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All Ears English, 53- Why You Must Overshoot Your English Goals to Achieve Them

53- Why You Must Overshoot Your English Goals to Achieve Them

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 53: Deep Thoughts Thursday, “Why You Must Overshoot Your English Goals to Achieve Them.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you will get the inspiration you need to go the extra mile.


Lindsay: Okay. Gabby we are here, ready to record, and how are you feeling today?

Gabby: I'm feeling awesome!

Lindsay: Excellent.

Very glad to hear it.

Gabby; Yeah.

Lindsay: And you've brought us an awesome quote today Gabby. So do you wanna (want to) share it for us?

Gabby: Yes, I would like to share it. “If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.” Lindsay:

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who is this by, after all?

Gabby: (Uh), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Lindsay: Okay. This is a meaty quote. This is, there's a lot in here.

Gabby: Yeah, and first of all maybe we should break it down for modern English because this quote is using an old style of English that if you would hit the mark, it actually means, (you know), if you want to hit the mark or if you want to achieve your goal.

Lindsay; Right. So don't get confused with the conditional here.

Gabby: Yeah, old style.


‘Cause (because) that's a confusing thing for students. So it's if you want to achieve – hit the mark or… Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …get what you're trying to get.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. (Um) if you, if you want to get something, you should aim or you should try to do something that's even more challenging because every arrow, right, when you shoot an arrow it goes up, but then it comes down a little bit before it hits your target, so the gravity of the earth pulls it down or, (I mean), what would be (like) a comparison, (like) maybe reality might bring you down a bit or maybe negative people… Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …or what else could bring you down. I don't know.

Lindsay: I'm just thinking about and yeah, time, because usually when I set a goal, if something has to be done by a certain time, I'll estimate that date and then I'll add wiggle room, (you know), of (an) extra, (like), five days because I know it's gonna (going to) take longer than I estimate.

Gabby: Aiming a little above it.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: That's excellent. Or maybe if you want to (um), for example, if you want to (like) run a marathon, just for example, right, and you should be running, you know, ten miles a day, I don't know, but maybe you would actually push yourself to run twelve miles a day.

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a great one.

Gabby: And then if you end up running ten a day, well, that's good too.

Lindsay: That's pretty great because that means you have actually achieved your goal.

Gabby; Yeah, or with English. I mean maybe your goal is to read a book. So maybe you think it would be easy to read five pages a day, but instead of choosing the easy way, push yourself. Aim a little bit above that and say no, I'm going to read twenty pages a day.


Yeah, that sounds great.


And then you read your book faster than you thought.


So keep this in mind guys when you go ahead and set your goals, (you know), for the, for the year. (You know) we're still in, (you know), (the) beginning of 2014… Gabby:



…so think about overshooting your goals.


And just to tie this together with our episode from yesterday, our ‘Wisdom Wednesday' about what to do when you just can't go any further with English, this is a strategy that you can use, (you know), challenge yourself with more, more challenging (uh) ways of learning English. So make a bigger, greater goal than you had planned and that's a good way to push yourself beyond that wall.

Lindsay: Excellent.



Gabby what was that sound on your computer?


[Gasps] I just got an email from All Ears English!


Really. Oh, that sounds awesome.


Oh it's so awesome. I can't believe they wrote to me.


Oh my god and so what did they say?


(Um) they said (like) they have (like) tips and they have a free e-book for me… Lindsay:

Oh, that sounds so cool.


…and they have a question for me too. They wanna (want to) know what I think.


Oh my god. That sounds awesome. How can I get that?


You can get on the All Ears English email list at allearsenglish.com.



So guys we're joking around here, but (uh) we just wanna (want to) let you know… Gabby:

I wasn't joking.


Oh, you weren't joking? I was joking. So we just want to let you know that you should go ahead and get on our email list because we're gonna (going to) be having some great conversations with (um) people on the list over the next few weeks. We've got something exciting coming out.


Yeah and we've already been having great conversations. I wanna thank you guys if you already are on the email list and thank you especially if you've been responding to our questions ‘cause (because) we love having that conversation with you. So if you're not in the conversation, you can still join it. Come over to allearsenglish.com and join our email list.

Lindsay: See ya' (you) there.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!

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53- Why You Must Overshoot Your English Goals to Achieve Them 53- Warum Sie über Ihre englischen Ziele hinausschießen müssen, um sie zu erreichen 53- Por qué debes superar tus objetivos en inglés para alcanzarlos 53- なぜ英語の目標を達成するためにはオーバーシュートしなければならないのか? 53- 영어 목표를 달성하기 위해 목표를 초과 달성해야하는 이유 53- Porque é que tem de ultrapassar os seus objectivos de inglês para os atingir 53 - Почему вы должны превзойти свои цели в английском языке, чтобы достичь их 53- Neden Onlara Ulaşmak İçin İngilizce Hedeflerinizi Aşmalısınız? 53-為什麼你必須超越你的英語目標才能實現它們

