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All Ears English, 49- The Power of Thought on Your English Skills

49- The Power of Thought on Your English Skills

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 49: “The Power of Thought on Your English Skills.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, learn about what your brain is wired to focus on and find out how to override negative patterns to become a better English speaker.


Gabby: Hi Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Feeling excellent

Gabby: Good. Good. (Um), so I know today is a ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' and we have a quote to share with you guys. (Um) Lindsay you have that quote right?

Lindsay: Yes, here it is. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” Gabby:

I love that.


I know and this is by none other than the Buddha.


Excellent. Excellent source. I love this quote so much, especially the end, “What we think, we become” and it makes me think about you guys as English language speakers because I've heard a lot of you guys say things like “My English is so bad,” or “I can't speak English” and, (you know), maybe you're trying to be modest, maybe you're trying to sound like, (you know), you're not full of yourself or egotistical, but by telling yourself that message over and over, you're actually becoming a worse English speaker.



And it's interesting when you think about like – one thing that I've heard from neuroscientists is this idea that (um) the brain is like Velcro for bad experiences and like Teflon for good ones. So we're wired up as the human species to actually pull in bad experiences and to emphasize them.

If you go through a ten minute conversation and you don't make – you make one or two mistakes. But you actually made, (you know), you actually pulled off some great sentences and used expressions, your mind will focus on the bad things, the mistakes you made. So realize that that's the nature of the mind, that's the way we're wired as humans.




And so what are you going to do to over-, kind of override that?


Well that must affect your confidence too, right?


I would imagine.



This also reminds me – I don't know if you've heard of this study


where there was a Japanese scientist who took bottles or glasses of water and he said nice things to one glass of water and he said really bad, hateful things to the other glass of water and then he looked at the water (um) molecules under a microscope and they looked very different.

Whoa! That is so interesting.


Isn't that?




So it's really like what you think or what you project on yourself, you will become.




There is some truth in this.


So what can we do? So after we've gone through a conversation, maybe have a little conversation with ourselves and think about what we did well.


Yes, absolutely. Think about what you've done well (um) this year, this month, this week, today, maybe in the last five minutes. Oh my gosh, you've done something great by listening to this podcast.


Good choice!


Yeah, so congratulate yourself. Take a minute to really bask in the glory of all the good things that you've been doing and that will super power your motivation.


(Uh-huh). You can rewire your brain if you really put yourself to it.


Awesome. Great. Get to it guys.


Thank you.


Gabby: Hey guys. Our email list is the only way that we can send you a free e-book Lindsay:

on how to learn English through a podcast, exclusive information from us, and new offers and materials that we have coming out very soon. So please get on our email list at www.allearsenglish.com [Instrumental]

Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

Sources from this episode: Rick Hanson, Neuroscientist, http://www.rickhanson.net/

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49- The Power of Thought on Your English Skills 49- Die Macht des Denkens über Ihre Englischkenntnisse 49- El poder del pensamiento en su dominio del inglés 49- Le pouvoir de la pensée sur vos compétences en anglais 49- 英語力を高める思考の力 49- O poder do pensamento nas suas competências de inglês 49 - 思想对英语技能的力量 49 - 思想對英語技能的力量 49 - 思想對英語技能的力量

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 49: “The Power of Thought on Your English Skills.” |||||All|All Ears English|Episode title|Episode one||Power||Power|||language|abilities Lindsay:這是一個 All Ears 英語播客,第 49 集:“思想對你的英語技能的力量。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |Greetings|||||All Ears English|All Ears English|in which||at last|||||dialogue Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||Lindsay McMahon|Lindsay McMahon||English language|English Adventurer||Gabby Wallace|Gabby Wallace||Language Learning|Language Angel|arriving||to you|in|Boston Massachusetts|Massachusetts|United States

Lindsay: In this episode, learn about what your brain is wired to focus on and find out how to override negative patterns to become a better English speaker. |||this segment|||||mind||programmed|||||||||change|unproductive thought|thought processes||become||improved|language|speaker of English ||||||||||配線されている|||||||||打ち勝つ|||||||| Линдси: В этом эпизоде вы узнаете о том, на чем сконцентрирован ваш мозг, и узнаете, как преодолеть негативные шаблоны, чтобы стать лучшим оратором английского языка. Lindsay:在本集中,了解您的大腦會關注什麼,並了解如何克服消極模式,成為更好的英語使用者。


Gabby: Hi Lindsay. ||name of person How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Feeling excellent 感覺棒極了

Gabby: Good. Good. (Um), so I know today is a ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' and we have a quote to share with you guys. (嗯),所以我知道今天是“深度思考星期四”,我們有一句話要與大家分享。 (Um) Lindsay you have that quote right? (嗯)林賽你有那句話嗎?

