比:所以為了,為了…

Jason: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of fun.

Gabby: …for our listeners, what's the best place for them to connect with you? Gabby:…對我們的聽眾來說,哪裡是他們與您聯繫的最佳地點?

Jason: Well, I think that the easiest thing probably if you just remember my name Fluency MC and you Google, you'll see three things. Jason:嗯,我認為最簡單的事情可能是如果你記得我的名字 Fluency MC 並且你谷歌,你會看到三件事。 (Um), right away, you'll see my website, (uh), which is, it says it's Fluency MC home- it's colloandspark.com, but it's really easy to get to if you just Google me and then (uh) YouTube and Facebook is where I spend most of my time, especially Facebook. |||||||||||||||||ColloandSpark||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||コロアンドスパーク||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (嗯),馬上,你就會看到我的網站,(呃),它說它是Fluency MC 主頁- 它是colloandspark.com,但如果你只是用Google 搜索我,然後(呃),就很容易到達YouTube 和 Facebook 是我花費最多時間的地方,尤其是 Facebook。 So we have what people call the Fluency Family on Facebook, so it's a Facebook page that's very active, (uh), so I'm on there a lot. 所以我們在 Facebook 上有人所說的 Fluency Family,所以這是一個非常活躍的 Facebook 頁面,(呃),所以我經常在那裡。 (Um) others are on there helping me out and (uh) participating there, so – especially English learners (um) who want extra practice and meet, to meet other, other learners around the world, that's a great place to go. ||||||||||参与|||||||||||||||||||||||||| (嗯)其他人在那裡幫助我並(呃)參與那裡,所以 - 特別是想要額外練習和見面的英語學習者(嗯),以滿足世界各地其他學習者的要求,這是一個好地方。

Gabby: Very cool.

Yeah, I know Lindsay and I first found out about you through YouTube and we just love your videos. 是的,我認識 Lindsay,我第一次是透過 YouTube 認識你的,我們非常喜歡你的影片。 We totally recommend them to our listeners. 我們完全向我們的聽眾推薦它們。 Very fun ways to learn English. 非常有趣的學習英語的方式。

Lindsay: Absolutely. Fun and fresh. 有趣又新鮮。


Jason: Really appreciate your support and (uh) hope we can work together on some stuff in the future. Jason:非常感謝您的支持,並且(呃)希望我們將來可以在一些事情上合作。

Gabby: Yeah.

Same here. 同樣在這裡。 Well cool. (Um), thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing a song and a little bit about your projects. (嗯),非常感謝您參加節目並分享歌曲和一些關於您的項目的資訊。 It's been really great to have you on the show.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Thanks so much Jason.

Jason: Oh, it's a great chance to, to meet, meet some of your, your people, your followers and fans, so that's great. ||||||||||||||||||粉丝||| 傑森:哦,這是一個很好的機會,可以認識你的一些人、你的員工、你的追隨者和粉絲,所以這太棒了。 And congratulations on the success of this podcast. 並祝賀這個播客的成功。 It's, it's, it's really terrific.

Gabby: Thanks so much.

Lindsay:Thank you.


Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. 蓋比:在今天結束之前,我們想讓您了解我們特殊的優質成績單。 You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. ||购买||||||| 您可以購買我們整個月的優質成績單。 We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. 我們有 11 月、12 月和 1 月可供您檢查聽力理解。 Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. 確保您理解我們在此播客中所說的每一個字。 Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts. |||||||独立地|||||||| 建立您的詞彙量,您可以獨立學習或使用高級成績單與導師一起學習。

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. 您可以在我們的網站 www.allearsenglish.com/conversations 上找到這些內容。


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.