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 53: Deep Thoughts Thursday, “Why You Must Overshoot Your English Goals to Achieve Them.” [Instrumental] |||||||||||||||超越||||||| ||||||||||||||should|||||||| |||||||||||||||目標を超える||||||| |||||||||||||||superare||||||| Lindsay: Bu bir All Ears English Podcast, 53. Bölüm: Derin Düşünceler Perşembe, "Onlara Ulaşmak İçin İngilizce Hedeflerinizi Neden Aşmalısınız?" [Enstrümantal] Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 53 集:星期四的深刻思考,“為什麼你必須超越你的英語目標才能實現它們。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Gabby: Sonunda gerçek, ana dili İngilizce olan sohbetler edinebileceğin All Ears English Podcast'e hoş geldin. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Şimdi sunucularınız, 'İngiliz Maceracı' Lindsay McMahon ve 'Dil Meleği' Gabby Wallace, Boston, Massachusetts, ABD'den size geliyor.

In this episode, you will get the inspiration you need to go the extra mile. |||||||インスピレーション||||||| Bu bölümde, fazladan yol kat etmek için ihtiyacınız olan ilhamı alacaksınız. 在本集中,您將獲得加倍努力所需的靈感。


Lindsay: Okay. Gabby we are here, ready to record, and how are you feeling today? Gabby biz buradayız, kayda hazırız ve bugün nasıl hissediyorsunuz? 蓋比,我們在這裡,準備錄音,你今天感覺怎麼樣?

Gabby: I'm feeling awesome!

Lindsay: Excellent.

Very glad to hear it. 很高興聽到這個消息。

Gabby; Yeah.

Lindsay: And you've brought us an awesome quote today Gabby. Lindsay:Gabby,你今天為我們帶來了一句很棒的話。 So do you wanna (want to) share it for us? 那你想(想)為我們分享嗎?

Gabby: Yes, I would like to share it. “If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. 「如果你想達到目標,你的目標就必須比目標高一點。 Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.” Lindsay: |箭|||||||| すべての|矢|||||||| 每一支飛翔的箭都感受到了大地的吸引力。”林賽:

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who is this by, after all? 這到底是誰的作品?

Gabby: (Uh), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. |||ワズワース|ロングフェロー 蓋比:(呃),亨利·沃茲沃斯·朗費羅。

Lindsay: Okay. This is a meaty quote. |||内容丰富| |||内容の濃い| |||sostanziosa| 這是一句肉語。 This is, there's a lot in here. 這是,這裡有很多東西。

Gabby: Yeah, and first of all maybe we should break it down for modern English because this quote is using an old style of English that if you would hit the mark, it actually means, (you know), if you want to hit the mark or if you want to achieve your goal. 蓋比:是的,首先也許我們應該把它分解為現代英語,因為這句話使用的是一種老式的英語,如果你能擊中目標,它實際上意味著,(你知道),如果你想擊中目標標記或如果你想實現你的目標。

Lindsay; Right. So don't get confused with the conditional here. ||||||条件句| |||||||ここで 所以不要與這裡的條件混淆。

Gabby: Yeah, old style.


‘Cause (because) that's a confusing thing for students. ||||困惑的||| 因為(因為)這對學生來說是一件令人困惑的事。 So it's if you want to achieve – hit the mark or… Gabby: Yeah. 所以,如果你想實現目標-達到目標,或… 加比:是的。

Lindsay: …get what you're trying to get. Lindsay:……得到你想要得到的東西。

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. (Um) if you, if you want to get something, you should aim or you should try to do something that's even more challenging because every arrow, right, when you shoot an arrow it goes up, but then it comes down a little bit before it hits your target, so the gravity of the earth pulls it down or, (I mean), what would be (like) a comparison, (like) maybe reality might bring you down a bit or maybe negative people… Lindsay: Yeah. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||重力||||拉|||||||||||比较|||现实|||||||||||| (Euh) si vous, si vous voulez obtenir quelque chose, vous devriez viser ou vous devriez essayer de faire quelque chose qui est encore plus difficile parce que chaque flèche, d'accord, quand vous tirez une flèche, elle monte, mais ensuite elle redescend un peu avant qu'il n'atteigne votre cible, donc la gravité de la terre le tire vers le bas ou, (je veux dire), ce qui serait (comme) une comparaison, (comme) peut-être que la réalité pourrait vous abattre un peu ou peut-être des gens négatifs... Lindsay : Ouais . (嗯)如果你,如果你想得到一些東西,你應該瞄準或者你應該嘗試做一些更具挑戰性的事情,因為每支箭,對,當你射出一支箭時,它會上升,但隨後會下降一點在它擊中你的目標之前,所以地球的引力會將其拉下來,或者,(我的意思是),什麼是(像)比較,(像)也許現實可能會讓你有點沮喪,或者也許是消極的人… Lindsay:是的。

Gabby: …or what else could bring you down. 加比:……或者還有什麼會讓你失望的。 I don't know.