Lindsay: Yes, here it is. 林賽:是的,就在這裡。 “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. “我們的一切都是我們所想的結果。 The mind is everything. 頭腦就是一切。 What we think, we become.” Gabby: Ce qu'on pense devenir." Jacasseur: 我們想什麼,我們就會成為什麼。”蓋比:

I love that.


I know and this is by none other than the Buddha. ||||||||||仏陀 Я знаю, и это говорит не кто иной, как Будда. 我知道,這不是別人,就是佛陀。


Excellent. Excellent source. I love this quote so much, especially the end, “What we think, we become” and it makes me think about you guys as English language speakers because I've heard a lot of you guys say things like “My English is so bad,” or “I can't speak English” and, (you know), maybe you're trying to be modest, maybe you're trying to sound like, (you know), you're not full of yourself or egotistical, but by telling yourself that message over and over, you're actually becoming a worse English speaker. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||谦虚的|||||||||||||||自负的|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||自己中心的|||||||||||||||| この引用をとても愛しています、特に最後の部分、「我々が考える通り、我々はなる」という部分が私を考えさせます。これは、あなたたちが英語を話す人たちとして考えさせられます。私はたくさんの方が「私の英語はとても悪い」「英語が話せない」と言うのを聞いたことがあります。 (あなたたちは)謙虚を装うためかもしれませんし、自惚れた人間でないことをアピールしようとしているのかもしれませんが、繰り返し自分にそのメッセージを告げることで、実際には悪い英語話者になってしまうかもしれません。 Мне очень нравится эта цитата, особенно конец: "О чем мы думаем, тем мы становимся", и она заставляет меня думать о вас, как о носителях английского языка, потому что я слышал, как многие из вас говорили что-то вроде "Мой английский так плох" или "Я не могу говорить по-английски", и, (знаете), возможно, вы пытаетесь быть скромными, возможно, вы пытаетесь звучать так, (знаете), будто вы не полны собой или самолюбивы, но, говоря себе это сообщение снова и снова, вы на самом деле становитесь хуже, говоря по-английски. 我非常喜歡這句話,尤其是結尾,“我們想什麼,我們就成為什麼”,這讓我想起你們是說英語的人,因為我聽過很多人說“我的英語太糟糕了”。 , ”或“我不會說英語”,並且,(你知道),也許你想保持謙虛,也許你想聽起來,(你知道),你並不自負或自負,但是通過一遍又一遍地告訴自己這個訊息,你的英語說得實際上變得更差了。

Lindsay: リンジー:

Yeah. はい。

And it's interesting when you think about like – one thing that I've heard from neuroscientists is this idea that (um) the brain is like Velcro for bad experiences and like Teflon for good ones. ||||||||||||||神经科学家||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||神経科学者たち||||||||||面ファスナー||||||テフロンのよう||| そして面白いのは、神経科学者から聞いたことですが、脳は悪い経験にはベルクロのようになり、良い経験にはテフロンのようになるという考え方です。 當你想到這一點時,這很有趣——我從神經科學家那裡聽到的一件事是,(嗯)大腦就像尼龍搭扣一樣,對於糟糕的經歷來說就像維可牢尼龍搭扣一樣,而對於好的經驗來說就像聚四氟乙烯一樣。 So we're wired up as the human species to actually pull in bad experiences and to emphasize them. |||||||人类|||||||||| ですので、私たち人類は実際に悪い経験を引き寄せ、強調するように配線されています。 Так уж устроен человеческий род, что мы притягиваем к себе плохой опыт и подчеркиваем его. 因此,作為人類,我們本能地會吸收糟糕的經驗並強調它們。

If you go through a ten minute conversation and you don't make – you make one or two mistakes. もし10分の会話をしても、1つか2つの間違いを犯さない場合。 如果你進行了十分鐘的談話卻沒有犯任何錯誤,那麼你就犯了一兩個錯誤。 But you actually made, (you know), you actually pulled off some great sentences and used expressions, your mind will focus on the bad things, the mistakes you made. ||||||||やり遂げた||||||||||なるでしょう||||||||| 但你實際上做了,(你知道),你實際上寫出了一些很棒的句子並使用了表達方式,你的注意力會集中在壞事和你犯的錯誤上。 So realize that that's the nature of the mind, that's the way we're wired as humans. |||||||||||||||人类 |||||||||||||配線されている|| 所以要意識到這就是心靈的本質,這就是我們作為人類的連結方式。




And so what are you going to do to over-, kind of override that? И что же вы собираетесь делать, чтобы отменить... отменить это? 那麼你要做些什麼來超越這一點呢?