Lindsay: I'm just thinking about and yeah, time, because usually when I set a goal, if something has to be done by a certain time, I'll estimate that date and then I'll add wiggle room, (you know), of (an) extra, (like), five days because I know it's gonna (going to) take longer than I estimate. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||缓冲时间||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aggiungere|margine di man||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||余裕||||||||||||||||||||| Линдси: Я просто думаю о времени, потому что обычно, когда я ставлю перед собой цель, если что-то должно быть сделано к определенному времени, я рассчитываю эту дату, а потом добавляю запас времени, (ну, вы понимаете), (например), пять дней, потому что я знаю, что это займет больше времени, чем я рассчитываю. Lindsay:我只是在想,是的,時間,因為通常當我設定目標時,如果必須在某個時間之前完成某件事,我會估計那個日期,然後我會添加迴旋空間,(你知道) ),額外的(例如)五天,因為我知道這將(將)花費比我估計的更長的時間。

Gabby: Aiming a little above it. |瞄准|||| 蓋比:瞄準上面一點。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: That's excellent. Or maybe if you want to (um), for example, if you want to (like) run a marathon, just for example, right, and you should be running, you know, ten miles a day, I don't know, but maybe you would actually push yourself to run twelve miles a day. ||||||||||||||||马拉松|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||英里|| 或者也許如果你想(嗯),例如,如果你想(例如)跑馬拉松,只是舉個例子,對,你應該跑步,你知道,每天十英里,我不知道,但也許你實際上會強迫自己每天跑十二英哩。

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a great one.

Gabby: And then if you end up running ten a day, well, that's good too. Gabby : Et puis si tu finis par en courir dix par jour, ben c'est bien aussi. 蓋比:如果你最後每天都跑十次,那也很好。

Lindsay: That's pretty great because that means you have actually achieved your goal. Lindsay:這非常棒,因為這意味著您實際上已經實現了目標。

Gabby; Yeah, or with English. I mean maybe your goal is to read a book. 我的意思是,也許你的目標是閱讀。 So maybe you think it would be easy to read five pages a day, but instead of choosing the easy way, push yourself. 因此,也許您認為每天閱讀五頁很容易,但不要選擇簡單的方法,而是強迫自己。 Aim a little bit above that and say no, I'm going to read twenty pages a day. 把目標定得比這個更高一點,然後說不,我要每天讀二十頁。


Yeah, that sounds great. 是的,聽起來很棒。


And then you read your book faster than you thought. 然後你讀書的速度比你想像的還要快。


So keep this in mind guys when you go ahead and set your goals, (you know), for the, for the year. |||||everyone||||||||||||||| 因此,當你們繼續設定今年的目標(你知道)時,請記住這一點。 (You know) we're still in, (you know), (the) beginning of 2014… Gabby: (你知道)我們還處於(你知道)2014 年初…Gabby:



…so think about overshooting your goals. |||超越目标|| |||目標の達成超過|| ....所以考慮一下超越你的目標。


And just to tie this together with our episode from yesterday, our ‘Wisdom Wednesday' about what to do when you just can't go any further with English, this is a strategy that you can use, (you know), challenge yourself with more, more challenging (uh) ways of learning English. ||||||||||||||||||||||||更进一步||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||English language|this strategy|||||||||||||||||||| |||collegare|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 為了將這一點與我們昨天的劇集聯繫起來,我們的“智慧星期三”講述了當你無法進一步學習英語時該怎麼做,這是一個你可以使用的策略,(你知道),挑戰自己更多、更具挑戰性(呃)的英語學習方式。 So make a bigger, greater goal than you had planned and that's a good way to push yourself beyond that wall. ||||更大的|||||||||||||||| 因此,制定一個比你計劃的更大、更偉大的目標,這是推動自己超越那堵牆的好方法。

Lindsay: Excellent.



Gabby what was that sound on your computer? 蓋比,你電腦上的聲音是什麼?


[Gasps] I just got an email from All Ears English!


Really. Oh, that sounds awesome. |||great


Oh it's so awesome. I can't believe they wrote to me.


Oh my god and so what did they say?


(Um) they said (like) they have (like) tips and they have a free e-book for me… Lindsay:

Oh, that sounds so cool. ||sounds like||


…and they have a question for me too. ||||question||| They wanna (want to) know what I think. |want to||||||


Oh my god. That sounds awesome. How can I get that?


You can get on the All Ears English email list at allearsenglish.com.



So guys we're joking around here, but (uh) we just wanna (want to) let you know… Gabby: |||playing around|||||||||||||

I wasn't joking.


Oh, you weren't joking? I was joking. So we just want to let you know that you should go ahead and get on our email list because we're gonna (going to) be having some great conversations with (um) people on the list over the next few weeks. We've got something exciting coming out.


Yeah and we've already been having great conversations. |||previously|||| I wanna thank you guys if you already are on the email list and thank you especially if you've been responding to our questions ‘cause (because) we love having that conversation with you. So if you're not in the conversation, you can still join it. Come over to allearsenglish.com and join our email list.

Lindsay: See ya' (you) there.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time! ||the following|