Well that must affect your confidence too, right? |||影响|||| |||||fiducia|| 嗯,這肯定也會影響你的信心,對吧?


I would imagine. 我會想像。



This also reminds me – I don't know if you've heard of this study 這也提醒了我──我不知道你有沒有聽過這個研究


where there was a Japanese scientist who took bottles or glasses of water and he said nice things to one glass of water and he said really bad, hateful things to the other glass of water and then he looked at the water (um) molecules under a microscope and they looked very different. |||||科学家|||瓶子||||||||||||||||||||仇恨的||||||||||||||||分子|||显微镜||||| ||||||||||||||||positive|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||憎しみに満ちた||||||||||||||||水分子|||||||| 日本の科学者が、水のボトルやグラスを持ち、1つのグラスに良いことを言い、もう1つのグラスに非常に悪い、憎むべきことを言いました。そして、その後、水の分子を顕微鏡で見ましたが、非常に異なって見えました。 有一位日本科學家拿了幾瓶或幾杯水,他對其中一杯水說了好話,對另一杯水說了非常糟糕、可恨的話,然後他觀察了水(嗯)分子。顯微鏡下,它們看起來非常不同。

Whoa! うわー! That is so interesting. それはとても興味深いです。 那太有趣了。


Isn't that?




So it's really like what you think or what you project on yourself, you will become. 所以這真的就像你的想法或你對自己的投射一樣,你就會變成什麼。




There is some truth in this. 這話有一定道理。


So what can we do? 所以,我們能做些什麼? So after we've gone through a conversation, maybe have a little conversation with ourselves and think about what we did well. 因此,在我們進行對話之後,也許可以與自己進行一些對話,並思考我們做得好的方面。


Yes, absolutely. Think about what you've done well (um) this year, this month, this week, today, maybe in the last five minutes. 想想你今年、本月、本週、今天,也許是在最後五分鐘,哪些事情做得很好。 Oh my gosh, you've done something great by listening to this podcast. 天哪,你聽這個播客已經做了一件偉大的事。


Good choice!


Yeah, so congratulate yourself. ||祝贺你| ||自分を祝って| 是的,所以恭喜你自己。 Take a minute to really bask in the glory of all the good things that you've been doing and that will super power your motivation. |||||沉浸|||荣耀|||||||||||||||| |||||浸る|||栄光|||||||||||||||| |||||godere||||||||||||||||||| あなたがやってきたすべての良いことの栄光を本当に浴びるために少し時間を取ってください、そしてそれはあなたのモチベーションを超強力にするでしょう。 花一點時間,真正沉浸在你所做的所有好事的榮耀中,這將極大地增強你的動力。


(Uh-huh). You can rewire your brain if you really put yourself to it. ||重塑||||||||| ||脳を再配線する||||||||| ||ristrutturare||||||||| あなたが本当にそれに身を置くならば、あなたはあなたの脳を再配線することができます。 Вы можете перестроить свой мозг, если действительно постараетесь. 如果你真的全心投入,你就可以重塑你的大腦。


Awesome. Great. Get to it guys. みんなにそれを取得します。 開始吧夥計們。

Lindsay: 林賽:

Thank you.


Gabby: Hey guys. Our email list is the only way that we can send you a free e-book Lindsay:

on how to learn English through a podcast, exclusive information from us, and new offers and materials that we have coming out very soon. |||||attraverso|||||||||||||||||| So please get on our email list at www.allearsenglish.com [Instrumental]

Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

Sources from this episode: Rick Hanson, Neuroscientist, http://www.rickhanson.net/ 来源|||||||||| ||||リック・ハンソン||神経科学者|||リック・ハンソン| 本集來源:Rick Hanson,神經科學家,http://www.rickhanson.net/